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北京市铁二中 2019-2020 学年度第二学期期中测试 高二英语 试卷满分:100 分 考试时间:80 分钟 A 卷 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,共 60 分) 第一节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I decided not to bring in home any other things with the words Made in China on a dark Monday, two days after last Christmas, though I still keep some in my house. At work my boss, Mr. White, points out that I am 1 myself if I think I have been 2 Chinese products, in spite of the obvious facts in daily life. “Chinese 3 are everywhere,” he says, “You can’t avoid those, no matter how hard you try. It is impossible.” That is the 4 , which I have been considering for months, since I have kept the American car with the Chinese 5 in it. This week I was 6 again of the difficulty of avoiding China when I bought earrings from a local artist. I was feeling pleased with myself 7 I got home and noticed the free gift box made in China. My boss continues, “You know what you are doing? You are 8 your dependence on China, not 9 it,” he says, “You are just cheating yourself.” The boss, a frequent complainer, doesn’t slow down when I 10 to stop him to 11 that I am writing a 12 of stories on the Boycott for the business magazine. “Maybe you can 13 it a year without Chinese products, 14 sooner or later you will even 15 Chinese dishes,” the nice boss says, “There is no getting around it.” I 16 at him as he turns to leave, quite 17 . “Thanks for your support,” I say to his 18 . The year is nearly half over. I can 19 without them. 20 , it is a little inconvenient to live without a DVD player, a DV camera or a printer made in China. But a better question might be: How hard could it be to live without Made in China with the whole family? 1. A. fooling B. persuading C. beating D. enjoying 2. A. keeping B. accepting C. avoiding D. refusing 3. A. advertisements B. items C. materials D. businesses 4. A. story B. plan C. suggestion D. point 5. A. parts B. engines C. wheels D. goods 6. A. asked B. reminded C. troubled D. puzzled 7. A. as B. when C. since D. until 8. A. delaying B. losing C. catching D. lacking 9. A. escaping B. obeying C. objecting D. hating 10. A. mean B. manage C. try D. intend 11. A. describe B. suggest C. declare D. state 12. A. copy B. book C. set D. series 13. A. do B. get C. make D. have 14. A. but B. or C. and D. for 15. A. wash B. break C. serve D. enjoy 16. A. laugh B. glance C. nod D. stare 17. A. annoyed B. surprised C. delighted D. satisfied 18. A. honour B. back C. kindness D. face 19. A. work B. rescue C. survive D. stay 20. A. Finally B. Honestly C. Generally D. Directly 第二节阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从各题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A Last week when I was sitting in my office, I heard an elderly lady talking on the phone about her husband. Her husband’s name was Ed. He dropped her off for her doctor’s appointment and was going to park the car and wait for her. She was so upset that she started to cry. I knew I should take action. The lady told me her name was Helen and she called the restaurant she and her husband were going to have lunch at after her appointment to see if he was waiting for her there. She explained that she thought her husband parked the car in the parking lot and waited for her in the car but she didn’t find him there so she returned to see if he entered the medical building, but Ed was not there either. She regretted making her husband park the car alone since some signs of Alzheimer (早老性痴呆症) had appeared in his behavior. I asked a few nurses to help look for Ed inside and outside the medical building according to Helen’s description. Then I offered to drive Helen to the restaurant to see if Ed was waiting for her there. On arriving at the parking lot of the restaurant, Helen began to search for Ed’s car but she failed, which suggested Ed wasn’t there. We decided to have a talk with the manager before we returned to the hospital. On our way to the manager’s office, I received a call from a nurse, who said they had found Ed. What a relief! But we still needed to go on searching since he forgot where he parked his car! Fortunately, we didn’t have much difficulty finding it. As I waved goodbye to the couple, I thought, “This is true love in life. The love is not romantic but it stays with us all the time.” 21. What did Helen do after she found Ed was missing? A. She called the police. B. She turned to the author. C. She called the restaurant. D. She searched for him everywhere. 22. We learn from this passage that Ed_____. . A. went to the restaurant himself B. might have developed Alzheimer’s C. visited his friend in the hospital D. worried about his wife very much 23. When did the author and Helen know that Ed was found? A. After they returned from the restaurant. B. While they were on their way to the restaurant. C. Before they found the manager of the restaurant. D. When they arrived at the parking lot of the restaurant. 