2020届高三第十一次模拟考试(高考考前演练)试题(6月) 英语 Word版含答案

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2020届高三第十一次模拟考试(高考考前演练)试题(6月) 英语 Word版含答案

益阳市箴言中学2020届高三英语模拟考试 考试时间:2020年06月30日下午15:00—17:00 试卷满分:150分 ‎★祝考试顺利★‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. When will the film probably start?‎ A. At 11: 45. B. At 12: 00. C. At 12: 45‎ ‎2. What did the woman buy for her husband?‎ A. A book. B. A watch. C. A case for coin collection.‎ ‎3. Where did the man know his flight had been canceled?‎ A. At the airport. B. At the meeting. C. At the international fair.‎ ‎4. Why can’t the woman contact the man?‎ A. He just had a long phone conversation. ‎ B. His phone is out of order.‎ C. The connection on the phone line is poor.‎ ‎5. What is the man doing?‎ A. Taking an exam. B. Reading a book. C. Having a class.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 、 7 题。‎ ‎6. What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. How to choose music for the party. ‎ B. Who will be in charge of the party. ‎ C. When to start the party.‎ ‎7. What is the woman going to do?‎ A. Help to prepare for the party. ‎ B. Tell the man a phone number. ‎ C. Ask Sonia for some information.‎ 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 、 9 题。‎ ‎8. What does the woman want to do tomorrow?‎ A. Buy something on sale. ‎ B. Repair the water heater. ‎ C. Get off work earlier.‎ ‎9. How does the man feel now?‎ A. Excited. B. Tired. C. Disappointed.‎ 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。‎ ‎10. How does the woman feel about the man’s new computer?‎ A. Amazed. B. Envious. C. Interested.‎ ‎11. What can we learn about the man?‎ A. He bought a computer for the woman a year ago.‎ B. He pays much attention to products in high technology.‎ C. He always buys expensive computers.‎ ‎12. What does the woman use her computer for?‎ 10‎ A. Watching TV. B. Chatting online. C. E-mailing.‎ 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。‎ ‎13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Customer and waiter. ‎ B. Manager and waiter. ‎ C. Guest and hotel receptionist.‎ ‎14. What does the woman think of the man’s work?‎ A. Ordinary. B. Awful. C. Good.‎ ‎15. Why should the man clear the plates as soon as possible?‎ A. To let people have some space. ‎ B. To give people space for dessert. ‎ C. To welcome the following customers.‎ ‎16. What should the man do while walking around?‎ A. Smile at customers. ‎ ‎ B. Take away empty glasses. ‎ C. Fill the water glasses quietly.‎ 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。‎ ‎17. What does the speaker mainly talk about?‎ A. His success in acting. ‎ B. His work experience. ‎ C. His regret for ignorance.‎ ‎18. How did the speaker feel on his arrival in Los Angeles?‎ A. Discouraged. B. Worried. C. Confident.‎ ‎19. What did the speaker think of his career as an actor?‎ A. Disappointing. B. Tiring. C. Interesting.‎ ‎20. What did the speaker decide to do in the end?‎ A. Say goodbye to movies. ‎ B. Turn to movie management. ‎ C. Be happy with small roles.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A The following are several summer programs for children.‎ Duke University ADHD Program Academic Summer Program is used to help 6th to 8th graders with ADHD(注意力缺乏多动症). The program uses techniques to teach study strategies, academic support skills, and cooperative learning activities.‎ Phone: 919-416-2096‎ Location: Durham, North Carolina Eagle Hill School(Connecticut)‎ The Summer Academic Day Program at Eagle Hill School is designed for children experiencing academic difficulty. Open to boys and girls ages 6 to 12. The summer program immerses(使沉浸)kids in a total language environment specifically tailored to meet his or her needs.