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2018 届 二轮复习 写作话题:文明渊源 相关单词 1. ancient adj. 古代的 2. ancestor n. 祖先 3. celebrated adj. 著名的 4. homeland n. 祖国 5. civilized adj. 文明的 6. diversity n. 多样性 7. open-minded adj. 思想开放 8. protect v. 保护 9. cave n. 洞穴 10. preserve v. 保存 11. primitive adj. 原始的 12. culture n. 文化 13. swift adj. 迅速的 14. migration n. 迁移 15. remote adj. 遥远的 16. origin n. 起源 17. memory n. 记忆 18. bone n. 骨头 相关短语 1. historical spot 古迹 2. be passed down 传递 3. brilliant culture 灿烂的文化 4. carry forward national culture 弘扬民族文化 5. cultural heritage 文化遗产 6. cultural objects and historic relics 文化古迹 7. national pride 民族自豪感 8. take pride in 以 …… 为骄傲 9. broaden one’s horizons 扩大视野 10. give a push to 推动 11. date back to 追溯到 12. Peking people site 北京人遗址 13. show sb. around 带领某人参观 14. World Heritage List 世界文化遗产名单 15. become a legend 变成传奇故事 16. ancient legend 远古传说 相关句子 1. 他可以把先祖追溯到詹姆斯一世。 He could trace his ancestors back to James I. 2. 她已拜过她的祖先。 She has worshipped her ancestors . 3. 罗马人修建这些纪念碑来颂扬他们杰出的祖先。 The Romans built these monuments in memory of their illustrious ancestors. 4. 这两个物种有一个共同的祖先。 The two species share a common ancestor . 5. 我们烧香来纪念我们的祖先。 We light incense in memory of our ancestors. 6. 西方的万圣节也起源于人们对死人精神的回归所持有的信仰。 The western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people . 7. 那是个活着的传奇人物。 The man was a living legend . 8. 建造这幢房子的人就是房子现在的拥有人的一个直系祖先。 The builder of the house is a direct ancestor of the present owner. 亲爱的吉姆, 我有好消息要告诉你。有一个关于“孔子及其思想”的讲座,主讲人是王教授,讲座地点是一号教学楼三楼 302 室。该讲座将从 5 月 16 日星期六上午的 8 点到 11 点,共持续三个小时。据我所知,你喜欢中国文化,因此,我想邀请你来参加。 本次活动主要包括三个部分:两小时听报告,半小时讨论,三十分钟孔子经典名句朗读。 如果你能来,我将非常高兴。盼望你早日回复。 你的朋友, 李华 语篇模块 Dear Jim, I have good news to tell you. There will be a speech about “ Confucious and Confucianism ” made by Professor Wang in Room 302 on the third floor of No.1 building. The talk will last three hours from 8 to 11 on May 16th Saturday. As I know , you like the culture of China, so I’d like to invite you to attend it. The activity mainly consists of three parts, two-hour listening and half an hour’s discussion as well as thirty minutes’ Confucius classic reading. I will be very glad if you come. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua

