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山东省济南市2020届高三5月模拟 英语试题 第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ A Known for its complicated, seemingly wavelike sandstone walls and the rays of sunlight that shine into them, Arizona's Antelope Canyon(羚羊峡谷)is an everlasting attraction for tourists. It's a slot canyon, meaning it formed from water carving it out over millions of years. It sits about 3, 700 feet above sea level and takes its name from the antelope that once lived in it.‎ The canyon forms part of Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park in the Navajo Nation. The Navajo Nation limits visits to either the Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon to two hours and requires all visitors to be led by authorized guides. If you're planning a trip and need help deciding which area to visit, keep these recommendations in mind.‎ ‎•When: Tours are available twice a day during the week year-round, though exact times vary by season;tours are not available on weekends or major holidays.‎ ‎•Cost: Tour companies 5 fees vary, but tickets, including entrance to the park, generally start at around $ 60 for 90-minute tours of Upper Antelope Canyon. Tours of Lower Antelope Canyon tend to be around an hour and generally cost around $ 40 per adult and $ 20 for children.‎ ‎• Must-know tip: Most of Arizona does not follow daylight saving time, though the Navajo Nation, where Antelope Canyon is located, does. Check with your tour operator to confirm the precise time of your tour.‎ Antelope Canyon hosts tons of visitors and, in order to protect the canyon walls from damage, no bags of any kind are permitted in either the Upper or Lower section. Also keep in mind that while most tour companies welcome small children, not all of them will.‎ ‎1. What makes Antelope Canyon attractive?‎ A. Its remarkable height.‎ B. The origin of its name.‎ C. Its unique natural feature.‎ D. he process of its formation.‎ ‎2. How much may a couple pay for a one-hour tour in Lower Antelope Canyon?‎ A. $60. B. $80. C. $ 100. D. $120.‎ ‎3. What must be kept in mind about the Antelope Canyon tour?‎ A. The age limit for kids.‎ B. The definite tour time.‎ C. Carrying a small backpack.‎ D. Booking tickets in tour agencies.‎ ‎【答案】1. C 2. B 3. B ‎【语篇解读】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了羚羊峡谷,以及去羚羊峡谷游玩时的时间、花费和旅行时的注意事项。‎ ‎【1题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由第一段的“Known for its complicated, seemingly wavelike sandstone walls and the rays of sunlight that shine into them, Arizona's Antelope Canyon(羚羊峡谷)is an everlasting attraction for tourists.”(亚利桑那州的羚羊峡谷以其复杂的、看似波状的砂岩墙壁和照射在其中的阳光而闻名,是吸引游客的永恒景点。),可知羚羊峡谷因它独特的自然特征而具有吸引力。故选C项。‎ ‎【2题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由第四段的“Tours of Lower Antelope Canyon tend to be around an hour and generally cost around $ 40 per adult and $ 20 for children.”(下羚羊峡谷的游览时间一般在一小时左右,一般每位成人40美元左右,儿童20美元左右。),可知一对夫妻需要花费80美元。故选B项。‎ ‎【3题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由第五段的“Check with your tour operator to confirm the precise time of your tour.”(请与您的旅行社联系,确认您旅行的准确时间。),可知要记住确定的游览时间。故选B项。‎ B Philadelphia's Magic Gardens makes up a folk art center, gallery space, and a nonprofit organization showcasing the works of mosaicist(镶嵌设计师)Isaiah Zagar.‎ Zagar devoted himself to beautifying the South Street neighborhood in the late 1960s, when he moved to the area with his wife Julia. The couple helped the area by purchasing and repairing some old buildings, often adding colorful mosaics on both their private and public walls. The first such project was Julia's still-busy folk art store, the Eyes Gallery at 402 South Street.‎ Zagar started working on the Magic Gardens in ‎1994 in the deserted parking lot near his studio. He spent the next fourteen years sculpting multi-layered walls and decorating the 3, 000 square foot space. The installation(装置艺术),primarily consisting of found objects and contributions from the community, finally covers half a city block with countless patterns and colors. It shows Zagar's many artistic influences, as well as the events and experiences of his life.