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‎2018届二轮复习完形填空说明文体裁典题10篇训练(三)‎ ‎【一】‎ San Francisco has its cable cars. Seattle has its Space Needle. And, Longview has its squirrel bridge. The bridge, which has attracted international attention, is now a local landmark. ‎ The Nutty Narrows Bridge was built in 1963 by a local builder, Amos Peters, to give squirrels a way to cross the busy road without getting flattened by passing cars. ‎ The original bridge was built over Olympia Way on the west edge of the library grounds. Before the bridge was built, squirrels had to avoid traffic to and from the Park Plaza office building where office staff put out a nutty feast for the squirrels. Many times, Peters and others who worked in and near Park Plaza witnessed squirrels being run over. ‎ One day Peters found a dead squirrel with a nut still in its mouth, and that day’s coffee break discussion turned into squirrel safety. The group of businessmen cooked up the squirrel bridge idea and formed a committee to ask the blessing of the City Council(市政会).The Council approved, and Councilwoman Bess LaRiviere named the bridge “Nutty Narrows.”‎ After architects designed the bridge, Amos Peters and Bill Hutch started Construction, They built the 60-foot bridge from aluminum and lengths of fire hose(消防水带). It cost 1,000. ‎ It didn’t take long before reports of squirrels using the bridge started. Squirrels were even seen guiding their young and teaching them the ropes. The story was picked up by the media, and Nutty Narrows became know in newspapers all over the world. ‎ In 1983, after 20 years of use, Peters took down the worn-out bridge. Repairs ‎ were made and crosspieces were replaced. The faded sign was repainted and in July 1983, hundreds of animal lovers attended the completion ceremony of the new bridge. ‎ Peters died in 1984, and a ten-foot wooden squirrel sculpture was placed near the bridge in memory of its builder and his devotion to the project. ‎ ‎67. The Nutty Narrows Bridge was built in order to ________. A. offer squirrels a place to eat nuts B. set up a local landmark C. help improve traffic D. protect squirrels ‎68. What happened over the coffee break discussion? A. The committee got the Council’s blessing. ‎ B. The squirrel bridge idea was born C. A councilwoman named the bridge D. A squirrel was found dead. ‎ ‎69. What does the underlined phrase “teaching them the ropes” probably means in the text? A. passing them a rope B. Directing them to store food for winter C. Teaching them a lesson D. Showing them how to use the bridge.‎ ‎70. Which of the following is true of the squirrel bridge? A. It was replaced by a longer one. B. It was built from wood and metal C. it was rebuilt after years of use D. It was designed by Bill Hutch. ‎ ‎71. What can we learn about Amos Peters? A. He is remembered for his love of animals. B. He donated $1,000 to build the bridge C. He was a member of the City Council D. He was awarded a medal for building the bridge. ‎ ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了名胜Nutty Narrow Bridge的由来。因为Peters发现经常有松鼠因为横穿马路被车压死而萌生了为松鼠建一座桥的想法,经过议会批准,他和其他人建成了这座专为松鼠通行的桥,1983年,松鼠桥重修。1984年Peters去世。但他为此而受到人们的纪念。‎ ‎67.【答案】D ‎【解析】由第二段中的to give squirrels a way to cross the busy road without getting flattened by passing cars可知,修建Nutty Narrow Bridge的目的是保护松鼠安全地过马路。注意不要选A,因为这座桥不是给松鼠提供吃干果的地方。‎ ‎【考点定位】考查细节理解。‎ ‎68.【答案】B ‎【解析】根据第四段中的…and that day’s coffee break discussion turned into squirrel safety…cooked up the squirrel bridge idea可知,在某一天喝咖啡时间的讨论中,Peters和其他人萌生了给松鼠建座桥的想法。‎ ‎【考点定位】考查细节理解。‎ ‎69.【答案】D ‎【解析】根据前面的guiding their young,可以推断此处应该是松鼠教它们的孩子如何使用绳索,而不是给它们递绳子,也不是给它们一个教训。‎ ‎【考点定位】考查猜测词义。‎ ‎70.【答案】C ‎【解析】根据文章倒数第二段中的In 1983, after 20 years of use, Peters took down the worn-out bridge. Repairs were made and crosspieces were replaced.可知,绳索用了20年后,Peters进行了修缮,并替换上了新的绳索。文中没有涉及是否替换的绳索更长;第五段中提到绳索是铝制的,而且是一个architect设计的,只是说Peters和Hutch开始建设,所以C正确。