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2020 届二轮复习 情态动词和虚拟语气 情态动词的基本用法 1.shall (1) 用在第一、三人称的疑问句中,表示征求对方的意见或指示。 —Has Mr.Wang arrived? —— 王先生到了吗? —Yes , already. Shall he wait outside or just come in? —— 是的,已经到了。是让他进来,还是在外面等? (2) 用于第二、三人称陈述句中,表示命令、许诺、警告、强制、威胁、决心等。 The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school unless accompanied by an adult. 学校制度规定,除非有家长陪伴,任何孩子不准离开学校。 2.must (1) 表示禁止 ( 用于否定句 ) 。 Smoking must not be allowed in the office. 严禁在办公室吸烟。 (2) 表示偏执、固执,常译成“一定要,非要”。 Why must you be talking so loudly while others are studying? 为什么在别人正学习的时候,你非得这么大声说话呢? (2011· 大纲全国卷 ) If you must smoke , please go outside. 如果你一定要吸烟,请到外面去。 3.should (1) 表示根据经验常识预测可能性,并意为“可能, ( 按道理 ) 应该”。 It’s nearly 7 o’clock. Jack should be here at the moment. 快 7 点了,杰克此刻应该在这儿了。 (2) 竟然,居然 I am surprised that you should speak in such a way. 我很惊奇你居然用那种口气说话。 4.would 与 used to would 可表示过去反复发生的动作或某种倾向,后面接表示动作的动词,不能接表示状态的词。 used to 表示过去的习惯动作或状态,强调现在已不存在。 He would come to see us on Sundays. 过去他经常星期天来看望我们。 Our company used to do business with theirs. 过去我们公司和他们的公司常有业务往来。 5.can 和 could 的用法 (1) 表示惊讶,常用在否定句和疑问句中。 How could you do such a silly thing? 你怎么能做那样的蠢事呢? (2)cannot...too/enough 表示“无论 …… 也不过分”,“越 …… 越好”。 You can’t be too careful while driving. 开车时越小心越好。 6.“may as well +动词原形”意为“最好,不妨,倒不如”。 You may as well do it at once. 你最好马上就做这件事。 We may as well stay where we are. 我们留在现在的地方倒也不错。 1.“must/may/might/can’t/couldn’t+ 动词原形”对现在发生的动作或存在的状态的推测。 “ must/may/might/can’t/couldn’t+be doing” 对正在进行的动作的推测。 “ must/may/might/can’t/couldn’t+have done” 对过去或已经完成的动作的推测。 He couldn’t be doing his homework, because there is a wonderful football match now. 他不可能在做家庭作业,因为现在有场精彩的足球比赛。 You must have said something to upset him. 你一定说了什么让他不高兴的话。 情态动词表“推测” 2.can 用于肯定句中有时可以用来表示推测,意为“有时会”;用于疑问句中可以表示推测,意为“可能”,有时表示一种 惊讶的语气;用于否定句中也可以表示推测, can’t 意为“不可能”,语气很强烈。 Mr.Bush is on time for everything. How can it be that he was late for the meeting? 布什先生做什么事情都很准时,他怎么可能开会迟到呢? It is usually warm in my hometown in March , but it can be rather cold sometimes. 我的家乡通常在三月份很暖和,但有时会相当冷。 3.may , might 用于肯定句中可以用来表示推测,意为“可能”;用于否定句中也可以表示推测, may not 意为“可能不”,表示一种不太确定的语气。 The traffic is heavy these days. I might arrive a bit late , so could you save me a place? 最近这些天交通拥挤,我有可能迟到一会儿,因此请你给我留个位子好吗? Liza may well not want to go on the trip——she hates travelling. 莉莎可能不想去旅行,她厌恶旅行。( may 常与 well 连用, may well 主要用于加强推测语气,表示有较大的可能性。) 4.must 表示推测时只能用于肯定句中,意为“一定,必定”,表示十分肯定的 ( 在疑问句中或否定句中要用 can) 。 —Hi , Tom. Any idea where Jane is? —— 嗨,汤姆,你知道简在哪儿吗? —She must be in the classroom. I saw her there just now. —— 她肯定在教室里,我刚才在那儿看到她了。 5.should 用来表示推测时意为“应该”,即含有“按道理来说应当如此”的意思。 