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‎2020届二轮复习破译高考阅读理解试题的“潜规则”‎ 阅读在高考中的比例最大,阅读在高考中的重要性不言而喻,分析近几年高考可知,高考语篇,包括四选一阅读理解、七选五阅读理解和完形填空有如下特点:‎ ‎1.高考语篇中有大量的派生词、词性转换词和熟词生义词;‎ ‎2.高考语篇中有大量的长句和难句,对于长难句的理解把握是提升高考阅读能力关键;‎ ‎3.高考语篇结构典型,尤其是说明文和议论文,文章结构清晰,我们可以通过把握文章结构,快速抓住文章主旨。‎ 针对高考语篇的这些特点,本部分有针对性地为考生提供4种有效提高阅读能力的技巧,希望考生结合自身情况加以灵活运用。‎ 真题示例 ‎——题源:The New York Times ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读D)During the rosy years of elementary school (小学),I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes,which allowed me to keep my high social status.I was the queen of the playground.Then came my tweens and teens,and mean girls and cool kids.They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes,breaking rules and playing jokes on others,among whom I soon found myself.‎ Popularity is a well-explored subject in social psychology.Mitch Prinstein,a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories:the likable and the status seekers.The likables’ plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships,jump-start interpersonal skills and,when tapped early,are employed ever after in life and work.Then there’s the kind of popularity that appears in adolescence:status born of power and even dishonorable behavior.‎ Enviable as the cool kids may have seemed,Dr.Prinstein’s studies show unpleasant consequences.Those who were highest in status in high school,as well as those least liked in elementary school,are “most likely to engage (从事) in dangerous and risky behavior.”‎ In one study,Dr.Prinstein examined the two types of popularity in 235 adolescents,scoring the least liked,the most liked and the highest in status based on student surveys (调查研究).“We found that the least well-liked teens had become more aggressive over time toward their classmates.But so had those who were high in status.It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment,high status has just the opposite effect on us.”‎ Dr.Prinstein has also found that the qualities that made the neighbors want you on a play date-sharing,kindness,openness—carry over to later years and make you better able to relate and connect with others.‎ In analyzing his and other research,Dr.Prinstein came to another conclusion:Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes,but it is also responsible for those outcomes,too.“Being liked creates opportunities for learning and for new kinds of life experiences that help somebody gain an advantage,” he said.‎ ‎1.词汇分析 高难 词汇 status,psychology,category,consequence,analyze,tap,adolescent,adolescence 派生词 rosy,popularity,clinical,likable,seeker,strengthen,interpersonal,dishonorable,enviable,likability,adjustment,openness,classification,adaptable,academically,aggressiveness 合成词 well-explored,plays-well-with-others,schoolyard,jump-start,well-liked,self-control 词类 活用 sort n.类别→v.分类 score n.分数→v.得分 熟词 生义 mean v.意味着→adj.尖钻的,刻薄的 tap n.水龙头v.敲击→v.开发,利用 重要 词块 high social status,rise in the ranks,play jokes on,clinical psychology,have the opposite effect on,come to the conclusion,gain an advantage ‎2.