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‎2016年高考英语作文满分范文 ‎【2016新课标1高考英语卷】 假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Mr Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format) 注意:     1. 词数100左右;     2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。 范文:Dear Ms Jenkins,     I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor.     In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital company. I have already finished my job application and personal resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume, so I don’t even know if there are something to pay attention to. So, I’m writing you the letter , hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grateful if you can help me.     Looking forward to your reply. And I’d be really thankful.     Yours,     Li Hua 译文:‎ 我是李华,我写信告诉你我的暑假计划,我也希望你帮我一个忙。 为了获得一些实际经验,我打算在一家外资公司做兼职工作。我已经完成了我的工作申请和个人简历。但这是我写的申请和个人简历的第一时间,我甚至不知道有什么要注意。所以,我写信给你,希望你能给我一些帮助。如果你能帮助我,我将非常感激。 期待你的回复。我真的很感激。‎ ‎ 【2016新课标2高考英语卷】 第二节书面表达(满分25分)  假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学摄影展。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品。信的内容包括:  1.主题:环境保护;  2.展览时间;  3.投稿邮箱:intlphotoshow@gmschool.com.  注意:  1.词数100左右;  2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。     范文:Dear Peter,     Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School student Photography Show. The theme of the show is environmental protection. It will start from June 15th and last three weeks. Any students who is interested in welcome to participate. I know you take good pictures and you've always wanted to do something for environmental protection. I remember you showed me some photos on that themethe last time you visitedour school. This is surely a good chance for more people to see them. If you want to join, youcan send your photos ‎ to . Hope to hear from you soon.     Yours     Lihua 译文:我们学校摄影俱乐部将举办国际高中学生摄影展。主题的展示是环保。它将从6月15日开始,持续三周。有兴趣的学生参加。我知道你拍了好的照片,你总是想做一些环保的事。我记得你告诉我,你上一次主题的一些照片visitedour学校。这无疑是一个很好的机会让更多的人看到他们。如果你想加入,你可以发送你的照片。 希望不久能收到你的来信。‎ ‎【2016新课标3高考英语卷】  假定你是李华,与留学生朋友Bob约好一起去书店,因故不能赴约。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:     1.表示歉意;     2.说明原因;     3.另约时间。 注意:     1.词数100左右;     2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 范文: Dear Bob,     I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that ‎ afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.     Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week.     Yours,     Li Hua 译文:很抱歉,我不能和你一起去书店星期五下午。我刚刚发现我要参加一个下午的重要的课堂。我希望这个变化不会给你带来太大的麻烦。 我们星期六上午去好吗?我们可以早出发,以便我们有更多的时间来阅读和选择书。如果方便的话,我们8:30在校门口见面。如果没有,让我知道什么时候最适合你。我应该在放学后的任何时间都在学校。‎ ‎【2016天津高考英语卷】 (书面表达)假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李津,你校拟向美国友好交流学校的中文班捐赠一批图书。请根据以下提示,写一封邮件与中文班班长Chris联系,并告知将于今年七月赴对方学校参加夏令营时带去赠书。  (1)自我介绍;  (2)拟捐赠图书的类型、册数、用途等;  (3)询问对方的其他需求。  注意:  (1)词数不少于100;  (2)请适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯。 ‎ ‎ 参考词汇:学生会 the Student Union  Dear Chris,  ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Yours,  Li Jin 范文:Dear_Chris,  How is everything going I am Li Jin, president of the Student Union from Chenguang Middle School. Now I am writing an e-mail to tell you something about our donated books. We will go to take part in the summer camp held by your school this July, which makes us very excited. At the same time, we are going to bring along about five hundred books with us for your class. Most of them are about Chinese and some about Chinese cooking as well. I believe these donated books will not only make you more familiar with China but help enhance your Chinese. By the way, if you need any other kind of books, please do tell me. Yours,  Li_Jin 译文:我是李进的一切,从晨光中学的学生会主席。现在我写一封电子邮件告诉你有关我们捐赠的书籍的东西。 我们将在你的学校今年七月举办的夏令营中参加,这让我们很兴奋。同时,我们将带着五百本书与我们一起上课。他们中的大部分是关于中国和一些关于中国烹饪。我相信这些捐赠的书籍不仅会使你更熟悉中国,而且有助于提高你的中文。 如果你需要其他种类的书,请告诉我。‎ ‎ 【2016北京高考英语卷】 假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华。你班同学参加了学校的“地球日”系列活动。请按照以下四幅图的先后顺序,以Actions for a Greener Earth”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,介绍活动的全过程。  注意:词数不少于60。  