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课时提能练23-24‎ 课时提能练(二十三)‎ Book 4 Unit 3 Tomorrow's world 课时作业A:基础层面 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Last but not least we must try to collect enough money.‎ ‎2.It's reported that the driver tried to escape being_punished (punish) after knocking four people to death.‎ ‎3.My own problems seem insignificant compared(compare)with other people's.‎ ‎4.The newspaper was accused of twisting the facts.‎ ‎5.Not only the grandparents were(be)at the ceremony but also the aunts,uncles and cousins.‎ Ⅱ.语境语法填空 RealCine is unlike an ordinary film.The technology behind it is virtual reality. When 1.seeing (see)the film it excites all your five senses.It can make you feel you are a character in the film.When you see the film 2.set (set) in the Himalayas,you not only feel every step of climbing a mountain 3.but you can also experience the cold,smells,sights,and sounds of the 4.surrounding (surround) environment.‎ In order to make you feel that you are 5.actually (actual) in the film,special VR headsets are designed 6.to_allow (allow) the users to see the world of 3D and hear the sound clearly.The 7.direction(direct) in which you want to go is indicated by the movements of the headsets.And these movements 8.are_monitored (monitor) continuously as you move around inside the film.Smells are given out through the small openings in the headsets.9.Both the headsets and the gloves are connected 10.to a computer network in the VR studio.‎ Ⅲ.完成句子 ‎1.现在的确该停止这场争论了。‎ It_is(high/about)_time_that we put an end to the discussion.‎ ‎2.球队和球迷确信能够赢得即将到来的比赛。‎ The team and the fans are_confident_of winning the coming match.‎ ‎3.她吃了一惊,他居然还记得她的名字。‎ It_amazed_her that he still remembered her name.‎ ‎4.需要采取措施使农田免遭洪水的侵袭。‎ Some measures are needed to_secure the farmland against floods.‎ 16‎ ‎5.其优势在于微笑不仅仅让我们高兴,还能取悦别人。‎ The advantage is that smiling can not_only make us happy,but_also please others.‎ 课时作业B:能力层面 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2019·湖南省六校联考)Not only does the use of plastic water bottles hurt your wallet,it also increases pollution and wastes energy and water.Only 23% of all plastic in America ends up in a recycling bin,meaning over $1 billion worth of plastic is treated as rubbish a year.Recently,Skipping Rocks Lab has invented a kind of water bottle called Ooho.‎ It is a convenient,clear water bottle that can either be drunk or eaten.To drink it,you can either peel off the membrane(薄膜) or tear a hole in the membrane with your teeth to pour the water into your mouth.To eat it,you simply put the whole bottle in your mouth.One problem the scientists have run into is how to ship lots of Ooho bubbles without arriving with a very wet truck.However,they have attempted to package units of individual bubbles together inside a larger and thicker membrane.It is targeting large outdoor events such as marathons,music festivals,and sporting events,where tons of plastic bottles are used,and frequently left behind as litter.And too much plastic is sure to do harm to the environment,which could account for their purpose of such a new invention.‎ The team has been working for the past two years to develop the technology and materials needed to produce Ooho; they have recently applied for a patent for their new advancement.The price for an individual bubble or a unit of bubbles has not been set yet,but they cost about two cents to create a unit,which is cheaper than plastic bottles.It has appeared at events in London,San Francisco,Boston,at conferences,festivals,and so on.‎ Ooho is catching many people's attention and has raised over $1 million and gained 1,000 investors in only three days.It is mostly being sold at events at the moment to keep the consumer's interest when the production machine is running.It is quickly making a rise,so keep an eye out this year for these bottles of the future.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。Skipping Rocks Lab发明了一种可以食用的包装材料Ooho。本文介绍了Ooho的食用方法,运输方法以及制作成本,并展望了其市场前景。