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‎ 2018届二轮复习阅读理解 事实细节型五种题型的分析与探讨 一、【专项直击】‎ 细节理解题是高考阅读试题中最常见的一种题型,在历年高考占到30-50%左右,是各种题型中所占比例最大的。根据试题命题特点,细节理解题可以分为基本细节题,是非判断题,数字计算题和根据事实排序题。基本细节题,即题目答案与原文的某个细节部分直接相对应,甚至有时候就是原文原句;是非判断题,与基本细节题相比,有较大难度,它以原文中的相关细节为基础,但存在涉及细节内容较多,细节内容分布较广的特点。数字计算题,是指在解题中,通过数字、图表或表格,进行计算或分析才能解决的试题,根据事实排序题,是考查考生对文中时间线索、空间线索或逻辑线索理解的试题。‎ 二、【思维导航】‎ 细节理解题 细节理解题主要考查学生对文章某一段落中某一些特定细节或文章的重要事实的理解能力,一般包括在原文中可以直接找出答案的直接理解题和需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进行语义上转换的语义转化题。‎ 标志性句子:‎ Which of the following statements is true (false)?‎ Which of the following is (not) mentioned?‎ Which of the following shows the right order of…?‎ Which is the correct order of the following events?‎ What does the author mention?‎ What is (not) mentioned in the passage?‎ What do we know about…?‎ From the passage , we learn that….‎ According to the passage,the writer…‎ The writer says...‎ 做这种类型的题往往需要运用检索阅读法(scanning),即要注意题干中的标识语,带着问题有的放矢地在阅读材料中寻找某一特定信息(如:日期、数字、专有名词、原因和特点等)的具体位置。题干中的标识语是快速寻找答题依据的“路标”,最常见的就是用引号标识的关键词或标明了标识语所在的具体行数。‎ ‎【考例分析1】The show business thing worked out, of course. In her career, Mary won many awards. Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her morn," I don't know how to use a computer," she admits. ‎ ‎61. Why did Mary feel regretful? (2015年湖南卷B篇-节选自文章第二段)‎ ‎ A. She didn't achieve her ambition. B. She didn't take care of her mother. ‎ C. She didn't complete her high school. D. She didn't follow her mother's advice. ‎ ‎62. We can know that before 1995 Mary (2015年湖南卷B篇-‎ 节选自文章第二段)‎ ‎ A. had two books published B. received many career awards C. knew how to use a computer D. supported the JDRF by writing ‎ ‎61.D细节理解题。根据第二段第三句Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her morn,和后边她的话可知,她对当初没有听从母亲的劝告去学打字感到后悔。‎ ‎62.B细节理解题。根据第二段第二句和第三段第一句可以判断Mary在1995年之前在演艺方面获得过许多奖项。‎ ‎【考例分析2】Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as an award-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病). All the money from the book is intended for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), an organization she serves as international chairman. "I felt there was a need for a book like this," she says. " I didn't want to lecture, but I wanted other diabetics to know that things get better when we're self-controlled and do our part in managing the disease. "(2016年湖南卷B篇-节选自文章第三段)‎ ‎63. Mary's second book Growing Up Again is mainly about her .‎ A. living with diabetes B. successful show business C. service for an organization D. remembrance of her mother 63.A细节理解题。根据第三段第一句Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as an award-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病).可知她的第二本书主要写的是她与糖尿病作斗争的经历。‎ ‎【考例分析3】Every day we experience one of the wonders of the world around us without even realizing it. It is not the amazing complexity of television, nor the impressive technology of transport. The universal wonder we share and experience is our ability to make noise without mouths, and so transmit ideas and thoughts to each others minds. This ability comes so naturally that we tend to forget what a miracle (奇迹) it is. (2016年江西E篇-节选自文章第一段)‎ ‎72. According to the passage, the wonder we take for granted is_________. ‎ A. our ability to use language B. the miracle of technology C. the amazing power of nature D. our ability to make noises with mouth ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。传达信息给别人的能力来自于我们充分运用语言的超凡能力。在某种程度上,人和动物本质上的不同也在于此。‎ ‎72.A事实细节题。根据第一段的第三句“The universal wonder we share and experience is our ability to make noise without mouths, and so transmit ideas and thoughts to each others minds.”可分析得出答案。选项D只是不够完整的部分细节。‎ ‎【考例分析4】Armantrout, a native Californian, received her bachelor’s degree at UC Berkeley, where she studied with noted poet ‎ Denise Levertov, and her master’s in creative writing from San Francisco State University. She is a founding member of Language Poets, a group in American poetry that analyzes the way language is used and raises questions to make the reader think. ‎ ‎67. Which of the following is true of Rae Armantrout?(2010年山东卷C篇-节选自文章第3段)‎ A. She published a poetry textbook. B. She used to teach Denise Levertov. ‎ C. She started a poets’ group with others. D. She taught creative writing at UC Berkeley. ‎ 美国加利福尼亚大学诗歌教授Rae Armantrout的一本诗集:“Versed”先后获得两次大奖,文章向我们介绍了她和这本诗集以及她对作品获奖的看法。‎ ‎67.C细节理解题。由第3段的最后一句话可知,她和其他人一起发起了一个诗歌小组。‎ ‎【考例分析5】Many sports encourage national or local pride. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competition. People who watch the event wave flags, knowing that a gold medal is a win for an entire country, not just the athlete who earned it. For countries experiencing natural disasters or war, an Olympic win can mean so much. (2010年天津卷B篇-节选自文章第4段)‎ ‎43. According to the passage, why is winning Olympic medals so encouraging? ‎ A. It inspires people’s deep love for the country. ‎ B. It proves the exceptional skills of the winners. ‎ C. It helps the country out of natural disasters. ‎ D. It earns the winners fame and fortune. ‎ ‎【文章大意】这是一篇议论文,论述体育活动带给孩子们的各种好处。