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高考复习:任务型阅读答题常见词汇 Ⅰ.任务型阅读常见归纳词汇 表原因 reason(for);cause(of)‎ 表概括、总结 summary;conclusion 表目的 purpose;aim;goal 表特点 feature;characteristic;character 表种类 kind;type;category;class;form 表评论、评价 comment(on);remark(on/upon);assessment(of)‎ 表方式、方法 means;way;method;approach(to doing sth.)‎ 表问题 problem;question;issue 表建议 suggestion;advice;tip 表要求、需求 demand;need;requirement;qualification 表态度、观点 attitude;idea;opinion;viewpoint;view 表情绪、感觉 feeling;emotion;motivation 表用途、功能 use;usage;function 表步骤 step;procedure;process 表描述 description;appearance;look;color;size;length;width;distance;‎ height;shape;name;age;cost;event 表关系 relation;relationship;connection 表来源、历史 history;source;origin 表异同 difference;similarity 表影响、结果 effect(on);influence;impact;result;consequence 表反应 response;reaction 表措施、行动 measure;action;activity;behavior 表定义 definition 表利弊 benefit;advantage;disadvantage;convenience;shortcoming 表质量、数量 quality;quantity;amount;number 表情形、状况 situation;condition 表建立 build;create;establish;found 表必要、必须 must;necessity 表实现、完成 reach;realize;accomplish;achieve 表重要 value;importance;significance 表比较 contrast;comparison 表背景 setting;background Ⅱ.任务型阅读常见同义词转换 ‎1‎ take advantage of=make use of ‎31‎ in particular=particularly ‎2‎ by accident/chance=accidentally ‎32‎ deliberately=on purpose ‎3‎ take sth.into consideration/account=consider ‎33‎ out of the question=impossible ‎=less likely ‎4‎ in all/total=totally ‎34‎ take the risk of doing sth.=risk doing sth.‎ ‎5‎ oppose sth.=be against sth.=‎ object to sth.=disagree with sth.‎ ‎35‎ respect sb.=show respect for sb.‎ ‎=look up to sb.=be respectful to sb.‎ ‎6‎ in the beginning=at first ‎36‎ prepare=make preparations for ‎=get ready for ‎7‎ be responsible for=‎ take/shoulder/bear responsibility for ‎37‎ take in=absorb ‎8‎ take an active part in sth.=take part in sth.actively ‎38‎ appear=turn up=show up ‎9‎ approve of=in favor of=agree to=favor=subscribe to ‎39‎ give a description of=describe ‎10‎ have faith/trust in=trust=‎ believe in ‎40‎ lead to=cause=bring about=‎ result in ‎11‎ out of breath=breathlessly ‎41‎ be different from=differ from ‎12‎ cope with=deal with=handle ‎42‎ commit suicide=kill oneself ‎13‎ in a hurry/rush=hurriedly ‎43‎ succeed in doing sth.=manage to do sth.‎ ‎14‎ despite=in spite of ‎44‎ be in response to sth.=respond to ‎=react to ‎15‎ valuable=be of value ‎45‎ make up something new=invent ‎16‎ make an apology=apologize ‎46‎ a person with a physical disability ‎=a disabled person ‎17‎ encourage participation in=take part in=play a role in=‎ participate in ‎47‎ go through=experience ‎18‎ understand clearly=have a clear understanding of ‎48‎ varieties of=different kinds of=‎ a variety of=various ‎19‎ matter=count=be very important=be of importance=‎ make sense=make a difference ‎49‎ make contributions to=‎ contribute to ‎20‎ explain=make an explanation ‎50‎ stand for=represent ‎21‎ offer sth.to sb.=provide sb.with sth.=supply sth.to sb.‎ ‎51‎ be willing to do sth.=do sth.willingly ‎22‎ have access to=be accessible to ‎=be available to ‎52‎ give permission to=permit ‎23‎ use up=run out of ‎53‎ that is to say=in other words=‎ namely=so to speak ‎24‎ stop=quit=give up ‎54‎ come to sb.'s aid=aid sb.‎ ‎25‎ be accused of=be charged with ‎55‎ damage=cause damage to ‎26‎ most of the people=the majority of the people ‎56‎ all the year round=throughout the year ‎27‎ benefit=be beneficial to=be of benefit to ‎57‎ in any case=at any rate=at any price/cost ‎28‎ cater to one's needs/demands/requirements=‎ satisfy one's needs/demands/requirements=‎ meet one's ‎58‎ without doubt=undoubtedly needs/demands/requirements ‎29‎ starve to death=die of hunger/starvation ‎59‎ make an impression=impress ‎30‎ all at once=all of a sudden=‎ suddenly ‎60‎ put up with=stand=bear=‎ endure 高考常见熟词僻义 A ‎1.able(熟义:adj.