‎ ‎【考点定位】考查细节理解。‎ ‎71.【答案】A ‎【解析】根据最后一段中的…a ten-foot wooden squirrel sculpture was placed near the bridge in memory of its builder and his devotion to the project.可以推断,Peters因为爱动物,倡导修建这座桥而被人们记住。所以A正确。‎ ‎【考点定位】考查推理判断。‎ ‎【二】‎ ‎ Why is pink or purple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys?‎ ‎ The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences. To the Egyptians, green was a color that represented the hope and joy of spring, while for Muslims, it means heaven. Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures. In China, children are given money in a red envelope to bring good fortune in the New Year. For many nations, blue is a symbol of protection and religious beliefs. Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect themselves against evils(灾祸).‎ ‎ ‎ People’s choice of colors is also influenced by their bodies' reactions (反应)toward them. Green is said to be the most restful color. It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally and physically. People who work in green environment have been found to have fewer stomach aches.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Red can cause a person’s blood pressure to rise and increase people’s appetites(食欲). Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant. Similarly, many commercial websites will have a red “Buy Now” button because red is a color that easily catches a person’s eye.‎ Blue is another calming color. Unlike red, blue can cause people to lose appetite. So if you want to eat less, some suggest that eating from blue plates can ‎ help.‎ ‎ ‎ The next time you are deciding on what to wear or what color to decorate your room, think about the color carefully.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎60. Muslims regard green as a symbol of heaven mainly because of their .‎ ‎ A. cultural values B. commercial purposes C. personal experiences D. physical reactions to the color ‎61. Why will many commercial websites have a red “Buy Now” button?‎ ‎ A. To relax people physically. ‎ B. To increase people’s appetites.‎ C. To encourage people to make a purchase.‎ D. To cause a person’s blood pressure to rise.‎ ‎62. What color might help lose weight according to the text?‎ A. Red B. Green. C. Blue. D. Purple.‎ ‎63. Which of the following would be the most proper title for the text?‎ ‎ A. Colors and Human Beings B. The Cultural Meaning of Color C. Colors and Personal Experiences D. The Meaning and Function of Color B篇应该是社会生活类的文章。‎ ‎60A 根据题干找到出处了,第一段的中心就是The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences.‎ ‎61C 推理题饭店的理由是血压上升,食欲大增,而购物网站只能是C了。常识告诉我们,红色不能使人身体放松。‎ ‎62C 细节题,直接能找到答案,只要细心99%的人就能找到。‎ ‎63D 主旨题。正常境况是这样:第一句设问句,只能说是引语,第二句对问题的回答才是主题句,所以主题句应该是The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences. 其实不然。根据五段式分析,第一句话即第一自然段提出问题,但是没有回答。第二段、第三段和第四段分别是回答,第五自然段是建议部分。‎ ‎【三】‎ It is easy to overlook the role that your body plays in influencing your mood (情绪). When you are _49_ . you may find yourself blaming work pressures or an unknown future. However, it could just be that you've been sitting behind your desk too long.‎ One way to improve your mood is _50_. Psychologically, it provides you with a break from the stresses in your life. Also, in the process, you may aim for _51 goals, like a new personal running record or a better body shape. The achievement of a particular goal makes you feel good and contributes to your _52_. That is why exercise has been shown to _53_ your self-respect.‎ You do not have to train yourself _54_ to feel the psychological benefits of exercise. What really matters is _55_, not intensity (强度) of your exercise. You can try walking for 30 minutes five times per week or simply gardening on weekends.