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专题04 动词及动词短语 ‎1. Do your best to remember other people's names and interests, which shows you ________ them.‎ A.look up to B.worry about C.care about D.look after ‎2.The situation after the big earthquake was unexpected, and no one knew what would ________ of us the next minute.‎ A.spend B.happen C.relax D.become ‎3. We hope one day all the violence and poverty will be ________ in the whole world and we can live a really harmonious life.‎ A.put out B.given out C.wiped out D.left out ‎4.The official ________ to say more about the plan, so the details of it remain secret.‎ A.agreed B.declined C.attempted D.declared 答案:B 考查动词辨析。句意为:这位官员拒绝更多地谈论该计划,因此计划的细节仍然是保密的。decline意为“婉言拒绝”,符合语境,故B项正确。agree意为“同意”;attempt意为“尝试”;declare意为“断言”,与语境不符,故排除。‎ ‎5.I was just chatting with the director when a stranger ________.‎ A.cut in B.cut down C.cut off D.cut up ‎6.Recently the Chinese society has ________ a flow of new words such as “Geili” and “ Shanhun”.‎ A.seen B.observed C.made D.looked ‎7.At first I was a little worried, but I'm glad that things have ________ quite well for me.‎ A.carried out B.worked out C.figured out D.made out ‎8.When a new disease breaks out, experts must ________ what to do in the fastest way.‎ A.figure out B.take out ‎ C.point out D.make out 答案:A 考查动词短语。句意:当一种新疾病爆发时,专家们必须以最快的方式弄明白应该干什么。figure out“计算出,解决,弄明白,合计”;take out“拿出”;point out“指出”;make out“辨认出”。‎ ‎9. Through educating himself and strengthening his own will power, every ‎ individual should be able to ________ the temptation of cigarettes.‎ A.remove B.register ‎ C.resist D.reserve ‎10.—Do you know why Michael resigned from the board?‎ ‎—He held out for higher wages, but was ________ in the end.‎ A.put down B.broke down ‎ C.cut down D.turned down ‎11.In this company, suggestions have to wait for months before they are fully ________.‎ A.spun B.absorbed C.motivated D.considered ‎12. While college graduates ________ a lack of available jobs, factories are facing difficulties in hiring workers.‎ A.carry through B.complain of C.bring about D.break in ‎13.If the time is ________ exactly, the paper can be finished on time.‎ A.made out B.figured out ‎ C.carried out D.put out ‎14.—How did you find the film The Flowers of War?‎ ‎—It's very moving. I couldn't ________ my tears.‎ A.hold back B.hold on C.hold up D.hold out ‎15.The Chinese government has overcome problems of population and economy to ________ its “nine years of compulsory education”.‎ A.abolish B.reserve ‎ C.accelerate D.accomplish ‎16. Freddy made up his mind to enjoy his singing and to ________ as many happy experiences as he could. ‎ A.develop B.accumulate C.calculate D.process ‎17. Many teens don't get enough sleep because they have too much homework to do, which ________ them up at night.‎ A.makes B.breaks ‎ C.turns D.keeps 答案:D 考查动词短语的辨析。keep sb. up 指“使某人熬夜”。‎ ‎18.—Do you know why Lisa cried in class?—I don't know and I don't ‎ ________.‎ A.mind B.matter C.care D.count ‎19. Mr. Smith got a ticket on his way home because he had failed to ________ at a red light.‎ A.work out B.pull out ‎ C.look up D.pull up ‎20.—Do you believe that opportunities always ________ the prepared minds?‎ ‎—I couldn't agree more.‎ A.make B.change C.keep D.favor ‎21. Our English teacher often tells us that the meaning of a new word may be ________ according to the given context.‎ A.picked out B.ruled out C.brought out D.taken out ‎22. We really hope the sunny weather ________ for Saturday's tennis match.‎ A.keeps up B.picks up ‎ C.takes up D.comes up ‎ ‎23.Since you are always working hard at your lessons, your efforts will ________.‎ A.pay off B.pay for ‎ C.pay back D.pay out ‎24.We are glad to ________ you on the progress you have made.‎ A.congratulate B.celebrate ‎ C.greet D.appreciate ‎25. This ship set sail and gradually disappeared where the sea ________ the sky.‎ A.meets B.reflects C.catches D.connects ‎26. Britain is being ________ in the race for new markets.