长难句分析(例子为左栏划线处)‎ 删繁就简理解文中长难句:‎ Step 1 去掉枝叶:去掉定语从句:that made...openness。‎ Step 2 保留主干 Dr.Prinstein has also found that the qualities carry over to later years and make you better able to relate and connect with others.‎ ‎3.篇章结构 策略一 | 构词法 ‎——拼接有道,轻松识别文章“陌生”单词 ‎  英语主要有三种构词法:派生、合成和转化。这三种方法不仅对于我们扩充词汇量有重要帮助,它更是一种重要的阅读策略。利用构词法可以有效地帮助我们识别文中的“陌生”单词。‎ 否定前缀,意义正相反 ‎·纯否定前缀:non-,in-/im-/ir-/il-,a-,dis-,un-的意义相当于not,如non-stop(直达的),inactive ‎·逆转前缀: 主要有un-,dis-,de-,如unlock(解锁)‎ ‎·贬义前缀:主要有mis-,如mislead(误导)‎ ‎[示例] (2019·全国卷Ⅲ阅读七选五)‎ Be sure to stay on topic and not offer irrelevant information.‎ 分析:relevant意为“相关的”,ir-是否定前缀,由此可以推知 irrelevant意为“不相关的”。‎ 时间前缀,次序有先后 ‎·pre-表示“在前,事先,预先”,如prewar(战前)‎ ‎·ex-表示“前,先,故,旧”,如ex-president(前总统)‎ ‎·mid-表示“中,中间”,如midnight,midsummer ‎·post-表示“在后,后”,如postwar ‎[示例] (2018·全国卷Ⅲ阅读D)I found the pre-holidays a good time to encourage young children to donate less-used things,and it worked.‎ 分析:holiday意为“假期”,pre-表示“在前,事先,预先”,由此可以推知pre-holiday意为“假期之前的时间”。‎ 程度前缀,范围有差别 ‎·over-表示“超过,过度,太”,如oversleep(睡过头)‎ ‎·out-表示“超过,过分”,如outdo(超过)‎ ‎·super-表示“超过”,如supernature(超自然)‎ ‎[示例] (2019·北京卷阅读B)‎ By the time she was 13,her company was worth millions of dollars with the invention of a super-sweet treat that could save kids’ teeth, instead of destroying them.‎ 分析:sweet意为“甜的”,super-表示“非常的,超级的”,由此可以推知super-sweet意为“特甜的”。‎ 数量前缀,多少有定量 ‎·uni-,mono-表示“单一”,“一”,如uniform(制服)‎ ‎·bi-,ambi-表示“二,两,双”,如bicycle ‎·multi-表示“许多,复,多数”,如multi-media(多媒体)‎ ‎·semi-表示“半”,如semi-circle(半圆)‎ ‎[示例] (北京卷阅读D)‎ People who multitask all the time may be the worst at doing two things at once,a new research suggests.‎ 分析:task意为“任务”,multi-表示“许多,多数”,由此可以推知 multitask 意为“多任务”。‎ 关系前缀,二者有联系 ‎·re-表示“回、再次、向后”,如refuel(给……加油)‎ ‎·co-表示“共同、和”,如co-operate(合作)‎ ‎·inter-表示“相互、之间”,如international(国际的)‎ ‎[示例] (2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读D)The likables’ plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships,jump-start interpersonal skills and,when tapped early, are employed ever after in life and work.‎ 分析:personal意为“个人的”,inter-表示“相互、之间”,由此可以推知interpersonal意为“人际的”。‎ 动词后缀,词义“动”起来 ‎·-ify意为“转为,变为”,如beautify,simplify ‎·-ize意为“使……变得……,使……化”,如modernize(使现代化),popularize ‎·-en意为“使……,变……”,如ripen(变成熟),widen ‎[示例] (2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读C)The researchers say that the keyboard should be pretty straightforward to commercialize and is mostly made of inexpensive, plastic-like parts.‎ 分析:commercial意为“商业的”,-ize意为“使……变得……,使……化”,由此可以推知commercialize意为“商业化”。‎ 名词后缀,各种人或物 ‎·-er/or,-eer意为“从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人”,如engineer,director ‎·-ess意为“女性”,如actress(女演员)‎ ‎·-hood意为“时期”,如boyhood,childhood ‎·-ship意为“才能,状态,资格,品质等”,如leadership ‎·-tion,-ion,-sion意为“状态,行动,机构等”,如action ‎·-ment意为“状态,行动等”,如movement ‎·-ness,-ity/-ty意为“状态,品质”,如happiness ‎·-ism意为“道义,主义,学说等”,如idealism(理想主义),impressionism 注意:-er有时也指物,如cooker炊具。‎ ‎[示例] (2019·浙江卷阅读C)The researchers figured out water stress with a computer model that calculated how much water trees were getting in comparison with how much they needed,taking into account such things as rainfall,air temperature,‎ dampness of soil, and the timing of snowmelt(融雪).