会做某事的)‎ My brother is a very able teacher.(adj.聪明能干的;能力出众的)‎ ‎2.absorb(熟义:vt.吸收)‎ I haven't really had time to absorb everything that the boss said.(vt.理解,掌握)‎ Absorbed in his computer game,he was unaware of things happening around him.(vt.专心于)‎ ‎3.abuse(熟义:v.滥用;谩骂)‎ The mother would never,never abuse her child any more.(vt.虐待)‎ ‎4.account(熟义:n.账目)‎ There are several accounts of the story in the newspaper.(n.报道,叙述)‎ We should take everything into account when making the decision.(n.把某事考虑在内)‎ ‎5.ache(熟义:v.& n.疼痛)‎ The boy was aching for a gift.(v.渴望)‎ ‎6.acknowledge(熟义:vt.承认)‎ Zhu Zhiwen waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.(v.表示感谢)‎ ‎7.act(熟义:v.行动)‎ The brakes wouldn't act,so there was an accident.(vi.起作用)‎ ‎8.address(熟义:n.地址 v.写地址)‎ Professor Li is due to address a meeting on how to protect the environment this Friday.(vt.向……发表演 说;直接向……说话)‎ The president should be addressed as“Mr.President”.(v.称呼) The article addresses the problems of children's disease.(v.处理)‎ ‎9.admit(熟义:vt.承认;允许进入)‎ The great hall can admit 5,000 students.(vt.容纳)‎ ‎10.adopt(熟义:v.采用,采纳,采取)‎ After the earthquake,they adopted a homeless child.(v.收养,领养)‎ ‎11.advance(熟义:v.& n.前进,推进)‎ She asked for an advance on her salary.(n.预付(款))‎ ‎12.advise(熟义:vt.建议)‎ Please advise us of the arrival of the goods.(vt.通知)‎ ‎13.affect(熟义:v.影响)‎ The audience were deeply affected by his lecture.(v.感动) Be careful not to be affected with H7N9.(v.疾病侵袭)‎ ‎14.against(熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰;与……竞争)‎ The picture looks nice against the white wall.(prep.映衬,以……为背景)‎ ‎15.age(熟义:n.年龄)‎ The death of his wife caused him to age fast.(v.(使)变老)‎ ‎16.aggressive(熟义:adj.好斗的;侵略的)‎ Though poor at studies,he is regarded as a determined and aggressive student.(adj.进取的)‎ ‎17.air(熟义:n.空气;航空)‎ The news will first go on air at 8 pm this Sunday.(n.广播) Don't air your troubles too often.(v.抒发;倾诉;播送)‎ The headmaster's speech gave the meeting a heated air.(n.样子,神态,气氛)‎ ‎18.alive(熟义:adj.活着的)‎ The streets in Bangkok(曼谷)are alive with people.(adj.充满(活的或动的东西))‎ ‎19.allow(熟义:v.允许)‎ We must allow for the train being late.(v.allow for 考虑到,顾及)‎ ‎20.alone(熟义:adv.单独地,一个人地)‎ We alone should determine what is right for us.(adv.仅仅,只有)‎ ‎21.allowance(熟义:n.允许)‎ The local tyrant(土豪) gave his son an allowance of ¥5,000 a week.(零用钱;津贴)‎ ‎22.announce(熟义:vt.宣布)‎ Warm sunshine announces the coming of the spring.(vt.预示着)‎ ‎23.apply(熟义:apply for 申请)‎ Apply the cream evenly over the skin.(v.涂,敷)‎ A similar technique can be applied to the treatment of cancer.(v.运用)‎ ‎24.appreciate(熟义:v.欣赏;感激;感谢) We appreciate the danger ahead.(v.意识到)‎ ‎25.arm(熟义:n.胳膊)‎ He armed himself against the cold with a warm coat.(v.武装起来)‎ Lay down your arms,or we will fire.(n.武器)‎ ‎26.arrival(熟义:n.到达)‎ All stood up to welcome the new arrival.(n.到达的人或物)‎ ‎27.associate(熟义:v.与……相联系)‎ He is promoted to be an associate professor.(adj.副的) B ‎1.badly(熟义:adv.坏)‎ The boy badly wants a new bike.(adv.非常,迫切)‎ ‎2.balance(熟义:n.& v.平衡)‎ The balance on your account is $5.(n.差额,余款)‎ The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects.(v.权衡)‎ ‎3.bar(熟义:n.棒,条;吧间)‎ Poor health may be a bar to success in life.(n.障碍)‎ ‎4.back(熟义:adv.& n.后面)‎ If you back your car out of the driveway,I can get mine in.(v.使倒退) The union leader decided to back the government in its action.(v.支持)‎ ‎5.beat(熟义:vi.敲打,击败)‎ When I heard the news,my heart was beating faster than usual.(vi.心脏跳动)‎ ‎6.blanket(熟义:n.毯子)‎ The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow.(vt.以厚层覆盖)‎ ‎7.bless(熟义:v.保佑,祝福)‎ Fortunately we're both blessed with good health.(v.被赋予,有幸得到)‎ ‎8.blue(熟义:adj.& n.蓝色)‎ What makes you feel so blue?(adj.忧伤的)‎ ‎9.board(熟义:n.木板,布告牌;n.& v.登上(交通工具)) He sits on the hospital management board.(n.委员会)‎ In our school,the students board during the week and go home at weekends.