湖南省娄底市第一中学2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含答案

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湖南省娄底市第一中学2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含答案

www.ks5u.com ‎2020年上学期娄底一中高一期末考试英语试卷 ‎(全卷满分:150分 考试用时:120分钟)‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What does the man suggest the woman do?‎ A. Check the bill carefully. B. Avoid mistakes at work. C. Reduce her phone cost. ‎ ‎2. What does the man think of Jane?‎ A. Independent. B. Helpful. C. Grateful. ‎ ‎3. What’s the weather like now?‎ A. Fine. B. Rainy. C. Windy. ‎ ‎4. Why didn’t Tim make any reply to Helen?‎ A. He didn’t recognize her. B. He was looking after his wife. C. He was on the phone at that time. ‎ ‎5. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Waiter and customer. ‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ - 15 -‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。‎ ‎6. What does the conversation focus on?‎ A. Environment protection. B. Public transportation. C. A birthday party. ‎ ‎7. How does the woman usually go to work?‎ A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike. ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。‎ ‎8. How does the woman sound at first?‎ A. Sad. B. Excited. C. Surprised. ‎ ‎9. What will the man do next?‎ A. Check out. B. Leave the room. C. Book a room. ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。‎ ‎10.Where is the house?‎ A. On the top floor. B. On the middle floor. C. On the ground floor. ‎ ‎11. What do we know about the house?‎ A. It’s pretty small. B. It’s near the street. C. It’s well furnished. ‎ ‎12. What are the speakers going to do next?‎ A. See the house. B. Move into the house. C. Get the electric wires checked. ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。‎ ‎13. When did the man first see the dog?‎ A. Last week. B. 3 weeks ago. C. 3 months ago. ‎ ‎14. What is the dog like?‎ A. Unfriendly. B. Playful. C. Low-spirited. ‎ - 15 -‎ ‎15. What will Dean do today?‎ A. Have a check-up. B. Practice baseball. C. Go to an animal hospital. ‎ ‎16. Why doesn’t the woman keep pets?‎ A. She can’t afford the cost. B. She can’t stand their deaths. C. She can’t have enough time for them. ‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。‎ ‎17. What interested Walt Disney about Clarence Nash?‎ A. His character. B. His appearance. C. His voice. ‎ ‎18. What was Donald like in The Wise Little Hen?‎ A. Hard-working but bad-tempered. B. Kind but impatient. C. Lazy and greedy. ‎ ‎19. When did Donald stop making new cartoons?‎ A. In 1950. B. In 1966. C. In 1985. ‎ ‎20. What can we learn about Donald?‎ A. He became famous in 1933. B. He only made Disney cartoons. C. His image is still popular nowadays. ‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ‎ A ‎ Before you know it, the sound of sleigh(雪橇)bells will be heard on your rooftop. If you love the holidays but hate the cold, Why not wear your coat and wool gloves this year and celebrate a warm Christmas?‎ - 15 -‎ Beaufort , South Carolina Beaufort is a small town with a huge heart and is located in the heart of the Low country. It is close to Savannah and Charleston, and a short drive to the beaches of Hilton Head Island. Its location is great for visiting the larger cities and enjoying the sights and sounds of a small town. December temperatures average in the low 60s.‎ Orlando, Florida Enjoy everything in Orlando without the huge crowds of summer. Theme parks have special attractions this time of year, but be aware that some of the special attractions require a separate ticket. Orlando temperatures average around 72 degrees in December.‎ San Francisco, California The City by the Bay comes alive in December as it transforms into a wonderland of lights. Stay near Union Square so you are close to all the activities and can easily get around via the historic cable cars. San Francisco's December temperatures average in the high 50s.‎ New Orleans, Louisiana Celebrate Christmas season in the Big Easy. The Oaks, visited by over 122,000 people last year, has one of the most beautiful Christmas exhibitions in the country. Many hotels in the area offer Papa Noel specials, making this a very affordable holiday destination. December temperatures average in the 60s.‎ ‎21. You can easily travel through San Francisco by .‎ A. bike B. taxi C. cable car D. bus ‎22. Spending the Christmas in New Orleans, you can .‎ A. enjoy a wonderland of lights B. avoid the huge crowds C. visit various theme parks D. enjoy Papa Noel specials ‎23. What's the purpose of writing this passage?