2018-2019学年辽宁省瓦房店市高级中学高二下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版

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2018-2019学年辽宁省瓦房店市高级中学高二下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版

‎2019-2020年度瓦房店高中高二期末考试 ‎ 英语试卷 第I卷 (共70分) ‎ 第一部分:听力(略)‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题, 每小题2分, 满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)‎ A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎ A China Train Guide ‎ Quick Guide on China Train Travel If you’re looking for an affordable and comfortable way to get around China, train travel is the way to go. Getting train information and cheap train tickets has never been easier. Online train ticket booking makes it easy for travelers to look through China’s train timetable, compare trainfares, and look for ticket availability. Once you’ve found a suitable train, you can book online and pick your tickets up at the train station or get them delivered to your home or hotel. Train tickets can be booked online a minimum of 35 minutes and a maximum of 60 days before departure.‎ ‎ How to choose train types When you’re buying China train tickets online, you’ll notice that the journey duration differs depending on which type of train you choose. China train types can be recognized by their letter codes G, D and C trains are high-speed trains, while Z, T and K are slower or overnight trains. China’s high-speed trains run between Chinese provincial capitals and first-tier Chinese cities. G trains (high-speed trains, standing for gāotiě) are China’s bullet trains—the fastest trains with a maximum speed of 400 km/h. Tickets for these trains are the most expensive.‎ How to buy train tickets Unless you can read Chinese, there are only two ways to make train reservations in China:‎ ‎ —Online train ticket booking with a travel agency (up to 60days before departure).‎ ‎—At the train station/local ticket agency with your passport (up to 58 days before departure).‎ How to read train tickets When reading your train ticket, please take note of the Chinese characters and Pinyin printed next to your departure / arrival city. Directions (North, South, East, and West) appear in Pinyin ( Bei, Nan, Dong, and Xi), not English. Please make sure you are going to the correct train station.‎ 21. What can we learn from the first paragraph?‎ A. It’s difficult to get train information in China. B.  You can get on the train without tickets after booking online. C.  Travelling by train in China is not very expensive. D.  Train tickets online are available at any time within 60 days before you leave.‎ 22. If Mr. Smith needs to travel from Jinan to Beijing for something urgent, he’d better take ___________.‎ A. G trains B.  Z trains C.  D trains D.  Overnight trains 23. Who are the intended readers of the passage?‎ A. Native tourists. B.  Travel agencies. C. Foreign travelers. D.  Businessmen.‎ ‎ B I have been flying since I was three years old. I am now 27 and cannot ever remember being afraid of flying until I was around 20.Suddenly,it seemed to come from nowhere. I began to be afraid of flying. Two weeks before I was to fly I would have nightmares every night,all of which were centered on a plane crash.This would obviously add to my anxieties.The turning point for me was when I had to go on a business trip to Germany. My boss and my husband were with me, but nobody was allowed to talk to me.I was quiet and on the verge of (濒于) tears right up until boarding.On the flight I was even worse. I was crying, shaking and my palm were sweaty.It sounds so ridiculous,but if you have a fear of flying you will understand my distress. I got home and my fear was getting out of control.It was upsetting for my husband when we were going on holidays together.I would never be excited because I didn't want to fly as I was certain the plane would crash,or we would be hijacked,or there would be a bomb on board,etc. I thought about paying for expensive hypnotism (催眠术) to see if that would help me but I also wanted to try and help myself first.That was when I found this book. I read the book as soon as it arrived. It answered the questions I had.After that,when I had a flight coming up,I read a few chapters of the book every night for 2 weeks before the flight.I also took the book in my hand luggage so it was there to refer to if I felt fearful during a flight. This book is AMAZING and a MUST-HAVE for any nervous flyer.‎ 21. We know from Paragraph 1 that the author ______ .‎ A. has been a pilot for over 20 years so far B. has accumulated some flying experience C. has been aware of her fear of flying recently D. has been afraid of flying for about seven years 22. The underlined word "distress" in Paragraph 2 probably means ______ .‎ A. boredom B. suffering C. calmness D. nervousness 23. The writer's fear of flying results from ______ .