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2019 届二轮复习 短文语法填空中容易出错的名词 46. knowledge 47. librarian 48. luggage 49. majority 50. muddy 51. mysterious 52. noticeable 53. occasion 54. occupation 55. opportunity 56. opposite 57. package 58. pollution 59. preference 60. principle 61. professor 62. pressure 63. proposal 64. receipt 65. reception 66. routine 67. separate 68. shelter 69. silence 70. society 71. sweat 72. sympathetic 73. target 74. tendency 75. thankful 76. thoughtful 77. timetable 78. treasure 79. tremble 80. unbelievable 81. unforgettable 82. urgent 83. vacation 84. variety 85. vehicle 86. visitor 87. volunteer 88. warmth 89. whistle 90. witness 高考复习 来看一下今天要讲的词汇: 46. know ledge a. She has little/no/some  knowledge  of fashion. b. It's  common knowledge  that she plans to run for mayor. 47. li brarian a. His father is the  librarian  of our school library.  b. The  librarian  entered a new book in the catalogue.  高考复习 48. lu ggage a. Passengers are limited to two items of carry-on luggage . b. Security officers checked every piece of luggage . 49. ma jori ty a. Unfortunately, the  majority  of (the) students in the class failed the test. b. Supporters of the new law appear to be in the majority .  高考复习 50. mu ddy a. His shoes were  muddy . b. She  muddied  the color by adding some brown. c. The debate further  muddied  the issues. 高考复习 51. mys terious a. We heard a  mysterious  noise outside our tent. b. A  mysterious  stranger came to our door. 52. noti cea ble a. The spot on your shirt is very  noticeable . b. There has been a  noticeable  improvement in her behavior. 高考复习 53. o cca sion a. They marked/celebrated the  occasion  with their families. b. We usually meet at noon, but  on  this particular   occasion , we met at two o'clock. 54. o ccu pation a. He is thinking about changing  occupations  and becoming a police officer. b. Swimming was their main  occupation  at summer camp. (activity) 高考复习 55. o ppor tunity a. When the  opportunity  came for her to prove that she could do the job, she was ready. b. You need to be ready when opportunity knocks. 56. oppo site a. The two boys lived on  opposite  sides of the street. b. The two scientists had the same information but reached opposite  conclusions. 高考复习 57. pa ckage a. All ingredients are listed right on the  package . b. She ate the whole  package  of crackers for lunch. 58. po llu tion a. The tests showed high levels of  pollution  in the water/air. b. The fish are dying of/from  pollution . 高考复习 59. pre ference a. Car buyers have recently shown a growing preference  for smaller vehicles. b. The company claims it does not discriminate on the basis of sexual  preference . 60. prin ciple a. It's against my principles  to cheat.  b. In principle , making the changes should be a simple matter, but there may be problems we haven't thought of. 高考复习 61. profess or a. Professor  Williams will be teaching the class. b. In 1979, only 2% of British professors were female.  62. pre ssure a. Apply  pressure  to the wound to stop the bleeding. b. He felt  pressure   from his father to become a doctor.   高考复习 63. propo sal a. Everyone thought the  proposal  made sense. b. These problems have led to the  proposal  of a new law. 64. re ceipt a. Keep your  receipt  in case you need to return anything. b. I am in receipt of your instructions . [=I have received your instructions.] 高考复习 65. re cep tion a. The performers did not get the warm  reception   they had hoped for. b. The school held a  reception  for the new students and their families. 66. r outine a. Grandma gets upset if we change her  routine . b. He criticized her  routine  absence from important meetings. 高考复习 67. s eparate a. I met him on four   separate  [= different ] occasions. b. Before you put out the trash, you have to  separate out  the bottles and cans. 68. sh elter a. We made a  shelter  from branches. b. The organization provides food and  shelter  for homeless people. 高考复习 69. silen ce a. The  silence  was broken by the sound of footsteps in the hallway. b. We sat there in dead/total/complete  silence . 70. so cie ty a. Poverty hurts  society  as a whole. b. We need to do more to help the poorer members of our society . 高考复习 71. sw ea t a. He  sweats  a lot when he exercises. b. After they took the test, they were  sweating over [=worrying about] their scores. 72. sym pathe tic a. He received much help from  sympathetic  friends. b. She is very  sympathetic to/toward the poor. 高考复习 73. tar get a. We failed to meet/reach this month's sales  targets . [= goals ] b. He was a favorite  target  of the media.  74. ten dency a. The door has a  tendency  to get stuck.  b. The economy has shown a general  tendency  toward inflation. 高考复习 75. thank ful a. Everyone was  thankful  to hear the good news. b. I'm very  thankful   [= grateful ]   for  all the help they've given me. 76. th ough tful a. She looked at me with a  thoughtful  expression. b. That's very  thoughtful  of you. 高考复习 77. ti me table a. In planning for the project, you should include a list of goals and a  timetable   for  achieving those goals. b. There have been a few changes to the class   timetable . 78. tr easure a. Central Park is one of New York City's many   treasures . b. The panda is considered one of China's national treasures .  高考复习 79. trem ble a. My voice  trembled  as I began to speak. b. The house  trembled  as the big truck drove by. 80. unbelie va ble a. The destruction was  unbelievable . b. He's an  unbelievably   [= amazingly ] fast runner. 高考复习 81. unforge tt able a. It was an  unforgettable  [= memorable ] experience. b. The trip is an  unforgettable  experience for both of them. 82. ur gent a. We've come to deliver an  urgent  message. b. He addressed us in an  urgent   manner. 高考复习 83. v a cation a. We had a restful  vacation   [=( Brit )  holiday ] at the beach. b. His parents have a beautiful  vacation home.  84. va rie ty a. They broke up for a  variety of reasons. b. I was surprised by the  variety  of the choices that were available. 高考复习 85. vehi cle a. The  vehicle 's  driver was severely injured in the crash. b. Have you locked your vehicle ? 86. visit or a. The museum gets  visitors  from all over the world. b. Visitors  to the office must sign in at the desk. 高考复习 87. vo lun teer a. I  volunteered  to do the job. b. I need some volunteers to help with the washing-up. 88. warm th a. She wore a sweater for extra  warmth . b. She enjoyed the  warmth  of their praise. 高考复习 89. w histle a. We could hear the train's  whistle . b. We could hear the low  whistle  of the wind through the trees. 90. wit ness a. He was a  witness to  a robbery. b. The economy is improving— witness  the decrease in unemployment. 高考复习 高考复习 That’s all, and see you next time!