‎ 16‎ ‎1.How is most plastic dealt with in America?‎ A.It's sold.‎ B.It's recycled.‎ C.It's buried.‎ D.It's wasted.‎ D [细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Only 23% of all plastic in America ends up in a recycling bin,meaning over $1 billion worth of plastic is treated as rubbish a year”可知,在美国只有23%的塑料最终回到回收站,这意味着价值超过10亿美元的塑料被视为垃圾。据此可知,在美国,大部分塑料被当成垃圾处理了,故D项正确。]‎ ‎2.Why did the team invent Ooho?‎ A.To make a profit for a company.‎ B.To protect the environment.‎ C.To make people eat as they drink.‎ D.To reduce the cost of the plastic bottle.‎ B [细节理解题。根据第二段尾句“And too much plastic is sure to do harm to the environment,which could account for their purpose of such a new invention”可知,由于塑料瓶的使用污染了环境,故Skipping Rocks Lab发明了一种可以食用的包装材料Ooho,故B项正确。]‎ ‎3.What can we infer about Ooho from the text?‎ A.It is easy and safe to ship it in large amounts.‎ B.It has become popular since it began to be sold.‎ C.It might be sold at a lower price than plastic bottles.‎ D.It cost the team a lot of money to develop the technology.‎ C [推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“The price for an individual bubble or a unit of bubbles has not been set yet,but they cost about two cents to create a unit,which is cheaper than plastic bottles”可知,该产品的制造成本比塑料瓶低;据此可推知,该产品的售价也可能比塑料瓶低,故C项正确。]‎ ‎4.What does the author really want to say in the last paragraph?‎ A.Ooho is to be a success in the future.‎ B.Ooho is being supported by smart people.‎ C.Ooho is taking the place of plastic bottles now.‎ D.Ooho is being produced to attract more investors.‎ A [推理判断题。根据尾段第一句“Ooho is catching many people's attention and has raised over $1 million and gained 1,000 investors in only three 16‎ ‎ days”可知,Ooho吸引了很多人的注意,在三天时间内就得到了1 000位投资者的关注,筹集到100多万美元;再结合最后一句“It is quickly making a rise,so keep an eye out this year for these bottles of the future”可推知,作者最后一段想要表达的是,在未来Ooho一定能获得成功,故A项正确。]‎ B ‎(2019·石家庄市高中毕业班模拟考试一)At 9:‎30 a.m.on a Wednesday morning,I received a notification(通知) that I'd already picked up my phone 30 times that day! “11 left until you go over your goal of 41 pickups,” my screen read.“Put your phone down until 9:‎52 a.m.! Enjoy your time living in the moment.”‎ These updates were sent via Moment,an app that tracks the screen time,created by Kevin Holesh in 2014 to fight his own device addiction.He was working as an independent app developer,spending hours each day staring at screens.After work,Holesh found that he was looking mindlessly online instead of talking to his wife or taking his dogs for a walk.‎ ‎“I wanted a way of seeing how much time I was sinking into my phone,” he said.“So I came up with something that could monitor my screen time.” Holesh found that he was spending 75 minutes on his phone a day.He added a function to the app that informed him whenever his screen time was more than 40 minutes.“My phone would make a sound like a bee,and I'd go and do something else.It was like something pushing me in the right direction,” he said.Holesh figured that if the system worked for him,it would work for others,and later that year he made Moment a free app.To date,it has been downloaded 8 million times.‎ Besides,Moment also has a “coach” function,offering guided programs to help users focus and be more productive,for $‎7.99 a month.‎ ‎“I am so much happier,I sleep better,I read more,I take better care of myself,and most of all I am present in my daytoday life,” Jack,a user said.Similar comments on Moment reflect a growing consciousness around “digital wellness”, the name given to lifestyle practices that encourage healthy device use.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一种名为“Moment”的手机软件的发明过程、它的功能以及用户对它的评价。‎ ‎5.What does the inspiration of Moment come from?‎ A.The creator's own experience.‎ B.The sound made by honey bees.‎ 16‎ C.Complaints from family members.‎ D.The widespread digital addiction.‎ A [细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“These updates were sent via Moment,an app that tracks the screen time,created by Kevin Holesh in 2014 to fight his own device addiction”,并结合该段其他内容和第三段可知,该软件的发明源于Kevin Holesh自己的经历,故A项正确。]