(v.在校寄宿)‎ ‎10.bound(熟义:adj.一定会)‎ I don't like being desk-bound all day.(adj.受……约束的)‎ ‎11.brain(熟义:n.脑子,智力)‎ Some of our best brains are leaving the US to work in our own country.(n.智者,极聪明的人)‎ ‎12.bridge(熟义:n.桥)‎ He did much to bridge the gulf between himself and his deskmate.(v.消除)‎ ‎13.build(熟义:v.建设)‎ The athlete has a solid build.(n.身材;体形)‎ C ‎1.cap(熟义:n.帽子)‎ The snow-capped mountains make a breathtaking view.(v.覆盖)‎ He has been capped three times for LA team.(v.挑选进入国家队)‎ ‎2.capital(熟义:n.首都,首府;资本)‎ The first letter is usually a capital letter at the beginning.(adj.大写的)‎ ‎3.case(熟义:n.情况;状况)‎ This is a case of fever.(n.病例;案例)‎ ‎4.casual(熟义:adj.偶然的;随意的)‎ He was employed as a casual laborer.(adj.临时的)‎ ‎5.catch(熟义:vt.接住,明白)‎ I feel terrible,because I have caught a bad cold.(vt.染上疾病) He was caught stealing in the shop.(vt.发现)‎ ‎6.cause(熟义:v.致使)‎ For the cause of revolution,he did not fear to die.(n.事业)‎ ‎7.celebrate(熟义:vt.庆祝)‎ The names of many heroes are celebrated by the poets.(vt.称颂,赞扬)‎ ‎8.cell(熟义:n.细胞)‎ a police/prison cell(n.拘留室;牢房)‎ a photoelectric cell(n.电池)‎ ‎9.ceiling(熟义:n.天花板)‎ interest rate ceiling(n.上限)‎ ‎10.certain(熟义:adj.确定的;无疑的) Certain basic rules must be obeyed.(adj.某些)‎ ‎11.chance(熟义:n.机会)‎ I'm not sure of winning the speech contest,but let me take a chance.(n.冒险)‎ I chanced to be passing when she fell and hurt herself.(v.碰巧)‎ ‎12.charge(熟义:v.& n.负责;收费;指控)‎ If the light comes on,the battery isn't charging.(v.充电)‎ ‎13.circle(熟义:n.圆;圆形)‎ The plane continued to circle the airport,waiting for permission to land.(v.在……上空盘旋)‎ ‎14.civil(熟义:adj.公民的,国内的)‎ Try to be civil to her,even if you don't like her.(adj.彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的)‎ ‎15.class(熟义:n.班级)‎ They are the leading class in our country.(n.阶级,阶层;等级)‎ ‎16.clean(熟义:adj.干净的)‎ I clean forgot about it.(adv.彻底地;完全地)‎ ‎17.cloudy(熟义:adj.阴的,多云的)‎ The reason for her anger is rather cloudy.(adj.不明朗的)‎ ‎18.coach(熟义:n.教练;四轮马车;长途公共汽车) She coached me in English.(v.辅导,指导)‎ ‎19.coat(熟义:n.外套;动物的皮毛)‎ The table is coated with dust.(v.给……涂上或覆盖上一层)‎ ‎20.conclude(熟义:v.推论出,下结论)‎ The team shall attempt to conclude this project on time.(v.完成,结束)‎ ‎21.conduct(熟义:v.指挥;带领,陪伴;n.行为举止)‎ Plastic and rubber won't conduct electricity,but copper will.(v.传导)‎ ‎22.count(熟义:n.& v.计算,数)‎ There are 10 people in the classroom counting two teachers.(vt.包括) It is the gifts that count.(vt.有价值,重要)‎ ‎23.cost(熟义:v.花费 n.费用,成本;代价)‎ Joe's brave action cost him his life.(v.以牺牲……为代价)‎ ‎24.course(熟义:n.课程;过程)‎ Our dinner consisted of three courses only.(n.一道菜)‎ ‎25.cover(熟义:v.覆盖)‎ We have got to cover 20 miles before dark.(v.走完一段路)‎ How many pages have you covered?(v.看完多少页书)‎ The discussion covered a wide range of subjects.(v.涉及) His story was covered in China Daily.(v.报道)‎ Here is 5 pounds,which should cover all your expense.(v.够付)‎ ‎26.credit(熟义:n.赞扬,赞许;赊购)‎ Much of their success can be credited to the famous expert.(v.把……归功于)‎ ‎27.cross(熟义:v.跨越,横穿 n.十字)‎ Don't be cross with him.After all,he meant to help.(adj.生气的) D ‎1.damage(熟义:v.& n.损坏)‎ He claimed 7,000 damages from the taxi company.(n.赔偿金(复数)=compensation)‎ ‎2.dash(熟义:v.猛冲)‎ Being badly ill,he was dashed to hospital.(vt.急送)‎ His mother dashed him into going to school every day.(vt.催促)‎ ‎3.decline(熟义:v.下降,减少)‎ The kind shop keeper offered the boys some coffee,but they declined.(v.婉言拒绝)‎ ‎4.deliver(熟义:v.递送;接生小孩)‎ The chairman delivered an important report at the meeting.(v.发言,讲话)‎ ‎5.desperate(熟义:adj.不顾一切的)‎ Ben is desperate to get the job.(adj.极度渴望的)‎ ‎6.deposit(熟义:v.把钱等存入银行)‎ The female deposits her eggs directly into the water.(vt.放下;放置) He wonders whether they need to send a deposit.(n.押金)‎ ‎7.desert(熟义:n.沙漠)‎ He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.(v.抛弃;离弃)‎ ‎8.develop(熟义:v.发展;开发;研制) Did you have the films developed?(v.冲印) develop a disease/a habit(v.