‎ A. To introduce four places to spend a warm Christmas - 15 -‎ B. To describe different celebrations during the Christmas C. To introduce four places' special Christmas traditions D. To inform readers of some popular sports events B It has been said that Lincoln was always ready to join in a laugh at himself. There is one particular story that he always told with great pleasure.‎ In his early days as a lawyer, Lincoln went from town to town to hear and judge legal cases. During one of these trips, he was sitting in a train when a strange man came up to him. The stranger looked at the tall awkward lawyer and said that he had something he believed belonging to Lincoln. Lincoln was a bit confused. He had never seen the man before. He didn't see how a total stranger could have something of his. Lincoln asked him how this could be. The stranger pulled out a pocket knife and began to explain. Many years before, he had been given the pocket knife. He had been told to keep it until be able to find a man uglier than himself. Lincoln’s eyes always shined brightly when he reached this part of the story. The story always brought smiles to the faces who heard it. The story itself was funny. But even more interesting was the fact that a man as great as Lincoln could still laugh at himself.‎ ‎24. The passage is about _________.‎ A. a stranger’s trip B. a stranger’s knife C. a stranger’s story D. Lincoln’s story ‎25. Lincoln felt ________ when the stranger wanted to give the pocket knife to him.‎ A. angry B. excited C. puzzled D. interested ‎26. From the story we know that Lincoln _________ .‎ A. could still laugh at himself B. liked to make friends C. always laughed at others D. was a handsome man - 15 -‎ C One of the most popular street food found in China is no doubt the barbecue. A new program, called Chinese Barbecue, tells the story of this popular food cooked over hot coals on just about every street corner in cities and towns across the country. Barbecued meat is an important part of people’s nightlife.‎ Shown on June 20, the program has had more than 25 million clicks on the video site bilibili.com. To find the most popular barbecue stalls (摊位), the production team travelled to more than 500 locations in 30 cities across the country. Some viewers compare Chinese Barbecue to Midnight Diner, a Japanese TV program telling stories from late night informal Japanese bars.‎ ‎“I’m happy to hear this comparison because Midnight Diner is a good program, and we share the same topic― night food,” Chinese Barbecue’s director Chen Yingjie said. “However, they are quite different.” He said that Midnight Diner focused more on food itself, though there was some conversation while people were eating. However, the night food scene of Chinese people means joy and a more lively atmosphere. People eating these barbecue snacks develop a feeling of connection, which can be a cure for loneliness.‎ The barbecue, regarded as the most ordinary and common night street snack, is different from home-made food by mothers as that is a symbol of family and kinship. The barbecue is where you go to become connected to people in society. And unlike official business lunches, during which people are rather polite, the barbecue lets people relax with old friends and new friends, leaving a lasting impression of friendship.‎ The world, as a whole, holds deep-rooted good feelings toward the barbecue, either for the taste or the warmth produced by fire. “What we should do is to present the Chinese barbecue just the way it is because with its special ingredients(食材),ways of cooking and more importantly, the special environment and people, the world will recognize it and might fall in love with it just as we do,” said Chen.‎ ‎27. What do we know about Chinese Barbecue?‎ A. It has been becoming very popular on the Internet. ‎ B. It is thought highly of by most of the foreign tourists.‎ C. It mainly talks about the most famous Chinese food.‎ - 15 -‎ D. It shows the colorful nightlife in large cities of China.‎ ‎28. In which way was Chinese Barbecue different from Midnight Diner?‎ A. It showed more kinds of food. B. It focused more on the diners.‎ C. It showed the eating habits. D. It was less popular than Midnight Diner.‎ ‎29. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?‎ A. The importance of the barbecue to family. B. The influence of the barbecue on people’s manners.