‎ ‎49. A. ill B. poor C. unhappy D. unsuccessful[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]‎ ‎50. A. play B. communication C. sleep D. exercise ‎51. A. clear B. present C. common D. early ‎52. A. ability B. relationship C. confidence D. business ‎53. A. tear down B. build up C. set aside D. give out ‎54. A. hard B. everywhere C. carefully D. late ‎55. A. time B. length C. form D. frequency ‎ ‎[定文体抓主旨]:本文是一篇说明性的文章。人们常常会忽视身体对情绪的影响。锻炼可以使人们快乐起来。锻炼也能使人增强信心,树立起自尊心。同时也告诉读者如果想要得到锻炼的好处,应该在于经常锻炼而不在于锻炼的强度。最后一段点出文章主旨大意。本篇难度:中等。‎ ‎ [篇章结构]:‎ 段落 关键词 大意推测 第一部分(para.1)‎ overlook the role;your body ;influencing your mood;blaming work pressures, sitting behind your desk too long 一个人很容易忽视身体对情绪的影响;有时不开心会责备工作压力或不明的前程其实可能原因在于工作时间太长了。‎ 第二部分(para.2)‎ improve your mood;provide you with a break from the stresses;a particular goal;feel good;contribute to;your self-respect 改善情绪的方法之一是锻炼。锻炼的过程中不同的人有不同的目标,而目标的实现使我们增强信心,树立起自尊心。‎ 第三部分(para.3)‎ train yourself;the benefits of exercise;matters;intensity of your exercise;30 minutes five times per week 感受锻炼的快乐不在于锻炼的强度,而在于锻炼的频率。坚持一周五次三十分钟的锻炼会大有好处。‎ ‎49.C。根据下文“find yourself blaming work pressures or an unknown ‎ future”可知这里人的情感为unhappy, 表示不快乐,不高兴的心理,所以选择C。‎ ‎50.D。根据下文的“like a new personal running record or a better body shape”可知这里是通过锻炼来改善情绪,由此推知D项正确。[来源:学&科&网]‎ ‎51.A。本句中后面的内容有两个1)一个个人跑步纪录 2) 更好的体型。也就是进行锻炼要有明确的(clear)目标,另外,下句的particular goal(特定的目标)也在提示这层意思,由此推断A正确。‎ ‎52.C。“锻炼强身”这是人人都知道的事实,身体好了,信心就会得到增强。同时,本句中的a particular goal makes you feel good也可以印证常识的正确性,所以选C。‎ ‎53.B。build up one’s self-respect 增强个人的自尊心,所以选B。‎ ‎54.A。根据下文中的not intensity of your exercise 重要的不是锻炼的强度,可知答案为A。train hard 拼命锻炼。本句意为“你不用太拼命的锻炼来感受运动带来的对身体的好处。”‎ ‎55.D。本句意为:关键是锻炼的频率而不是锻炼的强度。下文中的30 minutes five times per week 所表达的是动作发生的频率。‎ ‎【四】‎ One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive. Suddenly I ___36___ that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction, ___37___ he knew me. The man had a newspaper ___38___ in front of him, which he was ___39___ to read, but I could ___40___ that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought my ___41___the man was clearly puzzled (困惑) by the ___42___ way in which the waiter and I ___43___each other. He seemed even more puzzled as ___44___went on and it became ___45___that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the ___46___. When he came out, he paid his bill and ___47___without another glance in my direction. I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had  ___48___. “Well,” he said, “that man was a detective (侦探). He ___49___ you here because he thought you were the man he ___50___. ” “What? ” I said, showing my ___51___.‎ ‎ The owner continued, “He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I ___52___ say he looked very much like you! Of course, since we know you, we told him that he had made a ___53___. ” “Well, it’s really ___54___I came to a restaurant where I’m known, ” I said. “___55___, I might have been in trouble. ” 36. A. knew B. understood C. noticed D. recognized 37. A. since  B. even if C. though D. as if 38. A. flat B. open C. cut D. fixed 39. A. hoping B. thinking C. pretending D. continuing 40. A. see  B. find C. guess  D. learn 41. A. menu B. bill C. paper  D. food 42. A. direct B. familiar C. strange D. funny 43. A. chatted with B. looked at C. laughed at D. talked about 44. A. the waiter B. time C. I D. the dinner 45. A. true  B. hopeful C. clear D. possible 46. A. restaurant  B. washroom C. office D. kitchen 47. A. left B. acted C. sat down D. calmed down 48. A. wanted B. tried C. ordered  D. wished 49. A. met  B. caught C. followed D. discovered 50. A. was to beat B. was dealing with C. was to meet D. was looking for 51. A. care B. surprise C. worry D. regret 52. A. must B. can C. need D. may 53. A. discovery  B. mistake C. decision D. fortune 54. A. a pity B. natural C. a chance D. lucky 55. A. Thus B. However C. Otherwise D. Therefore ‎ 答案 36.C 37.D 38.B 39.C 40.A 41.D 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.A 46.D 47.A 48.A 