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此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 ‎ 绝密 ★ 启用前 ‎2019-2020学年上学期高二期末备考精编金卷 英 语 (B)‎ 注意事项:‎ ‎1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型B后的方框涂黑。‎ ‎2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。‎ ‎3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。‎ ‎4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。‎ 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) ‎ 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What will the man do? ‎ A. Study with his brother. B. Take a math exam. C. Turn down the music.‎ ‎2. How many new words should the woman learn a week?‎ A. 10. B. 20. C. 30.‎ ‎3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Father and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Colleagues.‎ ‎4. What does Mary like to do?‎ A. Hide something.‎ B. Speak out whatever she hopes to.‎ C. Say what others want her to.‎ ‎5. What day is it today?‎ A. Monday. B. Friday. C. Saturday.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或对白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What does the woman decide to do?‎ A. Stay at home and study hard all day.‎ B. Study first and then go to the beach.‎ C. Go to the beach now and study later.‎ ‎7. What did the woman do?‎ A. Studied for a test. B. Put the test off. C. Delayed her study.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。‎ ‎8. Why does the woman ask the man for help?‎ A. She was absent from school.‎ B. She doesn’t study hard at school.‎ C. She doesn’t believe what Sarah said.‎ ‎9. Why does the man refuse to lend his notes to Jessica?‎ A. He wants to review them himself.‎ B. He thinks she should read her own.‎ C. He doesn’t want to share with others.‎ ‎10. What does the man suggest the woman do?‎ A. Borrow Sarah’s notes.‎ B. Go over her lessons herself.‎ C. Invite him to lunch.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。‎ ‎11. How are Sunday hours affected by the new schedule?‎ A. The gym closes later than before.‎ B. The gym closes earlier than before.‎ C. The Sunday hours have not changed.‎ ‎12. When does the gym open on weekends now?‎ A. At 6:‎00a.m. B. At 8:‎00a.m. C. At 10:‎00a.m.‎ ‎13. When does the gym stay open the latest?‎ A. On Sunday night. B. On Thursday night. C. On Saturday night.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。‎ ‎14. What does the man think of the rain?‎ A. It will not be a big problem.‎ B. It will make them buy raincoats.‎ C. It will make the hike more interesting.‎ ‎15. Why is the woman concerned about going on a hike?‎ A. She is worried they may get wet.‎ B. She thinks they won’t really enjoy the scenery.‎ C. She is afraid they may not have time to study.‎ ‎16. What does the woman decide to do? ‎ A. Take more exercise. B. Get some sunshine. C. Make an early start.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. Which forms are regarded as the best exercise?‎ A. Cycling and swimming.‎ B. Walking and swimming.‎ C. Doing gymnastics and cycling.‎ ‎18. Why are we advised to eat less processed foods?‎ A. They consist of few fruits and vegetables.‎ B. They have a great deal of salt and sugar.‎ C. They may lead to serious health problems.‎ ‎19. What does the speaker advise us to do at the end of the talk?‎ A. Have checkups regularly.‎ B. Treat health problems in advance.‎ C. Do tests to prevent health problems.‎ ‎20. What does the speaker mainly talk about?‎ A. Balanced diets. B. Forms of exercise. C. Ways to keep fit.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A Four Sydney Youth Stamp Group(SYSG) workshops are held each year during the school holidays for children aged 7 to 17 years. We have a Junior group(7 to 11 year olds) and a Senior group (12 to 17 year olds). The workshops are for children at home and abroad, who want to further their stamp collecting enjoyment and skills, and we especially welcome those who are new to this field.