新教材高中英语外研版选择性必修第一册课后练习:Unit 2 Section C Developing

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新教材高中英语外研版选择性必修第一册课后练习:Unit 2 Section C Developing

www.ks5u.com Section C Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection 课后篇巩固提升 基础训练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.What is just beyond my wildest imagination is fortune should b      me with a chance to realize my dream. ‎ 答案bless ‎2.We have been very a      of their support. ‎ 答案appreciative ‎3.Bamboo Forest is the most w      sight in Kyoto. ‎ 答案worthiest ‎4.It’s not     (仅仅)a job,but a way of life. ‎ 答案merely ‎5.Draw an o      of your garden or yard space. ‎ 答案outline ‎6.Having learned with      (高兴)that you are coming to Beijing for a visit this July,I’m writing to offer my suggestions concerning your one-day trip in Beijing. ‎ 答案delight ‎7.He had      (永久地)strengthened his senses to a point far beyond what other Allomancers could attain. ‎ 答案permanently ‎8.I am convinced that I will strive hard to fulfill my      (文学的)dream if given the chance. ‎ 答案literary ‎9.I was e      at the sight of a low A and felt pressured to keep an outward image of perfection. ‎ 答案embarrassed Ⅱ.短语填空 in particular;persuaded her to;care about;knock sb over;pick up;be aware of; make use of;now and then ‎1.Don’t be afraid of problems,but         it to be the best of ourselves! ‎ 答案make use of ‎2.During the following days,I got the same call           . ‎ 答案now and then ‎3.All the candidates are excellent,but I like the last one           — his experience is just what we need at the moment. ‎ 答案in particular ‎4.Her parents thought she was too young for the violin,and           start on the piano. ‎ 答案persuaded her to ‎ ‎5.My parents still           me,but I was no longer the center of the universe. ‎ 答案cared about ‎6.Even walking on the street and lightly bumping(撞)into somebody brings back memories from Becky’s childhood,when a boy           . ‎ 答案knocked her over ‎7.If you love helping the environment,plant trees or           litter. ‎ 答案pick up ‎8.The citizens of one farm village         this. ‎ 答案were aware of Ⅲ.翻译句子 ‎1.只有当你把所学的知识应用到实践中,你才能说你学会了。(倒装)‎ ‎ ‎ 答案Only when you apply what you have learned to practice can you say you have made it.‎ ‎2.我坐在一位名叫戴安娜的女孩旁边。(whose)‎ ‎ ‎ 答案I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana.‎ ‎3.这条路通向你曾经住过的村庄吗?(where)‎ ‎ ‎ 答案Does this road lead to the village where you once lived?‎ ‎4.我决心利用业余时间做运动。(make use of)‎ ‎ ‎ 答案I’m determined to make use of my spare time to do exercise.‎ ‎5.整顿饭都很好,尤其是葡萄酒更好。(in particular)‎ ‎ ‎ 答案The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent.‎ 能力提升 Ⅳ.阅读理解 At 1,345 meters above sea level,Ben Nevis is not the world’s most difficult mountain to climb.But things get considerably tricky if instead of hiking shoes you put on a pair of 5-inch high heels,especially if you’re a guy.One English teenager recently proved that it was not impossible.‎ Ben Conway,a 19-year-old art student from London,recently took up the challenge as a way to stand out in an application for a scholarship for the School of Communication Arts in Brixton.He started his unusual high-heel climb at 8 am,on June 27,and was joined by Callum MacKenzie Allen,a friend from his art foundation year,who videotaped the whole thing for a two-minute video that was used as his application project.The whole climb took five hours and wasn’t the smoothest experience.‎ Halfway up Ben Nevis,one of his shoes broke,so he had to tape the shoes to his feet to make sure they stayed on.The weather didn’t make it easy for him either,as he claimed that it rained pretty much the whole time,and he had to go against 40 to 50 miles an hour winds.Due to these difficult conditions,Ben and his friend had to turn back after reaching 900 meters up the mountain.‎ Besides providing a unique art school application project,the high-heel climb also allowed the 19-year-old to raise some money for worthy causes (事业),like Sal’s Shoes,which provides footwear for barefoot children around the world.‎ ‎“Raising money for charity brings happiness to people’s lives and if I can do something ridiculous and bring someone happiness,then that’s what it’s all about,” Ben said.‎ ‎【语篇解读】本文讲述的是Ben Conway为了申请奖学金和为全世界的赤脚孩子提供鞋子筹集资金,作为一名男生穿着5英寸的高跟鞋攀爬1 345米高的山峰,期间遇到了很多困难,遗憾的是最终在900米处停止,但他的故事令人鼓舞。‎ ‎1.Which can replace the underlined word “tricky” in Paragraph 1?‎ ‎                ‎ A.Pleasant. B.Boring.‎ C.Difficult. D.Interesting.‎ 答案C 解析词义猜测题。根据“But things get considerably tricky if instead of hiking shoes you put on a pair of 5-inch high heels,especially if you’re a guy.”