‎ 分析:damp意为“潮湿的”,-ness意为“状态”,由此可以推知dampness意为“潮湿”。‎ 形容词后缀,意义各不同 ‎·-ful意为“充满,有”,如useful,forgetful ‎·-less意为“没有,无”,如speechless,harmless ‎·-ly意为“有……品质的”,如manly,brotherly ‎·-able/-ible常意为“能/可以……的”,如readable ‎·-ic/-ical意为“……类的,属于……的”,如historic ‎·-ive意为“有……属性的,有某种倾向的”,如attractive,talkative ‎[示例] (2018·全国卷Ⅰ七选五)Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa,small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easily changeable.‎ 分析:change意为“改变”,-able意为“能……的,可以……的”,由此可以推知 changeable意为“可改变的”。‎ 英语合成词,猜词有规律 合成法也是英语构词法中的重要方法,所谓合成法就是将两个或者多个独立的词语连接在一起组成新词的方法。通过观察它们的原始意义,可以比较容易地猜出合成词的意义,但要注意它们的词性。合成词数量最多的是复合名词和复合形容词复合。‎ ‎1.复合名词 不管第一个词是名词、形容词、动词还是介词,后面加上名词,组成的新词都是名词。‎ neck+lace=necklace项链 black+board=blackboard黑板 注意:副词+动词或者动词+副词也可以合成名词。‎ check(动词)+in(副词)=check-in(名词)‎ ‎2.复合形容词 不管第一个词是名词还是形容词,后面加上形容词,组成的新词都是形容词。‎ world+wide=worldwide全世界的 home+sick=homesick想家的 icy+cold=icy-cold冰冷的 color+blind=colorblind色盲的 英语转化法,词性能活用 英语转化法指的是词形词义不变,词性改变。主要有以下几种情况:‎ ‎·动词名词相互转化:water n.水→v.浇水 ‎·形容词转化为动词: better adj.更好的→v.改善 clean adj.清洁的→v.清洁 ‎·形容词转化为名词:daily adj.日常的→n.日报 ‎·副词转化为动词:down adv.向下→v.打倒,放下 ‎[示例] (2018·全国卷Ⅰ阅读A)Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington,D.C.‎ 分析:view常用作名词“视野,观点”,此处后有宾语,故用作动词,意为“观看”。‎ ‎【即时训练】 根据构词法和语境写出加黑单词的意思 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读D)Mitch Prinstein,a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories.分类 ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ阅读D)Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts.The microorganisms(微生物) from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Station, so astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week.无法控制地 ‎3.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读C)Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low-cost device(装置) that gets around this problem.廉价的 ‎4.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ阅读B)These colourful and sweet jewels from British Columbia’s fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection.动力室;营养的 ‎5.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ阅读D)But the next time you find yourself among strangers,consider that small talk is worth the trouble.Experts say it’s an invaluable social practice that results in big benefits.无价的;非常宝贵的 ‎6.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ阅读B)They travelled over snow-covered mountains and sailed hundreds of miles up icy rivers.被雪覆盖的 策略二 | 猜词法 ‎——线索推测,快速理解熟词生义和生词生义 ‎  阅读理解涉及词汇、句子、段落和语篇四个层次的理解问题,而其中最根本的是词汇。对于生词一般有如下两种处理方式:‎ 第一、不影响阅读的词汇——略过去 在阅读理解设题时,并不是所有的生词都是出题点。在阅读中,当遇到一个生词时,不妨先问自己一个问题:这些生词有没有进行精确猜测的必要。高考试题中经常会出现没必要去精确猜测的生词,不知道它的精确含义也不会影响对基本句意的理解。所以,平时考生要练习对生词的容忍度和处理生词的技巧,否则,临场时你会因焦虑而影响做题速度和准度。对于这类词,不要过多纠缠,尽管放心大胆地“略过去”。‎ 第二、影响阅读的词汇——猜出来 有时候,一些生词(包括已经暂时遗忘的已经学过的单词)对阅读来说存在很大的障碍,对上下文的理解至关重要,我们必须知道这些词的精确含义。我们可以采用以下几种方法猜测词义。‎ ‎●根据深入阐释理解生词——定义、释义、举例、定语或同位语 作者有时会在生词后给出修饰成分帮助我们判断其意思,如定义、解释、列举、定语(从句)和同位语(从句)等。‎ ‎1.表示定义的常用提示词有:be,mean,deal with,be considered to be,refer to,be called,be known as,define,represent,signify,constitute等。‎ ‎2.用于解释的有as you know,refer to,that is (to say),namely,in other words,or等。