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‎2018届二轮复习 倒装句典型例析与典题训练 ‎1.It 's a lot easier said than done. You are not really in a position to judge another person.Never/At no time will you understand someone's pain until you are the one feeling it.‎ 说起来容易,做起来难。你没有资格对别人妄加评论。只有你设身处地感受过,你才能理解别人的痛。‎ 注解be in a position to do sth : to be able to do something, usually because you have thenecessary experience, authority, or money.有权,有资格做某事。‎ 1. When we were at school,on no account were we allowed to answer the teachers back/talk back to the teachers.If we didn't follow the rule, by no means/under no circumstances /in no way were we to get away with it. ‎ 我们那时上学的时候,我们绝对不允许跟老师顶嘴。如果违规,绝对无法溜之大吉。‎ 注解answer sb back/talk back to sb: If a child talks back, he or she replies rudely to someone 顶嘴 get away with sth:If you get away with doing something wrong or risky, you do not suffer any punishment or other bad consequences because of ‎ it. 逃脱惩罚 ‎3.Not only should we be accountable/responsible for what we do,but also for what we do not do.Whoever fails in his duty or looks on/stands by without bothering to lift a finger to fulfill his due role will never go unpunished.我们不仅为我们所作所为负责,也为我们不作为负责。任何玩忽职守或袖手旁观不履行相应职责的人都不能逍遥法外。‎ 注解look on/stand by: If you stand by and let something bad happen, you do not do anything to stop it. 袖手旁观 fullfil one's due role: do what one is expected 履行职责 go unpunished: If you unpunished,you can get away without being punished.不受惩罚。‎ ‎4.No sooner do we think we have assembled a comfortable life than we find a piece of ourselves that has no place to fit in.We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have,but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.‎ ‎=Hardly/scarcely / barely- - -when 当我们营建幸福的生活之后,接着就觉得自己就有点茫然失措。我们往往没有意识到幸福并不是缘于得到什么,而是缘于认可并欣赏自己的拥有。‎ 注解assemble:  [ə'semb(ə)l]  To assemble something means to collect it ‎ together or to fit the different parts of it together. 聚集; 组装 ‎5.Only by great risks can great results be achieved.The biggest risk is not taking any risk.In a world that is changing quickly,the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.‎ 只有冒着巨大风险,才会有巨大收获。最大的风险就是回避风险。面对在这个风云诡谲的世界,唯一注定失败的策略就是不敢冒险。‎ 注解guarantee: [,ɡærən'ti] If you guarantee something, you promise that it will definitely happen, or that you will do or provide it for someone. 保证…必定发生; 保证…做某事或提供某物 ‎6.When we are at our very best, we are unlikely to know who we are.Not until we are down can we begin to understand ourselves.  Only through suffering can we find ourselves.‎ 当我们大富大贵时,很少知道真实的自己。只有我们落难时,我们才开始理解自己。只有经历磨难才能找到真实的自我。‎ ‎7.Little did I know then that his tough looks harbored such a warm heart.Many a time/often have we been deceived by unlikely appearance.‎ 当时我压根儿都没有明白如此强硬的外表下竟隐藏着这样一颗温暖的心。许多次我们都被意想不到的外表所蒙蔽。‎ 注解harbour:If you harbour an emotion, thought, or secret, you have it in your mind over a long period of time. 长期怀有 deceive: [dɪ'siːv]  If you deceive someone, you make them believe something that is not true, usually in order to get some advantage for yourself. 欺骗 ‎8.So small and mean did I feel with the rickshaw driver that I also felt quite out of place.This small incident keeps coming back to me,teaching me shame and spurring me on to reform.‎ 与黄包车车夫相比我感到无比渺小卑微,因而无地自容。这件小事时而浮现眼前,教我惭愧,催我自新。‎ 注解out of place:in the wrong place or looking wrong不在原来的地方;不在适当的位置上;不适宜,不得体;不协调 spur:If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it. 鼓动; 激励 ‎9.On every side stretched fields of luxuriant green rice seedlings,whose smell promises a bumper year.Listen,how frogs' croaks please the ear!四周都是葱茏的稻田,稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。