‎ Phone: 203-622-9240‎ Location: Greenwich, Connecticut The Gow School 10‎ The Gow School offers a traditional summer school program experience for boys and girls ages 8 to 15. The 5-week session offers a specially designed curriculum for students who have experienced academic difficulty or have language based learning disabilities. Summer Program learners can be day students or live on campus(校园).‎ Phone :716-652-3450‎ Location: South Wales, New York The Kentwood Summer Camp Program The Kentwood Summer Camp Program is a school program catering toward children, teens, and their families who are not being successful in the traditional school environments socially, and or at home. It is for children and teens in grades K(Kindergarten) to 12.‎ Phone: 954-581-8222 or 954-634-0601‎ Location: Davie, Florida ‎21. Which number may parents of children with ADHD call?‎ ‎   A. 954-634-0601                   B. 919-416-2096‎ ‎   C. 716-652-3450                   D. 203-622-9240‎ ‎22. What is special about the Gow School Summer Program?‎ ‎   A. It is for successful students ‎   B. Learners are limited to boys ‎   C. It allows students to live there ‎   D. Learners are interested in language ‎23. Which program should a less sociable child attend?‎ A. Duke University ADHD Program B. The Gow School Summer Program C. The Summer Academic Day Program D. The Kentwood Summer Camp Program B In the winter of 1910, Dr. Wu Lien-Teh stepped off a train in the northern Chinese city of Harbin. He was there to solve a medical mystery, at great personal risk. Over the past few months, an unknown disease had swept along the railways of northeast China, killing 99.9% of its victims. The Qing Imperial court had sent the Cambridge-educated Dr. Wu north to stop the epidemic.‎ When Dr Wu arrived in Harbin on Christmas Eve, 1910, he carried little in the way of medical instruments and had only one assistant. One of Wu' s first acts upon arrival was to set up special quarantine(隔离) units and to order lockdowns to stop infected persons from traveling and spreading the disease. He had teams check households for possible cases, and even managed to convince authorities to completely close the railways in the early weeks of 1911. Of particular concern was the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday, which had become a great annual migration of people traveling across the country to see their families.‎ Thanks to Dr. Wu's efforts, the number of plague victims began to die down, and by March 1, 1911, the epidemic was fully contained. The pneumonic (肺炎的) plague outbreak of 1910-1911 lasted nearly four months, affected five provinces and six major cities, and accounted for over 60,000 deaths. It is clear that without the brave and decisive actions taken by Dr. Wu, it could have been much worse. Had the epidemic gone unchecked, allowing holiday rail passengers to spread the disease to the rest of China could have meant a catastrophic loss of life and possibly a global health crisis.‎ In April 1911, Dr. Wu chaired an International Plague Conference in Shenyang, attended by scientists from 11 counties including the United States, Great Britain, Russia, Japan and France. They praised Dr. Wu for his handling of the 1910-1911 outbreak. For a time, Dr. Wu was the world's most famous plague fighter, a title be defended in a malaria epidemic in China in 1919, and a return of plague in 1921.‎ ‎24.What was Dr Wu's mission in 1910?‎ 10‎ A.To take personal risk.‎ B.To end an epidemic.‎ C.To provide medical education.‎ D.To investigate the number of victims.‎ ‎25.Which of Dr Wu's acts stopped the disease from spreading nationwide?‎ A.Setting up special quarantine units around the country.‎ B.Treating infected persons with his medical instruments.