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第二讲 推理判断题 高考英语《考试大纲》指出,阅读文章的主要目的是获取信息,即理解作者所要传达的信息。高考英语阅读理解试题命制形式多样,其中推理判断题属于高层次的阅读理解题,解答此类题目要从整体上把握语篇内容,在理解语篇的表面意义与隐含意义的基础上进行深层推理,透过字里行间去体会作者的 “ 弦外之音 ” 。此类题目在高考题中的数量所占比例较大,是高考阅读理解考查的重点,应引起考生的重视。 具体来说,针对不同的推理判断题,寻找线索时要使用不同的方法。 一、正确选项的特征 1. “ 立足原文,只推一步 ” ,即根据原文内容,一步即可推得。 2. 选项中一般不可以出现绝对概念,如 only , never , all , absolutely 等。正确答案的表述一般有一点模糊,会用一些相对能够留有一些余地的词汇,如 often , usually , sometimes , some , may , might , can , could , possibly , probably 等。 二、干扰选项的特征 1. 曲解文意。即推测意义与文章表层意义有区别,推理判断题中有些选项来自文章中的某一句或某几句话,命题者可能会利用里面的字词设计出干扰项,看似表达文章的意思,其实是借题发挥,是对原文意思的曲解。 2. 张冠李戴。为了起到干扰的效果,高考命题人常用的一个手段就是张冠李戴,即通过使用原文中出现的词汇甚至句式,把本来适用于一种情况的内容移用到其他情况。 3. 颠倒是非。干扰项的内容常涉及原文中提及的一些内容或现象,但选项的意思却与原文恰恰相反。 4. 无中生有。这种类型的干扰项往往是基本的生活常识或普遍认可的观点,但在文章中并无相关的信息支撑点。另外,这种干扰项也有可能与设置的问题毫不相干。 5. 扩缩范围。为了准确、严密地表达文章内容,命题者特别注意对文意范围的限定,有时通过加上 almost , all , nearly , more than , normally , usually 等词语对文意加以限制。 “ 扩缩范围 ” 干扰法就是在选项中通过改变或去掉限制性词语,将信息的范围、程度、感情色彩等改变,从而给考生解题造成干扰的命题方法。 [ 典例 1 ] (2018· 江苏卷,阅读 C) There are solutions that could light a path toward a more sustainable and fair farm economy, but farmers can’t clumsily put them together before us.We at the NYFC need broad support as we urge Congress to increase farmland conservation, as we push for immigration reform, and as we seek policies that will ensure the success of a diverse and ambitious next generation of farmers from all backgrounds.With a new farm bill to be debated in Congress, consumers must take a stand with young farmers. 推断隐含意思 64.What should farmers do for a more sustainable and fair farm economy? A.Seek support beyond NYFC. B.Expand farmland conservation. C.Become members of NYFC. D.Invest more to improve technology. 答案 A [ 推断隐含意思题。根据文中的 “ We at the NYFC need broad support...all backgrounds ” 可知,除了需要 NYFC 的支持,农场主还需要获得其他的帮助。故选 A 。 ] [ 典例 2 ] (2019· 江苏卷,阅读 C) Even more worryingly, the fascination with the internet by people in rich countries has moved the international community to worry about the “digital divide” between the rich countries and the poor countries.This has led companies and individuals to donate money to developing countries to buy computer equipment and internet facilities.The question , however, is whether this is what the developing countries need the most.Perhaps giving money for those less fashionable things such as digging wells, extending electricity networks and making more affordable washing machines would have improved people’s lives more than giving every child a laptop computer or setting up internet centres in rural villages.I am not saying that those things are necessarily more important, but many donators have rushed into fancy programmes without carefully assessing the relative long-term costs and benefits of alternative uses of their money. 62.The example in Paragraph 4 suggests that donators should ________. A.take people’s essential needs into account B.make their programmes attractive to people C.ensure that each child gets financial support D.provide more affordable internet facilities 答案 A [ 推理判断题。根据本段可知,作者认为与其给发展中国家的人们捐钱买电脑及网络设备,倒不如买能切实提高人们生活水平的物品,言外之意,捐献者应该把人们的基本需求考虑进来,故选 A 项。 ] 1. 推断作者观点态度 [ 典例 3 ] (2019· 北京卷,阅读 C) The problem of robocalls has gotten so bad that many people now refuse to pick up calls from numbers they don’t know.By next year, half of the calls we receive will be scams ( 欺诈 ).We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools , apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through.Unfortunately, it’s too little, too late.By the time these “solutions” ( 解决方案 ) become widely available , scammers will have moved onto cleverer means.In the near future , it’s not just going to be the number you see on your screen that will be in doubt.Soon you will also question whether the voice you’re hearing is actually real. 