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绝密★启用前 河北省定州中学 2017-2018 学年高二(承智班)下学期期末 考试英语试题 评卷人 得分 一、阅读理解 If you’re DIY-minded, you can build your own solar power system. In some you can even build your own solar panels, although the amount that you can effectively DIY home solar depends on how much you want to power. Making your own solar panel is a time-consuming process and requires some electrical skills. However, it can also be very regarding—leaning to build your own panel is a great way to understand how electricity in generated. Before you can build your own solar panels, you first need to understand how solar cells generate electricity. Once you’ve bought individual solar cells (they can be purchased online), the basic process for building your own solar panel goes like this: Prepare the backing for your panel. Many DIY solar panel builders prefer to use a wooden board as the base for their solar cells. You’ll need to drill holes m the board so that the wires for each cell can pass through. Wire your solar cells together. This requires some experience for electrical work. Use a soldering iron (烙 铁) to attach wire to the solar cells and then link each of the cells together. Attach cells to your backing. If possible, attach each solar cell to the backing individually. This makes it easier to replace a single cell in the event that becomes damaged or is not operating properly. At this point you have a functional solar panel that can produce electricity when the sun shines. However, a solar panel by itself is not useful. If you are trying to generate electricity to power devices in your home, you need to pair your panel with inverter (转换器) that will turn direct current (DC) power from the sun into alternating current (AC) power used in most electronic devices. 1.What does the author think of building DIY solar panel in paragraph 1? A. It is easy. B. It is necessary. C. It is common. D. It is worthwhile. 2.What’s the first step of building your own solar panel? A. Master the advanced knowledge of science. B. Buy individual solar cells. C. Prepare the backing for your panel. D. Drill holes in the wooden board. 3.Why are solar cells connected to the wooden board separately? A. To produce more power. B. To pass through the wooden board easily. C. To attach cells to the backing tightly. D. To substitute damaged cells easily. 4.What can be inferred from the text? A. People with electrical skills have advantages over those without in DIY solar panels. B. A functional solar panel can give power to your home devices directly. C. How to pair an inverter depends on how much power you want to power. D. A wooden board is a must for your own solar panels. 【答案】 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 【解析】本文是一篇科普文章。作者认为构建 DIY 太阳能板是值得的。并告诉你如何 建造你自己的太阳能电池板。通过本文我们了解到,拥有电技能的人比那些没有 DIY 太阳能电池板的人更有优势。 1.D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句 However, it can also be very regarding—leaning to build your own panel is a great way to understand how electricity in generated.可知,在第 1 段中作 者认为构建 DIY 太阳能板是值得的。故选 D。 2.B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句 Before you can build your own solar panels, you first need to understand how solar cells generate electricity.可知,建造你自己的太阳能电池板的第一 步是购买单独的太阳能电池。故选 B。 3.D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句 This makes it easier to replace a single cell in the event that becomes damaged or is not operating properly.可知,太阳能电池单独连接到木板上是 为了容易地替换受损细胞。故选 D。 4.A 推理判断题。根据第一段中 If you’re DIY-minded, you can build your own solar power system. In some you can even build your own solar panels, although the amount that you can effectively DIY home solar depends on how much you want to power. Making your own solar panel is a time-consuming process and requires some electrical skills. However, it can also be very regarding—leaning to build your own panel is a great way to understand how electricity in generated.可知,拥有电技能的人比那些没有 DIY 太阳能电池板的人更有优势。故选 A。 Carri Kessler and her husband Will named their daughter Ottilie after a friend from the U. K, who helped them a lot. However, right after their baby girl was born, the couple noticed a big problem. “No one could remember her name and no one could pronounce it. We’re going to keep having to introduce her!” Kessler told Today.com. The situation then grew worse as Kessler’s grandmother admitted to sticking Post-It notes around the house to help remind her of Ottilie’s name which can be pronounced either Ott-ill-ee or Oh-TEEL-ya. Three months after Ottilie was born, the Kesslers have decided to legally change their daughter’s name. The couple came up with two possible names. They then settled on Margot after talking to a name expert. The Kesslers’ situation is not uncommon as an increasing number of parents experience the same as the Kesslers. According to Baby Center Canada, 11% of its users wish they could change their children’s names due to being over popular, mispronounced or simply unfitting. Parents care a lot more and think a lot more about names now than their parents. To deal with this, a number of name experts now offer services to help parents choose the right name. Couples have also sought help from the Internet to choose their baby’ name. However, parents can change their child’s name in the event that they regret their choice. In Canada, the rules vary in each province. For instance, in Ontario, the child must have lived in the province for the past 12 months, or since birth if under the age of one. Each of the child’s legal guardians (监护人) must also give permission. 5.Why did Kessler and her husband name their daughter Ottilie? A. It was very special and unusual. B. It was at the request at their mother. C. It was recommended by a name expert. D. It could remind them of their British friend. 6.What’s the function of the example about the Kesslers? A. To ask for advice on their situation. B. To introduce the topic of the text. C. To show the background of the text. D. To stress the importance of a suitable name. 7.What can we learn from the third paragraph? A. The Kessler’s experience is no exception. B. Unfitness is the main reason for changing names. C. 11% of Canadians are unsatisfied with their babies’ names. D. Parents always pay more attention to children’s names. 8.What is the main idea of the text? A. Rules for name change. B. Ways to name babies. C. Baby name regret. D. A couple’s anxiety. 【答案】 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 【解析】本文是一篇社会类短文阅读。文章主要讲述了现在许多父母不喜欢孩子的名字, 希望改变他们孩子的名字。 5.细节理解题。根据文章第一段 Carri Kessler and her husband Will named their daughter Ottilie after a friend from the U. K, who helped them a lot.可知,Carri Kessler 和她的丈夫给 他们女儿名叫 Ottilie 是因为在英国的朋友 Ottilie 帮助他们很多。故选 D。 6.推理判断题。根据文章可知,文章举 Kesslers 给女儿取名的例子是为了引出文章的 主题。故选 B。 7.段落大意题。根据文章第三段由其第一句 The Kesslers’ situation is not uncommon as an increasing number of parents experience the same as the Kesslers.可知,此段主要讲述许多父 母和 Kessler 的经历一样。故选 A。 8.主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了现在许多父母不喜欢孩子的名字,希望改变他们孩子 的名字。故选 C。 