提示词:地球日Earth Day ‎  范文:Actions for a Greener Earth A week before Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth. Our class came up with the idea to make better use of used materials. We brought to our classroom worn-out clothes, pieces of cardboard and empty plastic bottles and turned those into dolls, handbags, tissue boxes and small vases. That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave them away to the people there. All were very happy with those unexpected gifts, especially little kids and elderly people. We did so well that we were invited to share our idea and experience with all the students of our school. We are very proud of ourselves and believe we can do more for a better world.‎ 译文:一个更环保的地球的行动 在地球日之前的一周,我们学校周围张贴了海报,呼吁我们加入一个更环保的地球的行动。 我们班想出了更好的利用材料的主意。我们把我们的教室破旧的衣服,纸板和塑料瓶碎片,把这些变成玩偶、手袋、纸巾盒、小花瓶。那个周末,我们去了附近的一个街区,把那里的人都给了他们。所有人都非常高兴与那些意想不到的礼物,特别是小孩子和老人。我们做得很好,我们被邀请分享我们的想法和经验,与我们学校的所有学生。 我们为自己感到骄傲,相信我们可以为一个更美好的世界做更多的事情。‎ ‎【2016江苏高考英语卷】 81.请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。  In recent years, internet voting has become increasingly popular in China. People not only cast on-line votes themselves, but also urge others to vote for competitions like the “Most Beautiful Teacher” and the “ Cutest Baby”.  Li Jiang, a high school student, is invited to vote in the “ Best Police Officer 冶 competition, organized by the local government to let the public have a better understanding of police officers’ daily work. Li Jiang visits the website and reads all the stories. He is deeply moved by their glorious deeds. He is already thinking of becoming a policeman himself in the future.  Su Hua is invited by his uncle to vote for his cousin in the “ Future Singer冶 competition. He has already received three similar invitations this week. His uncle tells him that if his cousin wins the competition, the family will win an oversea s tour for free. Su Hua likes his cousin very much, but he finds other singers perform even better. To vote, or not to vote This is a question that troubles him very ‎ much.   【写作内容】  1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;  2. 用约120个单词阐述你对网络投票的看法,并用2 ~3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。  【写作要求】  1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;  2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;  3. 不必写标题。 【评分标准】  内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。  范文 : On-line voting becomes increasingly popular, and many competitions get people involved in it. It is beneficial to some people, while it puts others into a dilemma over whether to vote or not.  In my opinion, on-line voting is an inseparable part of modern life and should be welcomed, since it is no more than a way to participate in public life. It makes no difference from ordinary voting events, in which candidates go around to seek supports. In addition, the Internet makes surveying and voting easy and convenient, regardless of time and space. Furthermore, voting on the Internet makes instant feedback possible.  To be honest, voters sometimes feel annoyed, not because they hate voting, but because they are divided between emotion and fairness. Things will turn for the ‎ better if we can work out some participation rules for people to obey. Therefore, I hold a positive attitude towards on- line voting.‎ 译文:在线投票变得越来越流行,许多比赛让人们参与其中。这对一些人来说是有益的,而这让其他人陷入了困境,是否投票。 在我看来,网上投票是现代生活中不可分割的一部分,应该受到欢迎,因为它不仅仅是一种参与公共生活的方式。这使得普通投票活动没有区别,在候选人四处寻求支持。此外,互联网使测量和投票方便,方便,无论时间和空间。此外,在互联网上投票使即时反馈成为可能。 说实话,选民们有时会感到很恼火,不是因为他们讨厌投票,而是因为他们在感情和公平之间存在分歧。如果我们能制定出一些参与的规则,事情会变好的,如果我们能制定出一些参与的规则。因此,我对在线投票持积极的态度。‎ ‎ 【2016浙江高考英语卷】 书面表达(满分30分)  “Planning is good ,but doing is better”是一句英国名言。请以此为题目用英语写一篇100-120词的短文。  要求如下:  1.简述你对这句名言的理解;  2.用一个具体事例加以说明;  3.给出恰当的结尾。  注意:1.文章的标题已给出(不计词数):  2.文中不得以任何形式透露地区、学校、老师或同学姓名等真实信息,否则按作弊行为认定。‎ 范文:Planning Is Good ,But Doing Is Better  Planning is good as it decides in detail how we do.However,a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried out. My experience in the English speech contest last October is a case in point.A month before the event,I Spent hours working out a schedule outlining my goals and practical steps.After that,I set out to read widely for an inspiring topic,wrote a speech,and practiced its delivery in beautiful prounnciation with good public speech skills.I finally came out of the contest as the first prize winner. I know how I achieved my success. It came from good planning and better doing combined.‎ 译文: 计划很好,但做得更好 计划是好的,因为它决定了我们如何做,但是,一个计划可以承担任何水果没有实际进行。 我的经验在英语演讲比赛中去年十月就是一个例子。在活动前一个月,我花了几个小时的工作制定一个时间表勾勒出我的目标和具体的实施步骤。在那之后,我开始为一个鼓舞人心的主题广泛阅读,写了一篇演讲,及其传递在美丽的prounnciation具有良好的公众演讲技巧练习。我终于从竞赛一等奖获得者。 我知道我是如何取得成功的。它来自良好的规划和更好地结合。‎

