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北京市第四十三中学2019-2020学年 高二上学期开学摸底考试 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,共7. 5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后。你将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。‎ l. What kind of food will the two speakers have? ‎ A. Chinese food. B. Indian food. C. Italian food.‎ ‎2. What has happened to Jerry?‎ A. He has found a new job in Europe.‎ B. He has gone to visit his mother.‎ C. He has been on sick leave.‎ ‎3. Who has the man called to come over?‎ A. A salesman. B. An electrician. C. A repairman.‎ ‎4. What time did the man want to get up?‎ A. At 7:15. B. At 7:30. C. At 7:45.‎ ‎5. What present will the man buy for his mother?‎ A. B. C. ‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)‎ 请听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。‎ ‎6. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?‎ A. The written test. B. The driving license. C. The traffic rules.‎ ‎7. What does the man mean at the end of the conversation?‎ A. He needn’t prepare for the written test.‎ B. He needn’t review the traffic rules.‎ C. He can’t use his common sense.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。‎ ‎8. How is the woman going to Shanghai?‎ A. By air. B. By bus. C. By train.‎ ‎9. Why does the woman refuse the man’s offer?‎ A. She wants to arrive earlier.‎ B. She has to work overtime.‎ C. She dislikes train travel.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. When will the cafeteria close?‎ A.At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00.‎ ‎11. Which of the following will the man probably order?‎ A. A pizza. B. A fish cake. C. Baked potatoes.‎ ‎12. Why is the man studying?‎ A. He will have a test in two days.‎ B. He plans to go home this weekend.‎ C. He has not studied at all during the semester.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。‎ ‎13. What does the speaker ask the visitors to do first?‎ A. Write down the number of the coach.‎ B. Check and see if their cameras work well.‎ C. Make sure they take all valuable things with them.‎ ‎14. What should the visitors do during the trip?‎ A. Follow the guide’s instructions.‎ B. Pay close attention to the time.‎ C. Take as many photos as possible.‎ ‎15. When will the visitors leave the town?‎ A. At 6:15 am. B. At 8:15 am. C. At 6:15 pm.‎ 第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)‎ 听下面一段对话,根据题目要求在相应题号后的横线上写下回答第16至第20题的相关信息。听对话前,你有20秒钟的时间读题,听完后你将有60秒钟的作答时间。这段对话你将听两遍。‎ Trip Reservation Form Name Alex 16 ‎ Telephone number ‎ ‎98136582‎ Time On 17 18th for 9 days Type of Trip Line The 18 coast line Price ‎ 19 per person Travel Detail Need a 20 ‎ ‎(请将第16至第20题的答案抄写在答题卡相应位置上)‎ 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)‎ 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)‎ ‎21. There are three bedrooms in the house, ______ is Mary’s.‎ A. the smallest of which B. the smaller of which ‎ C. the smallest of them D. the smallest of all ‎22. Now that she is out of work, Lucy ______ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided it.‎ A. has considered B. is going to considered C. has been considering D. considered ‎23. Rainforests ______ and burnt at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.‎ A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had being cut ‎ ‎24. David, weak in history, is a student ___ his teacher finds it difficult to get his meaning across.‎ A. with whom B. for whom C. about whom D. to whom ‎25. The area near the town, ______ 5 kilometres by 3 kilometres, has been bought by the foreign company.‎ A. to measure B. measured C. measuring D. being measured ‎26. The five young men ______ by the police last week are being questioned in connection with one of the attacks.‎ A. arrested B. to be arrested C. being arrested D. arresting ‎27. –Animals from the forests nearby ______ our crops.‎ ‎–So they have. Measures must be taken before things get worse.‎ A. were damaging B. have been damaging ‎ C. will be damaging D. have damaged ‎28. Jenny entered her house. On the sofa ______ she had never seen before.‎ A. a beautiful lady did sit B. a beautiful lady sat C. did a beautiful lady sit D. sat a beautiful lady ‎29. I’m afraid we must act quickly because time ______.  ‎ A. is being run out of B. is running out C. has been running out of D. has run out ‎30. Those last few days ______ my classmates and teachers studied and lived together with me will stay in my mind forever. ‎ A. when B. which C. that D. what ‎31. On such a hot day I would appreciate ______ if I could have a cold drink.‎ A. that B. this C. it D. myself ‎32. After her husband was put into _____ prison, she had to make _____ living by selling flowers.‎ A. a; a B. /; a C. /; the D. a; the ‎33. We ______ for the spring outing last week, if it had not been for the thick fog.‎ A. would have gone B. must have gone ‎ C. need have gone D. can have gone ‎ ‎34. –The last one _______ pays the meal.‎ ‎–Agreed!‎ A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving ‎35. –Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.‎ ‎–She_______. I’ve already borrowed one.‎ A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Long ago, three monkeys lived in a tree near a castle. They liked to 36 anything they found, especially sparkling(闪亮的)things.‎ One warm night, the king left his bedroom window 37 . A monkey went into the bedroom secretly to explore. She 38 the king’ s crown(王冠)sitting in its golden box on a table. In a flash, the monkey hurried back out of the window with the ‎39 in her hand, and then 40 it in a hole in the tree. ‎ The next morning, the king discovered the 41 golden box. No one else could have climbed into his room so 42 ! The angry king told his guard Ravi what had happened. “If you can find my crown, I will 43 you,” he promised. ‎ When Ravi 44 how much the monkeys outside the king’s window liked to show off, a(n) 45 came into his mind. “Perhaps the 46 will show me where to ‎47”‎, Ravi thought.‎ He waved two ‎48 in front of the monkeys, and then hung them on a low branch(树枝) and waited. The monkeys soon climbed down to 49 Ravi’s gifts. One monkey put a hat on his head. The second monkey 50 the other hat. But the third monkey was not 51 the old hats. 52 , she climbed into a hole near a branch, pulled out the crown and placed it on her head. “Look at me!” the monkey seemed to say to her friends. “I have the 53 hat of all!”‎ Ravi‎ smiled as he watched the monkey hide the crown again. Quickly, Ravi climbed up the branches to get it.‎ ‎“I’m sorry. You cannot 54 the king’s crown,” Ravi told the monkey. “But I am 55 you liked showing it off!”‎ Later that day, the grateful king gave Ravi a bag of gold coins as a reward.‎ ‎36. A. eat B. tear C. collect D. make ‎37. A. dirty B. open C. clean D. closed ‎38. A. returned B. found C. sold D. borrowed ‎39. A. box B. gold C. table D. crown ‎40. A. hid B. lost C. destroyed D. checked ‎41. A. beautiful B. broken C. empty D. expensive ‎42. A. loudly B. slowly C. quietly D. honestly ‎43. A. punish B. reward C. praise D. like ‎44. A. doubted B. noticed C. hoped D. forgot ‎45. A. joke B. name C. reply D. idea ‎46. A. trees B. king C. guard D. monkeys ‎47. A. buy B. call C. search D. practice ‎48. A. hats B. coins C. bags D. hands ‎49. A. steal B. examine C. refuse D. post ‎50. A. gave up B. threw away C. tried on D. took off ‎51. A. proud of B. interested in C. worried about D. prepared for ‎52. A. Besides B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Instead ‎53. A. biggest B. oldest C. worst D. best ‎54. A. watch B. keep C. wave D. cut ‎55. A. sorry B. afraid C. happy D. nervous 第三部分:阅读理解(共三节,38分)‎ 第一节(共11小题;每小题2分,共22分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A Though I have twin sisters who are a year younger than I am, I still wanted one more guy in the house when I was 5 or 6. In 2002, my mom and dad went back to the adoption agency (收养机构) in Korea where they got my sisters and me. They came home with George.‎ He seemed fine at first. But six months later, when he was around l, my mom and dad told us George wouldn’t grow up like us. They said George has autism(自闭症) and that he’d have more challenges. One day my parents brought home some sign-language videos. They said we were all going to learn signing together. That was when I knew George might never talk.