‎ In 2002,the owner of the once-unused parking lot decided to sell the land in response to rising South Street property values. Unwilling to witness the destruction of Zagar's neighborhood art environment, the community rushed to support the artist. His creation, newly titled Philadelphia's Magic Gardens, turned into a nonprofit organization with the intention of preserving and promoting Zagar's works at the site of the Magic Gardens and throughout the South Street region.‎ The Magic Gardens is now a permanent art institution that is open to visitors throughout the year. Trained guides are available to lead tours of the Magic Gardens and Zagar's surrounding public wall paintings. In addition, it offers monthly mosaic workshops led by Zagar himself, and regularly hosts concerts, dance performances, and other public events.‎ ‎4. How did Zagar help the South Street neighborhood?‎ A. He moved to the area with his family.‎ B. He worked to improve its surroundings.‎ C. He opened a folk art store with his wife.‎ D. He managed to buy all the old buildings.‎ ‎5. What does Paragraph 3 intend to tell us?‎ A. Great achievements of Zagar.‎ B. Special skills of installing art.‎ C. Location of the Magic Gardens D. Early history of the Magic Gardens.‎ ‎6. What do the local residents think of Zagar's works?‎ A. They harm environment.‎ B. They can bring in profits.‎ C. They should be removed.‎ D. They are precious treasures.‎ ‎7 What can tourists do in Philadelphia's Magic Gardens?‎ A. Paint the walls on the spot.‎ B. Put on music performances.‎ C. Enjoy some Zagar's works.‎ D. Attend some dance courses.‎ ‎【答案】4. B 5. D 6. D 7. C ‎【语篇解读】‎ 这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了艺术家Zagar创作的“魔幻花园”。‎ ‎【4题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The couple helped the area by purchasing and repairing some old buildings, often adding colorful mosaics on both their private and public walls.”可知Zagar和妻子通过购买并翻新一些旧建筑(经常在他们的私人和公共墙壁上贴上彩色的马赛克砖)来帮助这个区域。也就是说他是通过改善周围环境来帮助邻里的,故选B项。‎ ‎【5题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第三段“Zagar ... and colors. It shows Zagar's many artistic influences, as well as the events and experiences of his life.”可知Zagar于1994年开始在他工作室附近的一个废弃的停车场里着手建设魔幻花园。在接下来的14年里,他雕刻了多层的墙壁,并装饰了这个3000平方英尺的空间。这个装置艺术最后用无数的图案和色彩覆盖了这个城市街区的一半。其显示了Zagar诸多的艺术影响,并展示了他人生中的事件和经历。这一段主要是关于魔幻花园是如何建成的,由此推断第三段旨在告诉读者魔幻花园的早期历史。故选D项。‎ ‎6题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“In 2002,the owner of the once-unused parking lot decided to sell the land in response to rising South Street property values. Unwilling to witness the destruction of Zagar's neighborhood art environment, the community rushed to support the artist.”可知2002 年,由于南街地产价值攀升,这个曾经无人使用的停车场的主人决定出售这块地。社区的人不愿看到 Zagar ‎ 的社区艺术环境遭到破坏,纷纷声援这位艺术家。从邻居的行为可推知当地居民认为Zagar的作品是珍贵的宝物。故选D项。‎ ‎【7题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The Magic Gardens is now a permanent art institution that is open to visitors throughout the year. Trained guides are available to lead tours of the Magic Gardens and Zagar's surrounding public wall paintings.”可知魔幻花园如今是一处永久性的艺术机构,全年向游客开放。这里有训练有素的导游,可带领游客参观魔幻花园以及 Zagar 在花园周围创作的公共壁画。故选C项。‎ C Telling someone they are not hired is never an easy job, but all hiring managers will face this difficult situation many times in their careers. While everyone fears denial on some level, it is important to understand that not everyone will fit in every job. Further, there are times when the applicant quality will be so great, a decision to reject an applicant may not reflect on that applicant's abilities but the overall quality of the field.‎ There are a number of methods that can be used to get the message across that a person is not hired. In many cases, especially for those who were never called for an interview, a simple form letter may be sufficient. In other cases, where someone may have been called for an interview, a phone call or letter could be chosen to deliver the message that they were not hired. In cases where there may be an ongoing relationship with the person not hired, it may be best to break the news in person, though this has the obvious potential of being more uncomfortable. Above all, it is best to always be honest with those who didn't get the job. Lying is never acceptable.