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There were once lived some sailors in a village near the sea, who made a living by fishing. Since their ancestors were explorers, they all inherited the spirit of adventure.‎ Because of overfishing and industrial and agricultural pollution from chemicals, there were fewer and fewer fishes in the coastal waters. So they had to travel further in search of more fishes.‎ One day, they set sail for deepsea fishing. Before their journey, they had a debate about where to go. Since Jack was the oldest of them, everything was done according to his instructions. Jack, though in his forties, was intelligent and energetic. He persuaded others to make a voyage of adventure.‎ After a day's voyage, they eventually reached an unknown area they had never been to before. They were trying to recognise where they were. All at once, a man screamed with terror “Watch out! Sharks!”‎ They were surprised to find that they were surrounded by dozens of sharks, each at a length of 5 to 10 metres. What a horrible scene! Everyone felt terrified. Obviously they had got into trouble. Jack began to regret and apologised for his risky decision.‎ But now they must find a solution to handle the sharks. They had no choice but to battle with the sharks because they could hardly escape.‎ A fierce battle began. Everyone took up their weapons to fight against the sharks. With their joint efforts, they finally survived the adventure.‎ ‎  从前,在靠近海边的一个村庄里,住着一些水手,他们以捕鱼为业。由于他们的祖先是探险家,所以他们都继承了冒险的精神。‎ 由于过度捕捞,以及工农业化学物带来的污染,近海水域的鱼越来越少,所以他们不得不到更远的地方去寻找更多的鱼。‎ 一天,他们启航去深海捕鱼。旅行前,他们就去哪里捕鱼进行了辩论。由于杰克年龄最大,大家都依照他的安排。杰克虽然40多岁了,但他却聪明机智并充满活力。他说服大家进行一次航海冒险。‎ 经过一天的航行,他们最终到达了一个他们未知的水域。他们正在辨认到了何处。突然,有人惊恐地大喊:“小心!鲨鱼!” ‎ ‎ 他们吃惊地发现,他们被数十只鲨鱼包围了,这些鲨鱼每个都有5到‎10米长。多么可怕的情景啊!大家都非常恐惧。很明显他们已经陷入了麻烦。杰克开始后悔并为自己的冒险决定道歉。‎ 但现在他们必须找到一个对付鲨鱼的办法。他们除了跟鲨鱼斗争外别无选择,因为他们很难逃离。‎ 一场激烈的斗争开始了,每个人都拿起了武器与鲨鱼搏斗。在他们的共同努力下,他们最终在这场冒险中幸存了下来。‎

