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2020届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit1 A land of diversity单元教案 教材分 析 I.教学内容分析 本单元的中心话题是美国第三大州——加利福尼亚。本单元的两 篇文章分别采用两种写作手法来让读者了解加利福尼亚的具体情况。 Warming Up部分以填图的形式让学生对美国的地理有一个初步的 认识,同时也让他们了解加利福尼亚州的位置,为学习阅读文章做准 备。这部分可以以小组活动的形式进行,努力调动学生讨论的积极性, 以达到热身的效果。 Pre-reading部分让学生观看加州的土著人、金矿工和中国城的图 片,并多针对这些图片进行讨论,激发学生对加利福尼亚的兴趣。 Reading部分是详细介绍加州居民和移民的历史,更加形象地使学 生认识到“美国是民族的熔炉”。 Learning about Language部分突出了词汇和语法的学习与训练。 本单元的语法是名词性从句的具体用法。 Using Language部分中包括了听、读、写三个部分的内容,是本 单元主要篇章的有力补充和辅助。学生可从乔治的旅游过程中了解加 州的旅游景点,以及其文化、习俗和人们的生活状况。该部分提出的 一些问题有利于培养学生独立思考的能力和人文精神。其中写作部分 是训练学生选取和组织材料的能力——通过思考,写出叙述合理且思 路清晰的电子邮件或者明信片。 Learning Tip指导学生掌握和别人交谈时的技巧,以及鼓励别人 说话的方法。 II.教学重点和难点 1. 教学重点 (1) 本单元教学目的和要求中的生词和短语; (2) 掌握运用名词性从句的具体用法; (3) 了解加利福尼亚移民的特点以及加州的人文、历史等。 2. 教学难点 (1) 了解美国文化的多元化特征,培养学生跨文化交际的意识, 提高他们自身的素质; (2) 学会使用“方向和位置”来介绍一个地方或描述一个事件, 以及鼓励别人说话的方法; (3) 学写有关介绍国家或城市等的说明文。 III.教学计划 本单元建议分六课时: 第 一 课 时 : Warming Up, Listening (Workbook) & Talking (Workbook) 第二课时:Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending 第三课时:Learning about Language 第四课时:Using Language 第五、六课时: Listening task (Workbook), Speaking and writing task (Workbook) & Reading task (Workbook) IV.教学步骤: Period 1 Warming Up, Listening (Workbook) & Talking (Workbook) Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to talk about things about the USA. 2. To develop Ss’ ability in listening and speaking. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Leading-in Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in the topic of this unit. Ask Ss to look at the following pictures and talk about the questions. 1. If you want to learn something about a country, a state, etc, what do you want to know? 2. How many states are there in the USA? 3. How many Great Lakes are there in America? 4. Which ocean does California border? and other questions if time permits. Step 2. Warming Up Purpose: To introduce the topic of this unit to Ss in the form of discussion. 1. Ask Ss to write the names on the map on P1 according to the requirements as soon as possible. Then get Ss to ask each other the questions. If time permits, have one or two groups to present their dialogue to the whole class. (1) Have you ever been to America? Do you want to go there? (2) If so, which city or state do you want to go to first? Why? (3) When you travel around all the city or state, can you describe it in details? 2. Divide Ss into four groups and ask them to talk about the difference between California and Washington D. C.. Different Ss may give different answers. Make notes of some valuable information and reach a conclusion. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? California Washington D. C. Advantages Get along well with many Chinese-Americans; many places of interest; the center of finance; California Institute of Technology and Stanford University. The capital of USA; the center of government; the center of culture; many government employees here; many interesting places; large in area but has a small population. Disadvantages A large number of earthquakes; Often dry and short of Problems of human rights and public security; there is fresh water crime frequently. 3. Ask Ss to discuss the following questions and encouragethem to give as much information as possible. After the discussion, the teacher can write down some key words on the blackboard to help Ss to have a general impression of USA and California. (1) Have you ever talked with or e-mailed people who have been USA? (2) If the governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, comes to China and you have a chance to ask three questions, what do you want to ask? Conclusion: USA is a developed country and has many kinds of cultures and California is the third largest state. United States of America is composed of a federal district — Washington DC and 50 states. All the states except for Hawaii islands are situated in mainland America. It has a population of about 2,900 million. Its area is 9,370,000 sq km. The climate of USA is mainly temperate in nature but in Hawaii and Florida, it is tropical. The American President lives and works in the White House. The Statue of Liberty is 46 meters high, with a torch in her right hand holding aloft and Declaration of Independence in her left. California is one of the American states of the largest population, with the most developed economy. Step 3. Pre-listening Purpose: To help Ss to guess the main idea about the listening by the given information. 1. Ask Ss to discuss the picture on P46 with their partners in groups of six. (1) What are the people doing? (2) Can you guess what festival it may be? (3) What activities can the people hold? 2. Get Ss to look through the questions and let their partners state their opinions on the listening material. At the same time remind them of the key words: what, where, when, why and preparations. After talking, ask Ss to present their opinions to all classmates. Step 4. Listening (Workbook) Purpose: To learn how to narrate a story . To develop Ss’ listening ability. To gain some information about American city New Orleans. 