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虚拟语气教案 重难点分析 虚拟语气是英语中一个较大的语法项目,高考语法填空和短文改错都曾经设过考点,考生应予以重视。英语中的语气分为陈述语气、祈使语气、虚拟语气、疑问语气和感叹语气五类。虚拟语气表示说话人的愿望、假设、猜测或建议,而不是表示客观存在的事实。此外如需表达主观愿望或某种强烈的感情时,也可用虚拟语气。虚拟语气通过谓语动词的特殊形式来表示。‎ 一、虚拟语气在从句中的用法和构成一览表 类别 用法 例句 if引导的条件状语从句 与现在事实相反 从句动词:过去式(be多用were,但在口语中,如果主语是第一/三人称,be动词可用was);主句动词:should/would/could/might+动词原形 If he were here, he would help us. 如果他在这,他会帮我们的。‎ 与过去事实相反 从句动词:had+过去分词;主句动词:should/would/could/might + have+过去分词 If I had been free, I would have visited you. 如果我那时有空,我就会去拜访你了。‎ 与将来事实相反 从句动词:过去式/ should+动词原形/ were+不定式;主句动词:should/would/could/might +动词原形 If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go camping. 如果明天下雨,我们就不去露营了。‎ 其他状语从句 as if/though引导的状语从句中动词用过去式或过去完成式 They are talking was if they were/ had been friends for years. 他们交谈着,好像是多年的老朋友。‎ even if/though引导的从句,与现在/将来事实相反时,从句动词用过去式,主句动词用should/would+动词原形;与过去事实相反时,从句动词用had+过去分词,主句动词用should/would+ have+过去分词 Even if we failed, we wouldn’t lose courage. 即使我们失败了,我们也不会失去勇气。‎ 宾语从句 demand, require, advise, suggest, order, insist(坚持要求)等表命令、建议、要求的动词后所接的宾语从句中的动词用(should)+动词原形 He suggested that we (should) not change our mind. 他建议我们不要改变主意。‎ wish后所接的宾语从句中的谓语动词分别用过去式、过去完成式和could/would+动词原形表示与现在、过去和将来情况相反的假设 I wish I could be a pop singer. 我希望我是一名流行歌手。‎ 主语从句 在It is necessary/important/strange that…, It is suggested/ demanded/ordered/requested that…等后所接的主语从句中,谓语动词用(should)+动词原形 It is strange that such a person should be our friends. 很奇怪的是这样一个人会成为我们的朋友。‎ 表语从句和同位语从句 idea, advice, order, demand, request等表命令、建议、要求的名词后所接的表语从句和同位语从句中的谓语动词用(should)+动词原形 My advice is that you (should) finish your homework first. 我的建议是你首先应该做完家庭作业。‎ The idea that you (should) go is right. 你走的建议是正确的。‎ 其他句型中 It is (high) time that…句型中定语从句的谓语动词用过去式或should+动词原形(优先使用过去式)‎ It is high time that we left. 该是我们离开的时候了。‎ would rather所接的从句中动词用过去式或者过去完成式 I would rather you stayed at home now. 我宁愿你现在待在家里。‎ if only句型中动词常用过去式或者过去完成式,表示强烈的愿望 If only our dream had come true! ‎ 要是我们的梦想成真该多好!‎ 二、其他要注意的事项 ‎1. 虚拟语气中出现be的过去式,在口语中,当主语是第一、三人称单数时,可用was,但在if的倒装句中只能用were。如:Were I you, I would apologize to her. 如果我是你的话,我就会去向她道歉。‎ ‎2. suggest表“暗示、表明”和insist表“坚持认为”时,其后的宾语从句用陈述语气。如:‎ Your pale face suggests that you are ill. 你苍白的脸色表明你生病了。‎ He insisted that he was right. 他坚持认为他是对的。(如insist表“坚持要求”时,其后的宾语从句则要用虚拟语气)‎ ‎3. if虚拟语气条件句中如有had, should, were,可省略if,并将这些词提前引起倒装。如:‎ Were I you, I would remain. 如果我是你,我会留下来。‎ Had you told me earlier, I wouldn’t have missed it. 如果你早点告诉我,我就不会错过它了。‎ ‎4. 可用without, but for构成的介词短语代替虚拟语气条件句。如:‎ But for your help, I would have failed the exam. 如果没有你的帮助,我不会通过考试的。‎ Without water, there would be no life. 没有水,就没有生命。‎ ‎5. as if/though, even if/though引导的从句也可以不用虚拟语气,表示真实的情况。如:‎ It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来似乎要下雨了。‎ 考点练透 一、单句填空 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1. — If he ___________ (warn), he ___________ (not take) that food. ‎ ‎— Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.‎ ‎2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ___________ (break).‎ ‎3. I would rather they ___________ (not hear) of the news. ‎ ‎4. I wish ___________ (have) a room of my won when I was a child.‎ ‎5. But for the teacher, I ___________ (not change) my attitude to study yet. ‎ ‎6. Without air to hold some of the sun’s heat, the earth at night ___________ (be) freezing cold, too cold for us to stay. ‎ ‎7. If I had worked harder at school, I ___________ (sit) in a comfortable office now. ‎ ‎8. Her pale face suggested that she ___________ (be) ill, and her colleagues suggested that she ___________ (have) a medical examination. ‎ ‎9. I insisted he ___________ (go) to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing ___________ (be) wrong with him.‎ ‎10. He asks that he ___________ (give) an opportunity to explain why he has refused to go there. ‎ ‎11. It is high time we ___________ (get) down to discuss this plan. ‎ ‎12. If it were not for the fact that you ___________ (be) too busy, I would ask you to help me do this right now. ‎ ‎13. Who do you suggest ___________ (send) to work there?