‎ ‎43.A细节理解题。第四段首句是该段主题句,结合该段内容可推断赢得奥运会比赛能够激发起民族自豪感和爱国热情。‎ ‎【考例分析6】These three popular misquotes(戏谑的引语)are meant to be jokes, and yet they tell us a lot about human nature . To err, or to make mistakes, is indeed a part of being human, but it seems that most people don’t want to accept the responsibility for the problem. Perhaps it is the natural thing to do . The original quote about human nature went like this:” To err is human, to forgive, divine(神圣的). ”This saying mirrors an deal people should be forgiving of others’ mistakes. Instead, we tend to do the opposite –find someone else to pass the blame on to. However, taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a making of great maturity. (节选自文章第4段)‎ ‎52. According to the author, what is a sign of a man’s maturity? (2010年天津卷D篇)‎ A. Doing things his own way. B. Bearing responsibility for his mistakes. ‎ C. Making as few mistakes as possible. D. Thinking seriously about his wrongdoing. ‎ ‎【文章大意】这是一篇议论文,作者对三个经典观点进行剖析,指出其错误的原因,论述了人性的本质。‎ ‎52.B细节理解题。依据第四段最后一句However,taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a mark of great maturity.可知,做错了事情勇于承担责任是成熟的标志。‎ ‎【考例分析7】Sara tried to befriend her old friend Steve's new wife, but Betty never seemed to have anything to say. While Sara felt Betty didn't hold up her end of the conversation, Betty complained to Steve that Sara never gave her a chance to talk. The problem had to do with expectations about pacing and pausing. ‎ ‎64. What did Sara think of Betty when talking with her? (2010年北京卷C篇-节选自文章第1段)‎ ‎ A. Betty was talkative. B. Betty was an interrupter. ‎ C. Betty did not take her turn. www. . com/gaokao/beijingD. Betty paid no attention to Sara. ‎ ‎【解析】由予文化差异的缘故;不同国家和地区的人谈话时停顿的时间长短有着明显的不同,于是便产生了谈话时相互“答不上话”的情况,这不但会使人们产生误解,更严重的还会影响一个人的工作和生活。‎ ‎64.C细节理解题。根据第一段第二句话中的While Sara felt Betty didn’t hold up her end of the conversation结合第三段内容可知,C项正确——由于Betty谈话时停顿时间太长,Sara感觉她总是接不上话。‎ 方法提炼:做此类细节理解题时,关键是由题目而找对文中的关键信息。‎ 解题思路与应试技巧 ‎ 细节题是针对文中某个细节、某句话或某部分具体内容设置问题,正确答案的根据一定可以在原文中找到,即原文的改写往往成为正确选项。‎ 通常细节题的正确选项有以下特征:‎ ‎1、对原文句子中的关键词进行替换。把原文中的一些词换成意义相近的词,成为正确选项。‎ ‎2、词性或者语态的变化。把原文中的一些词变换一下词性,或者改变原文句子的语态,给考生制造障碍。‎ ‎3、语言简化。把原文中的复杂语言现象进行简化,成为正确答案。‎ ‎4、正话反说。把原文中的意思反过来表达而成为正确选项(适用于寻找错误选项的题目)。‎ 干扰项也是以文章中的某个细节设题,若不仔细辨别,很容易把它当成正确选项。干扰项有以下特征:‎ ‎1、将原文内容扩大或缩小。把原文中的限定词去掉或替换,使该选项看似正确,实际上却是错误选项。‎ ‎2、把未然当已然。改变文中某句话的时态,如把将来时变成现在时,把未发生的事情当成已发生的事情。‎ ‎3、无中生有。即选项内容是根据主观想象或推测得出的结论,而文中并未涉及。‎ ‎4、偷换概念。把原来做该事的“张三”换成“李四”,所述细节确实与原文一致,一不小心就会误选。‎ ‎5、文不对题。这类题最不容易辨别,选项中的描述与原文完全一致,确属原文中的一个细节,这时要回到题干,看该选项是否能回答题干所提的问题。‎ 三、【考点在线】‎ ‎ 考点1基本信息题 考生可以先从问题中定位关键词,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别,在准确理解细节的前提下,确定最佳答案。‎ ‎ 考点1、是非题 出题形式:三正一误(三项正确,只有一项不符合原文内容)或三误一正(三项错误,只有一项符合原文内容):‎ Which of the following is true except…? ‎ Which of the following is mentioned except…‎ Which of the following is true? ‎ Which of the following statements is true/false? ‎ 解题方法:‎ ‎1)定位法 根据题干或选项中的线索词回读原文,找到相关句,与选项相比较确定答案。‎ ‎2)固定思路 这种做题方法主要与三正一误的下列问法相联系:‎ Which of the following mentioned except… Which of the following is not mentioned…?‎ 这种问题的正确选项所包含的信息通常连续出现在同一段,而且往往有列举标志词,如first,second,third等。做题时只需阅读有关段落,根据一个选项中的关键词在其前后找其他三个正确先项,剩下一个原文中未提到的,为正确答案。‎ ‎ 考点2、例证题 例子为阅读理解的常见考点之一,为了使自己的观点更有说服力、更加明确,作者经常用具体的例子打比方,句中常由as, such as, for example, for instance等引导的短语或句子作为举例句,这些例句或比喻成为命题者提问的焦点。考生需注意的是例子或比喻一般是和文章或段落中心紧密相关的,常以"细节事实性"题型和"推断性"题型出现,但偏倾于"推断性"题型。 ‎ 这类题的基本结构为The author provides in line…(或Paragraph…)an example in order to…,According to the passage, Somebody does (did) something (in order) to ,Something can (could) best be named (classified, called... ) as,From their experience, they concluded that---等, ‎ 意思是问文中举出某现象或例子的目的。阅读理解文章如果是说明文和议论文,文章中举出一些例子无非是为了说明一定的道理。关键在于这个例子在原文出现的位置。但不管如何,这个例子之前或之后不远处通常都有一句总结说明性的话,这句话就是答案,即举例的目的。如果例子与全文主题有关,则例证主题,答案为主题句。如果例子与段落主题有关,就例证段落主题,则答案为段落主题句;此外,答案为例子前后总结说明性的话。‎ ‎ 考点3、其他形式的具体题 ‎1)定义 定义可以分为两种:a.与主题有关的篇章定义,理解它有助于做主旨题。b.具体定义对中某个现象或术语加以定义,有时成为词义题的考试内容。‎ ‎2)年代与数字 这个考点有几种出题方式,。但不管以何种形式出现,解此类题的关键常常不在于数据与计算本身,而在于弄清数据之间或数据与文中其他信息之间的逻辑关系。‎ ‎3)比较 比较考点的表现形式主要有:a.比较级与含有比较意义的词汇手段和句型结构;b.表示绝对意义的字眼:first(第一),least(最不),uttermost(最)等;c.表示惟一性的词汇:only, unique等;‎ 阅读时最好能圈出表示最高级、惟一性和绝对意义的词汇,便于做题对回原文定位。‎ ‎4)原因 这种题的答案在原文通常有一些表示因果关系的词汇手段提示:1)表示因果关系的名词:result,reason;2)表示因果关系的动词:result in(结果),result from(由于,由),base…on…(以……为基础),be due to (由于);3)表示因果关系的连词或介词:because,for,why;4)表示因果关系的副词;as a result, consequently等,阅读时对这些提示词应该予以注意。‎ 除了上述原文有因果关系提示词的显性原因考点之外,隐性原因(两个句子之间为因果关系,但无有关提示词)也是常见考点。不管是显性原因考点,还是隐性原因考点,原文相关句出现的格式都是先说原因,后说结果,而在题干中通常给出结果,就其原因提问。‎ 总之,做细节题时要将自己精力放在寻找你所需要的细节上,快速通篇跳读,眼睛自左至右,自上而下呈Z形扫视,直到找到细节出处,待找到含细节句子时,就要放慢速度,仔细核对比较内容,直至找到答案。 ‎ ‎ 考点4、细节理解应注意的问题: ‎ ‎1)对应性:此类题的正确答案应与文中的细节一一对应,而不能是在未经查阅找到细节点的出处时,就冒然依照自己的理解答题,也不能在细节对应还模糊不清的时候,就一锤定音。‎ ‎2)准确性:准确性是细节理解题的核心要求。此类题更多地倾向于将题目中的信息与原文有关细节信息进行语义上的转换,在转换过程中,做题时易犯的错误是未注意到转换的准确性,常常将细节信息中的范围、程度、语义色彩等改变,从而导致错误。‎ ‎3)区分性:有时命题人会故意利用一些貌合神离的手段,比如给出与原文中一模一样的字眼来迷惑考生,让考生不加思索地选定答案,而实际上选项中的字眼与文中的相同字眼压根就不是对应同一事情。此类题属细节理解中的难题,要正确处理它们,要求考生找到细节对应点后,还得作仔细分析,联合句子的语境来辨析各选项与文中细节的异同。‎ 细节理解解题方法 三大法宝: 顺序原则、定位词、排除法 ‎ 1. 