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‎2020届一轮复习人教版必修四Unit1Women of achievement单元教案 Period 1 Reading The General Idea of This Period This period includes Warming up, Reading and Comprehending of the Reading. It introduces a day of Jane Goodall and her colleagues in the forests, observing the chimps. After reading the passage the students can know about Jane Goodall’s working methods, her great achievements and her attitude towards wild animals. Reading the passage, the students can also learn some reading strategies such as predicting skimming and drawing conclusions. Teaching Important Points Help he students to comprehend the story of Jane Goodall’s protecting the African wildlife. Get the students to learn from Jane Goodall’s story and come to the idea that great personality is of importance to one’s success. Learn and master some important words, phrases and sentence patterns in this period. Teaching Difficult Points Get the students to comprehend the story and understand what Jane Goodall has done to gain the achievements. Get the students to believe that one’s personality as well as luck and ability is important to one’s success. Teaching Methods Predicting to guess the content of the passage. Skimming to get the general idea of the text. Scanning to get detailed information and get to understand the passage better. Task-based activities to get the students to comprehend the passage and be able to debate about whether women can do a better job than men. Teaching Aids A tape recorder A multimedia computer  Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Enable the students to comprehend the story of Jane Goodall’s protecting the African wildlife. Enable the students to learn from Jane Goodall to treat animals in a human way and come to the idea that great personality is of importance to one’s success. Learn some useful words and expressions:achieve,achievement,condition,welfare,connection,behave,behavior,worthwhile,specialist,observe,observation argue, inspire, support, devote ... to, etc. Learn some sentence patter ns: Watching a family wake up is our first activity of the day. Only after her mother came to help her for the first months was she allowed to begin her project. Process and Strategies Group work to encourage the students to participate in class activities. Fast reading to make the students get the main idea of the passage. Feelings and Value For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. People will do something that can satisfy their feelings and make a better world. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead-in ‎1.Greet the students. T:Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss./Mr... ‎2.Introduce the topic of great women. ‎1)Show some pictures of women for the students to guess who they are and tell whether they are great women or not. T:Do you have idols? Now I would like to show you some pictures of women to see whether they are your idols and try to tell me whether they are great women. Show some pictures of some famous people. The students might be very excited to see the pictures. They will tell their names and the reasons why they are so famous. But they will have the same point of view that they are famous and important but they are not great women. ‎2) Get the students to have a discussion about the qualities needed to be a great woman. T:Although they are so famous and important in a certain field, they are not great women. So what do you think is needed in order to be a great woman? ‎(Give the students two minutes to discuss in pairs.) T:Now what do you think is needed in order to be a great woman? Who would like to share the opinions with us? S:Let me have a try. In my opinion, a great woman should be intelligent and hard-working, otherwise she will not achieve her goals. S:I think a great woman should be determined and consistent. Because sometimes she might come across a lot of difficulties before her idea and invention are accepted by the public or other specialists. If she can’t stick to her opinion, she may fail in achieving her goals. S:According to me, I think a great woman should be modest and responsible.I don’t think an arrogant and irresponsible woman will become a great woman. Other students add their opinions. T:I agree with all of you. But in my opinion, most importantly a great woman should be unselfish and willing to sacrifice. Otherwise they will not overcome different difficulties and make great contributions to humans and our society.Do you think so? Ss: Yes. ‎3) Talk about great women. T:Now can you name some famous women? S:I think Madam Curie is a great woman. She discovered radium(镭)with her husband and made great contributions to the field of science and also our society. She won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry and Physics. T:Good.Who else would like to express your idea? S:I think Mother Teresa is a great woman. She worked in India to help the poor, took care of the disabled people and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. ‎(Some other students express their opinions.) T:Now I would like to show you some more pictures to see whether you know them and their achievements. T:Who is she? Ss: Song Qingling. T:Who can say something about her achievements? S:She was the vice president of PRC and she worked for women and children welfare activities. T:Good.What about this one? Ss: She is Joan of Arc. S:She lived at the time when British and France fought“the Hundred Years War”.She encouraged the king crowned and showed the French army how to win the war.She was admired by the French people. T:Good.What about her? ‎ ‎ Ss: Jody Williams. T:What about her achievements? S:In 1972 she began to organize ICBL( the International Campaign to Ban Landmines) and Jody was Given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work. T:And she? ‎ ‎ Ss :Elizabeth Fry. S:She spent most of her life helping to improve the prison conditions in Britain.She first visited Newgate Prison in London 1812 and in 1816 began her prison school in Newgate Prison. In 1818 she talked to the leaders of Britain about life in prison and persuaded them to make the 1823 New Prison Act,which agreed to spend more money on prisoners. Besides, she published a book about what she had seen in many prisons. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947. T:Good.What about this woman? ‎ ‎ Ss:She is Lin Qiaozhi. S:She is Chinese. She devoted all her life to gynaecology and obsterics. She remained single all her life. Even when she died, she left her body for medical research. T:So we are very proud of her. What about the following one? ‎ ‎ Ss: She is Jane Goodall. T:How much do you know about her? S:She spends her time protecting animals in South Africa. T:Good.They all made great contributions to our world and inspire us.So we should admire and learn from them. ‎(Get the students to read the information of the six women together.)‎ Step 2 Predicting Get the Ss to read the title and predict the main content of the passage. T:Today we are going to learn about one of the great women. Before that I would like to show you some pictures. ‎ ‎ T:What can you see in the picture? Ss: A woman and an animal. T:Who is the woman? Ss: Jane Goodall. T:What is the animal? Ss: It’s a chimp. T:What is she doing? Ss: She is kissing the chimp. T:If you meet a chimp in the forest, will you do that like Jane Goodall? Ss: No. T:(smiles) What about this picture? ‎ ‎ Ss: She is shaking hands with a small chimp. T:Will you do that like her? Ss: No./ Yes. T:And this? ‎ ‎ Ss: She is hugging the chimp and imitating its way of talking. T: Will you do that? Ss: Yes./ No./ Maybe. T: What about these pictures? ‎ ‎ Ss: She is watching the chimp with great interest. T:What do you think when you see the pictures? Ss: Admire her for her courage. T:Do you know where the photos were taken? Ss: No. T:They were taken in Gombe National Park in East Africa. T:Now let’s have a look at the title—A protector of African wildlife.After a glance at the title,what do you think the passage is about? S:I think the passage is about how Jane Goodall protected the wildlife in Africa and her achievements. T:Do do you agree with her? Ss: Yes/ No. T:Let’s read and find out whether you are right or wrong.‎ Step 3 Skimming to get the general idea Get the Ss to read the passage and find the answers to the four questions (two minutes) and try to sum up the general idea of the passage. ‎1.Who is the protector? ‎2.What animals were observed? ‎3.When did Jane Goodall arrive in Gombe? How old was she? ‎4.What was the purpose of her study?‎ T:Now who can answer the first question? Who is the protector? S:1.Jane Goodall is the protector. T:Good.What about the second one? What animals were observed? S:2.Chimps were observed. T:The third one? When did Jane Goodall arrive in Gombe? How old was she? S:3.She arrived in Gombe in 1960 when she was 26. T:Very good. And the last one? S:4.Her purpose was to help the rest of the world to understand and respect the life of the chimps. T:Good job. What about the general idea? S:The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodle worked with chimps in their environment and helped people understand and respect the life of these animals. T:Wonderful job. So did you get the right prediction? Ss: Yes. Step 4 Main ideas Get the students to read the whole passage and sum up the main idea of each paragraph. At the same time, instruct them the way of finding or summing up the main idea. T:Now we have a rough idea about the passage. How will the writer introduce Jane Goodall’s story to us? How will she organize the passage? I would like you to read the story carefully and sum up the main idea of each paragraph. How can we sum up the main idea easily? S:Try to see whether there are any topic sentences, which are usually at the beginning or the end of a paragraph. If there are not any topic sentences, try to sum up the main idea according to the content of the paragraph. T:Good.Now read the passage and try to find out the main ideas. ‎(after 4 minutes) T:How many paragraphs are there in the passage? Ss: Four. T:What are the main ideas of them? S:1.The first paragraph is about a day in the Combe National Park. S:2.The second paragraph tells us Jane’s way to study c himps and her achievements. S:3.The third paragraph tells us her attitude to the animals. S:4.The last paragraph is a short summary of the whole passage,telling us that she has achieved everything she wanted to do. T:Wonderful job.‎ Step 5 Scanning  Get the students to read the whole passage to get some detailed information. T:Now we have formed an overview of the whole passage. Next I would like you to read and get more information about Jane Goodall. Please try to find out the answers to the following questions. If there are some sentences that you cannot understand, put them down and we shall solve your problems later. ‎1.What did the group do in the morning in the forest? ‎2.Where did Jane Goodall suggest that the chimps be left? ‎3.What did she achieve? T:(four minutes later) Now who can answer the questions? S:1.They watched the chimps wake up in the morning in the forest. S:2.She suggested the chimps should be left in the wild. S:3.She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat, how chimps communicate with each other and worked out their social system. ‎(Not all the students can find the answer to the third question, or some of them can only find part of the answers. The teacher should instruct them the way of finding them accurately. First get them to find the possible sentences where the answer lies—“For example, one thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat...She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system.” Remind them to pay attention to the transitional words like“one thing”,“also” and “and”.) Step 6 Competition (True or False consolidation exercises) Divide the students into four groups. Each student tries to tell whether the statements are true or false as soon as possible in order to gain points for their group. If he tells the right answer, he shall get one point. If the statement is wrong and he can tell the reason, he gets double of the point. The group that get the highest points shall be the winners and get some prizes. ‎1.With university training, she has achieved what she wanted. ‎2.The chimps show love in their family by talking with each other. ‎3.She hopes that chimps can be left in the zoo. ‎4.She supposes that people should not use chimps for entertainment. ‎5.She has spent more than forty years helping people understand her work. ‎6.She has not built homes for the wild animals to live in. KeyS: ‎1.False.Because she did not study at a university to get any university training. She achieved what she wanted without getting any formal university training. ‎2.False.The chimps show love to each other by either feeding or cleaning each other. ‎3.False.Jane Goodall has argued for the chimps to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment. ‎4.True. ‎5.True. ‎6.False.Because she has set up special places where the chimps can live safely. T:Good job. So we can see you have a good understanding of Jane Goodall’s life. Do you th ink Jane Goodall was brave to go and live in the forest? Ss: Yes. T:Would you have done what she did if you had the chance? Ss share their views. T:What can we learn from Jane Goodall? S:We should show true love to others,as well as to animals. Everything is equal, no matter what they are. It isn’t because we are human beings that we are superior to the animals. We don’t have the right to control the other living things on the earth. They are our friends and relatives. The only difference is that we have different appearances and different intelligence. Only if we show true love towards them can we make the world a better one. S:I admire her for her belief and personality.