The public transport in Beijing is very convenient , so there shouldn’t be any difficulty in traveling around the city. 现在北京的公共交通非常便利,所以在市区观光不应该有什么困难。 情态动词 +have done 1.could have done 用于肯定句,表示本来可以做,而实际上未做,用疑问或否定形式对过去发生的行为表示推测, can’t have done 多用于语气强烈的否定,意为“不可能做过”。 The accident could have been avoided . 这场事故本来是可以避免的。 2.may/might have done 表示对过去行为的推测,意为“可能做过”。 might 所表示的可能性比较弱,语气较委婉。此外 might have done 可表示“本可能做而实际上未做”。 —I can’t find my purse anywhere. —— 我到处都找不到我的钱包。 —You may have lost it while shopping. —— 你可能在购物的时候弄丢了。 3.must have done 表示对过去行为的推测,意为“一定,想必”,语气十分肯定。 It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。 4.should/ought to have done 用于肯定句时,表示“过去本该做某事,而实际上未做”; shouldn’t have done/oughtn’t to have done 则表示“过去不该做某事反而做了”。 I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I shouldn’t have eaten so much fried chicken just now. 我现在觉得肚子疼,我刚才不应该吃那么多的炸鸡。 5.needn’t have done 表示“本来不必做某事而实际上却做了”。 I actually needn’t have bought so much wine——only three people came. 其实我本没必要买这么多酒,只来了三个人。 非真实条件句的虚拟语气 情况 从句的动词 主句的动词 例句 与现在事实相反 动词的过去式 (be 动词一律用 were) would/could/should/might +动词原形 If I had time , I would attend your party. 如果我有时间,我就去参加你的宴会了。 If I saw him now , I would be very happy. 如果我现在见到他,我会很高兴的。 与过去事实相反 had +过去分词 would/could/should/might + have +过去分词 You didn’t let me drive. If we had driven in turn , you wouldn’t have got so tired. 你当时不让我开车。如果我们轮流开,你就不会觉得那么累了。 与将来事实相反 动词的过去式 ;should +动词原形; were to +动词原形 would/could/might/should +动词原形 If it snowed/were to snow/should snow tomorrow , we would take photos. 如果明天下雪,我们就照相。 注意 : (1) 若条件句中有 were , had , should ,可把 if 省略,而把 were , had , should 放在主语前,形成倒装结构,这种结构主要用于书面语中。 Were I you, I would stay. 倘若我是你,我就留下。 Should I be free tomorrow, I would come. 如果我明天有空,我会来。 Had you taken my advice , you wouldn’t have failed in the examination. 如果你听了我的建议,你就不会考试不及格了。 (2) 有时主句和虚拟条件从句的动作发生的时间不一致,此时,主句和从句的谓语动词要根据各自所指的不同时间选择适当的动词形式。 If you had worked hard , you would be sitting comfortably in an office now. 如果你真的努力工作了,你现在就会舒适地坐在办公室里。 ( 从句指过去,主句指现在 ) (3) 有时虚拟条件并不通过条件从句表达出来,而是通过词、短语或上下文暗示,此时句子的时态要依具体情况而定。 Without electricity ( = If there were no electricity) , life would be quite different today. 如果没有电,今天的生活就会完全不同。 But for your help , it would have caused a serious loss. 要不是你的帮助,那将会导致巨大的损失。 I was busy that day. Otherwise I would have gone there with them. (If I hadn’t been busy that day , I would have gone there with them.) 我那天很忙,否则,我就和他们一起去那儿了。 1. 在表示建议、命令、要求、愿望等的词相关的名词性从句中用虚拟语气,形式为: (should) +动词原形。常这样用的动词有: suggest 建议; advise 劝告; propose 建议; recommend 推荐,劝告,建议; demand 要求; desire 渴望; insist 坚持,坚决要求; prefer 宁愿; urge 主张; request 要求; require 要求; order 命令, command 命令,以及这些词的名词形式。 Mr.Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention (should) be discussed at the meeting. 