1. Ask Ss to look through the sentences of the first part and listen to the tape carefully. Play the tape twice. For the first time, just ask Ss to listen for the gist. For the second time, ask Ss to prepare for Ex3 on P46. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and mark the location of New Orleans on the map and finish Ex4 on P47. Step 5. Talking (Workbook) Purpose: To get Ss to talk about a city or province in China. 1. Pre-speaking: (1) Ask Ss to think about the following questions and then present their views to all classmates. ① Who are the hero or heroin during the talk? ② What is the location of New Orleans? ③ Why did Mandy Long go to New Orleans? (2) Ask Ss to discuss the questions given in Ex1 on P47 and present their opinions in class. The answers are different according to their choices. 2. While-speaking Purpose: To get Ss to talk with others and improve their skills in speaking. (1) Show some pictures for the students as examples and discuss the question. What would you like to see in China? (2) Ask students to use the following words and phrases in the discussion. I think/ don’t think … I like doing/ to do… It would be possible to … Where do you like…? I prefer… What do you think of…? In my opinion… … would be a perfect place for me. (3) After the discussion, ask some pairs to present their dialogues. Sample dialogue: S1: Hi, everyone. This is Judy Smith, and you’re listening to a daily program about different places of interest in the world. Today on the show, we have Li Hua, a Chinese student who is studying in Yale University. Welcome, Li Hua. S2: Thank you for having me. S1: Which city do you like to visit in your country? S2: I like visiting Ji’nan. It is a perfect place for me because I was born there. S1: Oh, you must know more about this city. S2: Of course. I think Ji’nan is a beautiful city. If I say something about it, you will want to go there very much. S1: Now first, tell us exactly where Ji’nan is? S2:It’s in the north of Shandong Province. It is the capital city. The Yellow River flows through it. It has an area of 91,058 sq km. S1: What do you think of this city? S2: In my opinion, it is a city worth visiting. It is called “ the spring city” because there are many famous and splendid springs in the city. Also there are lots of famous mountains and parks. It is a perfect place for you to visit. S1: I see. It must be your pride. And when you graduate from the university, do you still want to return there? S2: Well, my parents still live in the city, and they wish I can go back to make a contribution to the city. All the same, I want to devote myself to making the city even prettier. So I will choose go back to my homeland. S1: Can you describe the cultures and customs in your born city? S2: … Step 6. Homework 1. Ask Ss to continue talking about a familiar place with your classmates. 2. Ask Ss to go over all the new words and prepare for the Reading part. Period 2 Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending Teaching Goals: 1. To review what Ss have already known about California? 2. To develop Ss’ some basic reading skills. 3. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about the history of people in California. 4. To help Ss learn the huge diversity of races and cultures in America, especially in California. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Pre-reading Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about American inhabitants. 1. Show some pictures, and encourage Ss to give as much information as possible. 2. Ask Ss to illustrate something about California. Then let them discuss in groups what each picture means. Suggested Answers: Picture 1: Life of Native Californian Indians Picture 2: A Californian gold miner around 1849 Picture 3: A traditional Chinese building in San Francisco’s Chinatown Picture 4: Native American Picture 5: A Spanish monk Picture 6: African Americans 3. Get Ss to talk freely with their partners about what each picture is about and how each one relates to California. After talking, ask the students to present their own opinions in class. Suggested Answers: Picture 1: A native American Indian — one of the first people to live in California. Picture 2: A gold miner — the discovery of gold in California created a gold rush which brought people from all over the world to California. Picture 3: A building in Chinatown, San Francisco — many Chinese have settled in California and many of them live in Chinatown in San Francisco. Picture 5: It shows us a Catholic religious man who came to California to teach the natives. In the early 16th century, Spanish fought against the native people, took their land and settled in California. Picture 6: So many African Americans were having classes in the school. In 1924, the United States Congress gave Native Americans the same rights as other citizens for the first time. School segregation and discrimination in housing were banned, but African Americans still encountered prejudice and hostility. Step 2. Reading Purpose: To get Ss to know how to skim for the gist. To get Ss to know the brief history focusing on the settlement of the state of California. To let Ss learn how to organize an expository writing. 