‎ Step 7 Story retelling Divide the students into groups of four and get them to choose a slip of paper on which their characters are designed( for example, suppose you are Jane Goodall/ Jane Goodall’s colleague/ Jane Goodall’s mother etc.).Get them to discuss and retell the passage. Try to describe what she thinks. Among the four students, one should be chosen to make a record and give a report.‎ Step 8 Language points focus ‎1.The students raise questions about the passage and the others try to answer the questions. When necessary, the teacher helps to illustrate. ‎2.The students find the important words, phrases and structures from the reading and the teacher explains. Try to use effective examples to illustrate the points. After illustration, teacher can give the students some exercises to consolidate their understanding. Step 9 Debate  After the explanation of the language points, The students have got the total understanding of the reading text. Then the teacher draws the students’ attention back to the text and puts forward a topic for them to discuss. Divide the students into two groups— boys and girls and let them debate with each other about the topic: Women are able to do more than men. The girls are for the idea while the boys are against the idea. Each group tries to think of as many arguments as possible to defeat the other side. After their debate, get some students to give their report for their groups.‎ Step 10 Summary and homework T:Time is running out. Today we learned about Jane Goodall’s story and we have learnt a lot from her. Our world will become a more beautiful one if we all treat the animals equally and show our love to them. We will succeed in overcoming any difficulties and achieving our goals if we can be as strong-willed as her. Homework: ‎1.Read the passage fluently and recite the key sentences in the text. ‎2.Retell the story of Jane Goodall. ‎3.Finish the word exercise S: Ex 1,2&3 on Page 4 and Ex 4 on Page 5. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 1 Period 1 A protector of African wildlife Language Focus ‎1.behave  ‎(1)vi.to act; bear oneself 行为;举止 ‎(2)vt.& vi.to bear (oneself) in a socially accepted or polite way  举止适当或有礼 ‎(3)vi.(of things) to act in a particular way ‎(指事物)有某种作用 ‎2.worthwhile adj.值得的 可作定语和表语 be worthy of +n. be worthy to be done ‎3.花费 spend Sb.spend sth.(on sth.)/ (in) doing sth. pay Sb.pay some money for sth. cost Sth.cost sb.some money take It takes sb....to do sth. ‎4.observe  ‎(1)vi.&vt. to notice/ watch carefully 观察,注意到 observe+n./pron. observe sb.doing/do sth. observe +that-clause  ‎(2)vt. to obey;to act in accordance with 遵守,顺从 ‎(3)vt. to hold or celebrate 举行(仪式等),庆祝(节日等) ‎5.Only+状语+ 部分倒装 “只有……才” ‎6.现在完成进行时 have/ has been doing  ‎7.argue (vi.) +with sb.about/over sth.同某人辩论某事 argue (vt.)+n./clause(从句)/sb.to be... ‎8.support 1) 支持 2)承受 3) 供养 Record after Teaching Activities and Research ‎ This unit is about important and great women. The students may not know a lot about them, which might make the talking of the topic quite boring and difficult. In order to arouse their interest and creation, one activity about women of achievement is designed. Divide the students into groups of four. Assign each group to cooperate with their group mates to do some research on a certain woman of achievement. They are to find as much information as possible and as many pictures as possible by reading books, surfing the Internet or even doing an interview. They are to find out in the project the woman’s appearance, qualities and achievements, etc. Get the students to arrange what they have found in a well-organized order and make the information into a courseware or a web page, with clear and vivid pictures and examples to illustrate each point. Have the students share their courseware or web pages. Have the students write a report (entitled with“...,a woman of achievement”) on ‎ how they have carried out the research and what they have found. Show their reports on the walls, sharing them with the class. Reference for Teaching Background Information Women of Achievement ‎1.Mother Teresa(1910-1997) Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1948.Through it,she has dedicated her life to helping the poor, the sick and the dying around the world, particularly those in India. She founded the Kalighat Home for the Dying and a leper colony was established under her guidance. Her selfless work has brought her many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.‎ ‎2.Madame Curie (1867-1934 ) Marie Curie, a great woman scientist, was born in Poland in 1867.From her early childhood Marie loved to study and hoped to become a scientist. Her interest in science was encouraged by her father, a teacher of physics. In 1891,she left Poland for France and entered the University of Paris.Four years later, she graduated with the highest grade in her class. After graduation she remained in the same university, doing scientific research work. In order to discover something that gave off a kind of radiation, she did experiments most carefully again and again. She failed many times, but she didn’ t lose heart. Finally in 1902,she,together with her husband, succeeded in finding the radioactive element— radium. Owing to their achievement, the Curies received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. In 1911,she won another Nobel Prize, this time all by herself in chemistry and thus she became the first woman scientist to win a Nobel awards. She died in 1934,obviously as a result of the effects of the radiations with which she worked for over 30 years.‎ ‎3.Elizabeth Fry ( May 21,1780-October 12,1845) Elizabeth Fry was a prison reformer, social reformer and philanthropist. She was born in a Quaker family on May 21,1780.She took an interest in her teenager years in the poor, the sick, and the prisoners. In 1812 she first visited Newgate Prison in London and was very shocked at the conditions she found there. From then on she began to work to improve prison conditions in Britain. She supplied the women of Newgate Prison with clothes and established a school and a chapel. In 1817 Elizabeth Fry and eleven others, formed the Association for the Improvement of the Female Prisoners in Newgate. The next year she was invited to give evidence to a House of Commons Committee on London Prisons. She described in detail the lives of the prisoners, and recommended that women prisoners should be looked after by women instead of men, and stressed her belief in the importance of useful employment. By the 1820s Elizabeth Fry and her work had become very well known in Britain. She faced criticism and problems at various times. Elizabeth Fry’s work was very important because it started the movement for prison improvement. Her idea was that people in prison could not change their ways and lead useful lives if you did not give them a legal way of earning money. She aimed at changing the ‎ prisoners by educating them and changing the way they were treated. Her work was mentioned as one of the reasons that the Quakers got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947 and she was remembered in Britain by being put on the new five pound note in 2000.‎ ‎4.Soong Chingling (1893-1981) Soong Chingling was one of the Soong sisters, also known as Madame Sun Yet-sen. She was born into a rich Christian family which played an important role in Chinese politics in the first half of the 20th century. She and her two sisters had a good education. She went to study in Georgia, USA.In 1915 she married Dr Sun Yat-sen, founder of the Republic of China. After Sun’s death in 1925,she was elected to the Kuomingtang Central Executive Committee in 1926.After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, she became the Vice president of the People’s Republic of China, head of the Sino-Soviet Friendship Association and Honorary President of the All-China Women’s Federation. In 1951 she was awarded the Satlin Peace Prize.From 1968 to 1972 she acted jointly with Dong Biwu as head of state. On May 16,1981,two weeks before her death, she was admitted to the Communist Party and was named Honorary President of the People’s Republic of China.‎ ‎5.Jane Goodall Ja ne Goodall was appointed peace messenger of the United Nations(联合国和平使者) on April 16,2002.She was famous for her creative work started 42 years ago in protecting chimpanzees in Tanzania. Goodall went to Tanzania and studied chimps from the 1960s.She went with three African helpers (and her mother for the first month) to live in the Gombe National Park in East Africa. She made friends with the local African people after setting up a clinic to help cure minor illnesses. Her life was spent following and recording the social life and relationships of the chimps. Her supplies and the care of her base camp were managed by her African helpers. Jane uncovered many aspects of chimpanzee behaviour during her first years in the Gombe National Park. Because of her research, we now know that chimpanzees hunt for meat, use tools, and have different personalities. In 1965,Jane earned her PhD in Ethology from Cambridge University. Soon she returned to Tanzania to continue her research and to establish a research center. Later, she became the Scientific Director of the Gombe Stream Research Centre, Tanzania. In 1977,Jane founded the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education and Conservation, USA to provide support for field research on wild chimps and encourage wildlife research.‎ ‎6.Jody Williams (1950- USA) Jody Williams was born in the United States in 1950.After she got her Master’s degree of Arts, she went to work for two years as a language teacher in Mexico, where she for the first time saw the miserable life of the poor. She has worked for many years to help people in South America by organizing medical care (Medical Aid for El Salvador) and education (Nicaragua-Honduras Education Project).In 1992 she began to organize the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL).As an ICBL coordinator, she has written and spoken extensively on the problem of landmines ‎ and the movement to ban them. She worked with groups in different countries. In 1992 she was working with six groups but by 1997 more than 1000 groups from over sixty countries had joined ICBL. Although the organization became very large, the friendly way of organizing ICBL continued and has proved very successful. Working in a unprecedented cooperative way with governments and other international groups, the ICBL achieved its goal of an international treaty banning landmines during the diplomatic conference held in Oslo in September 1997.In 1997 ICBL was given the Nobel Peace Prize and the work of Jody Williams was recognized and rewarded. She still works for ICBL today.‎ ‎7.Joan of Arc (1412-1431) Joan of Arc was born in the small village of Domremy in France. She lived at the time when there was a war between England and France called “The Hundred Years War”. Joan of Arc was important because she encouraged the old French king’s son, the Dauphin, to be crowned in Rheims as the only King of France. The French people accepted him as the true king of France. Joan also showed the French army how to win battles and inspired them with the confidence to win. So Joan of Arc began the process by which the English left France and it became a country in its own right. At the time Joan lived it was considered wrong for women to fight in the army. But Joan argued that God had spoken to her and sent her to help the French army. She said God had spoken to her through two messengers and they had encouraged her in her mission. When she was captured by the English, they did not believe her stories of the messengers from God and criticized her for fighting and wearing men’s clothes. After a trial she was put to death. She was very patriotic and did inspire the French to win against the English. She showed how brave she was by what she did just like Hua Mulan in China.‎ ‎8.Lin Qiaozhi (1901-1983) Lin Qiaozhi was born in Xiamen in Fujian Province. Her parents were Christians and her father worked at a university of Singapore. He believed in the education of women. Lin Qiaozhi’s mother died when she was five and she went to live with her brother and his family. They fulfilled their father’s wishes by supporting her education even when they could no longer support the education of their own children. At elementary school one of her teachers noticed how quick and neat her knitting was and encouraged her to become a doctor. ‎1921 She entered the Peking Union Medical College. ‎1929 She graduated from the University with a PhD degree in gynaecology. ‎1932 She went to London University Medical School and Manchester University Medical School for further studies. ‎1933 She studied in Vienna and then returned to China to work for women and children’s diseases. ‎1933 She studied abroad in the USA at the Chicago University Medical School. ‎1940 She returned to China as the Head of Gynaecology and ObstetricS: the first female head of such a department. ‎1941 War between Japan and the USA forced the hospital to close so she opened a private hospital in the hutongs for patients. After the war she returned to the ‎ hospital when it reopened. ‎1949 After the Liberation she went to study diseases of women in the countryside and wrote a book to help them keep their babies healthy. She was very important in inspiring women to become doctors and was one of the founders of modern gynaecology in China. She did important research and used the methods she had learned abroad to improve Chinese medicine. ‎1983 She died leaving her body for medical research. Her work was recognized when on the 100th anniversary of her birth a copper statue to honour her was placed in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing. Language Points ‎1.Jane has studied these animals for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. 