2020届高考英语二轮培优新专题限时检测(二十九) 任务型阅读(四)

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2020届高考英语二轮培优新专题限时检测(二十九) 任务型阅读(四)

专题限时检测(二十九) 任务型阅读(四)‎ ‎(限时24分钟)‎ A ‎(2019·南京、盐城模拟)Anyone who's ever made room for a big milestone of adult life — a job, a marriage, a move — has likely shoved a friendship to the side. After all, there is no contract locking us to the other person, as in marriage, and there are no blood bonds, as in family. We choose our friends, and our friends choose us. That's a really distinctive attribute of friendships.‎ But modern life can become so busy that people forget to keep choosing each other. That's when friendships fade, and there's reason to believe it's happening more than ever. Loneliness is on the rise, and feeling lonely has been found to increase a person's risk of dying early by 26% — and to be even worse for the body than obesity and air pollution. Loneliness damages health in many ways, particularly because it removes the safety net of social support.“When we perceive our world as threatening, that can be associated with an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.”‎ The solution is simple: friendship. It helps protect the brain and body from stress, anxiety and depression.“Being around trusted others, in essence, signals safety and security,” says HoltLunstad. A study last year found that friendships are especially beneficial later in life. Having supportive friends in old age is a stronger predictor of wellbeing than family ties — suggesting that the friends you pick may be at least as important as the family you're born into.‎ Easy as the fix may sound, it can be difficult to keep and make friends as an adult. But research suggests that you only need between four and five close pals. If you've ever had a good one, you know what you're looking for.“The expectations of friends, once you have a mature understanding of friendship, don't really change across the life course,” Rawlins says.“People want their close friends to be someone they can talk to and someone they can depend upon.”‎ If you're trying to fill a driedup friendship pool, start by looking inward. Think back to how you met some of your very favorite friends. Volunteering on a political campaign or in a favorite spin class? Playing in a band?“Friendships are always about something,” says Rawlins. Common passions help people bond at a personal level, and they bridge people of different ages and life experiences.‎ Whatever you're into, someone else is too. Let your passion guide you toward people. Volunteer, for example, take a new course or join a committee at your community centers. If you like yoga, start going to classes regularly. Fellow dog lovers tend to gather at dog runs. Using apps and social media — like Facebook to find a local book club — is also a good way to find easygoing folks.‎ Once you meet a potential future friend, then comes the scary part: inviting them to do something.“You do have to put yourself out there,” says Janice McCabe, associate professor of sociology at Dartmouth College and a friendship researcher.“There's a chance that the person will say no. But there's also the chance they'll say yes, and something really great could happen.”‎ The process takes time, and you may experience false starts. Not everyone will want to put in the effort necessary to be a good friend.‎ It's never too late to start being a better pal. The work you put into friendships — both new and old — will be well worth it for your health and happiness.‎ Outline Supporting details Problems ‎●Making friends (1)________ people of negative feelings, especially benefiting the old. However, quickpaced life robs people of the time to maintain friendship and leads to more occurrences of (2)________.‎ ‎●(3)________ from society makes people mentally and physically unhealthy.‎ Solutions ‎●Be (4)________ with what you expect of your friends: they should be good listeners and (5)________.‎ ‎●(6)________ on how you built up good friendship.‎ ‎●Follow your heart and make friends with those people with (7)________ interests.‎ ‎●(8)________ yourself to win a friend by inviting him to do something, not fearing to be (9)________.