逐渐形成)‎ Being tired makes it easier for us to get sick and to develop physical problems.(vt.患病;出现问题)‎ ‎9.difficult(熟义:adj.困难的)‎ You must get the permission of your difficult grandmother before getting married.(adj.难以取悦的,不易 满足的)‎ ‎10.digest(熟义:v.消化 n.文摘)‎ I struggle to digest the opinion.(v.理解,领悟)‎ ‎11.dismiss(熟义:v.解雇,开除)‎ He did his best to dismiss the thought.(v.拒绝考虑(某观点、意见等))‎ ‎12.down(熟义:adv.向下,在下面)‎ I have been down ever since I heard the news.(adj.情绪低落的)‎ ‎13.drive(熟义:v.驾驶)‎ Hunger drove her to steal.(v.迫使某人(做不好或不快的事)) We watched Dad drive the nail into the wall.(v.将……砸入)‎ E ‎1.easy(熟义:adj.容易的;安逸的)‎ I won't be easy in my mind until they are safe at home.(adj.安心的)‎ ‎2.employ(熟义:v.雇佣)‎ The police employed force to open the door.(v.利用,使用)‎ She was employed in making a list of all the jobs to be done.(v.忙于)‎ ‎3.encourage(熟义:vt.鼓励;激励)‎ Burning the field is to encourage new plant growth.(v.促进,助长,刺激)‎ ‎4.engage(熟义:vt.使订婚)‎ As a student,he is engaged in various school activities.(v.参与,参加) I can't get through,for her line is engaged.(adj.电话占线)‎ ‎5.enter(熟义:v.进入)‎ He entered his name for an English contest.(v.报名参加)‎ to enter data into a computer(v.输入)‎ ‎6.entertain(熟义:vt.款待)‎ He entertained us with his stories and jokes.(v.使快乐)‎ ‎7.equal(熟义:adj.相等的;平等的)‎ He is equal to the task of running a large department.(adj.胜任的) None of us can equal her as a dancer.(v.比得上,与……匹敌)‎ ‎8.escape(熟义:v.逃跑;逃脱)‎ His name escapes me for the moment.(v.被忘掉;被忽视)‎ ‎9.excite(熟义:vt.使激动)‎ The professor's lecture on Shakespeare excited our interest.(vt.激起)‎ ‎10.express(熟义:v.表达)‎ Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai?(n.快车)‎ ‎11.exit(熟义:v.出去;离去 n.出口)‎ At the end of the third scene Zhang Junhao exits.(v.退场)‎ ‎12.explode(熟义:v.爆炸,爆裂)‎ We all exploded wild laughter at the news.(v.突然爆发(感情))‎ ‎13.exploit(熟义:v.开发;开采;剥削)‎ He exploited his father's name to get himself a job.(v.利用)‎ ‎14.extend(熟义:v.扩大;使扩展;使伸长)‎ He extended his hand to new employees.(v.伸展,舒展,展开(手臂或腿))‎ ‎15.eye(熟义:n.眼睛)‎ We asked our neighbor to keep an eye on our house while we were away.(n.关注,注意) In my eyes,diligence plays an important part in students' study.(n.观点,判断)‎ F ‎1.fade(熟义:v.褪色)‎ All memory of her childhood had faded from her mind.(v.逐渐消失) Fade out the music at the end of the scene.(v.渐强/弱;淡入/淡出)‎ ‎2.fail(熟义:v.失败)‎ Trapped in traffic jam,he failed to catch the train.(v.未能) He is failing in health./His health is failing.(v.衰退,衰弱)‎ Words failed me to describe my feeling.(vt.使失望;舍弃;辜负)‎ ‎3.fancy(熟义:adj.想象的,奇幻的;昂贵的) He has a fancy for cycling.(n.爱好,迷恋)‎ He fancied himself as an authority.(v.自负地认为)‎ ‎4.fashion(熟义:n.时尚,时装)‎ He greeted us warmly in his usual friendly fashion.(n.方式)‎ ‎5.fast(熟义:adj.& adv.快的/地)‎ He's fast asleep.(He has a heavy sleep.)(adv.完全地)‎ ‎6.fine(熟义:adj.美好的,很棒的,晴朗的)‎ There's a fine distinction between the meanings of the two words.(adj.微妙的)‎ The driver will be fined if he parks the car there.(v.罚款)‎ ‎7.fix(熟义:v.固定,安装,修理)‎ Looking up,I saw his eyes fixed on me in curiosity.(vt.吸引) Has the date of the next meeting been fixed?(v.确定)‎ ‎8.follow(熟义:v.跟着;仿效)‎ He spoke so fast that I couldn't follow what he said.(v.理解,明白) Why didn't you follow my advice?(v.听从,接受)‎ ‎9.force(熟义:vt.强迫)‎ She forced her way through the crowd of reporters.(v.用力,强行移动)‎ ‎10.foreign(熟义:adj.外国的;外交的) The subject is foreign to me.(adj.不熟悉的)‎ He is honest.Telling lies is foreign to his nature.(adj.和……格格不入)‎ ‎11.form(熟义:vt.形成)‎ I can not form an opinion about it.(vt.想出)‎ ‎12.freeze(熟义:v.结冰,凝固) Freeze!Or I'll shoot.(v.不许动)‎ The smile froze on her lips.(v.停住,僵住)‎ ‎13.free(熟义:adj.自由的;免费的)‎ We opened both doors to allow a free flow of air through the building.(adj.无阻碍的;畅通的) Most of us hope to live a life free from pollution.(v.没有,不含)‎ ‎14.fresh(熟义:adj.新鲜的)‎ There is a shortage of fresh water on the island.(adj.淡的,无盐的) She is quite fresh to office work.