‎ A. her worries about flight security B. her doubt about the flight crew C. her fear of strangers D. her sensitive body ‎ 24. The author writes the text in order to ______ .‎ A. show how terrible the fear of flying is B. give advice on how to beat the fear of flying C. persuade the readers to stay away from planes D. recommend a book to those who are afraid of flying ‎ C Have you ever noticed what happens to an idea once you express it? Just talking about it or writing it down causes you to make it clear in your own mind. How can you use this to increase your brain power? Start writing. ‎ By putting thoughts into words, you are telling yourself the logic (逻辑) behind what you think, feel, or only partly understand. Often, explaining a thought is the process of understanding. In other words, you increase your brain power by exercising your “explain power”‎ Try this experiment. Explain how you’ll increase your brain power, even if you have no idea how right now. Just start with anything, and create an explanation. For example, start with “I’ll learn ‎ chess,” or “I’ll read an article on the mind every week.” Explain how that will help. You’ll be surprised how often this becomes a workable plan, and if you actually do this, you’ll have a better understanding of your brain twenty minutes from now.‎ Another advantage of writing is that it helps you remember. Many, if not most, highly productive (高效的) people are always taking notes. You can try keeping it all in your head, but if you keep a journal of your ideas the next time you’re working on a big project, you’ll probably have more success.‎ Want to understand a topic? Write a book about it. That’s an extreme example, but if you are learning something new, write a letter to a friend about it, and you will understand it better. Want to invent something? Write an explanation of the problem, why you want to solve it, and why it is worth solving, and you’re half-way there.‎ Writers don’t always write because they clearly understand something beforehand. Often, they write about something because they want to understand it. You can do the same. Writing will help bring you to an understanding. Give it a try.‎ ‎28.What would be the best title for the text?‎ A. A Way on How to Write B. Brain Power Helps Improve Your Writing C. Increase Your Brain Power through Writing D. How to Start Your Writing ‎29.If a writer writes something, it means that he or she _______.‎ A. has understood it very well B. is exercising his or her “explain power” C. wants to remember it in his or her mind D. needs to understand it better ‎30.The underlined sentence “you’re half-way there” in the fifth paragraph implies that ______.‎ A. you are already successful B. you still need to work hard C. you have been on the way to success D. writing can help you walk half way 31. What’s the main purpose of the writer writing the text?‎ A. To explain the importance of writing. B. To advise readers to start their writing. C. To persuade readers to become writers. D. To increase readers’ brain power.‎ ‎ D You discover a shampoo that leaves your hair looking beautiful. But gradually, as you use it more, its magical effects seem to wear off. “It’s just your hair getting used to it,” your mum says. And so you put the shampoo back under the sink (面盆) and head off in search of your next wonder product. ‎ It sort of makes sense – why would something else that left you looking nice at first suddenly start losing its effect after some time? But are there some other factors (因素) at play:? Can your hair really get used to a certain shampoo?‎ Marie Claire spoke to hair experts and it turns out that it is not true. Your hair cannot get so used to a product that it just stops working.‎ So what is the deal? Cynthia Alvarez, a famous hair stylist, explained that there are a number of contributing factors to your hair puzzle, but basically, it is not the shampoo. “A shampoo does not stop working because your hair gets used to it,” she said. “lf your shampoo stops giving you the results you want, the condition and needs of your hair have most likely changed, or the season may have changed – it’s more humid (潮湿), the sun is stronger, or the air is drier. Your state of health may also be different from a recent illness.”‎ In other words you need to give up shaming the shampoo. So what can you do to make your hair look beautiful for a little longer? Alvarez suggests changing your ways of hair care when factors, such ‎ as the weather, change. Experts also suggest keeping an eye on the amount of shampoo and conditioner (护发素) you’re using because over conditioning can be bad for your hair.‎ 31. What does the text begin with?‎ A. The shampoo market. B. Shampoo misuse. C. A mother’s opinion about a shampoo. D. A misunderstanding about shampoo.