24. What can we infer from the passage? A. The author was Helen’s friend. B. The author had seen Ed before. C. The author went to see his doctor. D. The author worked in the hospital. B Say you meet with difficulty, what’s the first thing you do? Call your best friend and ask for help? It turns out that doing this may be better for you than you think. Researchers find that friendship has a big influence on your health, well-being and business. One study from scientists recently found that older people with a large circle of friends were 22% less likely to die during a 10-year period than those with fewer friends. Other researchers discovered that having a strong social network could improve brain health as we age. Even more interesting, feeling close to your friends may give you a different view on things. Researchers gathered 34 college students outside and asked them to estimate the steepness(估计陡峭程度) of a hill after climbing it. Those standing with friends gave lower estimates, and the longer the friends had known each other, the less steep the hill appeared. What is the reason that friends can make obstacles seem less difficult? “People with stronger friendship networks feel that there is someone they can turn to,” said Karen A. Roberto, director of the center of the hospital at Virginia Tech. “Friendship is a valued resource.” It is truly the fact. Friends make your life better. They provide support in hard times. They inspire you to make changes in your life, encourage you to set goals and cheer you on every step of the way until you reach them. Want to find out more about the power of friendship? Read “Be a Better Friend”, “Make New Friends” and “Keep the Old”. 25. According to the author, if you’ve lost your job you should _______. A. turn to your best friend B. ask for advice from your teacher C. face it bravely by yourself D. ask your parents for help 26. We can learn from the study in Paragraph 2 that ______ . A. people with a lot of friends can stay away from illnesses B. people with many friends may enjoy a longer life C. 22% of the people who have fewer friends have a short life D. those who have fewer friends may die 10 years earlier. 27. The underlined word “obstacles” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to something_____. A. that you are hoping to achieve by a plan B. that happens to you when you are working C. that makes it difficult for us to achieve something D. that you have been trying to do 28. The fifth paragraph was written to tell us that ______ . A. a friend in need is a friend indeed. B. true friendship lives long C. friendship has changed us D. friendship should be valued C It is true that good writers rewrite and rewrite and then rewrite some more. But in order to work up the desire to rewrite, it is important to learn to like what you write at the early stage. I am surprised at the number of famous writers I know who say that they so dislike reading their own writing later that they even hate to look over the publishers’ opinions. One reason we may dislike reading our own work is that we’re often disappointed that the rich ideas in our minds seem very thin and plain when first written down. Jerry Fodor and Steven Pinker suggest that this fact may be a result of how our minds work. Different from popular belief, we do not usually think in the words and sentences of ordinary language but in symbols for ideas (known as “mentalese”), and writing our ideas down is an act of translation from that symbolic language. But while mentalese contains our thoughts in the form of a complex tapestry(织锦),writing can only be composed one thread at a time. Therefore it should not be surprising that our first attempt at expressing ideas should look so simple. It is only by repeatedly rewriting that we produces new threads and connect them to get closer to the ideas formed in our minds. When people write as if some strict critics are looking over their shoulders, they are so worried about what this critic might say that they get stuck before they even start. Peter Elbow makes an excellent suggestion to deal with this problem. When writing we should have two different minds. At the first stage, we should see every idea, as well as the words we use to express it, as wonderful and worth putting down. It is only during rewrites that we should examine what we excitedly wrote in the first stage and check for weaknesses. 29. What do we learn from the text about those famous writers? A. They often regret writing poor works. B. Some of them write surprisingly much. C. Many of them hate reading their own works. D. They are happy to review the publishers’ opinions. 30. What do people generally believe about the way human minds work? A. People think in words and sentences. B. Human ideas are translated into symbols C. People think by connecting threads of ideas. D. Human thoughts are expressed through pictures. 31. What can we conclude from the text? A. Most people believe we think in symbols. B. Loving our own writing is scientifically reasonable. C. The writers and critics can never reach an agreement. D. Thinking and writing are different stages of mind at work. D Crowd controls could soon become an important skill for climbers on Mount Everest, as important as physical strength or watching the weather. In a single day last week, nearly 40 people reached the top of the world --- a record. Reports from base camp spoke of queues at dangerous ridges and crowds as people passed each other in the final dash for the 8, 848 meters top. More traditional mountaineers tease about the circus atmosphere surrounding Everest in recent years, and there are warnings that the crowds are making the mountain more dangerous. In 1996, 14 died on the mountain when the members of several groups were trapped at high altitudes by sudden snowstorms. Bad weather in early May led to this year’s jam on the summit ridge, but the loss, luckily, was light. Just four climbers died, including a Nepali Sherpa who had made 11 previous successful climbing. Traditionalists are also worried about the growing tendency of climbers to set records and achieve “firsts”, rather than simply climb the mountain. This year’s crop of mountaineers included the oldest man, 64-year-old Sherman Bull from Connecticut, and the youngest, 16-year-old Temba Tsheri Sherpa of Nepal. An American with only one arm was on the mountain this year; an Indian with no legs also tried but failed. Erik Weihennieyer, an American, became the first blind person to reach the top of the world. His fellow climbers stayed in front of him on the way up, describing the type of land and ringing bells. Nepal(尼泊尔)views Mount Everest as something of a cash cow. The government charges journeys a minimum of $ 70,000. That is probably why officials in Katmandu are ignoring concerns about overcrowding and talking about even more climbers coming next year. But a celebration of the 48th anniversary of the first conquest of Everest, by Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, was cancelled after violent strikes. Tumultuous(动乱的)Nepali politics, it seems, could be just the crowd-control measure that Everest needs. 