‎ ‎6.What does Moment do at the expected screen time?‎ A.Monitor the screen and keep a record.‎ B.Make a noise to remind the user.‎ C.Turn off the phone immediately.‎ D.Force the user to take a rest.‎ B [细节理解题。根据第三段中的“He added a function to the app that informed him whenever his screen time was more than 40 minutes” “My phone would make a sound like a bee,and I'd go and do something else”可知,如果超时使用手机,则这款软件会使手机发出声音来提醒使用者,故B项正确。]‎ ‎7.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 4?‎ A.Persuade readers to buy the app.‎ B.Provide readers with some advice.‎ C.Recommend a coach to the readers.‎ D.Introduce more information of the app.‎ D [写作意图题。根据第四段的内容可知,该软件还具有“教练”功能,提供一些指导方案,让用户注意力集中,更有效率,并结合上文介绍的该软件的超时使用手机的提醒功能可推知,在第四段作者旨在介绍该软件的更多信息,故D项正确。]‎ ‎8.In which part of a website will you find this text?‎ A.Fashion and Business.‎ B.Sports and Entertainment.‎ C.Health and Lifestyle.‎ D.Art and Design.‎ C [推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一种名为“Moment”的手机软件,该软件可以对超时使用手机的人发出提醒,让人们合理使用设备,拥有更有益于健康的生活方式。据此可推知,本文最有可能摘自健康和生活方式版块,故C项正确。]‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2019·广东省七校联合体联考)We all have to make decisions all the time,and we have an abundance of choices,ranging from tiny issues to vital ones. ‎ 16‎ Unfortunately,people often find it hard to make decisions.__1__If you would like to improve your skill of decision making,here are four suggestions for you.‎ Don't expect to have it all.‎ ‎__2__ You can't order every delicious dish on the menu.And there will be paths not taken,careers not chosen,to name but a few.You can imagine some “what if” situations if you must,but do not let them take up too much space in your brain.‎ ‎__3__‎ It's often good to think through your decisions.But don't overdo it.Research can reach a point where returns begin to reduce,which makes it confusing more than clarifying.Many good decisions can be made based as much on intuition(直觉) as on careful assessment of endless data.‎ Don't delay making decisions.‎ Yes,there is a time to put off making a decision.Perhaps you need more information.__4__ Or it's likely that you wait for a less stressful time.Just don't wait so long that the decision is made by your own indecisiveness.‎ Don't be hard on yourself.‎ You decide to go on a voyage.You choose an expensive liner.Everything should work out just right.Only you didn't expect a bug that ran around on the ship,making you and your family sick for five days.__5__ But please remember it is unavoidable sometimes.‎ A.Don't spend too much time thinking.‎ B.It is an important source of information.‎ C.You may regret making such a stupid decision.‎ D.Don't count on emotion to make decisions.‎ E.Maybe you wish to consult with your adviser.‎ F.Decisions force us to close the door on other possibilities.‎ G.That means the skill of good decision making counts a lot.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了提高决策技能的四条建议。‎ ‎1.G [根据空处所在位置可知,该句承上启下;根据空前一句“Unfortunately,people often find it hard to make decisions”可知,不幸的是,人们经常发现很难做决定;据此可以推断,做决定的技能很重要,故G项正确。空处下文中的“your skill of decision making”也是提示。]‎ ‎2.F [根据该段小标题“Don't expect to have it 16‎ ‎ all”可知,该段主要论述“不要求全责备”;结合空后的“You can't order every delicious dish on the menu.And there will be paths not taken,careers not chosen,to name but a few”可知,做决定迫使我们关上了一扇其他可能的大门,故F项正确。]‎ ‎3.A [根据空处所在的位置可知,空处为该段的小标题;结合本段第一、二句“It's often good to think through your decisions.But don't overdo it”可知,该段主要论述“不要费时思虑太多”这一观点,故A项正确。]‎ ‎4.E [根据空前的“there is a time to put off making a decision”可知,空处与空前一句和空后一句都为延迟做决定的可能原因,故E项“你可能希望咨询你的顾问”符合语境。]‎ ‎5.C [根据该段小标题“Don't be hard on yourself”可知,不要太苛求自己;结合空后一句“But please remember it is unavoidable sometimes”可知,你要记住这是不可避免的事情;据此可以推断,空处表示“你可能会对你愚蠢的决定后悔”,故C项正确。]‎ 课时提能练(二十四)‎ Unit 3 Tomorrow's world 课时作业A:基础层面 Ⅰ.