‎ ‎3.用于举例说明的有like,such as,for example,for instance等。‎ ‎4.定语及定语从句同样提供信息帮助猜测词义。‎ ‎5.构成同位关系的部分具有解释说明的作用,被修饰的词和同位语常用逗号隔开,破折号、冒号、分号、引号或括号也有类似作用。‎ ‎[示例] (2019·北京卷阅读D)‎ When these organisms die,they bury carbon in the deep ocean,an important process that helps to regulate the global climate.But phytoplankton are vulnerable to the ocean’s warming trend.Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth,since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow, but also nutrients.‎ ‎43.What does the underlined word“vulnerable” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?‎ A.Sensitive. B.Beneficial.‎ C.Significant. D.Unnoticeable.‎ 分析:后一句为前一句的进一步阐述,气候变暖改变了海洋的主要特点并能影响浮游植物的生长,因为它们要生长不仅仅需要阳光和二氧化碳,也需要营养。由此可知,这些浮游植物对海洋变暖“很敏感”,故A项正确。‎ ‎●根据语义关系推导生词——因果、同义或平行、反义、转折或对比关系 ‎1.根据因果关系进行猜测 在阅读理解文章的句子或段落中,若两个事物或两种现象之间构成因果关系,这时我们可以根据这种因果逻辑关系推断词或短语的含义。表示因果关系的标志词有because,so,thus,therefore,as a result of,since,so that,so/such...that...等。‎ ‎[示例] (陕西卷阅读D)‎ My son could not follow the teacher’s directions,he told me,and thus,Scola was disrupting the class.Didn’t he know my son did not speak English yet?‎ ‎58.What does the underlined word “disrupting” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?‎ A.Breaking. B.Following.‎ C.Attending. D.Disturbing.‎ 分析:画线单词所在的句子出现了因果关系标志词thus,由前面的原因“我儿子听不懂老师的指示”可以推知,“他因此告诉我Scola干扰了课堂”,故选D项。其余三项都不符合这一因果逻辑关系。‎ ‎2.根据同义或平行关系进行猜测 为避免文章语言单调、重复,作者常常用不同表达方式表达同一含义。常见的同义提示词有and,or,besides,similarly,like,also,likewise,not only...but also...,as well as,just as等。‎ ‎[示例] (2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读B)‎ But he’s nervous.“I’m here to tell you today why you should...should...” Chris trips on the “-ld,” a pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers.His teacher,Thomas Whaley, is next to him, whispering support.“...Vote for...me...” Except for some stumbles,Chris is doing amazingly well.When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion,Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him.‎ ‎25.What does the underlined word “stumbles” in paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A.Improper pauses. B.Bad manners.‎ C.Spelling mistakes. D.Silly jokes.‎ 分析:根据文中的“you should...should...”以及“...Vote for...me...”这样的语句特点可知,Chris发“-ld”比较困难,因此有些结巴,停顿得不适当,这是他表现不好的地方,与画线词后的句意“他完成得非常好“构成转折关系,与短语except for的语意相呼应。‎ ‎3.根据反义、转折或对比关系进行猜测 有些需要猜测词义的词或短语前后会出现表示转折或对比的词语,运用这些词语也可以帮助猜测词义。能体现转折、对比关系的词汇很多,常见的有but,yet,however,while,unlike,instead (of),on the other hand,rather than,on the contrary等。‎ ‎●根据上下文猜测生词——具体语境分析 有些词义猜测题找不到以上标志线索,这时可以利用上下文提供的情景和线索进行合乎逻辑的综合分析,进而推测词义,这也是近几年来高考考查的热点。‎ ‎[示例] (2018·北京卷阅读D)‎ A study from the University of California at Davis suggested that replacing petrol-powered private cars worldwide with electric,self-driving and shared systems could reduce carbon emissions from transportation 80% and cut the cost of transportation infrastructure(基础设施) and operations 40% by 2050.Fewer emissions and cheaper travel sound pretty appealing.The first commercially available driverless cars will almost certainly be fielded by ride-hailing services,considering the cost of self-driving technology as well as liability and maintenance issues ‎ (责任与维护问题).But driverless car ownership could increase as the prices drop and more people become comfortable with the technology.