‎ C.Checking households himself for possible cases.‎ D.Convincing authorities to close the railways.‎ ‎26.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?‎ A.The disease worsened after Mach 1, 1911.‎ B.60,000 would have died without Dr Wu's efforts.‎ C.A global health crisis followed the 1910-1911 outbreak.‎ D.The plague broke out again about 10 years later.‎ ‎27.What can be the best title of the text?‎ A.A Plague Fighter B.A Global Health Crisis C.The Beginning of the Chinese Public Health System D.A Plague Outbreak C Art museums are places where people can learn about various cultures. The increasingly popular “design museums” that are opening today, however, perform quite a different role. Unlike most art museums, the design museum shows objects that are easily found by the general public. These museums sometimes even place things like fridges and washing machines in the center of the hall.‎ People have argued that design museums are often made use of as advertisements for new industrial technology. But their role is not simply a matter of sales – it is the honoring of excellently invented products. The difference between the window of a department store and the showcase in a design museum is that the first tries to sell you something, while the second tells you the success of a sale.‎ One advantage of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits. Unlike the average art museum visitors, design museum visitors seldom feel frightened or puzzled. This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-produced products work and look as they do, and how design has improved the quality of our lives. Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something beyond their understanding.‎ In recent years, several new design museums have opened their doors. Each of these museums has tried to satisfy the public’s growing interest in the field with new ideas. London’s Design Museum, for example, shows a collection of mass-produced objects from Zippo lighters to electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins. The choices open to design museums seem far less strict than those to art museums, and visitors may also sense the humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive toys collected in our everyday life.‎ ‎28. Showcases in design museums are different from store windows because they _________.‎ A. show more technologically advanced products B. help increase the sales of products C. show why the products have sold well D. attract more people than store windows do ‎29. The author believes that most design museum visitors.‎ A. do not admire mass-produced products 10‎ B. are puzzled with technological exhibits C. dislike exhibits in art museums D. know the exhibits very well ‎30. The choices open to design museums _________.‎ A. are not as strict as those to art museums B. are not aimed to interest the public C. may fail to bring some pleasure to visitors D. often contain precious exhibits ‎31. The best title for this passage is _________.‎ A. The Forms of Design Museums B. The Exhibits of Design Museums   ‎ C. The Nature of Design Museums D. The Choice Open of Design Museums D A shark moving around the coastline is normally a worrying sight,but this waterborne drone(无人机)threatens floating rubbish instead of people.‎ Developed by Dutch company RanMarine, the WasteShark takes nature as its inspiration with its whale shark-like mouth. Responsible for collecting waste, the drone will begin operations in Dubai Marina in November after a year of trials with local partner Ecocoast.