‎ C. The influence of the barbecue on people’s lifestyle. D. The role of the barbecue in people’s relationship.‎ ‎30. Why did Chen Yingjie choose the barbecue as the topic of the series? ‎ A. To show the feature of Chinese food. B. To research a special way of cooking.‎ C. To help the world understand China. D. To introduce the history of the barbecue.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多于选项。 ‎ Goals can give your life purpose and direction as well as motivate(激励) healthy behaviors focused on improving your life. 31 . ‎ Break your goal into smaller goals ‎ 32 . Therefore, it can be helpful to divide you final goal into a series of smaller goals that you can achieve in the near future. Think of these smaller goals as the stepping stones that will eventually take you towards the larger goal.‎ Think about what is driving your goal When you set large goal that may take some time to achieve, you can sometimes forget why you set that goal in the first place. 33 . To prevent this, try to think of why you set this goal. What is driving your search for this goal?‎ Reward yourself for making progress ‎ - 15 -‎ Once you achieve a goal, you may quickly move on to the next goal. 34 . Reward yourself. Take yourself out to dinner or buy yourself a gift. Do something that marks the progress you have made.‎ ‎ 35 ‎ Sometimes you may realize you no longer want that goal. Your interests may have changed or other goals may take priority (优先). It can be hard to abandon a goal, especially after a lot of hard work has been put into and you have made some achievements. Permit yourself to focus attention on other goals. You are not giving up. You are just changing your focus. ‎ A. Small goals are often achievable ‎ B. Give yourself permission to change goals C. Take some time to recognize your progress ‎ D. Listed below are some tips on how to set and manage goals ‎ E. You can set proper goals as long as you adopt the following strategies.‎ F. As a result, you may lose motivation in attempting to achieve that goal you have set ‎ G. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that you are moving towards your goals. ‎ 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere. We can see there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train on the 36 home from work in the evenings. A man will be 37 the newspaper, and seconds later it 38 as if he is trying to 39 it. Or he will fall asleep on the shoulder of the stranger 40 next to him. 41 place where unplanned short sleep 42 is in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring(打鼾)so 43 that the professor has to ask another student to 44 the sleeper awake. A more embarrassing situation occurs when a student starts falling into sleep and the 45 of the head pushes the arm off the 46 , and the movement carries the 47 of ‎ - 15 -‎ the body along. The student wakes up on the floor with no 48 of getting there. The worst time to fall asleep is when 49 . Police reports are full of 50 that occur when people fall into sleep and go 51 the road. If the drivers are 52 , they are not seriously hurt. One woman's car, 53, went into the river. She woke up in four feet of 54 and thought it was raining. When people are really 55 , nothing will stop them from falling asleep—no matter where they are.‎ ‎36. A. way B. track C. path D. road ‎37.A. folding B. reading C. painting D. buying ‎38. A. acts B. shows C. appears D. sounds ‎39. A. open B. find C. finish D. eat ‎40. A. lying B. waiting C. sitting D. talking ‎41. A. Another B. Every C. Next D. One ‎42. A. lasts B. ends up C. goes on D. returns ‎43. A. bravely B. carelessly C. happily D. loudly ‎44. A. leave B. keep C. shake D. watch ‎45. A. size B. weight C. shape D. strength ‎46. A. cushion B. shoulder C. desk D. book ‎47. A. rest B. position C. action D. side ‎48. A. purpose B. reason C. question D. memory ‎49. A. thinking B. driving C. walking D. working ‎50. A. accidents B. events C. ideas D. changes ‎ ‎51. A. up B. down C. along D. off ‎52. A. strong B. lucky C. calm D. awake ‎53. A. in time B. for example C. as usual D. at first ‎ - 15 -‎ ‎54. A. water B. dust C. grass D. bush ‎55. A. lazy B. upset C. lonely D. tired 第二节.阅读填空.(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎ I was on my way to my parents' home by motorcycle and saw a middle-aged man 56.______(carry) a heavy bag on his shoulders and walking 57._____ great struggle. I passed him and then paused. I turned around and decided 58._______(offer) him a ride. He lifted the heavy bag with a lot of iron and sat on the back seat of my motorcycle 59._______(immediate). Then he asked my name. After I told him, he called my name aloud and then thanked me. We rode on. In five minutes, we 60.