‎ A.left alone B.left out ‎ C.left behind D.left over ‎27. It is quite often that the workers are always ________ by heat if they work outdoors for a long time in the hot summer afternoon.‎ A.astonished B.depressed ‎ C.overcome D.hit ‎ ‎28. After three hours' discussion, the meeting finally ________ without any agreement on the issue.‎ A.broke out B.broke down ‎ C.broke away D.broke through ‎ ‎29. As soon as little Tom had ________ a little from his operation at his back, his first thought was to get out to meet his friends.‎ A.returned B.survived C.absorbed D.recovered ‎30. The world's first flying car has been ________ for sale at £800,000 by Courtesy Aircraft of the US.‎ A.taken up B.put up C.pulled up D.made up ‎31. Life of Pi ________ by Ang Lee and his team is widely recognized as a best movie picture.‎ A.developed B.composed C.set D.shot ‎32. Why does your brother ________ a sad look on his face these days?‎ A.bring B.wear C.show D.hold ‎33. If we ________ this speed, we will finish the task ahead of time.‎ A.hold up B.break up C.keep up D.take up ‎34. We seldom hear American ________ a friend or family member using the full name.‎ A.admit B.admire C.acknowledge D.address ‎35. More and more foreign countries have been ________ China as a rising power.‎ A.looking up B.looking on C.looking at D.looking for ‎36. He has three parttime jobs, which ________ about $14 000 a year.‎ A.call for B.bring in C.make up D.turn out ‎37. In class the teacher ________ the finance project in simple but vivid language to make it easier for us to understand.‎ A.undertook B.clarified C.approved D.submitted ‎38.—How soon will the candidates get their university admissions?‎ ‎—It may take three weeks for all the applications to be ________.‎ A.withdrawn B.delivered C.edited D.processed ‎39. Not having promoted the new digital camera successfully, the company should ________ its original marketing methods.‎ A.account for B.reflect on C.work out D.call up ‎40. The actress readily ________ the fact that her unbalanced diet was a major ‎ influence on her expanding figure.‎ A.considered B.consulted C.acknowledged D.reviewed ‎41. To the surprise of the manager, Mrs. Black, who is not easy to deal with, quickly ________ and accepted the new work schedule.‎ A.hesitated B.condemned C.compromised D.complained ‎42. We recently did a simple experiment, which happens to ________ how children's knowledge of what a hero is like determines their behaviour.‎ A.congratulate B.acknowledge C.distinguish D.illustrate ‎43. Somehow, the old man had ________ a dangerous secret, one which could not be discussed in a room on a military base.‎ A.put out B.let out C.set out D.cut out ‎44. It is necessary that parents should ________ the responsibility of helping their children develop legal awareness.‎ A.take on B.carry on C.look on D.keep on ‎45.Though the “No smoking” signs have existed for long in public places, heavy smokers often ________ them and light up cigarettes.‎ A.abandon B.postpone C.decline D.ignore 答案:D 考查动词词义辨析。句意为:虽然“禁止吸烟”的标志已经在公共场所存在很久,但是烟瘾大的人经常忽视它们,并点燃香烟。abandon意为“遗弃,放弃”;postpone意为“延期,延后,延缓”;decline意为“下降,衰退”;ignore意为“忽视,不顾,不理”。根据题干中的though可知,前后句是让步关系,此处指的是忽视禁烟标志,ignore符合语境。故答案选D。‎ ‎46. The monthly sales of Mo Yan's works ________ 199 times compared with those before he won the Nobel Prize for Literature.‎ A.accelerated B.stretched C.multiplied D.switched ‎47.After the mass shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, President Obama ordered his members to ________ solutions to gun violence.‎ A.put up with B.come up with C.keep up with D.catch up with ‎48. The Chinese football team had experienced a series of reforms. However, its performances in Shenzhen in October ________ all the people, especially the crazy fans.‎ A.knocked down B.let down C.pulled down D.brought down 答案:B 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:中国足球队经历了一系列的改革,然而,10月份它在深圳的表现使所有的人感到失望,特别是疯狂的球迷们。knock down意为“击倒,撞倒,击落”;let down意为“使失望,放下,辜负”;pull down意为“拆毁,摧毁,推翻,拉下来”;bring down意为“降低,打倒,击落”。根据句中的转折词“However”可知,足球队员们的表现使人们失望,let down符合语境。故答案选B。