1. Leading-in Purpose: To arouse students’ interest in the text and encourage Ss to imagine the content of the text. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions. (1) How many beautiful scenes do you know in California? (2) What information about California have you learned till now? 2. Fast reading Purpose: To get a brief understanding of the text. Team work: (1) Ask Ss to read the first paragraph and the headings in the rest of the text. Then ask them to find out the relative time about the settlement of the people. Tell Ss to pay more attention to the first and the last sentence of each paragraph. Then let them fill in the form according to the text. Immigrants Time Native Americans At least fifteen thousand years ago The Spanish In the 18th century Russians In the early 1800s Gold Miners In 1848 Chinese In the 1860s Italians In the late 19th century Danish In 1911 Jewish In the 1920s Japanese At the beginning of the 20th century Cambodians, Koreans, Vietnamese, Laotians, Indians and Pakistanis From about 1970s (2) Ask Ss to read the text quickly and work in pairs and try to tell which of the following statements are true and which are false and why. ① California is the largest state in the USA but has the third largest population. ② Many Californians speak Spanish because they think the Spanish language is beautiful. ③ South Americans and people from the United States were the first to arrive in California to rush for gold. ④ During the Gold Rush Period many Chinese immigrant arrived in California only to find gold. ⑤ Indians and Pakistanis are good at making computers. Suggested Answers: ① F ② F ③ T ④ F ⑤ T 3. Intensive reading (1) Ask Ss to take the quiz below and according to the questions; see whether Ss can grasp the details of the text. ① What does the text mainly talk about? A. The history of California. B. The large population of California. C. The people of California. D. The climate and lifestyle of California. ② How did California become a state of America? A. Mexico gained independence from Spain. B. Mexico lost the America-Mexico war and then gave it to the USA. C. Spain lost the Spain-America war. D. Spain gave it to the USA as a gift. ③ Which of the following statements is not true? A. A lot of people became rich in the gold rush. B. Most people died in the gold rush. C. After the gold rush, most people settled in California although did not find gold. D. The first to arrive in California for gold were Europeans. ④ What’s the main reason that Chinese immigrants came to California? A. For gold. B. For the building of the railway. C. To open restaurants. D. To live in the Chinatown. ⑤ Why has California attracted so many people? A. Gold was discovered here. B. It has attractive climate and lifestyle. C. Many people came here to make a fortune. D. All of the above. Suggested Answers: ① A ② B ③ C ④ B ⑤ D (2) Ask Ss to read the text carefully and try to get more details from the text and then finish Ex2 on P3. (3) Ask Ss to make a summary according the following tips. Native Americans the Spanish Russians Gold miners later arrivals most recent arrivals the future (4) Ask Ss to use their own word to conclude why California in the 21st century is such a multicultural community. Suggested Answers: The state of California is a multicultural community because European, African and Asian people have been immigrating to the state for the last 200 years. Before their arrival, Native American people had lived there for thousands of years. People from all over the world are still coming to settle in California because of its good climate and the lifestyle it offers. 4. Language point Purpose: To train Ss’ listening ability and language capacity. (1) Ss are divided into four groups. Each group is supposed to read through each part, and then find the following phrases. the third largest state a multicultural state it is likely that … by means of in prehistoric times in addition die from fight against the majority gain independence became part of declare war on make a life (for sb) a large percentage keep up at the beginning of become home to the mix of nationalities (2) Explain some important sentences for Ss. ① This is not surprising when you know the history of California, which, at various times, has attracted people from nearly every country in the world. ② Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows. ③ However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. ④ It was the building of the railway from the west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s. ⑤ In 1911 immigrants from Denmark established a town of their own, which today still keeps up its Danish culture. ⑥ It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures. Step 3. Homework 1. Ask Ss to recite the new words, useful expressions and important sentences in the text. 2. Have Ss surf the internet to learn more about California. 3. Ask Ss to finish Ex1 and Ex2 of Learning about language on P4. 