新课标2021高考英语一轮复习课时作业174-2Workingtheland 人教版必修4

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新课标2021高考英语一轮复习课时作业174-2Workingtheland 人教版必修4

课时作业17 4-2 Working the land Ⅰ.阅读下列各句,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。‎ ‎1.Two men were struggling with each other ________ the possession of a small jewel box.‎ ‎2.The poor suffered from ________ (hungry).‎ ‎3.A man passing by sent me to a nearby hospital, and thanks ________ his help,I received the medical treatment in time.‎ ‎4.It's important to get rid ________ bad habits.‎ ‎5.There was a ________ (satisfy) smile on her face.‎ ‎6.The people there are fighting to gain their ________ (free) from foreign control.‎ ‎7.To tell the truth,I would rather that I ________ (take)the pain instead of you. You don't know how worried I was.‎ ‎8.The film star wears sunglasses. ________,he can go shopping without being recognized.‎ ‎9.They need a lot of ________ (equip) to do the experiment.‎ ‎10.I'm sorry I don't know you. Maybe you are ________ (confuse) me with someone else. ‎ ‎11.He regretted ________ (waste) so much time playing computer games.‎ ‎12.The young man was modest and worked hard, and gradually managed to build ________ his status.‎ ‎13.I focused ________ my lessons, which led ________ the progress.‎ ‎14.Please keep the table free ________ dirt by putting a cover over it.‎ ‎15.The manager made no comment ________ my suggestion at the meeting.‎ ‎16.The heavy rain made ________ hard to go to work as usual.‎ ‎17.Since then, finding ways to reduce pollution ________ (be) his goal.‎ ‎18.He became the first farmer ________ (grow) rice on a large scale.‎ 8‎ ‎19.What is surprising to us is that Tom, for ________ English was once boring, can speak English fluently as if he were a native speaker.‎ ‎20.I can't afford ________ (buy) such a big flat.‎ 答案 ‎1.for 2.hunger 3.to 4.of 5.satisfied 6.freedom ‎7.had taken 8.Therefore/Thus 9.equipment ‎10.confusing 11.wasting/having wasted 12.up ‎13.on/upon; to 14.of/from 15.on 16.it ‎17.has been 18.to grow 19.whom 20.to buy Ⅱ.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Being outspoken is a quality that, when used with skill and wisdom, can set you apart from the crowd. __1__ The quality of being outspoken is a positive and active skill.Here are some tips.‎ Gain selfknowledge(自我认识)through journaling.Knowing who you are,what you believe,and how you feel is the beginning of knowing yourself,and journaling is a great way to gain that knowledge.__2__Not only can you know yourself better,journaling is an excellent tool to improve selfconfidence.Selfconfidence is the foundation of being outspoken.‎ ‎__3__In order to be outspoken,you have to believe that your voice has worth.You have to believe that your input will make any conversation better.And it probably will!It's different opinions that make conversations or debates interesting.‎ Overcome shyness.The fact that you're confident doesn't mean you like hearing your own voice.__4__Overcoming a natural tendency towards shyness can seem horrible,but doing the opposite of your natural instinct can open up a whole new set of choices: brave choices.‎ Back up your opinion with facts.Some people feel uncomfortable having or expressing an opinion because they don't know much about a topic.__5__‎ A.Be confident.‎ B.Open your mind and speak it out.‎ 8‎ C.The next step is overcoming your shyness.‎ D.Practice journaling for 15 minutes each night before bed.‎ E.Being outspoken is to speak your mind—to be honest and frank.‎ F.Allowing the other parties to make their points fully can help you seem more reasonable.‎ G.You can combat this feeling and have more confidence about your opinion if you learn facts that can support your opinion.‎ 答案与解析 直言不讳是一种品质,当运用技巧和智慧时,它能使你远离人群。本文提供了四种直言不讳积极主动的技巧。即要有自知之明,要自信,要克服害羞,要用事实来说话。