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‎2020届二轮复习书面表达写作技巧之十五:如何使行文中出现省略结构 英语中为了避免重复,句子中的某些部分可以省略,从而让文章显得紧凑自然。省略句在写作中的巧妙运用是书面表达得高分的助力,应当得到重视。‎ 写作中常见的省略有下列几种情况:‎ ‎1.在以when, while, once引导的时间状语从句及以if, unless引导的条件状语从句和though, although引导的让步状语从句中,如果从句中的主语与主句中的主语一致或从句的主语为it,且从句中含有be动词时,可以省略状语从句中的“主语+be动词”部分。‎ ‎①Work hard when (you are) young, or you'll regret.‎ 年轻的时候要努力学习,否则你会后悔。‎ ‎②Unless (he is) invited, he won't come.‎ 除非邀请他,否则他不会来。‎ ‎③If (it is) possible, I'm going to visit some homes for the old in the city.‎ 如果可能的话,我将去探望市里的几家敬老院。‎ ‎[应用体验1] 用省略结构完成下列句子 ‎①除非有必要,否则你最好不要查词典。‎ Unless_necessary,_you'd better not refer to the dictionary.‎ ‎②我有困难时总是向她求助。‎ When_in_trouble,_I always turn to her for help.‎ ‎③最大的海洋与整个地球的大小比较起来算不了什么。‎ When_compared_with_the_size_of_the_whole_earth,_the biggest ocean doesn't seem big at all.‎ ‎④吃饭时,一些有天赋的学生表演了精彩的民间舞蹈,这使老人非常高兴。‎ While_enjoying_the_meal,_some talented students gave a wonderful folk dance performance, making the elderly very happy.‎ ‎2.两个并列句中,后一个分句中与前一分句中相同的部分常省略。‎ ‎①My brother is a doctor and my sisterinlaw (is) a lawyer.‎ 我哥哥是医生,我嫂子是律师。‎ ‎②Many players believe table tennis is not only a physical game but (table tennis is) a psychological competition as well.许多选手认为,乒乓球不仅是体力竞赛,也是心理较量。‎ ‎3.在限制性定语从句中,关系代词that, which, whom充当宾语,而且前面无介词时可省略。‎ ‎①He is the man (whom/that) I saw yesterday.‎ 他就是我昨天见到的那个人。‎ ‎②He lost the watch (that/which) he bought yesterday.‎ 他丢了他昨天买的那块表。‎ ‎4.单独使用不定式符号to代替动词不定式后被省略的动词,常用在be afraid, expect, forget, hope, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, refuse, ‎ try, want, wish等词后;或放在表示情绪的某些形容词后,代替被省略的动词,常见词有:glad, happy, pleased等,但是,如果不定式中含有be, have, have been时,则要保留be, have, have been。‎ ‎①—Will you please look after my house when I'm away?‎ ‎—I'm glad to (look after your house when you're away).‎ ‎——当我不在时,你能照看一下我家吗?‎ ‎——我愿意。‎ ‎②Your work hasn't been handed in, but it ought to have been.‎ 你的工作还没有交上来,但是本应该交上来了。‎ ‎[应用体验2] 用省略结构完成下列句子 ‎①我们的家乡不再是以前的样子了。‎ Our hometown is no_longer_what_it_used_to_be.‎ ‎②那就是我想要读的那本书。‎ That is the_book_I_want_to_read.‎ ‎③——你介意照看我的猫吗?‎ ‎——不,我愿意。‎ ‎—Would you mind looking after my cat?‎ ‎—No,_I'd_love_to.‎ ‎④有些书需细细品味,有些书浅尝即可。‎ Some books are to be tasted, and others_to_be_swallowed.‎ ‎⑤我不想去那里,但是我不得不去。‎ I didn't want to go there, but I_had_to.‎ ‎[专题过关训练]‎ 用省略结构补全句子 ‎1.(2017•全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)如果这样的话,请到教学楼二楼的学生会办公室报名。‎ If_so,_please go to sign up at the Students' Union office, which is on the second floor of the Teaching Building.‎ ‎2.(2017•6月浙江高考书面表达)按照计划,我们早上7点将在学校大门口乘公共汽车出发。‎ As_planned,_we will leave by bus at 7:00 a.m. at the school gate.‎ ‎3.如果你被录取做这份工作,你很快就会接到通知。‎ If_accepted_for_the_job,_you'll be informed soon.‎ ‎4.当我沿着马路走时,听到有人喊我的名字。‎ While_walking_along the street, I heard my name called.‎ ‎5.我们将去野餐,但在什么时候什么地点还没定下来。‎ We will go for a picnic, but when_and_where_hasn't_been_decided_yet.‎ ‎6.——你完成作业了吗?‎ ‎——是的,完成了。‎ ‎—Have you finished your work?‎ ‎—Yes, I_have.‎