‎ 32. What is Cynthia Alvarez’s opinion about shampoo and hair care?‎ A. Your hair can easily get used to a shampoo. B. A shampoo can still work after being used for a long time. C. Your hair condition is influenced by the quality of your shampoo. D. Your hair can get used to different shampoos.‎ 33. How many major factors influence your hair condition according to Cynthia Alvarez?‎ A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.‎ 34. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “shaming” in the last paragraph?‎ A. Blaming. B. Changing. C. Researching. D. Reducing.‎ 第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ ‎  How to Deal With Gossip (流言蜚语)     Gossip is a double-edged sword. Not only can it be incredibly harmful for you, but also others may be affected. Do a serious favor for your friends and yourself—quit your gossip habit and become a better and more positive person. It's good to find ways to get started dealing with gossip.     ●Face the source of the rumor directly. If you know for sure who's responsible for spreading a rumor about you, don't take it lying down. When you have a chance, walk right up to him or her and say that you don't appreciate the mean things she/he has said. Stay calm when you do this. You don't want to adopt the cruel words this person has.   36  ___     ●Alert your friends. If you learn that someone's been spreading nasty rumors about you, your first action should be to consult with your close friends.   37_ __ Tell them the facts of the situation. If the rumor's not true, they'll be sure to fight the spread of the rumor. If the rumor is true, they can still help stop its spread by sticking up for you.     ●Ignore it.   38  ___ When you hear gossip about yourself, laugh it off. Act as if it's ridiculous! Share a chuckle (窃笑) about it! Turn the tables by making the person who started the rumor the butt (笑柄) of the joke.     ●   39___  If nasty rumors and gossip are a frequent problem, or if someone's told a rumor that might get you in trouble for something you didn't do, talk to a teacher, counselor, or administrator. These people can help you work through the problem. They can give you advice on how to proceed, make you feel better, and even discipline people who've started the rumor.     ●Stay away from people who gossip. The single best way to avoid having gossip told about you is to stay away from the kinds of people who tell mean gossip! As popular or cool as they may seem, these people are sad and desperate. They can't have a good time without spreading hurtful rumors about someone else. Don't bother with them.   40 ___  Remember a friend who stabs you in the back by telling a nasty rumor isn't much of a friend at all. A. When you're worried about a piece of gossip, change the way you live. B. Tell an authority about it. C. Gossip is often best dealt with by paying no attention to it at ‎ all. D. They should be people you know and trust. E. Work out a plan to avoid being laughed at. F. Find friends who don't get enjoyment from hurting people. G. You also don't expect to give bystanders the impression that the rumor's true.‎ 第三部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。‎ My father and I are moving gracefully(优雅地) across the floor. Around and around we go,   41 _  and nodding to the other dancers. We are the best dancers on the floor, they tell us. My father holds my hand and smiles at me. All the years that I   42  _ to dance with him disappear now. And those    43 _  times come back.       I remember when I was almost three and my father came home from work, he pulled me into his   44 _  and began to dance me around the table. We danced through the years. One night when I was fifteen, I was   45  _ in some painful feelings. My father asked me to dance with him. "Come on," he said, "let's get the     46__  on the run." When I turned away from him, my father put his hand on my shoulder, and I   47  __ out of the chair shouting, "Don't touch me! I am sick and   48 _  of dancing with you!" I saw the   49 __  on his face, but words were out and I could not call them back. I ran to my room crying    50  _.       We did not dance together after that night. My father waited up for me through my high school and college years when I danced my way out of his   51 __ . Many years later, soon after his   52 __  picked up from a heart problem, my mother wrote that they had  53  __ a dance club. "You remember how your father loves to dance." Yes, I remembered. My eyes filled up with   54 __ . I knew he was waiting for a(an)   55   from me, but I could never find the right words. As my parent's 50th wedding anniversary(周年纪念)   56 __ , I knew   57 __ I wanted to do was dance once more with my father. On the big day, in the party after the dinner, my parents danced around the room with the other dancers. I walked   58__  the dancing people, looking directly into my father's eyes, "Excuse me, but I believe this is my dance." My father stood   59 __. Our eyes met and traveled back to that night when I was fifteen. In a(an)   60  __ voice, I said, "Let's get the unhappiness on the run." My father bowed(鞠躬) and said, "Oh, yes. I've been waiting for you."