‎ Generally, it is not a good idea to tell someone specific reasons why they are not hired for a job. This can only lead to resentment(怨恨)and regret. However, there may be specific times when this could be a good idea. For example, if an applicant is promising and the hiring manager believes another position will be opening up that suits the applicant's skills, this could be a way to let that person know they may soon have another opportunity.‎ In all cases, even if you feel someone has cheated to obtain an interview, never behave in a way which shows you are superior to them. This is unprofessional and reflects very poorly not only on the hiring manager, but the organization as a whole.‎ ‎8. Why are some applicants refused according to Paragraph 1?‎ A. They are interested in other fields.‎ B. They don't qualify for the position.‎ C. They are afraid of making decisions.‎ D. They lack the courage to face failures.‎ ‎9. How may a not-interviewed applicant be informed of the rejection?‎ A. By receiving a formal phone call.‎ B. By getting a simple form letter.‎ C. By checking a message online.‎ D. By attending a personal meeting.‎ ‎10. In what case will applicants be told exactly why they are not hired?‎ A. They regret applying for the job.‎ B. They demand specific explanations.‎ C. They may be capable of another post.‎ D. They have submitted false information.‎ ‎11. What can be inferred about the position of hiring managers?‎ A. It calls for professional skills.‎ B. It attracts the applicants most.‎ C. It doesn't allow for any mistake.‎ D It requires honesty and ambition.‎ ‎【答案】8. B 9. B 10. C 11. A ‎【语篇解读】‎ 本文是一篇说明文。文章作者对招聘者如何告诉求职者没有被录用提出了一些看法和建议。‎ ‎【8题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“While everyone fears denial on some level, it is important to understand that not everyone will fit in every job.( 虽然每个人都在某种程度上害怕被否定,但重要的是要明白,不是每个人都能胜任每一份工作。)”可知,有些申请者会被拒绝是因为他们不适合这个职位。故选B。‎ ‎【9题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“In many cases, especially for those who were never called for an interview, a simple form letter may be sufficient. (在很多情况下,特别是那些从未被要求面试的人来说,一封简单形式的信就足够了。)”‎ 可知,通知未接受面试的申请人,可以通过一封简单的信函。故选B。‎ ‎【10题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“However, there may be specific times when this could be a good idea. For example, if an applicant is promising and the hiring manager believes another position will be opening up that suits the applicant's skills, this could be a way to let that person know they may soon have another opportunity. (然而,在某些特定的时间,这可能是个好主意。例如,如果一个应聘者很有前途,而招聘经理认为会有一个适合他技能的职位出现,这可以让那个人知道他们很快就会有另一个机会。)”可知,当应聘者也许能胜任另一个职位,申请人可以被告知为什么他们没有被录用。故选C。‎ ‎【11题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据文章最后第一段“In all cases, even if you feel someone has cheated to obtain an interview, never behave in a way which shows you are superior to them. This is unprofessional and reflects very poorly not only on the hiring manager, but the organization as a whole. (在任何情况下,即使你觉得有人为了获得面试机会而欺骗了你,也不要表现得比他们优越。这样做很不专业,不仅会给招聘经理,也会给整个组织带来不好的影响。)”可推断出,关于招聘经理的职位,需要专业技能。故选A。‎ D Few people doubt the value of developing students' thinking skills. A focus on critical thinking is common in education. In the Australian Curriculum, critical thinking and creative thinking are known as “general capabilities”. The US has a similar focus through their “common core".‎ Many approaches to developing critical thinking are based on Philosophy for Children. One strategy that has a large impact on students' ability to analyse and evaluate arguments is argument mapping in which a student's reasoning can be visually displayed by capturing the inferential pathway from assumption to conclusion. This type of argument-based intellectual engagement can show high outcomes in terms of the quality of thinking in any classroom. Research also shows deliberate attention to the practice of reasoning in the context of our everyday lives can be significantly improved through targeted teaching.