‎ ‎2020 Workshop Dates:‎ Friday 24 January 2020—Theme: Italy Saturday 18 April 2020—Theme: Sport in Australia Saturday 18 July 2020—Theme: USA Saturday 10 October 2020—Theme: Netherlands Cost: Free Venue: Philatelic Association of NSW, Inc. (Philas House) 17 Brisbane Street, Surry Hills Time: 10:30am to 3:00pm (children are to be seated by 10:30am. Parents, please arrive a little earlier to have your children’s names checked off)‎ How to book: Download a registration form, click here(PDF 24kb). Complete the form and mail it to the Coordinator(协调者). The Coordinator will send you an email confirming your booking. Bookings are accepted up to 28 days before each workshop. Parents can also email the Coordinator to add your name to our mailing list, you will receive a letter in the mail and registration form, about our next workshop.‎ Items(物品) children can bring(we understand beginners may not have some of these items, but do not worry, just come along):‎ Stamp Album, with or without stamps Lead pencil, coloured pencils, scissors, ruler, ballpoint or felt-tip pen Australian Stamp Catalogue(Seven Seas—preferably a fairly recent edition)‎ ‎21. Who are most welcomed in the SYSG workshops?‎ A. Junior group members. B. Senior group members.‎ C. Foreign stamp collectors. D. Beginners of stamp collecting.‎ ‎22. What does the last SYSG workshop in 2020 focus on?‎ A. Sport in Australia. B. Netherlands . C. Italy. D. America.‎ ‎23. Where is the text most probably taken from?‎ A. A stamp brochure. B. A children magazine.‎ C. A website. D. A newspaper.‎ B British children’s writer Roald Dahl ate chocolates and sweets “pretty much every mealtime”, remembers daughter Ophelia Dahl.‎ After dinner, whether dining alone or entertaining guests, Dahl would pass around a little red plastic box full of Mars Bars, Milky Ways, Maltesers, Kit Kats and much more.‎ He knew the history of all the sweets and could tell you exactly when they were invented. 1937 was a big year when Kit Kats (his favorite), Rolos, and Smarties (his dog, chopper’s favorite) were invented. He wrote a history of chocolate, lecturing schoolchildren to commit such dates to memory, such as 1928 when “Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut Bar popped up on the scene”, saying don’t bother with the Kings and Queens of England. All of you should learn these dates instead. Perhaps the Headmistress will see from now on that it becomes part of the major teaching in this school.‎ According to Dahl, the Golden Years of Chocolate were 1930-1937. In 1930, Roald Dahl was 14 years old. He was a student at Repton, a famous boys’ boarding school in England. It was a tough environment: Those in authority were more interested in controlling than educating the students.‎ Ironically, it was at this difficult period that chocolate became Dahl’s passion. Near Repton was a Cadbury chocolate factory. Every so often, Cadbury would send each schoolboy a sampler box of new chocolates to taste and grade. They were using the students—“the greatest chocolate bar experts in the world” to test out their new inventions.‎ This was when Dahl’s imagination took flight. He pictured factories with inventing rooms with pots of chocolate and fudge(软糖) and “all sorts of other delicious fillings bubbling away on the stoves”.‎ ‎“It was lovely dreaming those dreams...when I was looking for a plot for my second book for children, I remembered those little cardboard boxes and the newly-invented chocolates inside them, and I began to write a book called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”‎ For the record, Roald Dahl did not like chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream. He said, “I prefer my chocolate straight.”‎ ‎24. What can we learn about Roald Dahl?