‎ According to RanMarine, the WasteShark is available in both autonomous and remote-controlled models. Measuring just over five feet by three-and-a-half feet(1.5 meters by 1.1 meter),it can carry up to 352 pounds of rubbish(159.6 kg)and has an operational battery life of 16 hours.‎ By 2016 there were approximately 150 million tons of plastic in the world's oceans. One paper from December 2014 estimated that over a quarter of a million tons of ocean plastic pollution was afloat.‎ ‎"WasteShark also has the abilities to gather air and water quality data, remove chemicals out of the water such as oil,and heavy metals,and scan the seabed to read its depth and outlines,"said Oliver Cunningham, one of the co-founders of RanMarine. "Fitted with a collision-avoidance system, the drone uses laser imaging detection and ranging technology to detect an object in its path and stop or back up if the object approaches."‎ ‎"Our drones are designed to move through a water system, whether it's around the perimeter(周边) or through the city itself. The drones are that last line of defense between the city and the open ocean," added Cunningham. "WasteSharks are operating in Dubai, South Africa and the Netherlands and cost $ 17,000 for the remote-controlled model and just under $ 23,000 for the autonomous model."‎ Dubai-based operator Ecocoast has two WasteShark drones. Co-founder Dana Liparts says they will clean waterfronts for clients including hotels and environmental authorities and that Ecocoast' intention is to have the collected rubbish recycled or upcycled. However, Liparts argues that cleaning waterways doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution and requires a combination of new technology, preventative measures and changing people's attitudes towards littering.‎ ‎32.What do we know about the WasteShark?‎ A.It can frighten sharks away. B.It is an ocean explorer.‎ C.It is a rubbish collector. D.It can catch fish instead of people.‎ ‎33.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?‎ A.The causes of ocean pollution. ‎ B.The dangers of using plastics.‎ C.The severity of ocean garbage pollution. ‎ D.The importance of ocean protection.‎ 10‎ ‎34.What will the WasteShark do with an approaching object?‎ A.Avoid crashing into it. B.Break it into pieces.‎ C.Swallow it. D.Fly over it.‎ ‎35.Which of the following ideas does Liparts agree with?‎ A.The WasteShark should be used more widely.‎ B.More measures should be taken to make water clean.‎ C.The production cost of WasteSharks should be reduced.‎ D.People should take a positive attitude to new technology.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Curling(冰壶) is a winter sport played on ice. Therefore, it’s most popular in northern countries like Canada. Curling is played in the USA by about 15,000 people. 36 Scottish winters were long and there were forms of entertainment. So people began making a sport out of sliding heavy stones on the frozen lakes. The game spread, and in the 1700s curling clubs formed. Then Scottish soldiers brought it to North America.‎ ‎ 37 Men, women, and children often compete on the same team, if they can slide a forty-pound stone down the ice! Both teams slide their stones toward the same goal. After all 16 stones have been cast, the team whose stone has slid closest to the goal gets one point.‎ ‎ 38 The ice is so smooth and the stone is so heavy that even the smallest misjudgment in a throw can make the stone slide much too far or stop too suddenly. 39 Water helps the stone slide, but it can also change the stone’s path.‎ In curling, a broom is part of each player’s equipment. A good curler must know how much force to use. The player must know the exact conditions of the ice on the court. 40 That may explain why the international Olympic Committee decided to make curling an Olympic sport in 1998.