简已经研究它们很多年了,她帮助人们了解了黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。 behave ‎(1)vi.to act;bear oneself 行为;举止 她表现出了很大的勇气。She behaved with great courage. 他对顾客的态度不好。He __________ to the customers.(behaved badly) ‎(2)vt.&vi.to bear (oneself) in a socially accepted or polite way举止适当或有礼 你应该学会举止得体。You should __________.(learn to behave) ‎(3)vi.(of things) to act in a particular way ‎(指事物)有某种作用 我的摄像机自从修好后一直很正常。 ‎ My camera __________ (has been behaving well) since it was repaired.‎ ‎2.This means going back to a place where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night before. 这意味着我们要返回我们前一天晚上我们离开时黑猩猩睡觉的大树旁。 动名词 百闻不如一见。Seeing is believing. 他喜欢在余暇听音乐。He __________ (enjoys listening to music) in his spare time. 他现在正在游泳池里练习游泳。He __________ in the swimming pool now.(is practising swimming)‎ ‎3.But the evening makes it all worthwhile. 但是到傍晚时候我们觉得这一切都是值得的。 worthwhile adj.值得的 可作定语和表语 a worthwhile experiment/job The experiment is worthwhile. It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth. It is worthwhile to do the job/ doing the job. 比较worth prep./n. be worth (doing) sth.常主动表被动 这本书很值得一读。 The book is _________.(well worth reading) ‎= It is worthwhile to read the book. 比较:worthy be worthy of doing sth. be worthy to to be done 这本书很值得一读。 The book is _________.(well worthy of being read)= The book is worthy to be read.‎ ‎4.Jane spent many years observing and recording their daily activities. 简花了多年时间来观察和纪录黑猩猩的日常活动。 spend vt.用(钱);花(钱) 你暑假怎么打发?How will _________ (you spend your summer holiday)? 他把钱都花光了。 He has spent all his money. 他将全部积蓄花在一辆新车上。He spent all his savings on a new car. 花费 spend Sb.spend sth.(on sth.)/ (in) doing sth. ‎ pay  Sb.pay some money for sth. ‎ cost Sth.cost sb.some money ‎ take It takes sb....to do sth. He _________ (spent)about a third of his salary in drinking. She _________ (paid) 3000 dollars for the dress. The DVD _________ (cost) her 150 yuan. It _________ (took) him ten days to finish the work.‎ ‎5.observe ‎(1)vi.&vt.to notice/ watch carefully 观察,注意到  observe + n./pron. observe sb.doing/do sth. observe +that-clause  这位科学家一生都在观察星星。The scientist has observed the stars all his life. 我看到一个陌生人进了、正在进办公室。 I observed a stranger go/going into the office. 我注意到班上有几个学生睡着了。 I observed that several students were asleep in class. ‎(2)vt.to obey;to act in accordance with 遵守,顺从 我们必须遵守交通规则。We must _________ ( observe the traffic rules). ‎(3)vt.to hold or celebrate 举行(仪式等),庆祝(节日等) 你们国家的人庆祝圣诞节吗? Do you _________ in your country?(observe Christmas Day)‎ ‎6.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. 她母亲头几个月来帮忙,这才使得她得以开展自己的计划。 Only+状语+部分倒装 “只有……才” Exercise: 只有这样,我们才能学好英语。Only in this way _________(can we learn English well). 到那时我才意识到我的错误。Only then _________(did I realize my mistakes). 只有你了解我。Only you _________(understand me). 但Only+主语时不倒装  Multiple choice ‎1) I failed in the final examination last term and only then _________ the importance of studies.(D) A.I realized        B.I had realized C.had I realized       D.did I realize ‎2)It was _________ back home after the experiment.(C) A.not until midnight did he go B.until midnight that he didn’t go C.not until midnight that he went   D.until midnight when he didn’t go ‎7.For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. ‎40年来,简•古多尔帮助世人了解并尊重这些动物的生活。 现在完成进行时 have/ has been doing  表示过去某一时刻开始的动作或状态一直持续到现在,甚至到将来,强调进行的过程或表示到现在为止的一段时间内一再反复进行的动作或存在的状态。 He has been lying in bed for two weeks. 译:他已经卧床两周了。(现在还躺着) Exercise: 他累了。一天来他一直在学习。(现在还在学习) He is tired.He has been studying all day. 这些天他不断地给我们的杂志写文章。 All these days _________ to our magazine.(he has been writing) 几个月以来,汤姆每天晚间都给艾丽斯打电话。 Tom _________ for several months.( has been phoning Alice every night) Multiple choice: ‎1)Now that she is out of a job,Lucy _________ going back to school,but she hasn’t decided yet.(B)‎ A.had considered      B.has been considering C.considered       D.is going to consider ‎2) He went to Beijing in 1990 and _________ there ever since.(B) A.is working       B.has been working  C.works        D.worked ‎8.She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisement.‎ 她一直主张他们应该留在野外生活,而不是为娱乐和广告所利用。 argue (vi.) +with sb.about/over sth.同某人辩论某事 They are arguing with their classmates about the solution to the problem. They are arguing with each other about the justice of the war. argue (vt.)+n./clause(从句)/sb.to be... We argued that we should be paid more. The way he spends money argues him to be rich. argue for/against 为、为反对……而辩论 The workers argued for the right to strike. Some people argue against free trade.‎ ‎9.She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women. 她激励着人们为妇女的成就而欢呼喝彩。 inspire= encourage inspired/inspiring adj. inspiration n. eg:She was an inspiration to all of us. Her _________ speech yesterday made us _________.We are determined to learn from her and try to do our job better.(inspiring,inspired) Multiple choice: He was an _________ poet at that time and his _________ poems spread through all the country.(D)‎ A.inspired;inspired       B.inspiring;inspired C.inspired;inspiring       D.inspiring;inspiring ‎10.Her mother came to support her. 她母亲来支持她。 support 1) 支持 2)承受 3) 供养 I wonder if the Americans support the new political party. I think it’s important to support local businesses. That bench won’t support four people. Translation: The old man supports himself with a stick.‎ 那位老人拄着手杖。 He support a big family.‎ 他支撑着一个大家庭。 He can support himself after graduation from college. 他大学毕业后就能自力谋生。 Period 2 Learning about Language The General Idea of This Period This period help will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:word formation and subject-verb agreement.Systematic explanation shall be given and some exercises shall be assigned for the students to complete to consolidate their knowledge on them. Teaching Important Points Noun suffixes in word formation. Subject-verb agreement rules,especially of collective nouns. Teaching Difficulties Noun suffixes in word formation. Subject-verb agreement rules,especially of collective nouns. Teaching Method Recognize the rules independently and practice. Teaching Aids A multi-media computer. A blackboard. Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Enable the students to recognize and learn by heart the useful words and expressions learnt in the Reading part.(behave,behavior,respect,achieve,achievement,connect,connection,inspire, worthwhile,observe,observation,condition,argue,entertainment,communicate,communication etc.) Enable the students to grasp some rules of word formation to enlarge their vocabulary or guess the meanings of some new words by recognizing some suffixes such as -tion,-ion,-ment,-ist,-er and -or etc. Enable the students to apply the subject-verb agreement correctly. Process and Strategies Systematic explanation to make the students know how to apply the subject-verb agreement correctly. Feelings and Value Through the study of this period the students are sure to have a better understanding of the subject-verb agreement. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision ‎1.Revise the content of the reading passage by asking the students some questions. T:Good morning,boys and girls!Last class we talked about some great women in the world,remember? Ss:Yes. T:If I want to become a great woman,what is most important? Ss:You should be unselfish and willing to sacrifice and make contributions to the society. T:Good.Yesterday we talked about one of the great women and her life.Who is the great woman? Ss:Jane Goodall. T:What did she do? S:She protected the wildlife in Africa. S:She studied chimps and helped people understand chimp behavior and respect the lives of chimps. T:Right.Did she have to spend a lot of time achieving her goal? Ss:Yes.She has been doing that for forty years. T:With hard work,what did she discovered? S:She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat. S:She discovered how chimps communicate with each other. S:She worked out their social system with the help of their body language. T:Wonderful job.Do you admire her? Ss:Of course.We will all follow her example and make ourselves useful persons. ‎2.Check the assigned homework. T:Yesterday,you were expected to complete the exercises independently in Discovering useful words and expressions.Have you finished? Ss:Yes. T:Good.Now let’s check the answers.Please turn to Page 4.Let’s have a look at ‎ exercise 2 first. Now let’s check the answers. ‎ (Ask some students to the blackboard to write down their answers,then ask the other students to correct.)  In the same way,check exercises 3 and 4.‎ Step 2 Noun suffixes in word formation ‎1.Brainstorm word formation  T:We know that Jane Goodall has done a lot for the chimps.She has argued for the chimps to be left in the wild.That is to say,what has she made for the chimps to be left in the wild? Ss:Arguments.She has made arguments for the chimps to be left in the wild. T:(writes argue and argument on the blackboard and underlines -ment) Good.She did a lot and finally achieved her goal.That is to say,she made...? Ss:She made achievements. T:(writes achieve and achievement on the black board and underlines -ment) Good. Now let’s have a look at the blackboard.Can you see anything in common in the two pairs of words? S:Yes.The noun “argument” comes from the verb “argue”,adding “-ment”.The noun “achievement” comes from the verb “achieve”,adding “-ment” too.We can see “-ment” can be added to a verb to make a noun. T:Very good.You have very keen eyes.This way to form a new word is called word formation.Here,“-ment” is called a suffix,which can be added to another word to form a new word.Do you want to know more about suffixes? Ss:Yes. T:OK.Today we will talk about suffixes which can make another word into a noun.We call them noun suffixes. ‎2.Introducing more noun suffixes. T:Now please have a look at the screen.Here are some groups of verbs.Say their meanings,please. ‎(Ss say the meanings of the verbs.) organize       determine discuss       examine decide        educate direct T:Good.What about their nouns?Can you tell me? Ss:(say the nou ns) organization        determination discussion        direction        education decision T:What is in common among these words? Ss:Suffix “-ion”,“-tion”,“-sion” or “-ation” is added to the verb to make a noun. T:Very good.So we can see “-ion”,“-tion”,“-sion” and “-ation” are some ‎ of the noun suffixes.Do you know more suffixes?Can you give me some examples? S:Let me have a try.If I feel bad,that is to say,I have a feeling which is bad.If the word means right,that is to say the word have the meaning which is right.So we can see,“-ing” is also a noun suffix. T:(writes “feel”,“feeling”,“mean” and“meaning” on the blackboard and underlines “-ing”)Terrific job.Are there any other nouns with “ -ing”? Ss:Warning,finding etc. T:Who else will say something about other suffixes? S:You teach us English.That is to say,you are our English teacher.“-er” is a noun suffix. T:Good.Any more examples with “-er”? Ss:Writer,organizer etc. T:(writes down “-er” on the blackboard) What about other noun suffixes? S:Thomas Edison invented the way of giving electricity.He was an inventor.“-or” is a noun suffix for a person.Another example is “sailor”from “sail”. T:(writes down “-or” on the blackboard) Right. S:I remember one more suffix for a person.For example,Yang Zhenning has made great contributions to the field of science.He is a scientist.“-ist” is a suffix for a person. T:(writes down “ ist” on the blackboard) Good job.In fact we have one more suffix for a person.For example,if I interview you,you are my interviewee.“-ee”means a person too.( writes down “-ee” on the blackboard) ‎3.Practice ‎1)Check exercise 1 on Page 4.Show the table on the screen and get the students to say the answers aloud in chorus so that everyone will be aware of the suffixes.If they have any questions,give further explanation. ‎2)Show some more words on the screen and get the students to guess their meanings according to the rules of word formation.They should be able to tell their meanings at the first sight.Instruct them to find out the root first and then guess the meanings of the words,taking the suffixes into consideration. pianist,typist,physicist,educationalist protection,imagination,separation,education punishment,management,statement,requirement,entertainment,payment prisoner,adviser,lecturer,climber ‎4.Summary  T:Now we can see it is not really difficult to remember words as long as we master some rules.With the knowledge of word formation,we can enlarge our vocabulary.Today,we focus our attention on the Noun Suffix.In fact there are much more suffixes in English,later we will come across some of them. Step 3 Discovering useful structures (Subject-verb agreement) ‎1.Brainstorm Subject-verb agreement by giving simple examples. T:Now watch me.What am I doing?(draws a picture on the blackboard) Ss:You are drawing on the blackboard. T:Yes.The teacher is drawing on the blackboard.