语境语法填空 A The 1.constant (constantly) development of science and technology has brought us much 2.convenience(convenient).Take the latest smartphones for example.Not only can we make phone calls and send message with it,but also we can surf the Internet,chat online and receive or send e-mails,etc.We can go sightseeing around the world by using the technology of virtual reality without 3.leaving (leave) our homes.We are 4.confident (confidence) that science and technology will give us more 5.surprises (surprise).Though these inventions have brought us happiness and are performing an important function in our life,we shouldn't ignore their 6.disadvantages (advantages).Last but not least,while we are enjoying what the scientific achievement have brought us,we have to learn to make use of the science and technology to protect our home—the earth.‎ B RealCine is unlike an ordinary film.The technology behind it is virtual 1.reality (real).When you see the film,it 2.excites (excite) all your five senses.It can make you feel you are a character in the film.When you see the film 3.set (set) in the Himalayas,you not only feel every step of climbing a mountain 4.but you can also experience the cold,smells,sights,and sound of the 5.surrounding 16‎ ‎ (surround) environment.‎ Ⅱ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.他们不但做了音乐表演,而且简短地介绍了西方铜管乐器的历史。(not only...but also)‎ Not only did_they_present a musical performance,but_they_also_gave/made a brief introduction to the history of western brass instruments.‎ ‎2.和汽车相比,自行车对我们的健康更有益。(过去分词作状语)‎ Compared_with_cars,bikes are of greater benefit to our health.‎ ‎3.是我们应该把厨房重新粉刷的时候了。(it's time that从句)‎ It's about time that we got/should_get_the_kitchen_repainted.‎ ‎4.让他们吃惊的是,他们的首张CD卖了二百万张。(amaze)‎ To their amazement(amaze),their first CD sold over two million copies.‎ 课时作业B:能力层面 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2019·绵阳市第一次诊断)We are what we eat.That is an old expression,but one worth knowing.A recent look at diets around the world shows that people who eat healthy food—and not too much of it—live longer.But which areas of the world have the best diets? Researchers found that foods in some of the healthiest diets— Mediterranean diet,New Nordic diet,Japanese diet and French diet—may be very different,but they are all heavy on local and seasonal foods,which include more vegetables and seafood and less red meat.‎ Mediterranean diet contains lots of fruits,vegetables,whole grains,nuts and olive oil.The diet has proper amounts of fish and poultry(家禽肉).Red meat and foods high in sugar and salt are not big parts of this diet.‎ New Nordic diet has whole grains like oats and rye,vegetables such as carrots,broccoli and eggs,seafood,fruits,oil,lowfat milk and cheese.Sugary desserts are not common in this diet.‎ Japanese people are some of the longest living people on the planet,with women up to 87 years old and men up to 80.The Japanese diet is the reason for such lengths of life.The diet has many foods that are low in calories and high in nutrients.Japanese people eat a lot of seaweed,tofu,rice,vegetables and fish.The tradition there is to stop eating when your stomach feels 80 percent full.‎ However,French people eat fatty foods but do not get fat.And they live a long 16‎ ‎ time.This phenomenon is called the “French Paradox”.The reason why the French eat fatty foods without getting fat may be simple.They eat less.Serving sizes in French restaurants and of products sold in stores are smaller than those in most countries.And generally speaking,most French people do not snack.This means they do not eat food between meals.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文介绍了世界上四种最健康的饮食。‎ ‎1.What do we know about the healthiest diets around the world?‎ A.They contain abundant calories.‎ B.They tend to be expensive.‎ C.They share certain similarities.‎ D.They reflect popular tastes.‎ C [推理判断题。根据第一段中的“may be very different,but they are all heavy on local and seasonal foods,which include more vegetables and seafood and less red meat”可知,尽管有不同之处,但世界上最健康的饮食都使用很多当地的和时令的食物,包括更多的蔬菜和海鲜,更少的红肉。由此可知,世界上最健康的饮食有一定的相似之处,故选C项。]