‎ A. He treated himself with various chocolates after dinner secretly.‎ B. He has a good knowledge of chocolate, especially its history.‎ C. He used to lecture schoolchildren of a boys’ boarding school.‎ D. He only wrote some books related to the history of chocolate.‎ ‎25. What happened during the Golden Years of Chocolate?‎ A. It was a great time for children to get educated.‎ B. Those years stopped Dahl’s interest in chocolate.‎ C .Students could become chocolate experts then.‎ D. Roald Dahl’s passion for chocolate was lit up then.‎ ‎26. Which of the following can best replace the underlined phrase?‎ A. paid off B. went on C. picked up D. took off ‎27. What gave Roald Dahl inspiration to write Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?‎ A. The dreams about chocolates. B. Factories with chocolate and fudge.‎ C. Those boxes with chocolates. D. Chocolate cakes and ice cream.‎ C There are excellent reasons for anyone to seek out the optimistic. Optimists experience better health outcomes, live longer and are more satisfied with their relationships. Optimism enables people to hold on in the face of difficulty, while pessimism leaves them depressed and even expecting failure.‎ I want that hopeful, optimistic outlook for my children. But many times we may feel pessimistic. The result of negativity makes me worry that my kids’ future will be uncertain. Fortunately, research suggests ways to help our children grow up with an optimistic attitude and maintain a happier outlook ourselves.‎ Humanity has improved by many measures, but that success has become the water in ‎ which we swim, and like fish, we take the water for granted. While we fail to notice the positive, our brains naturally emphasize on the negative. With practice, we can help our brains to give the good stuff equal weight. Dr. Hanson’s advice: when you hear a great story or achieve something in your own life, deliberately rest your mind on that experience and stay with it. Sink into that feeling as it sinks into you. Describe what you’re doing to your kids, and encourage them to dwell on their joys and pleasures as well.‎ Following the “big scary” news can leave us feeling helpless. Find something in your area that makes you feel hopeful, and make it a part of your family life. Researchers found that when people with a pessimistic outlook use positive language to describe situations they find upsetting, their feelings about the situation become more positive. That’s something we can try at home.‎ Raising optimistic kids is hard because it demands that parents abandon the pessimistic perspective that’s the easiest response to pessimistic times. Put your energy into making sure you and your family are a part of the world around you. That might mean simply joining and being part of local clubs that feed our natural human need for connection(not of the digital kind).‎ ‎28. Why do people look up to optimists?‎ A. They’re like the water around the world.‎ B. They can make pessimistic times hopeful C. They enable people to hold on in difficulty.‎ D. They affect the government and education.‎ ‎29. What’s the negative effect of taking success for granted?‎ A. People will feel pessimistic when they see no success.‎ B. People will feel satisfied with their slightest success.‎ C. People will think only about their joys and pleasures.‎ D. People will feel frightened to hear big scary news.‎ ‎30. Which of the following does the author agree with?‎ A. Big scary news can remind us of potential danger.‎ B. Optimism is something one was born with.‎ C. Human progress leads to the feeling of happiness.‎ D. Pessimistic parents can’t raise optimistic children.‎ ‎31. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?‎ A. The Harm of Taking Optimism for Granted.‎ B. Ways to Raise Optimistic Kids.‎ C. Ways to Turn Pessimism into Optimism.