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黑龙江省鸡西市鸡东二中2019-2020学年 高二下学期期末考试 第一部分 ‎ 单项选择(共15题,满分30分)‎ ‎1. It was______ late in the evening that her husband arrived home. ‎ A after B when C till D not until ‎2. No sooner had I left the shop _________ a man came to me and asked me if my name was Peter.‎ A. when B. then C. as D. than ‎3. _______ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.‎ A So curious the couple was B So curious were the couple ‎ C How curious the couple were D The couple was such curious ‎4. My father has worked for 20 years in the field of medicine, so he has_______ a huge amount of experience. ‎ A. achieved B piled C completed D accumulated ‎5.He is interested in farming and is __________ to know everything about the farm.‎ A. eager B. anxious C. worried D. busy ‎6. In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ______.‎ A. that used to be B. it is used to be C. it was used to be D. it used to be ‎7. My grandfather is always thinking for others. In another word, he is always ____.‎ A. modest B. cautious C. considerate D. considerable ‎8. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _____ a cure for AIDS will be found.‎ A. which B. what C. that D. whether ‎9. The local government is expected to take measures to improve air quality.‎ A. competitive B. accessible C. adequate D. slight ‎ ‎10. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless______ every day.‎ A watered B watering C water D to water ‎11. Such a chance is not easy to obtain, why not _______ it?‎ A. take charge of B. take advantage of C. take notice of D. take possession of ‎12. They have a meeting every Friday, _______ there is nothing to discuss.‎ A. if B. since C. unless D. because ‎13. _______ you go, you should do your work well.‎ A. Whoever B. However C. Wherever D. Whatever ‎14. Last month Mr Smith was invited to ____ an important medical conference in Shanghai.‎ A. join in B. join C. attend D. take part in ‎15.We’ve just heard a warning on the radio that a hurricane is _______to come this evening.‎ A. likely B. possible C. probable D. believable ‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) ‎ 第一节(共15小题每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A As we know, Tokyo will host the 2020 Summer Olympics. And let's have a look at it and other wonderful places in such cities anyway. Every one of them is fun to visit.‎ Tokyo, Japan Want to see all of Tokyo? Just go to the top of Tokyo Skytree. This television broadcasting(广播) tower is 634 meters tall. It is the tallest tower in the world. If you are a fan of Japanese cartoons, you can take a tour of the Ghibli Museum. There are some paintings and models of th e cartoon characters there. ‎ Madrid(马德里), Spain It's the capital of Spain. In the Museo del Prado, the main Spanish national art museum, there are more than 7,000 paintings by great artists and many other works of art. Madrid is also home to Real Madrid, the famous soccer team. Why not buy a soccer jersey(秋衣) there? Who knows -- maybe you'll run into soccer player Kaka or Cristiano Ronaldo!‎ Istanbul(伊斯坦布尔), Turkey The Blue Mosque is the most famous landmark of the cit y. The mosque was built in the 17th century and decorated with colorful glass. Want to take a break from modern life? Take a trip on the nostalgic tram(怀旧有轨电车)!The trams and ticket collectors' clothes still have a 1900s look. Travel back in time on this amazing time traveling train!‎ ‎16. If you want to see paintings and models of the cartoon characters, go to _____. ‎ A. the Ghibli Museum B. the Blue Mosque C. the Museo de Prado D. Tokyo Skytree ‎ ‎17. In Madrid, Spain, the writer asks us __________.‎ A. to enjoy the art festival ‎ B. to buy a soccer jersey C. to climb the tallest tower by great artists D. to buy some paintings by great artists ‎18. The underlined word "landmark" in the passage means___________. ‎ A. a small palace nobody knows B. a famous soccer playground in Istanbul C. a building to tell us where we are D. an amazing trip to take a rest ‎19.Which part of the newspaper does the passage come from? ‎ A. Sports B. Health C. Movies D. Animals B Chen Lingyu, 28, is a saleswoman at a garment company in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, and now, she is a volunteer driver in the fight against the novel coronavirus. (新冠病毒) She drives medical workers between their homes and hospitals every day.‎ ‎“I love Wuhan, whether it is good or not. In the current situation, I would like to do what I can to help. The buses and subways have stopped running, but medical workers need to do their important work. My work can help them, and it makes me feel better,” Chen said.‎ She drives more than 10 doctors and nurses to hospitals and back home a day.‎ Chen remembered clearly when she first picked up two nurses at Zhongshan Hospital in the city's Qiaokou district, as they told her if she had not picked them up, they might have to walk home. Chen takes her temperature every day. The protective clothing she wears when driving is hung on her balcony, and also disinfected.‎ She said she eats two meals a day, one in the morning, and another meal after finishing the day's work. One day, she drove so many medical workers home, she was so exhausted she didn't eat supper.‎ She said she lives by herself, and her parents live with her grandparents. They support her,‎ ‎ saying she needs to be careful and use good protection measures.‎ When she was a university student, Chen did volunteer at Wuhan Railway Station. At the beginning of the epidemic, (流行病) she bought 3,000 face masks to donate, and also joined the volunteer driver team.‎ Though she gets tired, she never even thinks of giving up. ‎ ‎20 What’s Chen Lingyu’s job?‎ A. A driver B. A saleswoman C. A doctor D. A railway woman ‎21 What does she mainly do as a volunteer?‎ A. To drive medical workers to work.‎ B. To drive doctors and nurses home.‎ C. To donate face masks. ‎ D. To drive medical workers to hospitals and back home.‎ ‎22 Which of the following is not her way to protect herself?‎ A. She takes her temperature every day. ‎ B. She wears protective clothing.‎ C. She eats two meals a day. ‎ D. She hangs her protective clothing on the balcony.‎ C We've heard for years that dolphins are amazingly intelligent creatures. It turns out that they are even intelligent enough to serve in the U. S. Navy,and have been doing so since 1960, when the Navy decided to study the underwater sonar(声呐) capabilities of dolphins to learn how to design better methods of detecting (发现) objects underwater. The Navy also realized that they could learn how to improve the speed of their boats and submarines by studying how dolphins are able to swim fast and dive deep.‎ The research ended up going much further than that. Dolphins have been trained to perform several tasks, including delivering equipment to underwater people, locating and getting lost objects back, and guarding boats and submarines. They have been trained to detect enemy swimmers,and this was used in both the Vietnam War and the Gulf War. The dolphins would swim around the boats and submarines, and use their natural sonar to tell their armed trainers when enemy swimmers were detected. They could even mark enemy swimmers with markers so ‎ their trainers could spot and understand them.‎ Dolphins even do underwater surveillance (监视) for the Navy, by holding cameras in their mouths. Dolphins have been used to detect and mark underwater mines as well. The dolphins are not injured during this process. These dolphins are true heroes that have been trained to lead lost divers to safety.‎ The Navy began their studies of dolphins in 1960, but the U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program did not begin its first military project until 1965. The project was called SEALAB II, and a dolphin named Tuffy was trained to dive 200 feet below the surface of the ocean off the coast of La Jolla, California, to deliver mail and tools to people.‎ ‎23. What's the purpose of studying dolphins' swimming speed?‎ A. To make the submarines faster. B. To better understand them.‎ C. To catch them more easily. D. To study dolphins' sonar capabilities.‎ ‎24. Why were dolphins used in the Gulf War?‎ A. To deliver tools. B. To find enemy swimmers.‎ C. To attack enemies. D. To lead lost divers to safety.‎ ‎25. How do dolphins do underwater surveillance?‎ A. By marking enemy swimmers. ‎ B. By sending signals through sonar.‎ C. By recording what they see underwater. ‎ D. By using electrical equipment attached to their tails.‎ ‎26. What does the text mainly talk about?‎ A. Dolphins' service in the Navy B. Dolphins' underwater training.‎ C. The development of the Navy. D. The Navy's research on dolphins' habitat.‎ D Could the dangerous underwater volcano in the Caribbean cause a U. S. tsunami? ‎ Kick’em Jenny is a dangerous and active volcano sitting below the surface of the Caribbean Sea, and located off the coast of the island of Grenada, south of St. Lucia.‎ A team of scientists is exploring the darkest corners of a huge underwater volcano in the Caribbean in the hope of better understanding the mysteries of earthquakes and tsunamis, eventually saving lives. Robert Ballard,famous for discovering the Titanic about 12, 000 feet ‎ below the surface of the icy North Atlantic Ocean in 1985,set his sights on exploring Kick’em Jenny to study its eruption history and learn more about how underwater volcanoes can present a threat. Ballard said the Kick’em Jenny volcano has a history of explosive eruptions, which could have the potential to cause tsunamis, the effects from which could be felt as far away as the northeastern U. S.