‎ 注解 luxuriant: [lʌɡ'ʒʊrɪənt] Luxuriant plants, trees, and gardens are large, healthy, and growing well. (植木、花园等)茂密的; 茂盛的;‎ ‎ 葱茏的seedling:['siːdlɪŋ]  A seedling is a young plant that has been grown from a seed. 幼苗 promise:  If a situation or event promises to have a particular quality or to be a particular thing, it shows signs that it will have that quality or be that thing. 预示 bumper: A bumper crop or harvest is one that is larger than usual. 丰收的 croak:  When a frog or bird croaks, it makes a harsh( 粗 ), low sound. (蛙或鸟) 呱呱地叫 ‎10.Before you lie the roadblocks(路障),in spite of which determination give you the resolve to keep going. It is universally acknowledged that some people succeed because they are destined but most because they are determined.‎ 你的前面困难重重,尽管如此,决心给予你继续前进的勇气。一般来讲,一些人成功缘于运气,但大部分人成功则是由于坚定的意志。‎ 注解resolve: /rɪˈzɒlv/  strong determination 决心 ‎ universally: If something is universally believed or accepted, it is believed or accepted by everyone with no disagreement. 普遍(相信、接受) 地 acknowledge: [ək'nɒlɪdʒ] If you acknowledge a fact or a situation, you accept or admit that it is true or that it exists. 承认 (事实或情况) ‎ destined: ['destɪnd]  If something is destined to happen or if someone is destined to behave in a particular way, that thing seems certain to happen or be done. 注定的 ‎11.First he was expelled/removed/sent down from school , soon came another misfortune that he was caught stealing. Worst of all was his failure toidentify the source of the trouble.He blamed every hard luck on his hard fate. I believe that as you sow,so shall you reap.He gets what he deserves for it.‎ 一开始他被学校开除,很快传来坏消息:他偷东西时被当场逮到。最糟糕的是他无法找到问题的根源,而把所有的厄运归因于苦命。我认为“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,他是咎由自取。‎ 注解 ‎ expel: [ɪk'spɛl]  If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly. 开除 hard luck : bad luck identify: [aɪ'dentɪfaɪ]  If you identify something, you discover or notice its existence. 发现; 察觉 sow: [səʊ]  If you sow seeds or sow an area of land with seeds, you plant the seeds in the ground. 播 (种)‎ reap: [riːp]  If you reap the benefits or the rewards of something, you enjoy the good things that happen as a result of it. 获得 ‎12.Out through the window goes faith when at the door comes beauty.If you are too fussy/particular or sensitive about your appearance, you will shake your faith in character. Sometimes hidden beneath an unattactive appearance lie shining qualities.‎ 每当爱美之心来敲门,同时你的信念会夺窗而出。如果你一味在意自己的外表,你会动摇对内心的信仰。有时一副不怎么靓丽的外表下面隐藏着闪光的品质。‎ 注解 fussy: /ˈfʌs.i/ not easily satisfied, or having very high standards about particular things 爱挑剔的 ‎13.Among the things you can give and still keep are your word,your smile and a grateful heart.You can rest assured that you lose nothing and even get rewarded. ‎ 有些东西付出之后,依然能够拥有:你的言语,微信和一颗感恩的心。你没有任何损失,甚至还有一些回报,你大可放心。‎ ‎14.Typical of the success of the champion is modesty. True modesty does not consist in an ignorance of our merits but in a due estimate of them.‎ 谦虚是冠军成功的典型特征.真正的谦虚不在于对自己的优点的漠视,而是在于对其客观的评估。‎ 注解modesty: /ˈmɒd.ɪ.sti/ the quality of not talking about or not trying to make peoplenotice your abilities and achievements 谦虚 ‎ ignorance:['ɪɡnərəns]  Ignorance of something is lack of knowledge about it. 无知 merit:['merɪt]  If something has merit, it has good or worthwhile qualities. 优点 due:suitable 合适的,合理的 estimate:['estɪmeɪt]  An estimate is a judgment about a person or situation that you make based on the available evidence. 判断 ‎15.Gone are the days when China was at the mercy of western powers.China today is no longer what it was.‎ 中国受西方列强奴役的岁月一去不复返了。当今中国已今非昔比了。