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江苏省沭阳县 2019-2020 学年高二下学期期中调研测试 英语试题 第一部分 听力(共 20 题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the man think of John? A. Foolish. B. Greedy. C. Jealous. 2. How can the woman get to the supermarket? A. Walking two blocks and getting to it. B. Walking to the second crossing and turning right. C. Walking two blocks and turning left. 3. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Leave a message. B. Go to a party. C. Write an invitation. 4. What does the woman advise the boy to do? A. Not to drink coffee. B. Not to eat much sugar. C. Put some sugar into the coffee. 5. What does the man suggest? A. Taking Tim to see the doctor. B. Buying some ripe tomatoes. C. Buying some medicine for Tim. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. When are the speakers going to meet? A. On Saturday morning. B. On Sunday evening. C. On Saturday evening. 7. What does the woman probably do? A. A film star. B. A musician. C. A football player. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8. Where will the girl meet her uncle and cousins? A. In the railway station. B. At the taxi station. C. In the train. 9. Where did the girl spend her summer vacation last year? A. At her uncle’s. B. In the forest. C. At home. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Lawyer and client. B. Friends. C. Doctor and patient. 11. What does this conversation probably take place? A. At the Seashore Park. B. At the Bird Island. C. On the phone. 12. What are the speakers talking about? A. Visiting the museum. B. Going sightseeing. C. Collecting Coins. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Boss and clerk. B. Waiter and customer. C. Friends. 14. What does the woman do? A. Waitress in a restaurant. B. Servant in a hotel. C. Manager in a restaurant. 15. How does the woman help the man? A. She talks with her boss at once. B. She will bring the man to see her boss tomorrow. C. She will help the man open a restaurant. 16. What does the woman think is the most important thing as a waiter? A. Being punctual. B. Smiling to customers. C. Following the boss’s advice. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. What time does the speaker get to the office every day? A. At 8:20 am. B. At 8:40 am. C. At 9:20 am. 18. What does the speaker usually do first at the office? A. She writes to her friends. B. She does some library work. C. She deals with some reports. 19. What does the speaker do with the “Trouble Reports”? A. She copies them and hands them out. B. She solves the problems and writes replies. C. She types them up and puts them in the computer files. 20. Why is the department so busy now? A. They have to change systems. B. There are a lot of books on sale. C. Preparations to move are being made. 第二部分 单项填空(共 10 题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题纸上将该项涂黑。 21. They drove along with all the car windows ______. A. wound up B. winding up C. winded up D. wind up 22. Since the Amish value seeing each other face to face, they ______ having telephones in their houses. A. opposed B. are opposed C. oppose D. oppose to 23. When you are absorbed in a book or simply trying to rest, the phone always seems to be ringing, destroying ______ peace you might have. A. whichever B. whatever C. on matter which D. no matter what 24. Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, introduced the idea in 1953______ aspirin had the potential to reduce the risk of heart attacks, because it helped the blood circulate better. A. which B. when C. why D. that 25. Penicillin became the greatest drug of the 20th century, _______ millions of lives. A. to save B. saving C. saved D. being saved 26. My brother took the pills for only three days before he fully recovered, so the medicine _______ very effective. A. proves B. is proved C. proved D. was proved 27. _______ acupuncture developed, the simple bian stones were replaced by stone needles. A. As B. With C. If D. Unless 28. With the Internet, people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can ______ and communicate with others around the world. A. construct B. correspond C. counter D. classify 29. It was too dark, and I couldn’t _______ the words written on the wall. A. make up B. make for C. make out D. make sure 30. The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents_______ over the past year. A. increase B. increases C. have increased D. has increased 第三部分 完形填空(共 20 题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 A dog waiting on a roadside for four years has finally been reunited with its owner thanks to a social media post. Anuchit Uncharoen happened to be there. He 31 passing by the dog and seeing it being 32 by a woman late in the afternoon. When he 33 her, he learned that the dog