‎ Living with George can be a roller coaster ride. He wants to play all the time, which makes him lovable. But he can be aggressive(有攻击性的). If he doesn’t get what he wants, he throws a fit. When George acts like this at home, I take him to the couch or the floor and lie with him until he cools off. That’s my role. I often have to hold him down when he loses control of himself. I’m the only one in my home who is strong enough to handle George physically at this point, which is ‎ difficult.‎ I thought having a brother would mean I’d have someone on my side all the time. I thought that if I had a fight with my sisters, I’d have him at my back. It didn’t end up that way. But the people in your life are there for a reason. Having George in the family has made us all closer. He’s not only a connection point, but a responsibility that we all share. It has taught us to compromise(妥协).‎ ‎56. What can we learn about the author’s family?‎ A. The family had their first child in 2002.‎ B. The brothers and sisters have no blood relationship.‎ C. There are five people in the family altogether.‎ D. The family communicate with each other in sign language.‎ ‎57. The underlined part “throws a fit” in Paragraph 3 probably means “______.”‎ ‎ A. gets very angry B. turns to others ‎ C. does it himself D. keeps silent ‎58. We can infer from the last paragraph that ______.‎ A. George always supports the author B. George has learned to compromise C. the author loves George very much D. the author often fights with his sisters B You probably know frogs hop(双足跳). But did you know that there’s a tiny frog in the Pacific Northwest that bellyflops(肚子先着水)? It’s called tailed frog.‎ Dr. Rick Essner, who has been studying tailed frogs for the past few years, says, “I’ve looked at thousands of jumps and have never seen them land on their feet like other frogs.” Most of the time, tailed frogs land on their stomachs and then bring their back legs in to prepare for another jump.‎ Essner first noticed these frogs because of the way they swim. Other frogs kick both of their back legs at the same time. But when a tailed frog swims, it pushes first with one leg and then the other.‎ To try to find out why tailed frogs bellflop, Essner and other scientists collected and filmed different kinds of frogs. They found that all of the frogs start their jumps the same way: they stretch (伸出) their legs. The change comes in midair and in landing. Tailed frogs cannot move ‎ their back legs as quickly as other frogs do. Maybe they don’t need to. Tailed frogs live around water and quickly jump into the water to escape danger.‎ Early frogs developed around watery areas and could jump quickly into the water to escape danger. Scientists think those frogs blended in with(与……融合在一起) the green plants on the side of the rocky streams, just like today’s tailed frogs. “I would guess that other animals would have problems detecting them,” explains Essner. When they did find those early frogs, the frogs could jump into the stream. They didn’t need to continue hopping.‎ Tailed frogs and other kinds of frogs went their separate ways about 200 million years ago. Tailed frogs stayed by streams. Other kinds of frogs moved to places where new hopping skills allowed them to survive.‎ ‎59. What’s special about the tailed frog?‎ A. It has a long tail. B. It jumps on one foot.‎ C. It starts its jump differently. D. It lands differently from other frogs.‎ ‎60. Why do tailed frogs bellyflop?‎ A. They have never left the water to live. ‎ B. They have trouble in stretching out their legs.‎ C. Their back legs can’t catch up while jumping.‎ D. Their front legs develop better than the back ones.‎ ‎61. The underlined word “detecting” in paragraph 5 means “______.”‎ A. eating B. killing C. using D. discovering ‎62. When coming across an enemy, the tailed frog would ______.‎ A. jump into the water for protection B. hop around quickly C. hide in the green plants near the streams D. jump onto the rock C Multitasking What is the first thing you notice when you walk into a shop? The products displayed(展示) at the entrance? Or the soft background music?‎ But have you ever notice the smell? Unless it is bad, the answer is likely to be no. But while a shop’s scent may not be outstanding compared with sights and sounds, it is certainly there. And it ‎ is providing to be an increasing powerful tool in encouraging people to purchase.