‎ 注解 at the mercy of :to be in a situation where someone or something has complete power over you 受- - - - - -支配 ‎16.Fair weather friends run at the first sign of rain. Away they go with you only holding the bag.Standing beside you when you are in trouble  is your real friend,who brings you an umbrella and stays by your side until the storm is over.‎ 酒肉朋友一见风雨就会离你而去。他们一走了之,让你一人独自承担责任。这时与你风雨同舟的人就是你真正的朋友,他会为你撑伞,直到渡过风雨。‎ 注解Fair weather friends:Someone who remains a friend only when things are going well but abandons others during times of trouble or difficulty.酒肉朋友 hold the bag: To be forced to assume total responsibility when it ought to have been shared.独自承担非属自己的全部责任 ‎17.Cold as the weather was,it couldn't cool our enthusiasm for football.We werepumped and chemistry happened between us teammates.‎ 尽管天气严寒,也不能冷却我踢足球的热情。我们士气高昂,配合默契(队友之间发生化学反应)。‎ 注解pumped: energetic 士气高昂的 典题训练 1. __________ that we could not hear the words clearly.‎ A. It was so poor the sound equipment ‎ B. So poor the sound equipment was C. So poor was the sound equipment ‎ D. What was poor sound equipment ‎ C ‎2. Seldom __________ any mistakes during his five years of service in the army, so he won the honor.‎ A. he would make B. would he make ‎ C. he made D. did he make ‎ 答案: D ‎3. At no time __________ in the teaching areas, including this laboratory.‎ A. does smoking permit B. is smoking permitted C. smoking is permitted D. permits smoking 答案: B ‎4. __________, he could not cover the whole distance in ten minutes.‎ A. As he ran fast B. If he ran fast C. Since he ran fast D. Fast as he ran 答案: 请注意让步状语从句的倒装:‎ Though he is old,he is as strong as a horse.‎ ‎=Old as he is,he is as strong as a horse.‎ Though he worked very hard,he didn’t pass the Mid-term exam.‎ ‎=Hard as he worked,he didn’t pass the Mid-term exam.‎ 本题如不倒装,应该是:‎ Though he ran fast。he couldn’t cover the whole distance in ten minutes.‎ ‎=Fast as he ran。he couldn’t cover the whole distance in ten minutes.‎ 选项A,B和c的语法没有错,但是意思不符合逻辑。 (答案D)‎ ‎5. It was not until she sent me an e-mail __________ that she was hurt on the neck.‎ A. did I know B. I knew C. didn’t I know D. that I knew 答案: 当句子由Not until开头时,是个倒装句。例:‎ Not until ten o’clock last night did I finish my homework. 当句子由it is开头时,是个It is…that…的强调句。例:‎ It was not until ten o’clock last night that I finished my homework.‎ 本题不是倒装句,而是强调句。 (答案D)‎ ‎6. Not until I drove a Luxus LS400 car __________ how good it was.‎ A. did I realize B. I realized C. didn’t I realize D. that I realized 答案: A ‎7. Only when __________ India, __________ what the ancient Stone culture is.‎ A. you go to ... will you understand ‎ B. you go to ... you will understand C. do you go to ... will you understand ‎ D. do you go to ... you will understand 答案: A 8. ‎--David has made a great progress recently. ‎ ‎-- __________, and __________.‎ A. So he has.., so you have B. So he has ... so have you C. So has he ... so have you D. so has he ... so you have 答案: 请注意so he has和so has he用法和意思上的区别:‎ ‎(1)-David has made a great progress recently.‎ ‎-So he has.他(David)确实是如此。‎ ‎(2)-David has made a great progress recently.‎ ‎-so has he.他(不是David,是其他人)也有了很大的进步。‎ 本题的意思是:‎ ‎-David has made a great progress recently.‎ ‎-So he has,(他David确实是如此),and so have you.(你也一样有进 步。) (答案B)‎ ‎9. If you don’t go to see the arena opera "Carmen" tonight, __________.‎ A. either, do I B. either will I C. neither do I D. neither shall I 答案: If you don’t go to see the arena opera “Carmen” tonight是个条件状语 从句,don’t go看上去是个现在时,事实上是个将来时,因为在条件状 语从句中不能用将来时,用一般现在时代替。但是后面的倒装句要用 将来时,所以是Neither shall。‎ 本题意思是:如果你今晚不去看景观歌剧“卡门”的话,我也将不去。 请参照本章第43句。 (答案D)‎ ‎10. Of these three types, which cell phone __________?‎ A. you think she will buy B. you think will she buy C. do you think will she buy D. do you think she will buy 答案: 这是个双重疑问句。