‎ Conclusion The more (10)________ you are to making friends, the healthier and happier you will be.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了现在很多人因为忙碌而疏远了朋友,但事实上好的人际关系有利于我们的身心健康。文章首先分析问题产生的原因,然后给出了解决办法。‎ ‎1.rids 第三段第一句提到“... friendships. It helps protect the brain and body from stress, anxiety and depression.”,此处是将protect ...from ...同义替换成rid ... of ...。‎ ‎2.loneliness 根据前第二段前三句可知,现代生活变得如此忙碌以至于人们忘记了朋友。友谊在逐渐地消退,孤独感在上升。所以过快的生活节奏让人们没有时间交朋友,导致孤独的出现。‎ ‎3.Withdrawing/Withdrawal 根据第二段第三句和第四句可知,感到孤独会对我们的身心健康造成危害。而孤独是因为我们脱离了社会。‎ ‎4.consistent 根据第四段中的“The expectations of friends, once you have a mature understanding of friendship, don't really change across the life course”可知,一旦你对朋友有了一个成熟的认识,对朋友的期望在一生中就不要改变。be consistent with“与……一致”。‎ ‎5.supporters/helpers 第四段最后一句提到“People want their close friends to be someone they can talk to and someone they can depend upon.”此处将someone they can depend upon同义转换为supporters/helpers。‎ ‎6.Reflect 第五段第二句提到“Think back to how you met some of your very favorite friends.”此处将think back to短语同义转换成reflect。‎ ‎7.similar/common/shared 根据第五段最后一句“Common passions help people bond at a personal level, and they bridge people of different ages and life experiences.”可知,共同的爱好让人们联结在一起,且可以和不同年龄和生活经历的人沟通。所以要和有共同兴趣爱好的人交朋友。‎ ‎8.Trouble 根据倒数第三段第一句“Once you meet a potential future friend, then comes the scary part: inviting them to do something.”可知,邀请一个暂时还不是你的朋友的人做点什么,会有被拒绝的风险。但是为了结交一个好的朋友,你必须费点心思。trouble oneself to do sth.“费心地做某事”。‎ ‎9.refused/rejected 根据倒数第三段中的“There's a chance that the people will say no.”可知,(邀请一个有可能成为朋友的人一起做某件事)有可能会遭到拒绝。say no=refuse/reject。‎ ‎10.devoted/committed/dedicated 由文章最后一段最后一句“The work you put into friendships — both new and old — will be well worth it for your health and happiness.”可知,你在交朋友方面投入得越多,你就会越幸福。‎ B ‎(2019·南京模拟)On the surface, one would be hardpressed to find many similarities between German chancellor Angela Merkel, Bangladeshi prime minister Sheikh Hasina, and Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf — except for the fact that they are all female leaders of nations. Merkel, for example, spent more than a decade as a chemist before going into politics, while Hasina, the daughter of Bangladesh's first president, served as her father's political assistant while at college, and Johnson Sirleaf worked at multiple financial institutions before running for vice president. Is there something deeper than they share?‎ The researcher Susan R. Madsen of Utah‎ Valley ‎University interviewed women in some countries about their paths to leadership. She was surprised by the similarities among the women when they spoke about how they became leaders.“Every single one of them talked about finding their voices and their confidence at dinnertable conversations with their families. Their parents talked about politics, about what was happening in the community, and when the women had something to say, their parents didn't stop them,” Madsen said. ‎ As part of a series of interviews on women and leadership, I spoke to three women from different countries who have each become leaders in their respective fields: Agnes Igoye of Uganda, who works with her government to counter human trafficking; Ikram Ben Said, the founder of Tunisian women's rights organization Aswat Nissa; and Sairee Chahal of India, who started a digital platform that helps women get back into the workforce. ‎ All three of my interviewees pointed to the family environment they had been raised in — particularly a father figure who taught and empowered the women in the family to learn, ask questions, and form their own opinions. Also, mothers broke convention by displaying leadership within the family. ‎ Igoye, for example, credited her father with having the foresight to send his daughters to school ‎ despite opposition from others in their village. Her mother went back to school as an adult to improve her career as a teacher, which Igoye described as being a big influence on her. Similarly, Ben Said talked about how her father encouraged political debate among the family when she was growing up, even when her opinions contradicted his. Meanwhile, Chahal said that even in her younger days, her parents went against the general convention of expecting their daughters to aim only for a good husband. ‎ Another conclusion from Madsen's work is that women's leadership development doesn't look like men's.