把握解题的顺序原则。一般来说隐含题目答案的位置与题目的顺序是一致的,这能帮助我们缩小寻找范围,大大提高效率。我们做题时可以采用采用步步为营法,看一题做一题。‎ ‎【2016广东】‎ C ‎ Food sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things. A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious, but some types are deadly,‎51题答案 The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food. Fever is one of the most common symptoms.‎‎52题答案 ‎ Certain microorganisms (微生物) cause most types of food poisoning. ‎53题 Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs, meat, vegetables, and many other foods. After entering the body, these tiny living things release (释放) poisons that make people sick.‎ ‎ Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning.‎53题 They are often added to food while it is being grown, processed, or prepaid. For example, many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects. Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemicals when they eat the crops.‎ ‎ Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people. ‎53题 These include certain kinds of seafood, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and mushrooms.‎ ‎ When people handle food properly, the risk of food poisoning is very small Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures. This means that people should never touch food with ditty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces. Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from gnawing. Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it. Finally, people should not eat raid mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild. Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans. In addition, some types of fish can be poisonous.‎‎54题 ‎ Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons, they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied.‎ ‎51. Which of the following statements is NOT true?‎ A. Food when poisoned can make people sick.‎ B. Food poisoning means death.‎ C. Food poisoning comes in varieties.‎ D. Food poisoning can be serious.‎ ‎52. We know from the passage that the symptoms of food poisoning .‎ A. are always accompanied by a fever B. are too common to be noted C. can be noticed within hours D. can be ignored ‎53. Food poisoning can be caused by all the following EXCEPT .‎ A. some chemicals B. low temperature C. some tiny living things D. certain natural materials ‎54. From Paragraph 5, we can learn that A. mushrooms should not be eaten B. vegetables are safer than meat and seafood C. natural poisons are more dangerous than chemicals D. different types of food should be handled differently ‎55. It can be inferred from the passage that A. natural materials are safe in food processing B. chemicals are needed in food processing C. food poisoning can be kept under control D. food poisoning is out of control 该篇文章除了最后一题是主旨大意题外,其他都是细节理解题,而且答案位置的先后顺序与题号顺序是基本一致的。‎ 四、【易错点睛】‎ A.正确答案的特点:与原文情节表达手法不同,但所表达的意思相同。‎ B.干扰选项的特点:‎ ‎①. 是原文信息,但与题目要求不符;‎ ‎②. 符合常识,但不符合原文内容;‎ ‎③. 与原文情节极为相似,只是在程度上有些变动;‎ ‎④. 选项中所提供的信息部分正确,部分错误;‎ ‎⑤. 在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反。‎ 在做阅读理解的过程中,同学们由于受到各种情况的影响,常会出现这样或那样的错误,导致失分。通过分析发现,失分点主要有:‎ 易错点、只见树木.不见森林,误把细节当主题 A rainforest is an area covered by tall trees with the total high rainfall spreading quite equally through the year and the temperature rarely dipping below l6℃. Rainforest have a great effect on the world environment because they can take in heat from the sun and adjust the climate. Without the forest cover,these areas would reflect more heat into the atmosphere,warming the rest of the world. Losing the rainforest may also influence wind and rainfall patterns,potentially causing certain natural disasters all over the world.‎ In the past hundred years,humans have begun destroying rainforest in search of three major resources(资源):land for crops,wood for paper and other products,land for raising farm animals. This action affects the environment as a whole. For example,a lot of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)in the air comes from burning the rainforest. People obviously have a need for the resources we gain from cutting trees but we will suffer much more than we will benefit.‎ There are two main reasons for this. Firstly,when people cut down trees,generally they can only use the land for a year or two. Secondly,cutting large sections of rainforest may provide a good supply of wood right now,but in the long run it actually reduces the world’s wood supply.‎ Rainforest are often called the world’s drug store. More than 25% of the medicines we use today come from plants in rainforest. However,fewer than l%of rainforest plants have been examined for their medical value. It is extremely likely that our best chance to cure diseases lies somewhere in the world’s shrinking rainforest.‎ ‎75. What might be the best title for the text?