‎ A brand store has become famous for its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance, via scent machines. A smell may be attractive but it may not just be used for freshening air. One sports goods company once reported that when it first introduced scent into its stores, customers’ intension to purchase increased by 80 percent.‎ When it comes to the best shopping streets in Pairs, scent is just as important to a brand’s success as the quality of its window displays and goods on sales. That is mainly because shopping is a very different experience to what it used to be.‎ Some years ago, the focus for brand name shopping was on a few people with sales assistants’ disproving attitude and don’t-touch-what-you-can’t-afford displays. Now the rise of electronic commerce (e-commerce) has opened up famous brands to a wider audience. But while e-shops can use sights and sounds, only bricks-and-mortar stores(实体店) can offer a full experience from the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave. Another brand store seems to be much more than a shop, but rather a destination. And scent is just one way to achieve this.‎ Now a famous store uses complex man-made smell to make sure that the soft scent of baby powder floats through the kid department, and coconut(椰子) scent in the swimsuit section. A department store has even opened a new lab, inviting customers on a journey into the store’s windows to smell books, pots and drawers, in search of their perfect scent.‎ ‎63. According to the passage, what is an increasingly powerful tool in the success of some brand store?‎ A. Friendly assistant.                             B. Unique scents.‎ C. Soft background music.                      D. Attractive window display.‎ ‎64. E-shops are mentioned in the passage to _______.‎ A. show the advantages of brick-and-mortar stores B. urge shop assistants to change their attitude C. push stores to use sights and sounds D. introduce the rise of e-commerce ‎65. The underlined word “destination” in Paragraph 5 means _______.‎ A. a platform that exhibits goods B. a spot where travelers like to stay C. a place where customers love to go D. a target that a store expects to meet ‎66. The main purpose of the passage is to ______.‎ A. compare and evaluate                         B. examine and assess C. argue and discuss                              D. inform and explain 第二节:信息还原(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ First aid on burns Treating a hurt person quickly is called first aid. First aid does not require expert medical help – anyone can learn first aid. One of the most common injuries is a burn. 67 So what should you do if someone suffers a burn?‎ First, look at the burn. Is it a small burn? Doctors say a small burn is about 23 millimetres across. Then ask the person, “Is your burn very painful?” 68 If you are dealing with a small painful burn, it is not serious. You can treat it without a doctor with the following steps.‎ ‎ 69 Burns often make the injured body part swell(肿胀). Close-fitting clothes can cause injuries as the body swells. Also remove any jewellery from fingers and neck and so on.‎ Then treat the burned area with cool running water. Do not use ice. 70 This is called “flushing”. After flushing, cover the burn. A clean bandage or cloth is good. 71 ‎ If the burn is more serious, you must take the person to a doctor. But your early help will give the person the best chance to make a good recovery.‎ A. It’s important to cool the area.‎ B. Ice is too cold and can damage the skin.‎ C. Do not use anything that may stick to the burn.‎ D. Remove the person’s clothes around the burned area.‎ E. Surprisingly, more serious burns are not very painful.‎ F. The swelling may make it difficult for the person to breathe.‎ G. But the right, quick treatment for burns can make a big difference.‎ 第三节:阅读表达(共3小题;每小题2分,共6分)‎ 阅读下面的短文和问题,根据短文内容,在相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息(不多于五个单词),完成对该问题的回答。答语要结构正确,书写工整,字迹清楚。