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河北定州中学2016-2017学年第一学期高二承智班12月考英语试卷 一、选择题 ‎1.Our hope immediately ___ after hearing the news that we would have one more chance.‎ A.rose B.increased C.lifted D.grew ‎2.This summer’s first heavy rainfall turned Kunming, ________ capital city of Yunnan province into ________ world of water.‎ A. a, a B. a, the C. /, a D. the, the ‎3.Robert is said ________ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.‎ A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying ‎4.She _____ her husband after years of unhappiness and married again soon.‎ A. divorced B. divorced from C. divorced with D. was divorced ‎5.You hurt her feelings _____ what you said yesterday.‎ A. because B. as C. because of D. since ‎6.Despite her recent surgery she has been carrying on ________.‎ A. consequently B. otherwise C. likewise D. regardless ‎7.---Are you going to the summer camp next month?‎ ‎---____. I can’t miss such a good opportunity to temper myself.‎ A. It all depends B. I’m afraid not C. You bet D. No way ‎8.—I just can’t believe that Ella the cat has left me forever.‎ ‎— ______ and cry. Don’t hold it in.‎ A. Don’t worry B. Go ahead[]‎ C. Forget it D. Help yourself ‎9.Our mothers sat us down to read and paint, ____ all we really wanted to do was to make a mess.‎ A. since B. as C. unless D. when ‎10.You probably have noticed that people express similar ideas in different ways, _______ the situation they are in.‎ A. bringing about B. depending on C. getting into D. leading to 二、阅读理解 ‎ The Enigma(谜)of Beauty The search for beauty spans centuries and continents. Paintings of Egyptians dating back over 4,000 years show both men and women painting their nails and wearing makeup. In 18th-century France, wealthy noblemen wore large wigs (假发) of long, white hair to make themselves attractive. Today, people continue to devote a lot of time and money to their appearance.‎ There is at least one good reason for the desire to be attractive: beauty is power. Studies suggest that good-looking people make more money, get called on more often in class, and are regarded as friendlier.‎ But what exactly is beauty? It’s difficult to describe it clearly, and yet we know it when we see it. And our awareness of it may start at a very early age. In one set of studies, six-month-old babies were shown a series of photographs. The faces on the pictures had been rated for attractiveness by a group of college students. In the studies, the babies spent more time looking at the attractive faces than the unattractive ones.‎ The idea that even babies can judge appearance makes perfect sense to many researchers. In studies by psychologists, men consistently showed a preference for women with larger eyes, fuller lips, and a smaller nose and chin while women prefer men with large shoulders and a narrow waist. According to scientists, the mind unconsciously tells men and women that these traits―the full lips, clear skin, strong shoulders―equal health and genetic well-being.‎ Not everyone thinks the same way, however. “Our hardwiredness can be changed by all sorts of expectations—mostly cultural,” says C. Loring Brace, an anthropologist ‎ at the University of Michigan. What is considered attractive in one culture might not be in another. Look at most Western fashion magazines: the women on the pages are thin. But is this “perfect” body type for women worldwide? Scientists’ answer is no; what is considered beautiful is subjective and varies around the world. They found native peoples in southeast Peru preferred shapes regarded overweight in Western cultures.‎ For better or worse, beauty plays a role in our lives. But it is extremely difficult to describe exactly what makes one person attractive to another. Although there do seem to be certain physical traits considered universally appealing, it is also true that beauty does not always keep to a single, uniform standard. Beauty really is, as the saying goes, in the eye of the beholder.‎ ‎11.People’s ideas about beauty _______.‎ A. have existed since ancient times B. can be easily described C. have little influence on a person’s success D. are based upon strict criteria ‎12.In Paragraph 3, the babies in the study _______.‎ A. were rated for their appearance B. were entered in a beauty contest C. were shown photos of a group of college students D. were able to tell attractive faces from unattractive ones ‎13.The underlined word “traits” in Paragraph 4 probably means _______.‎ A. qualities B. measurements C. judgments D. standards ‎14.We can learn from the passage that _______.