‎ According to the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Kick'em Jenny volcano has erupted 12 times since 1939 with the most recent eruption in 2001. The conditions around the Kick'em Jenny volcano are so dangerous to humans that Ballard and his team relied on the remotely operated vehicle Hercules, a 5,000-pound submersible( 潜水器), to be their eyes and ears inside the volcano. As Hercules moved downwards into the volcano, Ballard and his team watched the submersible's live cameras from a control room aboard the ship Nautilus. After hours of searching, the team made a surprising discovery: life.‎ ‎"It means that in places where we thought there was very little life existing on our planet, we've just opened up a whole other area where life seems to be dynamic," Ballard said. " A lot of the deep sea is sort of like something that you know you can think of as a desert. We just found an oasis (绿洲) in that desert."‎ On its journey, Hercules took pictures of its surroundings, made maps and collected samples, including organisms(生物) living inside the volcano and even reaching inside the volcano to gather materials. Such discoveries on Ballard's trip could allow scientists to better understand the threats by underwater volcanic eruptions.‎ ‎27. Why did Kick'em Jenny catch the attention of some scientists?‎ A. It is located off the coast of the island of Grenada.‎ B. It is usually thought to be strange and mysterious.‎ C. It caused a big tsunami ten years ago. ‎ D. It is a dangerous and active volcano.‎ ‎28. What can we know about Kick'em Jenny?‎ A. It is unlikely to erupt in a few years. B. It has been in peace since 1939. ‎ C. It will do great damage once it erupts. D. It is threatening the whole U. S. ‎ ‎29. What does the underlined word " dynamic" mean?‎ A. Colorful. B. Unknown. C. Active. D. Poor ‎30. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?‎ A. Hercules is regarded as the most advanced equipment.‎ B. The discovered organisms are the most unusual species.‎ C. It is surprising for scientists to find an oasis in the desert.‎ D. Hercules plays a key role in studying the underwater volcano 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。把答案填图到答题卡上,只填在试卷上,答案无效。‎ It’s not just women who wear skirts. 31. ________________. In Scotland, men wear a kind of skirt called kilt. The kilt is their national dress and an important part of their tradition.‎ A kilt is a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks(格子) on it with different colors, like red and blue. 32.__________________.‎ ‎33.__________________. There are many stories about it. One story is that the kilt was invented in the 1720s by an English factory owner, Thomas Rawlinson.‎ Rawlinson had a number of Scottish workers in his factory and he thought their clothing got in the way of their work. 34.__________________.‎ Today, most Scotsmen look on the kilt as formal dress. They usually only wear them at wedding or big dinner. 35.___________________.‎ Scots also wear kilts in parades when they play their traditional musical instrument bagpipes(风笛). The army still has kilts as the dress uniform, but they no longer use them when fighting.‎ A. Each family in Scotland has its own colors.‎ B. There are only a few men who still wear a kilt every day.‎ C. How did the Scots start to wear kilts?‎ D. It was important for Scots to wear skirts at any time.‎ E. So he cut their long clothes into shorter skirts.‎ F. Wearing skirts is very beautiful for woman.‎ G. Men can wear them, too.‎ II.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ I find it interesting sometimes that even the most ordinary incidents can have an impact on ‎ our consciousness.‎ My wife, daughter, and I moved into our new home nine years ago and we 36 a lot of time and energy in the yard getting it looking like it does today. We 37 on a corner, higher than the street level, and the entire side of the yard is 38 by a professionally built rock wall. We 39 this area our "rock garden". Whenever we had flowers or plants, my wife Denise or I would plant them in the "rock garden", just to bring some 40 to the area.‎ After 41 my gloves, I took the 42 to clear the yard of weeds. Last summer I reached the end of the "rock garden" and found a tiny little 43 that I could not recognize 44 . I knew I didn't plant it and Denise 45 that she didn't either. We decided to let it continue growing until we could 46 what it was.