可知,tricky的意思为“棘手的,困难的”,与difficult同义,故选C项。‎ ‎2.Why did Allen videotape the high-heel climb for Ben?‎ A.To prove nothing is impossible. ‎ B.To record a special experience.‎ C.To develop their friendship. ‎ D.To assist in Ben’s application.‎ 答案D 解析细节理解题。根据第二段可知,他的朋友拍摄视频的目的是协助Allen申请奖学金,故选D项。‎ ‎3.What does Paragraph 3 focus on?‎ A.The difficulties in the climb. ‎ B.The climbing way.‎ C.The terrible weather. ‎ D.The unexpected things.‎ 答案A 解析主旨大意题。根据第三段内容及“The whole climb took five hours and wasn’t the smoothest experience.”可知,该段主要说的是在爬山过程中所遇到的困难,故选A项。‎ ‎4.Which word can best describe Ben’s story?‎ A.Confusing. ‎ B.Inspiring.‎ C.Exciting. ‎ D.Frightening.‎ 答案B 解析推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,Ben Conway不仅仅为了申请奖学金,还为全世界的赤脚孩子提供鞋子筹集资金,由此可以判断他的故事是令人鼓舞、激励人心的。故选B项。‎ Ⅴ.应用文写作 假设你是李华,即将去澳大利亚一所学校进行短期交流,被安排住在Eric先生家。请你写封电子邮件与他联系并询问以下情况:‎ ‎1.住宿条件;2.膳食安排;3.交通情况。‎ Dear Eric,‎ I am Li Hua,a student from China. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua 参考范文 Dear Eric, ‎ I am Li Hua,a student from China.I’m writing to ask about my stay with your family. ‎ To begin with,I’d like to express my thanks for your kindness of accepting me.To better prepare for my life in Australia,I’d like to know if I will have a room for myself and if there is a kitchen I can use.I plan to have lunch at school,and it would be great if I could join you for breakfast and supper.Finally could you tell me how far your place is from the school?Is it within walking distance or do I need to take a bus?‎ I am excited about my visit to Australia.I am looking forward to seeing you soon.‎ Yours sincerely, ‎ Li Hua ‎ Ⅵ.概要写作 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ Your Robot Teacher of the Future Will your job be done by a robot in the future?Bank of England economists predict that almost half of all UK jobs are under threat of automation.Those most at risk involve repetitive manual labour,such as factory positions.But could even the venerable profession of teaching soon have to compete against powerful electronic educators?‎ At first glance,teaching might seem to be unaffected to replacement by robots.Teachers use a range of soft skills that machines find hard to replicate.They judge pupils’ needs and adapt feedback accordingly.They adapt materials to make them more attractive and effective.And they provide pastoral care:looking out for students who lag behind or disrupt the class.‎ Nonetheless,some believe the future of education will be technological.In an interview with Business Insider magazine,futurist Thomas Frey predicts that “by 2030 the largest company on the Internet is going to be an education-based company that we haven’t heard of yet.”‎ He thinks that “bots”—online robot teachers—will make education so efficient that students will be able to compress an entire undergraduate degree into six months of learning.A bot learns what your “interests” and “reference points” are,and it “figures out” how to teach you in a faster and faster way over time,according to Frey.‎ Whether or not such incredible speeds will be reached,over the last decade there has been a huge increase in online learning platforms.Companies such as Udemy and Khan Academy produce courses that allow millions to learn at home for free at their own pace.But there are limitations.Without the face-to-face stimulation of a classroom environment,the overwhelming ‎ majority of students fail to complete online courses.How to sustain motivation to learn is one more skill that online teachers will need to master.‎ Indeed,Frey admits there is some way to go:“Nobody has quite cracked the code for the future of education.”What do teachers themselves think about this?Professor Donald Clark from Derby University in the UK thinks that we should welcome change,even though people will lose their jobs.‎ ‎“Artificial intelligence will destroy jobs—so why not use it for a social good such as learning?”he asked.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文 The article introduces the possibility of a robot teacher in the future.(要点1)Since robots may replace humans in factories,it is possible that teaching will be done by robots.(要点2)Teachers use soft skills such as feedback and personal care at classrooms.However,online robot teachers will know a learner’s weakness and strengths,so they provide efficient teaching.(要点3)Companies like Udemy and Khan Academy provide free courses online but students lack motivation to finish their lessons.Anyway,AI is welcomed to do good to learning.(要点4)‎