‎ A. the ideas of beauty vary as people grow up B. the search for beauty is rooted in lack of confidence C. the standards for beauty are based on scientific researches D. the understanding of beauty depends on cultural backgrounds ‎ “Folk singers are more like poets than singers,” Li Yahe, a music businessman, once told China Youth Daily.‎ That saying perfectly describes Zhang Lei, the 34-year-old champion of the fourth “Voice of China” singing competition, which ended on Oct 7.‎ Critics thought Zhang’s success as a victory for folk singers. The Voice of China used to attach great importance to singing skills and vocal techniques, which are not necessarily what folk singers are good at. “Folk songs are more about emotions and storytelling,” said Li.‎ Folk is one of the oldest musical styles. It dates back to ancient times, when people sang about their everyday lives and the society around them.‎ A powerful comeback Folk music became popular again in the Western world in the 1960s. During social revolutions, many young Westerners turned to the simple rhythms of folk. Pioneers included US singer Bob Dylan, whose songs are reflections of some social issues like the Vietnam War. Singers at that time used traditional folk instruments like the banjo, the upright bass, the mandolin and the piano.‎ In the late 1970s, folk music was introduced to Taiwan. The rise of singers like Lo Tayu and Chyi Yu popularized folk music, particularly among young Chinese people.‎ At that time, folk tunes were based on simple song structures, with pleasant chord progression and pretty lyrics, just like during old times. But they focused more on the dreams and sorrow of youth than on politics.‎ This continued to be the case when the folk “wave” swept Chinese mainland in the 1990s.‎ Folk pioneers Sadly, it didn’t last long in China. Folk gave way to pop in the late 1990s, when people started living more fast-paced lives. But that didn’t mean folk music had disappeared from the music world entirely.‎ ‎“The drop in the popularity of folk songs is because the business mode of the music industry is outdated, not because of the music itself,” folk singer Song Ke once said.‎ He was right. Recent years have seen folk songs gaining popularity, with the appearance of singers like Li Jian and Song Dongye.‎ ‎“The popularity of the Internet has shocked the traditional profit model in music industry,” Lu Zhongqiang, manager of 13-Month, a music recording and publishing company, told Tencent Entertainment.‎ ‎“Not-so-well-known music starts showing its strength when the production of mainstream music is declining,” he added.‎ ‎15.Which would be the best title of the passage?‎ A. The History of Folk Music. B. Folk Music Pioneers C. The Folk Music Industry. D. The Voice of China ‎16.The underlined world “it” in the last but four paragraph means________.‎ A. the popularity of folk music.‎ B. the focus of folk music.‎ C. the tradition of folk pioneers.‎ D. the new model of pop music.‎ ‎17.Which statement is true according to the passage?‎ A. The Voice of China is very popular among young Chinese people.‎ B. Folk music once was a way to voice opinions about social issues.‎ C. Folk songs are more about expressing emotions than storytelling.‎ D. Outdated music mode is what leads to the decline of folk songs.‎ ‎18.Which word can best describe the attitude of Lu Zhongqiang towards folk music?‎ A. Objective B. Confident.‎ C. Critical. D. Worried ‎ It was in the Victorian Era(维多利亚时期) that the novel became the leading form of literature in English. Most writers were more concerned to meet the tastes ‎ of the middle class. The best known works of the period included the works of Charles Dickens and the Bronté sisters and others.‎ Charles Dickens came on the literary scene in the 1830s. Dickens wrote vividly about London life and the struggles of the poor. Most of his works were written in a very humorous style, which was popular with readers of all classes.‎ The Bronté sisters were English writers of the 1840s and 1850s. They began to write from early childhood. In 1846 they published the first book at their own expense as poets; however, their book attracted little attention, selling only two copies. Then the sisters turned to writing novels, each producing a novel in the following year.‎ An interest in rural matters and the changing social and economic situation of the countryside may be seen in the novels of Thomas Hardy and a number of others.‎ Literature for children developed as a single style. Some works became well-known, such as those of Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear. Adventure novels were written for adults but are now generally grouped in the list for children. Helen Beatrix Potter was an English author at the end of the Victorian Era, best known for her children's books, which featured animal characters. In her thirties, Potter published the highly successful children's book The Tale of Peter Rabbit in 1902.