(Writes the sentence “The teacher ‎ is drawing on the blackboard”.) What about you?What are you doing? Ss:We are watching and listening to you. T:(Writes the sentence “We are watching and listening to you.”) The teacher is drawing on the blackboard. We are watching and listening to you. Now please have a look at these two sentences.Can we say the teacher are drawing or we is watching and listening to the teacher? Ss:No. T:Why? Ss:There are some rules for us to follow when we write sentences. T:You are right.When we write a sentence the predicate should agree with the subject,which is called subject-verb agreement.If we can not apply the rules correctly,we might not get ourselves understood. ‎2.Instruct the students to discover the rules for subject-verb agreement. T:There are three main principles for us to follow.语法一致 就近一致 意义一致 Show the students some sentences and get them to complete the sentences by filling in the predicate.Get them to observe the sentences and sum up the rules. T:Now please look at the screen and complete the sentences by filling in the blanks. A boy _________ sitting there.(be) Water _________ important to us.(be) S:Both the two blanks should be filled in “is”. T:Is he right? Ss:Yes. T:Now observe the sentences.Can you sum up one rule according to the two sentences? S:Let me have a try.When the subject is a noun in single form or is an abstract noun,the predicate should be in single form. T:Very good. After being introduced to the rules,the students are asked to finish exercise 1 on Page 5.Here are the exercises with keys. ‎1.The family is (be) very big. The family are (be) early risers. ‎2.This class has (have) eighteen girls and twenty-five boys. This class are (be) very bright,especially in science subjects. ‎3.The government is (be) made up of six high officials. The government were (be) having an important meeting when I got there. ‎4.It was late,but the audience was (be) still entering the hall. The audience were (be) dressed in different ways. When the students are doing the exercises,the teacher leads them to pay more attention to the second and third groups of rules. ‎3.Consolidation ‎1) Get the students to do exercises 2 on Page 5. Dear Xiaoyu,‎ I think everyone is (is/are) settled in London,although neither the weather nor the food is(is/are) good.Either rain or snow fell every day this week but everybody has (has/ have) tried to ignore it.My friends and my mother have(has/have) visited the theatre almost every night.None of them carries(carry/carries) an umbrella but nobody has(has/have) let that affect their activities.We are enjoying ourselves so much that I wonder if anybody wants(want/wants)to come home.This group of tourists love (love/loves) the culture and is (is/are) happy in England and would like to visit London every summer! See you soon,‎ Dong Xianshun ‎2)Divide the students into four groups and have a competition.The group that gets the most points will be the winners. ‎1.The whole family _________ (be)watching TV.(are) ‎2.Five minutes _________ (be) enough to do this exercise.( is) ‎3.The news _________ (be)exciting.(was/is) ‎4.The number of errors _________ (be)surprising.(was/ is) ‎5.The crowd _________ (be)running for their lives.(are) ‎6.Either your students or Mr.Wang _________ (know) this.(knows) ‎7.The police _________ the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.(B) A.is searching for       ‎ B.were searching for C.are searching for       ‎ D.were searching ‎8.The teacher,with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, _________ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.(A) A.was        B.were C.had been       D.would be Step 4 Homework ‎1.Page 43 Ex 1 Choose the best answers for the blanks. ‎2.Page 44 Ex 2 Choose the right words and complete the short texts. ‎3.Surf the Internet to find as much information as possible about Lin Qiaozhi. T:That’s all for this class,after class I hope you’ll prepare for the Speaking and Writing part,and finish the exercises on your exercise books. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 1 Period 2 Learning about Language ‎1.Word formation           Nou n suffixes argue argument achieve achievement       -ment feel feeling        -ing discussion direction       -ion decision        -sion determination organization    -ation ‎2.Subject-verb agreement Three principles:important rules ‎1)语法一致:由and 连接的并列成分指的是同一概念,兼具身份或匹配出现时谓语为单数。否则用复数。 ‎2) 就近一致:由or,either...or,neither...nor,not only...but also 等连接的并列主语,谓语动词常和靠近的作主语的名词单复数上保持一致。 但注意:主语+with/along with /together with/including /but/except/like/among/as well as /no more than /besides/rather than +名词,谓语和主语 在单复数上保持一致。 ‎3) 意义一致:集体名词class,family,army,team,club,population,enemy,party,crowd,crew,audience,public,government,majority,group等作主语时,如强调整体,用单数;如指各个成员,则用复数。 Record after Teaching Activities and Research ‎ The te acher may write a w ord which contains suffixes o r prefixes and make the students think of as many words that have the same root as th e word given.It is a good way to learn about word formation. Reference for Teaching Grammar 主谓一致 一、语法一致原则 A boy __________(be)sitting there.(is) Water __________(be)important to us.(is) ‎1.单数名词、抽象名词、物质名词作主语时谓语为单数。 In this way,get the students to sum up other rules. Bread and butter _________(be)a daily food in the West.(is) The worker and writer _________(be)from Wuhan.(is)  译:那个工人兼作家来自武汉。‎ ‎2.由and 连接的并列成分指的是同一概念,兼具身份或匹配出现时谓语为单数。否则用复数。 Th e worker and the writer _________(be)from Beijing.(are) 译:那个 工人和那位作家来自北京。 Each of the students _______ __ (have )a book.(has)‎ ‎3.one/every one /each/either/the number+of+复数名词作主语时谓语用单数。 Clothing _________(be)badly needed in this flooded area.(is)‎ ‎4.clothing,furniture,traffic,jewellery,baggage,equipment,luggage 等无生命的集合名词作主语时谓语用单数 。 Physics _________ (interest)boys in our class.(interests)‎ ‎5.以s 结尾但表示学科、国家、机构、书籍、报刊等名称作主语时谓语用单数。 Eg:maths,physics,Swis s,the United states Twenty years _________ (pass) since he left his hometown.(has passed)‎ ‎6.表示时间、距离、金钱、等复数名词作主语,表达一个整体概念时谓语用单数。 Anything _________(be) possible.(is)‎ ‎7.由any-,some-,no-和-one,-thing,-body等所构成的不定代词作主语时谓语用单数。 Collecting stamps _________(be)what he likes.(is)  Whatever was left _________(be)taken away.(is)‎ ‎8.非谓语动词、名词性从句作主语时,谓语用单数。 Both bread and butter _________(be)sold out.(have been)‎ ‎9.由and 连接的两个并列成分表示两个不同的概念时,谓语用复数。 The police _________(be)lookin g for the missing child.(are)‎ ‎10.people,police,cattle 等集体名词作主语时,谓语用复数。 The cattle _________ (go) to the river to have a drink.(went,go) 二、就近一致原则 Not only he but also I _________(be)invited.(am)  Neither my gloves nor my hat _________ (go) with the dress.(goes)  由or,either...or,neither...nor,not only...but also 等连接的并列主语,谓语动词常和靠近的作主语的名词单复数上保持一致。 The teacher with a number of students _________ (be) in the classroom.(is)  但注意主语+ with/along with /together with/including /but/except/like/among/as well as /no more than /besides/rather than +名词,谓语和主语在单复数上保持一致。 三、 意义一致原则 His family _________(be)a great one.(is) His family _________(be)music lovers.(are) ‎1.集体名词class,family,army,team,club,population,enemy,party ,crowd,crew,audience,public,government,majority,group等作主语。强调整体用单数,指所有成员用复数。 All _________ present.(are)  All the food _________ good.(tastes)‎ ‎2.all,none,some,any 等不定代词作主语,根据其指代的内容而定。如果指代可数名词,用复数谓语;如果指代不可数名词用单数谓语。 Half of the students _________ girls.(are) Two thirds of the surface _________ covered with water.(is)‎ ‎3.half/most/enough/part/the rest/the last/lots/plenty/ 分数、百分数+of +名词作主语时,要根据其后的名词而定。如果其后跟可数名词,则用复数谓语;如果其后跟不可数名词,则用单数谓语。 Period 3 Extensive Reading The General Idea of This period There are three purposes in this reading Period.One is to introduce a great and famous Chinese doctor—Lin Qiaozhi and her career.She was important for women in China because she was the first woman doctor to specialize in gynaecology and ‎ obstetrics.Another purpose is to show the students a sample to describe a person.The other purpose is to direct the students how to choose their major and career.As the writer of the article is a student,and she said that it was Lin Qiaozhi’s achievement that encouraged her to study at medical college.Like the writer of the passage,the students may not have a clear idea about what they would like to do in the future.So the story might lead to the students’ consideration about their future major and career choices and how they may be arrived at.So it may make them take their future more seriously. Teaching Important Points Enable the students to learn and talk about Lin Qiaozhi’s story. Enable the students to describe a person about her/his appearance,qualities and achievements. Learn some sentence patterns. Teaching Difficult Points To describe a person about her/his appearance,qualities and achievemen ts. Learn some sentence patterns. Teaching Methods Skimming to get the general idea of the story of A Good Example for me. Scanning to get detailed information and get to understand the story better. Task-based methods to get the students to comprehend the passage and be able to retell the story in their own words. Teaching Aids A tape recorder A multimedia Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Enable the students to learn and talk about Lin Qiaozhi’s sto ry. Enable the students to describe a perso n about her/his appearance,qualities and achievements. Learn some useful words and expressionS:do some research,article,chosen career,explain,care for,death rate,medical training,kindness, consideration,be second to,deliver a baby. Learn some sentence patterns: It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some simple rules for keeping babies clean and he althy. It struck me like lightening how difficult it must have been for a woman to get a medical training so long ago when women’s education was always placed second to men’s. It was hard work and determination as well as her good nature that had got her into medical school. It was not her success at university that had made her famous. It was her kindness and the consideration that made her famous. Process and Strategies Group work to carry out a heated discussion about their future career. Explanation to make the students understand Lin Qiaozhi’s spirits of dedication. Feelings and Value Through the reading of this passage the students are sure to learn a lot from Lin Qiaozhi.Meanwhile,the discussion will get the students to think a lot. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision ‎1.Greet the class as usual. ‎2.Revise subject-verb agreement by checking the workbook exercise 1 on Page 43 and exercise 2 on Page 44. Step 2 Lea d in-Brainstorm about Lin Qiaozhi. T:In this unit we focus on the great women home and abroad.Remember the one we talked about the day before yesterday? Ss:Yes,of course. T:Who is she? Ss:Jane Goodall. T:Why did she impressed you so much? S:Because she devoted all her love to the chimps. S:Because she was a woman full of determination and courage. S:Because she was so unselfish that she gave up the opportunity to go to university only because of the chimps. T:Good!What you said sounds reasonable.When we are growing up we need food to give us nutrition.But the most important thing th at we couldn’t do without is the love from our parents,our friends and the ones we loves.Similarly,a person’s success couldn’t leave the love to others.Knowledge is the food that a man should absorb;while love is the sunshine,a success should show love to others.When he or she is doing so the person is really a famous person or such a person can be a great person.Don’t you think so? Ss:Yes.I agree with you. T:Today we are going to talk about another famous person.Please open your textbook and turn to Page 6.Let’s have a look at this picture.Who is in it? Ss:Lin Qiaozhi. T:Wow,you can recognize her at first sight!You are wonderful.Who can say something about her? S:Let me have a try.Lin Qiaozhi is our pride because she was Chinese.She was born in Xiamen in Fujian Province. S:I know something about her too.She was strong-willed.Lin Qiaozhi’s mother died when she was five but she was quite lucky because her father who worked at a university of Singapore believed in the education of women.That is why she as a woman in Old China got so much education. S:She once studied in the Peking Union Medical College,London University Medical School,Manchester University Medical School and the Chicago University Medical School. S:She studied diseases of women,especially women in the countryside. S:Last year I went to Beijing.In the Great Hall of the People,I saw a copper statue ‎ which was placed to honor her and her work. T:Good job.I can see that you took the homework serious and surf the Internet to surf for a lot of information.‎ Step 3 Getting the general idea Get the students to read the passage and get the answers to the following questions. T:Now let’s read an article about Lin Qiaozhi.Please read the passage and get the answers to the following questions.You have four minutes to go. ‎1.What was the writer’s problem? ‎2.What did he decide to do at last?Why? ‎3.Which words can we find in the text used to describe Lin Qiaozhi? ‎4.What are Lin Qiaozhi’s achievements mentioned in the passage? T:Time is up.Have you got the answers? Ss:Yes. T:Now who can answer the first question? S:1.The writer did not know which subject to choose to study at university among English,biology and chemistry. T:Right.What about the second one? S:2.He decided to study medicine.Because he was moved by Lin Qiaozhi. T:Is he right? Ss:Yes. T:Good.The next one? S:3.There are many words such as busy,hard work,determination,good nature,kindness and consideration that can be used to describe Lin Qiaozhi. T:It’s very careful of you to have been able to find out so many words.In these words some are about her character and some are about her personality.Character is how she behaved in her work or towards others;while personality is to describe what she is like.Do you understand? Ss:Yes. T:What about the last one? S:4.She wrote some books and articles about women’s diseases. S:She got a medical training for her career. S:She became a specialist in women’s diseases. S:She had made sure that about 50 000 babies were safely de livered to their mothers. T:If we combine all your answers,they will make a perfect answer.