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英语句子重要语法及搭配 (句子中心论)‎ 1. It will be 3 years before everything returns to normal.将要3年一切才恢复原状。‎ 2. ‎ It was 3 hours before the fire was put out. 过了三个小时大火才被扑灭。‎ 3. ‎ This is/was the first(second) time (that) I have been/had been here.这是我第一(二)次来这里。‎ 4. It is no use/good learning without practice.学而不用没有用处/不好.‎ 5. If you had come earlier, you would have met him. 如果你早一点来你就会遇上他了。(对过去的虚拟)‎ 6. ‎(How)I wish I knew the answer now, but I don’t know.   我希望我现在知道答案。(wish)‎ 7. I would rather (that) you came to see me tomorrow. 我宁愿你明天来看我。‎ 8. If you had taken the doctor’s advice, you would recover now.如果你听了医生的劝告,你现在就康复了。‎ 9. He suggested that we (should) put the meeting forward. His accent suggested that he came from Hubei.‎ 他建议我们提前开会,他的口音暗示他来自湖北。‎ 10. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he would have scored a goal.‎ 他在进球之前犹豫了一下,要不然,球就进了。‎ 11. He should have told me the truth earlier.他本该早点告诉我事实真相的。(情态动词)‎ 12. What a nice day today!  What fine weather it is!  How fine the weather is! 今天天气多么    好啊!感叹句 13. What fun it is to swim in the hot days! 热天游泳是多么有趣的事啊!‎ 14. What good news it is! 多么好的消息啊! How beautiful the flowers are! 这些花多么漂亮啊!‎ 15. ‎ It is the ability to do the job that matters. 是工作的能力重要。(强调句)‎ 16. How was it that they managed to finish the work in such a short time?‎ 他们究竟是怎么样在如此短的时间完成工作?(强调句型的疑问句)‎ 17. Large quantities of water have been polluted.大量的水已被污染。(主谓一致)‎ 18. Between the two windows hangs a picture.在两扇窗子中间挂着一幅图画。(介词短语放句首,全部倒装)‎ 1. The big tree is four times the height of that small one. (这颗大树的高度是那棵小树的四倍。)‎ 2. We have produced twice more grain this year than we did last year. (我们今年生产的粮食是去年的两倍。)‎ 3. There are five times as many students as we expected.(到的人是我们预计的五倍。)‎ 4. I spent twice as much time on my studies as you did. (我花在学习上的时间是你的两倍。)‎ 5. The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.(你越仔细,出错越少。)‎ 6. I can’t agree with you more. (我完全同意你的意见。)‎ 7. I have never seen a better film (than this).(我从未看过比这还好的电影。)‎ 8. Never before have I seen such a moving film.=I have never seen such a moving film before. (否定词与倒装)‎ 9. Hardly had I sat down when the bell rang.我刚一坐下电话就响了。‎ 10. Not until he left his home did he began to know how important the family was for him.‎ 直到他离开家他才开始了解家对他而言是多么的重要。‎ 11. So suddenly did the earthquake occur that no one managed to escape from their collapsing houses. ‎ 地震发生的 如此突然,没有一个人成功地从快要倒塌的房屋中逃离。‎ 12. So hard does he work that he is popular with his teachers.他学习努力以至于很受老师喜欢。‎ 13. ‎ Young as she is ,she has seen much of the world.她虽然年轻,但却见过很多世面。‎ 14. Present at the meeting are some scientists from China.出席会议的是一些来自中国的科学家。(倒装)‎ 15. He died, leaving an orphan.他死了,留下一个孤儿。(结果状语,顺承关系)‎ 16. He arrived at the station, only to find the bus had left.(结果状语,出乎意料)‎ 17. The patient needs operating on at once.这位病人需要马上做手术。need doing = need to be done 18. Addicted to playing computer games, he was absent-minded in class.沉迷于网络游戏,他上课心不在焉。‎ 19. So many people being absent, the meeting had to be put off.由于多人缺席,会议不得不推迟。(独立主格)‎ 20. Not having received a reply, he decided to write a sixth letter. (having done ‎ 是完成式,表发生于谓语前)‎ 1. I will never forget the day when we worked together. 定语从句 2. There are 54 students in our class, of whom the most diligent is a newcomer from a faraway mountain village.‎ ‎  我们班有54人,其中最勤奋的是一个来自于遥远的山村的新同学.‎ 3. You’ve no idea how important it is for us to learn English well.你不知道对于我们来说学好英语有多重要。‎ 4. The reason why I was sad was that he didn’t understand me. 我难过的原因是他不理解我。‎ 5. What they have in common is that they are all independent.他们的共同之处是他们都很独立。‎ 6. Word came that our team won the football match.消息传来,我们队赢了足球比赛。‎ 7. She said that the plan would work out well. That was where I disagreed. 表语从句 8. Add up your score and see how many points you get.宾语从句 9. Your friend can’t go until he finishes cleaning his bicycle.(not…until…)‎ 10. He broke the camera and you had to pay to get it repaired. (get sth. done; have sth. done)‎ 11. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. (while doing)‎ 12. Take the dog to the vet and pay the bill yourself. (祈使句)‎ 13. Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you. (定语从句)‎ 14. I stayed awake on purpose in order to have a good look at the noon by myself. (stay+adj.)‎ 15. I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the windows were open. (happen to do sth.碰巧做某事)‎ 16. Nature is one thing that really must be experienced. (定语从句)‎ 17. She has got to go through all the difficulties with her family. (熬过)‎ 18. She suffered from loneliness.(alone一个人;lonely孤独的)‎ 19. It was such fun to watch it run loose in the park. (such+不可数名词)‎ 20. I have got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows. (厌倦)‎ 1. I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment.‎ 2. I am getting along well with my classmates.‎ 3. I don’t want to end the friendship, but I hate others gossiping.