‎ A. How to Save Rainforest B. How to Protect Nature C. Rainforest and the Environment D. Rainforest and Medical Development 五、【高考母题】‎ ‎( 2015高考英语湖南卷B)‎ When Mary Moore began her high school in 1951, her mother told her, "Be sure and take a typing course so when this show business thing doesn't work out, you'll have something to rely on." Mary responded in typical teenage fashion. From that moment on, "the very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typing course," she recalls.‎ The show business thing worked out, of course. In her career, Mary won many awards. Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her morn," I don't know how to use a computer," she admits.‎ Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as an award-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病). All the money from the book is intended for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), an organization she serves as international chairman. "I felt there was a need for a book like this," she says."I didn't want to lecture, but I wanted other diabetics to know that things get better when we're self-controlled and do our part in managing the disease."‎ But she hasn't always practiced what she teaches. In her book, she describes that awful day, almost 40 years ago, when she received two pieces ‎ of life-changing news. First, she had lost the baby she was carrying, and second, tests showed that she had diabetes. In a childlike act, she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈). Years would pass before she realized she had to grow u p ---again---and take control of her diabetes, not let it control her. Only then did she kick her three-pack-a-day cigarette habit, overcome her addiction to alcohol, and begin to follow a balanced diet.‎ Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity. "Everybody on earth can ask, 'why me?' about something or other," she insists. "It doesn't do any good. No one is immune (免疫的) to heartache, pain, and disappointments. Sometimes we can make things better by helping others. I've come to realize the importance of that as I've grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be."‎ ‎61. Why did Mary feel regretful?‎ A. She didn't achieve her ambition.‎ B. She didn't take care of her mother.‎ C. She didn't complete her high school.‎ D. She didn't follow her mother's advice.‎ ‎62, We can know that before 1995 Mary .‎ ‎ A. had two books published B. received many career awards C. knew how to use a computer D. supported the JDRF by writing ‎63. Mary's second book Growing Up Again is mainly about her .‎ A. living with diabetes B. successful show business C. service for an organization D. remembrance of her mother ‎64. When Mary received the life-changing news, she .‎ A. lost control of herself B. began a balanced diet C. Med to get a treatment D. behaved in an adult way ‎65. What can we know from the last paragraph?‎ A. Mary feels pity for herself.‎ B. Mary has recovered from her disease.‎ C. Mary wants to help others as much as possible.‎ D. Mary determines to go back to the dance floor.‎ ‎【答案】DBAAC ‎【解析】本文为记叙文,介绍了著名女演员Mary Moore及其与糖尿病作斗争的情况。‎ ‎61.D细节理解题。根据第二段第三句Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her morn,和后边她的话可知,她对当初没有听从母亲的劝告去学打字感到后悔。‎ ‎62.B细节理解题。根据第二段第二句和第三段第一句可以判断Mary在1995年之前在演艺方面获得过许多奖项。‎ ‎63.A细节理解题。根据第三段第一句Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as an award-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病).可知她的第二本书主要写的是她与糖尿病作斗争的经历。‎ ‎64.A推理判断题。根据第四段第四句中的In a childlike act, she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts可知当Mary Moore得知自己的孩子没了而又患上糖尿病的时候,她擅自离开了医院,吃了甜甜圈(糖尿病人是不能吃甜食的),由此可以判断她的情绪失控了。‎ ‎65.C细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句1 want to speak.out and be as helpful as I can be可以看出她想尽其所能帮助其他糖尿病患者。‎ ‎( 2016高考英语江西卷E)Every day we experience one of the wonders of the world around us without even realizing it. It is not the amazing complexity of television, nor the impressive technology of transport. The universal wonder we share and Experience is our ability to make noises with our mouths, and so transmit ideas and thoughts to each others minds. This ability comes so naturally that tend to forget what a miracle(奇迹)it is.‎ Obviously, the ability to talk is something that marks humans off from animals. Of course, some animals have powers just as amazing. Birds can fly thousands of miles by observing positions of the stars in the sky in relation to the time of day and year. In Nature’s went show, humans are a species of animal that have developed their own special act. If we reduce it to basic terms, it’s a ability for communicating information to others, by varying sounds we make as we breathe out.‎ Not that we don’t have other powers of communication. Our facial expressions convey our emotions, such as anger, or joy, or disappointment. The way we hold our beads can indicate to others whether we are happy or sad. This is so-called “body language”. Bristling(直立的)fur is an unmistakable warning of attack among many animals. Similarly, the bowed bead or drooping tail shows a readiness to take second place in any animal gathering.