‎ Step 4 Scanning and language focus T:We have got the general understanding of the passage now.Next I would like you to listen to the tape and read the passage again.After you finish reading,you should have got the answers to these questions: ‎1.1.When the writer was surfing the Internet,what drew her attention? ‎2.Was it difficult for Lin Qiaozhi to get a medical training? ‎3.What had got her into medical school? ‎4.What made Lin Qiaozhi famous? ‎5.What were most of Lin Qiaozhi’s stories about? T:Time is up.Who can answer the first question? S:1.When the writer was surfing the Internet,a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some simple rules for keeping babies clean and healthy. T:How did you know that it drew his attention? S:He said the book caught his eye. T:So here “something catch one’s eye” means...? Ss:It means “draw one’s attention某物吸引某人的注意,某人看到了某物”. T:Good.(writes “ sth.catch one’ eye= sth.catch one’s attention/sb.see sth.” on the blackboard) What about a book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some simple rules for keeping babies clean and healthy?What does it mean? S:In Chinese,it means 一本介绍如何在妇女怀孕到护理婴儿的过程中通过一些使婴儿保持清洁健康的简单规则来降低死亡率的书。“explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some simple rules for keeping babies clean and healthy” is the attribute. T:Good.( writes “v.-ing as attribute” on the blackboard and gives more examples with ing as the attribute)  Let’s see the second question. S:2.Yes,it was difficult for Lin Qiaozhi to get a medical training. T:Yes or no? Ss:Yes. T:How did you know? Ss:The first sentence in the third paragraph. T:Can you understand the sentence? Ss:Yes/ No. T:Who can explain the sentence? S:Let me try.This is a complex sentence.The first “it” is an empty subject and the real subject is how difficult it must have been for a woman to get a medical training so long ago when women’s education was always placed second to men’s. The second “is” also an empty subject.It stands for “to get a medical training for a woman so long ago when women’s education was always placed second to men’s”.“when women’s education was always placed second to men’s” is a relative clause to modify “long ago”.In Chinese,the whole sentence means “在那久远的年代,当女性的教育总是低于男性的时候,一个女子去学医一定是相当困难的,这想法闪电般地闪过我的脑海。” T:Good.(writes and explains “modal verb + have been” and “place A second to B” on the blackboard,giving more examples) Let’s see the third question.What had got her into the medical school? S:3.It was hard work and determination as well as her good nature that had got her into medical school. T:The next one?What made Lin Qiaozhi famous?Was it her success at university that ‎ had made her famous? Ss:No. S:4.It was her kindness and the consideration she showed to all her patients made her famous. T:How did you get the answer? S:I got the answer from the two sentences—It was not her success at university that had made her famous.It was her kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients.“It was...that” is a structure used to emphasize “not her success at university” and “her kindness and consideration”.So we can see the two sentences mean that not her success at university but her kindness and consideration had made her famous. T:Absolutely right.Very good job!(writes the structure “It is...that...” on the blackboard) It was not her success at university that had made her famous. It was her kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients that had made her famous.‎ Now please pay attention to the boldface:It was...that...This is a structure used to emphasize some speech of a sentence.For example:John saw her in the garden yesterday after noon.We may say: It was John that/who saw her in the garden yesterday afternoon.(subject) It was her that/who John saw in the garden yesterday afternoon.(object) It was in the garden that John saw her yesterday afternoon.(place adverbial) It was yesterday afternoon that John saw her in the garden.(time adverbial) T:Please look at the sentences on the blackboard.Is there any connections between them? S:Oh,if we take the structure away,the other parts of the sentence will make a simple sentence. T:Bingo.If fact,when we want to stress a person,we can use “that or who” while in other situations we can only used “that”.Do you have any questions about the structure? Ss:No. T:So let’s do some practice to see whether you really grasp the structure. ‎ (Get the students to do some practice by emphasizing the underlined part of the sentences.) At the supermarket I met my former classmate. My cousin turned home from Britain last year. I rather than you helped her out of the trouble. Keys:It was at the supermarket that I met my former classmate. It was from Britain that my cousin turned home last year. It was I rather than you that/ who helped her out of the trouble. T:Now let’s come to the last question.What were most of Lin Qiaozhi’s stories about? S:5.Most of her stories were about how she went late a night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her. T:Deliver a baby means...  S:It means give birth to a baby. T:Good job.(writes “deliver a baby= give birth to a baby” on the blackboard) Step 5 Retelling Get the students to retell the passage by filling in the blanks. Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book for __________ in the __________ who were __________ __________ get to a hospital easily .It was to help them to __________ __________ their babies properly. Qiaozhi lived in the early __________ __________.It was not __________ for women to get __________ __________ at that time.Education was for men __________ and women __________.She chose to study at medical college because she wanted __________ __________ other women. I think Lin Qiaozhi is a good doctor and __________ __________ __________. Keys:The 1st paragraph:mothers,countryside,not able to,look after The 2nd paragraph:twentieth century,easy,medical training,first,second,to help The 3rd paragraph:a great woman Step 6 Homework ‎1.Read the passage fluently and learn by heart some important phrases and structures. ‎2.Read Elizabeth Fry’s story on Page 45 and finish exercise 1. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 1 Period 3 A good example for me Language Focus ‎1.sth.catch one’ eye = sth.catch one’s attention /sb.see sth. 某物吸引某人的注意,某人看到了某物 ‎2.v.-ing as attribute ‎3.modal verb + have been ‎4.place A second to B  ‎5.It is...that/who... It was John that/who saw her in the garden yesterday afternoon.(subject) It was her that/who John saw in the garden yesterday afternoon.(object) It was in the garden that John saw her yesterday afternoon.(place adverbial) It was yesterday afternoon that John saw her in the garden.(time adverbial) Record after Teaching Activities and Research  The passage tells us the story of the famous woman docto r—Lin Qiaozhi.From her story the students will naturally think of their future career.So a discussion of the reading passage may lead into a heated discussion about future career choices and how they may be achieved.Although some students may feel it early to think about it,it will give them a chance to see what other students are thinking of.So it may ‎ make them take their future more seriously. Reference for Teaching Language Points ‎1.It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies...‎ 这是一本小书介绍如何在妇女怀孕到护理婴儿的过程中降低死亡率…… ‎“explaining” 为-ing形式作定语修饰book。-ing 形式作定语常表示与谓语动词同时的行为,相当于谓语动词未进行时或一般时的定语从句,有时也可以表示与谓语不同时的行为。例如: Who is the man sitting (who is sitting) in the corner? 坐在角落的那个人是谁? Women caring (who care) for patients in hospitals are called nurses. 医院里照料病人的妇女叫护士。 The man wearing (who wears) a blue suit used to be a teacher. 那个穿一身蓝的人从前当过老师。‎ ‎2.One of them caught my eye.其中一本书引起了我的注意。 catch sb.’s eye=sb.see sth. When I entered his new house,a beautiful picture caught my eye. 当我走进他的新房子的时候,我看到了一幅漂亮的图画。‎ ‎3.I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women who lived in the countryside.我仔细阅读了文章,了解到那是为了生活在农村的妇女而写的。 intend vt. 1)打算2) 给 What do you intend to do /doing next?接下来你打算干什么? He intends no harm to you.他并不是故意要伤害你的。 Our dictionary is intended for the students. 我们的字典是给学生用的。‎ ‎4.It struck me like lighting how difficult it must have been for a woman to get a medical training so long ago when women’s education was always placed second to men’s.在那久远的年代,当女性的教育总是低于男性的时候,一个女子去学医一定相当困难,这想法闪电般划过我的脑海。 must/ may/ might/+ have +p.p 肯定/可能已经…… can’t/ couldn’t + have +p.p不可能已经…… They must have spent years and years building the Great Wall. 他们肯定花了很多年建长城。 The man you saw last night couldn’ t /can’t have been Tom. 你昨晚看到的人不可能是汤姆。 place A second to B 使A处于次于B的地位 ‎5.It was hard work and determination as well as her good nature that had got her into medical school. 是苦干、决心和善良的天性使她走进医科院的大门。 It was not her success at university that had made her famous.It was her kindness and the consideration she showed to all her patients. ‎ 强调句型:It is/ was...that/ who... It was at the supermarket that I met my former classmate. 我是在超市碰到我以前的同学的。 It was from Britain that my cousin turned home last year. 我表弟去年是从英国回来的。 It was I rather than you that/ who helped her out of the trouble. 是我而不是你帮助他从困境中走出的。  Period 4 Listening The General Idea of This Period I n this period the students are to listen to three listening materials about great women.One is about the particular problems women have when they want a career of their own.The second is about the western Mulan,Joan of Arc,a brave and patriotic Frenchwoman who fought to free France from the English.The third and last is about Jody Williams and her ICBL(International Campaign to Ban Landmines).When doing the listening practice,the students should learn to predict the content of the listening material by reading the exercises beforehand.While listening,they should learn to grasp the gist by catching the topic sentences and some key words and at the same time make some notes when necessary. Teaching Important Points Understanding the three materials. How to catch the topic sentences. Teaching Difficult Points Catching the topic sentences. Understanding the listening materials. Teaching Methods Listening-and-answering. Cooperative learning. Teaching Aids A tape recorder A projector Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Enable the students to get the gist of the listening materials by catching some topic sentences. Enable the students to learn something about Jody Williams and Joan of Arc. Process and Strategies Train the students’ listening skills through listening. Feelings and Value Through the listening materials the students will have a better understanding of the roles women play in society. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision ‎1.Revise A Good Example for Me by asking some questions: T:Yesterday we learned something about one of the most important doctors in China.Who was it? Ss:Lin Qiaozhi. T:She was a specialist in...? Ss:She was a specialist in women’s disease. T:What made her famous?Was it hard work and success at university? Ss:No.She became famous because of her kindness and the c onsideration that was showed to all her patients. T:Good. ‎2.Check workbook exercise 1 on Page 45. T:I remembered asking you to read a passage about another great woman.Have you done that? Ss:Sure. T:Which great woman is talked about? Ss:Elizabeth Fry. T:What did she do? Ss:She devoted all her efforts to improve the prison conditions. T:Good.Now let’s chec k the answers to exercise one. Get the students to check the answer. Suggested answers: Notes on English prisons in the 19th century Elizabeth Fry’s suggestions The women were treated like animals. She taught the women to sew,knit and make goods to sell.‎ They had no beds,clean clothes,food or heating. She provided food,clean clothes and straw for beds.‎ The children born in prison had to stay there and had no chance of an education. She began a prison school for the children.‎ Step 2 Listening on Page 7 The teacher should ask the students to glance the whole exercises before listening,so that they can realize what the main task is in listening. ‎1.Brainstorming T:These days we have been talking about important and great women and their achievements.We know women are able to make the same achievements as men.But was it easy for them to make the achievements? Ss:Of course not. T:You are right.They have to overcome a lot of diffi culties in achieving their goals.Even now if women try to get the same as men they will come across quite a lot of problems that men will not have.Today we’ll listen to the problems that exist. ‎2.Listening for the first time T:When we listen to a certain material for the first time,we should not try to catch every single word,and that is impossible.We should try to catch the general idea.To catch the gist,catching the topic sentences is of great importance.The structure of ‎ this material is very clear.It is organized by the three paragraphs.So when you listen for the first time,try to get the topic sentence of each paragraph.Now let’s listen for the first time. Play the tape for students to get the topic sentences of the paragraphs and finish the exercises. Make a pause when necessary. Then ask students to discuss with their partners and try to retell what they have heard.It doesn’t mat ter whether they get words or sentences because the purpose of d oing this is to let students know how to get the main idea from the topic sentence. Collect what they have heard and writes down them on the blackboard. Check the answers to Exercise 2 with the whole class. Suggested answers: The three problems that women have and that do not apply to men are: ‎1)They have more difficulty getting an education. ‎2)They have more difficulty getting to the top of their chosen career. ‎3)They have to give up their careers for the childcare and running the home. ‎3.Listening for the second time The purpose in this task is to let the students get some useful information to finish Exercises 1 and 3.Before playing the tape for the second time,asks the students to read through the two exercises and try to predict the answers. Then the teacher plays the tape again. ‎4.Listening for the third time This is a good chance for the students to check their answers.After listening twice,most students can have a good understanding about the material,and can write down most of the answers.So this time is for them to check and add their answers. Then the teacher has the students check the answers in groups. At last the teacher checks the answers with the whole class. Suggested answers to Exercise 1. ‎1)Girls often leave school earlier for family reasons.