‎ D. Introduction to Positive Language for People.‎ D It is a question that has long puzzled scientists—exactly why are tigers orange? One might think it makes them more obvious, particularly against a leafy green forest background. William Blake summed it up in his famous poem known by generations of schoolchildren: “Tiger, tiger, burning bright/In the forest of the night.” But now the answer is at hand.‎ While obvious to us, computer simulations(模拟) of what the big cats look to the main animals they hunt for, deer, show a different picture. Humans with normal colour vision, can see red, blue and green colours. But deer can only pick up blue and green light, they are effectively colourblind to the colour red, like some humans. It means the tigers’ orange colouration looks green to them, allowing them to mix perfectly into the background, new research claims.‎ Dr. John Fennell at the University of Bristol and colleagues said that they used computers to estimate how noticeable a given animal was. They did this by using images of the environment in which the animal lives, and then creating images to see whether the camouflage helps the animal to mix in.‎ Dr. Fennell writes that by simulating what the world looks like to animals who are “two-colour vision”—someone who cannot discover the difference between red and green—“we also identify the most suitable colours for hiding and visibility”.‎ Dr. Fennell writes in the Royal Society Journal Inter face: “Considering the coat of a tiger, it has fur that appears orange to a three-colour vision observer rather than some shade of green, though the latter should be more appropriate color for an attack hunter in forests. However, when viewed as a two-colour vision observer, the tiger’s colour is very effective.”‎ The question then arises as to why tigers don’t grow green coats. Dr. Fennell and colleagues write that mammals(哺乳动物) are not able to produce green fur. To do so would ‎ ‎“require a significant change to mammalian biochemistry”. There is only one mammal known to have green fur but this is achieved through what might be considered as, well, cheating, not exactly real.‎ ‎32. Why does the author mention the poem in paragraph 1?‎ A. To arouse readers’ interest in poems.‎ B. To show the author’s respect to the poet.‎ C. To answer the question of the color of the tiger D. To stress the noticeable color of the tiger to us.‎ ‎33. What color is inexistent in the eyes of deer?‎ A. Black. B. Red. C. Blue. D. Green.‎ ‎34. What does the underlined word “camouflage” mean in paragraph 3?‎ A. The cover of something. B. The images of something.‎ C. The way of hiding something. D. The way of hunting for something.‎ ‎35. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?‎ A. The colour of tigers sometimes cheats people.‎ B. Getting green may prevent tigers from being extinct.‎ C. There are no mammals with real green fur in the world.‎ D. The tigers’ fur will probably evolve into green in the future.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ If you just moved, you might be wondering who lives in your neighborhood. It’s always a nice surprise to learn that there are families similar to your family close by. 36 Here are some tips on how to make a good first and lasting impression.‎ Do a Drop and Hi. Within the first few weeks of getting settled, consider dropping a small baked good or local treat with a card that includes your phone number and name. 37 ‎ Host Something. Once you are on a first-name basis with a few of your neighbors, consider hosting a small meet and greet event. Do something outside like a BBQ to keep things simple and relaxed.‎ ‎ 38 It’s always such a nice gesture if you help your neighbor with bringing in their garbage can or ask if you can help carry groceries, etc. Ask if you can help or suggest they borrow one of your tools. Being ‎ considerate goes a long way.