was thought to have been 34 . The woman said she 35 took the dog to her home, but the 36 friend escaped and returned to the street, waiting for its 37 . Since then, the nice 38 had been regularly bringing food to him and making sure he was 39 . Others in the community had been 40 , too. The dog’s heartbreaking situation made the 41 online, eventually reaching his owner. He got in touch with Anuchit and explained that he and his family 42 a dog named BonBon four years ago. Their dog had the same 43 as the one in the pictures. The owner said that BonBon was with them on a trip to a relative. His dog might have 44 out of the car while on the road. He and his family 45 for BonBon back in the roads but without luck. They 46 their pet dog had died and were 47 to discover him alive and well. When the owner paid BonBon a visit, surprisingly, the dog 48 to go with him, even if his tail wagged with 49 . Someone once said, he might only be here for a(n) 50 of your life, but for him, you are his whole life. So remember to be kind to them. 31. A. recalled B. considered C. regretted D. admitted 32. A. attacked B. hugged C. fed D. pushed 33. A. approached B. left C. advised D. remembered 34. A. caught B. abandoned C. accepted D. relieved 35. A. unwillingly B. anxiously C. hopefully D. initially 36. A. fierce B. devoted C. brave D. innocent 37. A. supporter B. visitor C. owner D. reporter 38. A. partner B. passer-by C. reader D. woman 39. A. healthy B. awake C. lucky D. calm 40. A. praising B. helping C. following D. listening 41. A. wishes B. news C. notes D. rounds 42. A. picked B. gained C. lost D. rescued 43. A. appearance B. figure C. character D. size 44. A. looked B. walked C. jumped D. dropped 45. A. prepared B. searched C. reached D. answered 46. A. assumed B. announced C. proved D. doubted 47. A. satisfied B. embarrassed C. confused D. excited 48. A. agreed B. hoped C. refused D. managed 49. A. surprise B. delight C. trouble D. anger 50. A. total B. amount C. part D. sum 第四部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A Many of us grow up with dreams of becoming a scientist, teacher, doctor or lawyer. Now, there are more career choices for young people. Earlier this March, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced 16 new professions. Some of these professions have made great contributions in the fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP). Here we have chosen three for you. Let’s take a look. Respiratory therapists Since the outbreak of the NCP, respiratory diseases have become a great concern. This is where respiratory therapists come in. According to US News, a respiratory therapist cares for patients who have trouble breathing or suffer from heart attacks, or shock. Due to their frequent communication with patients, they need to be adept at socializing, helping others, and teaching. Artificial intelligence (AI) trainers From Siri to robots on the assembly line, AI has become an important part of our lives. To improve on this technology, AI trainers regularly sort and add data to AIs to improve their analysis process, which helps AIs to better meet people's needs. Amid the NCP outbreak, AI trainers in the US, for example, used artificial intelligence to look for social posts that mentioned specific symptoms resembling NCP. Then, the AI created a publicly accessible map that attempted to live-track the virus. Prefabricated building constructors Erecting a building is quite common, but finishing its construction in a short period, even within a week, is highly unusual. However, prefabricated building constructors can make that a reality. According to Forbes magazine, they can quickly assemble a variety of components of a structure at a manufacturing site and then transport those sub-assemblies to the location of the construction site. During the NCP outbreak, Leishenshan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital were built in 14 days and 10 days respectively, thanks to the efforts of such skilled constructors. 51. Why does respiratory therapist become a new profession? A. Because the outbreak of the NCP, more patients with breathing trouble or heart attack or shock need caring for. B. Because the outbreak of the NCP nurses are in short. C. Because the job is well paid. D. Because more people like the job. 52. How do AI trainers help AIs serve the people better? A. They repair them when AIs breakdown. B. They update the AIs to improve their analysis process. C. They create new system. D. They design new AIs. 53. How long did it take to build Leishenshan Hospital during the NCP outbreak? A. 7 days. B. 10 days. C. 14 days. D. 15 days. B A robot called Bina48 has successfully taken a course in the philosophy of love at Notre Dame de Namur University (NDNU), in California. According