‎ ‎2.What is considered as a harmful eating habit in Japanese tradition?‎ A.Going low in calories.‎ B.Eating to the fullest.‎ C.Having much seafood.‎ D.Picking many foods.‎ B [推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The tradition there is to stop eating when your stomach feels 80 percent full”可知,日本的传统是吃八成饱。由此可推知,吃得很饱在日本被认为是不良的饮食习惯,故选B项。]‎ ‎3.How does the author develop the central idea in the last 4 paragraphs?‎ A.By building connections.‎ B.By exploring reasons.‎ C.By listing examples.‎ D.By analyzing figures.‎ C [写作手法题。通读后四段可知,作者列举了这些健康饮食中的食物,故本文后四段是通过举例子的方式来说明中心观点的。]‎ ‎4.Which can be the most suitable title for the text?‎ A.What is the healthiest diet on earth?‎ B.How does the old expression serve?‎ 16‎ C.Why is a healthy diet so important?‎ D.Where can we feed ourselves well?‎ A [标题判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了世界上四种最健康的饮食。故A项作为文章标题最合适。]‎ B ‎(2019·惠州市第二次调研)I realized something this morning. I have been writing now for 34 years. It all started when I was just 18 years old. As a boy I had read literally hundreds of books. I had a thirst for knowledge that seemingly could never fade. Then suddenly I found I had something I wanted to share. I tried to ignore it, but as any writer tells you once the ideas awaken inside of you they won't leave you alone until you write them down. I didn't have a computer,word processor,or even a typewriter. Still, I grabbed a pen and lined notebook paper and wrote everything that was burning inside of me.‎ When I was done I didn't know how to share it. There was no Internet back then,no smart phones,and no social media. I sought out the editor of my local county newspaper and asked him to print what I had written. He was a good man full of both wisdom and kindness. He not only printed my first story but agreed to publish anything else I was willing to write. I continued to write new articles each week and shared them first with other local papers and later online as well. Years later at the urging of my readers I even selfpublished two collections of my stories in book form.‎ Through my writing I slowly became more than I was. In my writings I encountered my highest self. In my writings I discovered the goodness and light that lie in us all. In my writings I found great love and joy and encouraged others to choose love and joy as well. I also found that we all are writers whether we put pen to paper or not. With every choice we make, with every thought we hold,and with everything we do,we are writing our own life story.‎ Lance Wubbels once wrote:“I hope you realize your life is truly your life. It belongs to you. It is your story to write with love. Day by day,line by line,write it well.”‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了自己从热爱阅读到成为一名作家的经历。从这个过程中,作者认识到了写作的意义,并感悟到人生就像写作,每个人都要用心书写自己的人生故事。‎ ‎5.As a boy, when the author found he had something to share, ________.‎ A.he wrote it down 16‎ B.he ignored it C.he shared it on social media D.he told it to a writer A [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Then suddenly I found I had something I wanted to share. I tried to ignore it...wrote everything that was burning inside of me”可知,作者一开始想忽略内心的想法,但是后来还是写了下来。故选A。]‎ ‎6.How did the author begin his writing career?‎ A.He was hired as a newspaper editor.‎ B.He put his stories online by himself.‎ C.He selfpublished two books.‎ D.He was helped by a local newspaper editor.‎ D [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I sought out the editor of my local county newspaper and asked him to print what I had written...He not only printed my first story but agreed to publish anything else I was willing to write”可知,作者是在当地报纸的一位编辑的帮助下开始了自己的写作事业。故选D。]‎ ‎7.What does the author think of writing?‎ A.Writing takes practice and efforts.‎ B.Writing can benefit oneself and others.‎ C.Writing helps people tell right from wrong.‎ D.Only with a pen can one write his life story.‎ B [推理判断题。