‎ Weeks passed and as I made my 47 back to the mystery plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. It was 48 , with a tall thin stalk (茎) and only one head on it. I decided to 49 it and weed around it. As I 50 rocks from the area to get rid of the weeds, I noticed something 51 . The sunflower had not started where I saw the stalk begin. It actually had begun under a big rock and 52 under and around it to reach the sun.‎ That's when I realized that if a tiny little sunflower didn't let a big rock 53 in its way of developing,we too have the 54 of doing the same thing. As long as we try, we can find ways to go under or around our big 55 in order to reach our desires.‎ ‎36. A. saved B. spent C. wasted D. cut ‎37. A. work B. stay C. live D. play ‎38. A. crowded B. surrounded C. covered D. governed ‎39. A. offered B. bought C. called D. left ‎ ‎40. A. color B. peace C. warmth D. focus ‎41. A. selling B. taking on C. bringing D. putting on ‎42. A. responsibility B. opportunity C. potential D. advantage ‎ ‎43. A. flower B. plant C. crop D. bush ‎44. A. suddenly B. slowly C. gradually D. instantly ‎45. A. predicted B. instructed C. described D. announced ‎46. A. leave out B. figure out C. point out D. pick out ‎47. A. way B. role C. mind D. duty ‎48. A. pitiful B. ugly C. pretty D. weak ‎49. A. admire B. consider C. attend D. observe ‎50. A. pushed B. removed C. transported D. conducted ‎51. A. cheerful B. unnatural C. unusual D. hopeful ‎52. A. pulled B. dug C. expanded D. grown ‎53. A. stand B. exist C. await D. behave ‎54. A. force B. capability C. energy D. strength ‎55. A. conflicts B. fights C. barriers D. appointments ‎ 第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空格处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或使用括号中单词的正确形式。并把答案填到答题卡上。‎ In the closing ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games Pyeongchang 2018, China put on the show "See You in Beijing in 2022", 56.___________(direct) by ZhangYimo. he show centered on the talents of a team of 24 roller skating 57.____________(perform) from Beijing Sport University. Two of them dressed 58.____________"Panda Captains” led the performance. ‎ The performance reviewed China's ancient times, 59. __________(show) the country' s rich 60.___________(culture) heritage (遗产)and singing about the present, as well as the future that lies ahead. In 61.____________(add) to traditional symbols 62._____________(include) the Great Wall and lucky animals like the Chinese dragon and the Chinese phoenix, the performance also showed China’ s wide high-speed rail network 63._________its space program. ‎ Towards the end of the performance, the Olympic rings rose on the stage as well as images of a global village, children's smiling faces, olive (橄榄)branches and plum blossoms(梅花),64._________stood for China's promise to promote global peace and build a better future for mankind. ‎ The performance 65 .__________(success) sent Chinese people’s goodwill and invitations to the world for Beijing 2022. ‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) ‎ It is known that some students cheat in exams. It has three reason. First of all, there are too many exams. Beside, the exams given are difficulty in some way. Secondly, some students have to ‎ cheat in exams because of they are too lazy. The last reason is to please our parents and teachers. For some students, low marks brought them great pressure and make them depressing. In my opinion, cheating in exams are wrong. We should take active attitude to our studies, and try to get a mark what is true as well as good.‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华。在英国学习,因为疫情学校停课,想向Mr. Tailor教授寻求一些学习方面的建议。请你写一封邮件给教授Mr. Tailor.‎ 内容包括:1.表达问候;2.表达想法;3.请求推荐书目及学习方法。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Mr. Tailor,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ 一、单项选择 ‎1-5 DDBDA 6-10 DCCCA 11-15BCCCA 二、阅读理解 ‎16-19ABCA 20-22BDC 23-26ABCA 27-30DCCD 三、七选五 ‎31-35 GACEB 四、完形填空 ‎36-40 BCBCA 41-45 DABDD 46-50 BADCB 51-55CDABC 五、语法填空 ‎56.directed 57.performers 58.as 59.showing 60.cultural ‎61.addition 62.including 63.and 64.which 65.successfully ‎ 六、短文改错 ‎1.reason→reasons 2.Beside→Besides; 3.difficulty→difficult ‎4.去掉of 5.our→their 6.brought→bring ‎7.depressing→depressed 8.are→is 9.take后加an 10.what→that/which 书面表达:‎ Dear Tailor,‎ How time flies! I haven’t seen you for a while. I really want to say “wish you all the best” and “everything goes well with you.” ‎ Because of the epidemic, we students have to stay at home learning online, about which I feel a little worried. When studying on the net, I always find myself districted rather than concentrating on learning. I think it is not so effective to learn online as at school.‎ So I want to ask you for some valuable advice on learning. I hope you can share with me some learning methods. Besides, could you recommend some good books to me?‎ I am sincerely looking forward to your reply. ‎ Yours, ‎ Li Hua