‎ Teachers at one high school in Australia, who have much training in critical thinking teaching methods, developed a task that asked students to determine Australia's greatest sports ‎ person. Students needed to construct their own criteria for greatness. To do so, they had to analyze the Australian sporting context, create possible evaluative standards, explain and justify why some standards would be more acceptable than others and apply these to their candidates. They then needed to argue their case with their classmates to develop criteria that were solid, defensible, widely applicable and produced a choice that seized significant and relevant aspects of Australian sport.‎ Researchers looking at the gains made in a single term of teaching critical thinking with argument mapping said the critical thinking gains measured are close to those that could be expected to result from three years of undergraduate education. Students who are taught to think well also do better on subject-based exams and standardized tests than those who do not.‎ In terms of developing 21st century skills, which includes setting up students for lifelong learning, teaching critical thinking should be core business.‎ ‎12. Which of the following can explain the underlined word “capturing" in Paragraph 2?‎ A. Describing. B. Attracting. C. Designing. D. Blocking.‎ ‎13. What’s the purpose of Paragraph 3?‎ A. To construct the criteria for being great.‎ B. To acknowledge the teachers' outcomes.‎ C. To present how to teach critical thinking.‎ D. To emphasize the importance of reasoning.‎ ‎14. What is the author's attitude toward teaching critical thinking?‎ A. Objective. B. Supportive. C. Doubtful. D. Cautious.‎ ‎15. What does this text imply?‎ A. Teaching methods should vary among schools.‎ B. Research on education deserves more attention.‎ C. Critical thinking should be valued in education.‎ D. Concepts of critical thinking aren't well received.‎ ‎【答案】12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C ‎【语篇解读】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章通过阐述批判性思维的研究依据,结合澳大利亚的批判性思维在教育中的应用结果,最终得出结论:在发展21世纪的技能(包括培养终身学习)‎ 方面,教授批判性思维应该是核心业务。‎ ‎【12题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。结合题干,可以定位文章中的句子。第二段第二句 One strategy that has a large impact on students' ability to analyse and evaluate arguments is argument mapping, in which a student's reasoning can be visually displayed by capturing the inferential pathway from assumption to conclusion. 对学生分析和评估论点的能力有很大影响的一个策略是论点映射,通过从假设到结论的推理路径,学生的推理可以直观地显示出来。根据本句中mapping绘制……地图,可以看成,学生的推理能力是通过从假设到结论的描述直观地显示出来。因而句中capture应该是描述的意思。故选A项。‎ ‎【13题详解】‎ 写作目的题。结合本段第一句Teachers at one high school in Australia, who have much training in critical thinking teaching methods, developed a task that asked students to determine Australia's greatest sports person. Students needed to construct their own criteria for greatness. 澳大利亚一所高中的教师,在批判性思维教学方法方面受过很多训练,他们开发了一项任务,要求学生们选出澳大利亚最伟大的运动员。 学生们需要建立自己的标准来衡量自己的成就。再结合随后的句子:To do so, they had to analyze the Australian sporting context, create possible evaluative standards, explain and justify why some standards would be more acceptable than others and apply these to their candidates. They then needed to argue their case with their classmates to develop criteria that were solid, defensible, widely applicable and produced a choice that seized significant and relevant aspects of Australian sport.为此,他们必须分析澳大利亚的体育背景,制定可能的评估标准,解释并证明为什么有些标准比其他标准更容易被接受,并将这些标准应用到他们的候选人身上。 然后,他们需要与同学辩论,制定可靠、可辩护、广泛适用的标准,并产生一个抓住了澳大利亚体育的重要和相关方面的选择。可以看出,本段主要讲的就是批判性思维在教育中的具体实施方法。选项C符合题意,故选C项。‎ ‎【14题详解】‎ 写作态度题。根据最后一段In terms of developing 21st century skills, which includes setting up students for lifelong learning, teaching critical thinking should be core business.就培养21世纪的技能(包括培养终身学习学生)而言,教授批判性思维应该是核心业务。可以看出,作者对与批判性思维在教育中的作用是肯定的,选项B符合题意。故选B项。‎ ‎【15题详解】‎ 推理判断题。结合全文内容,批判性思维对发展学生思维的价值是有重要意义的,再根据最后一段In terms of developing 21st century skills, which includes setting up students for lifelong learning, teaching critical thinking should be core business.就培养21世纪的技能(包括培养终身学习学生)而言,教授批判性思维应该是核心业务。可以得出,本文主要讲述在教育上应该重视批判性思维对学生能力发展的意义。故选C项。