‎ Such a means of communication is a basic mechanism that animals, including human beings, instinctively acquire and display. Is the ability to speak just another sort of instinct? If so, how did human beings acquire this amazing skill? Biologists can readily indicate that particular area of our brain where speech mechanisms function, but this doesn’t tell us how that part of our bodies originated in our biological history.‎ ‎72. According to the passage, the wonder we take for granted is .‎ A. our ability to use language B. the miracle of technology C. the amazing power of nature D. our ability to make noises with mouth ‎73. What feature of “body language” mentioned in the passage is common to both humans and animals?‎ A. Lifting heads when sad.‎ B. Keeping long faces when angry.‎ C. Bristling hair when ready to attack.‎ D. Bowing heads when willing to obey.‎ ‎74. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?‎ A. Body language is unique to humans.‎ B. Animals express emotions just as humans do.‎ C. Humans have other powers of communication.‎ D. Humans are no different from animals to some degree.‎ ‎75. This passage is mainly about .‎ A. the development of body language.‎ B. the special role humans play in nature.‎ C. the power to convey information to others.‎ D. the difference between humans and animals in language use.‎ ‎【答案】ADDC ‎( 2015高考英语山东卷C)Rae Armantrout, who has been a poetry professor at the University of California San Diego(UCSD) for two decades, has won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize in the poetry category for her most recent book, “Versed”.‎ ‎“I’m delighted and amazed at how much media recognition that the Pulitzer brings, as compared to even the National Book Critics Award, which I was also surprised and delighted to win,” said Armantrout.‎ ‎“For a long time, my writing has been just below the media radar, and to have this kind of attention, suddenly, with my 10th book, is really surprising.”‎ Armantrout, a native Californian, received her bachelor’s degree ‎ at UC Berkeley, where she studied with noted poet Denise Levertov, and her master’s in creative writing from San Francisco State University. She is a founding member of Language Poets, a group in American poetry that analyzes the way language is used and raises questions to make the reader think.‎ In March, she won the National Book Critics Circle Award for “Versed.”‎ ‎“This book has gotten more attention,” Armantrout said, “but I don’t feel as if it’s better.”‎ The first half of “Versed” focuses on the dark forces taking hold of the United States as it fought the war against Iraq. The second half looks at the dark forces casting a shadow over her own life after Armantrout was diagnosed with cancer in 2006.‎ Armantrout was shocked to learn she had won the Pulitzer but many of her colleagues were not. “Rae Armantrout is a unique voice in American poetry,” said Seth Lerer, head of Arts and Humanities at UCSD.‎ ‎“Versed”, published by the Wesleyan University Press, did appear in a larger printing than her earlier works, which is about 2,700 copies. The new edition is scheduled to appear in May.‎ ‎66. According to Rae Armantrout, ____________.‎ A. her 10th book is much better B. her winning the Pulitzer is unexpected C. the media is surprised at her works D. she likes being recognized by her readers ‎67. Which of the following is true of Rae Armantrout?‎ A. She published a poetry textbook.‎ B. She used to teach Denise Levertov.‎ C. She started a poets’ group with others.‎ D. She taught creative writing at UC Berkeley.‎ ‎68. What can we learn about “Versed”?‎ A. It consists of three parts.‎ B. It is mainly about the American army.‎ C. It is a book published two decades ago.‎ D. It partly concerns the poet’s own life.‎ ‎69. Rae Armantrout’s colleagues think that she ____________.‎ A. should write more B. has a sweet voice C. deserves the prize D. is a strange professor ‎70. What can we learn from the text?‎ A. About 2,700 copies of “Versed” will be printed.‎ B. Cancer made Armantrout stop writing.‎ C. Armantrout got her degrees at UCSD.‎ D. “Versed” has been awarded twice.‎ ‎【答案】BCDCD ‎【解析】美国加利福尼亚大学诗歌教授Rae ‎ Armantrout的一本诗集:“Versed”先后获得两次大奖,文章向我们介绍了她和这本诗集以及她对作品获奖的看法。‎ ‎66.B细节理解题。由第二段最后一句话中的“also surprised”可知,她对于自己的作品赢得“Pulitzer Prize(普利策奖)”感到很吃惊,也就是说这是她所没有预料到的。另外,倒数第二段的第一句话中的“shocked”也是提示。‎ ‎67.C细节理解题。由第四段的最后一句话可知,她和其他人一起发起了一个诗歌小组。‎ ‎68.D细节理解题。由倒数第三段可以看出,该作品共分为两部分,其中第二部分涉及了作者自己的生活。‎ ‎69.C细节理解题。倒数第二段再次告诉我们Rae Armantrout对于自己获奖感到很吃惊,但是她的同事却不这样认为,紧接着又引述了一个同事对她的高度评价Rae Armantrout is a unique voice in American poetry,” said Seth Lerer, head of Arts and Humanities at UCSD.可知,她的同事们认为她应该获得此项殊荣。‎ ‎70.D推理判断题。第一段告诉我们“Versed”获得了Pulitzer Prize,第五段又告诉我们,该作品在三月获得了National Book Critics Award。也就是说该本诗集共获得了两个奖项。‎ ‎( 2016高考英语天津卷B)Why play games? Because they are fun, and a 1ot more besides. Following the rules…planning your next move...acting as a team member…these are all “game” ideas that you will come across throughout your life.