‎ Sound is very important in our daily lives. Most of us get information and know what’s happening around us by the sounds we hear. We talk with other people and listen to radio and television broadcasts for music, news, and enjoyment.‎ Sound can be useful and pleasing or it can be unpleasant, and damaging to our ears. Unwanted, harmful sounds are called noise pollution.‎ The movements of people, animals, machines, and other things cause pressure waves in the air. If these pressure waves are within a certain range(范围) of frequencies(频率), our ears believe that it is sound. Sound waves are like the waves in a lake when you throw a stone. The bigger the stone, the bigger the waves. And that’s how sound works. Big sounds cause larger waves.‎ Scientists measure these sound waves in decibels. To be heard by humans, a sound wave must measure at least ten decibels. When these waves reach a high number of decibels, our ears start to hurt and damage can occur. If you’ve been around loud noises for several hours, you may have experienced damage. It’s important to know the danger signal: ringing in your ears.‎ Keep your ears safe-be careful what you hear!‎ ‎72. What is noise pollution?‎ ‎73. What may damage our ears?‎ ‎74. What is the passage mainly about?‎ 第四部分:书面表达(共三节,37分)‎ 第一节 用所给词或词组的正确形式填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)‎ appeal to protect…from have an effect on fed up with pull up make up benefit from be responsible for argue about so far ‎75. The teacher asked the students to _______________ a poem about bees.‎ ‎76. The idea of living in the country doesn’t _________________ me at all.‎ ‎77. They were _________________ how to spend the money.‎ ‎78. The school _________________ the safety of the children in school hours.‎ ‎79. Everything must be done _________________ rivers _________________ being polluted.‎ ‎80. I have no doubts that these measures will ___________ the improving of the traffic of the city.‎ ‎81. I’m _____________ talking to you. You never listen to me.‎ ‎82. _________________ this month we have covered ten lessons in our grammar book.‎ ‎83. The plants _________________ the rain.‎ ‎84. The driver _________________ his car at the gate of the school.‎ 第二节 翻译句子 (共3小题,85、86每小题2分,87小题3分,共7分)‎ ‎85. 放学后,你的叔叔会来接你。(pick up)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎86. 你的主意听起来不错。(sound)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎87. 与我们的房子相比,这个新的很大。(compare)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ 第三节 应用文(20分)‎ 假设你是李华,曾在美国学习半年,现已回国。你想联系你的美国老师Mr. Smith,但没有其联系方式。请根据以下要点给你的美国同学Tom写一封信:‎ ‎1. 感谢Tom对你英语学习的帮助:‎ ‎2. 询问Mr. Smith的近况并索要其联系方式;‎ ‎3. 邀请Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ 听力:1-5 CBCAC 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 ABCAC ‎16. Christopher 17. January 18. west 19. 16,500 20. passport 单选:21-25 ACCDC 26-30 ABDBA 31-35 CBACC ‎ 完形:36-40 CBBDA 41-45 CCBBD 46-50 DCABC 51-55 BDDBC 阅读:A: 56-58 BAC B: 59-62 DCDA C: 63-66 BACD 67-71 GEDBC ‎72. Unwanted, harmful sounds. ‎ ‎73. Loud noises. ‎ ‎74. Noise pollution and its danger. / Noise pollution.‎ 方框选词:‎ ‎75. make up 76. appeal to 77. arguing about 78. is responsible for 79. to protect…from 80. have an effect on 81. fed up with 82. so far 83. benefit from 84. pulled up 翻译句子:‎ ‎85. Your uncle will pick you up after school.‎ ‎86. Your idea sounds good.‎ ‎87. Compared with the old house, the new one is big.‎ 书面表达:‎ One possible version: ‎ Dear Tom,‎ I am now back home. In this letter I would like to say thanks to you for your kind help when I was in New York. I have been missing our English professor, Mr. Smith, who is so good a teacher and leaves me a great impression. What about him recently? I want to ask him for some suggestions on how to improve my listening ability. However, I lost his email address. So would you mind sending it to me via the online mailbox?‎ I am more than delighted to invite you to join us to celebrate the Spring Festival–Chinese Lunar New Year so that I can repay your friendship. We can also have a try in lion dances, which is extremely exciting. And the grand lantern festival parade will be bound to impress you. I assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as I did at your home.‎ With my best regards!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