Dundonald Care Club has a jam-packed, exciting and fun-filled program of activities and outings for your child to participate in. Information Open: Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm, from Monday 14 to Monday 21 October (inclusive) Costs: £18 per day (8:00 am―6:00 pm) £10 per half day (8:00 am—1:00 pm or 1:00 pm~~6:00 pm) £80 fulll week Please note that bookings MUST be made 2 weeks in advance and paid in FULL. Dundonald Care Club (available at Dundonald only) Date Type of booking Activity am Activity pm Monday 14 October Full day Eglington Park, Irvine Tuesday 15 October Full day West FM Studio Tour Wednesday 16 October Half day or Full day Athletics and Badminton Dundonald Castle Thursday 17 October Full day Rouken Glen Country Park Friday 18 October Half day or Full day Halloween Crafts Cold baking—some sweet treats Monday 21 October Full day Spooky storytelling, Halloween decorations then Halloween party including cooking for apples Please check the program on whether a full or half day booking is available. Weather not permitting, a suitable alternative activity may be provided. 9.If you go to the Dundonald Care Club on Monday and Friday, you at least pay ________. A. £36 B. £28 C. £98 D. £90 10.What will visitors do at 8:00 am—1:00 pm, 16 October? A. Make Halloween crafts. B. Do some sports activities. C. Prepare some sweet treats. D. Have a West FM Studio Tour. 11.What information can we learn from the passage? A. There are no activities at weekends. B. Outings are the center of the program. C. The activity will be cancelled in bad weather. D. The booking is available from 14 to 21 October. 【答案】 9.B 10.B 11.A 【解析】本文为应用文。文章主要介绍了 Dundonald Care Club 的相关信息,如开放时 间,收费情况以及开展的活动等。 9.细节理解题。根据文章 Costs: £18 per day (8:00 am―6:00 pm),£10 per half day (8:00 am—1:00 pm or 1:00 pm~~6:00 pm)以及表格中所列 Monday 14 October Full day,Friday 18 October Half day or Full day 可知,最少是一天半的费用,18+10=28,所以选 B。 10.细节理解题。根据表格所列 Wednesday 16 October Half day or Full day Activity AM Athletics and Badminton 可知,10 月 16 日上午的活动主要是体育运动,所以 B 正确。 11.细节理解题。根据表格所列内容可以看出活动主要是在周一到周五,周末没有活动, 所以 A 正确。 In summer the extreme heat often makes people sweaty and restless. While people are annoyed by it, experts suggest summer is the best season to discharge(排放) your body’s toxins(毒素) and recover your energy. One popular option is hot-stone massage(按摩). Therapists use smooth and heated stones, usually river rocks, to massage certain parts of the body, or place them on key points of the body. The warmth of the hot stones will improve blood circulation and also help relax muscles, while sweating is also believed to be good for discharging the body’s toxins. Another popular option is hot-stone baths. The hot-stone bath will help the body discharge toxins and humidity ( 湿 气 ) that accumulated during the last winter. Summer is the best season to build a good body. Rather than use water or steam to heat and wash the body, people simply wear a coat or something comfortable, and then lie on heated stone tablets made of hot stones, which are warmed to around 45℃. The body will gradually warm up and blood circulation will also be improved. More sweat will come out quickly. The sweat is smooth and fresh, not smelly like that released after sports activities. Such baths bring a number of health benefits, such as anti-aging, improved blood circulation and stress relief. The slimming effect of dieting can even be promoted. Using hot stones for healing dates back to ancient times, but the modern renewal of hot-stone massage is generally credited to Mary Nelson, a native of Tucson, Arizona, America, whose trademark is “LaStone Therapy”. The therapy is gaining wide popularity with many people, especially those who have jobs in cool air-conditioned rooms. The hot-stone therapy can help cure many diseases, including back pain. 12.What do people use to release toxins in our body according to the text? A. Swimming in white water. B. Living in cold winter. C. Lying on the warm beds. D. Discharging lots of sweat. 