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ It's impossible to provide an exact number of words in English, since new words are being added to the dictionary, and falling out of use constantly. ___16___‎ The short answer is: about a million. Doubt you know anything even close to a million words? That number includes any number of legal, medical, scientific, and mechanical terms that most people will never meet in their day-to-day lives. ___17___‎ The “million" number also includes the many, many words that have fallen out of use throughout the time.___18___ Consider the word “diddle",a slang term from the 1700s that means “gin". Many English speakers would recognize “gin",but far fewer would recognize “ diddle”.‎ If a million words is the absolute upper level, how does that compare with the general vocabulary of most English speakers? ___19___ Most English-speaking adults know between 20,000 and 30,000 words. And in addition to those many thousands of words, they're probably able to comprehend a good 20,000 more just from context clues.‎ ‎___20___ You won't find a single dictionary that includes anywhere close to the total million words. One of the reasons is that general-usage dictionaries don't include lots of technical terms—both because of how uncommon they are and, in some cases, because of length. The longest word in the English language is a term from chemistry that is used to identify a certain kind of protein. It is 180,000 letters long. So you certainly won't see it in the dictionary.‎ A. But what's the number?‎ B. More than you might think!‎ C. That doesn't amount to a whole lot, though!‎ D. Then, how many words are there in the book?‎ E. While words like these are very uncommon, they still count.‎ F. If you recognize these uncommon words, we sadly no longer use them.‎ G. Though removed from the dictionary, they still count as English words.‎ ‎【答案】16. A 17. E 18. G 19. B 20. D ‎【语篇解读】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了,英语中不可能提供确切的单词数量并说明了其原因。‎ ‎【16题详解】‎ 由下一句“简而言之,答案是:大约一百万。”可知,承接下文,A选项“但是数量是多少?”切题;该选项中的the number对应下一句的about a million。故选A项。‎ ‎【17题详解】‎ 由上一句“这个数字包括许多法律、医学、科学和机械术语,大多数人在日常生活中永远不会遇到这些术语。”可知,承接上文,E选项“虽然像这样的话很少见,但它们仍然很重要。”切题;该选项中的very uncommon对应上一句的most people will never meet in their day-to-day lives。故选E项。‎ ‎【18题详解】‎ 由上一句““百万”这个数字还包括了许多,许多在这段时间里已经不再使用的词。”和本段下两句的“想想“diddle”这个词,一个17世纪的俚语,意思是“gin”。许多讲英语的人会认出“gin”,但很少有人会认出“diddle”。”可知,承接上下文,G选项“虽然已从词典中删去,但它们仍算作英语单词。”切题。故选G项。‎ ‎【19题详解】‎ 由下一句“大多数说英语的成年人知道20000到30000个单词。”可知,承接下文,B选项“比你想象的还要多!”切题;该选项指与大多数英语使用者的一般词汇相比,词汇量很大。故选B项。‎ ‎【20题详解】‎ 由下一句“你找不到一本字典,里面有接近一百万个单词。”可知,承接下文,D选项“那么,这本书有多少字?”切题;该选项中的the book和how many words对应下一句的a single dictionary和the total million words。故选D项。‎ 第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Luther Younger is a 99-year-old loving husband. His wife came down with cancer nine years ago, and doctors ___21___ she'd have just five years to live. ___22___, the couple have remained strong.‎ Over the last nine years, Luther takes a six — mile ___23___ every day to visit his wife in the hospital. He always stays by her side, encouraging her, showering her with ___24___, and their daily kiss. Luther could get a ride or even take the bus, but he ___25___ to walk the whole journey to help clear his mind and to ___26___everything about his wife. Passersby often recognize Luther and stop to offer him a ride, but he ___27___ their kindness. His daily walk is ___28___ of how much he loves his wife.‎ Luther's daughter hoped he could ___29___accept rides, especially on extremely hot and snowy days, but Luther ___30___ walking himself so she just lets him have it his way.‎ ‎___31___ walking six-miles each day in the heat and snow would be too much, when you've walked through ___32___ with someone, what's another six miles? Luther is always ___33___ to leave his love before returning home, but he knows that each tomorrow, ___34___the weather, he will be on his way again. He can't bear to live a single day without ___35___his wife.‎ ‎21. A. reported B. imagined C. advised D. thought ‎22. A. However B. Therefore C. Instead D. Besides ‎23. A. drive B. walk C. ride D. flight ‎24. A. relief B. trust C. love D. sympathy ‎25. A. agrees B. hesitates C. fails D. prefers ‎26. A. recall B. suspect C. ignore D. discover ‎27. A. dislikes B. corrects C. declines D. considers ‎28. A. motivation B. proof C. trial D. origin ‎29. A. actually B. gradually C. finally D. occasionally ‎30. A. insists on B. turns to C. sets about D. takes up ‎31. A. Because B. If C. While D. Until ‎32. A. life B. growth C. marriage D. adulthood ‎33. A. grateful B. sad C. eager D. guilty ‎34. A. thanks to B. rather than C. apart from D. regardless of ‎35. A. supporting B. mentioning C. seeing D. calling ‎【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. C ‎【语篇解读】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。