(adj.无经验的)‎ G ‎1.gain(熟义:v.获得;赢得)‎ Don't worry.My watch gains.We still have time.(v.(钟表)快)‎ I have gained weight recently.(vt.增加(速度,重量))‎ ‎2.game(熟义:n.游戏;比赛)‎ None of your little game!(n.把戏,花招)‎ ‎3.given(熟义:pp.被给予)‎ Given his poor health,he had better have a good rest.(prep.考虑到)‎ ‎4.go(熟义:vi.去,变得)‎ This information goes to prove my point.(vi.对……有帮助,有助于……) It goes by electricity.(vi.机器运行;运转;工作)‎ Did everything go smoothly?(v.进展)‎ The story goes that she has been married 5 times.(v.故事发生情况如何) The curtain doesn't go with the carpet.(vi.搭配)‎ ‎5.grade(熟义:n.年级)‎ He got excellent grades in exams.(n.等级,分数)‎ He graded the students according to ability.(v.分等级;给分数)‎ ‎6.ground(熟义:n.地面)‎ Did the police have reasonable grounds to arrest him?(n.理由)‎ I don't like the job,on the grounds that it gives me too much pressure.(n.理由是) H ‎1.heavy(熟义:adj.重的)‎ The traffic today is especially heavy.(adj.交通拥挤的)‎ ‎2.height(熟义:n.高度;身高)‎ The housing market was at its height in the eighties.(n.顶点;极度)‎ ‎3.hit(熟义:v.击中,打击)‎ The film American dreams in China is quite a hit of this year.(n.成功;红极一时的人或事)‎ ‎4.hold(熟义:vt.握住,抓住;抱住)‎ The stadium holds 800,000 people.(vt.容纳)‎ ‎5.hot(熟义:adj.炎热的)‎ We're waiting for the hot news on the election results.(adj.最新的)‎ She is one of Hollywood's hottest young directors.(adj.轰动的,走红的)‎ ‎6.hungry(熟义:adj.饥饿的)‎ Students are hungry for knowledge.(adj.渴望的)‎ ‎7.hunt(熟义:v.追猎;猎杀(鸟兽))‎ Please hunt the cat away from the garden.(vt.驱赶) He is hunting for a good job.(vi.搜寻)‎ ‎8.head(熟义:n.头;首领)‎ We decided to head for home.(v.朝……方向前进)‎ I ‎1.identify(熟义:v.鉴定;说明身份)‎ One can't identify happiness with wealth.(v.认为某事物等同于)‎ ‎2.ill(熟义:adj.生病的;坏的;不良的)‎ The animals were ill treated.(adv.坏地,糟糕地)‎ ‎3.industry(熟义:n.工业;产业)‎ His success was due to his industry.(n.勤奋)‎ ‎4.inspire(熟义:vt.激励;鼓舞)‎ Her work didn't exactly inspire me with confidence.(vt.使产生(感觉或情感)) His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother.(v.启发)‎ ‎5.interest(熟义:n.兴趣)‎ He acquired interests in a number of mines in this area.(n.利益;股份)‎ ‎6.introduce(熟义:v.介绍)‎ We want to introduce the latest teaching methods into schools.(v.初次投入使用或运作,采用)‎ ‎7.invent(熟义:v.发明)‎ He invented an excuse for his being late.(v.捏造,虚构)‎ ‎8.invite(熟义:v.邀请)‎ His policies invited widespread criticism.(v.招致,导致) The dishes are really inviting.(adj.诱人的)‎ J ‎1.jam(熟义:n.果酱)‎ He jammed four apples in his pocket.(vt.塞进)‎ The accident jammed the main road for 2 hours.(vt.堵塞)‎ There are traffic jams every day on this road.(n.堵塞)‎ ‎2.job(熟义:n.工作)‎ Sorting these papers out is going to be a long job.(n.费力的事)‎ ‎3.jump(熟义:v.& n.跳)‎ Prices jumped by 70% last year.(n.& v.突升;猛涨)‎ ‎4.just(熟义:adv.正好;恰好)‎ Many Americans no longer viewed it as a just war.(adj.公正的)‎ I can just imagine his reaction.(adv.完全地;真正地)‎ K ‎1.keep(熟义:v.保持,保留)‎ Your coffee shop seems to be well kept.(v.经营;开设)‎ He needs more money to keep his wife and children.(vt.养活) Everyone must keep the law.(vt.遵守)‎ ‎2.key(熟义:n.钥匙,答案)‎ The key factor in their success is hard work.(n.关键性的人或物 adj.关键的)‎ ‎3.kid(熟义:n.小孩)‎ Take it easy.I'm just kidding.(v.开玩笑;欺骗)‎ ‎4.kill(熟义:v.杀掉;害死)‎ We often kill time playing cards.(v.消磨(时间))‎ It kills him to admit he is wrong.(vt.使难受至极) His joke killed the audience.(vt.使笑/痛得要死)‎ ‎5.know(熟义:vt.知道)‎ I couldn't see who was speaking,but I knew the voice.(vt.辨别,认出) Those who have not known hunger can never imagine how it feels.(vt.经历)‎ ‎6.knock(熟义:v.敲,击,撞)‎ The newspapers spend too much time knocking government policy.(v.指责,找……岔子) L ‎1.labour(熟义:n.劳动)‎ He laboured up the stairs with his bag of books.(vi.费力地行进)‎ ‎2.last(熟义:adj.最后的 v.延续,够用(多久)) He is the last person to tell a lie.(adj.最不可能的)‎ ‎3.late(熟义:adj.& adv.迟到的/地;晚的/地)‎ She missed her late husband very much.(adj.已故的)‎ ‎4.lay(熟义:vt.放置;产卵;下蛋)‎ The project is intended to lay the groundwork for future research.(vt.