约翰逊先生坚决要求应在会议上谈论值得注意的问题。 My advice is that we should think it over before accepting it. 我的建议是在接受之前要认真考虑。 名词性从句中的虚拟语气 注意: ① suggest 作“表明,暗示”讲时,其从句不虚拟。即: 物 +suggest( 表明,暗示 )+that 从句(不虚拟) 人 +suggest (建议) +that 从句(要虚拟,用 should+ 动 词原形) Jane’s pale face suggested that she was ill , and her parents suggested that she (should) have a medical examination. 简苍白的脸色表明她生病了,她父母建议她做一下健康检查。 ②insist 作“坚持,坚决要求”讲,其从句要虚拟( should+ 动词原形); insist 作“坚持说,坚持认为”讲,其从句不虚拟。 The young man insisted that he didn’t steal the money. 那个年轻人坚持说他没有偷钱。 2. wish 后面所跟宾语从句中的虚拟语气 表示对现在情况的虚拟: wish +主语+动词过去式或 were 表示对过去情况的虚拟: wish +主语+ had +过去分词 表示对将来情况的虚拟: wish +主语+ would +动词原形 I wish she were here. 她在这儿就好了。 I wish she had taken my advice. 那时她要是听我的话就好了。 I wish you would go with us tomorrow. 但愿你明天跟我们一块去。 3. 主语从句中的虚拟语气 在表达惊讶、惋惜、遗憾,理应如此等意义的主语从句中常使用虚拟语气,其虚拟语气的结构为: should+ 动词原形。主句中 的谓语动词形式不限。句型: It’s+adj.( 如 necessary, important, strange, natural, essential, curious 等 )+that 从句(从句中常用 should+ 动词原形) It is suggested/requested/proposed+that 从句 ( 从句中常用 should+ 动词原形 ) It’s important that we should learn English well. 我们学好英语很重要。 It’s suggested that the meeting should be put off till next week. 有人建议会议推迟到下星期。 其他句型中的虚拟语气 1.would rather 句型中的虚拟语气表示愿望,意为“宁愿,但愿”。 ( 现在和将来的愿望用过去时;对过去的愿望用过去完成时 ) I’d rather we didn’t go to see a film this evening. 我倒希望我们今晚不去看电影。 I’d rather you had returned the book yesterday. 但愿你昨天把书还了。 2.It is (high/about) time (that)... 句型中的虚拟语气 在句型“ It is (high/about) time...” 后面也可跟虚拟语气,从句中常用过去式。有时也用“ should +动词原形”,意为“该是 …… 的时候了”。 It is time (that) we went home. 我们该回家了。 比较 : It’s the first time (that) I have had such a wonderful meal. It was the second time (that) you had broken the window. (当 time 前有序数词时, 后面从句用完成时。) 3.if only 引导的感叹句中的虚拟语气 在“ if only” 引导的感叹句中,要求用虚拟语气,表示愿望。用过去时或“ would/could +动词原形”表示与现在或未来事实相反的愿望;用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反的愿望。 If only I were a bird! 要是我是一只鸟该多好啊! If only I had not been ill last week! 要是上周我没病该多好啊! 4. as if/as though 从句中的虚拟语气 如果 as if/as though 引导的从句谓语动词与主句动词所表达的动作同时发生, as if/as though 从句中谓语动词用过去时;如果 as if/as though 引导的从句谓语动词所表达的动作先于主句谓语动词所表达的动作,从句用过去完成时。 When a pencil is put into a glass of water, it looks as if it were broken. 当把铅笔放入一杯水中,它看起来就像是断了。 When Mary met Tom in the street, she pretended as if she hadn’t seen him. 当玛丽在街上遇到汤姆,她假装没有看见他。 5. 过去完成时 had meant/wanted/intended/planned to do 表示“过去原本打算做,但实际上没做成。” I had meant to help you , but I got caught in the traffic. 我本打算帮你,但我堵车了。 Ⅰ. 单句填空 1.—It’s eight o’clock already. Jack ________ be here by now. —Oh, he told me that he was going to see his dentist and wouldn’t be back until ten. 【 解析 】 句意: ——8 点钟了。杰克现在应该到了。 —— 哦,他告诉我他要去看牙医,在 10 点以前是不会回来的。 should 有“根据情理或常理推断某事将可能发生”之意。 