‎ Exchange Numbers. It’s important to exchange numbers, especially if you or your neighbor may be traveling. 39 ‎ Good neighbors become friends and always watch out for each other. 40 ‎ A. Help When You Can.‎ B. Hold a Positive Attitude.‎ C. It’s no good having a face-to-face talk.‎ D. You can then tell them if you see anything wrong happening.‎ E. A “looking forward to meeting you” type note is always nice.‎ F. But how do you make sure you’re the kind of neighbor people want to spend time with?‎ G. With these tips, you’ll find yourself with a good community of close friends in no time.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ My close childhood friend, Howard Allen, brought us good news. He spent the last eight years 41 night school to get his bachelor’s degree while working a full-time job. After years of late 42 and weekends of doing course work and studying, 43 he graduated last month.‎ He remained in our hometown after high school, but most of his 44 , myself included, left our 45 to other states for university and employment. Over time, newfound responsibilities, families, and other things have made it 46 that we’re back in our hometown at the same time.‎ One of our mutual(共同的) friends ‎47 a wonderful idea. We made a weekend plan that 48 we’d all fly back to our hometown to 49 him and celebrate his accomplishment.‎ We contacted(联系) Allen’s mom and 50 how to have Allen come to the surprise 51 party. We decided that his mom told him that he was going to have dinner with just his 52 to celebrate. Little did he know that the dinner would ‎53 a 20-person affair with his old friends present from all over the country! Meanwhile, Allen likes cakes very much, and I ‎54 a big one, whose flavor was his 55 , which I knew from my childhood.‎ When Allen 56 to have “dinner with his grandparents”, he was 57 surprised and moved. He told us how much it 58 to him that we all flew in to make him feel 59 . It was obvious that ‎ the party was a great 60 , but that was what we should do. As is often said, whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.‎ ‎41. A. building B. attending C. repairing D. cleaning ‎42. A. days B. mornings C. afternoons D. nights ‎43. A. finally B. quickly C. strangely D. naturally ‎44. A. sisters B. brothers C. friends D. teachers ‎45. A. office B. hometown C. company D. job ‎46. A. famous B. rare C. familiar D. fun ‎47. A. liked B. remembered C. hatched D. knew ‎48. A. in secret B. by luck C. in return D. by chance ‎49. A. invite B. find C. surprise D. face ‎50. A. showed B. answered C. watched D. discussed ‎51. A. Christmas B. birthday C. graduation D. business ‎52. A. relatives B. grandparents C. colleagues D. classmates ‎53. A. turn into B. go through C. deal with D. care about ‎54. A. discovered B. received C. drew D. ordered ‎55. A. favorite B. plan C. dream D. design ‎56. A. stopped B. arrived C. waited D. expected ‎57. A. totally B. frankly C. suddenly D. normally ‎58. A. described B. explained C. suggested D. meant ‎59. A. calm B. confident C. brave D. special ‎60. A. invention B. devotion C. success D. medal 第II卷 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ There are many great destinations in the UK. One of 61 is the South-West of England. The most popular regions surrounding the South-West 62 (be) the counties of Devon and Cornwall. They are by the coast and known 63 having the sunniest weather in the UK.‎ In the heart of the South-West, Dartmoor National Park 64 (vote) the UK’s favorite in 2016. There are plenty of breathtaking walks to choose from 65 will lead you to discover Dartmoof’s ancient charm!‎ In the South-West you will find plenty of attractive and often deserted 66 (beach). Some examples include Whitesand Bay in Cornwall and Woolacombe beach in Devon. If you don’t mind the 67 (slight) cooler temperatures than other beach destinations in Europe, you are in for a real treat!