______ (stop) by a traffic policeman who demanded to see my license. There were many traffic policemen 61.______ were stopping everyone on that road. We had to get off, put the middle-aged man's bag down 62._____then gave my license to the policeman. After that, we continued our way. Finally, we reached the man's destination. He got off and thanked me again. After 63._____(reach) home, when I 64.______(park) my motorcycle I saw that the iron pieces in his bag had made deep 65. ______ (mark) and almost torn the seat in a couple of places.‎ ‎ I smiled and took it as a reminder he had left behind so that I wouldn't forget what the seat was for.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节.应用文写作(满分15分)‎ ‎ 在抗击新冠肺炎疫情期间,有太多让我们感动的人和事。请按下面的要求,用英语写一个人物故事。人物可以是医务工作者、社区工作者、志愿者等。‎ ‎ 要求:‎ 1、 简要介绍该人物。‎ - 15 -‎ 1、 他/她的感人事迹。‎ 2、 你的感想。‎ 提示词:the Covid-19 epidemic新冠肺炎疫情 注意:‎ 1. 词数80左右;‎ 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 第二节.读后续写 (满分25分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。‎ Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One night I went to pick up a passenger at 2:30 a. m. When I arrived to collect, I found the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window.‎ ‎   I walked to the door and knocked, "Just a minute," answered a weak, elderly voice.‎ ‎   After a long time, the door opened. A small woman in her eighties stood before me. By her side was a small suitcase.‎ ‎  I took the suitcase to the car, and then returned to help the woman. She took my arm and we walked slowly towards the car.‎ ‎ She kept thanking me for my kindness. "It's nothing," I told her. "I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated”‎ ‎  "Oh, you're such a good man." She said. When we got into the taxi, she gave me an address, and then asked, "Could you drive through downtown?"‎ ‎  "It's not the shortest way," I answered quickly.‎ ‎  "Oh, I'm in no hurry," she said. "I'm on my way to a hospice  (临终医院). I don't have any family left. The doctor says I don't have very long. "‎ - 15 -‎ I quietly reached over and shut off the meter (计价器). For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she had lived, and the furniture shop that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.‎ ‎    Sometimes she'd ask me to slow down in front of a particular building and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.‎ ‎    At dawn, she suddenly said, "I'm tired. Let's go now." We drove in silence to the address she had given me.‎ ‎    "How much do I owe you?" she asked.‎ ‎    "Nothing." I said.‎ ‎    "You have to make a living," she answered. "Oh, there are other passengers," I answered. She said thanks to me, but she looked so sad.‎ 注意 ‎1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;‎ ‎2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语 ‎3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好 ‎4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。‎ Paragraph I Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug.‎ - 15 -‎ Paragraph 2‎ The next day……‎ - 15 -‎ 英语期末考试参考答案 第一部分听力 ‎1—5 AABCB 6—10 ABCBA 11—15 CAABB 16—20 BCCBC 第二部分阅读理解 第一节 ‎21 — 23 CDA 24—26 DCA 27-30 ABDC ‎31-35 DAFCB ‎36-40 ABCDC 41-45 ACDCB 46-50 CADBA 51-55 DBBAD ‎56. carrying 57. with 58. to offer 59. Immediately 60. were stopped ‎ ‎61. who 62. and 63. reaching 64. parked 65. marks 应用文范文:略 读后续写参考范文: ‎ Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto me tightly. Before the woman left , I said to her, “My mother treated everyone kindly, she is a great person, but she passed away years ago. you are like my mother,” the woman said, “ thank you. If you want to visit me, I’ll tell you my story.” Then the woman left. After a long pause, I drove the taxi to go home. ‎ ‎  ‎ The next day, I was on my way to visit her. The old woman told me that she used to be a millionaire. She became immersed in making money. She was the owner of a particular building we saw last night. But she neglected her family. her only son died one year ago because of cancer. She sold everything to save him, but failed. How sad! At last, the old woman said to me, “Life is short, ‎ - 15 -‎ but please be in no hurry. Though everyone has to earn money to make a living, always remember that family is the most important thing to you,” I said nothing but nodded hard. ‎ - 15 -‎