‎ ‎1.E 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。由上句句意:直言不讳是一种品质,当运用技巧和智慧时,它能使你远离人群。及下句:直言不讳的品质是积极主动的技巧。可知选E。‎ ‎2.D 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段第一句Gain selfknowledge through journaling.通过日志了解自己,要有自知之明。下句journaling is an excellent tool to improve selfconfidence.可知是每天晚上写日志。故选D。‎ ‎3.A 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。...you have to believe that your voice has worth. You have to believe that your input will make any conversation better.所以推断出A符合。‎ ‎4.C 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段的首句Overcome shyness.及下句Overcoming a natural tendency towards shyness can...由此可推断出C符合。‎ ‎5.G 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段第一句Back up your opinion with facts.及本段的内容可知是G项符合。‎ Ⅲ.完形填空 ‎(2018年高考·江苏卷)‎ Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment. Their savings had been__1__ to pay lawyers' fees. To make matters worse, Moth was diagnosed(诊断)with a __2__ disease. There was no __3__, only pain relief.‎ Failing to find any other way out, they decided to make a __4__ journey, as they caught sight of an old hikers'(徒步旅行者)guide.‎ 8‎ This was a long journey of unaccustomed hardship and __5__ recovery. When leaving home, Raynor and Moth had just£320 in the bank. They planned to keep the __6__ low by living on boiled noodles, with the __7__ hamburger shop treat.‎ Wild camping is __8__ in England. To avoid being caught, the Winns had to get their tent up __9__and packed it away early in the morning. The Winns soon discovered that daily hiking in their 50s is a lot __10__ than they remember it was in their 20s. Raynor __11__ all over and desired a bath. Moth, meanwhile, after an initial __12__, found his symptoms were strangely __13__ by their daily tiring journey.‎ ‎__14__, the couple found that their bodies turned for the better, with refound strong muscles that they thought had __15__ forever. “Our hair was fried and falling out, nails broken, clothes __16__ to a thread, but we were alive.”‎ During the journey, Raynor began a career as a nature writer. She writes, “__17__ had taken every material thing from me and left me torn bare, an empty page at the end of a(n) __18__ written book. It had also given me a __19__, either to leave that page __20__ or to keep writing the story with hope. I chose hope.”‎ ‎1.A.drawn up B.used up C.backed up D.kept up ‎2.A.mild B.common C.preventable D.serious ‎3.A.cure B.luck C.care D.promise ‎4.A.business B.walking C.bus D.rail ‎5.A.expected B.frightening C.disappointing D.surprising ‎6.A.budget B.revenue C.compensation D.allowance ‎7.A.frequent B.occasional C.abundant D.constant ‎8.A.unpopular B.lawful 8‎ C.attractive D.illegal ‎9.A.soon B.early C.late D.slowly ‎10.A.harder B.easier C.cheaper D.funnier ‎11.A.rolled B.bled C.ached D.trembled ‎12.A.struggle B.progress C.excitement D.research ‎13.A.developed B.controlled C.reduced D.increased ‎14.A.Initially B.Eventually C.Temporarily D.Consequently ‎15.A.gained B.kept C.wounded D.lost ‎16.A.sewn B.washed C.worn D.ironed ‎17.A.Doctors B.Hiking C.Lawyers D.Homelessness ‎18.A.well B.partly ‎ C.neatly D.originally ‎19.A.choice B.reward C.promise D.break ‎20.A.loose B.full C.blank D.missing 答案与解析 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Winn夫妇投资失败变得一无所有,更糟糕的是丈夫被诊断为重疾。然而他们没有放弃,决定徒步野外旅行。出乎意料的是,丈夫的症状渐渐减少了,夫妇二人变得越来越强壮了,妻子也开始了自然作家的生涯。‎ ‎1.B 考查动词短语以及对语境的理解。A.drawn up起草;B.used up用光;C.backed 8‎ ‎ up拥堵;D.kept up保持。根据后面的to pay lawyers' fees.提示可知,他们的积蓄都用光了。故选B。‎ ‎2.D 考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A.mild 温和的;B.common共同的;C.preventable可预防的;D.serious严重的。根据后句There was no ___3___,_only pain relief.可知,Moth被诊断为严重的疾病。故选D。‎ ‎3.A 考查名词以及对语境的理解。A.cure对策;B.luck幸运;C.care关心;D.promise诺言。名词cure在这里表示“治疗的方法”。没有任何治疗的方法,只有止疼。故选A。‎ ‎4.B 考查名词以及对语境的理解。A.business事务;B.walking步行;C.bus公交;D.rail栏杆。