to course instructor William Barry, associate professor at NDNU, Bina48 is the world’s first socially advanced robot to complete a college course, a feat he described as “remarkable.” The robot took part in class discussions, gave a presentation with a student partner and participated in a debate with students from another institution. Before becoming a student, Bina48 appeared as a guest speaker in Barry’s classes for several years. One day when addressing Barry’s class, Bina48 expressed a desire to go to college, a desire that Barry and his students positively supported. Rather than enroll Bina48 in his Robot Ethics: Philosophy of Emerging Technologies course, Barry suggested that Bina48 should take his course Philosophy of Love instead. Love is a concept Bina48 doesn’t understand, said Barry. Therefore the challenge would be for Barry and his students to teach Bina48 what love is. “Some interesting things happened in the class,” said Barry. He said that his students thought it would be straightforward to teach Bina48 about love, which, after all, is “fairly simple — it’s a feeling,” said Barry. But the reality was different. Bina48 ended up learning “31 different versions of love,” said Barry, highlighting some of the challenges humans may face when working with artificial intelligence in future. Bina48 participated in class discussions via Skype and also took part in a class debate about love and conflict with students from West Point. Bina48’s contribution to the debate was filmed and posted on YouTube. It was judged that Bina48 and NDNU classmates were the winners of this debate. In the next decade, Barry hopes Bina48 might become complex enough to teach a class, though he says he foresees robots being used to better the teaching and learning experience, rather than replacing instructors completely. 54. What was Bina48’s performance like in class? A. Unattractive. B. Insignificant. C. Far-reaching. D. Extraordinary. 55. What does the underlined word “addressing” in paragraph 3 probably mean? A. Giving a speech to. B. Consulting with. C. Dealing with. D. Sending a letter to. 56. What can we learn from the passage? A. It was interesting for Bina48 to learn about love. B. It was quite tough for Bina48 to learn about love. C. Humans can launch a challenge to artificial intelligence. D. Artificial intelligence may somehow be superior to man. 57. What does Barry think of the future development of Bina48? A. It will surely be able to serve as a teacher. B. It will completely take the place of instructors. C. It will be able to promote learning and teaching. D. It will be smart enough to control human beings. C At the appointed time, I returned to the Big House. My hesitating ring at the gate brought out Estella. She locked it after admitting me, as she had done before, and again led me into the dark passage where her candle stood. I followed her silently, She didn’t even shoot a glance at me over her shoulder, I knew I was nothing but dust in her eyes. The passage was a long one, and seemed to go through under the whole square. It was so designed as the master didn’t allow the servants to be seen when not in need. They crossed only half of the tunnel; however, Estella stopped, and put her candle down and opened a side door. Here, the daylight reappeared, and I found myself in a small paved courtyard, the opposite side of which was formed by a separate house. On the outer wall of this house there was a clock which was like the one in Miss Havisham’s room. What made me puzzled was that it also had stopped at twenty to nine. Then I spotted a doorplate on the wall, from which I knew it belonged to the manager. We went in by the door, which stood open, and into a damp room with a low ceiling and a small window, on the ground floor at the back. There was some company sitting in the dim light, and Estella said to me as she went towards, “You are to go and stand there, till you are wanted.” She pointed to the window. I went over and stood by the window, in an uncomfortable mind but I didn’t care. 58. Why didn’t Estella bother to give a glance at “me” ? A. Because he had been there before. B. Because he was an uneducated boy. C. Because she looked down upon him. D. Because Estella was a loyal servant. 59. The passage was designed underground____________. A. to keep the servants out of sight B. to protect the servants from cold C. to save the flowers in the garden D. to have more space for building 60. Why was the hero(男主角) totally confused? A. The small yard was well paved. B. The clock stopped at 8:40, too. C. The house was lonely at the back. D. The doorplate was very striking. 