(T) ‎2)When there is little money,the school often prevents girls from training.(F) When there is little money, the family often gives the chance to the boys instead of the girls to go to school. ‎3)Girls don’t have a chance to run a company.(F) Women have a chance,but they need to prove they can run business successful before they get the chance. ‎4)When women have children,they have to stop work.(T) ‎5)Men have more chances to get to the top of their career than women.(T) ‎6)Men can do whatever they like.(F) This is too absolute.Men only don’t have to overcome so the problems as women do. Suggested answers to Exercise 3. ‎1)prevents,career ‎2)childcare,concern,pressure ‎3)difficulties Step 3 Listening on Page 44 ‎1.Predicting the content T:Although women have to meet a lot of difficulties some of them still stick to their ideals and finally succeed in achieving their aims.Today we are going to hear something about another important woman.Please turn to Page 44.Look at the picture.Who is it? Ss:Jody Williams. T:Right.She is the head of ICBL(Internal Campaign to Ban Landmines) What is a landmine? Ss:We have no idea. T: A landmine is an explosive object hidden in or on the ground,which blows when a person or vehicle passes over it.Can you guess its meaning? Ss:Is it 地雷? T:Good.Next we are going to listen to a short dialogue between Jody Williams and a journalist.Now please read the two exercises on Page 44 to guess the content of the listening material.What might they talk about? Ss:From Exercise 2,we guess they might talk about Jody Williams and ICBL. ‎2.Listen for the first time to catch the main idea. T:OK.Let’s see.Listen for the first time to get the main idea and finish Exercise 1. After the first listening,get the students to say something about what they have heard and write down the key words on the blackboard.Get them to combine all the answers to make a ideal answer. Suggested answer: Jody Williams is explaining about her work for the International Campain to Ban Landmines. ‎3.Listen for the second time. Get the students to listen again and try to finish Exercise 2.This material is relatively easy.So pause when necessary,enabling them to catch the answers.Then check the answers. Suggested answers: ‎ Research notes on ICBL ‎1 Its leader Jody Williams ‎2 Its aims to stop the making and use of landmines everywhere in the world ‎3 Its method of working ICBL members in different countries spread useful information on moving the landmines to help each other.‎ ‎4 Its area of working working with governments all over the world ‎5 Jody Williams’ role to organize the groups ‎6 Her relationship with governments good ‎7 The Oslo Agreement 1997:181 countries agreed to ban the making and use of landmines ‎8 The new honour the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 was given to her and ICBL ‎4.Listen for the third time Get the students to listen to the material again and check the answers.‎ Step 4 Listening on Page 41 ‎(For some students it is difficult to finish the listening material as well as the previous two ones in one class.So this one can be left as homework.)  This listening material is about Joan of Arc,a patriotic woman who fought to free France from the English.Get the students to predict the content of the material and then listen to it for three times.For the first time,they don’t have to write anything.Instead they should listen to understand the whole material and get the general idea.As for the second time,they should be able to get all the answers to the questions.And the last time,check the answers. Suggested answers: ‎1.Because at that time women were not allowed to be soldiers. ‎2.The church thought Joan had not behaved as a woman should. ‎3.They did not have leaders to inspire them or who had good ideas for winning battles. ‎4.Because she had many good ideas for attacking the enemy.She had shown them thus they could win if they fought well and had a good plan for the battle.Even after she died,her spirit inspired the French army who ended the English rule in France at last. ‎ ‎5.The church made her a saint. Step 5 Summary and Homework  In this class we again learn something about some important and great women.From their deeds we come to the saying that women are half of the sky.For girls we should believe that although we may face some difficulties,we are able to try our best to realize our dreams.And for boys we should not look down upon girls.Boys and girls or men and women should work together to make us a more beautiful world. OK,homework for today is to listen to the listening materials again after class.Find the reason why you made mistakes. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 1 Period 4 Listening Problems women have (P7) ‎1.More difficulty getting an education. ‎2.More difficulty getting to the top of their chosen career. ‎3.Give up their careers for the childcare and running t he home. Jody Williams and ICBL (P44) Joan of Arc (P41)‎ Record after Teaching Activities and Research  The teacher may ask the students to find more information about the great women ‎ around the world on the Internet so as to understand their roles in society. Reference for Teaching Learning Tips 高考英语听力测试要点及应试技巧 高考英语听力主要测试考生对英语口语的理解能力,测试的主要形式有对话理解和短文理解。对话理解是考查考生在一定语境中所表现出的快速反应及推理判断能力;短文理解则是在此基础上考查考生对一个结构比较完整、意义相对连贯的语段的理解能力。听力考查主要从以下四个方面进行:理解主旨要义;获取事实性的具体信息;推断对话的背景、说话者之间的关系;理解说话者的意图、观点和态度。 ‎1.理解对话的主旨和大意 要求考生对听到的内容有一个整体的把握和全面的领会,清楚说话者究竟在说什么,体会说话者的语气,听懂关键词,从语篇层面来理解。任何一段对话或独白都是围绕一个中心展开的,有时主旨大意较明显,有时则需要考生自己归纳、概括。例如: W:So,how long have you been here? M:Just a couple of days,actually,I am on a big journey.You know,I’m visiting all the places of interest here. Q:What’s the man doing? A.He’s working in a hotel. B.He’s visiting a young people. C.He’s traveling around. 答案为 C。本题是一位男子谈论到此地的各个名胜观光的情况,其主旨大意贯穿整个对话,需要考生将所听到的零碎信息进行整理和归纳。其中的 a big journey,visiting 和 places of interest here 是这位男子谈话的关键,因此,通过对此进行归纳判断就会马上明白谈话的主旨大意是旅行。‎ ‎2.获取对话或独白中的具体信息 准确地理解英语口语,获取具体信息是一项十分重要的语言技能。为了说明和解释主旨,对话或独白中会透露出一些具体信息,如时间、地点、人物、年代、价钱、数量、原因、目的、结果等,这些信息对理解对话、把握主旨是非常有帮助的,且在试题考查中占相当大的比例。这类题目要求学生在听清、听懂信息的同时,还要对所听到的信息做简单的处理。有的也需要考生在进行简单的数字运算。例如: M:The plane for Chicago left 15 minutes ago. W:That’s right.Now it’s already five to twelve. Q:When did the plane take off? A.12:05.         B.11:55.        C.11:40. 答案是 C.此题问的是飞机何时起飞的。飞机 15 分钟前飞往芝加哥,现在是 12 点差 5 分,所以,飞机应是 11:40 起飞的。‎ ‎3.推断对话发生的背景、地点及对话者之间的关系 对对话背景、地点、对话者之间关系的理解程度体现了考生对口语的理解能力。对话发生的背景、说话者之间的关系决定着谈论的话题、内容、说话的语气和措辞。反之,从说话的语气、用词和内容可以推断出说话的背景、说话者之间的关系。这是高考听力考查的一项重要内容。一般说来,‎ 此类对话一般都发生在一些公共场所,如:商店、图书馆、课堂、饭店、邮局、银行、飞机上等,而说话者之 间的关系往往是下列关系,如:售货员与顾客、图书管理员与借阅人、老师与学生、服务员与顾客、医生与病人等。考生应注意捕捉对话中的关键词来确定对话背景和说话人的关系。例如: W:Six airmail stamps and two regular stamps,please. M:H ere you are.That will be one dollar and eighteen cents. Q:Where did the conversation most probably take place? A.At a station.      ‎ B.At an airport.      ‎ C.At a post office. 答案为 C.通过说话中出现的 stamps 及 one dollar and eighteen cents 知道顾客在购买邮票,所以,对话的地点最有可能在邮局。‎ ‎4.理解领会说话者的观点、态度及意图 这类考题要求考生不但能理解录音原文的主旨大意,而且还要通过文中的重要细节、具体事实来揣摩、推断说话者的意图、观点和态度等,这类题目能考查考 生在听力方面的综合素质。有时说话者的意图、观点和态度在对话中的表达较为含蓄,考生则更需注意体会、揣摩,并作一些简单合理的推断。例如: M:How many hours do you sleep a day? W:I need at least seven hours.I try to follow David’s example but it never works out for me. M:If I sleep during the day,I can never wake up. W:Not everyone has the same as David’s,I guess. Q:What does the woman suggest at the end of the talk? A.People should develop a habit like David’s. B.People need longer hours of sleep. C.People have different sleeping habits. 答案为C。本对话内容是谈论有关睡眠习惯的问题。对话结束时,女声说“并非每一个人都有和戴维一样的睡眠习惯”,言外之意是“每个人的睡眠习惯是不一样的”。 提高听力测试能力应多听,这是增强语感、提高听力之本。同时掌握必要的技巧和对策,有助于获得事半功倍的效果。 ‎1.充分利用听录音前的这段时间和各段对话之间的停顿时间,通过阅读和分析选项以帮助预测将要听到的内容及其重点,做到心中有数,带着问题去听。预测短文或对话可能涉及到的内容,使自己在听之前就在心中设计了几种可能的情景,这样听录音材料时就会有的放矢,有所侧重,从而提高答题的准确率。 ‎2.边听边记,以自己明白的字符记下重要内容。要根据选项中提供的信息,有选择地作一些简单的记录。较长的对话或独白所涉及的内容较多,尤其有一些关键词语往往比较容易混淆,即使当时听明白了,但是由于材料信息量较大,该记的东西较多,过后不能准确回忆起来,如表示时间、日期、年龄、价格、距离的数字,或是地名、人名等。这时可以用笔在试卷的空白处以字符的形式记下,以便加深印象,进行正确地判断选择。 ‎3.抓住关键词和主题句。捕捉重要信息是听力理解的首要任务,遗漏了重要信息就不可能听清对话的基本含义。它们对整篇文章的内容起一个概括和提示的作用,是文章的中心论点或者是说话人对所谈内容的观点和态度。 ‎4.无论是听对话,还是听独白,注意力一定要集中在对整体内容的理解上,抓住对话或文章主旨大意。切不可只停留在个别单词或单句上,听不清时应马上放过,不要强迫自己听清每一个词,把重点放在听关键词(通常是实词)以及与问题有关的内容上。 ‎5.在听录音或答题时必须专心致志。答下一题时,就要完全投入,哪怕没有能够顺利回答前面的试题,也应暂时搁置一边。否则就会影响整个听力效果。 Period 5 Speaking and Writing The General Idea of This Period In this period we have two aims.One is to encourage the students to think of a woman that they admire or like and make a description of her.The second is to organize their ideas into a well-organized composition. Teaching Important Points Get the Ss to talk about the woman that they admire or like. Enable the students to write a description of a woman. Teaching Difficult Points How to talk about a woman. How to write a description of a person. Teaching Methods Discussion in pairs and in groups of four. Practice to improve the students’ writing ability. Teaching Aids A multimedia computer  A projector Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Get the students to talk about the woman that they admire or like. Help the students write a description of the woman that they admire or like. Process and Strategies Group work or individual work to involve the students in a heated discussion. Explanation to acquaint the students with the tips of writing a composition of description. Feelings and Value By discussing the students may have a better understanding of the position that women are in thus causing the students to t hink more about sexism. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead in ‎1.Show some pictures and get the students to describe them. ‎ ‎ T:Do you like watching films and TV series? Ss:Yes,but we don’t have much time. T:Do you know the stars? Ss:Yes. T:Who is the first one? Ss:Zhou Xun. T:What does she look like? S:She has big and bright eyes. S:She has a baby face.She is very cute. T:Good.We may say she is a cute lady with a baby face and big and bright eyes.What about the second?Do you know her?Who is she? Ss:Lin Xinru. T:How would you describe her? S:Her hair is very long. S:Her eyes are very big. S:She is quite a slim lady.She is very attractive. T:Good.We may say she is a slim attractive lady with silky hair and big eyes.What about the last one? Ss:Liu Yifei,a dedicate young girl. T:Do you like her? Ss:Yes. T:Why do you like her? Ss:Because her acting skills are extremely good.She has made many successful films although she is very young.One of them is The Story of a Noble Family(金粉世家). ‎2.Words that can be used to describe persons. Instruct the students to think of some words to describe persons.They can be classified as follows:‎ Positive:strong,smart,honest,friendly,kind,cheerful,generous warm-hearted,hard-working,popular,intelligent,brave,modest,confident,considerate,determined,unselfish,hard-working,energetic etc. Negative:weak,stupid,lazy,dishonest,cold,foolish,unkind,dull ‎ Step 2 Speaking Get the students to think of a woman who is impressive to th em.Work in pairs to make up a dialogue about the woman,asking questions and describing her.Try to use some of the words above and the following expressions. T:Do you know any woman who is impressive to you? Ss:Yes.Madame Curie/ Wu Zetian,the only female emperor in Chinese history/ Wu Yi/ My mother/ My teacher/My sister.  T:OK,you must want her known by others.Now please work in pairs and ask your partners to get information about the woman and the partner tries to describe the woman.Try to use the words above and the following expressions.After five minutes,I would like some pairs to present your dialogue. What does she look like/ What is she like/ How would you describe her? What do you think about her? Why do you like/love/ admire her? What are her strengths/ weaknesses? How do other friends/ others describe her? Get two pairs to present their dialogue. Sample dialogue: Apple:Who is the most impressive woman to you,Panda? Panda:My former English teacher,Annie Lou. Apple:Oh.What does she look like? Panda:She is a pretty lady with short hair and bright eyes.She always wears a pair of glasses over her nose. Apple:How would you describe her? Panda:I think she is warm-hearted and unselfish.It is said that she is sponsoring a poor student in Xinjiang to continue her schooling in a high school. Apple:Really?She is so generous!Is she rich? Panda:No,she doesn’t earn a lot herself.But she says she will try what she can to help others. Apple:Why did she choose to become a teacher? Panda:At first she chose to become a teacher because she didn’t have to pay for the fees.But when she became a teacher,she found the students were so lovely that she came to love them and teaching. Apple:Is she strong? Panda:No.In fact,she is not in good health.But she’s energetic when she is on the platform.She devotes all her time to her students.and she is always considerate to us. Apple:You are so lucky to have so good a teacher. Panda:Why do you admire her? Apple:Her confidence attracts me.She often encourages us to believe in ourselves and many of us has been influenced by her. Panda:How great she is!