推断观点态度 38.How does the author feel about the solutions to the problem of robocalls? A.Panicked. B.Confused. C.Embarrassed. D.Disappointed. 答案 D [ 观点态度题。根据第一段的内容特别是 “ By the time...onto cleverer means.( 等这些 ‘ 解决方案 ’ 被广泛使用时,诈骗者们就会有更 ‘ 高明 ’ 的手段 ) ” 可推知,作者对骚扰电话的解决方案不乐观,感到失望 (disappointed) ,故选 D 项。 panicked 惊慌的; confused 迷惑的; embarrassed 尴尬的。 ] 2. 推断文中人物或组织的观点态度 [ 典例 4 ] (2019· 全国卷 Ⅲ ,阅读 B) “ China is impossible to overlook , ” says Hill. “ Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion—they are central to its movement. ” Of course, not only are today’s top Western designers being influenced by China—some of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese. “ Vera Wang , Alexander Wang , Jason Wu are taking __ on Galliano , Albaz, Marc Jacobs—and beating them hands down in design and sales , ” adds Hill. 25.What does Hill say about Chinese women? A.They are setting the fashion. B.They start many fashion campaigns. C.They admire super models. D.They do business all over the world. 答案 A [ 观点态度题。根据本段中的 “ ...Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion—they are central to its movement.( …… 中国女性不仅是时尚的消费者 —— 她们是这场运动的核心 ) ” 可以推断出,她们正在引领潮流,故选 A 项。 ] 解题技巧 —— “ 忠于措辞 ” 定选项 1. 文章作者或文中人物对某事物所持的观点或态度往往隐含在文章的字里行间或流露于修饰词之中,注意文中作者或人物的措辞。 (1) 正确掌握字里行间所隐含或流露的意思,切不可用自己的观点来代替作者或文中人物的观点。 (2) 留意那些描写所处氛围的语言及表达情感、态度或观点的词语或句子。 (3) 结合平时所积累的有关英语国家的文化传统、风俗习惯等的背景知识来进行合理的推断。 (4) 关注首段首尾句,推断文章主题,确定作者观点。 2. 要分清选项中的表示支持或肯定、中立、反对或否定的词语,再以此对照文章内容。下面是一些常见的有关作者情感、态度的词语: (1) 表示支持或肯定的词语 favorable 赞同的,有利的; positive 积极的,肯定的,确实的; supportive 支持的; approval 赞成,正式批准; reasonable 合理的; enthusiastic 热情的等。 (2) 表示反对或否定的词语 critical 批评的; negative 否定的,消极的; disapproval 不赞成; impractical 不切实际的,不现实的; radical 激进的; prejudiced 有成见的,偏颇的等。 [ 典例 5 ] (2018· 江苏卷,阅读 C) If you want to disturb the car industry, you’d better have a few billion dollars: Mom-and-pop carmakers are unlikely to beat the biggest car companies.But in agriculture, small farmers can get the best of the major players.By connecting directly with customers, and by responding quickly to changes in the markets as well as in the ecosystems ( 生态系统 ), small farmers can keep one step ahead of the big guys.As the co-founder of the National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC ,美国青年农会 ) and a family farmer myself, I have a front-row seat to the innovations among small farmers that are transforming the industry. 推断写作意图 For example, take the Quick Cut Greens Harvester, a tool developed just a couple of years ago by a young farmer, Jonathan Dysinger, in Tennessee, with a small loan from a local Slow Money group.It enables small-scale farmers to harvest 175 pounds of green vegetables per hour—a huge improvement over harvesting just a few dozen pounds by hand—suddenly making it possible for the little guys to compete with large farms of California.Before the tool came out, small farmers couldn’t touch the price per pound offered by California farms.But now, with the combination of a better price point and a generally fresher product, they can stay in business. 61.The author mentions car industry at the beginning of the passage to introduce ________. A.the progress made in car industry B.a special feature of agriculture C.a trend of development in agriculture D.the importance of investing in car industry 答案 B [ 写作意图题。文章开头作者提到小型汽车制造商不可能打败最大的汽车公司,但在农业方面,小农户却可以比大农户更有优势。由此推知,作者在开头提到汽车行业是为了通过对比,介绍农业的特点,故选 B 。 ] 62.What does the author want to illustrate with the example in Paragraph 2? A.Loans to small local farmers are necessary. B.Technology is vital for agricultural development. C.Competition between small and big farms is fierce. D.Small farmers may gain some advantages over big ones. 