‎ A. Players compete on the court.‎ B. Then the play begins in the other direction.‎ C. Curling is played by teams of four people.‎ D. In other words, a good curler must be a fine athlete.‎ E. The rules are easy to learn, but playing the game is hard.‎ F. The melting of the ice makes things tough for the curlers.‎ G. Curling probably began in Scotland in the 1500s or earlier.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45 分)‎ 第一节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ I was driving home with my son Giacomo, 15, on the A40 when I suddenly saw a small plane coming down. Out of nowhere, it 41 some 200 yards away from where we were 42 , overturning and bursting into flames.‎ We were going 70 miles an hour and I managed to 43 ; otherwise we would have crashed into it ourselves. I jumped out, 44 Giacomo in the car. I remember 45 at him to stay there since we really didn’t have time to mess around.‎ Flames were coming out of the cockpit (驾驶舱) and I could hear screaming, so I climbed under the wing and tried to 46 the windows in but failed, and with the heat of the 47 coming over the top of the plane, I 48 I might have to give up or I’d be in great danger myself. I found the small windows at the back of the plane had cracked (破裂), so my 10‎ ‎ best bet was to kick those through. It 49 and, looking back, we were unbelievably 50 ; otherwise, it would have been a completely different 51 .‎ I pulled a teenage girl and boy out. Then another guy, Joel Snarr, arrived on the 52 to help at just the right time. I don’t think I would have been able to get the 53 out — he was a big guy. 54 , Joel seized him by the arms and got him out just in time. I could 55 straight away Joel had a military background by how he 56 himself. We’d just got all three of them, Stuart Moore, who’d flown the plane, and his nephew and niece, to a safe 57 when the plane exploded.‎ The emergency services 58 pretty quickly, and then they did their duty. When I got back to my 59 , Giacomo and I stared at each other, almost laughing in 60 . It was a very strange moment — things like this only happen in films.‎ ‎41. A. disappeared B. landed C. crashed D. exploded ‎42. A. living B. standing C. flying D. driving ‎43. A. roll B. stop C. pass D. speed ‎44. A. greeting B. saving C. blaming D. leaving ‎45. A. shouting B. aiming C. looking D. smiling ‎46. A. fix B. clean C. kick D. shut ‎47. A. steam B. fire C. water D. engine ‎48. A. sensed B. expected C. imagined D. admitted ‎49. A. lasted B. worked C. counted D. ended ‎50. A. afraid B. brave C. cautious D. lucky ‎51. A. challenge B. adventure C. story D. lesson ‎52. A. scene B. march C. way D. go ‎53. A. steward B. pilot C. driver D. rescuer ‎54. A. Strangely B. Secretly C. Instead D. However ‎55. A. describe B. argue C. tell D. agree ‎56. A. conducted B. adapted C. helped D. accustomed ‎57. A. return B. distance C. room D. journey ‎58. A. went away B. set out C. turned up D. shut down ‎59. A. house B. plane C. cinema D. car ‎60. A. relief B. surprise C. sorrow D. confusion 第二节(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ The novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒)outbreak forced Belgian pianist Jean-Francois Maljean who had planned to go to Wuhan in February 61 (postpone) the trip. The musician decided to write a song 62 (immediate) after discussing the idea with his Chinese business partner, He Liu.‎ ‎“I have been playing concerts around China for almost 20 years. I have so many friends in Wuhan. I want to show my 63 (consider) to those people affected by the virus and those who are fighting in the hospitals in the face 64 the disaster, especially the doctors and nurses who are protecting others but thinking little about 65 (they),” says 67-year-old Maljean.