‎ Apart from 68 (surround) by beautiful nature, the South-West is full of urban gems(精华). The city of Exeter in Devon has great shopping centers as well as lots of cafes 69 pubs. Cornwall has its own treasures too—pretty villages and towns such as St Ives and Mousehole line the coastline and make for the perfect locations to spend those 70 (relax) summer afternoons!‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ I enjoy do many things in my spare time. I read many kind of books and newspapers. The stories and news in them is very interesting. I was also a music lover and my favorite sing is Whitney Houston. In order to be healthily and strong, I often go running in the morning. In the afternoon, I will play the basketball with my classmates. When I am doing sports, I forget all her troubles and worries. Reading books, listening music and doing sports are all very good for both my health or my studies.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假如你是李华,目前在美国留站看到一则信息:美国某动物保护组织正在向全球招募志愿者。你想申请该职位。请你用英语给该组织负责人写一封电子邮件,内容包括:‎ ‎1.写信的目的;2.自我介绍;3.你的想法。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;2.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。‎ Dear Sir or madam,‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2019-2020学年上学期高二期末备考精编金卷 英 语(B)答 案 第Ⅰ卷 ‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) ‎ ‎【答案】1-5 CBBCB 6-10 CCAAA 11-15 BBCAB 16-20 CABAC 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A ‎【答案】21-23 DBC ‎【解析】本文属于应用文。介绍了悉尼青年邮票俱乐部每年在四个不同时间举办的工作坊的时间、地点、参加者的年龄要求和如何预定要参加的工作坊,以及参加者要带的物品等情况。‎ ‎21.细节理解题。第一段最后一句 “...we especially welcome those who are new to this field.” 可知,工作坊特别欢迎那些初入集邮领域的新手,故选D。‎ ‎22.细节理解题。根据2020 Workshop Dates中的Saturday 10 October 2020—Theme: Netherlands可知,本题答案选B。‎ ‎23.推理判断题。根据How to book中的Download a registration form, click here(PDF 24kb). Complete the form and mail it to the Coordinator可知:请点击这里,下载登记表格,填完后,将其发送给相关协调人员。由此推知本文选自某一网站。故选C。‎ B ‎【答案】24-27 BDDC ‎【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了英国儿童作家Roald Dahl对巧克力的热情。‎ ‎24.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“He knew the history of all the sweets and could tell you exactly when they were invented.”可知,Roald Dahl对巧克力很了解,尤其是它的历史,故B项正确。‎ ‎25.细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Ironically, it was at this difficult period that chocolate became Dahl’s passion.”可知,在巧克力的黄金时代,14岁的Roald Dahl对巧克力的热情由此点燃,故D项正确。‎ ‎26.词义猜测题。画线词后是Roald Dahl想象的场景:车间里,一盆盆巧克力和软糖,以及各种各样美味的馅料,在炉子上咕嘟咕嘟地冒着热气。也就是说Roald Dahl的想象力飞了起来,由此可知画线词词义为“起飞”,故D项正确。‎ ‎27.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“I remembered those little cardboard boxes and the newly-invented chocolates inside them, and I began to write a book called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”可知,是那些装满巧克力的盒子给了Roald Dahl创作《查理与巧克力工厂》灵感,故C项正确。‎ C ‎【答案】28-31 CADB ‎【解析】本文属于说明文。作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了乐观主义者的健康状况更好,寿命更长,对自己的人际关系更满意。乐观使人们在困难面前更能坚持,而悲观使他们沮丧,甚至认为自己会失败。作者同时讨论了培养出乐观孩子的方法。‎ ‎28.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Optimism enables people to hold on in the face of difficulty, while pessimism leaves them depressed and even expecting failure.”可知人们尊敬乐观主义者是因为他们能够勇于在困难面前坚持。故选C。‎ ‎29.细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“While we fail to notice the positive, our brains naturally emphasize on the negative.”可知把成功视为理所当然的负面影响是:当我们没有注意到积极的一面时,我们的大脑自然会强化消极的一面。即当没看到成功时,人们会感觉悲观消极。故选A。‎ ‎30.细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“Raising optimistic kids is hard because it demands that parents abandon the pessimistic perspective that’s the easiest response to pessimistic times.” 可知悲观的父母不能培养出乐观的孩子,故选D。‎ ‎31.主旨大意题。第二段第一句“I want that hopeful, optimistic outlook for my children.” 以及文章主要内容都是围绕着如何去培养一个积极乐观的孩子展开的,故B选项符合题意。‎ D ‎【答案】32-35 DBCC ‎【解析】这是一篇说明文。