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2018届二轮复习 短文语法填空解题指导 中 国 文 化 专 题 (十九) 考纲词汇过关 (练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固) length n. _____ originally adv. ______ a variety of ________ convey vt. ___________ reference n. ______ symbolic adj. _________ literature n. ______ decoration n. ________ generation n. ________ 长度 起初 多种的 表达; 传达 参考 象征的 文学 装饰品 一代人 A Chinese knot(中国结) is a knot 1 ______ is tied and woven (织) from a single length of string or rope to be a variety of shapes. Each shape has 2 ____(it) own symbolic meaning, and nowadays you can find them as decoration, gifts for special occasions, and adornments (装饰品) on clothes. its that/ which People may have originally used them 3 _________(record) information and convey messages before people started to write. One hundred thousand-year-old tools have been discovered that were 4 ___________(probable) used to tie and untie knots, and there is a reference to knots in ancient literature. 5 _____ it isn’t known when they first started to be used symbolically or woven for art. But probably to record It is known that they were used for artistic decoration and to express good 6 _______(wish) including happiness, prosperity(兴旺), love and the 7 ________(absent) of evil (邪恶) in the Tang Dynasty era (618-907). The Tang Empire was a large one that 8 ________(cover) most of areas of modern China, and the traditional art form was carried on generation by generation as part of their culture. Even today, Chinese knots are rich 9 ____ symbolic meanings, and they therefore hold sentimental(情感的) value when 10 ______ (give) as gifts or passed down through families. given in covered absence wishes (十九)本文介绍了中国结的历史,作用以及象征 意义。 1. that/ which 考查定语从句关系词。从句缺少 主语,先行词为knot,故填关系代词that/which。 2. its 考查代词。在名词前作定语,表示“它的 ”,故用形容词性物主代词its。 3. to record 考查非谓语动词。作目的状语用动 词不定式。 4. probably 修饰谓语作状语,用副词。 5. But 考查连词。前后为转折关系,故填But。 6. wishes 考查名词复数。从后面举的例 happiness, prosperity(兴旺), love可知,故用复 数形式。 7. absence 考查词性转换。在the与of之间,用 名词形式。 8. covered 作that的谓语,时态为一般过去时, 故填covered。 9. in 因be rich in(富含……)是固定搭配。 10. given 主语they与give之间为被动关系,故 填过去分词。 (二十) 考纲词汇过关 (练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固) herb n.______ herbal tea_______ custom n. ______ damp adj. _______ suffer from_______ physical condition__________ vital adj. _____________ classify vt. ______ pack sth into____________ package n. _____ bitter adj. ______ ease vt. _______ flavor n. _______ 药草 凉茶 习俗 潮湿的 患(病) 身体状况 至关重要的 分类 将某物装入 包 苦的 减轻 风味 The Chinese herbal tea or cold tea is a drink made from herbs to ease the summer heat in human’s body or sore (疼痛的) throat 1 _______ (cause) by the dry winter. Drinking herbal tea is an old custom in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong and Macao, 2 ________the climates are damp and hot and people living there easily suffer from excessive internal heat. 3 ___________(general), herbal tea should be drunk before it is getting cold. Since most of herbs are cold in drug property (药性), drinking too much will do harm 4 ____the spleen (脾) and stomach, especially for people 5 ________(lack) vital energy. lacking to Generally where caused If you have no idea about your physical condition, 6 ____is better to see the doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine to help you make a right 7 _________ (choose) of herbal tea for you. Herbal tea stores once can 8 _________(find) everywhere in Guangdong. The stores classify herbs and pack them into small packages to meet 9 ____________(customer) different needs. Since herbal tea 10 ______(taste) bitter, some herbal tea stores offer preserved orange peel (陈皮) to customers for free to ease the bitter flavor. tastes customers’ be found choice it (二十)本文主要讲述了中国广东传统的凉茶的功效 和一些饮用习惯。 