‎ Think about some off the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are entertaining and fun. But perhaps more importantly, they translate life into exciting dramas that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such as taking turns and cooperating (合作) .‎ Many children’s games have a practical side Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups. For instance, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones. Which sharpens the hand-eye coordination(协调)needed in hunting.‎ Many sports encourage national or local pride. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competition. People who watch the event wave flags, knowing that a gold medal is a win for an entire country, not just the athlete who earned it. For countries experiencing natural disasters or war, an Olympic win can mean so much.‎ Sports are also an event that unites people. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. People on all continents play it—some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian soccer player, has discovered a way to spread hope through soccer. He created a foundation to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a promising future.‎ Next time you play your favorite game or sport, think about why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help you ‎ in other aspects of your life.‎ ‎41. Through playing hide-and-seek, children are expected to learn to ________.‎ A. be a team leader B. obey the basic rules C. act as a grown-up D. predict possible danger ‎42. The underlined part in Paragraph 2 most probably means that games can________.‎ A. describe life in an exciting way B. turn real-life experiences into a play C. make learning life skills more interesting D. change people’s views of sporting events ‎43. According to the passage, why is winning Olympic medals so encouraging?‎ A. It inspires people’s deep love for the country.‎ B. It proves the exceptional skills of the winners.‎ C. It helps the country out of natural disasters.‎ D. It earns the winners fame and fortune.‎ ‎44. Iribarne’s goal of forming the foundation is to _______.‎ A. bring fun to poor kids B. provide soccer balls for children C. give poor kids a chance for a better life D. appeal to soccer players to help poor kids ‎45.What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A.Gamed benefit people all their lives.‎ B.Sports can get all athletes together.‎ C.People are advised to play games for fun.‎ D.Sports increase a country’s competitiveness.‎ ‎( 2016高考英语天津卷D)To err is human. To blame the other guy is even more human.‎ Common sense is not all that common.‎ Why tell the truth when you can come up with a good excuse?‎ These three popular misquotes(戏谑的引语)are meant to be jokes, and yet they tell us a lot about human nature .To err, or to make mistakes, is indeed a part of being human, but it seems that most people don’t want to accept the responsibility for the problem. Perhaps it is the natural thing to do .The original quote about human nature went like this:” To err is human, to forgive, divine(神圣的).”This saying mirrors an deal people should be forgiving of others’ mistakes. Instead, we tend to do the opposite –find someone else to pass the blame on to. However, taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a making of great maturity.‎ Common sense is what we call clear thought. Having common sense means having a good general plan that will make things work well, and it also means staying with the plan. Commonsense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm, but you leave the umbrella home when you hear a weather forecast for sunshine.Common sense does not seem to be common for large organizations, because there are so many things going on that one person cannot be in charge of everything. People say that in a large company,”the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.”‎ And what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up a good excuse is like creating a work of art? One of the common problems with making excuses is that people, especially young people. get the idea that it’s okay not to be totally honest all the time. There is a corollary(直接推论)to that: if good excuse is “good”even if it isn’t honest, then where is the place of the truth?‎ ‎51. According to tile passage, which of following seems the most human?‎ A. To search for truth.‎ B. To achieve one’s ideal C. To make fun of others mistakes.‎ D. To criticize others for one’s own error.‎ ‎52.According to the author, what is a sign of a man’s maturity?‎ A.Doing things his own way.‎ B.Bearing responsibility for his mistakes.‎ C.Making as few mistakes as possible.‎ D.Thinking seriously about his wrongdoing.‎ ‎53.Which of the following is N0T based on common sense?‎ A.A man tries to take charge of everything in a large company.‎ B.A student goes out with an umbrella in stormy weather.‎ C.A company’s next move follows a good plan.‎ D.A lawyer acts on fine judgments.‎ ‎54. What is the author’s opinion about a good excuse?‎ A. Making a good excuse is sometimes a better policy.