13.What can we know from the text? A. There are no toxins and humidity in the body in summer. B. Sports have greater effects on the health than hot-stone massage. C. Using water of about 45℃ to wash the body is good for the health. D. People should take advantage of summer to improve their health. 14.What can be learned about the hot-stone therapy? A. It was invented by Mary Nelson, an American. B. It successfully cured many people of cancer. C. It is popular with people because of its excellent effects. D. It can help people avoid sweating too much in hot summer. 15.Which of the following could be the best title for the text? A. How to live comfortably in summer B. A healthy and comfortable lifestyle C. The amazing functions of the hot-stone therapy D. The origin and development of the hot-stone therapy 【答案】 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.C 【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了有利于人们排毒的热石按摩和热石浴。 12.细节理解题。根据文章最后一句话 while sweating is also believed to be good for discharging the body’s toxins.可知,人们排毒的方法是出汗。故选 D。 13.细节理解题。根据文章第三段 Summer is the season to build a good body.可知,夏天 是一个强健身体的好季节,所以 D 正确。而根据 The hot-stone bath will help the body discharge toxins and humidity (湿气) that accumulated during the last winter.可知,A 错误。 文章并没有提到运动对健康的益处大于热石按摩,B 项错误。根据 Rather than use water or steam to heat and wash the body, people simply wear a coat or something comfortable, and then lie on heated stone tablets made of hot stones, which are warmed to around 45℃.可知, 文章是说把石头加热到 45℃,并不是说用 45℃的水洗澡,C 错误。故选 D。 14.细节理解题。根据第四段 Using hot stones for healing dates back to ancient times, but the modern renewal of hot-stone massage is generally credited to Mary Nelson, a native of Tucson, Arizona, America, whose trademark is “LaStone Therapy”.可知,热石疗法古代就 有,Mary Nelson 只是复兴了这种疗法,故 A 错误。根据最后一段 The hot-stone therapy can help cure many diseases, including back pain.可知,没提到 cancer,故 B 错误。根据文 章最后一段 The therapy is gaining wide popularity with many people, especially those who have jobs in cool air-conditioned rooms.可知,C 正确。而 D 项与原文不符,热石疗法是 让大家出汗。故选 C。 15.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了热石疗法及其神奇功效,所以 C 项 (热石疗法的神奇功效)是最佳题目。 【点睛】文章主题和中心思想的阐述往往需要大量细节信息的支持,这些细节对于理解 全文内容至关重要,同时也是归纳和概括文章中心思想的基础。命题人往往会要求考生 根据不同的要求阅读文章,以获得某些特定的信息,或准确地寻求所需的细节,并对细 节进行直接或间接辨认和理解。文章细节的理解可以细化为:(1)一一对应型。答案 与题目在表达形式和意义上直接吻合,一一对应,一目了然。属于浅层次的阅读试题, 分数比例较少。(2)语言转述型。这是一类间接事实细节题,答案与题目在意义上充分 运用了词义之间的转述关系,即正确选项是原文有关词语和句子的另类表达。属于中档 难度题,分数比例较大。(3)语意理解型。这是一类深层事实细节理解题,答案与题目 之间存在着一定的逻辑联系,这种联系需要建立在事实的基础上通过上、下文来进行判 断、分析、归纳和整合,才能得出正确答案。属于较高难度的事实细节题。(4)是非辨 别型。这是一类综合事实细节题,出题形式常常是“三正一误”(三项正确,只有一项 不符合原文内容)或“三误一正”(三项错误,只有一项符合原文内容)。(5)事实排序型。 这是一类运用多项事实进行排序的事实细节题,要求根据动作发生的先后顺序、时间顺 序或者句子之间的逻辑关系,找出时间发生,发展的正确顺序。 此题中的第二小题为是语义理解型,根据文章第三段 Summer is the best season to build a good body.可知,夏天是一个强健身体的好季节,所以人们应该充分利用夏天来改善他 们的身体,故 D 项是正确的。 