‎ It 66 (take) the musician about three days to finish the song Chime of The Down Bells, 67 has become popular online since Feb 10. He Liu invited 15 local people from all walks of life in Wuhan to sing the Chinese version of the song. Maljean’s daughter, Noemie Maljean, an 68 (excellence) singer, performed the lead vocals(主唱).‎ Maljean put Wuhan’s landmark buildings and famous scenery into 69 music. “I hope that my music can comfort the people suffering in Wuhan and in China. I’m always deeply moved by the great sacrifice 70 (make) by the people of Wuhan,” says the pianist.‎ 10‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ The day when we returned to school was impressive. Because the COVID-19 outbreak, we had to stay home during the three months "vacation". I was touching when I stepped into the school, where remained clean and neat. The staff must have worked hard to keep everything tidy and safe but we could study in a comfortable environment. There were sign telling us to wash hands frequently and wearing masks. Mr. Chen, our headteacher, greeted us warm in the classroom. A mask was covered most of his face, but his eyes were shining. He said we have done our part to stop the disease spreading. What a unforgettable day!‎ 第二节 书面表达 ( 满分 25 分 )‎ 垃圾分类不但有利于环境保护,也有利于资源的节省与循环利用。‎ 假定你是国际学校学生李华,为号召大家积极参与垃圾分类,请你代表学生会发出一份倡议书,内容包括:‎ 1. 发出倡议的原因和目的;‎ 2. 垃圾分类要求:须分四类(干、湿、可循环、有害) ;‎ ‎3. 公众反应并发出倡议。 ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考词汇:垃圾分类 trash sorting 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.结束语已为你写好。‎ Proposal Dear schoolmates,‎ ‎ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ‎ ‎ The Students’ Union 10‎ ‎【答案】 ‎ 听力:1 - 5 CBACA 6 - 10 ABABA 11 - 15 BCBCA 16 - 20 CBCAB 阅读理解:‎ ‎21.B 22. C 23. D ‎24.B 25.D 26. D 27.A ‎【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了“抗疫斗士”伍连德博士的相关事迹。1910年,伍连德博士带着抗击疫情的医学任务来到哈尔滨。在伍博士的努力下,瘟疫的受害者人数下降并完全得到控制。如果疫情没有得到控制,疾病传播到中国其他地区,可能意味着灾难性的生命损失。因此伍博士为抗击疫情做出了巨大贡献。‎ ‎24.细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句话The Qing Imperial court had sent the Cambridge-educated Dr. Wu north to stop the epidemic.(清朝廷派剑桥大学毕业的伍博士北上,以阻止疫情的蔓延。)可知1910年伍博士的使命是去结束这场流行病。故选B项。‎ ‎25.细节理解题。根据第二段中的He had teams check households for possible cases, and even managed to convince authorities to completely close the railways in the early weeks of 1911. Of particular concern was the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday, which had become a great annual migration of people traveling across the country to see their families.(他让一些小组检查家庭是否有可能发生这种情况,甚至说服当局在1911年的前几周彻底关闭铁路。特别值得关注的是即将到来的春节假期,这已经成为全国各地旅游探亲者每年的一次大迁徙。)可知伍博士的说服当局关闭铁路的行为阻止了这种疾病在全国的传播。故选D项。‎ ‎26.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的For a time, Dr. Wu was the world’s most famous plague fighter, a title be defended in a malaria epidemic in China in 1919, and a return of plague in 1921. (有一段时间,伍博士是世界上最著名的抗疫斗士,1919年在中国的一场疟疾疫情中,伍博士的“抗疫斗士”头衔被捍卫,1921年疫情又卷土重来。)可知在1911年疫情结束大约10年后,瘟疫再次爆发。故选D项。‎ ‎27.主旨大意题。根据第三段中的Thanks to Dr. Wu’s efforts, the number of plague victims began to die down, and by March 1, 1911, the epidemic was fully contained. (在伍博士的努力下,瘟疫的受害者人数开始下降,到1911年3月1日,瘟疫完全得到控制。)及最后一段中的For a time, Dr. Wu was the world’s most famous plague fighter, (有一段时间,伍博士是世界上最著名的抗疫斗士)及总览全文可知文章主要描述了“抗疫斗士”伍连德博士的伟大抗疫事迹。因此A项(抗疫战士)为最佳标题。故选A项。‎ ‎28. C 29. D 30. A 31. C ‎32 C 33.C 34.A 35.B ‎【解析】本文属于说明文,介绍一种水上无人机可以用于清理浮在水面上的垃圾。‎ ‎32.细节理解题。根据第二段Responsible for collecting waste, the drone will begin operations in Dubai Marina in November after a year of trials with local partner Ecocoast.可知,这种无人机是用来清理垃圾的,故选C。‎ ‎33.主旨大意题。根据第四段By 2016 there were approximately 150 million tons of plastic in the world's oceans. One paper from December 2014 estimated that over a quarter of a million tons of ocean plastic pollution was afloat.