49.C 50.D 51.B 52.A 53.B 54.D 55.C ‎【五】‎ As I drove my blue Buick into the garage. I saw that a yellow Oldsmobile was 21 too close to my space. I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the 22 space. That left ‎ ‎ 23 enough room to open the door. Then one day I arrived home 24 , and just as I turned off the engine, the yellow Oldsmobile entered its space - too close ‎ to my car, 25 . At last I had a chance to meet the driver. My patience had 26 and I shouted at her, “Can’t you see you’re not 27 me enough space” Park father over.” Banging(猛推) open her door into 28 ,‎ the driver shouted back: “Make me!” 29 this she stepped out of the garage. Still, each time she got home first, she parked too close to my 30 . Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found 31 . The next day the woman 32 a note on her windshield(挡风玻璃):‎ Dear Yellow Oldsmobile, ‎ I’m sorry mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She’s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn’t sing anymore while 33 . It wasn’t like her to scream 34 . Fact is, she’d just got bad news and was taking it out on you two. I 35 you and your mistress will 36 her.‎ ‎ Your neighbor,‎ ‎ Blue Buick When I went to the 37 the next morning, the Oldsmobile was gone, but there was a note on my windshield:‎ Dear Blue Buick,‎ My mistress is sorry, too. She parked so 38 because she just learned to drive. We will park much farther over after this. I’m glad we can be 39 now.‎ ‎ Your neighbor,‎ ‎ Yellow Oldsmobile After that, whenever Blue Buick 40 Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved cheerfully and smiled.‎ ‎21.A.driven B.parked C.stopped D.stayed ‎22.A.complete B.close C.narrow D.fixed ‎23.A.quite B.nearly C.seldom D.hardly ‎24.A.hurriedly B.first C.finally D.timely ‎25.A.as usual B.as planned C.as well D.as yet ‎26.A.run into B.run about C.run out D.run off ‎27.A.keeping B.saving C.offering D.leaving ‎28.A.mine B.hers C.itself D.ours ‎29.A.For B.With C.From D.Upon ‎30.A.room B.area C.front D.side ‎31.A.an instruction B.a result C.an answer D.a chance ‎32.A.put B.wrote C.sent D.discovered ‎33.A.working B.driving C.returning D.cooking ‎34.A.on end B.so long C.like that D.any more ‎35.A.hope B.know C.suppose D.suggest ‎36.A.comfort B.help C.forgive D.please ‎37.A.office B.flat C.place D.garage ‎38.A.crazily B.eagerly C.noisily D.early ‎39.A.neighbors B.friends C.drivers D.writers ‎40.A.followed B.passed C.found D.greeted 答案 21.A 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.D 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.C 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.D 36.B 37.C 38.D 39.A 40.A ‎【六】‎ Hidden passengers traveling in ships, trams, or even cars can be a terrible trouble — especially when they are insects. As for this, there is a great 36 between human beings; and insects. The former 37 every possible effort to avoid being discovered, while the latter quickly 38 attention to themselves.‎ We can only show mercy to the 39 man who had to slop his car soon after 40‎ ‎ from a country village to drive to London. Hearing a strange noise from the 41 of the car, he naturally got out to 42 the wheels carefully, but he found nothing wrong, so he 43 his way. Again the noise began, 44 and became even louder. Quickly 45 his head, the man saw what appeared to be a great 46 cloud following the car. When he stopped at a village further on, he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees 47 .‎ On learning this, the man drove away .as quickly as possible. After an hour's 48 driving, he arrived safely in London, where he parked his car outside a 49 and went in- It was not long 50 a customer who had seen him arrive 51 in to inform him that his car was 52 with bees. The poor driver was 53 that the best way should be to call a 54 . In a short time the man arrived. He found the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheels at the back. of the car. Very thankful to the driver for this 55 gift, the bee-keeper took the queen and her thousands of followers home in a large box.