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‎2019届二轮复习语法专题形容词和副词考点练与析 ‎1.(2018·湖北重点中学联考)Yesterday I was walking downstairs when I missed my footing and had a bad fall, nothing serious, ________.‎ 解析:句意为:昨天我下楼时踩空了,摔了一跤,但不严重。though放于句末,表转折,意为“虽然;但是”。‎ 答案:though ‎2.(2019·北京西城)Unemployment in Japan is likely to remain high in 2014, and ________ (possible) for the next few years.‎ 解析:句意为:2014年日本的失业率仍然居高不下,可能在接下来的几年里都是如此。possibly意为“可能地”。‎ 答案:possibly ‎3.(2019·天津河西质量调查)As a matter of fact, we do meet now and then, but not ________ (regular).‎ 解析:句意为:事实上,我们确实不时会见面,但不固定。regularly意为“经常地;有规律地”。‎ 答案:regularly ‎4.(2019·陕西质检)—I have to say that this novel is not a bit interesting. How do you find it?‎ ‎—How come?It's ________ (interesting) one that I have ever read.‎ 解析:句意为:——我不得不说这本小说一点也不有趣。你觉得呢?——怎么会?它是我看过的最有趣的一部小说。根据句意可知填形容词最高级。‎ 答案:the most interesting ‎5.(2018·镇江模拟)It isn't quite ________ whether the Tibetan antelope is still being hunted.‎ 解析:句意为:藏羚羊是否仍然正在被捕猎还不确定。certain意为“确定的”;sure也有“确定的;有把握”的意思,但sure的主语不能是it。‎ 答案:certain ‎6.(2019·长春月考)—Are you ________ (satisfy) with what he has done?‎ ‎—Not a bit. It couldn't be any worse.‎ 解析:句意为:——你对他所做的满意吗?——点也不。再也没有比这更糟糕的了。satisfy为动词,句中缺少表语,故应填形容词satisfied。‎ 答案:satisfied ‎7.(2018·桦甸一模)There was a ________ (confuse) look on his face when he met with the ________ (confuse) problem.‎ 解析:句意为:当他碰到令人困惑的问题时,脸上就会有一种困惑的表情。confusing意为“令人困惑的”,作定语时,通常和与人无关的事物搭配;confused意为“(感到)困惑的”,作定语或表语时,通常和与人相关的名词连用。‎ 答案:confused; confusing ‎8.(2019·延吉一模)—Believe it or not, I passed the driving test at the first attempt last week.‎ ‎—Great! But remember you can never be ________ careful when driving a car in the street.‎ 解析:句意为:——信不信由你,我上周一次就通过了驾驶考试。——太棒了!不过你要记住,在路上开车的时候再怎么小心也不为过。cannot/can never/hardly...to...表示“再……也不为过”,是固定搭配。如果要用enough,则句子语序为But remember you can never be careful enough when driving…。‎ 答案:too ‎9.(2019·浙江金华十校期末)I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time—there are ________ meaningful things to do.‎ 解析:句意为:我认为每晚看电视是浪费时间,因为有(比看电视)更有意义的事情可以做。根据句意可知填more。‎ 答案:more ‎10.(2019·南京调研)Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs ________.‎ 解析:句意为:许多人已经捐献了那种血型的血。然而血库还需要更多(那种血型的血)。根据句意可知填more。‎ 答案:more ‎11.(2018·莱州模拟)______ (surprise) and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.‎ 解析:句意为:汤姆站起来领奖,感到既惊讶又高兴的。此处为形容词修饰人的内心感受。‎ 答案:Surprised ‎12.(2018·江西红色六校联考)Some of these universities have forty thousand or ________(many) students.‎ 解析:此处考查比较级。‎ 答案:more ‎13.(2018·临汾百题精选)One of the ________ (bad) gift choices I ever made was for my high school English teacher, Ms Chen.‎ 解析:根据“I ever made”可知,此处需用最高级,表示“所有礼品选择中最糟糕的一个”。‎ 答案:worst ‎14.(2018·威海二模)Numerous studies have shown that free play is very ________ (benefit). It can help children become creative.‎ 解析:根据“It can help...”可知,所填词表示“有用的”;同时根据句中的“is very ________”也可知,应填benefit的形容词形式。‎ 答案:beneficial ‎15.(2019·盘锦一模)There, my voice sounds really ________ (wonder) because there's a slight echo to it.