‎ 4. I am not very good at communicating with people.‎ 5. Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them.(形容词作宾补)‎ 6. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.‎ 7. I am sorry you are having trouble in making friends.(have difficulty doing sth.)‎ 8. The situation is easy to change if you take my advice. (follow my advice 采纳建议)‎ 9. When we added up the bills we realized we had spent too much. (realize意识到,完形高频单词)‎ 10. He was concerned about the level of unemployment in Paris. (concern vt. 担忧;concerned adj. 但有的)‎ 11. Would you take care of my cat while I am away.‎ 12. I can’t ignore his rudeness any longer. (rude --- rudeness) (not …any longer 不再)‎ 13. Before the curtain went up, the dancers took their places on the stage.‎ 14. They produced a series of books on animals of the world.‎ 15. It was the first time that he’d come face to face with death. (从句用完成时)‎ 16. We should make a shopping list before we go shopping for the picnic.‎ 17. Please stand still while I am taking your photo.‎ 18. A lot of people attended her wedding. (attend 出席,到场)‎ 19. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction , adding that he had enjoyed his stay here.‎ 20. In addition, there are six other applicants. (apply,application,apply to,apply for…)‎ 21. Mother will be upset if we don’t let her know where we are.‎ 1. Hearing the news, he felt so upset that he wouldn’t taking anything.‎ 2. As far as I’m concerned, I disagree with what you did.‎ 3. He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. (concerning 关于)‎ 4. All the people present at the party were his supporters.‎ 5. He has the habit of going through morning papers after getting up. (go through 浏览)‎ 6. There’s a rumor going around that there is a meeting. (宾语从句)‎ 7. I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercise.‎ 8. I am hoping I’ll set up my own business one day.‎ 9. If necessary, we’ll have a meeting. (if / when + adj./ doing/ done)‎ 10. When taken according to the direction, the drug has no side effects. (when +done 表被动,从句省略了主语和be; When cooking, she got burned.)‎ 11. He can’t have left school, for her bike is still here. (can’t have done 对过去的事情有把握的否定猜测)‎ 12. I can’t find my purse anywhere. You may have lost it while shopping. (可能)‎ 13. I have lost one of my gloves. I must have dropped it somewhere.(对过去的事情有把握的肯定猜测)‎ 14. The weather turned out to be fine, I needn’t have taken the trouble to carry out my raincoat. (本来不必做却做了)‎ 15. I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I should have driven her there. (本该做某事却没做)‎ 16. Could I speak to whoever is in charge of International Sales please?‎ 17. I am glad to hear that you have recovered from your heart attack.‎ 18. Could you lend Jack some money? No way. He is always borrowing money and never thinking of paying back.‎ 19. As an old saying goes, knowledge is power.‎ 20. I didn’t mean to hurt you on purpose. (mean to do sth.)‎ 21. How much did the new watch cost your sister? She paid 350 yuan for it.‎ 22. Don’t discuss the problems with your partner unless you are asked to do so.‎ 23. Mexico is a place where the people are really friendly and warm.‎ 24. The number of the students in this primary school is about four thousand, and three fifths of them are boys.‎ 25. She was so sleepy that she fell asleep shortly after she went to bed. (shortly 一…就..)‎ 26. His mobile phone is missing. His mobile phone is gone. He got lost in the forest. ‎ 27. Miss Smith, together with her two daughters, has gone to Beijing for a trip. (就前原则)‎ 28. The Chinese government is taking action to stop the flu from spreading. (stop..from.. = prevent… from..)‎ 29. Our math teacher spends hours explaining the problem to us. (spend… doing sth.)‎ 30. The traffic accident took place on a rainy night. (take place 发生,不及物动词)‎ 31. The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.(不变的真理的句子用一般现在时)‎ 32. I couldn’t be more excited to have you as my coach. (否定词+比较级表非常,最)‎ 33. Would you mind closing the window? I feel a bit cold. (mind doing sth.)‎ 34. He couldn’t make himself understood when he came to China. (让自己被别人理解)‎ 35. Your dream will come true as long as you study hard. (come true 不及物动词短语,无宾语无被动; Your goal will be achieved.你会实现你的目标)‎ 1. It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as fluently as a native English speaker.‎ 2. We will leave for the airport at a quarter past five.‎ 3. As we know, British English is a little different from Amercian English.‎ 4. Are there many children playing in the playground. (后置定语)‎ 5. The USA is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken. 定语从句 6. Could you please tell me where the nearest subway is? (名词性从句用陈述语序)‎ 7. We do exercise in order to keep fit, to make us strong, to fight illness and disease, to enjoy ourselves and to build up our skills.