‎ ‎14. I would have come earlier, but I ___________ (not know) that you were waiting for me. ‎ ‎15. If it ___________ (rain) tomorrow, the outing would be cancelled. ‎ ‎16. If there were no air, people ___________ (die).‎ ‎17. If he ___________ (study) harder, he might pass the exam.‎ ‎18. If he ___________ (take) my advice, he would not have made such a mistake.‎ ‎19. We would rather you ___________ (go) here tomorrow.‎ ‎20. It is high time that you ___________ (go) to pick up your daughter at school. ‎ 二、语篇填空 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。‎ I am a middle school student. I have many dreams. If there 1 (be) not so much homework, I would have more time to do what I like to do. How I wish I 2 (listen) to my favorite music for an hour a day and 3 (play) table tennis for an hour in the morning. It is my desire that we 4 (hold) evening parties or 5 (organize) some interesting activities at weekend. I suggest that there 6 (be) not so many tests. You can imagine what life 7 (will) be if I 8 (realize) my dream. But I must fact the exams. Without good marks, I 9 (will) not enter my ideal university. Anyway, it’s high time that I 10 (encourage) myself and worked hard from now on. ‎ 三、语法填空 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ What will happen if ice caps melt? The level of the world’s oceans will rise. 1 this is not the real problem, the problem is that these white ice caps reflect sunlight, much of 2 is reflected back into space, in turn 3 (cool) earth, but with the ice caps melting, 4 only reflector is the ocean, darker color absorbs sunlight causing further warming of the earth which can be up to ‎80 °C which is fatal (致命的) and can cause 5 (extinct) of all living organisms.‎ ‎●If all the ice melted, north and south pole, Antarctica, Greenland, and all, sea levels would rise 6 175 and 225 feet.‎ ‎●Coastal areas would essentially disappear, and roughly a third of the earth’s existing landmass (大陆) 7 (flood). it is estimated that 60% of the world’s population lives in the coastal plains.‎ ‎●Many inland areas would be affected as well, 8 water tables, rivers, and lakes would all rise 9 their previous heights.‎ ‎●The animals that live in the cold (polar bears, penguins and arctic foxes) will become endangered.‎ Most important of all, there are many other 10 (predict) bad results human may be faced with. Are you afraid of that now?‎ 助读词汇 reflector n. 反射物 absorb vt. 吸收 essentially adv. 基本上 roughly adv. 粗略地 ‎ plain n. 平原 in turn 转而 ‎ be up to 达到 living organism 生物体 ‎ north and south pole 北极和南极 coastal area 沿海地区 ‎ it is estimated that… 据估计…… arctic fox 北极狐 参考答案 考点练透 一、单句填空 ‎1. had been warned; wouldn’t have taken 2. were broken 3. hadn’t heard 4. had had 5. wouldn’t have changed 6. would be 7. would be sitting 8. was; (should) have 9. (should) go; was 10. (should) be give 11. got 12. are 13. be sent 14. didn’t know 15. should/were to rain 16. would die 17. studied 18. had taken 19. went 20. went ‎ 二、语篇填空 ‎1. were 2. listened 3. played 4. (should) hold 5. (should) organize 6. (should) be 7. would 8. realized / should realize / were to realize 9. would 10. encouraged ‎ 三、语法填空 如果地球上的冰帽都融化的话,会发生什么?‎ ‎1. But 根据上文和空后的this is not the real problem可知填But。注意首字母要大写。‎ ‎2. which 分析句子结构可知,much of 2 is reflected back into space是个非限定性定语从句,先行词是sunlight,故填which。‎ ‎3. cooling 分析句子成分知道,动词cool在此是非谓语,与逻辑主语sunlight是主动关系,故填cooling作结果状语。‎ ‎4. the 在和形容词最高级及形容词only, very, same等前需用定冠词the。‎ ‎5. extinction 作宾语用名词形式。‎ ‎6. between 根据空后的…175 and 225 feet可知。between…and…意为“在……和……之间”。‎ ‎7. would be flooded 根据前面的If all the ice melted和本段前面的Coastal areas would essentially disappear可知,此处是个虚拟语气,且动词flood 与逻辑主语landmass存在被动关系。故填would be flooded。‎ ‎8. as/because 根据句意可知, 8 water tables, rivers, and lakes would all rise 9 their previous heights.是个原因。故填as/because。‎ ‎9. from 句意:从它们以前的高度。‎ ‎10. unpredictable 语法角度:形容词修饰名词。句意角度:最重要的是,有很多其他人类可能会面临的不可预测的糟糕结果。故填unpredictable最合适。‎

