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‎2020届完形填空专项训练(4)‎ 完形填空 ‎ A When I came to my new school three years ago, I was surprised at how lonely I felt. Then one of my classmates invited me to her house for a dinner 36 . I was a little anxious, but finally I gladly 37 . ‎ Not really knowing how 38 the bus ride should be, I 39 when I saw the landmarks 40 on my friend’s hand-drawn map. But when I got close enough to the 41 , I found none of the streets were shown on the map. I was 42 on a busy road with cars driving past without a person in sight. I had no 43 when the next bus would come, 44 when a bus did come by, I 45 got on. I told the bus driver where I wanted to go and he said that I had caught the 46 bus, but he let me stay on. After he had finished his scheduled bus route, he 47 to help me out. I gratefully showed him my little hand-drawn map but 48 did not help much. ‎ He finally 49 me off at a main road to catch a different bus and was 50 that he could not help me more. After a few minutes of walking, I noticed a bus pull up beside me. It was the 51 bus driver. He explained that he didn’t want to leave me there 52 . He sent out a call and someone radioed back, saying that the bus I needed to catch was about ten minutes away. At last I made it to the dinner party 53 I was over an hour late. ‎ I am forever thankful for the 54 that this bus driver had for me. His act of kindness left a 55 on my heart. ‎ ‎36. A. meal B. party C. meeting D. time ‎37. A. accepted B. refused C. got D. received ‎38. A. far B. difficult C. long D. bad ‎39. A. drove on B. walked away C. hurried by D. got off ‎40. A. show B. showing C. shown D. to show ‎41. A. street signs B. tall buildings C. traffic lights D. back yards ‎42. A. queuing B. sitting C. standing D. waiting ‎43. A. meaning B. idea C. problem D. way ‎44. A. so B. yet C. but D. still ‎45. A. suddenly B. luckily C. finally D. quickly ‎46. A. right B. wrong C. best D. fastest ‎47. A. supplied B. refused C. offered D. wanted ‎48. A. it B. he C. she D. they ‎49. A. kept B. dropped C. drove D. turned ‎50. A. eager B. worried C. sorry D. disappointed ‎51. A. same B. next C. kind D. silly ‎52. A. helpless B. lonely C. unaccompanied D. alone ‎53. A. after B. although C. until D. when ‎54. A. respect B. concern C. help D. love ‎55. A. mark B. sign C. symbol D. line ‎【答案】‎ ‎36-40 BACDC 41-45 ACBAD 46-50 BCABC 51-55 ADBBA ‎【解析】‎ ‎36. B。第三段最后一句中出现了party,a dinner party意为“家宴”。‎ ‎37. A。有点紧张,但最后还是高兴地接受了。‎ ‎38. C。不知道要坐多远的汽车。‎ ‎39. D。看见同学手绘的地图上的路标,我下了车。‎ ‎40. C。shown on my friend’s hand-drawn map是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰the landmarks。‎ ‎41. A。根据上下文应指路标,相当于the landmarks。‎ ‎42. C。刚下车,走到有路标的地方,应该是站在那里。‎ ‎43. B。have no idea不知道。‎ ‎44. A。前后是因果关系,因为不了解情况,所以见车就上。‎ ‎45. D。因为人生地不熟,我见车就急忙上去。‎ ‎46. B。后一句是依据,虽然上错了车,但让我呆在上面。‎ ‎47. C。他主动提出要帮我。‎ ‎48. A。指手绘地图。‎ ‎49. B。keep off 不接近;drop off在某特定地点放下,卸下;drive off 击退;turn off关掉, 使转变方向。‎ ‎50. C。没帮上忙,他感到抱歉。‎ ‎51. A。从下一句He explained that he didn’t want to leave me there alone.可以知道还是原来那位司机。‎ ‎52. D。leave sb alone在这里是“把某人独自留下”的意思。 ‎ ‎53. B。尽管晚了一个多小时,但毕竟我还是赶上参加了晚宴。‎ ‎54. B。此句可以理解为:this bus driver had the concern for me司机对我的关心。‎ ‎55. A。mark 标志, 痕迹。此处指在我心中留下印象。‎ B We should show respect to everybody, especially our elders because they are ahead of us — in age, in wisdom and maturity, in experience and education. Our 36 have done a lot for us, directly or indirectly and most of us 37 everything to their kindness and love.