根据第三段中的“In my writings I encountered my highest self. In my writings I discovered the goodness and light that lie in us all. In my writings I found great love and joy and encouraged others to choose love and joy as well”可知,作者在自己的作品中,遇到了最好的自己,发现了所有的人身上都有的善良和光明,还找到了伟大的爱和欢乐,并鼓励别人也选择爱和欢乐。由此可推知,作者认为写作利己利人,故选B。]‎ ‎8.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?‎ A.A Way to Be a Writer B.A Way to Share Ideas C.Living Is Writing D.Writing Is the Source of Love C [标题判断题。从全文的内容可知,作者讲述了自己从热爱阅读到成为一名作家的经历;再结合最后一段,作者引用了Lance 16‎ ‎ Wubbels的名言表达自己对写作的感悟可知,从这个过程中,作者认识到写作的意义,并感悟到人生就像写作,每个人都要用心书写自己的人生故事。故选C。]‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2019·成都市毕业班第一次诊断性检测)From sports teams to movie characters,we love supporting the weak.While that's inspiring for a film or a story,it can be hard to remain positive when you're experiencing a struggle.It's said that what is most personal is most universal.__1__ Here are some important reasons why you should share your story of struggles.‎ You can shine a light for others.__2__ Sometimes,that's all someone needs to get through a difficult time.You can help even more by applying ideas and solutions creatively to their own problems.‎ ‎__3__ It's uncomfortable to admit to others your failures,struggles or other moments of weakness.That's true for everyone yet opening yourself up to moments of weakness is surprisingly satisfying.It requires courage and being courageous requires practice.‎ People will support you.__4__ We all do.So why not share the ways you've faced great difficulty and bounced back?If no one knows your struggles then they'll never know to cheer for you or what you've overcome to reach where you are today.‎ Another great aspect of sharing your story is that it helps you remember the lesson you learned.__5__ Understanding what happened and how you handled situations can provide you with the ways clearly on how to do things better and move forward.You can also share key experience alongside your story so others can learn,too.‎ A.It helps you find your voice.‎ B.You love a good comeback story.‎ C.It allows you to practice courage.‎ D.You can objectively analyze your own past.‎ E.That's why your story can bring much value.‎ F.Be open with the world about the good and the bad.‎ G.Sharing your story will help them realize they aren't alone.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了与他人分享你的奋斗故事的原因。‎ ‎1.E [承接上文“It's said that what is most personal is most universal”,并与下文“Here are some important reasons why you should share your story of struggles”相呼应可推知,E项“这就是你的故事能带来很多价值的原因”符合语境,所以选E项。]‎ ‎2.G [根据下文“Sometimes,that's all someone needs to get through a difficult 16‎ ‎ time”,并结合上文“You can shine a light for others”可推知,分享你的故事有助于与他人产生共鸣,所以选G项。]‎ ‎3.C [根据下文中的“It requires courage and being courageous requires practice”可推知,本段主要讲述的是分享你的故事有助于训练自己的勇气,所以选C项。]‎ ‎4.B [根据下文“We all do.So why not share the ways you've faced great difficulty and bounced back?”可推知,人们都喜欢东山再起的故事,所以不如将你面临很大困难却能重整旗鼓的方法分享给别人,所以选B项。]‎ ‎5.D [根据下文“Understanding what happened and how you handled situations can provide you with the ways clearly on how to do things better and move forward”可推知,分享你的故事有助于客观地分析自己的过去,从而总结经验、吸取教训,所以选D项。]‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2019·沈阳市教学质量监测一)Senior citizens are the first to come to our mind when we think of hearing loss,but in a recent report,hearing professionals worry teenagers will soon outnumber aging adults 1.________ it comes to living with hearing loss.‎ The rise in popularity of personal audio devices from iPods to smart phones has had dangerous effect on the ears of those who use them most—teenagers! A study 2.________(conduct) by the World Health Organization finds that nearly 50% of teens 3.________(fall) into the habit of exposing themselves to unsafe levels of sound so far.‎ A sound is considered unsafe when it goes beyond 85 decibels(分贝).At that level,it takes just 8 hours of listening over your lifetime to cause damage.The louder the sound is,the 4.________(little) time it takes to cause damage.Because hearing loss is 5.