‎ ‎49. She wanted to ask if he had news of Williams, but words ________ in her throat.‎ A.burst B.stuck C.broke D.settled ‎50.—What do you think of the story in today's newspaper?‎ ‎—We shouldn't ________ the trouble of helping others only because what we do may invite trouble.‎ A.knock off B.take off C.keep off D.break off ‎51. We do not need to wait in line for hours for a ticket this year because we can ‎ use the website or hotline to ________ tickets and then pick them up at railway stations or ticket agencies.‎ A.release B.relieve C.reserve D. review ‎52.—So, tell me, how do you strike a balance between work and family as a working mother?‎ ‎—No matter how busy I am every day, I will ________ some time to be with my loved ones.‎ A.set aside B.put away C.leave behind D.push back ‎53.—I got a text message saying my phone number won a prize worth $5 000.‎ ‎—Too good to be true. Don't ________ it.‎ A.make B.do C.hold D.buy ‎54. The twin sisters were shopping for hours on Women's Day and managed to ________ bags of bargains.‎ A.come across B.pick up C.deal with D.take in ‎55. Thanks to the great efforts by netizens and the journalists' determination to ________ truth, anticorruption has been accelerating.‎ A.take out B.check out C.pick out D.dig out ‎56. He made a good preparation for the job interview, for he couldn't ________ losing the good opportunity.‎ A.admit B.delay C.avoid D.risk ‎57. When chatting on the Internet by typing in English, you can ________ articles, subjects, etc. to make the sentences shorter.‎ A.get off B.leave out C.turn in D.make up ‎58. Changing the design of a new product may ________ the risk of its production in the market.‎ A.bring about B.come about C.bring up D.come up ‎59.Only after he was brought to the police station did the young man ________ he had stolen some purses from other passengers.‎ A.participate B.realize C.summarize D.acknowledge 答案:D 考查动词辨析。句意为:只有当这个年轻人被带到警局后,他才承认自己偷了其他乘客的钱包。participate参与;realize实现,认识到;summarize总结;acknowledge承认。由语境可知,D项正确。‎ ‎60. Don't park your car here, please. It'll ________ the traffic.‎ A.turn up B.hold up C.stand up D.get up ‎61.——Do you know what your problem is?‎ ‎—Yes. I always overwork to ________ for lost time.‎ A.sit up B.keep up C.make up D.hold up ‎62.To ________ the web page, you press this button, which makes the most recent information appear.‎ A.refresh B.promote C.tear D.adopt ‎63. The bus ________ with a loud noise of its tyres when the light turned red.‎ A.pulled up B.put up C.pumped up D.picked up 答案:A 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:当红灯亮时,那辆公交车伴着巨大的轮胎噪音停了下来。pull up停车;put up张贴;pump up热切期望,用泵加压,打气;pick up捡起,接某人,偶然学会。根据语境可知,A项正确。‎ ‎64. He stood up and ________ a smile to cover up his disappointment.‎ A.hid B.managed C.refused D.brought ‎65.A smile ________ the mother's face when the son walked onto the platform to receive the prize.‎ A.lit up B.brought up C.put up D.took up ‎66. As the road to the airport is under reconstruction, we'd better ________ early to avoid the traffic jam.‎ A.pay off B.set off C.put off D.take off ‎67. The bush fire ________ fierce heat and the villagers nearby had to flee.‎ A.set up B.sent away C.gave off D.made out 答案:C 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:丛林大火放出炽热的高温,附近的村民不得不逃离那里。set up意为“建立,创立,开办”;send away意为“派遣,解雇,赶走”;give off意为“发出,放出”;make out意为“理解,辨认出”。根据句意可知,gave off符合语境。故答案选C。‎ ‎68. Hurricane Sandy's arrival and its effects ________ New York's offices being closed for three days.‎ A.carried out B.came up with C.led to D.caught up with ‎69. Only ticketholders were ________ to the stadium for the concert given by Jay Chou, so many of his fans were turned away.‎ A.allowed B.permitted C.agreed D.admitted ‎70. The habit is something that someone does repeatedly and often does not ________ because they have done it so many times before.‎ A.know B.understand C.experience D.realize 答案:D 考查动词辨析。句意为:习惯是人们不断重复却通常没有意识到的行为,因为他们曾经做过多次了。know意为“知道,懂得”;understand意为“理解”;experience意为“经历,体验”;realize意为“意识到”。根据句意可知,D项正确。‎ ‎ ‎