根据后句as they caught sight of an old hikers'(徒步旅行者)guide.可知,他们决定作一次徒步旅行。故选B。‎ ‎5.D 考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A.expected预期的;B.frightening令人害怕的;C.disappointing令人失望的;D.surprising令人惊讶的。这是一次漫长的旅程,经历了不寻常的艰苦和惊人的恢复。故选D。‎ ‎6.A 考查名词以及对语境的理解。A.budget预算;B.revenue税收;C.compensation赔偿; D.allowance津贴。他们计划靠吃煮面条来维持低预算。故选A。‎ ‎7.B 考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A.frequent频繁的;B.occasional偶尔的;C.abundant大量的; D.constant不断的。偶尔到汉堡包店款待。故选B。‎ ‎8.D 考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A.unpopular不受欢迎的;B.lawful合法的;C.attractive 吸引人的;D.illegal非法的。根据后句To avoid being caught,可知,在英国,野营是非法的。故选D。‎ ‎9.C 考查副词以及对语境的理解。A.soon不久;B.early早的;C.late迟的;D.slowly慢慢地。根据后句and packed it away early in the morning.中的early提示可知,他们不得不晚些时候把帐篷搭起来。故选C。‎ ‎10.A 考查形容词比较级以及对语境的理解。A.harder更难的;B.easier更容易的;C.cheaper更便宜的;D.funnier可笑的。根据常识可知,Winns夫妇很快发现在他们50多岁的每日徒步旅行要比他们所记的在他们20多岁的每日徒步旅行要艰难的很多。故选A。‎ ‎11.C 考查动词以及对语境的理解。A.rolled滚动;B.bled流血;C.ached疼;D.trembled发抖。根据常识可知,Raynor浑身疼。故选C。‎ ‎12.A 考查名词以及对语境的理解。A.struggle斗争;B.progress进展;C.excitement激动;D.research研究。经过最初的与病魔作斗争。故选A。‎ 8‎ ‎13.C 考查动词以及对语境的理解。A.developed发展;B.controlled控制;C.reduced减少;D.increased增加。发现他的症状不可思议的减少了。故选C。‎ ‎14.B 考查副词以及对语境的理解。A.Initially起初;B.Eventually最终;C.Temporarily临时地;D.Consequently因此。最终,这对夫妇发现他们的身体变好了。故选B。‎ ‎15.D 考查动词以及对语境的理解。A.gained获得;B.kept保持;C.wounded受伤;D.lost失去。根据前句with refound strong muscles 可知他们原以为永远失去的强壮的肌肉又再现了。故选D。‎ ‎16.C 考查动词以及对语境的理解。A.sewn缝;B.washed洗;C.worn穿破;D.ironed熨。这里指他们的衣服破成了线状物。故选C。‎ ‎17.D 考查名词以及对语境的理解。A.Doctors医生;B.Hiking徒步旅行;C.Lawyers律师;D.Homelessness无家可归。无家可归夺走了我所有的物质。故选D。‎ ‎18.B 考查副词以及对语境的理解。 A.well好;B.partly部分地;C.neatly整洁地;D.originally起初。在已写好书中的部分,最后有一页空白页。故选B。‎ ‎19.A 考查名词以及对语境的理解。A.choice选择;B.reward报酬;C.promise许诺; D.break休息。根据后句either to leave that page __20___ or to keep writing the story with hope.中either... or...可知这里是一种选择。它也给我一种选择。故选A。‎ ‎20.C 考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A.loose宽松的;B.full满的;C.blank空白的;D.missing失踪的。根据前文中an empty page at the end of a(n) __18___ written book.可知要么留下那页空白,要么继续写着希望的故事。故选C。‎ Ⅳ.语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎“Blessed by the pleasant weather, the island province of Hainan is fast becoming known as China's Florida”,__1__(draw) masses of retirees escaping the biting cold of their hometowns.‎ ‎“At home in Harbin, it can be -30°C, it is unbearable! But here the climate is __2__(suit),” said a 71yearold woman from the __3__(extreme) cold province of Heilongjiang. She __4__(move) each winter to Sanya over the past eight years.‎ ‎“Here the __5__(warm) is better for our health. We find so many people from our province __6__ we are sure we will not get bored.” said Qi Ningxia,__7__ 60yearold 8‎ ‎ man from Heilongjiang.‎ About 700,000 elderly people come to Sanya every winter, almost doubling __8__(it) population. Nearly half of these “migratory birds”,__9__they are called, come from the northern provinces in China.‎ The trend began in 2000 as people began buying Sanya apartments, opening business and persuading friends and families __10__(join) them, creating a snowball effect.‎ 答案与解析 本文讲述了海南岛气候宜人,吸引了很多的北方省份的人们到那里过冬。并且从2000年开始人们开始购买三亚的房产,创造了雪球效应。‎ ‎1.drawing 考查动词ing形式,句意:海南岛被称为“中国的佛罗里达”,吸引了大批退休人员逃离家乡的严寒。draw与海南岛是主动关系,故填drawing。‎ ‎2.suitable 考查形容词,句意:这里的气候宜人,suitable形容词作表语,故填suitable。‎ ‎3.extremely 考查副词,极度寒冷的extremely cold副词修饰形容词,故填extremely。‎ ‎4.has moved/has been moving 考查时态,由时间状语over the past eight years可知用现在完成时态,故填has moved/has been moving。‎ ‎5.warmth 考查名词,这里的温暖对我们有好处,the后边用名词,故填warmth。‎ ‎6. that 考查句型so... that...,句意:我们找到了如此多的我们省的人,以至于我们肯定不会感到无聊。故填that。‎ ‎7.a 考查冠词,a 60yearold man一位60岁的老人。故填a。‎ ‎8.its 考查代词,它的人口its population,故填its。‎ ‎9.as/which 考查非限制性定语从句,as/which引导非限制性定语从句,as/which指代整个主句,故填as/which。‎ ‎10.to join 考查动词不定式,persuade somebody to do something,劝说某人做某事,故填to join。‎ 8‎ 9‎