【 答案 】1.should 2. —Jack, take more clothes when going camping. It ________ be very cold in the mountains. —Thank you, Mum. I will. 【 解析 】 句意: ——8 点钟了。杰克现在应该到了。 —— 哦,他告诉我他要去看牙医,在 10 点以前是不会回来的。 should 有“根据情理或常理推断某事将可能发生”之意。 【 答案 】2.can 3.Our teacher insisted that the key words worth paying attention to ________(underline) before class. 【 解析 】 句意:我们老师坚持要在课前将值得注意的关键词划线。 insist 后的宾语从句中的谓语动词应是 should+ 动词原形,其中, should 可以省略;根据句意应用被动。 【 答案 】3.(should)be underlined 4.If Jim ________(be) more independent, his parents’ divorce would not have affected him as deeply. 【 解析 】 句意:如果吉姆当时更加独立一些 , 他父母离婚就不会如此深深地影响他。考查对已发生之事的虚拟,从句用 had done 形式,主句用 would+have done 形式。 【 答案 】4.had been 5.If the dog hadn’t woken us, we wouldn’t have noticed the fire and it ________(spread) to the house next door. 【 解析 】 句意:如果当时不是这只狗把我们弄醒 , 我们就不会注意到火,那么大火就可能会蔓延到隔壁的房子。前半句是虚拟,后半句是对过去可能发生之事的推测,因为只是可能性,故用 might+have done 形式。 【 答案 】 5.might have spread 6.It is required that all traffic participants ________(observe) the traffic rules to make traffic safer and faster. 【 解析 】 句意:要求所有交通参与者应遵守交通规则 , 让交通更安全、更顺畅。 require 后的从句里的谓语动词应是 should+ 动词原形,其中, should 可以省略。句中 that 后是真正的主语从句,而句首的 it 是形式主语。 【 答案 】6. ( should ) observe 7.After supper she ________ sit down by the fire, sometimes as long as an hour, thinking of her young and happy days. 【 解析 】 句意:晚饭后她总会在火旁坐下来 , 有时长达一个小时 , 想着她那些年轻和快乐的日子。 would 有“过去总是 ……” 之意,往往是对过去发生的事情的追忆。 【 答案 】7.would 8.—Most students went to the party yesterday. It is a pity that you were absent. —I wish I ________(have). But I was terribly busy. 【 解析 】 句意: —— 大多数学生去了昨天的聚会,遗憾的是你缺席。 —— 我也希望我能参加啊 , 但我太忙了。 wish 后的虚拟语气用 had done 形式,表示对已发生之事的虚拟,这里意为: I wish I had gone to the party yesterday. 为了简洁,相同的动词和宾语 gone to the party 被省略了。 【 答案 】8.had 9.The job position in the advertisement requires that the applicant ________(have) at least 8 years of working experience. 【 解析 】 句意:广告中的职位要求申请人至少有 8 年的工作经验。主句中有谓语动词 require, 其后的从句应用 should+ 动词原形, should 可以省略。 【 答案 】9.(should) have 10.Our parents and teachers often tell us that we ________ be careful enough no matter what we do. 【 解析 】 句意:我们父母和老师经常告诉我们:无论我们做什么,我们怎么小心也不过分。 cannot be+adj./adv.+enough+to do… 意为“越 …… 就越好;怎么 …… 也不过分”。 【 答案 】10.can’t 11.—Jack fell off the ladder yesterday, but he is all right now. —What a lucky dog! He ________(injure) himself badly. 【 解析 】 句意: ——Jack 昨天从梯子上摔了下来,但是现在没事了。 —— 真幸运!他本可能摔得很严重的。根据 “ but he is all right now” 可知,本句是一个虚拟语气句;根据 yesterday 可知,此处是对过去的推测,故用情态动词 +have done 的形式。 【 答案 】11.could have injured 12.If Rose hadn’t lost her left leg in the accident last year, she ________(sit) in the wheelchair now. 【 解析 】 整个句子属于错综条件句,从句与过去事实相反;根据时间状语 now 可知,主句与现在事实相反,因此答案为 wouldn’t sit 。 