‎ ‎49.What does the underlined word “fielded” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?‎ A.Employed. B.Replaced.‎ C.Shared. D.Reduced.‎ 分析:根据上下文可知,此处表示“考虑到无人驾驶技术的成本和责任与维护问题,叫车服务(公司)将运用第一批可使用的商业无人驾驶汽车”,fielded这里引申为“使用,应用”之意,故选A。‎ ‎【即时训练】 根据语境选出加线单词的意思 ‎1.(2019·江苏卷阅读B)Just at this time NASA decided to test some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone.A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the park authorities on the assumption that they might make a nice blow-up for one of the visitors’ centers.As soon as Christiansen saw the photos,he realized why he had failed to spot the caldera:almost the whole park—2.2 million acres—was caldera.‎ What does the underlined word“blow-up” in the last paragraph most probably mean?‎ A.Hot-air balloon. B.Digital camera.‎ C.Big photograph. D.Bird’s view.‎ 答案 C [本题可以利用深入阐释进行推测。根据文中的“...a nice blow-up for one of the visitors’ centers.As soon as Christiansen saw the photos...”可知,the photos所指的就是前面提及的blow-up,所以推断blow-up相当于photo(photograph),故选C项。]‎ ‎2.(2018·浙江卷阅读B)Americans use more than 100 billion thin film plastic bags every year.So many end up in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts (收银台).The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California,including Los Angeles.Eyeing these headwinds,plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people assume.‎ What does the word “headwinds” in paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A.Bans on plastic bags.‎ B.Effects of city development.‎ C.Headaches caused by garbage.‎ D.Plastic bags hung in trees.‎ 答案 A [本题可以利用文章上下文推测。根据画线单词所在句“看到这种‘逆风’,塑料购物袋制造商雇用像Steven Stein这样的科学家来说明他们的产品不像大多数人认为的那样对地球有那么大的坏处”,再联系上一句“The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in...”可知,A项“禁止使用塑料袋”为正确选项。]‎ 策略三 | 剪枝法 ‎——删繁就简,一眼看穿文章长句难句 ‎  要读懂文章,考纲所要求的词汇是必须掌握的。但过了词汇关之后,阅读是不是就没有问题了呢?当然不是!因为英语和汉语的句子结构是不一样的。所以说,在攻克词汇关后,我们才面临英语阅读中的第一个真正难题——长难句!可以说,长难句的理解是制约高考阅读理解的一个重要瓶颈。攻克了长难句,你的阅读能力将会提升一大截。长难句之所以难以理解,最主要原因是句子结构复杂,含有很多修饰成分。所以简化句子是理解长难句的关键。下面就是简化句子时需要注意的几个主要方面:‎ ‎●剥掉复杂句子外衣——去掉“介词+名词/代词/动名词”‎ 介词是英语中常见的词类,常接名词、代词或动名词构成介词短语。介词短语在句子中作表语,和系动词构成系表结构时一般不可去掉;作其他成分时,一般可以去掉。因此,当遇到包含介词短语的复杂句子时,只要介词短语不作句子的表语,就可以优先去掉。下面以常见的介词in构成的介词短语为例:‎ ‎1.He is the best teacher in our school.→He is the best teacher.‎ ‎2.The girl in red is Amy,who turns out to be one of my old classmates.→The girl is Amy,who turns out to be one of my old classmates.‎ ‎●剥掉复杂句子外衣——去掉副词 副词一般表示动作或者状态的程度或者频率,所以在不影响句子意思的情况下,把副词去掉。为了更清楚地讲解如何通过去掉副词简化句子,我们根据不同的副词形式进行说明。‎ ‎1.去掉以-ly结尾的副词 带-ly的副词一般由形容词后加-ly构成,它们能够生动地描述动作的状态,使得整个句子更加鲜活,为了将句子主干了解透彻,这些细节信息可以暂时忽略。‎ ‎①I desperately need water.→I need water.‎ ‎②He suddenly turned around and scared me.‎ ‎→He turned around and scared me.‎ ‎③He walked slowly after having supper.‎ ‎→He walked after having supper.‎ 注意:以-ly结尾的否定副词如hardly,rarely等不能去掉。‎ ‎2.