‎ ‎36. A. connection B. difference C. communication D. similarity ‎ ‎37. A, do B. take C. make D. try ‎38. A. give B. keep C. pay D. draw ‎39. A. unfortunate B. careless C. unpleasant D. hopeless ‎40. A. passing by B. leaving out C. setting out D. getting up ‎41. A. front B. back C. left D. right ‎42. A. clean B. change C. test D. examine ‎43. A. drove B. continued C. pushed D. forced ‎44. A. normally B. gently C. actually D. immediately ‎45. A. hiding B. turning ‎ C. shaking D. raising ‎46. A. black B. beautiful ‎ C. white D. colorful ‎47. A. below B. ahead C. nearby D. behind ‎48. A. boring B. careful C. exciting D. hard ‎49. A. hotel B. museum C. hospital D. school ‎50. A. when B. after C. until D. before ‎51. A. broke B. moved C. hurried D. dropped ‎52. A. crowded B. covered C. filled D. equipped ‎53. A. advised B. required C. ordered D. requested ‎54. A. bee-keeper B. policeman C. waiter D. repairman ‎55. A. unfamiliar B. unknown C. unexpected D. uncertain 答案 36.B 37.C 38.D 39.A 40.C 41.B 42.D 43.B 44.D 45.B 46.A 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.D 51.C 52.B 53.A 54.A 55.A ‎【七】‎ My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling ___36___, but I always knew he was ___37___. He never criticized us, but used ___38___ to bring out our best. He’d say,” If you pout water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die. ” I ___39___ as a child I said something ___40___ about somebody, and my father said, “___41___ time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you. ” He explained that if I looked for the best ___42___ people, I would  get the best ___43___. From then on I’ve always tried to ___44___ the principle in my life and later in running my company.‎ ‎ Dad’s also always been very ___45___. At 15, I started a magazine. It was ___46___ a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a ___47___: stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.‎ ‎ I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, ___48___ any good father would. When he realized I Had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad ___49___ me to go into law. And I’ve ___50___ regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist, ___51___ I didn’t pursue my ___52___. You know what you want.‎ Go fulfill it. ”‎ ‎ As ___53___ turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national ___54___ for young people in the U. K. My wife and I have two children, and I’ d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad ___55___ me.‎ ‎36. A. biologist B. manager C. lawyer D. gardener ‎37. A. strict B.honest               ‎ C.special D.learned ‎38. A. praise B.courage             ‎ C. power               D. warmth 39. A. think B. imagine C. remember D. guess 40. A. unnecessary   B. unkind           C. unimportant      D. unusual 41. A. Another B.Some C. Any D. Other 42. A. on B. in C. at D. about 43. A. in case B. by turns         C. by chance        D. in return 44. A. revise          B. set C. review           D. follow 45. A. understanding B. experienced C.serious D. demanding 46. A. taking up B. making up C. picking up       D. keeping up 47. A. suggestion B.decision C. notice D. choice 48. A. and B.as C. even if D. as if 49. A. helped B.allowed C. persuaded D. suggested 50. A. always B.never C. seldom D. almost 51. A. rather B.but C.for D. therefore 52. A. promise B.task C. belief D. dream 53. A. this B.he C. it D. that 54. A. newspaper B. magazine C. program            D. project 55. A. controlled B. comforted         C. reminded           D. raised 答案 36.C 37.C 38.A 39.C 40.B 41.C 42.B 43.D 44.D 45.A 46.A 47.D 48.B 49.C 50.A 51.B 52.D 53.C 54.B 55.D ‎【八】‎ On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three,‎ ‎ 36 my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it 37 over a fence. Chris was paralyzed (瘫痪) from the chest down, 38 to breathe normally. As he was ‎ thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of 39 with lots of unexpected challenges( 挑战). We went from the "haves" to the “have-nots". Or so we thought.