Luther的妻子患有癌症,医生说她只剩五年时间,但是夫妻俩很坚强。Luther九年如一日的坚持每天步行去医院看妻子,展现了Luther对妻子深深的爱。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的妻子九年前患了癌症,医生认为她只剩五年时间了。A. reported报告;B. imagined想像;C. advised建议;D. thought 认为。妻子患癌症,医生的诊断认为(think)她只能活五年。故选D。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,这对夫妇很坚强。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Instead反而;D. Besides除此以外。空白前后是转折关系,应该用然而(However)。故选A。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在过去九年,Luther 每天走六英里去医院看妻子。A. drive驾驶;B. walk走路;C. ride骑车;D. flight飞行。下文but he ____ to walk the whole journey说明是走路(walk)去医院。故选B。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他总是陪在她身边,鼓励她,让她沐浴在爱和他们每天的亲吻中。A. relief释放;B. trust信任;C. love爱;D. sympathy同情。下文His daily walk is ______ of how much he loves his wife.说明是他对妻子的爱(love)。故选C。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Luther可以搭便车或者坐公共汽车,但是他更喜欢走完全程,来帮助帮他理清思路,回忆他妻子的一切。A. agrees同意;B. hesitates犹豫;C. fails失败;D. prefers更喜欢。与搭便车或坐公交相比,他更喜欢(prefer)走路。故选D。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Luther可以搭便车或者坐公共汽车,但是他更喜欢走完全程,来帮助帮他理清思路,回忆他妻子的一切。A. recall回忆;B. suspect怀疑;C. ignore忽视;D. discover发现。妻子生病住院,丈夫只能在去看望妻子的路上回忆(recall)以前的事情。故选A。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:路人经常认出Luther,停下来要载他一程,但他拒绝了他们的好意。A. dislikes不喜欢;B. corrects纠正;C. declines拒绝;D. considers考虑。前文Luther takes a six — mile every day to visit his wife in the hospital说明他没搭车,所以是拒绝(decline)了别人。故选C。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他每天走路证明了他是多么爱他的妻子。A. motivation动机;B. proof证明;C. trial审判;D. origin起源。根据上下文,丈夫九年如一日地走路去医院看妻子,是爱妻子的证明(proof)。故选B。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 考查副词词义辨析。句意:Luther的女儿希望他偶尔能接受乘车,尤其是在非常热和下雪天,但是Luther坚持自己走,所以她让他按自己的方式去做。A. actually实际上;B. gradually逐渐地;C. finally最终;D. occasionally偶尔地。下文especially on extremely hot and snowy days说明是偶尔(occasionally)坐车,故选D。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 考查动词短语辨析。句意:Luther的女儿希望他偶尔能接受乘车,尤其是在非常热和下雪天,但是Luther坚持自己走,所以她让他按自己的方式去做。A. insists on坚持;B. turns to转向;C. sets about开始;D. takes up从事。女儿希望他偶尔坐车,但Luther还是九年都自己走,是在坚持(insist on)。故选A。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 考查连词词义辨析。句意:如果每天在热天和雪地里走六英里都太多了,那当你一生都跟某个人一起走,还有另一个六英里吗?A. Because因为;B. If如果;C. While然而;D. Until直到。根据语境,空白处意为“如果”(if),符合语境。故选C。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果每天在热天和雪地里走六英里都太多了,那当你一生都跟某个人一起走,还有另一个六英里吗?A. life一生、生活;B. growth成长;C. marriage婚姻;D. adulthood成年。语境是将每天走六英里和走一辈子对比,life意为“一辈子、一生”。故选A。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:回家前,要离开他的爱,Luther ‎ 总是很难过,但他知道,每个明天不管天气怎样,他都会再一次上路。A. grateful感激的;B. sad难过的;C. eager渴望的;D. guilty内疚的。下文He can't bear to live a single day without ______ his wife.说明,离开妻子时,他会难过(sad)。故选B。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 考查介词短语辨析。句意:回家前,要离开他的爱,Luther总是很难过,但他知道,每个明天不管天气怎样,他都会再一次上路。A. thanks to由于;B. rather than而不;C. apart from除了;D. regardless of 不管。前文Over the last nine years, Luther takes a six — mile ______ every day to visit his wife in the hospital.说明Luther没有间断,所以不管(regardless of)天气如何,都会去。故选D。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他不能忍受一天不见妻子。A. supporting支持;B. mentioning提到;C. seeing看见;D. calling打电话。根据前文Luther is always to leave his love before returning home可知,离开妻子会难过,因此看不见(see)她也一样让人难以忍受。故选C。‎ 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Battling coronavirus is an experience that will forever stay in my mind. I had what's considered a mild case, but even in its weakest form, this virus is ___36___ (violence) and cruel.‎ My husband, Louis, and I have been trying to figure out where we first came into contact___37___ the virus, and we think it was the Friday night when we went out ___38___ (celebrate) his sister's birthday in early March. We went to a Mexican restaurant, ___39___ we shared lots of laughs and food. We didn't think anything of it at the time. ___40___ (look) back now, we think that must have been the start of it all. Sharing food and drinks ___41___(be) one of the everyday habits that should change forever after coronavirus.