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‎2018届二轮复习 形容词 一. 形容词的语法功能 ‎ 形容词用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态或特征。在句中作定语、表语、宾语补足语以及状语。形容词前加定冠词the,相当于一个名词。‎ 如He is a young Russian soldier. The film is interesting.‎ ‎ He likes to paint the wall pink. Lucy came to the party, happy.‎ ‎ The blind are taught how to do the work.‎ 温馨提示:1. 有些形容词通常作表语和补语,不能像普通形容词那样作前置定语,这样的形容词称为表语形容词。如alive, alone, asleep, alike, afraid, awake, ashamed, able, sure, ill, worth等;其作定语时后置。‎ ‎2. 有些形容词只能作定语,不能作表语,这样的形容词称为定语形容词,如golden, wooden, silken, live, elder, former, latter, front, back, outer等 二. 形容词的分类 ‎1. 性质形容词 外观:long, strong, big, round, fat, beautiful, old等 性质:good, clean, new, fresh, soft, excellent等 颜色:red, black, green, blue, white, brown等 情绪:happy, sad, sorry, nervous, anxious等 性格:kind, cruel, honest, foolish, lazy, rude等 状况:careful, blind, deaf, cheap, hungry等 评论:great, true, necessary, difficult, wrong等 ‎2. 关系形容词 地域:Chinese, American, Asian, Pacific等 质料:wooden, golden, plastic, metallic等 科技:electric, chemical, atomic, medical等 意识:communist, social, political, religious等 行业:industrial, agricultural, economic, military等 三. 形容词在句中的位置 ‎1. 单个形容词作定语时,一般放在被修饰的名词之前;两个或两个以上的形容词修饰一个名词时,同种类形容词的排列顺序一般应考虑以下两种情况:‎ 和被修饰的名词关系比较密切的形容词位置更靠近名词。‎ 如Jane Fyre is a moving English novel.‎ 音节少的形容词在前,音节多的形容词在后。如I have a small but beautiful room.‎ 不同种类的词同时出现在名词前作定语时,按以下顺序进行排列:冠词→限定副词→描绘性形容词→大小、长短、高低→形状→年龄、新旧→颜色→国籍、地区、出处→物质材料→用途、类别 + 名词。可归纳为:限定描绘大、长、高,形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。‎ ‎ 如The old lady wants to buy a beautiful red Chinese silk dress for her daughter as a present.‎ ‎ Tom likes that big blue plastic pencil box his brother gave him.‎ ‎ Our first few short English lessons were not difficult.‎ ‎ They bought a charming big round new black French wooden writing desk last year.‎ ‎2. 单个形容词作定语时,在下列情况之下,形容词应放在被修饰的词之后。‎ 形容词修饰不定代词something,nothing,anything等时应后置。‎ 如I have something important to tell you. There is nothing dangerous here.‎ 形容词修饰表示度量的名词应后置。如The building is seventeen storeys high.‎ ‎ He is ten years old. The street is five hundred meters long.‎ 用and / or连接的两个形容词通常放在被修饰的名词之后,起强调修饰语的作用。‎ 如Everybody, man and woman, old and young, should attend the meeting.‎ ‎ You can take any box away, big or small.‎ 有些过去分词形容词作定语时应后置。如given,left,won,missed等。‎ 如None of the answers given were correct.‎ 表语形容词作定语时需后置。如alive,present,possible,afraid,alone,awake等。‎ ‎ 如He is the greatest writer alive.‎ ‎ He was the only person awake at the moment.‎ ‎ 温馨提示: 以字母a开头的形容词不可直接用very来修饰。如very much alone, fast alseep, wide awake, very much afraid, greatly ashamed 以字母a开头的形容词本身带有副词来修饰时,可以用作前置定语。如the fast asleep boy, a somewhat afraid ‎ man ‎3. 形容词短语作定语时,需要后置。如He is a worker worthy of praise.‎ 四. 特殊的形容词 ‎1. 有些以-ly结尾的词是形容词,而不是副词,如friendly,lovely,weekly,orderly,brotherly,lively,lonely,likely,deadly,earthly,leisurely ‎2. 复合形容词的构成 数词 + 名词(单数)。如one-child“独生子的”,two-hour“两小时的”, three-good“三好的”,20-fire“二十发的”,1,000,000-pound“百万英镑的”‎ 数词 + 名词(单数)+ 形容词。如three-year-old“三周岁的”,six-inch-tall“六英寸高的”,seven-foot-wide“七英尺宽的”,30-storey-high“三十层高的”,800-meter-long“八百米高的”‎ 数词 + 名词 + ed。如one-eyed, four-storeyed, two-faced, three-legged, four-footed 形容词 +(普通)名词。如full-time, second-hand, first-rate, large-scale, mid-term 形容词 + 名词 + ed。如kind-hearted, cold-blooded, ‎ ‎ noble-minded, warm-hearted, blue-eyed, middle-aged, red-lipped, good-tempered 形容词(副词)+ 现在分词。如good-looking, tired-looking, ordinary-looking, hard-working, easy-going, ever-lasting, quick-firing, well-meaning, far-teaching 形容词(副词)+ 过去分词。如new-born, well-dressed, ready-made, wide-spread, deep-set, hard-won, so-called, newly-built, quick-frozen 形容词(副词)+ 形容词。如dark-blue, light-green, all-round, wide-awake, red-hot, hardly-conscious 名词 + 现在分词(此时动词和名词间存在动宾关系)。如English-speaking, life-saving, mouth-watering, ocean-going, peace-loving, epoch-making, world-shaking, man-eating 名词 + 过去分词(此时名词和动词间存在主谓关系)。如hand-made, heart-broken, ice-covered, horse-drawn, state-owned 名词 + 形容词。如ice-cold, life-long, world-famous, snow-white, nation-wide, duty-free 名词 +(普通)名词。如X-ray, English-language