可知,预计到2016年,海洋里会有1.5亿吨垃圾,估计约有25万吨垃圾漂浮在海洋上,故可知,本段主要讲述海洋垃圾的严重性,故选C。‎ ‎34.细节理解题。根据第五段Fitted with a collision-avoidance system, the drone uses laser imaging detection and ranging technology to detect an object in its path and stop or back up if the object approaches."可知,配备防碰撞系统,无人机使用激光来探测物体,用测距技术来探测前方是否有物体,如果探测到物体,无人机就会停下来或者后退,故选A。‎ ‎35.推理判断题。根据最后一段However, Liparts argues that cleaning waterways doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution and requires a combination of new technology, preventative measures and changing people's attitudes towards littering.可知,这种无人机并非解决水上垃圾污染的万全之策,需要多措并举,才能达到目的,故选B。‎ ‎【七选五解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一项奥林匹克运动项目——冰壶。‎ ‎36.空格后文:苏格兰的冬天很长,有各种娱乐形式。因此,人们开始用在结冰的湖面上滑动的重石头创造一项运动,这项运动后来逐渐传播开来。可推知此处是概述冰壶的历史渊源,所以此句为:冰壶运动可能起源于16世纪或更早的苏格兰。故选G。‎ ‎37.根据本段的整体内容可知,本段主要讲的是冰壶的具体游戏规则,所以此句为:冰壶比赛由四人组成的队伍进行。故选C。‎ 10‎ ‎38.上段讲的是冰壶的游戏规则,本段讲的是冰壶的游戏规则学起来容易,但具体操作起来并非易事,所以用The rules are easy to learn, but playing the game is hard来承上启下。故选E。‎ ‎39.根据空格前句可推知,冰壶在实际操作中并非易事,与选项F呼应,并且F项中的The melting of the ice与空后的Water呼应。故选F。‎ ‎40.根据下文的That may explain why the international Olympic Committee decided to make curling an Olympic sport in 1998(这也许可以解释为什么国际奥委会在1998年决定将冰壶运动列为奥运会项目)可推知,一个好的冰壶球员必须是一个好的运动员,故选D。‎ 完形填空:41-45 CDBDA 46-50 CBABD 51-55 CABDC 56-60 ABCDA 语法填空【答案】‎ ‎1.to postpone 2.immediately 3.consideration 4.of 5.themselves 6.took 7.which 8.excellent 9.the/his 10.made ‎【解析】本文属于记叙文。比利时钢琴家让一弗朗索瓦·马尔(Jean- Francois Maljean)由于武汉疫情,不得不推迟他去武汉的行程。感动于中国和中国武汉的全力抗疫。他写了一首歌曲叫《黎明的钟声》。以表达他对抗击新型冠状病毒疫情的武汉人民的关心。‎ ‎1.考查不定式。分析句子结构可知,本句中有“force sb. to do sth.”结构,表示“迫使某人不得不作……”。本题的to postpone离关键词forced较远,who引导定语从句,修饰宾语Belgian pianist Jean-Francois Maljean,故填to postpone。‎ ‎2.考查副词。句意:在和他的中国商业伙伴何柳讨论之后,这位音乐家决定立即写一首歌。本空后面有after引起的从句,本空应用副词修饰从句。故填immediately。‎ ‎3.考查名词。本句前面有“show my...”,说明本空应考虑名词作show的宾语。consideration在此意为“关心”符合,故填consideration。‎ ‎4.考查介词。in the face of属于固定的介词短语。意为“面对”。故填of。‎ ‎5.考查代词。句意:特别是医生和护士,他们保护别人,却很少考虑自己。本空位于介词about之后,再结合句意可知,这里应填反身代词。故填themselves。‎ ‎6.考查时态。本句在谈他用了大约三天时间写完了这首歌,指的是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。故填took。‎ ‎7.考查定语从句。本空前面是一个完整的句子,应考虑非限制性定语从句;本空又处在后面句子的主语位置上,故填which,指代前面的歌曲Chime of The Dawn Bells。故填which。‎ ‎8.考查形容词。本空后面是名词singer,因此本空填形容词,修饰该名词。故填excellent。‎ ‎9.考查定冠词。通过上下文分析,这里的music指的是前面提到的Chime of The Dawn Bells。因此本空填the,表特指。用his也可以接受。故填the/his。‎ ‎10.考查过去分词。句意:武汉人民作出的巨大牺牲总是让我深受感动。本句前面的“I’m always deeply moved by”内容是句子的主要部分,因此,本空应考虑填非谓语动词。再结合本空后面的by...”,用过去分词作定语,修饰sacrifice,故填made。‎ 改错 ‎1.because^of 2.touching touched 3.where which ‎4.but so 5.sign signs 6.wearing wear ‎7.warm warmly 8.去掉was 9.have had 10.a an 作文 Proposal Dear schoolmates,‎ Aimed at recycling and saving sources to protect our environment, the trash-sorting program has been promoted recently in China. As for us students, it’s essential and vital to learn and involve ourselves in it.‎ Faced with the new rule, we are supposed to change the way to cope with the waste at first. Domestic waste, which was dumped their waste bags in whichever bin was closest is required to be classified into four categories: dry refuse, wet trash, recyclable waste and hazardous(dangerous) waste with every item of waste under careful scrutiny(examination) and classification now. In addition, complicated as it is, we ought to keep a positive attitude and stick to the new way, because it helps people to cultivate greener lifestyle habits and helps China to become a more beautiful country. ‎ My dear friends, there may be a long way to go for us. Let's work hand in hand to challenge the difficulties. We have faith in the fact that tomorrow is another day.‎ ‎ The Students' Union 10‎