________(typical) considered a health problem for the elderly,it is difficult to convince already stubborn teenagers that they really are doing damage 6.________ their ears.‎ Young adults 7.________ have been exposed to noise over a period of time may have some hearing loss symptoms.Their 8.________(able) to learn is compromised,and they may have difficulty developing social skills.‎ In an effort to help teens better protect their hearing,we suggest 9.________(set) volume limits on personal audio devices.10.________ is also good to limit the amount of time exposed to noise and to take listening breaks to give the ears a rest.‎ 16‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要分析了青少年听力下降的原因并提出了相应的应对策略。‎ ‎1.when [考查固定用法。when it comes to sth....意为“当涉及某事时”,为固定用法,故填when。]‎ ‎2.conducted [考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,动词conduct和句子主语A study构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故填其过去分词形式。]‎ ‎3.have fallen [考查动词的时态。根据句子中的时间状语“so far”可知,此处应用现在完成时,故填have fallen。]‎ ‎4.less [考查形容词的比较级。“the+比较级,the+比较级”意为“越……越……”,为固定句型,根据该句中的“The louder”可知,此处应用形容词比较级,故填less。]‎ ‎5.typically [考查副词。修饰动词应用副词,故用副词typically修饰其后的动词“considered”,在句子中作状语。]‎ ‎6. to [考查介词。do damage to“对……造成损害”是固定用法,故此处应填介词to。]‎ ‎7.who/that [考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词Young adults,且在从句中作主语,故填who/that。]‎ ‎8.ability [考查词形转换。根据语境及空前的形容词性物主代词Their 可知,此处应用名词;又根据空后的“is”可知,此处应填名词的单数形式,故填ability。]‎ ‎9.setting [考查非谓语动词。suggest doing sth.“建议做某事”,是固定用法,并结合语境可知,此处应填setting。]‎ ‎10.It [考查代词。It+系动词+形容词+to do sth.是固定句型,it作形式主语,不定式作真正的主语,故填It。]‎ 写作规范练 概要写作 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ ‎(2019·浙江诸暨牌头中学高三期中测试)Adolescents from lowincome families in particular are more likely than their middleclass peers to underachieve(成绩不良) and to drop out of school.Previous studies have shown that a positive attitude towards schoolwork and the support and encouragement from their parents can help atrisk youngsters to overcome the economic barriers and lack of resources they face.Most of the evidence about the effects of parental involvement comes from research on mothers.Little is known,however,about the influence of fathers.‎ This new study is part of a larger one focusing on lowincome families conducted 16‎ ‎ in four middle schools in the southwestern United States.Data were analyzed from questionnaires completed by 183 sixthgraders about how optimistic and motivated they were about their schoolwork,and how they experienced their fathers.The questionnaires were completed primarily by respondents(被调查者) of Mexican American,African American and European American descent.Their maths and language arts grades were also obtained.‎ Their findings show how fathers can support their teenagers in ways that result in greater optimism,selfconfidence,and,finally,higher achievement at school.These positive effects extend to both sons and daughters,while in different ways. Experiencing their father's warmth first influences daughters' sense of optimism, and then makes their feeling more determined and certain about their academic abilities. This in turn leads to better math grades.There is more direct link between their fathers' involvement and teenage boys' belief in their ability to succeed on the academic front(学术前沿).This heightened selfconfidence increased their success in English language arts classes.‎ Suizzo suggests that educators should encourage fathers to communicate warmth and acceptance to their children,because of the positive influence these emotions have on their wellbeing.‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【参考范文】 ‎ Previous studies show that mothers can help children overcome difficulties,but a recent study based on sixthgraders from lowincome families finds that fathers also have positive influence.(要点1)They can help children feel more optimistic and selfconfident,which boosts the math score of teenage girls and the language abilities of boys.(要点2)Therefore,fathers should be encouraged to convey care 16‎ ‎ and recognition to their children.(要点3)‎ 16‎