【 答案 】12.wouldn’t sit 13. It ________(can) be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words. 【 解析 】 句意:因为你已经掌握了很多单词,所以,引起你练习中出现问题的因素不可能是词汇。 Couldn’t 是非常肯定的推测。 【 答案 】13.couldn’t 14.Maybe if I ________(study) science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help. 【 解析 】 句意:也许如果当时我学习的是理科而不是文科的话,那么我(现在)就可以给你更多的帮助了。根据 then 一词可以确定此处表示与过去事实相反,故 if 引导的从句部分用 had done 。 【 答案 】14.had studied 15.—Colin failed in his attempt to win a prize in the speech contest. —I wish he ________(practice) his speaking skills for the coming Creativity English Competition. 【 解析 】 根据题干中的 wish 可知,其后的宾语从句需要用虚拟语气形式,同时根据 coming 可知,这是将来的比赛,由此可知,说话者强调希望他现在为即将来临的比赛做准备了, 故用 wish sb. did 表示对现在情况的虚拟。 【 答案 】15.practiced 16.—How did you do in the test? —Not so well. I ________(do) much better but I misread the directions for Part D. 【 解析 】 句意: —— 你考试怎么样? —— 不太好。我本能够做得更好的,但我读错了 D 部分的说明。对过去的推测,用情态动词 +have done 。 【 答案 】16.could have done 17. What would have happened if the thief ________(enter) the house, without being noticed? 【 解析 】 句意:要是贼进了房子而没被发现,那将会怎样呢?根据题干中 would have happened 可知,本句话是对过去发生事情的虚拟,由此可知, if 从句谓语动词应用 had done 的形式。 【 答案 】17.had entered 18. I felt surprised that anyone of his intelligence ________(fail) such an easy test. 【 解析 】 考查情态动词表推测的用法。句意:我感到惊讶,像他这样智力的人居然连如此简单的测试都没有通过。 should 在这里表示惊讶的态度。 【 答案 】18.should have failed 19. It is recommended that you ________(book) your accommodation in advance in tourist season, as you may find all the best hotels are not accessible. 【 解析 】 句意:推荐您在旅游季节提前预定住宿,因为您可能会发现所有最好的酒店都无法入住的。 recommend 、 suggest 等表建议、要求、命令等的词的从句要用 should 加动词原形表虚拟语气, should 可省。 【 答案 】19.(should) book 20. I’m as busy as a bee; ________ you bother me with so many questions now? 【 解析 】 句意:我现在像蜜蜂一样忙碌 , 你偏偏要拿这么多问题来烦我吗 ? must 常可用来表示“令人不快的事”,意即“偏偏要 ……” 。 【 答案 】20.must 21. —But for your timely warning, we ________(get) into great trouble. —Well, you know we’re friends. 【 解析 】 本句包含含蓄条件的虚拟语气,它表示的条件不是通过 if 条件句表示出来,而是通过介词短语 but for (要不是,如果没有 …… )表示出来的;句意: —— 要不是你及时提醒,我就会陷入大麻烦了。 —— 嗯!你知道我们是好朋友的。根据句意可知这件事情发生在过去,故主句使用 would have done 表示对过去情况的虚拟。 【 答案 】21.would have got 22. She got stuck in a terrible traffic jam on the highway to Shanghai, or she ________(have) dinner with her family now. 【 解析 】 句意:她在去上海的高速上遇到了堵车,不然,她现在将正和家人一起吃晚饭。 or 否则,要不然,指假设的情况,是一种含蓄条件句,根据句意可知,吃晚饭发生在将来,再根据 or 表虚拟,应该使用过去将来进行时。 【 答案 】22.would be having 23. It’s a pity that you were late, otherwise you ________(see) the film star Rain from Korea. 【 解析 】 句意:很可惜,你迟到了,否则你就会 / 可能看到来自韩国的电影明星 Rain 了。根据 otherwise 可知,此处是含蓄的虚拟语气,根据 were 可知,此处表示对过去事实的虚拟,主句应用 would/could have done 的形式。 【 答案 】23.would/could have seen 24. If he ________(listen) to the teacher attentively in the past year, he ________(know) the answer to the question now. 