‎ Step 3 Writing ‎1.Making an outline T:Now you have made your partner know the woman impressive to you.Would you like her to be known by more people?Yes?OK I would like you to write a composition to describe her.Before we write the composition we should make full preparations. First what should you do? Ss:We should make an outline. T:How to make an outline effectively? S:First we should collect as much information as possible and make an analysis so as to classify it into different ideas,arranging which information is needed for the description of the appearance,which is for quality and which is for her advantages.Try to make each idea into a paragraph. ‎2.Making a draft T:Good.What about the next step?What should we do? Ss:We should make a draft. T:Yes.This step is very important.We should write down simple sentences,paying attention to the tenses and voices. Most importantly,we should organize the sentences into topic sentence and supporting sentences.That is to say,the beginning sentence should be able to conclude the idea of the rest of the paragraph.I f possible,give a concluding ‎ sentence. Topic sentence Supporting 1‎ examples Supporting sentence 2‎ For instant,‎ Supporting sentence 3‎ examples Concluding sentence Then ask the stud ents to write a draft in consideration of the discussion.After they finish,exchange their drafts and find some mistakes for each other. At last show some of their drafts on the slide,pointing out the mistakes and appreciating the beautiful sentences. ‎3.Writing a description If time permits,get the students to make the draft into a passage,adding necessary details.When they are trying to finish the assignment,go around and see their common strengths and weaknesses.After they finish,get them to check with each other.Then choose some to show on the slide and get the others to appreciate together,pointing out the strengths and weaknesses.At last show them a s ample. My teacher,Ms Zhang,is well past fifty.She is an ordinary-looking woman with a pair of bright eyes.She looks old for her age,because her hair is all white. She is a teacher well worth honor.She came to our school in 1990,and has always been one of its best and most popular teachers.She works very hard.She carefully prepares her lessons,delivers her lectures and corrects our homework.She has been a friend to her students as well as a teacher.Whenever I need help,She will pay extra attention to me both inside and outside of class.I shall always be grateful for the help and guid ance she has given me. I respect my teac her very much.Every Spring Festival I pay a visit to him.I am proud of having a teacher like her.I like her very much.‎ Step 4 Summary and Homework  T:Time is running out.We have to stop here.Today we talked about the important or impressive women around.Again we can see showing love to each other is of great importance.If we love each other,we can make our life more interesting and colorful. Step 5 Homework Check their compositions again and write one. Sum up what we have learnt in this unit. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 1 Period 5 Speaking and Writing ‎1.Speaking Words to describe persons Positive:strong,smart,honest,friendly,kind,cheerful,generous warm-hearted,hard-working,popular,intelligent,brave,modest,confident,considerate,determined,unselfish,hard-working,energetic etc. Negative:weak,stupid,lazy,dishonest,cold,foolish,unkind,dull  ‎2.Writing a description Steps: ‎1)Make an outline. ‎2)Make a draft. ‎3)Write a composition. Record after Teaching Activities and Research ‎ In this period the teacher may ask the students to choose a woman they think are the greatest and introduce her to his deskmate.Besides,the teacher can arouse a discussion about sexism. Reference for Teaching Learning Tips 书面表达写作指导 书面表达是综合性强、难度大的题目。但是,当我们深入研究后就不难发现,书面表达实质上就是组词成句、联句成篇的一项系统工程。只要我们抓好词、句、段这三个环节,加强缩写、改写、仿写等练习,由简到繁、由易到难,一环扣一环地进行训练,由模仿到活用,由操练到交际,就能使语言知识逐步转化成语言交际能力。  ‎(一)选词 ‎ 词是语言的最小组成单位,不同词性的词组合在一起构成句子。因此,要充分利用课文中出现的重点单词、词组、句型,培养学生学习和识记单词的能力。  ‎1.注意一词多义的应用。如time一词,在Times have changed中指“时代”;在six times the size of mine中指“倍数”;在in slow time中指“拍子”。切忌在写文章下笔时,一词滥用,似是而非。  ‎2.结合英语构词法,同义反义比较,名词的可数与不可数词义的区别,加强对英语词形变化的理解,扩充词汇量。  ‎3.巧用过渡词,增强文章逻辑性。为了使所写短文通顺,连贯得体,句子与句子之间过渡自然,提高所写短文的质量,适当加上一些表示时间顺序、递进、因果、条件、让步等关系的过渡词是很有必要的。常见的过渡词有: ‎(1)表时间顺序的过渡词:first,second,third,and then,finally,before,after a few days,at last,at that time,later,in the past,immediately,in the meanwhile等等。  ‎(2)表空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in the front of,beside,behind,beyond,above,below,to the right,to the left,on one side,on the other side of,outside等等。  ‎(3)表并列的过渡词:also,and,then,too,as well(as)等等。  ‎(4)表转折的过渡词:but,yet,however,in spite of,otherwise等等。 ‎(5)表递进的过渡词:what’ s more,besides,what’ s worse,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again等等。  ‎(6)表目的的过渡词:for this reason,for this purpose,so that;in order that,so as to,in ‎ order to等等。 ‎(7)表因果的过渡词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,thus,as等等。  ‎(8)表解释说明的过渡词:for example,in fact,in this case,for,actually等等。  ‎(9)表条件的过渡词:as long as,so long as,on condition that,if,unless等等。  ‎(10)表让步的过渡词:though,as,even if/though,who(what,when,where)ever等等。  ‎(11)表总结的过渡词:in brief,as has been stated,in a word等 等。  ‎(12)过渡性插入语:I think,I’ m afraid,you know,as we all know等等。  ‎(二)造句 句子是表达一个较完整意思的最小单位,所以遣词造句的能力在英语写作中是非常重要的,是书面表达成败的关键。因此,加强造句训练就显得尤其重要。 ‎1.连词成句:这是最基本的一种训练形式。 如: ‎(1)father,for you,new,will buy,says,a bike可连成Father says,“I will buy a new bike for you.” ‎(2)me,all right,write and tell,this will be,please,whether可连成Please write and tell me whether this will be all right. ‎2.充分利用教材中特有的句型、句式、语法造句。  ‎(1)句型、句式可使句子表达简洁、准确,提高文章档次。  It’ s+adj.+for sb.to do sth.“对某人来讲,做某事是……”。如: It’ s difficult for a child to do the job without help. It’ s no good/use...doing sth.做某事没好处/用处 It’ s no use giving him any more money. It is(has been)+时间+since...自从……好长时间了  It is(has been) 5 years since he joined the army. It’ s not long before...不久……  It will not be long before be comes back. It is/was...who/that...强调句型 It was yesterday that we visited the factory. It seems that...好像……  It seems that she is happy./She seems happy. I don’t think/believe/expect(that)...我认为……不  I don’t think I know you. Will you please...?请……好吗? Will you please help me? Would you like sth./to do sth.?做……好吗? Would you like to have a cup of tea? ‎(2)用主从复合句、分词作状语、with复合结构等用法,可使语言描绘更加生动,增强文章的情感性和感召力。如: What is more,it will become necessary to build gates and walls,which will do harm to the appearance of a city.(NMET 2002书面表达参考答案片段) I don’ t know about others,but I used to work even at weekends,doing endless homework and at tending Classes as well.(NMET 2001书面表达参考答案片段) It’ s a small flat of 25 square meters,with a bedroom,a bathroom and a kitchen.(NMET 2003书面表达参考答案片段)  How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables growing well.(NMET 1998书面表达参考答案片段) ‎(3)用句型替换练习增强语言的灵活性,拓宽表达空间。如: 这孩子太小,还不到上学的年龄。 The boy is too young to go to school. The boy is so young that he can’t go to school. The boy is not old enough to go to school. 我花了5元钱买这本书。  I spent five yuan on the book. I spent five yuan(in)buying the book. I paid five yuan for the book. I bought the book for five yuan. The book cost me five yuan. 例句赏析 下面是一些常用的精美句子,请注意它们在表达方面的特点。 ‎1.You go down the street,turn to the right,and then you’ ll see the post office on your right. 析:几个动词的并列。 你顺着这条街,向右拐,右边就是邮局。‎ ‎2.We arrived at the gate of the school,where we were warmly welcomed. 析:关系副词where引导的定语从句。  我们来到了校门口,受到了热烈欢迎。‎ ‎3.Although we were a little tired,we were excited. 析:although引导的让步状语从句。 尽管我们有点累,我们仍然很高兴。 ‎ ‎4.The old lady was crossing the streets when a young man riding a bicycle rushed up and knocked her down. 析:when表“此刻、那时”。  老妇人正穿过马路,这时突然一个年轻人骑着自行车冲过来,把她撞倒了。‎ ‎5.She is a friend to her students as well as a teacher. 析:as well as表“不但……而且……”。  她不但是学生的老师,而且是他们的朋友。 ‎ ‎6.The library is quiet and there are a lot of books for us to refer to,which is helpful to our study. 析:which引导的非限制性定语从句。 图书馆里很安静,有很多书供我们参考,这些书对我们的学习很有帮助。‎ ‎7.The living conditions have been improved greatly and the town is no longer what it used to be. 析:现在完成时的被动语态。  生活条件大大提高,城镇不再是原来的样子。‎ ‎8.Every time I think of what happened to me a year ago,I feel I was to blame. 析:every time引导的时间状语从句。  每次我想到一年前发生的事,我就感到我应受到责备。‎ ‎9.They were not only strict in our studies but also strict with us. 析:not only...but also...表“不但……而且……”。 他们不但对我们的学习严格要求,而且对我们也很严格。 ‎ ‎10.Great changes have taken place in Qingdao in the recent years. 析:现在完成时的被动语态。  在最近的几年中,青岛发生了巨大的变化。‎ ‎11.Only when we know well both scientific knowledge and practical skills can we live happily and w ork wonderfully in the society in the coming future. 析:only引导的倒装结构。  只有我们掌握了更多的科学知识和实际技能,我们才能在未来的社会中生活幸福,工作顺利。 ‎ ‎12.The more I earned,the more difficulties I met with. 析:the more...the more...表“越多……越……”。  我学的越多,遇到的困难也越多。 ‎ ‎13.But the burden of work in class is so heavy that we have little time to do sports,which has left many of us in poor health. 析:so...that引导的结果状语从句。  但是,课业负担太重以至于我们几乎没有时间进行体育锻炼,这使我们中很多人身体状况不佳。 ‎ ‎14.The day we were looking forward to came at last—a week’s military training began. 析:定语从句的用法。  一周的军训最终到来了,我们一直盼望着这一天。 ‎ ‎15.One day on my way home from school,I saw an old woman standing by the roadside,with a heavy bag on her back. 析:with复合结构的用法。  一天,我在放学回家的路上,看见一位老太太站在路边,背上挂着一个沉重的包裹。 ‎ ‎16.On the blackboard were large Chinese characters and English,saying “Welcome to our school!” ‎ 析:倒装结构。  在黑板上,用很大的汉语和英语写着:“欢迎来我们的学校!”‎ ‎17.With great curiosity and excitement,we students of Senior 2 began our learning-from-peasant activities in Jiangjia Village,Bin Cheng Township,not far from Beijing. 析:with复合结构的用法。  带着兴奋与好奇,我们高二学生去了离北京不远的滨城镇姜家村开展向农民学习的活动。 ‎ ‎18.She is such an excellent teacher that we got so much from her,not only the knowledge but also kindness,diligence and appreciation for beauty. 析:so...that及not only...but also...的用法。 她是一位优秀的教师,我们从她身上不仅学到了知识还学到了善良、勤奋和对美的鉴赏力。 ‎ ‎19.Our English teacher Mrs.Zhang is an ordinary-looking,grey haired woman wearing a pair of glasses. 析:wearing现在分词作定语。  我们的英语老师张老师相貌平常,灰白头发,戴着一副眼镜。 ‎ ‎20.I am living with my parents at No.68 Jingqi Road and I am a student of Senior 2 at Jinan No.1 middle school. 析:家庭住址的表示方法。  我同我的父母住在经七路68号,是济南市一中高二年级的学生。 ‎ ‎21.Dong Hai is a newly-built city with a population of about three million,which covers an area of about 20 000 square kilometers facing the Yellow Sea in the east. 析:which引导的非限制性定语从句。  东海市是一座新建城市,有人口近300万,面积2万余平方千米,东部面向黄海。 ‎ ‎22.After he graduated from Beijing Engineering College in 1986,he was sent to Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA to study chemistry. 析:after引导的时间状语从句。  他1986年毕业于北京工学院,后来到美国麻省理工学院深造,攻读化学。‎ ‎23.The team members are required to get ready and others are required to watch and cheer for them.All the football lovers are welcome to watch and coach. 析:welcome的用法。  足球队员作好准备,其他同学前往助战,欢迎足球爱好者参观指导。 ‎ ‎24.Those who would like to go are requested to put down their names on this sheet of paper and give eight yuan for the bus fare. 析:who引导的限制性定语从句。  参加者需要登记,并交车费8元。 ‎ ‎25.If you continue along Huangpu Road,you’ll find on your right the highest building in Binhai,the Friendship Hotel,which has 12 floors. 析:if 引导的条件状语从句。  如果你继续沿着黄埔路向前,你会发现右边是滨海市最高的12层建筑——友谊大厦。‎ ‎26.Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world. 析:注意比较级的用法。 全世界污染越来越严重。 ‎ ‎27.As everyone knows,smoking is harmful to our health. 析:as引导的定语从句。  每个人都知道,吸烟有害健康。‎ ‎28.It is well-known that a teacher,as an engineer of human soul,plays a very important role in society. 析:注意it作形式主语的用法。  众所周知,教师作为人类灵魂的工程师,在社会中起着非常重要的作用。 ‎ ‎29.Young as he is,he has been honoured as an advanced worker many times,for having got great achievements in his teaching. 析:as引导的让步状语从句。  虽然他年轻,但由于他工作成绩卓著,多次被评为先进工作者。 ‎ ‎30.On hearing that I failed in the contest,I could hardly hold back my tears. 析:on与带有动词性意义的名词或动名词连用,表“一……就……”。  听到我没有赢得竞赛,我忍不住流下眼泪。‎ Period 6 Assessment The General Idea of This Period In this period we aim to help the students to elevate their acquisition of Unit 1 Women of Achievement and their ability of employing the expressions and grammar learned in this unit. Teaching Important and Difficult Points Help the students learn to assess whether their knowledge about this topic has increased. Teaching Methods Question-and-answer activity  Pair work and group work to make the students work in class. Teaching and Learning Aids A multimedia A blackboard Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Elevate efficiently the students’ knowledge about great and important women home and abroad. Elevate the students’ ability of using the expressions and grammar learned. Process and Strategies Check up what they have learned in this unit by evaluation and tests. Feelings and Value Through this part the students will surely know what they have mastered and haven’t mastered,and thus work hard to consolidate it. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings  T:Good morning,my boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Miss. Step 2 Revision T:So far we have finished this unit which is about...? Ss:It’s about women of achievement,both in our own country and abroad. T:Terrific. Step 3 Assessment T:Today we are going to see how hard you worked and how much more you know about women of achievement home and abroad. 非测试性评价 How well do you think you learned about Unit 1?Rank your achievements with the following skills and put a tick in the box.Then work out your percentage. After learning this unit,I am able to do the following things. very well quite well OK a little little Knowing the great women who made great achievements ‎ Using adjectives to describe one’s personality and character ‎ Understanding and using the new vocabulary in the unit ‎ Knowing subject-verb agreement ‎ Identifying the head noun in the subject ‎ Using correct verb forms for subjects with correlative conjunctions (e.g.either...or) ‎ Knowing which kinds of nouns take singular or plural verbs ‎ Li stening to conversations in English ‎ Reading for gist ‎ Writing a description of a woman ‎ Percentage % % % % %‎ 测试性评价 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.The young lady b    with great courage when her husband died. ‎2.This is a m    matter;we’d better leave it to the doctors. ‎3.The birth r    is the number of births compared with the number of people. ‎4.China Daily really has good a    on sports. ‎5.I went to see a s    who found I had too little sugar in my blood. ‎6.A theme park is a place of _________ (娱乐). ‎7._________(激励) by her teacher,the girl student worked harder and soon made great progress.‎ ‎8.Susan has made great _________ (成就)in the past two years. ‎9.Nowadays few children are _________ (考虑周到的) towards their parents. ‎10.All _________ (通信) with France was stopped when the enemy gained control of the sea. Ⅱ.句型转换 ‎1.She has been spending lots of time singing and dancing. She has been _________ _________ _________ singing and dancing. ‎2.Many people living in the city do not respect people from the countryside. Many people living in the city _________ _________ _________ people from the countryside. ‎3.He was the very person that helped me out of the nasty trouble. ‎_________ _________ he _________ helped me out of the nasty trouble. ‎4.The problem is worth discussing. The problem is _________ _________ _________. ‎5.This is a book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. This is a book _________ _________ how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.‎ Ⅲ.完成句子 ‎1.我不在这的时候,帮我照看一下孩子,好吗? ‎ Would you mind _________ _________ my baby while I am away? ‎2.这书是写给住在农村的妇女的。 This book is _________ _________ women who live in the countryside. ‎3.这妇女的婴儿被顺利接生了。这使她所有的亲戚都松了一口气。 The woman had her baby _________ safely,which made all her relatives become less worried. ‎4.直到去年他才找到一份喜欢的工作。 Only until last year _________ he _________ a job that he likes.‎ Ⅳ.单项填空 ‎1.Mr.Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _________ some schools for poor children. A.set up     B.setting up     C.have set up    D.having set up ‎2.It _________ at the crossroads _________ he was killed in the accident the other day. A.is;that       B.was;that       C.is;where       D.was;where ‎3.A good idea just _________ me—Let’s go swimming. A.beat       B.happened       C.hit       D.struck ‎4.Only _________ a human being. A.when is it hungry a lion will attack       ‎ B.when it is hungry a lion will attack C.when it is hungry will a l ion attack       ‎ D.when is it h ungry will a lion attack ‎5.Don’t spoil the children.Can’t you make your little boy _________ himself? A.behave       B.believe       C.perform       D.conduct ‎6.On the bus,all the people except the driver _________ to talk and laugh during the journey. A.encouraged        B.were encouraging  C.were encouraged        D.was encouraged ‎7.I really _________ whether we win or lose. A.care about       B.care for       C.care       D.care to ‎8.You’ve done much of the work,and please leave _________ to us. A.the rest       B.the other       C.another       D.the others ‎9.Don’t _________ a person only because he has failed in an examination. A.look up        B.look down        C.look down on       D.look up to ‎10.Though we spent a lot,we think it _________ because we succeeded in the end. A.worth        B.worth being spent        ‎ C.worthy of        D.worthwhile ‎11.What he said at the meeting means _________ those who had cut down the forests. A.to argue against         B.to argue for         C.argued for         D.arguing against ‎12.She won a Nobel Prize for her scientific _________. A.interests       B.achievements        C.behavior       D.intended giving ‎13.The flowers _________ my mother,but my sister thought they were for her and ‎ took them. A.were intended for       B.intended for C.intended to give         D.observation ‎14.Michael is _________ because he never takes any exercise. A.under conditions       B.on no condition C.in condition        D.out of condition ‎15.She’s tired of acting,and she _________ changing for a new job,but she hasn’t made up her mind yet. A.had considered       B.has been considering C.considered        D.is going to consider ‎16.The scientist and engineer _________ invented a new machine. A.has       B.have       C.had        D.are ‎17.—_________ either she or you to go and attend the meeting? ‎—Neither she nor I _________. A.Is;am        B.Are;am        C.Are;is        D.Is;is ‎18.The old _________ respected in our country. A.are       B.is       C.were       D.was ‎19.It is he that _________ singing and dancing. A.like       B.likes       C.liked       D.is liked ‎20.Either you or the headmaster _________ the prizes to those gifted students at the meeting. A.is handing out       B.are to hand out C.are handing out       D.is to hand out ‎21.—Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation? ‎—It _________. A.all depend         B.all depend s  C.is all depended        D.is all depending ‎22.The family _________ early risers,who often _________ morning exercise in the park. A.are;does       B.is;does       C.are;do       D.is;do ‎23.—Thank goodness,you’re here.What _________ you? ‎—Traffic jam. A.keeps       B.is keeping       C.had kept       D.kept ‎24.I wrote him a letter to show my _________ of his thoughtfulness. A.achievement    B.agreement    C.attention    D.appreciation ‎25. _________ of the land in that district _________ covered with trees and grass. A.Two fifth;is        B.Two fifth;are        C.Two fifths;is       D.Two fifths;are ‎26.I was really anxious about you.You _________ home without a word. A.mustn’t leave        B.shouldn’t have left  C.couldn’t have left       D.needn’t leave ‎27.On our long journey to Mount Tai,Brooke _________ a most interesting guide.We all had a wonderful time. A.behaved       B.proved       C.support       D.explained ‎28.— My daughter has passed the university entrance exam. ‎—Congratulations!She’s really intelligent. ‎—_________. A.No,she is nothing        B.Oh,thank you C.Sometimes she is intelligent       D.You are right ‎29.—Can he do the work alone? ‎—_________,he can’t do it,nor can I, _________ anybody. A.Yes;nor     B.No;nor     C.Yes;neither     D.No;neither ‎30.For a long time they walked without saying _________ word,Jim was the first to break _________ silence. A.the;a       B.a;the       C.a;/       D.the;/ Keys: Ⅰ.1.behaved 2.medical 3.rate 4.articles 5.specialist 6.entertainment ‎ ‎7.Inspired 8.achievement 9.considerate 10.communication Ⅱ.‎ ‎1.devoting herself to 2.look down upon 3.It was,that 4.worthy of discussion ‎ ‎4.which/that explains Ⅲ.1.caring for 2.intended for 3.delivered 4.did,find Ⅳ.1.B 此题考查devote...to doing的用法。在此结构中,to 是介词,其后要接动词的-ing形式。 2.B 此题考查强调句型的结构。去掉It was...that,其他成分仍然是一个完整的句子。 ‎3.D 此题考查strike 的用法。Sth.strike sb.某人想到…… ‎4.C 此题考查倒装的用法。当only加状语放在句首,要用部分倒装。 ‎5.A behave oneself 举止得体。 ‎6.C 此题考查主谓一致。all the people except the driver,谓语应根据all the people,要用复数。 同时,此处意为被鼓励做某事,为被动语态,要用be encouraged to do sth.。 ‎7.C care表“在乎”,其后接从句时,常常不要介词about。 ‎8.A 题意为“剩下的工作”。这四个词中只有the rest 可以指代不可数名词the work。 ‎9.C 题意为 “瞧不起”。 ‎10.D 此处为worthwhile 形容词作宾补。 ‎11.D 此题考查mean 的用法。根据题意,此处为“他在会议上说的话意味着反对砍树的人”。如果是反对砍树的话那就没有必要争辩,所以应该argue for;而“意味着做某事”应该是mean doing。所以答案为C。 ‎12.B 此题考查词义辨析。题意为“她因为她的科学成就而获得诺贝尔奖”,所以选achievements。 ‎13.A 此题考查intend 的用法。“sth.be intended for sb.”某物是给某人(做……用的)。 ‎14.D 根据题意,应该是 “Michael由于从不锻炼所以身体很差”。 ‎15.B 此题考查时态。根据题意,“她对表演很厌倦,一直想换工作”。没有过去的过去的意味,所以不选A;也不是过去曾考虑换,所以不选C;更不是将考虑 换,所以不选D。 ‎16.A 此题考查主谓一致。The scientist and engineer是双重身份,指一位既是科学家又是工程师的人,应该用单数的谓语。 ‎17.A 此题考查主谓一致。 “either...or”和 “neither...nor” 连接两个并列的主语时要用就近原则。 ‎18.A 此题考查时态和主谓一致。根据题意,说的是现在在我们国家老人受到尊重,用一般现在时态。The old指一类人,要用复数的谓语。 ‎19.B 此题考查强调句型和主谓一致。把强调句型的结构 “It is...that ”去掉,把句子还原成 He __________ singing and dancing,很容易看出应该用单数的谓语。 ‎20.D 此题 考查时态和主谓一致。“either...or”和 “neither...nor” 连接两个并列的主语时要用就近原则,排除B和C。根据题意,应该是“你或是校长将给优秀的学生颁奖”,要用将来时态,排除A。 ‎21.B “视情况而定”用It all depends。 ‎22.C The family指这家庭里的成员,强调个体,要用复数的谓语,排除B和D。who引导定语从句,指代early risers,从句的谓语要用复数,排除A。 ‎23.D 此题考查时态。题意为“是什么阻碍了你(使你现在才到)?”用过去时态。 ‎24.D 此题考查词义辨析。achievement “成就”,agreement “同意、协议”,attention “注意”,appreciation “欣赏,感激”。 ‎25.C 此题考查分数的表达方式和主谓一致。分子要用基数词,分母用序数词,当分母大于一时,要用复数。当分数当主语,谓语由它所接的名词而决定。“the land”是不可数名词,所以用单数的谓语。 ‎26.B 此题考查虚拟语气。根据题意,“我当时真的很担心你,你不该什么也不说就离家的”。shouldn’t have done表“本来不该做但又做了”;而can’t have done 表“不可能已经做了”,不符合题意。  ‎27.B 此题考查词义辨析.prove 表“证明是……”。 ‎28.B 此题考查情景反应。西方人比较谦逊,回应别人的赞美应该用 “Thank you”等。 ‎29.B 英语的回答应该与事实相符。根据题意,“他不能单独做”,所以应该回答 “No”。  ‎30.B 此题考查冠词的用法。第一空表示“一个字也没说”,所以用“a”;第二空表示“打破这种寂静”,所以用定冠词the。 Record after Teaching Activities and Research ‎ The students may find more to consolidate their knowledge in this module.To understand the roles women play in society,a debate may be carried out on great women. Reference for Teaching 高考链接 ‎1. As you can see,the number of cars on our roads ________ rising these days. A.was keeping     B.keep        C.keeps        D.were keeping 赏析:选C。一般现在时表示经常的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态;也表示说话者的态度、能力或自然现象等等。根据as you can see可判断出要用一般现在时,表示经常发生的动作。 ‎2. A poet and artist __________ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow. A.is        B.are        C.was        D.were 赏析:选A。a poet and artist是同一个人,即表示某人既是诗人,又是画家。所以其谓语动词要用单数形式。现在进行时可以表示将来按计划或安排发生的动作,并与可以表示将来的时间状语tomorrow afternoon连用。 ‎3. The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one-third _______ used regularly.Now we have 60 working all day long. A.is       B.are       C.was       D.were 赏析:选D。一般来讲,分数作主语时,谓语用单数。但是此处前半句话说了about 20 notebook computers,因此它的1/3是复数。本句的时态是过去时,因此应该用were。 ‎4. While watching television, _______. A.the doorbell rang         B.the doorbell rings  C.we heard the doorbell ring        D.we heard the doorbell rings 赏析:选C。 watching television 的动作执行者是we,所以句子的主语应该是we。hear sb./ sth.do sth.表示“听某人做某事”,要用动词原形作宾补。 ‎5. Professor Smith,along with his assistants, _______ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. A.work         B.working         C.is working        D.are working 赏析:选C。现在进行时可以表示目前这一阶段中正在做的事。Professor Smith 是主语,所以选is working。 ‎6.(经典回放)Although the working mother is very busy,she still _______ a lot of time to her children. A.devotes       B.spends        C.offers        D.provides  赏析:选A。 spend time (in) doing sth./on sth.花……时间干……;offer sb.sth./offer sth.to sb.向某人提供……;provide sth.for sb./provide sb.with sth.提供某物给某人;只有A项符合题意。  ‎7. All the employees except the manager _______ to work online at home. A.encourages        B.encourage        C.is encouraged       D.are encouraged 赏析:选D。此题考查主谓一致及动词的语态。题干的主语是All the employees,而except the manager 是介词短语作状语,所以谓语动词应用复数形式,排除A、C两项。encourage 常用于encourage sb.to do sth.,其被动结构为 be encouraged to ‎ do sth.,排除B项。 ‎8. Now that she is out of a job,Lucy _______ going back to school,but she hasn’t decided yet. A.had considered       B.has been considering C.considered        D.is going to consider 赏析:选B。本题考 查时态用法。由句中的 but she hasn’t decided yet 推知,Lucy还在考虑或一直考虑再回去上学这件事,只有B项用法恰当。该题也可用现在进行时态,即is considering。‎ ‎9. I failed in the final examination last term and only then _______ the importance of studies. A.I realized        B.I had realized        C.had I realized       D.did I realize 赏析:选D。本题考查倒装。题干中含有一个由“only+状语” 在句首引起的倒装句,主句部分倒装,把助动词,情态动词或be动词提前。这个句子用的是一般过去时,所以主语前要加did,谓语动词用原形。 ‎10. Mr White _______ at 8:30 for the meeting,but he didn’t show up. A.should have arrived        B.should arrive C.should have had arrived       D.should be arriving 赏析:选A。全句意为:Mr White 8:30本该到会的,但他没露面。全句谈的是过去的事,故应使用should + have done 结构,表示过去本该做而没有做某件事。 ‎11. It was with great joy _______ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found. A.because       B.which        C.since       D.that 赏析:选D。此处为强调句型,it was +被强调部分+that...。 ‎12. “We can’t go out in this weather.” said Bob, _______ out of the window. A.looking       B.to look       C.looked      D.having looked 赏析:选A。此题考查非谓语动词作伴随状语。句意为:Bob看着窗外说,“我们不能在这种天气外出”。Bob说话的同时看着窗外,应用现在分词的一般式,表示主动和进行。B表示主动、将来的动作;C表示被动、完成的动作、不是并列谓语;D表示已完成的主动动作。 答案:A ‎13. _______ be sent to work there? A.Who do you suggest        B.Who do you suggest that should  C.Do you suggest who should         D.Do you suggest whom should 赏析:选A。本题考查了复杂特殊疑问句的构成。句意为“你建议派谁到那儿去工作?”特殊疑问词应置于句首,先排除C、D两项;suggest跟宾语从句时,从句中要用虚拟语气:(should)+ 动词原形,被动形式为(should) be done。‎ ‎14. Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within _________ of little children.‎ A.hand        B.reach        C.space       D.distance 赏析:选B。本题考查含有名词的固定短语的用法。within reach of sb.或within one’s reach 意为“某人够得着的,力所能及的”,是一个固定搭配。‎ ‎15. Only when your identity has been checked,_________. A.you are allowed in       B.you will be allowed in C.will you allow in        D.will you be allowed in 赏析:选D。you与allow之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。‎