1. caused 因sore throat (喉咙痛)与cause存在被动 关系,其后by the dry winter也有提示,用过去分 词短语作后置定语。 2. where 非限制性定语从句,先行词是表示地点 的Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong和Macao,且 在定语从句中作状语,故用关系副词where。 3. Generally 在句首,修饰全句,用副词,表示“ 总体上说”。 4. to 因do harm to (对……有害)是固定搭配。 5. lacking 因people与lack是主动关系,故用 现在分词作后置定语,修饰people。 6. it 用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动 词不定式。 7. choice 在“不定冠词+形容词(right)”后用 名词形式,故填choice。 8. be found 因主语herbal tea stores与find是 被动关系,用被动语态;情态动词后用动词原 形,故填be found。 9. customers’ 在名词needs前作定语,用名词 所有格,表示满足“顾客的”需要。customer 用复数形式customers表示泛指,其所有格形 式只在后面加“’”,故填customers’。 10. tastes 由全文时态可知,用一般现在时; 主语herbal tea是第三人称单数,故填tastes。 (二十一) 考纲词汇过关 (练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固) send off _______ greet vt. _______ mark vt. _______ entertainment n. _______ popular adj. _______ dress up _______ pray for ___________ statue n. _______ disaster n. _______ 送别 迎接 标志 娱乐 流行的 打扮 为……祈祷 雕塑 灾难 The Water-Splashing Festival ( 泼水节) is a 1 __________(tradition) festival for the Dai people in the Dehong area of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province in the southwest of China. It is the New Year for the Dai, a festival to send off the old and greet the new. It 2 ______ (last) three or four days. 3 ______(hold) during the sixth month of the Dai calendar, the Water-Splashing Festival is also known 4 ____the Festival for Bathing the Buddha. as Held lasts traditional During the festival, the door of every house is decorated with multicolored pieces of paper. The event is marked by 5 __________(variety) of entertainment, including singing and dancing, fireworks displays, boat racing, bathing the Buddha and so on, the most popular of which 6 ___(be) water-splashing. In 7 _____morning, people dress up and go to the temple. They make three to five pagoda- shaped (宝塔状) sand piles over one meter tall and plant eight bamboo twigs(嫩芽) on the top. the is varieties They then sit around the pagodas to pray 8 ___________(religious) for good weather and many offspring(后代). In the afternoon, 9 _____ every woman will do is carry fresh water to clean the Buddha statue so she might get his blessing. People then splash water on each other, hoping to wash away 10 _________(sick) and disaster with holy water for a happy life. sickness what religiously (二十一)本文介绍了在傣族泼水节,人们所做 的事情:唱歌跳舞、放烟花、赛龙舟等,但 相互泼水是最出名的活动。 1. traditional 考查名词变形容词。此处表示 “传统节日”,故应用形容词修饰后面的名 词festival。 2. lasts 考查时态和语态。本文是介绍泼水节, 应用一般现在时,last表示“持续”时,不能 用于被动语态。 3. Held 考查过去分词作状语。本句的逻辑主 语是the Water-Splashing Festival ,因此,这 里应用过去分词,表被动。 4. as 考查介词。be known as意为“作为…… 而著名”。本题不能填for,be known for意为 “因……而著名”,不符合句意。 5. varieties 考查名词单复数。varieties of 相 当于 a variety of,表示“多种多样的”。 6. is 考查be动词用法和主谓一致。指“最著名 的活动”就是泼水活动,故应用第三人称单数。 7. the 考查冠词。因in the morning(在早晨)是 固定用法。 8. religiously 考查副词。人们围坐在宝塔周围, 虔诚地(religiously)祷告。 9. what 考查主语从句的引导词。主语从句的谓 语动词do后缺少宾语,故应用what引导。 10. sickness 考查形容词变名词。根据句意,这 里用名词作wash away的宾语。 (二十二) 考纲词汇过关 (练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固) commercial adj. ________ canal n. ______ handle v. ______ boom v. __________ ship v. __________ intersection n. ________ artificial adj. ________ 商业的 运河 处理 蓬勃发展 用船运送 交叉点 人工的 If Xi’an was the centre of the imperial (帝王 朝的) administration, Yangzhou 1 ______(be) China’s commercial heart. It is the beginning of the industrial south. And the key to the success of 2_______city and to the rise of the south was one of China’s great practical 3 ________________ (achievement), the Grand Canal. Built at the start of the 600s, the canal connected the north and the south with the river routes (路线) east and west. And it is still 4 ___________(importance) to today’s economy. important achievements the was 5 ___________(original) built 1,500 years ago, the canal today handles over 70 million tons a year. With it, the Tang changed China. 6 _____the seventh century the economy boomed. The canal shipped 165,000 tons of grain each year just to feed the new soldiers in the south. And standing at the intersection of China’s waterways, Yangzhou became a new kind of city, 7 ________is the first sign of the beginning of the modern. which In Originally The city never slept. It was probably the first large city in history 8 ________(use) artificial lighting on a large scale (规模). Even the traffic on the Grand Canal was able to keep 9 _______ (move) through the city after midnight. So in Tang Dynasty, Yangzhou was always open for business. And it was also the entertainment industry, 10 __________(describe) by Du Mu in Tang Dynasty poetry as Yangzhou’s “ten miles of summer breeze”. described moving to use (二十二)本文介绍了杜牧诗歌中“春风十里扬州 路”的扬州,以及大运河对其经济的重要贡献。 1. was 上文谓语动词用过去式was,这里时态保 持一致,用was。 2. the 句意:这个城市的成功以及南方城市的崛 起关键在于大运河——中国非常实用的成就之一。 the city 特指上文提到的Yangzhou。 3. achievements 因前面有one of修饰故用可数名 词的复数。achievement 表示“成绩,成就”时为 可数。 4. important 句意:它对今天的经济仍然很重要。 be动词后加形容词作表语。 5. Originally 句意:大运河最初建于1500年前,如 今每年货物吞吐量超过7千万吨。“最初地”,修饰 整个句子。 6. In 句意:公元十七世纪时,经济蓬勃发展。在 某个世纪前用介词in。 7. which 引导定语从句,先行词是a new kind of city. 8. to use 因the first…to do sth(第一个做某事的 ……) 是固定搭配。 9. moving 因keep 后接动名词作宾语,表示“一直 做某事”。 10. described 非谓语,表示被动。扬州被杜牧在唐 诗中描述为“春风十里扬州路”。 (二十三) 考纲词汇过关 (练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固) the Festival of Lantern_________ the first moon ______ signpost n. ______ ancestor n. ______ feast n. ____________ multi-colored adj. _______________ in the shapes of ________________ wholeness n. ______ unity n. ______ 元宵节 正月 路标 祖先 筵席,宴会 各种各样颜色的 以……的形式/状 全体 团结 The Festival of Lanterns takes place on the fifteenth day of the first moon. Lanterns 1 _________(be) part of Chinese life for centuries. So it’s not 2 ___________(surprise) to see a Festival of Lanterns. People usually hang lanterns in the gardens, outside the houses, and on the boats. These lanterns are signposts 3 _________(guide) guests and spirits of ancestors to the Lunar celebration. After an 4 __________(expense) fifteen-day feast, these lanterns light the way for the spirits back to the world beyond. expensive to guide surprising have been Silk, paper and plastic lanterns vary 5 _____ shape and size and are usually multi-colored. Some are in the shapes of butterflies, birds, flowers, and boats. Others 6 __________(shape) like dragon, fruit and animal symbols of that year. are shaped in The special food for the Lantern Festival is Yuanxiao or Tangyuan. These are round dumplings 7 _______(make) with sticky rice flour. 