【 解析 】 考查混合型虚拟语气。句意:如果在过去的一年里他认真听老师讲课了,那么他现在就能够知道这个问题的答案了。从 in the past year 判断前面条件状语从句是对过去进行假设,应该用过去完成时;而后面主句中的 now 则提示应该是对现在的虚拟,应该用 would + 动词原形,所以整个句子是混合型的虚拟语气。 【 答案 】24.had listened; would know 25. We would rather our daughter ________(stay) at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer. 【 解析 】 would rather 后面的从句要使用虚拟语气,如果从句表示与现在或将来事实相反,要用一般过去时,如果与过去事实相反,要用过去完成时。句意:我们宁愿我们的女儿待在家里,但是这是她的选择,她已经不再是孩子了。根据句意可知是与现在事实相反,所以用一般过去时。 【 答案 】25.stayed 26. I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ________(take) me to Disneyland at weekends. 【 解析 】 本句中的 would 表过去的习惯性动作,可译为“过去常常”,现在可能还会继续做下去。区别于 used to do 过去常常做某事,通常表示现在已经不这样做了。句意:我仍然记得我那幸福的童年,在那时我的母亲常常在周末带我去迪斯尼乐园。 【 答案 】26.would take 27.Should it rain tomorrow, we ________(cancel) the football match. 【 解析 】 句意:如果明天下雨,我们就取消足球比赛。根据从句的 should it… 可知这是和将来事实相反的虚拟条件句,故主句用 would do 的形式。 【 答案 】27.would cancel 28. To my surprise, some of my students ________ stay up to study for the coming examination. 【 解析 】 句意:令我惊奇的是 , 我的一些学生为了即将到来的考试居然要熬夜学习。 should 可用来表示“惊讶的语气”,意即“居然会,竟然会”。 【 答案 】28.should 29. It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I ________(do) it? 【 解析 】 连词短语 as if 似乎,好像 , 其后面的从句有两种情况,如果是真的事情,就使用陈述语气;如果表示的是假的事情,就使用虚拟语气。其中与过去事实相反,使用过去完成时;与将来事实相反,使用过去将来时;与现在事实相反,使用一般过去时。句意:打破窗户的是 John ,为什么你和我说话时就好像是我打破了窗户一样。根据前一句中的 was 可知打破窗户是过去发生的事情,所以是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故使用过去完成时。 【 答案 】29.had done 30. —You failed to pass the English test again, didn’t you? —Yeah, if only I ________(work) harder at school! 【 解析 】 句意: —— 你的英语考试又没有通过,是吗? —— 是的。我要是在学校更努力些就好了。根据句意可知,此处是对过去情况的虚拟, if only 结构中应用 had done 的形式。 【 答案 】30.had worked Ⅱ. 单句改错 1.—Mary, now you have a chance to study in Singapore for a year as an exchange student. Are you interested? 【 解析 】 句意:玛丽 , 现在你有机会作为交换生到新加坡学习一年。你感兴趣吗 ?—— 这是真的吗 ? 我当然会去。 may 用在问句中表示“许可”; can 用在问句中表示“可能性”。 【 答案 】1.May→Can —May that be true? Of course I’ll go. 2.Whenever we met, Lily could greet me first though I was younger than her. 【 解析 】 句意:每当我们见面 , 莉莉会先问候我,虽然我比她小。 would 有“过去总是 ……” 之意,往往是对过去发生的事情的追忆。 【 答案 】2.could→would 3.According to the school rules, no student will go out of the school after eleven o’clock p.m. 【 解析 】 句意:根据校规 , 学生不得在晚上 11 点钟后到校外去。 shall 用于第二或第三人称的肯定句中时,可表示“规定,命令”等。 【 答案 】3.will→shall 4.He chose to teach in a western province, though he would have stayed in the city for a better life. 【 解析 】 句意:虽然他可以在这个城市过更好的生活,但他却选择到西部省份支教。 could have done 意为“本能够做 ……( 但未做 ……)” 。 【 答案 】4.would→could 5.There is a possibility that these hens could be frightened and lay fewer eggs would there be a sudden loud noise. 【 解析 】 句意:如果突然有很大的噪音,这些母鸡有可能会因受到惊吓而少下蛋。