评卷人 得分 二、完形填空 My mother has always been involved in early-childhood education. She often set the scene for children to ______ the joy of physical activity, getting them excited and ______ to learn. Mum was so proud of me after I ______ the triathlon at the 2000 Olympics, but before the dust ______, she grabbed me, saying: ‘"Now this is your ______. Use it.” She wasn’t speaking from an economic point of view but talking about the ______ of my being a role model, encouraging kids to ______ their dreams. Since the Olympics, I have ______ more than 100 schools. I talk to the kids about “living a life less ______ a concept passed on to me by my parents—the idea of ______ being average. I tell them that what you believe, you will ______. As I was a kid, my mother came to every ______ ---not to pressure me but to ______ me. One of my favorite sports-related memories was when I was ______ in the Canadian Triathlon Championships. As I ran by a big truck, I saw my mother ______ on top of one of its huge wheels, cheering for me. I find it sad when people say their parents have never seen them ______. When I was at the University, I completed only one semester and then decided to ______ so I could race professionally full-time. Mum was the first person I called. It was a ______ moment. I wasn’t sure how she would react. “Mum, I have this opportunity, and I think I’m going to take it. What do you think?” She was as ______ as ever. It turned out to be a good ______. Supporting your children, trusting their decisions, giving well-thought-out advice—those are definitely important qualities. 16.A. experience B. evaluate C. express D. expect 17.A. afraid B. ready C. relaxed D. reluctant 18.A. won B. chose C. played D. watched 19.A. rose B. settled C. flew D. appeared 20.A. luck B. time C. crossroad D. opportunity 21.A. demand B. happiness C. courage D. importance 22.A. display B. follow C. appreciate D. abandon 23.A. served B. attended C. visited D. started 24.A. energetic B. colorful C. miserable D. ordinary 25.A. never B. always C. seldom D. usually 26.A. neglect B. achieve C. suspect D. assume 27.A. practice B. school C. game D. kindergarten 28.A. support B. reward C. instruct D. comfort 29.A. surfing B. jumping C. jogging D. running 30.A. sitting B. speaking C. standing D. performing 31.A. compete B. succeed C. separate D. compromise 32.A. drop in B. drop off C. drop out D. drop back 33.A. magic B. nervous C. critical D. serious 34.A. attractive B. talkative C. imaginative D. supportive 35.A. consideration B. intention C. suggestion D. decision 【答案】 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.D 21.D 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.D 30.C 31.A 32.C 33.B 34.D 35.D 【解析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者的母亲一直从事儿童早期教育。作者从事铁 人三项运动。母亲一如既往地支持作者,结果证明这是一个很好的决定。 16.A 考查动词。A. experience 体验;B. evaluate 评价;C. express 表达;D. expect 期盼, 预测。根据上句 My mother has always been involved in early-childhood education.可知,她 经常为孩子们设定一个场景,让他们体验到体育活动的乐趣,让他们兴奋起来,准备学 习。故选 A。 17.B 考查形容词。 A. afraid 害怕的;B. ready 有准备的;C. relaxed 放松的; D. reluctant 不情愿的。她经常为孩子们设定一个场景,让他们体验到体育活动的乐趣,让他们兴奋 起来,准备学习。故选 B。 18.A 考查动词。A. won 赢得;B. chose 选择;C. played 玩;D. watched 观看。在 2000 年的奥运会上我赢得了铁人三项后,妈妈为我感到骄傲,但在尘埃落定之前,她抓住了 我,说:“现在这是你的机会。”故选 A。 19.B 考查动词。A. rose 上升;B. settled 解决;C. flew 放飞;D. appeared 出现。在 2000 年的奥运会上我赢得了铁人三项后,妈妈为我感到骄傲,但在尘埃落定之前,她抓住了 我,说:“现在这是你的机会。”故选 B。 20.D 考查名词。A. luck 运气;B. time 时间;C. crossroad 十字路口;D. opportunity 机 会。在 2000 年的奥运会上我赢得了铁人三项后,妈妈为我感到骄傲,但在尘埃落定之 前,她抓住了我,说:“现在这是你的机会。”故选 D。 21.D 考查名词。A. demand 要求;B. happiness 幸福;C. courage 勇气;D. importance 重要性。她不是从经济的角度说的,而是在谈论我作为一个榜样的重要性,鼓励孩子们 追随他们的梦想。故选 D。 22.B 考查动词。 A. display 展示;B. follow 跟随;C. appreciate 欣赏,感激; D. abandon 遗弃。