‎ Louis began showing symptoms on Monday, but we assumed it was ___42___ typical cold. It didn't seem a cause for concern. Then it took ___43___(I) down. The doctor was certain I would test positive for coronavirus, but gave me the option to test ___44___ I wanted to know for sure. I opted to be tested.‎ Now that I _____45_____ (recover) , I'm sharing my story because I want people to take this situation seriously. We have to fight this battle together and we have to win.‎ ‎【答案】36. violent 37. with 38. to celebrate 39. where 40. Looking ‎ ‎41. is 42. a 43. me 44. if 45. have recovered ‎【语篇解读】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了,作者和丈夫感染冠状病毒经历。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 考查形容词。此句是主系表结构,并列连词and后面是形容词cruel,此空也用形容词作表语。故填violent。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ 考查介词。句意:我的丈夫路易斯和我一直在试图弄清楚我们第一次接触病毒的地方,我们认为是三月初那个周五的晚上,我们出去庆祝他妹妹的生日。固定搭配contact with,意为“与……接触”,应用介词with。故填with。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 考查动词不定式。此处指“出去庆祝他姐姐的生日”,表目的,应用动词不定式(to do)表目的。故填to celebrate。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 考查定语从句关系词。a Mexican restaurant是先行词,后接一个非限制性定语从句,先行词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where。故填where。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 考查现在分词。此句已有谓语动think词且无连词,此处用非谓语形式,主语we和动词look是逻辑上的主动关系,应用现在分词(doing)表主动,作时间状语,注意首字母大写。故填Looking。‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 考查主谓一致。主语是Sharing food and drinks,动名词作主语,谓语用单数,此处指一般事实,用一般现在时。故填is。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 考查冠词。此处指“一种典型的感冒”,表泛指,应用不定冠词,typical以辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词a。故填a。‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 考查代词。谓语动词took后接宾格,应用宾格me。故填me。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 考查连词。句意:医生肯定我会检测出冠状病毒阳性,但如果我想确定的话,他给了我检测的选择权。由语境可知,此处表“条件”,应用连词if。故填if。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 考查时态。Now that(既然、由于),相当于 since,引导原因状语从句,用现在完成时(has/have done),recover这个动作表示过去发生对现在产生的影响。故填have recovered。‎ 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(满分15分)‎ ‎46.假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Frnank及想学习太极。最近恰巧你校在网上直播太极课程。请给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:‎ ‎1.发出邀请;‎ ‎2.介绍课程(上课方式、时间及授课人等);‎ ‎3.期待相见。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数80左右;‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ ‎【答案】Dear Frnank,‎ ‎ Learning from your email that you are interested in Tai Ji and desire to learn it, I am rather delighted to invite you to participate in our online Tai Ji course.‎ ‎ As is known to all, COVID-19 epidemic is so serious that we should study online. Tai Ji is such a kind of online course that can ease students stress and strengthen their body. The course is held in DingDing App which you should download by yourself. It begins at 13:00 pm from Monday to Wednesday, which lasts about half an hour. What’s more, Mr Wu is our coach, who is famous for his Chinese Kongfu. Seeing is believing. With so many sports activities for you to choose from, I am sure Tai Ji must be the best choice. ‎ ‎ Because of COVID-19 epidemic, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. Looking forward to seeing you soon.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封邮件,针对你的英国朋友Frnank及想学习太极一事给与答复。‎ ‎【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:一般现在时 结构:三段式。‎ 第一段:提出写信目的并发出邀请;‎ 第二段:介绍课程(上课方式、时间及授课人等);‎ 第三段:期待相见。‎ 要求:1.写信目的(know that Frnank want to learn Tai Ji and send an invitation)‎ ‎ 2.介绍课程(when to have coursehow to have coursewho teach this course)‎ 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)‎ desire to, COVID-19 epidemic, online course, download,be famous for, chose from, look forward to, what’s more 第三步:连词成句 ‎1. I am rather delighted to invite you to participate in our online Tai Ji course.‎ ‎2. Tai Ji is such a kind of online course that can ease students stress and strenghen their body. ‎ ‎3. It begins at 13:00 pm from Monday to Wednesday, which lasts about half an hour. ‎ ‎4. Mr Wu is our coach, who is famous for his Chinese Kongfu.