8 _______can be filled and served as a sweet snack (点心) 9 ____made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables, meat and dried shrimp (虾). The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity. The Lantern Festival is 10 _____occasion (场 合) for families to get together and for everyone — young, old, rich and poor to have fun. an or They made (二十三)本文介绍了元宵节、灯笼和元宵(汤圆)的 相关信息。 1. have been 由for centuries可知, 用现在完成时。 2. surprising 句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是其 后的不定式,即看到灯笼节是不足为奇的,表示“ 令人惊奇的(事)”用-ing分词作形容词。 3. to guide 句意是“这些灯笼是引导客人和祖先 来参加庆典的路标”,指其作用或目的,用不定式 作定语。 4. expensive 在名词(feast)前作定语,要用形容词。 5. in 表示“在……方面呈现不同”要用“vary in…”。 6. are shaped 因shape用作动词,意思是“使成 为……形状”;主语others指灯笼,与shape是被 动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。 7. made 名词dumplings与make之间是被动关系, 要用过去分词作后置定语。 8. They 句子缺主语,指代前句中的dumplings ,用they。 9. or 前后是选择关系。 10. an 该空后的occasion是可数名词,意思是“ 时刻,机会,庆典”,单数可数名词前要加冠词, 泛指“一次”机会。 (二十四) 考纲词汇过关 (练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固) library n. _______ section n. _____ record vt. ______ determination n. ____ graduation n. _____ scholarship n. _____ following adj. _______ participate in______ organization n. _____ in the course of____________ exchange n. _____ project n. _____ intend vt. _____ allow vt. __________ barrier n. ______ 图书馆 章节 录制 决心 毕业 奖学金 后来的 参加 组织 在……期间 交换 项目 打算 让;允许 障碍 My name is Hodan from Somalia. I came to Hangzhou in 1 _____autumn of 2005. After the first year here, I began to learn Chinese with great 2 ___________(eager). The next year, I began my undergraduate life in Zhejiang Normal University. I was a little worried about my Chinese, so every day after class I would go to the library 3 _________(review) sections, and listen again to recorded courses. Through determination, I 4 ___________(complete) four years of undergraduate studies in just three years. completed to review eagerness the After graduation, I got a scholarship from the Confucius Institute, 5 ______began the following two years of a Master of International Education program. After that, I won the Chinese Government Scholarship for Outstanding Students and began studying for doctorate (博士) degree at Zhejiang University. I participated in many organizations, conferences and contests in my spare time. For example, in August 2010, I attended the third session of “Chinese Bridge” 6 ______(hold) by CCTV and won the silver award. held and Moreover, I participated in many learning and practice 7 ___________(activity) in the course of earning my doctorate degree, during 8 ________ time I finished many projects. I intend to devote 9 ________(I) to the work of China-Africa and China-Arab cultural exchanges after my graduation, allowing more Arabs, Africans and Chinese to cross the language barrier and get to know 10 _________ (difference) cultures. different myself which activities (二十四)本文是一位来自索马里的留学生Hodan 所写,主要讲述了他学习汉语并取得博士学位 的经历,以及想成为文化传播者的愿望。 1. the 考查冠词。这里应是特指2005年的秋天, 故要用the。 2. eagerness 考查形容词转化为名词。注意本 空前面的形容词great,所以这里应填名词, with great eagerness表示“急迫地”。 3. to review 考查不定式作目的状语。表示作者 每天下课后到图书馆的目的是去复习功课。 4. completed 考查动词时态。本句在谈作者用 三年时间完成需要四年才能完成的本科学业,属 于过去的事情,应用一般过去时。 5. and 考查连词。 作者毕业后,从孔子学院获 得了奖学金,并且开始了两年的硕士学位学习。 这两句是并列关系,故用and。 6. held 考查过去分词作定语。“汉语桥”是由 中央电视台举办的,因此应用过去分词表被动。 后面的by也是提示。 7. activities 考查名词的单复数。 本句前有 many修饰,故要用其复数形式。 8. which 考查定语从句的引导词。指作者在攻 读博士学位期间(during which time),完成了很 多项目。 9. myself 考查代词。因 devote oneself to (致力 于)是固定用法。 10. different 考查名词转化为形容词。本空后 面是名词cultures,因此本空应使用形容词修饰 该词,表示“不同的”文化。 THANK YOU!