在 if 引导的虚拟句中,如果从句里有 should, were 或 had 这三个动词,可将 if 省略,主谓倒装,因此,题干的后半句可以看作是: …if there should be a sudden loud noise 。 【 答案 】5.would→should 6.Would it have been the failure to pick up directions from the ground control that caused the air crash? 【 解析 】 句意:此次空难是不是因为飞机无法接收地面控制中心的指令造成的? could have done 用于疑问句中,可表对已发生之事的推测。 【 答案 】6.would→could 7.—I am worn out now. I stayed up last night to finish the report. —Oh? You wouldn’t have. The professor asked us to hand it in next week. 【 解析 】 句意: —— 我现在疲惫不堪,为了完成报告我昨晚熬夜了。 —— 哦 ? 你没有必要这样做,教授要求我们下周交。 Needn’t have done… 意为“本没有必要做 ……( 但做了 ……)” 。 【 答案 】7.wouldn’t→needn’t 8.—I’ve told Nancy many times about the meeting, but she still forgot it! —I understand. Actually, anyone must be very forgetful at times. 【 解析 】 句意: —— 我多次告诉南希关于会议的事情 , 但她还是忘了 !—— 我了解。事实上 , 任何人偶尔都会健忘。 can 可用来表示客观可能性。 【 答案 】8.must→can 9.—I had thought he would be nervous in this speech competition, but he turned out to be calm. —He should have done quite enough preparation for it. 【 解析 】 句意: —— 我原以为他在这场演讲比赛中会紧张,但他很冷静。 —— 他一定是做了足够的准备。 must+have done 是表示对已发生之事语气很肯定的推测; should+have done 表示“过去应该做(但未做 …… )”。 【 答案 】9.should→must 10.—I wonder if I can board the plane with this return ticket. —There shall be no problem. Your ticket is valid until the end of this month. 【 解析 】 句意: —— 我想知道我是否可以用这张回程机票登机。 —— 应该没有问题。你的票直到这个月底都是有效的。 should 可用来表示“根据情理或常理来判断将会发生的事情”。 【 答案 】10.shall→should 11.The basketball team has been doing well this season, so they could win the championship. 【 解析 】 句意:本赛季篮球队已经做得很好 , 所以他们应该会赢得冠军。 should 有“根据情理或根据常理来判断某事应发生”之意。 【 答案 】11.could→should 12.It is hard to say what kind of person he is. Sometimes he is very friendly; at other times he must be very cold. 【 解析 】 句意:很难说他是什么样的人;有时他很友好 , 有时他很冷淡。 can 常可用来表示 “客观可能性”。 【 答案 】12.must→can 13.Take the lift to the eighth floor and turn right. You needn’t have any trouble finding my office. 【 解析 】 句意:坐电梯到八楼,然后右转,你找到我的办公室不应该有什么困难。 should 可用来表示“根据情理某事应该 ……”, 同样, shouldn’t… 可表示“根据情理某事不应该 ……” 。 【 答案 】13.needn’t→shouldn’t 14.The house was in such a mess—it looked as though a bomb have been dropped on it. 【 解析 】 句意:房子里面乱七八糟,看上去好像落过一颗炸弹。当 as though 后面的从句表示与过去事实相反的假设时,从句谓语动词用 had done 。 【 答案 】14.have→had 15.—Can I pay the bill by check? —Sorry, sir. But in our hotel payment will be made in cash. 【 解析 】 句意: —— 我可以用支票付账吗 ?—— 对不起 , 先生。在我们酒店应当采用现金付款。 shall 用于第一,三人称的肯定句中,有“规定,命令”等意思, will 没有这一用法。 【 答案 】15.will→shall 16.They are brothers, but they do not always agree with each other as they can. Quarrels break out now and then. 【 解析 】 句意:他们是兄弟,但是他们却并不像本来应该的那样志同道合。争吵时常发生。 should 应当。 【 答案 】16.can→should 17.—What does the notice on the wall say? —No person must take books out of the reading room; otherwise he would be fined. 【 解析 】 句意: —— 墙上的通知说什么了 ?