61. What does the underlined word “company” stand for? A. A servant. B. A visitor. C. The manager. D. The owner. D China is developing a system that recognizes individuals by their body shape and walking movements. Systems that recognize human faces are already being used to identify people in crowds or as a secure way to unlock personal devices. The new system, known as “gait recognition”, is already on trial by police on the streets of Beijing and Shanghai. The Chinese technology company Watrix developed the system. The company announced last month that it had raised $ 14. 5 million to speed up the development and sale of the technology. The system works in a similar way to face recognition. Cameras capture video of people in public places. Then, machines powered by artificial intelligence (Al) examine and study the video. Facial recognition systems identify the shapes and expressions on a person’s face to identify them. Gait recognition uses a person’s body shape and their way of walking to identify them. The system records a person’s shape and movements and then creates a model of the way they walk. Huang Yongzhen is a former researcher who co-founded Watrix in 2016. He told the Associated Press his system can identify people from up to 50 meters away. It is designed to work even when a person’s face is covered or hidden. Huang says his gait recognition system is correct 94 percent of the time. This is below the success rate of many face recognition systems. But he says the system can still be helpful to police and for other commercial purposes. He also believes the system can be effective when used together with face recognition. Gait recognition is not new. The technology has been researched by scientists in Japan and Britain and by U. S. defense officials for about 10 years. But attempts to sell the technology have been slow. One of the reasons why the technology has not developed further is that the systems are more complex than facial recognition. 62. What can we learn from the first paragraph? A. A system that can recognize human faces is around the corner. B. It is tough to accurately follow a person in crowds. C. A system that can identify a person by walking is being developed. D. A new system that can check a body shape is under way. 63. What do you know about Watrix mentioned in the passage? A. It has invented a lot of systems adopted by the police. B. It has earned $ 14. 5 million by inventing the system. C. It has become famous for the face recognition system. D. It has got well prepared for the new system. 64. Facial recognition is similar to gait recognition because__________. A. cameras catch video of people’s expressions B. a person’s body shape can be recognized very easily C. cameras record video of a person in public places D. a person’s action will be sent to the police 65. What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. Japan and Britain kept a secret about the system. B. The systems of gait recognition are hard to develop further. C. Gait recognition will suffer a poor market very soon. D. Almost no one understands how gait recognition runs. 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。 Many healthcare workers know that washing hands is important to prevent the spread of infectious disease. 66 During a study conducted by Nicas and Best at Berkley University, they counted the number of times people touched their face with their hands. 67 Whether we are aware of our actions or not, most of us can agree that we touch our face with our hands frequently enough. Imagine that you are able to record a full day of your actions. Better yet, reflect on what you did when you woke up yesterday morning. Let me give you an idea of my previous morning. I was woken by the alarm clock at 6 am. 68 Then I checked my phone for messages, turned on the TV for my morning news, started making my coffee and finally hit the shower. It wasn’t even 5 minutes from the time I awoke and I already touched different objects. The point of this is to be aware that even in our homes we are exposed to germs in places we don’t realize. Luckily, the human body has amazing defense against harmful germs. 69 Our white blood cells are like soldiers coming to the rescue. Unfortunately, there are a lot of areas on our face that do not have the protection of skin such as the eyes and mouth. There’s a reason to every wise proverb and our parents annoying us to wash our hands before dinner is not for nothing. 70 If you have children, it is even more important to set the example because children often learn from adults. Let’s start a good habit of washing hands. As for your friends, don’t be shy about checking to make sure their hands are clean. Asking someone if they have washed their hands is caring. Checking to see if someone has washed their hands will benefit not only that person but also you and your family. A. Our skin is the first line of defense. B. Several minutes later, I turned off the alarm clock. C. It is easy for us to admit that we wash our hands regularly. D. They are more self-aware that hand washing should be practiced as needed. E. Most importantly, it is our duty to set the right example for friends and family. F. They found that the subjects touched their face 15.7 times per hour on average. G. Do the rest of your family members, especially children, wash their hands regularly? 