‎ 8. Fluent English is based on frequent practice. That is why we should practice speaking it as often as possible.‎ 9. Father used to be a football fan, but as time went on, he gradually lost interest in sports and games.‎ 10. Do you mind my smoking here? People are requested not to smoke in the reading room.‎ 11. It is known to all that English is the most widely used language in the world.‎ 12. In brief, there are many advantages for us to learn English.‎ 13. He decided to make a journey to New York by air. (decide to do sth.)‎ 14. Thanks to his effort, it is more successful than we have expected.‎ 15. I’m afraid something urgent has come up. I won’t be able to see you tonight.‎ 16. We should encourage him to make full use of his talent. (encourage sb. to do sth.)‎ 17. Of the two, the latter is better than the former.‎ 18. He had lost his identity card and was being questioned by the police.‎ 19. All his income adds up to no more than 500 yuan a month.‎ 20. Only in this way can you work out the problem. (only+状语 主句要部分倒装)‎ 21. Have you come up with some good ideas?‎ 22. The teacher commanded him to go out the classroom. ‎ ‎= The teacher commanded that he should go out of the classroom.‎ 23. They requested that help should be sent at once.‎ 24. All the visitors were requested not to throw waste about in the park.‎ 25. He suggested us that we should have supper in the restaurant.‎ 26. John suggested going swimming tomorrow.‎ 27. I’ve worked with children before, so I know what to expect in my new job.‎ 28. She ordered Sam to stay where he was.‎ 29. He is so stubborn that no one can persuade him to do anything.‎ 30. A determined person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.‎ 31. I prefer the red dress to the green one because it fits me better.‎ 32. She persuaded all of us to cycle to work instead of taking the bus.‎ 33. When you go on a journey, why not keep a travel journal?‎ 34. My mother insists that I should finish all my homework first.‎ 35. Rather than play computer games at home, I prefer to do some reading in the library.‎ 36. We must keep on learning if we want to keep up with the pace of the changing times.‎ 37. I don’t care about the price, as long as the house is in good condition.‎ 38. It’s time for us to change our attitude to the boy.‎ 39. Standing on the top of the building, you will get a better view of the whole city.‎ 40. After graduating from collage, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.‎ 1. He preferred to die rather than give in. He would rather die than give in.‎ 2. It is of great importance for us to take advantage of time.‎ 3. I am determined to go and nothing will stop me.‎ 4. The doctor insisted advised suggested commanded that Mr Smith should give up smoking.‎ 5. I can’t bear working with such a stubborn man. He never listens to other’s advice.‎ 6. When you want to give opinion, you’d better choose the topics with which you’re familiar. (定语从句)‎ 7. It goes without saying that the places of interest in Beijing are worth visiting. ‎ 8. All possible means have been taken to stop the river being polluted.‎ 9. We had never dreamed of there being such a beautiful view in this lonely place.‎ 10. As far as I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.‎ 11. He was so easy-going a man that everyone wants to work with him.‎ 12. He was so easy-going a man with whom everyone wants to work.‎ 13. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane is taking off.‎ 14. Every time I go there, I will buy him something nice.‎ 15. I feel it is your husband who is to blame for the spoiled child.‎ 16. It is not I but Mr Green who is in charge of the company.‎ 17. Whatever the weather is like tomorrow, our trip will set sail for Macao.‎ 18. Child though he is, he knows a lot about space and satellite.‎ 19. That book whose covers is green is mine.‎ 20. It was a frightening night. The dam cracked and then burst under the weight of the water.‎ 21. Some buildings were in ruins and some farmers were trapped at the top of their house.‎ 22. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.‎ 23. The terrible shaking of the building woke up all the people who were asleep.‎ 24. The next day people put up shelters in the open air made with anything that they could find.‎ 25. This frightened boy whose mother was lost in the disaster is looking for her now.‎ 26. We are pleased to tell you that you have won the high school speaking competition.‎ 27. Your speech was heard by a group of five judge, all of whom agreed that it was the best one.‎ 28. The park will also honour those who helped the survivors.‎ 29. A large number of books have been stolen from the library, haven’t they?‎ 30. As for yourself, don’t give in hope and be strong-minded when facing the great difficulties.‎ 31. When boiled, water can be turned into steam.‎ 32. The Great Wall is constructed with bricks and stones.‎