‎ ‎19.What can we know about Charles Dickens from the text?‎ A. He described the struggles of the poor in London.‎ B. He showed an interest in rural matters in his writing.‎ C. He focused on changing social and economic situation of the countryside.‎ D. He published the highly successful children's book.‎ ‎20.Which is TRUE about the Bronté sisters?‎ A. They were English writers of the 1830s.‎ B. They paid to have their first book published.‎ C. They began their writing from adulthood.‎ D. Their first book was successful.‎ ‎21.The author states in the last paragraph that ________.‎ A. society changed rapidly in the Victorian Era B. Thomas Hardy was not as famous as Lewis Carroll C. Edward Lear was famous for writing about animals D. adventure novels were not written for children at first ‎22.This text is mainly about ________.‎ A. literature in the Victorian Era B. writing styles in the Victorian Era C. famous works in the Victorian Era D. the importance of literature in the Victorian Era 三、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Dropping into hopelessness completely, Jack wandered on the streets, knowing he came to the end of life. In his mid-fifties, Jack had never been _________ , experienced the joy of having children or spent holidays with his family. On this miserable(悲惨的)rainy night, he felt as if there was _________ in the entire world who cared whether he lived or died.‎ Meanwhile, I was sitting in my room watching the rain _________ my window. When I heard the doorbell ring, I _________ from my chair and raced out. But my mother was already at the door. Opening it, she found herself face-to-face with a very dirty-looking man with tears streaming down his face. My mother, overcome by _________ , invited the man inside, and he sat with my parents in our living room.‎ ‎_________ , I walked secretly downstairs so that I could get a better look. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but the sight of the man, _________ his head in his hands and crying, made my chest ache. I raced back upstairs to my room and _________ my hand into my money jar. Pulling out my only half-dollar coin, I ran back downstairs.‎ When I reached the door of the living room, I walked right in. The three _________ looked at me in _________ as I quickly made my way over the stranger. I put the half-dollar in his hand and told him that I wanted him to have it. Then I gave him a _________ , turned and ran as fast as I could out of the room and back upstairs.‎ ‎ I felt excited but happy.‎ Downstairs, Jack sat quietly with his head _________ .Tears streamed down his face as he _________ held that coin. Finally looking up at my parents, he said, “It’s just that I thought nobody cared. For the last twenty years, I have been so _________ . That is the first hug I have ever got. It’s hard to believe that somebody _________ .”‎ Jack's life changed that night. When he left our house, he was _________ to live instead of die. Although we never saw Jack again, we received letters from him _________ , letting us know that he was doing fine.‎ My life changed that night, too, as I _________ the hug healing (治愈) power of giving, even if it’s only a gift of fifty cents. Before Jack left, my parents asked him why he had knocked on our door. Jack said that _________ he'd walked along the streets that rainy night, _________ and ready to die, he had noticed a sticker on the car. It read: SOMEBODY LOVES YOU.‎ ‎23.A. employed B. understood C. managed D. married ‎24.A. anybody B. somebody C. nobody D. everybody ‎25.A. approach B. beat C. break D. cover ‎26.A. jumped B. ran C. looked D. settled ‎27.A. fear B. anxiety C. guilty D. pity ‎28.A. Curious B. Annoyed C. Excited D. Worried ‎29.A. shaking B. nodding C. holding D. resting ‎30.A. adjusted B. reached C. presented D. pushed ‎31.A. strangers B. neighbors C. visitors D. adults ‎32.A. anger B. delight C. fun D. surprise ‎33.A. hug B. smile C. kiss D. handshake ‎34.A. raised B. bowed C. ignored D. turned ‎35.A. calmly B. tightly C. impatiently D. privately ‎36.A. anxious B. lonely C. stressed D. bored ‎37.A. makes B. figures C. cares D. deserves ‎38.A. flexible B. likely C. disappointed D. ready ‎39.A. occasionally B. at once C. hardly D. never ‎40.A. hid B. informed C. assisted D. saw ‎41.A. as B. before C. until D. unless ‎42.A. weak B. ashamed C. helpless D. regretful 四、短文改错 ‎43.