去掉其他形式的副词 ‎(1)时间副词:如now,then,often,always,already,ever,never,yesterday等 ‎(2)地点副词:如here,there,in,out,near,off,past,up,away等 ‎(3)程度副词:如much,little,very,rather(相当),so,too,still,quite等 ‎①He often helps the poor.→He helps the poor.‎ ‎②The apple is very delicious.→The apple is delicious.‎ ‎●剥掉复杂句子外衣——去掉非谓语动词 非谓语动词中的不定式和分词(现在分词和过去分词)作定语、状语和补足语时一般可以临时去掉。‎ ‎1.This is the best way to work out this problem.‎ ‎→This is the best way.‎ ‎2.They went to the park,singing and talking.‎ ‎→They went to the park.‎ ‎3.Those selected as committee members will attend the meeting.→Those will attend the meeting.‎ ‎●剥掉复杂句子外衣——去掉定语从句和状语从句 ‎1.定语从句通俗来讲就是从句在整个句子中作定语,这个从句就叫做定语从句。即从句在主句中充当定语成分,因此多数情况下可以临时去掉。‎ They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.→They rushed over to help the man.‎ ‎2.状语从句即在句子中作状语的从句,表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果等,这些从句在简化句子时可以临时去掉。‎ I want to teach English in the countryside after I graduate from college.‎ ‎→I want to teach English in the countryside.‎ ‎●剥掉复杂句子外衣——找出连词“and”‎ 不要小瞧and这个词。一个and常会把本来很简单的句子变得很长,使句子看上去很复杂。要简化and连接的并列句,关键是要找出and前后到底是哪两部分有并列关系。句子中,and连接的最常见的结构有以下几种:and+that从句,and to do,and doing,and do。阅读时,只要找出and后面的结构,很快就可以根据平行并列结构,找到前面对应的部分,然后从and这个地方将句子断开,这样我们就可以很清晰地把握and前后两层的意思了。‎ My friends have more to do with my life than my parents and,therefore,I don’t have to spend a lot of time explaining things to them.‎ 先找到连词and,然后把这个长难句拆成两个句子:‎ ‎①My friends have more to do with my life than my parents.‎ ‎②I don’t have to spend a lot of time explaining things to them.‎ ‎[示例] 利用以上微技能做以下题目 ‎(2018·全国卷Ⅰ阅读D)...‎ To figure out how much power these devices are using,Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life—from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device.This method provided a readout for how home energy use has evolved since the early 1990s.Devices were grouped by generation.Desktop computers,basic mobile phones,and box-set TVs defined 1992.Digital cameras arrived on the scene in 1997.And MP3 players,smart phones,and LCD TVs entered homes in 2002,before tablets and e-readers showed up in 2007.‎ ‎...‎ ‎33.Why did Babbitt’s team conduct the research?‎ A.To reduce the cost of minerals.‎ B.To test the life cycle of a product.‎ C.To update consumers on new technology.‎ D.To find out electricity consumption of the devices.‎ 分析:本题根据关键词很容易定位到原文第二段第一句:本句是长难句,共47个单词,为了更好地理解这句话,我们可以化繁为简,找出句子的主干。‎ To figure out how much power these devices are using,Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life—from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device.‎ ‎①去掉不定式目的状语:To figure out how much power these devices are using;‎ ‎②去掉介词短语:at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York;‎ ‎③去掉介词短语:for each product throughout its life;‎ ‎④去掉介词短语:from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device.‎ 句子主干:Callie Babbitt and her colleagues tracked the environmental costs.‎ 结合问题可知Babbitt和她的团队进行这项研究的目的是计算这些设备的用电量。故选D。‎ ‎【即时训练】‎ ‎1.找出下列长难句的主干 ‎①(2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读D)In one study,Dr. Prinstein examined the two types of popularity in 235 adolescents, scoring the least liked, the most liked and the highest in status based on student surveys(调查研究).