第五部分 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。请将答案的完 整形式写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。 The giant panda, also 71 (know) as panda bear or simply panda, is a bear native 72 south central China.In the past many years, the giant panda 73 (drive) out of the lowland areas where it once lived as a result of farming, deforestation and other 74 (develop).Wild population estimates vary:one estimate shows that there are about 1,590 individuals 75 (1ive) in the wild, while a 2006 study estimated that this figure could be as high as 2,000 to 3,000.Some reports also show that 76 number of giant pandas in the wild is on the rise. The West first learned of the giant panda on March11, 1869, 77 the French missionary(传教士) Armand David received a panda skin from a hunter.In 1936, Ruth Harkness became the first Westerner 78 (bring) a live giant panda named Su Lin to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago.To protect the pandas, in 2012, Earthwatch Institute, a global nonprofit that teams volunteers with scientists to conduct important 79 (science) research, launched a program called “On the Trail of Giant Panda”.This program, based in the Wolong National Nature Reserve, allows volunteers to work up close with pandas cared for in captivity (圈养), and help them 80 (gradual) adapt to life in the wild. 第六部分 单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 81. Satellite dishes can often be seen ______________(分布) throughout the countryside and remote areas. 82. Some cyclists make the a_____________ that traffic laws do not apply to them, but this is not true. 83. The new ways of digging _____________(加快) the pace of the London Underground’s development. 84. In 1854, the British government gave _____________ (批准) to the construction of an underground railway in the centre of London. 85. U______________, the number of vehicles on the road caused unbelievable traffic jams, and the roads became so busy that no one could travel anywhere. 86. The main drawbacks of the Internet are that it has too much information that has not been evaluated for (准确性). 87. Aspirin and penicillin have saved millions of people’s lives, which means that they are b______________ to mankind. 88. He immediately realized that the mould might have an ________________( 应 用 ) in treating illness caused by bacteria. 89. With the click of a mouse, a student will find abundant information from the largest libraries and museums in the world at his or her c____________. 90. If you drive after you have consumed alcoholic drinks or are drunk, you are v _________the law and risking your own life as well as the lives of others. 第七部分 书面表达(满分 20 分) 假定你是李华,是一名高中学生,你所在的城市要举办一次演讲活动,以致敬奋战在抗 击新型冠状病毒第一线的医护人员。假如你被选中参加此次活动,请你写一篇演讲稿。 内容包括以下几点: 1. 表达谢意; 2. 个人感悟; 3. 呼吁大家戴口罩、勤洗手、避免聚集等,为预防疾病传播作出贡献并表述信心。 注意:1. 词数 130 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 参考词汇:新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus 传染病 epidemic Dear medical workers, 【参考答案】 听力:1-5 BCBBA 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 CBCAB 16-20 BBAAC 单选:21-25 ACBDB 26-30 CABCD 完形填空:31-35ACABD 36-40 BCDAB 41-45 DCACB 46-50ADCBC 阅读理解:51-53 ABC 54-57 DADC 58-61 CABC 62-65 CDCB 七选五:66-70 DFBAE 语法填空: 71. known 72. to 73. has been driven 74. development 75. living 76. the 77. when 78. to bring 79. scientific 80.gradually 单词拼写: 81. distributed 82. assumption 83. accelerated 84. approval 85. Unfortunately 86. accuracy 87. beneficial 88. application 89. command 90. violating 书面表达: Dear medical workers, I am Li Hua, a senior high school student. On behalf of my school, I sincerely want to express my appreciation to you for your devotion in the battle against the novel coronavirus. During this epidemic, all of you, regardless of the shortage of equipment and the potential risk of infection, desperately rescue those infected. It is you who make us boost our confidence to defeat the novel coronavirus. As a matter of fact, we can never convey our gratitude for your great contributions enough. In order for the epidemic to be controlled, we’d better cultivate good habits, including washing our hands thoroughly and frequently, wearing masks when in public places and avoiding gathering together. I’m definitely convinced that with combined efforts China will win the battle and make a quick recovery. Thank you for your attention.