do you think是插入部分。去掉插入部分后,剩 下的是没有倒装的疑问句:‎ Which cell phone(do you think)she will buy?‎ 本题的主语是she,谓语动词是will buy,宾语是which cell phone。‎ ‎(答案D)‎ 11. Did you ask her __________‎ A. where was she going? B. where was she going. ‎ C. where she was going? D. where did she go?‎ 答案: C ‎12. Never before in China __________ for the teachers.‎ A. so much has been done B. has so much been done ‎ C. has been done so much D. has been doing so much 答案: 以否定意义的副词never等开头的句子要倒装。如果不倒装,应该是: So much has never been done for the teachers in China before.‎ ‎=Never before in China has so much been done for the teachers.‎ ‎(答案B)‎ ‎13. Tom never came, __________.‎ A. and so did she B. neither did she ‎ C. and she did so D. either did she 答案: B ‎14. So badly __________ in the mathematics exam that he was scolded by his parents.‎ A. did he B. he did C. did he do D. he had done 答案: C ‎15. __________ from the seventh floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him.‎ A. Jumped down thief B. Down the thief jumped ‎ C. The thief down jumped D. Down jumped the thief 答案: D ‎16. Do you want me to ask mother __________?‎ A. when was she letting us go B. when did she let us go C. when would she let us go D. when she would let us go 答案: D ‎17. You can never tell __________.‎ A. what is Sarah doing next B. what would Sarah do next C. what Sarah will do next D. what will Sarah do next 答案: C ‎18. Tell Miss Palmer __________.‎ A. whose car that is B. whose car is that ‎ C. whose that car is D. whose is that car 答案: A ‎19. Can you imagine __________?‎ A. what does Little Town do B. what has Little Town done C. what is little Town doing D. what Little Town is doing 答案: D ‎20. I still wonder __________‎ A. how Julia can pass the exam. B. how can Julia pass the exam.‎ C. how can Julia pass the exam? D. how Julie can pass the exam?‎ 答案: A ‎21. Nowhere else in the world __________ cheaper tailoring than in India.A. can a tourist find B. a tourist will find C. a tourist finds D. a tourist can find 答案: 以否定意义的副词nowhere等开头的句子要倒装。如果不倒装,应该 是:‎ A tourist can not find cheaper tailoring anywhere else in the world than in India.‎ ‎=Nowhere else in the world can a tourist find cheaper tailoring than in India. (答案A)‎ ‎22. __________ with whom we are familiar.‎ A. Here the movie star comes B. Here comes the movie star C. The movie star comes D. Comes here the movie star 答案: 以副词here,there,in,out,up,down,away等开头的句子要倒装。 如果不倒装,应该是:‎ The movie star with whom we are familiar comes here.‎ ‎=Here comes the movie star with whom we are familiar. (答案B)‎ ‎23. __________ he realized it was too late to return home.‎ A. No sooner it grew dark when B. It was not until dark that C. Hardly it grew dark than D. While it grew dark that 答案: B ‎24. Only in the last few years __________ to encourage people to buy ears in China.‎ A. a lot has been done B. there is a lot done C. has there a lot been done D. has a lot been done 答案: D ‎25. Rarely __________ true friendship like this nowadays.‎ A. a person will find B. won’t a person find C. a person finds D. does a person find 答案: D 26. I can’t speak Korean, and __________.‎ A. so can’t Dave B. neither can Dave ‎ C. so can Dave D. nor can’t Dave 答案: B ‎27. Only when Patrick did it a second time __________ his mistake.‎ A. did he realize B. he realized ‎ C. was he realized D. he was realized 答案: A ‎28. Ask the gentleman over there __________‎ A. who is she. B. who she is. C. who is she? D. who she is?‎ 答案: B ‎29. The police asked the man __________ the knife.‎ A. where was he hiding B. where did he hide C. where he did hide D. where he had hidden 答案: D ‎30. Only by diligence and honest __________ in life.