筹划,准备)‎ ‎5.leg(熟义:n.腿)‎ The last leg of the journey always seems the longest.(n.一段路程或赛程)‎ ‎6.let(熟义:v.让)‎ The couple decided to let the smaller flat at a lower price.(v.出租)‎ ‎7.life(熟义:n.生活)‎ The children are full of life.(n.活力,劲头)‎ ‎8.lift(熟义:v.抬高 n.搭便车)‎ Being in the sunlight all day really lifted my spirits.(v.使某人开心,精神大振)‎ ‎9.likely(熟义:adj.可能的)‎ She seems the most likely candidate for the job.(adj.似乎合适的;仿佛恰当的)‎ ‎10.long(熟义:adj.长,久)‎ I'm longing to see you again.(vi.渴望)‎ ‎11.look(熟义:v.看)‎ There is an excited look on his face.(n.表情) She kept her looks even in her old age.(n.美貌)‎ ‎12.lose(熟义:v.失去;丢掉)‎ Please hurry!My watch loses 10 minutes.(vt.(钟表)慢(与 gain 相对))‎ ‎13.lot(熟义:n.量,批)‎ With the number of private cars increasing,it is difficult for us to find a parking lot sometimes.(n.作某种 用途的场地)‎ M ‎1.make(熟义:v.制造,使……)‎ We can make 10 more kilometers by nightfall.(vt.前进)‎ She would make a good teacher—she is so patient.(v.成为)‎ ‎2.map(熟义:n.地图 vt.绘制……的地图)‎ Can babies map the experiences onto their memories?(vt.把……与……相联系)‎ ‎3.mark(熟义:vt.做标记;留下痕迹;评分)‎ This speech may mark a change in government policy.(vt.表明;是……的迹象)‎ ‎4.marry(熟义:v.和某人结婚;嫁;娶)‎ They were married by the local priest.(vt.为……主持婚礼,操办婚礼)‎ ‎5.mask(熟义:n.面罩;面具)‎ She masked her anger with a smile.(vt.掩饰;掩藏)‎ ‎6.match(熟义:n.比赛,火柴)‎ No one can match him in English.(vt.匹配,比得上)‎ ‎7.mean(熟义:v.意思是,意味着)‎ It's mean of you to speak ill of others.(adj.自私的,卑鄙的,吝啬的)‎ ‎8.mend(熟义:v.修理;修补)‎ The patient is still mending slowly after the operation.(v.痊愈;改善)‎ ‎9.message(熟义:n.信息,口信)‎ The film sends a clear message about the dangers of drug-taking.(n.教益;寓意)‎ ‎10.might(熟义:v.或许)‎ I pushed the rock with all my might.(n.力量,权威)‎ ‎11.monitor(熟义:n.班长;(电脑)显示器;监视器)‎ They have to monitor the robots and the production.(v.监控)‎ ‎12.multiply(熟义:v.乘;乘以)‎ Bacteria multiply rapidly in dirty places.(vi.繁殖)‎ We can multiply our chances of success.(v.成倍增加;迅速增加)‎ ‎13.must(熟义:v.一定,肯定)‎ Her new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction.(n.必须的物品,不可缺少的东西) N ‎1.native(熟义:adj.当地的,本地的)‎ He has native intelligence.(adj.天赋的,与生俱来的)‎ ‎2.nobody(熟义:pron.没有人)‎ He wants to be famous.He is tired of being nobody.(pron.小人物)‎ ‎3.note(熟义:n.笔记)‎ I noted that her hands were dirty.(v.注意)‎ ‎4.novel(熟义:n.小说)‎ He found a novel solution to the problem.(adj.新颖的)‎ ‎5.nothing(熟义:pron.没什么,无物,无)‎ Her advice helped me nothing.(adv.毫无,绝不)‎ O ‎1.occur(熟义:v.发生)‎ It never occurred to him that he didn't pass the exam.(v.被想到)‎ ‎2.open(熟义:v.开 adj.开着,打开的)‎ They left the matter open.(adj.(问题,议事等)未解决的)‎ ‎3.own(熟义:vt.拥有)‎ He owned the child as his daughter.(vt.承认)‎ ‎4.operate(熟义:vi.机器运转工作;做手术) The medicine began to operate at once.(vi.起作用)‎ ‎5.observe(熟义:vt.注意到,察觉到)‎ Do they observe Christmas Day in this country?(vt.庆祝节日,举行仪式等)‎ ‎6.order(熟义:n.命令;顺序;整齐)‎ He ordered a book from the publisher.(vt.订购;从……购入)‎ ‎7.occupy(熟义:vt.占……空间,场所,地位)‎ I have been occupied in reading history books.(vt.从事于,专心于) P 等))‎ ‎1.pain(熟义:n.疼痛)‎ Mary took pains with her English lessons and got high marks.(n.尽力)‎ ‎2.pay(熟义:v.付钱,给某人报酬)‎ He has done something wrong.He will pay for it.(v.为……付出代价)‎ ‎3.paragraph(熟义:n.段落)‎ There is a paragraph about the accident in the local newspaper.(n.报纸上的短片报道)‎ ‎4.part(熟义:n.部分;零件,角色)‎ In order to raise money,he had to part with his house.(v.分手;放弃;卖掉)‎ ‎5.park(熟义:n.公园;庭院 v.停车)‎ She parked herself on the edge of the bed.(vt.坐下)‎ ‎6.perform(熟义:v.表演,表现)‎ The doctor performed a very successful operation on the wounded boy.(vt.做) He performed his duty well in his job.(vt.履行)‎ ‎7.picture(熟义:n.图片;形象;样子;描绘 v.描绘;想象)‎ The overall picture for farming is encouraging.(n.状况;情形;形势)‎ ‎8.polish(熟义:vt.擦亮;磨光)‎ Your essay is good,you just need to polish it a bit.(vt.润色)‎ ‎9.pool(熟义:n.水池;水塘)‎ If we pool the ideas,we may find a better solution to the problem.(v.为共同目的集中(资金,物资,想法 ‎10.position(熟义:n.