答案 D [ 写作意图题。根据第二段中的例子和该段中的 “ suddenly making it possible for the little guys to compete with large farms of California ” 可知,小农场主可能会获得比大农场主更多的优势。故选 D 。 ] [ 典例 6 ] (2019· 北京卷,阅读 D) By the end of the century, if not sooner, the world’s oceans will be bluer and greener thanks to a warming climate , according to a new study. At the heart of the phenomenon lie tiny marine microorganisms ( 海洋微生物 ) called phytoplankton.Because of the way light reflects off the organisms, these phytoplankton create colourful patterns at the ocean surface.Ocean colour varies from green to blue , depending on the type and concentration of phytoplankton.Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas, while reducing it in other spots, leading to changes in the ocean’s appearance. Phytoplankton live at the ocean surface, where they pull carbon dioxide ( 二氧化碳 ) into the ocean while giving off oxygen.When these organisms die, they bury carbon in the deep ocean , an important process that helps to regulate the global climate.But phytoplankton are vulnerable to the ocean’s warming trend.Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth , since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow, but also nutrients. Stephanie Dutkiewicz, a scientist in MIT’s Center for Global Change Science, built a climate model that projects changes to the oceans throughout the century.In a world that warms up by 3 ℃ , it found that multiple changes to the colour of the oceans would occur.The model projects that currently blue areas with little phytoplankton could become even bluer.But in some waters, such as those of the Arctic, a warming will make conditions riper for phytoplankton, and these areas will turn greener. “ Not only are the quantities of phytoplankton in the ocean changing , ” she said , “but the type of phytoplankton is changing.” And why does that matter? Phytoplankton are the base of the food web.If certain kinds begin to disappear from the ocean, Dutkiewicz said, “it will change the type of fish that will be able to survive.”Those kinds of changes could affect the food chain. Whatever colour changes the ocean experiences in the coming decades will probably be too gradual and unnoticeable, but they could mean significant changes. “ It’ll be a while before we can statistically show that the changes are happening because of climate change , ” Dutkiewicz said , “but the change in the colour of the ocean will be one of the early warning signals that we really have changed our planet.” 45.What is the main purpose of the passage? A.To assess the consequences of ocean colour changes. B.To analyse the composition of the ocean food chain. C.To explain the effects of climate change on oceans. D.To introduce a new method to study phytoplankton. 答案 C [ 写作意图题。文章主要论述了随着气候变暖,全球的海洋将会变得更蓝、更绿,即气候变化对海洋有影响,故 C 项正确。 ] 解题技巧 1 . 文体特点推意图 (1) 记叙文:一般会在首段或尾段出现高度概括的总结性语言,且往往有一定的哲理性,所有的叙述都是围绕该哲理展开的。 (2) 应用文:文章中有对某种物品或服务的详尽介绍,使用具有明显支持倾向的语言。 (3) 说明文:写作目的有赖于对文章主旨的把握,阅读时需要找准主题句。 (4) 议论文:提出论点 —— 进行论证 —— 得出结论,作者的意图往往隐含于最后一部分中。 2. 看写作手法找答案 (1) 在文章开头提出问题或介绍与主题有关的其他事物时答案中往往会含有 to bring in/to introduce the topic 等字眼。 (2) 举例或引用某人的话时答案中往往会含有 to support/to show... [ 典例 7 ] (2019· 全国卷 Ⅲ ,阅读 D) Monkeys seem to have a way with numbers. A team of researchers trained three Rhesus monkeys to associate 26 clearly different symbols consisting of numbers and selective letters with 0-25 drops of water or juice as a reward.The researchers then tested how the monkeys combined—or added—the symbols to get the reward. 