‎ ‎→Dr. Prinstein examined the two types of popularity.‎ ‎②(2018·全国卷Ⅱ阅读C)Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun,according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday.‎ ‎→Teens and younger children are reading less.‎ ‎2.通过分析长难句解答下列题目 ‎(2018·全国卷Ⅱ阅读C)...‎ The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading.Data shows that ‎ kids and teens who do read frequently,compared to infrequent readers,have more books in the home,more books purchased for them,parents who read more often,and parents who set aside time for them to read.‎ ‎...‎ How should parents encourage their children to read more?‎ A.Act as role models for them.‎ B.Ask them to write book reports.‎ C.Set up reading groups for them.‎ D.Talk with their reading class teachers.‎ 分析:答案在第一句:The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading.‎ 去掉附属成分:‎ The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading.‎ ‎→The most hopeful data shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides.‎ 可知,家长应该起模范带头作用,鼓励孩子多阅读,故选A。‎ 策略四 | 结构法 ‎——把握结构,准确洞悉文章核心内容 ‎  总分或分总法是说明文和议论文在文章结构模式的共性,最近几年高考题的说明文和议论文基本都是“总—分—(总)”或“分—总”结构。‎ ‎【命题规律】 以近两年全国卷阅读理解为例 文章类型 典型语篇 现象—解释型 ‎2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读D ‎2019·全国卷Ⅱ阅读B ‎2018·全国卷Ⅰ阅读C 问题—解决型 ‎2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读C 论点—论证型 ‎2018·全国卷Ⅰ阅读D ‎2018·全国卷Ⅱ阅读C ‎1.现象—解释型 在现象—解释型的文章中,作者在文章开始给出一个现象,然后对现象进行解释或分析现象或问题产生的原因。‎ ‎2.问题—解决型 在这类文章中,作者首先提出一个问题,然后针对这一问题给出解决方案。如果有多个解决方案,作者认可的才是主题。‎ ‎3.论点—论证型 在这类文章中,作者首先提出论点(常以事例引出),然后提出论据并论证论点,最后得出结论。‎ ‎[示例] 以“问题—解决型”为例 (2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读C)‎ As data and identity theft becomes more and more common,the market is growing for biometric(生物测量) technologies—like fingerprint scans—to keep others out of private e-spaces.At present, these technologies are still expensive, though.‎ 提出问题 Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low-cost device (装置) that gets around this problem:a smart keyboard.This smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence (节奏) with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key.The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a user’s typing and the time between key presses.These patterns are unique to each person.Thus, the keyboard can determine people’s identities, and by extension,whether they should be given access to the computer it’s connected to—regardless of whether someone gets the password right.‎ It also doesn’t require a new type of technology that people aren’t already familiar with.Everybody uses a keyboard and everybody types differently.‎ In a study describing the technology, the researchers had 100 volunteers type the word “touch” four times using the smart keyboard.Data collected from the device could be used to recognize different participants based on how they typed, with very low error ‎ rates.The researchers say that the keyboard should be pretty straightforward to commercialize and is mostly made of inexpensive, plastic-like parts.The team hopes to make it to market in the near future.‎ 解决问题