‎ When we 38 them respect, whether it is by bowing to them, or 39 them with a smile, or offering them any help they need, it is one way of 40 our ‎ own love and gratitude to them. 41 , elders have also been through all the years you are 42 and know a little more about the world than you do. It is 43 that you do not agree with the belief of your elders, but this is nothing new. All younger generations have always 44 with their elders and it is these differences that bring changes in human 45 . However much you disagree with them, give them credit for their 46 . With changing times and 47 influences, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to elders. Youngsters should 48 express their views and if there are arguments, they should not 49 their voices.‎ If there is no space on sofas or chairs, children will immediately 50 their places, and sit on the carpet. In buses and trains, youngsters are 51 to give up their places to older people. This is not a 52 of who has more rights. It is simply that those who are younger have the strength to bear 53 , or tolerate unpleasantness, so it is natural to show consideration to those who are older and perhaps at a 54 disadvantage.‎ When you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders become 55 that youngsters care for them, and they respond with affection and kindness.‎ ‎36. A. youngsters B. elders C. parents D. juniors ‎37. A. devote B. owe C. pay D. contribute ‎ ‎38. A. show B. explain C. exhibit D. point ‎39. A. greeting B. receiving C. declaring D. showing ‎40. A. expressing B. describing C. sending D. suggesting ‎41. A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D. Though ‎42. A. experiencing with B. going through ‎ C. suffering from D. worrying out ‎43. A. maybe B. likely C. possible D. probably ‎44. A . quarreled B. dealt C. lived D. disagreed ‎45. A. community B. organization C. society D. public ‎46. A. experience B. reality C. emotion D. information ‎47. A. cultural B. special C. environmental D. position ‎48. A. quietly B. slightly C. silently D. coldly ‎49. A. rise B. raise C. support D. force ‎50. A. give away B. get rid of C. give up D. send out ‎ ‎51. A. expected B. forced C. needed D. reminded ‎52. A. doubt B. question C. wonder D. challenge ‎53. A. suffering B. upset C. trouble D. discomfort ‎54. A. serious B. light C. heavy D. slight ‎55. A. aware B. alive C. knowing D. sensible ‎【答案】36-40 BBAAA 41-45 CBBDC 46-50 AAABC 51-55 ABDDA ‎【解析】‎ ‎36. B。前文提到了elder。‎ ‎37. B。前后是因果的关系,长者做出了很多,自然年轻人是要感激长者的。owe sth to sb把…归功给某人 ‎38. A。后半句提到的都是表示尊敬的行为。‎ ‎39. A。greeting them with a smile以微笑的形势问候。根据上下文判断微笑是表示尊敬的一种行为方式,多用在问候时。‎ ‎40. A。和our own love and gratitude to them搭配的动词用express。传达我们的尊敬和爱戴。‎ ‎41. C。通过语境可以判断出此句与前文是递进关系,所以用besides。‎ ‎42. B。going through经历, 经受。这里时说人们要经历的岁月。‎ ‎43. B。it is likely that 从句“很可能……”。‎ ‎44. D。后文的differences说明年青人和年长者之间是有分歧的。‎ ‎45. C。人们不同的思想才使得社会前进。根据上下文此处与changes 搭配的宾语应该用society。‎ ‎46. A。前文提到了elders have also been through all the years说明长者们经历风雨,历尽沧桑。‎ ‎47. A。此空用排除法。外来的东西要影响人们思想,在这当中文化的影响是主要的内容。‎ ‎48. A。年轻人应该在和长者express their views 时表现尊敬的方式就是要轻声提问或是表述。‎ ‎49. B。有不同观点表述时,礼貌的行为是不要大声说话。raise one’s voices意为“提高嗓门”。‎ ‎50. C。根据文章主题在If there were no space on sofas or chairs条件下,年轻人礼貌的行为就是让位给老人。‎ ‎51. A。 后文说到give up their places to older people,这是年轻人应该做的。be expected to do 被指望做……。‎ ‎52. B。who has more rights这是争论的话题,所以用question。‎ ‎53. D。or tolerate unpleasantness和前文内容是同样概念,因此与bear搭配的名词就是discomfort。‎ ‎54. D。 show consideration to those,根据文章主旨those指的就是弱势群体,所以disadvantage前应该用slight。‎ ‎55. A。先要意识到之后才能respond,因此用aware,become aware that …“意识到……”。‎ C Many young people in the United States never finish high school. Exactly how ‎ many drop out is another issue. Recent studies of 36 rate have had conflicting results.