位置;职位)‎ What's your position on the problem?(n.立场;观点)‎ ‎11.possess(熟义:vt.拥有,具有)‎ What possessed you to do such a thing?(vt.攫住;支配;控制)‎ ‎12.practically(熟义:adv.实际上,从实际出发) The hall was practically empty.(adv.几乎,确实)‎ ‎13.practice(熟义:n.实践;练习)‎ He makes the practice of reading newspapers during breakfast.(n.惯例,习俗)‎ ‎14.prescription(熟义:n.处方;药方)‎ He has a prescription for happiness.(n.秘诀)‎ ‎15.present(熟义:n.礼物 adj.现在的;到场的)‎ On Teachers' Day,students usually present flowers to teachers.(vt.介绍;赠送)‎ ‎16.produce(熟义:v.生产)‎ He produced a letter from his pocket.(v.拿出;出示)‎ ‎17.promise(熟义:v.& n.许诺)‎ The dark clouds promise rain.(v.有……的希望;使……有可能)‎ ‎18.pronounce(熟义:v.发音)‎ The doctor pronounced the patient to be dead.(v.宣称;宣布;判决)‎ ‎19.press(熟义:v.压)‎ He always tries to press his opinions on others.(vt.迫使某人接受想法、意见、东西) Young girls pressed round the singer's car.(vi.拥挤,蜂拥前进)‎ R ‎1.raise(熟义:vt.提高,饲养)‎ We had to raise money for our project.(vt.筹集) Cloning has raised some people's objection.(vt.引起)‎ ‎2.rate(熟义:n.比率,速度)‎ These potatoes rate among the best.(v.对……做出评价;被认为,被评价为) Goods in that shop are sold at a high rate.(n.价格)‎ ‎3.reach(熟义:vt.到达,抵达)‎ The public hope serious environmental pollution will reach the government.(vt.引起……的注意) I could not reach him by phone this morning.(vt.与……取得联系)‎ ‎4.read(熟义:v.阅读)‎ I didn't read mother's thoughts at that time.(v.理解;领会)‎ ‎5.reason(熟义:n.原因 vt.推理;推断)‎ I tried to reason with him,but he wouldn't listen.(vt.和某人讲道理,规劝)‎ ‎6.receive(熟义:vt.得到;收到)‎ He was received as an honored guest at the White House.(vt.接待;欢迎)‎ ‎7.recognize(熟义:v.认出)‎ He is recognized as the most promising student in our class.(v.认可)‎ ‎8.recover(熟义:v.恢复健康;痊愈)‎ He almost fell,but succeeded in recovering himself.(v.恢复;重新控制)‎ ‎9.reduce(熟义:vt.减少)‎ They were reduced to begging in the street.(vt.使陷入窘境;使沦落) We can reduce his speech to three sentences.(v.归结为)‎ ‎10.reflect(熟义:v.映出;反射)‎ I reflect on possible reasons for my failure.(v.仔细考虑)‎ ‎11.refresh(熟义:vt.使恢复精力)‎ I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route.(vt.提醒;提示;使想起)‎ ‎12.regard(熟义:vt.看作,当作)‎ Please give my regards to your parents.(n.问候,致意)‎ ‎13.relate(熟义:v.与……有关;相关;联系)‎ She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapter.(vt.叙述;讲述)‎ ‎14.remote(熟义:adj.偏远的;偏僻的)‎ There is still a remote chance that they will find her alive.(adj.细微的;微小的)‎ ‎15.repair(熟义:v.& n.修理)‎ It's too late to repair the damage done to their relationship.(v.补救;弥补)‎ ‎16.return(熟义:v.回来,归还)‎ Do you want a single or a return?(n.来回车票)‎ ‎17.ripe(熟义:adj.成熟的)‎ The conditions were ripe for social change.(adj.时机成熟的,适宜的)‎ ‎18.reserve(熟义:v.& n.预定;预约;保留;储备)‎ I'm a reserve for the school football team.(n.替补队员;后备队员)‎ ‎19.rest(熟义:v.& n.休息)‎ She rested her head on his shoulder.(v.把……倚靠在)‎ Usually parents rest their hope on their children.(v.依靠;依赖)‎ ‎20.review(熟义:vt.复习)‎ She reviewed the whole of her past life.(vt.回顾)‎ ‎21.rich(熟义:adj.有钱的,富有的) a rich chocolate dessert(adj.油腻的) rich agricultural land(adj.肥沃的)‎ a country with rich natural resources(adj.丰富的)‎ ‎22.round(熟义:prep.& adv.环绕,围着 adj.圆形的)‎ We are losing the game in the last round due to our carelessness.(n.回合;局;轮;场)‎ ‎23.run(熟义:v.跑)‎ My father runs a fruit shop.(vt.经营,管理)‎ ‎24.rush(熟义:v.迅速移动)‎ Don't rush me.I need time to think about it.(v.使……仓促行事) S ‎1.safe(熟义:adj.安全的)‎ He is a safe man.You can depend on him.(adj.谨慎的;不冒险的)‎ ‎2.say(熟义:vt.说)‎ Say that war breaks out,what will you do?(vt.假定)‎ ‎3.see(熟义:v.看见)‎ The past few decades have seen great changes in our hometown.(vt.在某段时期发生、经历)‎ ‎4.set(熟义:adj.确定的 v.放置;确定 n.一套)‎ January 10 was set as the deadline for application.(v.决定,确定)‎ ‎5.shape(熟义:n.形状)‎ He's in a lot better shape since he's changed his diet.(n.状况)‎ His generation firmly believed they could shape the future.(v.影响,形成)‎ ‎6.shoot(熟义:v.射击;射中)‎ The trees give out new shoots in spring.(n.嫩芽;新枝)‎ ‎7.shot(熟义:n.