‎ A. one can succeed B. can one succeed C. one can be succeeded D. can one be succeeded 答案: B ‎31. Raymond was not interested in Jazz. __________.‎ A. Either wasn’t Agnes B. Nor was Agnes C. So was Agnes D. So wasn’t Agnes 答案: B ‎32. __________ more careful, she would not have met with the accident.‎ A. Lauren was B. Lauren were ‎ C. If Lauren were D. Had Lauren been 答案: D ‎33. Rachel was well-rewarded. __________.‎ A. So did Ellen B. So Ellen was C. So was Ellen D. Neither was Ellen 答案: C ‎34. Look, __________ in his usual T-shirt.‎ A. Edward comes here B. here comes Edward C. comes here Edward D. here Edward comes 答案: B 35. Off __________!‎ A. we go B. do we go C. go we D. we do go 答案: A ‎36. Do you know __________ to go?‎ A. why does Lacey refuse B. why Lacey refused C. why has Lacey refused D. why will Lacey refuse 答案: B ‎37. __________ who had arrested him three times for drug-taking.‎ A. Before George stood the policeman ‎ B. Before George the policeman stood C. Before the policeman stood George ‎ D. Stood before the policeman George 答案: A ‎38. Hardly __________ the bus stop when the bus suddenly started.‎ A. they had reached B. did they reach ‎ C. were they reached D. had they reached 答案: D ‎39. We could hardly understand __________‎ A. what the man was talking about. ‎ B. what was the man talking about?‎ C. about what the man was talking. ‎ D. what the man was talking about.?‎ 答案: 在动词understand后是个宾语从句,所有的从句都不倒装。本句We could hardly understand…是个陈述句,整个句子后应该用句号,不是 问号。 (答案A)‎ ‎40. So __________ that no fish can live in it.‎ A. the lake is shallow B. shallow the lake is C. shallow is the lake D. is the lake shallow 答案: C ‎41. Only by practising a few hours every day __________ be able to master the language.‎ A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you 答案: 以only开头的句子,后面跟副词、介词短语或状语从句,后面的主句 要倒装。例:‎ Only then did I know I had fallen in love with him.‎ Only by doing so can we learn from our mistakes.‎ Only when you practise a lot will you be able to speak English well.‎ 选项A,C是正常语序,排除。选项B和D是倒装,可以考虑。如果 选B,则句子成为:‎ Only by practising a few hours every day can you be able to master the language.请注意you can be able to do…是个错句,因为can就是be able to。用了can就不能用be able to。但是完全可以说will be able to…。 (答案D)‎ ‎42. --Where is Aggalia ? -- __________.‎ A. Here comes she B. Here comes her ‎ C. Here she comes D. She comes here 答案: C ‎43. Dad promised to buy me a laptop and __________ the next day.‎ A. so did he B. so he did C. he does so D. so it is with him 答案: B ‎44. Only in this way __________ progress in your photography.‎ A. you make B. can you make C. you are able to make D. you will be able to make 答案: B ‎45. Never in my life __________ the impression made on me by my first visit to Egypt.‎ A. I shall forget B. shall I forget C. I shan’t forget D. shall I not forget 答案: B ‎46. Only after being asked several times __________ us the story of his strange life.‎ A. did he tell B. then he told C. he could tell D. he began to tell 答案: A ‎47. The young trees need watering, and __________.‎ A. so the flowers do B. so need the flowers C. so do the flowers D. the flowers are so 答案: C ‎48. --I’m not going to buy that Buick car.-- __________. It is too expensive.‎ A. I don’t, either B. So am I C. Neither am I D. I’m not, too 答案: C ‎49. China lies in the east of Asia and __________.‎ A. neither Japan does B. neither does Japan ‎ C. so Japan does D. so does Japan 答案: D ‎50. --I worked in Holland two years ago, -- __________.‎ A. So does he B. So was he C. So did he D. So he did ‎1-5.CDBDA 6-10.ABBDD11-15.CBBCD16-20.DCADA21-25.ABBDD ‎26-30.BABDB 31-35.BDCBA 36-40.BC DBC41-45DCBBB 46-50.ACCDC