4. Ask Ss to try to finish the exercises of Using Words And Expressions on P48. Period 3 Learning about Language Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions. 2. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: the attributive clause (由where, when, why, 介 词+which, 介词+whom引导的定语从句). Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Word study Purpose: To consolidate the words and phrases in the text. 1. Ask Ss to read the reading text and find words that mean the same. Alternative expressions Words and expressions from the text a great number rate, number or amount in each hundred show sth, especially by pointing or suggest the possibility or probability a method or a way of doing mixing or being mixed moving of people from one country to come to live in another country permanently_ condition of being a slave characteristic of race ; due to or resulting from race narrow passage of water connecting two seas or two large areas of water membership of a particular nation take place; happen never stop; continue steadily; go on make known publicly or officially Suggested Answers: Alternative expressions Words and expressions from the text a great number a great many rate, number or amount in each hundred percentage show sth, especially by pointing or suggest the possibility or probability indicate a method or a way of doing means mixing or being mixed mixture moving of people from one country to come to live in another country permanently_ immigration condition of being a slave slavery characteristic of race ; due to or resulting from race racial narrow passage of water connecting two seas or two large areas of water strait membership of a particular nation nationality take place; happen occur never stop; continue steadily; go on keep up make known publicly or officially declare 2.Ask Ss to finish Ex2 of Discovering useful words and expressions on P4. Step 2. Grammar Purpose: To get Ss to have knowledge of the grammar. 1. Ask Ss to find out all the noun clauses in the reading text. Line 4: Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows. Line 5: However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. Line 6: Scientists believe that these first settlers crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to Alaska by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times. Line 14: Two centuries later, the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States. Line 21: This is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. Line 50: It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures. 2. Ask Ss to finish Ex1, Ex2 and Ex3 of Revising useful structures on P5. 3. Lead Ss to make a summary. Noun clauses have four kinds---- subject clause; object clause; predicative clause and appositive clause.  When “that” is used in subject clause, predictive clause and appositive clause, it can’t be omitted and can’t be used as any member.  In subject clause, sometimes “it” is used as formal subject. The special interrogative started with “ wh-” also can be used in subject clause.  In object clause, “that” can be omitted.  In appositive clause, “that” can often be put behind these words. Such as: advice, demand, doubt, fact, hope, idea, information, message, news, order, problem, promise, question, request, suggestion, truth, wish, and word. Step 3. Practice 1. Ask Ss to finish Ex4 of Revising useful structures. 2. Ask Ss to tell the noun clauses from the attributive clauses. First, let Ss know the definition of the two clauses. A clause is called a noun clause when it is used as the subject, object, predicative or appositive in a sentence. A clause is called an attributive clause when it is used as an attribute modifying a noun or a pronoun.. Second, ask Ss to judge which one is the noun clause and which one is the attributive clause. (1) It is true that he passed the English test. (2) That is why I tell you the news. (3) This is the scientist whose name is known all over the country. (4) The news that we won the game is exciting. (5) A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words. (6) October 1, 1949 was the day when the People’s Republic of China was founded. (7) Father made a promise that if I passed the exam, he would buy me a bicycle. (8) Nobody knows why he mentioned that at the meeting. (9) The situation which we had got into was very dangerous. (10) Is this the room where we were living last winter? Suggested Answers: (1) the subject clause (2) the predicative clause (3) the attributive clause (4) the appositive clause (5) the attributive clause (6) the attributive clause (7) the appositive clause (8) the object clause (9) the attributive clause (10) the attributive clause 3. Divide Ss into groups of four. The first person begins with a sentence and each person in the group adds extra and different information using the noun clause. Example: S1: The school is where we study. S2: The school is where I have lessons. S3: The school is where I learn from others. S4: The school is where we share joys and sorrows. More versions: (1) Who is sent to Africa has not been decided. When the person is sent to Africa has not been decided. Where he is sent has not been decided. Why he is sent to Africa has not been decided. (2) I think watching TV too much is bad for people’s health. I want to know whether he has passed the chemistry exam. I asked him whose handwriting was the best in the class. The teacher is pleased with what she has said. I am sure that you will make greater progress in English through hard work. Step 4. Consolidation Purpose: To get Ss to master knowledge of the grammar through exercises. 