射击;开枪/炮)‎ His father is a big shot in the steel industry.(n.重要人物)‎ ‎8.shoulder(熟义:n.肩膀)‎ Young people should learn to shoulder the duty.(v.承担)‎ ‎9.shrink(熟义:v.收缩)‎ We will never shrink back in face of difficulties.(v.退缩,萎缩)‎ ‎10.somebody(熟义:pron.某人)‎ He is somebody in his town but he is nobody here.(pron.有一定地位的人物)‎ ‎11.soul(熟义:n.灵魂)‎ We had driven ten hours along the road without seeing another soul.(n.人)‎ ‎12.sound(熟义:n.声音)‎ It is important to have a sound body.(adj.健全的) My wife is a sound sleeper.(adj.酣睡的)‎ ‎13.spare(熟义:adj.多余的;备用的;空余的 v.吝惜;拨出,抽出) Use the telephone and spare you a visit.(vt.免除)‎ ‎14.spring(熟义:n.春天;泉水)‎ Tom sprang out of bed and ran downstairs.(v.猛然跳起;涌出)‎ ‎15.stamp(熟义:n.邮票)‎ He stamped his foot in anger.(v.跺脚,顿足)‎ ‎16.stand(熟义:v.站立;忍受)‎ There is a newspaper stand at the corner.(n.货摊;售货亭)‎ ‎17.station(熟义:n.站台,所,局)‎ A PLA unit is now stationed at Hong Kong.(v.驻扎)‎ ‎18.steal(熟义:v.偷)‎ He stole out of the house without anyone seeing him.(v.偷偷地(或悄悄地)移动)‎ ‎19.still(熟义:adv.仍然,还)‎ When facing danger,one should keep calm;when taken photos of,one should keep still.(adj.静止的, 不动的)‎ ‎20.strength(熟义:n.力气)‎ Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.(n.强项)‎ ‎21.strike(熟义:n.袭击,罢工)‎ It struck me that we might have made the wrong decision.(v.认为,想到,发现)‎ All the people present at the meeting were struck by the story.(v.打动)‎ ‎22.succeed(熟义:v.成功)‎ He will succeed his father as manager of the shop.(v.接替)‎ Jim has just succeeded a large fortune from his uncle.(v.继承)‎ ‎23.sharp(熟义:adj.锋利的;锐利的)‎ Please come here at seven o'clock sharp.(adv.(用于表示时间词语后,表示准时,……整) I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.(adj.剧烈的)‎ ‎24.subject(熟义:n.话题)‎ The child is subject to colds.(adj.易遭受……的)‎ We need male subjects between the age of 18 and 25 for the experiment.(n.接受试验者)‎ ‎25.suit(熟义:n.套装)‎ A good teacher suits his lesson to the age of his pupils.(v.适合) T ‎1.team(熟义:n.队;组)‎ Only when we team up with each other can we make great progress in study.(v.(与某人)一起工作,合作)‎ ‎2.tear(熟义:n.眼泪)‎ He was angry and tore the letter into pieces.(v.撕)‎ ‎3.tell(熟义:v.告诉)‎ Time will tell whether I made the right choice.(v.说明,显示) No one can tell what will happen in the future.(v.说出,判断)‎ ‎4.ticket(熟义:n.票)‎ The new driver got a ticket for speeding.(n.罚票,罚款单)‎ ‎5.tie(熟义:vt.栓,系)‎ They tied with the visiting team in the game.(vi.打成平手)‎ ‎6.tight(熟义:adj.紧身的;紧紧的)‎ We have a very tight budget recently.(adj.手头拮据的)‎ I can't see you next week because the schedule is very tight.(adj.(时间)紧的)‎ ‎7.tip(熟义:n.告诫,提示,小费)‎ Remember to tip the driver in America.(v.给……小费)‎ ‎8.touch(熟义:n.& v.接触;触摸)‎ What he said really touched my heart.(vt.感动;触动)‎ ‎9.treat(熟义:vt.对待;处理;治疗)‎ I'll treat you to an ice-cream.(v.款待,请客) It's my treat this time.(n.款待,请客)‎ U ‎1.undertake(熟义:v.承担;从事)‎ He undertook to finish the job by Friday.(v.承诺;允诺;答应)‎ V ‎1.vehicle(熟义:n.交通工具)‎ We must find out the vehicle of the disease at first.(n.媒介,载体)‎ ‎2.voice(熟义:n.声音)‎ Matthew voiced some doubts about our plan.(v.表达,吐露)‎ ‎3.view(熟义:n.观点,风景)‎ How do you view the problem?(vt.看待)‎ W ‎1.walk(熟义:v.& n.行走;步行)‎ This society welcomes people from all walks of life.(n.行业(walk of life))‎ I'll walk you to the bus stop.(v.陪某人走,护送某人走)‎ ‎2.wander(熟义:v.漫游;游荡;漫步)‎ Don't wander from the point.(v.离开原处或正道)‎ His mind began to wander.(v.走神;神志恍惚;思想开小差)‎ ‎3.warm(熟义:adj.温暖的)‎ Smile is like sunshine which warms people who are in sadness.(v.使暖和,使温暖)‎ ‎4.wear(熟义:vt.穿戴)‎ The girl always wears a happy smile.(vt.表露) This material wears well.(vi.磨坏,耐用)‎ ‎5.weigh(熟义:v.称……的重量;重达)‎ Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages of doing this!(v.权衡;斟酌) The fruit is so thick that it weighs down the branches.(v.压弯)‎ ‎6.weight(熟义:n.重量)‎ How much weight will be attached to his decision?(n.分量,重要性)‎ ‎7.will(熟义:v.表将来或意愿)‎ Where there is a will,there is a way.(n.意志力;意愿) What did it say in the will?(n.遗嘱)‎