—— 任何人不得把书拿出阅览室 ; 否则 , 他将被罚款。 must 表示“禁止”时,只可用于肯定句中; shall 用在第二、三人称的肯定句时,可表“规定,警告,威胁”等。 【 答案 】17.must→shall 18.—What do you think of your winning the game? —On the one hand, I am proud of it; but on the other hand, I feel I must have done it better. 【 解析 】 句意: —— 赢得这场比赛你感觉怎么样 ? —— 一方面 , 我感到骄傲 , 但另一方面 , 我觉得我本能做得更好。 could have done 意为“本能够做 ……( 但没有 ……)” 。 【 答案 】18.must→could 19.There is plenty of time for you to think about it carefully, so you mustn’t rush now. Should you change your mind, please keep me informed. 【 解析 】 句意:你有充足的时间来仔细考虑 , 所以你现在不必匆忙。你如果想改变你的想法 , 请通知我。 needn’t do 相当于 don’t have to do, 意思是“没有必要做 ……”; 句中 should 有虚拟的意思,即: if you should do… 。 【 答案 】19.mustn’t→needn’t 20.A few years ago I might afford to bring my wife to this place for dinner. 【 解析 】 might 也许 , 可能; could 表示说话人能,可以,同意,准许,以及客观条件许可。 【 答案 】20.might→could 21.If it rains tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yellow Crane Tower. 【 解析 】 由题干 would have to put off the visit 可判断,从句是对将来的虚拟,故采用虚拟形式,而非真实语气。 【 答案 】21.rains→were to rain/should rain/rained 22.I can’t go through that bitter period without your generous help. 【 解析 】 本句是一句含蓄式虚拟语气,由 without 可知,句子是对过去的虚拟,故用 can’t have done 的形式。 【 答案 】22.can’t go→can’t have gone 23.He was not careful enough, otherwise he wouldn’t leave out the main point. 【 解析 】 由 He was not careful enough 可知,句子是对过去情况的描述,而 otherwise 引出对过去的虚拟,故用 wouldnt+have done 的形式。 【 答案 】23.leave→have left 24.It is required that the students do not use mobile phones in their school, so seldom will you see them using one. 【 解析 】 由 require 可知,从句用 should 表示虚拟语气。 【 答案 】24.students do not use 25.I forget where I read the article, or I show it to you now. 【 解析 】 根据上文的语境可知句中的 or 隐含有一个虚拟的条件,即 or=if I didnt forget where I read the article (要是我没忘记我在哪儿读过这篇文章的话 , 但事实上忘了) , 故用 would+do 表示对现在的虚拟。 【 答案 】25.show→would show 26.If it were not for the fact that she could’t sing, I would invite her to the party. 【 解析 】 由 if 从句的谓语动词 were 可知这是对现在情况的虚拟, for the fact ,说明是“客观事实”,客观事实用一般现在时。 【 答案 】26. couldn’t→can’t 27.I’d rather we wouldn’t see each other in the future and I’m sure you know the reason. 【 解析 】 由句意“我宁愿我们今后不再见面”可知, would rather 是对将来的虚拟,从句用一般过去时表示一个将来的愿望。 【 答案 】27.wouldn’t→didn’t 28.John’s grade on the test is the highest in his class. He should have studied last night. 【 解析 】 由题干可知,约翰考试的分数最高。从 last night 可判断,他一定学习了, must+have done 表示对过去情况的推测。 【 答案 】28.should→must 29.Would you bought the dictionary if you had had more money yesterday? 【 解析 】 由 if you had had 可知,句子是对过去情况的推测, would 引导的疑问句中应用 have done 形式。 【 答案 】29.bought→have bought 30.Bob would have helped us yesterday, but he had been busy. 【 解析 】 由题意可知句子是对过去事实的虚拟, but 表述真实的情况,故用一般过去时。 【 答案 】30.had been→was