短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词的下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Yesterday is my best friend Li Ming’s birthday. When the school was over, I went to the bookshop. I bought a book calling Exploring Space, and had them wrapped for him. Since he had wanted to buy this book for week. I knew that he would be very pleasing with my present. When I got the party, Li Ming said hello to me with a big smile. I noticed that there were much presents on the floor, and I was sure that mine would be her favourite. I gave the present to Li Ming and whispered in his ear, “You will love it.” He could not wait to unwrap it. All of a sudden, the smile on his face disappeared. I looked and I saw some big red words on the cover of the book that said, Caring for Your Baby! I had picked up the wrong book in the shop!‎ 六、任务型阅读 The hottest apps IF you’re one of those people who likes to take a look at their phone from time to time, you’re not alone. Using apps has now become part of everyday life. But with so many on the market that claim to be the best, which ones should you download onto your phone to have fun with? Below, four have been picked out for you.‎ Evernote In the world of note taking, Evernote is the king. It allows users to create electronic files such as text, photos, audio, and videos. It also lets you organize your files, tag (标记) them, and search them easily.‎ One of the most useful features on the app, though, is being able to log onto any device with your Evernote account and use your files. The app automatically stores your content in the cloud storage, and syncs (同步) it with your other devices.‎ Another feature that is new in the latest version of the Evernote app is “Places”, which allows you to sort the files, photos, audio or video you have created by the location where you created them.‎ So if you need some organization in your life, Evernote is the app for you.‎ Candy Crush Soda Saga The original Candy Crush Saga took the world by storm, leaving millions addicted to its endless candy-popping levels.‎ But now there is a new challenge: Candy Crush Soda Saga. The app is similar to the original, but different enough to draw you in with a few new features. The app is still a match-3 game, which means that you have to move a piece of candy until there are three matching ones.‎ There are a few new features, though, such as soda bottles, which burst into purple liquid when you match three of them. There are also hidden gummy (粘性的) bears in this new version, and to complete the levels, you must clear the candies to reveal the hidden bear. These new features make the game a little harder than the old version, and you can expect to spend more time on each level.‎ So if you liked the original Candy Crush game, Candy Crush Soda Saga will be a new treat with much of the same fun as before.‎ Moment Cam Moment Cam brings you some of the most useful and wanted features a camera app can have, such as adjusting the flash, sequence shots (连拍), adjusting the timer, and selecting different-sized frames for photo sharing sites. But what sets the app apart from all the others is the selection of simple, minimal buttons that you hardly notice are there.‎ The best thing about the app is not what it does, but what it leaves out. For once this app is not full of too many confusing and useless features. Instead, it is simple, clean, and easy to use. If you love taking photos on your phone, Moment Cam might ‎ be just what you never knew you were looking for.‎ Lychee FM You may have listened to a lot of radio programs. Do you now dream of making your own? With Lychee FM, you no longer need expensive hardware and complex software to do just that. You can record your shows and finish editing them within the app. Then you can upload your program to all the listeners on Lychee FM or share it through your social networks.‎ Apart from making your own programs, you can also listen to more than 15,000 stations through Lychee FM. One such popular show is called nühanzi, meaning “tough girls”. It discusses how women can handle just about everything. There are also shows on many other topics like sports, comedy, and music. The hosts include famous people such as music producer Gao Xiaosong, and many other creative people.‎ The hottest apps Reasons for 44.‎ Using apps has now become part of everyday life.‎ With so many on the market 45. to be the best, it’s hard to decide which one should be downloaded.‎ ‎46. of apps ‎47. and comments Evernote It allows users to create files such s text, photos, audio, and videos.‎ It also enables your files to get 48. and tagged.‎ Another new feature in the latest version is “Places”, which allows you to sort the content.‎ Candy Crush Soda Saga There are hidden gummy bears in this new version.‎ The old version is not49. than the new one.