她不是从经济的角度说的,而是在谈论我作为一个榜样的重要性,鼓励孩子们追 随他们的梦想。故选 B。 23.C 考查动词。 A. served 服务;B. attended 参加,照料;C. visited 访问;D. started 开 始。自奥运会以来,我参观了 100 多所学校。故选 C。 24.D 考查形容词。A. energetic 精力充沛的;B. colorful 富有色彩的;C. miserable 痛苦 的;D. ordinary 普通的。我和孩子们谈论着“过着一种不那么平凡的生活——我的父母 传给我的概念——从来都不是普通人的想法。”故选 D。 25.A 考查副词。A. never 从来没有;B. always 总是;C. seldom 很少;D. usually 通常。 我和孩子们谈论着“过着一种不那么平凡的生活——我的父母传给我的概念——从来都 不是普通人的想法。”故选 A。 26.B 考查动词。A. neglect 疏忽;B. achieve 取得成就;C. suspect 怀疑;D. assume 假 定。我告诉他们,你相信什么,你就会实现。故选 B。 27.C 考查名词。A. practice 练习;B. school 学校;C. game 游戏;D. kindergarten 幼儿 园。当我还是个孩子的时候,我的母亲来参加每一场比赛——不是为了给我压力,而是 为了支持我。故选 C。 28.A 考查动词。A. support 支持;B. reward 奖励;C. instruct 指导;D. comfort 使舒适。 当我还是个孩子的时候,我的母亲来参加每一场比赛——不是为了给我压力,而是为了 支持我。故选 A。 29.D 考查动词。A. surfing 冲浪;B. jumping 跳跃;C. jogging 慢跑;D. running 跑。我 最喜欢的体育相关记忆之一是我参加加拿大铁人三项锦标赛时跑步的情景。故选 D。 30.C 考查动词。A. sitting 坐;B. speaking 讲话;C. standing 站立;D. performing 表演。 当我在一辆大卡车上奔跑时,我看到我的母亲站在一个巨大的轮子上,为我欢呼。故选 C。 31.A 考查动词。A. compete 竞赛;B. succeed 成功;C. separate 分开;D. compromise 妥协。当人们说他们的父母从未见过他们比赛时,我感到很难过。故选 A。 32.C 考查动词词组。A. drop in 拜访;B. drop off 减少;C. drop out 退出;D. drop back 退后。当我在大学的时候,我只完成了一个学期,然后决定退学,这样我就可以在专业 上做全职工作。故选 C。 33.B 考查形容词。A. magic 有魔力的;B. nervous 紧张不安的;C. critical 批评的;D. serious 严肃的,认真的。妈妈是我第一个打电话的人。那是一个紧张的时刻。我不知道 她会作何反应。根据 I wasn’t sure how she would react.可知 B 项正确。 34.D 考查形容词。A. attractive 具有吸引力的;B. talkative 爱说话的;C. imaginative 富 于想象的;D. supportive 支持的。她一如既往地支持我。结果证明这是一个很好的决定。 故选 D。 35.D 考查名词。A. consideration 考虑;B. intention 意图;C. suggestion 建议; D. decision 决定。她一如既往地支持我。结果证明这是一个很好的决定。故选 D。 评卷人 得分 三、七选五 How to Raise Money for Your Favorite Charity At the end of the year, we are often inspired to do more for people in need. 36. Don’t worry. Here’s a quick and easy tip-list to make such a worthy act successful. • 37. You need to make sure that both you and your participants enjoy the event. So keep it simple and make sure that you add some fun, whether it’s special decoration, a bag for each participant or guest, or a special theme. • Get team support. 38. Teamwork may give you some new ideas and help give a unique feature to your event. Make sure that you break down the work among your team. • Plan for the “what-ifs?” If you are planning to hold an event outdoors, or if you are relying on a famous person as a guest of honor, make sure you think of a few possible alternatives. 39. This is the key to successful event planning. • Timing is everything. Check your community calendar to make sure there are no important community events on the day when you are planning your event. You might need to check with other communities or non-profit organizations nearby. 40. • Check out your favorite charity’s website for ideas. Many websites offer advice on how to raise money. For example, the human rights charity Amnesty International lists events and ideas on its website. A. Tell the charity about the event. B. Keep it fun and simple. C. Turn to your teammates for some creative ideas. D. Have no idea of where to begin? E. Try to pick the date that will bring in the best attendance. F. Remember to thank anyone who has donated. G. What if it starts raining or if your honored guest doesn’t show up? 【答案】 36.D 37.B 38.C 39.G 40.E 【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了为慈善组织募捐的一些小窍门。 36.根据本空后的 Don’t worry.和和 tip-list 可知,这里指不要担心“不知从何入手”,本 文将给出为慈善组织募捐的一些小窍门。故选 D。 37.根据本段中的关键词 simple 和 fun 可知,本段建议 Keep it fun and simple.让(募捐活 动)有趣且简单。故选 B。 38.本段给出的建议是获得团队支持。C 项(向团求助,获得一些有创意的点子)是获得 团队支持的一个方法。故选 C。 39.本段给出的建议是为意外状况做好打算。