1. Ask Ss to complete these sentences using a noun clause. (1) We are surprised (他的英语不及格). (2) (谁是第一个登上月球的) is clear to us. (3) It is strange ______________________(他昨天没有参加会议). (4) Jack is a nice boy, except _________________(有时上学迟 到). (5) It is a pity ______________________(今年夏天我们不能去 桂林). (6) The news ____________________(他通过了高考)is exciting. Suggested Answers: (1) that he has failed in the English exam (2) Who was the first man to land on the moon (3) that he didn’t attend the meeting yesterday (4) that he is sometimes late for school (5) we can’t go to Guilin this summer (6) that he has passed the national college entrance examination 2. Ask Ss to finish Ex1 of Using Structures on P49. Step 5. Homework. 1. Ask Ss to review the new words and phrases. 2. Ask Ss to learn the rules of the noun clauses by heart. Period 4 Using Language Teaching Goals: 1. To improve Ss’ listening ability. 2. To learn about California clearly according to George’s travel. 3. To ensure Ss have really grasped the important words and phrases of the unit. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Listening and speaking Purpose: To help Ss improve the listening ability. 1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures on P6 and find out how the land and climate of California varies. Then ask them to discuss the following questions in pairs. (1) What may George be like? (2) What will they talk about? (3) Where is George now? (4) How many things have they known about California? Suggested Answers: (1) A tourist (2) They will talk about George’s tour in California. (3) George is in California now. (4) Different Ss have different answers. 2. Before listening, ask Ss to look through Ex1 on P6 to make sure that they know what to listen to. Then play the tape once without stopping. (If the students have any questions, play the tape once again). Then check the answers. 3. Ask Ss to read the postcard of Ex2 and then play the tape and stop it when Ss show that they have heard the answer. Replay the part and give students enough time to write down the missing details. Check the answers and play the tape through again without stopping. 3. Play the tape, and then ask Ss to discuss with each other and find out the answers to Ex3 on P6. 4. Explain Ex4 on P7 for Ss and ask them to pay more attention to how to talk about position, space and direction, and also illustrate ways that listeners indicate that they are listening to the speaker. Stop the tape where it is necessary until the students finish the form. 5. Ask Ss to finish Ex5 and Ex6 on P7 after class. Step 2. Reading and writing Purpose: To learn more about California 1. Fast reading Purpose: To get a brief understanding of the text. Ask Ss to read the text in two minutes and finish Ex1 on 7 2. Intensive reading Purpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text. (1) Ask Ss to read the passage for a second time and choose the best answer. ① What’s George’s diary about? A. It’s about his journey in San Francisco. B. It’s an introduction to Fisherman’s Wharf. C. It’s an introduction to Chinatown. D. It’s an introduction to Alcatraz Island. ② If you want to have seafood, you should go to _________. A. Chinatown B. Alcatraz C. Fisherman’s Wharf D. Golden Gate Bridge ③ What do the fronts of the buildings in Chinatown look like? A. Modern buildings in Northern China. B. Old buildings in Northern China. C. Modern buildings in Southern China. D. Old buildings in Southern China. ④ What’s Alcatraz Island famous for? A. Golden Gate Bridge B. A prison C. An art gallery D. A famous museum. ⑤ Why did only 36 prisoners attempt to escape from the prison on the Alcatraz Island? A. The prisoners were not allowed to talk to each other. B. The conditions were bad. C. The water around the island is swift and freezing cold. D. All of the above. Suggested Answers: ① A ② C ③ D ④ B ⑤ D (2) Ask Ss to read the text again and finish Ex2 on P9. (3) Ask Ss to finish Ex3 and Ex4 on P9 together and check the answers in pairs. 3. Language point Ask Ss to go through the text, find out the following phrases and sentences, and then analyze them. (1) get a spectacular view of (2) Built in 1873, the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie, who wanted to find a better form of transport than horse-drawn trams. (3) slip down (4) team up with (5) mark out for sb. (6) take in (7) Now have really good idea of what the city’s like. (8) No one is known to have escaped. Step 3. Practice 1. Ask the students to finish Ex1 and Ex2 on P48 and review the words and phrases they have learned. 