‎ 解析:括号内提供的是名词,但此空作系动词sounds的表语,所以要使用形容词形式。‎ 答案:wonderful ‎16.(2019·茂名二模)He's not got another job yet and it's not ________(like) he will for some time.‎ 解析:根据“He's not got...yet”可知,他还未找到工作。be likely that意为“很可能”,符合句意。‎ 答案:likely ‎17.(2018·济宁二模)David was lying in bed, ________ (wake),‎ ‎ listening to an English pop song.‎ 答案:awake ‎18.(2018·蚌埠月考)With April 18's railway speed up, highway and air transport will have to compete with ________ (good) service for passengers.‎ 解析:句意为:随着四月十八日的火车提速,公路和航空运输将面临更大(better service)的竞争。根据句意可知,应用good的比较级。‎ 答案:better ‎19.(2019·邹城模拟)Games are often ________ (excite) and dramatic, but they generally aren't very intellectual.‎ 解析:此处为形容词作表语,修饰games所以用exciting.‎ 答案:exciting ‎20.(2019·汕头二模)He is ________ (lone), but he doesn't feel ________ (lone). Because he likes to read classical literature books.‎ 解析:句意为:他是一个人,但是他不觉得孤单。alone意为“一个人的”没有任何感情色彩,londy意为“孤独的;孤单的”。‎ 答案:alone;lonely ‎21.(2019·浙江五校联考)A society cannot be successful if it throws tradition away, but it cannot be successful ________ if we do something to stop progress.‎ 解析:句意为:一个社会如果摒弃传统是不可能会成功的;但是如果我们做一些阻止进步的事,同样也不会成功。either为副词,用于否定句,意为“也”。‎ 答案:either ‎22.(2019·广州综合测试)Everything seemed to be going ________ (smooth) for the first two days after I moved to New York.‎ 解析:句意为:在我到纽约的最初两天里一切进展顺利。修饰动词要用副词,故填smoothly,意为“顺利地”。‎ 答案:smoothly ‎23.(2019·浙江宁波十校联考)It may not be a great suggestion. But ‎ before ________ (a good one) is put forward, we'll have to do with it.‎ 解析:句意为:这也许不是一个很好的建议,但在提出一个更好的建议之前,我们不得不凑合用它。根据句意可知用形容词的比较级。‎ 答案:a better one ‎24.(2019·北京东城期末)Next to biology, I like physics ________.‎ 解析:句意为:除了生物,我最喜欢物理。隐含的意思是:在我所学的科目中,我最喜欢生物,其次就是物理。应理解为在诸多科目中进行的比较,故为最高级。‎ 答案:best ‎25.(2018·盐城一模)From the ________ (fright) expression on his face, we know he is ________ (fright).‎ 解析:句意为:从他脸上惊恐的表情可以知道,他被吓呆了。frightening意为“令人害怕的”,frightened意为“(自身感到)害怕的”。‎ 答案:frightened; frightened ‎26.(2019·辽宁大连期末)He didn't selfishly keep for himself the money inherited from his uncle. Instead, he made a ________ (generosity) contribution to help the community.‎ 解析:句意为:他没有自私地把从他叔叔那里继承来的财产据为己有,反而慷慨地捐出来帮助社区。不定冠词a之后、名词contribution之前应用形容词generous。‎ 答案:generous ‎27.(2019·浙江嘉兴第二次测试)The secretary arranged a(n) ___ (convenience) time and space for the applicants to have an interview.‎ 解析:句意为:秘书为申请人参加面试安排了方便的时间和地点。应用形容词convenient修饰后面的名词。‎ 答案:convenient ‎28. (2019·江苏苏北四市第一次调研)Peterson used to work in a remote mountain village school, which is only ________(access)on foot.‎ 解析:句意为:彼得森曾经在一个遥远的山村学校工作,那里只能步行去上班。accessible意为“可行的;可接近的”,是形容词,在句中作表语。‎ 答案:accessible ‎29.(2018·东城模拟)(2015·扬州模拟)We should be very ________ (caution) about giving our personal information to strangers.‎ 解析:句意为:我们给陌生人我们的个人信息时应当谨慎。cautious意为“小心的,谨慎的”,在句中作表语。‎ 答案:cautious ‎30.(2019·龙岩一模)—Mr. Smith was really ________ (help) when you were in difficulty during those days.‎ ‎—Definitely. I can never appreciate his kindness enough.‎ 解析:句意为:——在那些艰难的日子里,史密斯先生的确给予了你极大的帮助。——确实是。对于他的帮助我将不胜感激。helpful意为“有帮助的”,在句中作表语。‎ 答案:helpful