推断文章来源 Here’s how Harvard Medical School scientist Margaret Livingstone, who led the team, described the experiment : In their cages the monkeys were provided with touch screens.On one part of the screen, a symbol would appear , and on the other side two symbols inside a circle were shown.For example, the number 7 would flash on one side of the screen and the other end would have 9 and 8.If the monkeys touched the left side of the screen they would be rewarded with seven drops of water or juice; if they went for the circle, they would be rewarded with the sum of the numbers—17 in this example. After running hundreds of tests, the researchers noted that the monkeys would go for the higher values more than half the time, indicating that they were performing a calculation, not just memorizing the value of each combination. When the team examined the results of the experiment more closely, they noticed that the monkeys tended to underestimate ( 低估 ) a sum compared with a single symbol when the two were close in value—sometimes choosing, for example , a 13 over the sum of 8 and 6.The underestimation was systematic: When adding two numbers, the monkeys always paid attention to the larger of the two, and then added only a fraction ( 小部分 ) of the smaller number to it. “ This indicates that there is a certain way quantity is represented in their brains , ” Dr.Livingstone says. “ But in this experiment what they’re doing is paying more attention to the big number than the little one. ” 35.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear? A.Entertainment. B.Health. C.Education. D.Science. 答案 D [ 文章出处题。全文围绕科学实验展开 —— 研究者训练猴子并对其进行测试后发现猴子能够进行简单的加法运算,但有时计算的结果不够精确。由此可知,该文章可能出现在报纸的科学版上。 ] 解题技巧 做 “ 推断文章来源 ” 题时,可根据文章内容或文中个别词句来判定文章的出处。常见的几种情况有: 1. 文章前面有日期、地点或通讯社名称 → newspaper 2. 推销介绍新产品 → advertisement 3. 文章中有 click here 等网络用语 → website 4. 旅游胜地方面的介绍 → travel guide 5. 时尚、名人或娱乐方面的介绍 → magazine/journal/entertainment section 6. 科普知识 → science report 7. 文化教育性的文章 → education section [ 典例 8 ] (2019· 全国卷 Ⅲ ,阅读 C) The trend, then, was toward the “penny paper”—a term referring to papers made widely available to the public.It meant any inexpensive newspaper; perhaps more importantly it meant newspapers that could be bought in single copies on the street. 推断读者对象 30.Who were the newspapers of the new trend targeted at? A.Local politicians. B.Common people. C.Young publishers. D.Rich businessmen. 答案 B [ 读者对象题。根据第二句 “ It meant any inexpensive newspaper ; perhaps more importantly it meant newspapers that could be bought in single copies on the street. ” 新趋势意味着报纸便宜,或许更重要的是,它意味着在街上能够买单份的报纸。由此推知,新趋势下,报纸面向的读者是普通大众。 ] 解题技巧 先确定文章主题,再根据文章具体细节或文中个别词句判断读者对象。 [ 典例 9 ] ( 新课标全国卷 Ⅰ ,阅读 A) The Cambridge Science Festival Curiosity Challenge Dare to Take the Curiosity Challenge! The Cambridge Science Festival (CSF) is pleased to inform you of the sixth annual Curiosity Challenge.The challenge invites , even dares school students between the ages of 5 and 14 to create artwork or a piece of writing that shows their curiosity and how it inspires them to explore their world. ... 推断文体类型 Between March 10th and March 15th , each winner will be given the specifics of the closing ceremony and the Curiosity Challenge celebration.The programme guidelines and other related information are available at : http : // cambridgesciencefesti v al . org . 23.What type of writing is this text? A.An exhibition guide. B.An art show review. C.An announcement. D.An official report. 答案 C [ 文章类型题。由标题 “ Dare to Take the Curiosity Challenge ! ( 敢不敢来参加好奇心挑战 ) ” 和文章最后一句 “ The programme guidelines and other related information...( 该节目指南和相关信息在 …… ) ” 可知,这是一则通知。此外,根据文中提到的参与人员、参与作品、何时颁奖等信息都是明显的提示,这是一则通知 (An announcement.) 。故选 C 。 ] 解题技巧 做此类试题时,考生需依据不同的文体特点和文章内容来判断文体类型。如:新闻报道的第一段为导语;科普说明文首段会出现 scientists have found , the research/study shows that 等表明实验结果的句子;议论文作者会提出某个观点或看法等。查看更多