2. Ask Ss to finish Exercise 3 on P48 in order to check if they have mastered the important words and expressions. Step 4. Homework 1. Ask Ss to use the words or phrases learned in this unit to write a short passage about your own opinion on travel. 2. Ask Ss to preview the next period. Period 5&6 Listening task (Workbook), Speaking and writing task (Workbook) & Reading task (Workbook) Teaching Goals: 1. To improve Ss’ ability in listening and speaking. 2. To learn something about the traditional funeral held in New Orleans. 3. To enlarge Ss’ knowledge of American jazz and famous persons. 4. To further develop the students’ understanding of how biography texts are organized. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Listening task (Workbook) 1. Ask Ss to discuss the questions with their partners in groups of six, and try to predict the answers after listening to the music. (1) Have you heard this kind of music before? If so, where? (2) What do you call this music? (3) Where does it originally come from? When did it begin? (4) What race and nationality first developed this type of music? (5) Do you like this music? Give reasons for liking or disliking it. 2. Introduce some background information about jazz, then let Ss look at the pictures and the words on P50. Ask them to describe a jazz funeral in their own words. 3. After discussion, ask Ss to listen to the tape twice and do Ex3 on P50. 4. Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and make notes as soon as possible. Then let them write a short paragraph about jazz funerals. Step 2. Speaking and writing task (Workbook) 1. Ask Ss to list any questions when they discuss a familiar city, province or zone. Suggested Answers: ●Where is the city/ province or zone? ●What is it really like? ●How about the climate here? ●How many famous places of interest are there in the city/ province or zone? ●Why do you think it’s attractive? ●What’s the area of the city/ province or zone? ●What is the difference between it and other cities/ provinces or zones? ●What makes you want to live here? ●What else do you enjoy about the city/ province or the zone? ●In holidays how do you spend your time? 2. Divide Ss into four groups and give each group a task to find out the relative words and phrases as many as possible. Then let them combine them into sentences and present them in class. Locati on Clima te Geographi cal features Histo ry Populati on Producti on Cultu re Suggested Answers: Shandong Province lies in the east of China. It has a mild climate in summer because the eastern part of it is along the coast of many seas. Of course, its climate varies with the seasons changing. In the northern part of it there are many mountains. It has a long history, so does its culture. It has the second largest population. Every year, its production can rank the top in China. There are many famous places of interest, such Mount Tai, the Confucius Temple… Step 3. Reading task (Workbook) 1. Leading-in Ask Ss to look at the following pictures and talk about what they are about. 2. Fast-reading: Ask Ss to read the text quickly and find out the answers to the following questions. See who can be the first to find out all the answers. (1) Why is Louis Armstrong famous in the world? (2) When and where was Louis Armstrong born? (3) How did Louis get money for food and clothing when he was young? (4) Why was Louis arrested by the police at the age of 12? (5) Who discovered his gift for jazz music? (6) What else did he do besides playing with his band and recording his music for almost 50 years? Suggested Answers: (1) Because he is the most influential jazz musician of all time. (2) In 1901 and in New Orleans. (3) He sang on the streets of New Orleans to earn a few cents from passers-by. (4) For firing a gun into the air at a New Year’s Eve party. (5) A well-known musician called Joe “King” Oliver. (6) Louis Armstrong acted in over 50 movies and wrote two autobiographies. 2. Intensive reading (1) Divide Ss into two groups and ask them to read the text carefully and then the first group finish Ex1 and the second group finish Ex2 on P52. Suggested answers: Ex1: Paragraph 1: What the subject is and who it is about. Paragraph 2: Birth and early life. Paragraph 3: The effect of his arrest and time in a boy’s school on his future. Paragraph 4: Musical career from 1922 to 1932. Paragraph 5: Life achievements in music and in other areas. Paragraph 6: Death and fame after death. Ex2: 1901 Born in New Orleans 1913 Arrested and sent to a problem boy’s school 1917 Got a job in the best jazz band in town 1922 Began traveling to other cities in the USA 1924 Began recording his music 1932 Traveled to Europe 1971 Died (2) Ask Ss to retell the text according to the answers above. (3) Divide Ss into two groups and let them have a discussion to finish Ex3 on P52. Step 4. Homework 1. Ask Ss to interview someone who is just from USA or surf the Internet to find something about California. 2. Ask Ss to write a passage about their hometowns. If Ss want to write about a person, let them refer to the text on P51. 3. Ask Ss to preview the next unit.