‎ ‎ 40 what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of 41 difficulties. We came to learn that something 42 could happen in a disaster . All over the world people ‎ 43 Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day. By the end of the third week in a 44 center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of 45 had been received and sorted.‎ ‎ As 46 , we opened letter after letter. They gave us 47 and became a source of strength for us. We used them to 48 ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with "Funny" if we needed a 49 , or to the "Disabled" box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or 50 in bed living happily and 51 .‎ ‎ These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so 52 we offer one of them to you.‎ Dear Chris,‎ ‎ My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your 53 accident last week. No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this 54 challenge. People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you 55 .‎ Yours Sincerely,‎ Nancy Reagan ‎36.A.since B.before C. when D.while ‎37. A. walked B. climbed C. pulled D. jumped ‎38. A. able B. unable C. suitable D. unsuitable ‎39. A. disability B. possession C. convenience D. experience ‎40. A. So B. For C. Or D. Yet ‎41. A. sharing B. separating C. fearing D. exploiting ‎42. A. terrible B. similar C. wonderful D. practical ‎43. A. wrote for B. cared for C. hoped for D. sent for ‎44. A. medical B. postal C. experimental D. mental ‎45.A. news B. paper C. equipment D. mail ‎46. A. patients B. a family C. nurses D. a group ‎47. A. effect B. effort C. comfort D. explanation ‎48. A. encourage B. express C. control D. treat ‎49. A. cry B. laugh C. chat D. sigh ‎50. A. much B. never C. even D. seldom ‎5l. A. bitterly B. fairly C. weakly D. successfully ‎52. A. here B. there C. therefore D. forward ‎53. A. driving B. flying C. running D. riding ‎54. A. technical B. different C. difficult D. valuable ‎55. A. nearby B. close C. busy D. alive 答案 36.C 37.D 38.B 39.C 40.D 41.A 42.C 43.B 44.A 45.D 46.B 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.C 51.D 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.D ‎【九】‎ It was raining. I went into a café and asked for a coffee. 21 I was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were other people in the place, but I sensed 22 . I saw their bodies, but I couldn't feel their souls 23 their souls belonged to the 24 .‎ I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man 25 in front of it. "I'm Steve", he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. "I can't talk with you. I'm 26 ", he said. He was chatting online with somebody--probably someone he didn't know--and, at the same time, he was playing a computer game--a war game. I was surprised. He was chatting online and, 27 , he was playing a computer game—a war game. I was 28 .‎ Why didn't Steve want to talk with me? I tried 29 to speak to that computer geek (怪人), 30 not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction(反应). I was 31 . I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, " 32 !"‎ I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the café were looking at me. I ___33 , and saw nobody showed any interest.‎ ‎ 34 , I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more 35 having a relationship with the ___36 , particularly Steve. I wouldn't want to 37 the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines 38 with people.