‎ B. Inventing a good excuse needs creative ideas.‎ C. A good excuse is as rewarding as honesty.‎ D. Bitter truth is better than a good excuse.‎ ‎55. What would be the best title for his passage?‎ A. A Mirror of Human Nature B. To Blame or to Forgive C. A Mark of Maturity D. Truth or Excuse ‎【答案】DBADA ‎【文章大意】这是一篇议论文,作者对三个经典观点进行剖析,指出其错误的原因,论述了人性的本质。‎ ‎51.D细节理解题。依据第四段倒数第二句Instead, we tend to do the opposite –find someone else to pass the blame on to.可推断,我们大多人不能勇于承认错误,而是把责任推卸到别人身上。‎ ‎52.B细节理解题。依据第四段最后一句However,taking responsibility forsomething that went wrong is a mark of great maturity.可知,做错了事情勇于承担责任是成熟的标志。.‎ ‎53.A细节理解题。依据第五段内容可知,A项不属于common sense的范畴。‎ ‎54.D推理判断题。依据最后一段作者认为编造借口、理由并不可取,这会让人们丢掉诚实,忽略真理。作者并不赞成这种做法,前三个选项都是讲好借口的积极意义,故只有D项符合题意 ‎55.A主旨概括题。本文采用总分结构,先列举三个观点,然后一一剖析其错误本质,从而让读者了解人性的本质:勇于担责,灵活运用常识,实事求是。A项概括全面,突出了本文主题。‎ ‎(2016高考英语北京卷)Pacing and Pausing Sara tried to befriend her old friend Steve's new wife, but Betty never seemed to have anything to say. While Sara felt Betty didn't hold up her end of the conversation, Betty complained to Steve that Sara never gave her a chance to talk. The problem had to do with expectations about pacing and pausing.‎ Conversation is a turn-taking game. When our habits are similar, there's no problem. But if our habits are different, you may start to talk before I'm finished or fail to take your turn when I'm finished. That's what was happening with Betty and Sara.‎ It may not be coincidental that Betty, who expected relatively longer pauses between turns, is British, and Sara, who expected relatively shorter pauses, is American. Betty often felt interrupted by Sara. But Betty herself became an interrupter and found herself doing most of the talking when she met a visitor from Finland. And Sara had a hard time cutting in on some speakers from Latin America or Israel.‎ The general phenomenon, then, is that the small conversation techniques, like pacing and pausing, lead people to draw conclusions not about conversational style but about personality and abilities. These habitual ‎ differences are often the basis for dangerous stereotyping (思维定式). And these social phenomena can have very personal consequences. For example, a woman from the southwestern part of the US went to live in an eastern city to take up a job in personnel. When the Personnel Department got together for meetings, she kept searching for the right time to break in--and never found it. Although back home she was considered outgoing and confident, in Washington she was viewed as shy and retiring. When she was evaluated at the end of the year, she was told to take a training course because of her inability to speak up.‎ That's why slight differences in conversational style--tiny little things like microseconds of pause-can have a great effect on one's life. The result in this case was a judgment of psychological problems---even in the mind of the woman herself, who really wondered what was wrong with her and registered for assertiveness training.‎ ‎64. What did Sara think of Betty when talking with her?‎ A. Betty was talkative.‎ B. Betty was an interrupter.‎ C. Betty did not take her turn.‎ D. Betty paid no attention to Sara.‎ ‎65. According to the passage, who are likely to expect the shortest pauses between turns?‎ A. Americans. B. Israelis. C. The British. D. The Finns.‎ ‎66. We can learn from the passage that __‎ A. communication breakdown results from short pauses and fast pacing B. women are unfavorably stereotyped in eastern cities of the US C. one's inability to speak up is culturally determined sometimes D. one should receive training to build up one's confidence ‎67. The underlined word "assertiveness" in the last paragraph probably means __‎ A. being willing to speak one's mind B. being able to increase one's power C. being ready to make one's own judgment D. being quick to express one's ideas confidently ‎【答案】CBCD ‎【解析】由予文化差异的缘故;不同国家和地区的人谈话时停顿的时间长短有着明显的不同,于是便产生了谈话时相互“答不上话”的情况,这不但会使人们产生误解,更严重的还会影响一个人的工作和生活。‎ ‎64.C细节理解题。根据第一段第二句话中的While Sara felt Betty didn’t hold up her end of the conversation结合第三段内容可知,C项正确——由于Betty谈话时停顿时间太长,Sara感觉她总是接不上话。‎ ‎65.B推理判断题。根据第三段中几个不同国家的人谈话的停顿时间的比较可知,B项正确,即以色列人谈话时停顿时间最短。‎ ‎66.C推理判断题。通读文章内容可知,因为文化的差异,不同国家和地区的人谈话时停顿时间长短不同。有些地区的人由于说话停顿时间太长,而让人感觉他们不健谈。故C项与原文内容相符。‎ ‎67.D猜测词义题。根据倒数第二段最后一句可知这位女士因为在工作上不健谈(其实是她讲话时停顿时间长)而被告知去参加培训,由此可推知她参加的应该是能够让她自信地表达自我的培训,故D项正确。‎ ‎( 2015高考英语湖南卷A)‎ L1PITOR ABOUT LIPITOR Lipitor is a prescription medicine.Along with diet and exercise,it lowers “bad,’‎ cholesterol(胆固醇)in your blood.It can also raise “good'’ cholesterol.[‎ Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk factors,‎ including family history of early heart disease,high blood pressure,age and smokin9.[‎ WHO IS LIPITOR FOR?‎ Who can take LIPITOR:‎ ‎.People who cannot lower their cholesterol enough with diet and exercise ‎· Adults and children over l0‎ Who should NOT take LIPITOR:‎ ‎.Women who are pregnant,may be pregnant,or may become pregnant. Lipitor may harm your unborn baby.