‎ 41. ‎ A. laughing B. crying C. discussing D. joking ‎42. A. refused B. hated C. used D. hid 43. ‎ A. happy B. hard C. early D. unhappy 44. ‎ A. head B. hands C. arms D. face 45. ‎ A. covered B. settled C. stopped D. lost 46. ‎ A. feelings B. unhappiness C. pains D. regret 47. ‎ A. ran B. waved C. walked D. jumped 48. ‎ A. tired B. concerned C. uninterested D. frightened 49. ‎ A. disappointment B. hurt C. attitude D. anger 50. ‎ A. formally B. incorrectly C. loudly D. hardly 51. ‎ A. control B. floor C. life D. field 52. ‎ A. speed B. heart C. body D. health 53. ‎ A. joined B. left C. started D. trained 54. ‎ A. loving B. remembering C. worrying D. dancing 43. ‎ A. answer B. change C. apology D. praise 44. ‎ A. appeared B. passed C. held D. approached 45. ‎ A. how B. what C. that D. who 46. ‎ A. through B. around C. over  . D. across 47. ‎ A. up B. still C. behind D. out 48. ‎ A. confident B. careful C. amused D. shaking 第II卷(非选择题 共50分)‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ The first   61 __  (day) television news programme in the United States was aired by NBC. Before that date, people learned the news from radios and newspapers. The first TV newscast was read by a man sitting at a desk. The picture was black and white. ‎ Most homes did not have television sets. Television sets were so expensive     62  __  many people could not afford them. Besides that, a lot of people thought that television could not be any     63 __(good) than a movie, a live concert, or a play. ‎ All of that soon changed. Mass(大规模的)    64    _ (produce) of TV sets brought the cost down sharply. Programmes improved, and TV became part of the American life. ‎ Later, colour    65   _  (introduce) to television. In 1960,    _ 66   _ number of TV owners was about 45 million. Television     67  __ (become) one of the major mass media(媒体) of America so far.   ‎ Watching news on television is now an important way for people     68    _  (learn) about current events. Television news has gone     69    _ a simple form in the evenings to all kinds of programmes and channels. Today, viewers can watch local, regional and national news      70    _ (programme) in many different ways, any time of the day.‎ 第四部分: 写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ Dear Peter,‎ I am writing to tell you a absolutely wonderful news. Our school photography club is to hold an International Student Photography Exhibition, its theme is environmental protection. The exhibition will last three weeks. Those who is interested can sign up at the Student Union.‎ As far as I am concerned, particularly keen in taking photos,you are always having the desire do something for the environment. Which impresses me most are the photos you took while you visit the park. Why not show it to everyone present at the exhibition? You can definitely make the different, calling on people to devote themselves to protect the environment. I would be more than delighted if you could join us.‎ 第二节:书面表达(本大题共1小题,共25分)‎ 假如你是高三学生李华,你的非洲朋友Sebia打算明年到你们城市留学,发邮件询问气候和饮食情况。请你回复邮件,内容包括: ‎ ‎(1)表示欢迎;‎ ‎(2) 介绍情况;‎ ‎(3) 询问行程。‎ 注意:‎ ‎(1) 词数100字左右;‎ ‎(2) 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎ 参考答案 阅读理解: 21—23 CAC 24-27 DBAD 28-31 CDCB 32-35 DBCA 36-40 GDCBF 完形填空: 41-45 AACCD 46-50 BDABC 51-55 CDABC 56-60 DBABD 语法填空:61.daily   62.that   63.better    64.production   65.was introduced 66.the     67.has become    68.to learn      69.from    70.programmed 改错 ‎(1)将a划掉;(2)将its改为whose;(3)将is改为are;(4)将in改为on; (5)将do前加to;(6)将Which改为What;(7)将visit改为visited;(8)将it改为them; (9)将different改为difference;(10)将protect改为protecting Dear Sebia,     I am very delighted that you have decided to go on with further study in our city.     I think you would like to live here because four seasons are distinctive and easy to agree with. The temperature is between 37°C in summer and minus 30°C in winter. Spring and autumn are cosy and cool. You can enjoy sunshine, blue sky and white clouds. Even in winter you will feel comfortable inside for the good heating system.     In addition, a great diversity of food awaits you, such as stir-fried dishes, barbecue, hot pot and western food, which will satisfy your taste.     Please tell me the exact time of your arrival and then I will pick you up at the airport. I' m looking forward to meeting you soon.                                        Sincerely yours,                                             Li Hua