‎ ‎ For one thing, schools define and measure their dropout rates 37 . Some researchers say about 15 to 20 percent of public school students do not 38 their education on time. 39 many other experts and policymakers believe that for the past 20 years, the dropout rate has been around 30 percent. For Latino and black students, the 40 are even larger. Researchers say almost half of them 41 school. At the same time, almost half of the states let students leave school 42 the age of 18 without informing their parents. ‎ ‎ Finding a good job ‎43 a high school education is becoming more and more difficult. A Northeastern University ‎44 in 2002 found that almost half of all dropouts aged 16 to 24 did not have a job. The 45 of a high school education can also 46 other problems. It is estimated that two-thirds of prisoners in the United States dropped out of high school. ‎ ‎ Recent studies have 47 that the majority of students who drop out do it because they are failing. Many are 48 with their classes or feel disconnected from their school and teachers. Some students feel that educators place low 49 on them. ‎ ‎ During the past 20 years, there have been efforts to 50 graduation rate through education reforms. Some communities are working on dropout 51 programs. These include some alternative high schools to meet special 52 .‎ ‎ Experts think “early warning systems” can help 53 young schoolchildren at the risk of dropping out of high school. They say schools also need to get 54 more involved, especially if their children are 55 school often.‎ ‎36. A. research B. finishing C. dropout D. completing ‎37. A. personally B. individually C. differently D. similarly ‎38. A. complete B. reach C. practise D. operate ‎39. A. And B. Besides C. Instead D. But ‎40. A. people B. students C. dropouts D. numbers ‎41. A. approach B. leave C. stay D. enter ‎42. A. after B. until C. before D. when ‎43. A. without B. together with C. out of D. off ‎44. A. project B. design C. sketch D. study ‎45. A. importance B. lack C. need D. requirement ‎46. A. lead to B. result C. conclude D. include ‎47. A. noticed B. watched C. shown D. inspected ‎48. A. bored B. interested C. indifferent D. unconcerned ‎ ‎49. A. outlook B. prediction C. remark D. expectations ‎50. A. decrease B. reduce C. increase D. unite ‎51. A. prevention B. conservation C. permission D. admittance ‎52. A. needs B. ways C. advantages D. means ‎53. A. receive B. accept C. get D. identify ‎54. A. mates B. teachers C. parents D. neighbours ‎55. A. missing B. staying C. leaving D. studying ‎【答案】36-40 CCADD 41-45 BCADB 46-50 ACADC 51-55 AADCA ‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎36. C。前后文多次提到dropout“辍学”。‎ ‎37. C。 后文提到的some researchers和many other experts and policymakers各有不同的看法,所以要用differently。‎ ‎38. A。根据上下文可以看出这部分学生没有完成学业,故用complete。 ‎ ‎39. D。some researchers和many other experts and policymakers各有不同的看法,因此是转折概念,要用but。‎ ‎40. D。前文的rate和后文的 higher,说明这里谈论的是数字。‎ ‎41. B。本文主要谈论辍学问题,所以此处应用leave。‎ ‎42. C。通过the age of 18 without informing their parents可看出,学生是在18岁之前就辍学了。‎ ‎43. A。becoming more and more difficult说明前文要用without。‎ ‎44. D。found that是典型的作结论用语,说明前面是一个研究。后文也出现了相同词汇。‎ ‎45. B。can also说明与前文的类型相同即与without a high school education是同一个概念。所以此处用the lack of a high school education。‎ ‎46. A。lead to other problems导致其他的问题。‎ ‎47. C。与前文found that对应。‎ ‎48. A。failing和后文的 disconnected 说明学生对学习不感兴趣。‎ ‎49. D。place sth on sth意为“以……态度对待”,这句话说明教育者对学生们的期望值较低。 ‎ ‎50. C。efforts和through education reforms说明要增加graduation rates。‎ ‎51. A。和efforts to increase graduation rates through education reforms有着同样效果的措施就是working on dropout prevention programs,即阻止辍学计划。‎ ‎52. A。alternative high schools作为解决辍学的一种措施是为满足学生的需要。‎ ‎53. D。identify识别,鉴别;这里是说早期发现早期采取措施。‎ ‎54. C。get sb involved意为“让某人关注”,依据上下文应是让孩子的父母关注,故选parents。‎ ‎55. A。miss school意为“旷课”。‎