‎ I was worried and I sank in my thoughts. I didn't even 39 that the coffee was bad, ___40 Steve didn't notice there was a person next to him.‎ ‎21.A.Before B.Since C.Although D.While ‎ ‎22.A.pain B.loneliness C.sadness D.fear ‎ ‎23.A.because B.when C.until D.unless ‎ ‎24.A.home B.world C.Net D.Cafe ‎ ‎25.A.sleeping B.laughing C.sitting D.learning ‎ ‎26.A.busy B.thirsty C.tired D.sick ‎ ‎27.A.first of all B.just then C.at the same time D.by that time ‎ ‎28.A.surprised B.delighted C.moved D.frightened ‎ ‎29.A.once B.again C.first D.even ‎ ‎30.A.but B.so C.if D.or ‎ ‎31.A.excited B.respected C.afraid D.unhappy ‎ ‎32.A.Shut up B.Enjoy yourself C.Leave me alone D.Help me out ‎33.A.walked about B.walked out C.raised my hand D.raised my head ‎ ‎34.A.From then on B.At that moment C.In all D.Above all ‎ ‎35.A.interested in B.tired of C.careful about D.troubled by ‎36.A.computer B.soul C.shop D.geek ‎ ‎37.A.tell B.plan C.imagine D.design ‎ ‎38.A.other than B.instead of C.except for D.as well as ‎ ‎39.A.pretend B.understand C.insist D.realize ‎40.A.as if B.just as C.just after D.even though ‎ 答案 21.D 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.C 26.A 27.C 28.A 29.B 30.A 31.D 32.C 33.D 34.B 35.A 36.A 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.B ‎【十】‎ A lady and her husband stepped off the train in Boston. They walked without an appointment(预约)into the outer 36 of Harvard’s president. But they were 37 by his secretary and kept waiting. For hours, the secretary took no notice of them, 38 that the couple would finally become 39 and go away. But they didn’t. The secretary finally decided to disturb the president, though 40 .‎ A few minutes later, the president walked towards the couple with a 41 face. The lady told him, “We had a son that 42 Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard. He was 43 here. But about a year ago, he was accidentally killed. My husband and I would like to 44 a memorial(纪念物)to him, somewhere on campus.”‎ The president wasn’t 45 . Instead, he was shocked. “Madam,” he said, “we can’t put up a statue for every person who studied at Harvard and died. If we did, this 46 would look like a cemetery(墓地),” “Oh, no,” the lady 47 quickly. “We don’t want to put up a statue. We would like to give a 48 to Harvard.” The president rolled his eyes and 49 at the couple and then exclaimed, ” A building! Do you have any 50 how much a building costs? We have spent over $7,500,000 on the campus building at Harvard.” For a moment the lady was silent. The president was 51 , because he could get rid of them now. Then the lady turned to her husband and said quietly, “Is that all it costs to start a 52 ? Why don’t we just start our own?” Her husband nodded. 53 their offer was turned down. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford traveled to California where they founded the University that bears their 54 , a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer 55 about.‎ ‎36.A.lab B.library C.hall D.office ‎37.A.watched B.stopped C.followed D.interviewed ‎38.A.hoping B.finding C.realizing D.imagining ‎39.A.surprised B.disappointed C.worried D.troubled ‎40.A.hopelessly B.carefully C.unexpectedly D.unwillingly ‎41.A.pleasant B.funny C.cold D.sad ‎42.A.attended B.visited C.studied D.served ‎43.A.clever B.brave C.proud D.happy ‎44.A.set about B.set up C.take down D.take over ‎45.A.satisfied B.excited C.moved D.ashamed ‎46.A.house B.part C.garden D.place ‎47.A.explained B.expressed C.refused D.admitted ‎48.A.building B.yard C.playground D.square ‎49.A.laughed B.shouted C.glanced D.called ‎50.A.suggestion B.idea C.thought D.opinion ‎51.A.bored B.astonished C.interested D.pleased ‎52.A.department B.university C.business D.club ‎53.A.Once B.While C.Since D.Though ‎54.A.name B.character C.picture D.sign ‎55.A.talked B.knew C.heard D.cared 答案 36.D 37.B 38.A 39.B 40.D 41.C 42.A 43.D 44.B 45.C 46.D 47.A 48.A 49.C 50.B 51.D 52.B 53.C 54.A 55.D