根据本空前的 If you are planning to hold an event outdoors, or if you are relying on a famous person as a guest of honor 可知,G 项是上述 两种计划可能出现的意外,即:“下雨”和“贵宾没有出席”。故选 G。 40.本段给出的建议是规划好活动的举办时间。本空前两句提到要查看自己社区以及附 近社区或组织的活动安排,避免在你组织活动的那天有其他重要的活动,这样做的目的 就是“尽量选择能带来最高出席率的日期”。故选 E。 第 II 卷(非选择题) 请点击修改第 II 卷的文字说明 评卷人 得分 四、短对话 41.Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In an office. B. In a theatre. C. In a restaurant. 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 此题为听力题,解析略 【详解】 此题为听力题,解析略。 42.How old is the man now? A. About 20. B. Nearly 40. C. Over 60. 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 此题为听力题,解析略 【详解】 此题为听力题,解析略。 43.What is the man going to do? A. Go to the information counter. B. Take a train to leave New York. C. Check the price of the ticket. 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 此题为听力题,解析略 【详解】 此题为听力题,解析略。 44.What do we learn about the man? A. He quitted his job. B. He has got two job offers. C. He is doing a part-time job. 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 此题为听力题,解析略 【详解】 此题为听力题,解析略。 45.What does Mr. Anderson do? A. He is a teacher. B. He is a librarian. C. He is a repairman. 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 此题为听力题,解析略 【详解】 此题为听力题,解析略。 评卷人 得分 五、长对话或独白 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 46.What is The Western Teacher? A. A story. B. A book. C. A magazine. 47.When did the man start writing books? A. When he was at school. B. After he came to Paris. C. Since the year of 2004. 【答案】 46.C 47.B 【解析】 【分析】 此题为听力题,解析略。 46.此题为听力题,解析略 47.此题为听力题,解析略 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 48.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Customer and waiter. 49.What must have caused the speakers’ stomach aches? A. The fish. B. The soup. C. The apples. 50.Where will the speakers go? A. To the market. B. To the hospital. C. To the restaurant. 【答案】 48.A 49.C 50.B 【解析】 【分析】 此题为听力题,解析略。 48.此题为听力题,解析略 49.此题为听力题,解析略 50.此题为听力题,解析略 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 51.What are the speakers talking about? A. New films. B. Popular cinemas. C. Film-seeing habits. 52.What seems to bother the woman at the cinema? A. The uncomfortable seat. B. The noisy people. C. The long waiting time. 53.What do we know about the man? A. He prefers seeing new films at the cinema. B. He enjoys seeing films with friends. C. He likes talking about new films. 【答案】 51.C 52.B 53.A 【解析】 【分析】 此题为听力题,解析略。 51.此题为听力题,解析略 52.此题为听力题,解析略 53.此题为听力题,解析略 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 54.Why does David go to Professor Smith for help? A. He had trouble with today’s lecture. B. He missed all the classes last week. C. He wanted to learn how to take notes. 55.What should David do at the start of each class? A. Have a short talk with the professor. B. Look through the notes from last class. C. Take down the main points of the lecture. 56.How can David find the most important information to write down? A. By remember all the details of the lecture. B. By reading the notes taken by his classmates. C. By focusing on the organization of the lecture. 57.How many suggestions has Professor Smith given to David? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 【答案】 54.A 55.C 56.C 57.B 【解析】 【分析】 此题为听力题,解析略。 54.此题为听力题,解析略 55.此题为听力题,解析略 56.此题为听力题,解析略 57.此题为听力题,解析略 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 58.Who brought silk to Europe in the thirteenth century? A. Napoleon. B. Marco Polo. C. Leonardo da Vinci. 59.What do we know about silk today? A. It is used by famous dress designers. B. It is much cheaper than in the past. C. It is very popular among painters. 