“Men tend to follow a more straight path to becoming a leader. Women's paths are much emergent. They tend to not necessarily look ahead and think, ‘I want to be on top.’ Women would point to a number of experiences — motherhood, or working with a nonprofit, or sitting on a board, as shaping their path to becoming leaders,” she said. ‎ Actually, women leaders tend to be held to higher standards than their male counterparts. Igoye has felt this in Uganda.“Women who take up leadership positions in my country have to be tough, it's not easy at all,” she said.“You are always aware that you are representing all women. You have to work extra hard to deliver, to perform, because if you do something wrong, they will say, ‘Ah, you see, women!’”‎ Therefore, merely having women leaders can change the opportunities available for generations of women in a country. What leadership looks like in their country, how much of a voice the women leaders are having, influences what leadership is and what it means to its women.‎ What do women leaders have in common?‎ Introduction These female leaders come from different cultural and political backgrounds, but do they share any (1)________?‎ Findings of ‎ Madsen's ‎ research ‎•In their early years, these female leaders were enabled to express themselves (2)________ and develop their confidence at dinner table.‎ ‎•They got more chances to be (3)______ to politics. ‎ ‎•Different from men, their previous experiences help them work their way to the (4)________ of their career ladder.‎ Findings of ‎ the author's ‎ research ‎• All these female leaders (5)________ their success to their family environment. ‎ ‎◇ Unlike other children in her village, Igoye received (6)________ with her sisters.‎ ‎◇ Ben Said was encouraged to debate among the family even when her opinions went (7)________ her father's.‎ ‎◇ Despite the general convention of (8)________ well, Chahal was brought up otherwise.‎ ‎•Women leaders have to work (9)______ than men counterparts to live up ‎ to people's expectations.‎ Conclusion Female leadership (10)________ a lot to a nation and its women as well.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要阐述了一些世界上成功女性领导人的共同之处——她们都有鼓励她们发表自己见解的开明的父母。‎ ‎1.similarity/similarities 根据第一段第一句“On the surface, one would be hardpressed to find many similarities”可知答案。‎ ‎2.freely/casually 根据第二段中的“Every single one of them talked about finding their voices and their confidence at dinnertable conversations with their families.”可知,她们是被鼓励在吃饭的时候自由地发表自己的看法的。‎ ‎3.exposed 根据第二段中的“Their parents talked about politics, about what was happening in the community ...”可知,他们经常听到父母谈论政治,所以他们有更多的机会接触政治话题。be exposed to“接触”。‎ ‎4.top 根据第一段的内容,以及第三段第一句“As part of a series of interviews on women and leadership”可知,Madsen所研究的对象都是一些女性领导人,所以她们都是一些到达职业生涯顶峰的人。the top of their career ladder“职业生涯的顶峰”。‎ ‎5.owed/attributed 根据第四段第一句“All three of my interviewees pointed to the family environment they had been raised in ...”可知,三位受访者都指出了她们的家庭环境,由此推断她们都把自己的成功归功于她们的家庭环境。owe/attribute ...to“把……归功于”,固定搭配。‎ ‎6.education/schooling 根据第五段第一句“Igoye, for example, credited her father with having the foresight to send his daughters to school despite opposition from others in their village”可知,Igoye的家庭不顾小镇的反对将她和她的姐妹送入学校接受教育。‎ ‎7.against 根据第五段中的“Similarly, Ben Said talked about how her father encouraged political debate ... even when her opinions contradicted his.”可知,即使是在与父亲的观点相矛盾的时候,Ben 的父亲总是鼓励她发表自己的政治见解。go against 与contradict同义。‎ ‎8.marrying 根据第五段最后一句“Chahal said that even in her younger days, her parents went against the general convention of expecting their daughters to aim only for a good husband.”可知,她的父母在当时就打破了女人只需要嫁个好丈夫的传统想法(坚持让她积极参与政治话题)。‎ ‎9.harder 根据第七段第一句“Actually, women leaders tend to be held to higher standards than their male counterparts.”可知,女性领袖要比男性同行维持更高的标准,也就是要更努力工作。‎ ‎10.means/matters 根据最后一段最后一句“how much of a voice the women leaders are having, influences what leadership is and what it means to its women.”可知,女性领导人的发言权,影响一个政权的领导班子,同样也影响到女性。matter/mean lot“很重要”。‎