为什么老虎是橙色的?这个长期困扰科学家的问题终于被科学家们破解了。‎ ‎32.推理判断题。由“It is a question that has long puzzled scientists—exactly why are ‎ tigers orange? One might think it makes them more obvious, particularly against a leafy green forest background.” 可知,为什么老虎是橙色的?这是一个长期困扰科学家的问题。有人可能会认为这让它们变得更加显眼,尤其是在茂密的绿色森林背景下。所以通过提到英国诗人和画家威廉·布雷克的一首诗的内容可以判断出,所提及的诗是为了例证文章开头的陈述:对于我们人类来说,老虎的颜色太显眼了。故选D项。‎ ‎33.细节理解题。由第二段最后一句以及第四段可知,这意味着老虎的橙色在它们看来是绿色的,这使得老虎可以完美地融入周围的背景。双基色的动物无法分辨红色和绿色,也就是说,在鹿的眼中是没有红色系的,而橙色属于红色系。故选B项。‎ ‎34.词义猜测题。由第三段最后一句可知,为了实现这一目的,他们通过(利用计算机)创建动物所处的环境图像来观察伪装方式是否有助于动物看不清它们。所以通过上下文的语境可以判断出划线词是指隐藏的方式。故选C项。‎ ‎35.推理判断题。由最后一段可知,哺乳动物无法长出绿毛。世上已知的哺乳动物中只有一种有绿毛但却是通过被认为可能是欺骗性的,不是真正的绿色。所以由此可推断出,世界上没有绿毛的哺乳动物。故选C项。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎【答案】36-40 FEADG ‎【解析】这是一篇应用文。假设你刚搬入一个新的小区,想对周围邻居有更多的了解。作者在文中提出了在这种情况下如何建立好印象的一些建议。‎ ‎36.空格位于段中。用设问的方式在第一段和第二段之间起承上启下的作用。选项中F是一个问句,且其中的make sure you’re the kind of neighbor people want to spend time with(确定你是人们想花时间相处的那种邻居)与空格后一句中的make a good first and lasting impression(形成良好的第一印象并使之持久)呼应。故选F。‎ ‎37.空格位于段尾。属于细节句。上一句句意:在安顿好的前几周内,考虑送邻居一块烘培点心或者特产,并附上有你电话和名字信息的卡片。选项E:A “looking forward to meeting you” type note(“期待见到你”这样类型的卡片)与前一句中的card呼应。故选E。‎ ‎38.空格位于段首。属于主旨句。本段落中多次出现help(帮助),帮邻居带下去垃圾,帮邻居拎东西,借给邻居东西。选项A中的Help When You ‎ Can(能帮忙的时候就帮忙)与其呼应。故选A。‎ ‎39.空格位于段尾。属于细节句子。空格前一句句意:交换电话号码很重要,特别是在你或者你邻居旅行的时候。选项D中的You can then tell them if you see anything wrong happening(当有什么不对劲的事情发生时你可以告诉他们)与上一句所设场景符合。故选D。‎ ‎40.空格位于段尾,也位于篇章结尾。是总结概括的句子。选项G中的With these tips与第一段尾句中的Here are some tips在篇章结构上前后呼应,并且是经典的总结概括的句型。故选G。‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎【答案】41-45 BDACB 46-50 BCACD 51-55 CBADA 56-60 BADDC ‎【解析】本文属于记叙文。讲述了作者儿时朋友Howard Allen在家乡花了八年时间读夜校,终于拿到了学士学位。Allen的大多数朋友,包括作者自己都离开家乡外出求学和工作,很少回家乡与他相聚。这次为了庆祝他通过千辛万苦获得学士学位,作者和其他朋友为他专门举办了一个惊喜毕业party。‎ ‎41.考查固定搭配及动词。A. building:建造;B. attending:出席;C. repairing:修理;D. cleaning:清洁。根据本空后面的to get his bachelor’s degree,说明Allen为了拿到学士学位,他花了八年时间读夜校。attend the school为固定搭配,意为上学,故选B。‎ ‎42.考查名词。A. days:白天;B. mornings:早晨;C. afternoons:下午;D. nights:夜晚。根据前句中的night school可知,这里指Allen经过了八年的熬夜和周末的课程学习。这里的late nights和night school相互对应。故选D。‎ ‎43.考查副词。A. finally:最后,终于;B. quickly:快速地;C. strangely:奇怪地;D. naturally:天然地,自然地。结合前面谈到的信息,Allen读了八年的夜校,经历了千辛万苦,他终于(finally)毕业了。故选A。‎ ‎44.考查名词及语境。A. sisters:姐妹;B. brothers:兄弟;C. friends:朋友;D. teachers:老师。本文第一段第一句谈到作者是Allen的儿时朋友,后文谈到Allen的朋友们包括作者本人从外地飞回家乡庆祝他的毕业,由这些信息可知,这里指Allen的大多数朋友(friends),故选C。‎ ‎45.考查名词。A. office:办公室;B. hometown:家乡;C. company:公司;D. job:工作。本段第一句谈到:高中毕业后,Allen留在了家乡(remained in our hometown),本句有but转折,说明Allen的大多数朋友离开了家乡(hometown)去读书和工作。故选B。‎ ‎46.考查形容词。A. famous:著名的;B. rare:罕见的,极少的;C. familiar:熟悉的;D. fun:有趣的。本句进一步在说,随着时间的推移,新的责任、家庭和其他事情让他们很少同时回到家乡。可知作者及其他朋友为什么极少(rare)回家,故选B。‎ ‎47.考查动词。A. liked:喜欢;B. remembered:记忆;C. hatched:孵化,策划;D. knew:知道。根据本空后面的We made a plan可知,作者与Allen共同的一个朋友想出了一个主意,即他们的周末计划。hatch a good idea为固定搭配,意为想出了一个好主意,故选C。‎ ‎48.考查短语及语境。A. in secret:秘密地;B. by luck:侥幸地;C. in return:作为交换,作为回报;D. by chance:偶然地,碰巧。前文谈到:作者及朋友们外出求学、工作、组建家庭以及其他事情,因此他们很少回家乡,本句在谈:作者和朋友们制定了一个秘密(in secret)飞回故乡的周末计划。故选A。‎ ‎49.考查动词。A. invite:邀请;B. find:发现,找到;C. surprise:使惊奇;D. face:面对。后文谈到:作者及朋友们飞回家乡庆祝Allen的毕业,这件事情Allen事先并不知情,表示给Allen一个惊喜(surprise)。而且后文the surprise也是提示。故选C。‎ ‎50.考查动词。A. showed:表明;B. answered:回答;C. watched:观看;D. discussed:讨论,商量。本段第一句谈到了作者联系了Allen的母亲,后面谈到作者及朋友们决定由Allen的母亲出面,由此推知这里指打电话给他母亲商量(discussed)如何让Allen能够出席为他组织的惊喜party。故选D。‎ ‎51.考查语境及名词。A. Christmas:圣诞节;B. birthday:生日;C. graduation:毕业;D. business:生意。第一段最后一句谈到he graduated last month,说明这是一个毕业(graduation)聚会。故选C。‎ ‎52.考查名词。A. relatives:亲戚;B. grandparents:祖父母;C. colleagues:同事;D. classmates:同学。根据最后一段第一句have dinner with the grandparents可知,Allen以为是去与自己的祖父母(grandparents)吃饭,故选B。‎ ‎53.考查动词短语。A. turn into:变成;B. go through:经历;C. deal with:处理;D. care about:关心。本句承接上一句,指这个与祖父母吃饭的事情会转变(turn into)为一个有20人参加的同学聚会。故选A。‎ ‎54.考查动词。A. discovered:发现;B. received:收到;C. drew:得出;D. ordered:订购。