32. What is the problem that the climbers have to face in recent years? A. Bad Weather. B. Technology. C. Overcrowding. D. Physical strength. 33. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? A. The risks of mountain climbing. B. The consequence of overcrowding. C. The challenge that climbers have to face. D. The damage that snowstorms have caused. 34. Several climbers are mentioned in Paragraph 3 to show ______. A. their great courage B. their common motivation C. their different identity D. their outstanding achievements 35. What is the attitude of the Nepali government towards overcrowding? A. Unconcerned. B. Doubtful. C. Disapproving. D. Worried. B 卷 第一节 选词填空 用方框里的单词或短语的正确形式填空。(共 19 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 19 分): admire amuse acknowledge forbid harmony preserve compensate delay result in put on now that range strike accompany refresh die out access trap disturb 36. It is generally __________________ that the education shouldn’t be measured only by exam results. 37. Because of the heavy fog, the flight was _____________ for nearly two hours yesterday. 38. Reading interesting anecdotes can keep children _______________ for hours. 39. The scientist’s ______________ achievements in astronomy have inspired many young people. 40. Much to my astonishment, the girl ____________ in the ruins should stay alive for up to seven days with nothing to eat or drink. 41. At the news, Sue was in fact very happy, but she ________________ a sad look. 42. Lack of money ________________ the failure of their project. 43. When I walked out of the post office, it _______ me that I had delivered the parcel to Mary by mistake. 44. ______________ you decided to study abroad, you had to learn to deal with everything independently. 45. The old man goes for a walk after supper with his dog _____________ him. 46. It is necessary for our children to learn to live in ____________ with those around them. 47. Some traditional customs are ________________ so we should do something to rescue them. 48. After a sound sleep she felt __________ and carried on with her work. 49. The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ______________ from butterflies to elephants. 50. It is __________ to see so many children are addicted to computer games. 51. We should concentrate on __________________ old buildings, which are precious to learn the history. 52. The girl is ______________ to go out at night because her parents are concerned about her safety. 53. He promised he would improve the design to_______________ for his previous mistake. 54. The writer succeeded in making a difficult subject _______________ to the reader. 第二节 语法填空 根据句意,用所给词的正确形式(词数不限)或者合适的词(每空 1 词)填空(共 13 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 13 分) 55. _________________(discourage) by his father’s words, he decided to give up the plan. 56. It is the first time Tony _________________(treat) like that. 57. The professor was admiring the fantastic handicraft works _________ I entered his office. 58. The boy was delighted to get his new story book which he _______________(wait) for a long time. 59. _____________(confirm) when the flight would take off, I made three calls to the airport but in vain. 60. The twins,who ________________ (finish) their homework,were allowed to play badminton on the playground. 61. High school is a good time __________ we learn to give serious thought to our future. 62. The man wishes his little son _____________(not witness) the terrible accident. 63. I will have all the posters _________________(remove) from the walls as soon as possible. 64. Obviously, he is proud of _____________ he has accomplished. 65. We should learn to face the hardships and sufferings __________ dignity and courage. 66. The water here needs ___________ (get) rid of. Otherwise, it will become smelly soon. 67. He was not at the meeting because he _____________ (expect) an important visitor in his office. 第三节:完成句子(共 4 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 8 分): 1. 这本相册使我想起了那些难忘的旅行。(remind sb. of sth.) 2. 看到玩具,这个孩子忍不住伸手去触摸它。(resist) 3. 我们所有人都讨厌他的不礼貌。(turn off) 4. 他使他的父母相信了他改掉坏习惯的决心。(convince sb. of sth.) key: 完形填空(共 20 小题, 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分) 1-5ACBDA 6-10 BDAAC 11-15 BDCAD 16-20 DABCB 阅读理解 (共 20 小题, 每小题 2 分, 满分 40 分) 21-24CBCD 25-28ABCD 29-31CAD 32-35CBBA 选词填空 36. acknowledged 37. delayed 38.amused 39.admirable 40. trapped 41.put on 42.resulted in 43. struck 44. Now that 45. accompanying 46. harmony 47. dying out 48. refreshed 49. ranging 50. disturbing 51. preserving 52. forbidden 53. compensate 54. accessible 语法填空 55. Discouraged 56. has been treated 57. when 58. had been waiting 59. To confirm 60. had finished 61. when 62. hadn’t witnessed 63. removed 64. what 65. with 66. getting/to be got 67. was expecting 句子翻译: 1. The photo album reminds me of those unforgettable trips. 2. Seeing the toy, the kid couldn’t resist reaching out to touch it. 3. His bad manners turn all of us off. 4. He convinced his parents of his determination of getting rid of the bad habit.