‎ The app is 50. to the original, but different enough to be a new treat with much of the same fun as before.‎ Moment Cam The selection of simple, minimal buttons that you hardly notice is 51. the app differs from all the others.‎ It is simple, clean and easy to use.‎ Lychee FM With the app, you no longer need expensive hardware and complex software to make ‎ your own radio programs.‎ ‎52. making your own programs, you can also listen to more than 15,000 stations through the app.‎ The shows53. many topics like sports, comedy, and music. The hosts include many famous and creative people.‎ 七、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ For giving all the children a fitting platform to show their gratefulness towards their loving parents, the Parents’ Day actually came into picture. This occasion is celebrated all over the world. 54.‎ USA: To support and recognize the efforts of parents in upbringing their children, the Parents’ Day had began in USA. National Parents’ Day is the important occasion for all the children of the United States to buy presents for their parents and show their love towards them. 55. Apart from organizing an eventful party and arrange some lovely activities, the children get the much required chance to give cards and flowers to their parents.‎ South Korea: 5th May is the Children’s day and 8th May is the Parents’ Day in South Korea. Therefore, it’s a very special month in South Korea. Actually celebrated as Mother’s Day, 8th May, gives the opportunity to the large mass of Korea to show respect and memorize the efforts of their parents. Carnations and flowers are given to their parents as symbols of appreciation. 56.‎ Vietnam: Vietnam has a unique day which is known as the Parents’ Day. Parents and children enjoy the time as they assemble at a place for partaking in different lovely activities. Parents are given a much needed break from their daily chores. 57. This is the chance parents of the country wait for. It’s, however, not a National Holiday in Vietnam but it’s a time for the Vietnamese to gift flowers and cards to parents.‎ ‎58. . The date of the Parents’ Day, nevertheless, is different in different countries but motives and purpose of celebrating the day is the same all over the ‎ world.‎ A. And the Parents’ day is increasingly popular all over the world.‎ B. The Parents’ Day is celebrated to recall the sacrifices and compromises of the parents.‎ C. They get the opportunity to go out for the lunch and dinner along with their children.‎ D. A quality time is spent together for conveying a message of love and expressing gratitude to the parents.‎ E. Children will invite their friends and relatives to celebrate this special day.‎ F. But it’s not celebrated everywhere on the same day.‎ G. It’s a rare opportunity for them to grasp.‎ 八、书面表达 ‎59.书面表达 假定你是李华,你在上看到在华工作的美国人Jason发布的帖子,说他想找一个中国人教他汉语并陪他练习口语,愿意为此支付费用。你很感兴趣,请给他写一封电子邮件,要点如下:‎ ‎1.自我介绍;‎ ‎2.询问相关事宜;‎ ‎3.希望被录用。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Jason,‎ I'm Li Hua, a student majoring in Chinese education at Peking Normal University.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ Looking forward to your early reply!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 参考答案 ACAAC DCBDB ‎ ‎11.A12.D13.A14.D15.A16.A17.B18.B19.A20.B21.D22.A23.D24.C25.B ‎26.A27.D28.A29.C30.B 31.D32.D33.A34.B35.B36.B37.C38.D39.A40.D ‎41.A42.C ‎43.‎ ‎【小题1】is改为was ‎【小题2】去掉school前面the ‎【小题3】calling改为called ‎【小题4】 them改为it ‎【小题5】week改为weeks ‎【小题6】pleasing改为pleased ‎【小题7】got后加to ‎【小题8】much改为many ‎【小题9】and改为but ‎【小题10】favourite前her改为his ‎44.recommendation ‎45.claiming ‎46.Types/Categories/Kinds/ Sorts ‎47.Features ‎48.organize ‎49.harder ‎50.similar ‎51.where ‎52.Besides ‎53.cover/ involve ‎54.F ‎55.G ‎56.D ‎57.C ‎58.B ‎59.‎ One possible version:‎ Dear Jason,‎ I'm Li Hua, a student majoring in Chinese education at Peking Normal University. I've seen your post on the Internet that you want to find a Chinese to learn Chinese and practise oral Chinese and you'd like to pay for it. I'm quite interested in it. For one thing, I'm a native Chinese, born and brought up in Beijing. For another, Chinese education happens to be my major at university, so I know what's the best way to teach others and help them learn Chinese well. Besides, my English is quite good, which can surely benefit our communication.‎ I'd like to know something more about it. First, when do I have to practise speaking Chinese with you and how long does the practice last each time? Besides, how much can I get paid?‎ Considering my comprehensive qualities, I believe I'm your best choice. I do hope I can be accepted.‎ Looking forward to your early reply!‎ Yours,‎ Li_Hua