[‎ ‎.women who are breast-feeding.Lipitor can pass into your breast milk and may harm your baby.[‎ ‎· People with liver(肝脏)problems POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF LIPITOR Serious side effects in a small number of people:‎ ‎.Muscle(肌肉)problems that can lead to kidney(肾脏)problems,including kidney failure ‎.Liver problems.Your doctor may do blood tests to check your liver before you start Lipitor and while you are taking it.‎ Call your doctor right away if you have:‎ ‎.Unexplained muscle pain or weakness,especially if you have a fever or feel very fired ‎.Swelling of the face,lips,tongue,and/or throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing ‎· Stomach pain Some common side effects of LIPITOR are:‎ ‎· Muscle pain ‎· Upset stomach ‎· Changes in some blood tests HOW TO TAKE LIPITOR DO:‎ ‎.Take Lipitor as prescribed by your doctor.‎ ‎.Try to eat heart-healthy foods while you take Lipitor.[‎ ‎.Take Lipitor at any time of day, with or without food.[‎ ‎.If you miss a dose(一剂),take it as soon as you remember.[But if it has been more than ‎12 hours since your missed dose,wait.Take the next dose at your regular time.[‎ Don’t:‎ ‎.Do not change or stop your dose before talking to your doctor.[‎ ‎.Do not start new medicines before talking to your doctor.[‎ ‎56. What is a major function of Lipitor?‎ A. To help quit smoking.‎ B. To control blood pressure.‎ C. To improve unhealthy diet.‎ D. To lower "bad" cholesterol.‎ ‎57. Taking Lipitor is helpful for .‎ A. breast-feeding women B. women who are pregnant C. adults having heart disease D. teenagers with liver problems.‎ ‎58. If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you should .‎ A. change the amount of your next dose B. eat more when taking your next dose C. have a dose as soon as you remember D. take the next dose at your regular time ‎59. Which of the following is a common side effect of taking Lipitor?‎ A. Face swelling. B. Upset stomach.‎ C. Kidney failure. D. Muscle weakness.‎ ‎60. What is the main purpose of the passage?‎ A. To teach patients ways for quick recovery.‎ B. To present a report on a scientific research.‎ C. To show the importance of a good lifestyle.‎ D. To give information about a kind of medicine.‎ ‎【答案】DCDBD ‎【文章大意】本文为应用文,是一则能改善胆固醇水平的药品Lipitor的使用说明。‎ ‎56.D细节理解题。根据“ABOUT LIPITOR.”中的it lowers“bad’’cholesterol(胆固醇)in your blood可知这种药(1,ipitor)的主要功能是降低血液中的不良胆固醇。‎ ‎57.C细节理解题。根据“ABOUT LIPITOR”中的Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients及WHO IS LIPITOR FOR中的Adults and children over 10可知这种药可以用来治疗10岁以上的儿童和成年人的心脏病。故C项正确。‎ ‎58. D细节理解题。根据HOW TO TAKE LIPITOR中的But if has been more than 12 hours since your missed dose,wait. Take the next dose at your regular time可知如果超过12个小时没有按时服药的话,要等到下一次正常的服药时间再服。‎ ‎59.B细节理解题。根据Some common side effects of LIPITOR部分可知Lipitor常见的不良反应就包括了“胃不适”。‎ ‎60.D写作目的题。本文是一则药品使用的说明,故目的是给出这种药的相关使用信息,故选D。‎ ‎( 2015高考英语江西卷B )‎ Head of Research Salary: £55.27‎ We are looking for a Head of Research to manage the CWU research Department and information Centre. You would be required to exercise control of all researchers work of the department and manage a team of three researchers and support staff.‎ The person appointed would be expected to carry out research work of a strategic nature across the range of businesses in which the CWU has or seeks membership and to contribute to the strategic thinking and direction of the union as a whole.‎ You will need: proven line management skills, especially in managing and motivating a team; good research skills, holding a good degree in a related subject or other similar experience; a high level of mathematical and calculating skills; the ability to produce high quality work under pressure; a commitment to and knowledge of the trade union movement and social democratic politics; and knowledge and/ or experience of the ‎ postal and/or telecommunications industry.‎ To apply, please request an application pack by emailing hr@cwu.org or by telephoning HR (Human Resources) on 020 8970 7482. When applying please stay your source.‎ Closing Date for Applications:4th August 2010‎ Anticipated interview date:17th August 2010‎ No agencies please ‎60. In which column of a newspaper could we find this advertisement?‎ A. Arts. B. Sales. C. Jobs. D. News.‎ ‎61. One of the duties of the person to be appointed is .‎ A. taking charge of research.‎ B. seeking membership for the trade union.‎ C. managing a team of three or four members.‎ D. running a telecommunications company.‎ ‎62. If you apply for this position, you can do all EXCEPT .‎ A. ask an agency for an application form.‎ B. dial 020 8971 7482 for more information.‎ C. email hr@cwu.org for an application pack.‎ D. send in your application before 4th August 2010.‎ ‎63. Which of the following applicants is most likely to be employed?‎ A. A school teacher with a master’s degree.‎ B. A university graduate majoring in computer science.‎ C. A director from a research with a master’s degree.‎ D. A clerk from a telecommunications company.‎