‎ ‎5. With so many sports activities for you to choose from, I am sure Tai Ji must be the best choice. ‎ ‎6. Looking forward to seeing you soon.‎ 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词)‎ 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。‎ 第五步:润色修改 ‎【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。‎ ‎1.作者在范文中使用了复合句及谚语,如:‎ ‎1) As is known to all, COVID-19 epidemic is so serious that we should study online. ( ‎ 总所周知,新冠肺炎现在如此严重,以至于我们在线上学习。)这句话运用了so…that引导的结果状语从句。‎ ‎2) Seeing is believing.眼见为实。使用了谚语表达。‎ 全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。‎ 第二节(满分25分)‎ ‎47.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。‎ When Jayce Crowder was in kindergarten, he began noticing that he looked different from his classmates. They had two hands. But he had only one.‎ It started when one boy teased him. Jayce was in a bad mood. He'd return home in Des Moines, Iowa, with questions: Why am I different? Why me? Why? “He actually told us that he was mad at looking so different from others," said his mother, Cortney Lewis. “That really hurt him."‎ Lewis admitted she didn't know what to do at that point. How could she provide answers to her son's questions when she had never found those answers herself?‎ A few weeks later, Lewis came home from her job and turned on the TV to a news story about Trashaun Willis, an eighth grader from Washington, Iowa. The boy, then 14, had become an Internet star after posting videos of his slam clunks(扣篮),and, like Jayce, he was missing most of his left arm. Lewis called Jayce in. He was shocked, staring at one dunk after another.‎ At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be an inspiring moment for Jayce---he'd see a shining role model with a seemingly similar born disability. And had it stayed just that, Lewis would have been happy. But little did she know that a family friend had already reached out to the Des Moines Register, asking the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build Jayce‘s confidence.‎ ‎“It reassured me," said Lewis. “I know in my heart that everything's going to be OK. Trashaun has grown up to be a wonderful kid. And I know Jayce is too."‎ Trashaun did get serious with Jayce. Finally, the boys met at Washington Middle School on a Saturday afternoon a couple of months later, in April 2017, and they instantly bonded.‎ ‎【答案】Paragraph 1:‎ The day was not spent on self-pity-it was really fun and unforgettable. They rode bikes around the school’s hallways, took photos, and played hide-and-seek. Trashaun taught Jayce how to slam dunks. He even gave Jayce a shirt as a gift. He talked about their left arms. He told Jayce he was perfect the way he looked. He encouraged him not to let anyone drag him down and shake his confidence.‎ Paragraph 2:‎ After the meeting, Jayce learned to accept his disability. He began to understand that there are many people like him. He came to adapt himself to his disability. He recently started practising shooting basketball every day and he really loves it. Jayce often chats with Trashaun on the Internet about basketball skills as well as some school issues. He is really motivated by this role model and has a positive attitude to his future life. As for Trashaun, he never dreamed that his videos would have such an impact. His relationship with Jayce made him look forward to helping more kids.‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本篇书面表达是读后续写。‎ ‎【详解】通过阅读所给文章可知,Jayce左臂残缺,受到同学的嘲笑,母亲不知如何向他解释,同样左臂残缺的Trashaun在网络上上传了自己扣篮的视频,很快受到欢迎,Jayce和他的母亲看完视频,信心大增。Jayce与Trashaun见面后很快成为朋友。Jayce意识到世界上还有和他一样的人,他对自己的未来充满信心。‎ 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:这一天不用再在自怜中度过,所以接下来写的内容是这是一个难忘的日子,因为这一天Jayce见到Trashaun及他们所做的事情,如在学校的过道里骑自行车、照相、玩捉迷藏等;同时要详细描述Trashaun如何鼓励Jayce,如告诉他看起来很好,不要因为任何人而沮丧且要对自己有信心。第二段开头是:Trashaun与Jayce会面之后,所以接下来写的内容是Jayce在见到Trashaun之后受他鼓励之后的改变。要详细描述Jayce具体改变,如Jayce开始接受自己的残疾,开始练习投篮并对未来的生活充满积极乐观的态度。文章最后也谈到Trashaun认为他应该帮助更多的像Jayce一样的孩子。‎ ‎【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇。如:adapt oneself to,positive attitude,look forward to,drag down等高级词汇。‎

