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全力战“疫”也不忘解决民生问题。‎ Since the novel coronavirus epidemic broke out in China earlier this year, the government ____________(take) many effective measures to protect people from the virus and stabilize their lives.  Chinese authorities announced on Jan 27 that the Spring Festival holiday from Jan 24 to Jan 30 would _____________(extend) to Feb 2 as a key measure to prevent and control the epidemic. As a result, _____large number of people in China had to cancel their tickets. China’s State-owned railway company and the majority of Chinese airlines issued policies____________(allow) travelers to reschedule or cancel their flights or trains for free. People praised this decision. “It’s so considerate. The measure cuts down some costs, and we don’t need to pay______ changing the traveling plan in this special time.” ‎ Starting on Feb 3, tens of ____________(thousand) of Chinese people have been advised to work and study remotely from home. Miss Liu, 29, a primary school teacher in Beijing, she has been telecommuting and teaching online for over a month. For her, telecommuting is a good idea _________it can “save all the commuting time and allow you to have a more flexible timetable”, she said.  Meanwhile, about 4 million Chinese community workers have been working in 650,000 communities across the country to help control the spread of the epidemic. Residents have their traveling records ___________(register) and temperatures checked when they enter and leave the communities ____________(reduce) the infection risk. ________these effective measures in place, China continues to protect its population’s health and provide a model for the rest of the world. ‎ 相关词汇: ‎ the novel coronavirus epidemic新型冠状病毒的流行 stabilize /ˈsteɪbəlaɪz/vt. 使稳固,使安定 authority/əˈθɔːrəti/n. 权威;权力;当局 majority /məˈdʒɔːrəti/n. 多数;成年 issue/ˈɪʃuː/vt. 发行,发布;发给;放出,排出 policy/ˈpɑːləsi/n. 政策,方针;保险单 reschedule/ˌriːˈʃedjuːl/ vt. 重新排定日程;重订时间表;重新计划 cancel /ˈkænsl/vi. 取消,撤销 primary  /ˈpraɪmeri/adj. 主要的;初级的;基本的 telecommuting /ˌtelikəˈmjuːtɪŋ/n. 远程办公;远程交换 flexible /ˈfleksəbl/adj. 灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的 resident /ˈrezɪdənt/n. 居民 infection  /ɪnˈfekʃn/n. 感染;传染 register /ˈredʒɪstər/ v. 登记;‎ temperature/ˈtemprətʃə(r)/ 温度 答案: has taken , be extended , a , allowing , for , thousands , to reduce , With , because , registered 翻译句子 ‎1. Meanwhile, about 4 million Chinese community workers have been working in 650,000 communities across the country to help control the spread of the epidemic.‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. Residents have their traveling records registered and temperatures checked when they enter and leave the communities to reduce the infection risk. ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. With these effective measures in place, China continues to protect its population’s health and provide a model for the rest of the world. ‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 新型冠状病毒爆发下的中国精神:坚强勇敢、团结一致,最美逆行者和普通百姓,各尽所能 As part of the country’s sweeping efforts _________(fight) the novel coronavirus, China’s armed forces mobilized their personnel on the front line. ‎ In late Dec 2019, several pneumonia cases in Wuhan, Hubei were identified ____viral pneumonia. On Jan 1, 2020, the market  suspended operation. Teams of experts_____________(send) to Wuhan to assist local authorities in their work.‎ On Jan 24, the eve of the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year, about 450 medical staff from three military medical universities and their affiliated hospitals of the People’s Liberation Army headed to Wuhan to fight the pneumonia ___________(cause) by the new coronavirus. ‎ As of March 2, the Chinese military __________(send) over 4,000 military medical staff to Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak.  Mao Qing, a specialist in the army, is one of them. After he learned that Wuhan _________( urgent )needed medical support, the 56-year-old immediately signed up and left for Wuhan on Chinese New Year’s Eve. ‎ If the medical staff standing on the front line are heroes in harm’s way, ordinary people have also formed a solid shield _________(win) the battle. While tens of millions of people in China have adjusted their lifestyles _____response to the government’s proactive (积极的) containment efforts, Wu Hui, who works as a food deliveryman ,has been driving a brand-new electric motorcycle across the city of Wuhan under lockdown, ____________(deliver) daily necessities and hope. “The situation gives being a rider new meaning, because if we riders work normally, it means that many people are working normally and that the city is operating normally,” Wu said. “The sense of _____________(need) gives me the power to behave like a hero.”‎ heroes in harm’s way 逆行者 solid  /ˈsɑːlɪd/固体的,结实的 sweeping全面的 brand-new adj. 崭新的;最近获得的 response /rɪˈspɑːns/ n. 响应;反应;回答 shield  /ʃiːld/n. 盾;防护物 mobilize /ˈməʊbəlaɪz/组织;动员起来 ‎ epicenter /'ɛpɪ,sɛntɚ/ n. 震中;中心 sign up 报名 deliver vt. 交付;发表;递送 答案: to fight ,as, were sent ,caused , had sent , urgently , to win , in , delivering , being needed ‎