因为Allen非常喜欢蛋糕,因此作者为他订购(ordered)了一个大蛋糕。故选D。‎ ‎55.考查名词。A. favorite:最喜爱的;B. plan:计划;C. dream:梦想;D. design:‎ 设计。从本句后面部分可知,作者在小时候就知道Allen最喜欢什么样味道的蛋糕,因此他订购蛋糕的味道一定是Allen最喜欢的(favorite)。故选A。‎ ‎56.考查动词。A. stopped:停止;B. arrived:到达;C. waited:等候;D. expected:预测。上文谈到Allen的母亲告诉他要和祖父母一起吃饭,因此这里指Allen到达(arrived)就餐的地方。故选B。‎ ‎57.考查副词。A. totally:完全地;B. frankly:坦率地;C. suddenly:突然地;D. normally:正常地。当Allen看到是自己的老朋友为自己专门举办的毕业聚会,他当然是完全(totally)感到惊讶和感动。故选A。‎ ‎58.考查动词。A. described:描述;B. explained:解释;C. suggested:建议;D. meant:意味着。又惊讶又感动的Allen说,这个聚会对他来说意义重大。故选D。‎ ‎59.考查形容词。A. calm:镇定的;B. confident:自信的;C. brave:勇敢的;D. special:特别的。当Allen看到他的昔日朋友专门从外地飞回来为他的毕业举行聚会,这让他觉得自己很特别(special)。故选D。‎ ‎60.考查名词。A. invention:发明;B. devotion:奉献;C. success:成功;D. medal:奖章。前面谈到了Allen很感动,后面内容谈到,作者觉得这个聚会是他们应该做的,常言道,凡是值得做的事,就值得做好。根据这些信息可知,这个聚会很成功(success)。故选C。‎ 第II卷 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ ‎【答案】61. them 62. are 63. for 64. was voted 65. which ‎66. beaches 67. slightly 68. being surrounded 69. and 70. relaxing ‎【解析】这是一篇说明文。英国有许多游览胜地,其中之一是英格兰西南部。文章介绍了最受欢迎的Dartmoor National Park。‎ ‎61.考查代词宾格。句意:它们其中之一是英格兰西南部。介词of后面用代词宾格,故填them。‎ ‎62.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:西南部最受欢迎的地区是德文郡和康沃尔郡。这里在讲述一个事实,句子用一般现在时态,且主语是regions,复数形式,故填are。‎ ‎63.考查固定词组。句意:它们位于海边,因有英国最晴朗的天气而闻名。固定词组be known for:因……而闻名。故填for。‎ ‎64.考查一般过去时态的被动语态。句意:达特穆尔国家公园位于英国西南部的中心地带,它在2016年被评为英国最受欢迎的公园。句子主语Dartmoor National Park和谓语动词vote之间是一种被动关系,再根据in 2016,可知句子用一般过去时态的被动语态。故填was voted。‎ ‎65.考查定语从句。句意:有许多惊险的路径供您选择,您将从中发现达特默夫古老的魅力!此处walks是先行词,指物,在介词后面指物用which引导定语从句,故填which。‎ ‎66.考查名词复数。句意:在西南部,你会发现很多吸引人海滩,但通常都是荒芜的。此处用名词复数,故填beaches。‎ ‎67.考查修饰比较级的词。句意:如果你不介意比欧洲其他海滩目的地稍低的温度,你将会从中体会到真正的享受!此处cooler是比较级,slightly放在比较级前面,修饰比较级加强语气,故填slightly。‎ ‎68.考查被动语态。句意:除了被美丽的大自然包围之外,西南地区还充满了都市瑰宝。此处Apart from(除……之外)后面用动名词作宾语,且句子主语the South-West和surround之间是一种被动关系,所以是动名词的被动式作宾语,故填being surrounded。‎ ‎69.考查并列连词。句意:德文郡的埃克塞特市有辉煌的购物中心,还有很多咖啡馆和酒吧。此处是并列关系,故填and。‎ ‎70.考查形容词作定语。此处指“令人放松的”夏日午后,是形容词修饰名词,故填relaxing。‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(满分10分)‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎1.第一句,do改为doing ‎2.第二句,kind改为kinds ‎3.第三句,is改为are ‎4.第四句,was改为am ‎5.第四句,sing改为singer ‎6.第五句,healthily改为healthy ‎7.第六句,删去the ‎8.第七句,her改为my ‎9.第八句,在listen后加to ‎10.第八句,or改为and ‎【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者介绍了自己的兴趣与爱好。‎ ‎1.考查非谓语动词。句意:我喜欢在业余时间做很多事情。enjoy后接动名词作宾语,故do改为doing。‎ ‎2.考查名词。many修饰可数名词复数,故kind改为kinds。‎ ‎3.考查主谓一致。句意:其中的故事和新闻都很有趣。主语是The stories and news,谓语用复数,故is改为are。‎ ‎4.考查时态。句意:我还是个音乐爱好者,我最喜欢的歌手是惠特妮·休斯顿。文章的基础时态为一般现在时,故was改为am。‎ ‎5.考查名词。此处指歌手,故sing改为singer。‎ ‎6.考查形容词。句意:为了保持健康和强壮的体魄,我经常晨跑。作表语用形容词,故healthily改为healthy。‎ ‎7.考查定冠词。句意:下午我会和同学们打篮球。球类前不用定冠词,故删掉basketball前的the。‎ ‎8.考查代词。句意:运动时,我忘记了所有的麻烦和烦恼。此处表示“我的”,故her改为my。‎ ‎9.考查固定短语。句意:听音乐和做运动对我的身心有好处。listen to表示“听……”,故listening后面加上to。‎ ‎10.考查固定搭配。both...and表示两者都,故or改为and。‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎【范文】‎ Dear Sir or madam,‎ I’m Li Hua, an oversea student from China. In answer to your advertisement on the website, I would like to apply for the position as a volunteer in your organization and try my best to call on others to protect animals.‎ I think I’m qualified for the job. Initially, I love animals very much. Meanwhile, I have been calling on people around me to show mercy on animals, having previous experience of being a volunteer in an ocean park.‎ Once hired, I would be very happy and I would devote myself to this job to raise more people’s awareness of animal protection such as making speeches in my school and posting on the internet. Besides these, I will use all the resources available to ‎ appeal to more people to act to ensure that animals do have a place in the world of our great grandchildren.‎ Best wishes to you and I’m looking forward to your earliest reply.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua 江