60.Why does the speaker give the talk? A. To encourage people to learn designing. B. To persuade people to buy silk clothes. C. To introduce the history of silk trade. 【答案】 58.B 59.A 60.B 【解析】 【分析】 此题为听力题,解析略。 58.此题为听力题,解析略 59.此题为听力题,解析略 60.此题为听力题,解析略 评卷人 得分 六、短文改错 61.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文 中共有 10 处语言 错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 I’ve been Britain for two years. My friends in China sometime write to me, asked me how long I’ll stay here, and when I’m thinking of returning home. The answer to their question is simple: I do not know how to return home. At the moment, I have no reason to return back to China. I like living in Britain: I enjoy meeting British people and travel around the country. I am expected to have more chances to eat the British food. My study is very interesting, and there are so many things I didn’t know about Britain that I hope to discover it in the future. 【 答 案 】 【解析】【文章大意】文章介绍了作者在英国的生活和感受。 第一处:考查介词。句意:我在英国已经两年了。Britain 属于较大的地方,故前面加介 词 in。 第二处:考查介词。句意:我中国的朋友们有时候给我写信。sometime 是名词,意为“某 个 时 间 ” 。 sometimes 是 副 词 , 意 为 “ 有 时 候 ” 。 结 合 语 境 , 应 将 sometime 改 为 sometimes。 第三处:考查非谓语动词。asked me how long I’ll stay here 是伴随状语,主语 my friends 和 ask 之间是主动关系,故用现在分词做主语。 第四处:考查名词。question 是可数名词,上一句提到的“how long I’ll stay here, and when I’m thinking of returning home”是两个问题,故该处应用名词复数形式。 第五处:考查特殊疑问词。根据上一句中的“when I’m thinking of returning home”可知, 应将 how 改为 when:我不知道何时回家。 第六处:考查副词。return 意为“返回”,不和 back 连用,应去掉。 第七处:考查动名词。meeting British people 和 travel around the country 做 enjoy 的宾语, enjoy 后只接动名词作宾语,故将 travel 改为 traveling。 第八处:我期望有更多的机会吃英国食物。主语 I 和 expect 之间是主动关系,该句应用 主动语态,不应用被动语态。故应将 expected 改为 expecting。 第九处:考查时态。根据整篇文章语境可知,该句应用现在时态,故将 didn’t 改为 don’t。 第十处:考查代词。句意:我希望在未来发现它们。discover 的宾语是前文提到的 many things,代指复数名词应用 them。 评卷人 得分 七、提纲类作文 62.假定你是李华,你校将举行“中国诗词朗诵”活动,外教 Thomas J.对中国诗词非常 感兴趣,请给他写封邮件邀请他参加。内容包括: 1. 活动时间、地点; 2. 活动意义。 注意:1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】Dear Thomas J., I would like to invite you to the activity called “Reading and “Reciting Chinese Poetry”. It will be held in the school lecture hall from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. next Friday. All the students and teachers are welcome to attend it. We are very delighted to know that you are very interested in Chinese poetry. Reading and reciting Chinese poetry can not only help us to learn more Chinese culture but also helps us learn to write Chinese poems through the activity. I would appreciate it if you could join us in the significant activity. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】本文书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封电子邮件。 第 1 步:根据提示可知,本篇是一篇电子邮件:你校将举行“中国诗词朗诵”活动,外教 Thomas J.对中国诗词非常感兴趣,请给他写封邮件邀请他参加。内容包括:活动时间、 地点;活动意义。 第 2 步:根据写作要求确定关键词,如:“Reading and “Reciting Chinese Poetry”(中国诗 词朗诵);in the school lecture hall(学校演讲厅);join us in the significant activity(参加这 有意义的活动)等。 第 3 步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态语态问题。 第 4 步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范 清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 【亮点说明】 本文是一封电子邮件,格式正确,内容符合要求,采用三段式,文中使用高级句子。I would like to invite you to the activity called “Reading and “Reciting Chinese Poetry”.过去分词做后 置定语;It will be held in the school lecture hall from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. next Friday.句中使用一 般将来时态的被动语态;I would appreciate it if you could join us in the significant activity.使 用固定句式 I would appreciate it if---。

