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高考英语中译英测验 1 (A) Section A (每题3分) 1. 商店里的商品琳琅满目,让我们眼花缭乱。(accustomed) We are not accustomed to seeing so many kinds of goods in the shop. 2. 他利用她人好心软,三番五次向她借钱。(advantage) He took advantage of her kindness to borrow money from her repeatedly. 3. 在西方国家绝对不要问有关工资这样的隐私问题。(ask) In western countries, never ask (a person) about any private affairs like salary. 4. 她已向这家公司申请担任秘书。(apply) She has applied to the company for a position as a secretary. 5. 在旧社会,出身贫寒的人很少有接受教育的机会。(access) In the old society, people from poor families had little access to education. 6. 这个获胜者因她的画而得了一等奖。(award) The winner was awarded the first prize for her picture. 7. 必须立刻采取行动以减少台风带来的损失。(action) Immediate action must be taken to reduce the losses caused by the typhoon. 8. 边开车边打手机是违反交通规则的。(against) Driving while using cell phone is against the traffic rules. 9. 我向你保证我有能力解决这个问题。(ability) I assure you that I have the ability to solve the problem. 10. 你该就刚才的所作所为向在场的人道歉。(apologize) You should apologize to the people present for what you have just done. 11. 显而易见,这个国家的人每时每刻都可以喝到新鲜牛奶。(available) Obviously, fresh mild is available to the people in the country at any moment. 12. 我很高兴被聘请担任北京奥运会的口译员。(act) I’m glad to be employed to act as an interpreter in the Beijing Olympics. 13. 丰富的网络资讯吸引老老少少上网冲浪。(attract) Rich information on the Internet attracts people of all ages to surfing it. 14. 这位科学家终日废寝忘食地埋首于研究。(absorb) The scientist is absorbed in research all day, neglecting sleep and meals. 15. 十分感激你给我这次面试的机会。(appreciate) I really appreciate you giving me this chance of an interview. 16. 各色阳伞给夏日街头平添了活泼的气氛。(add to) Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets. 17. 人生可贵,不要为日常琐事而忧心忡忡。(anxious) Life is precious, so don’t be anxious about everyday things. 18. 再你做决定之前请考虑一下我的感受。(account) Please take my feelings into account before you make any decision. 19. 我已安排了一辆出租车去机场接你。(arrange) I have arranged for a taxi to meet you at the airport. 20. 在山区,很多同我年纪相仿的儿童上不起学。(afford) In mountain areas, many children about my age can’t afford to go to school. Section B (每题4分) 1. 在发展经济的同时,我们必须注意节约资源和防止污染。(attention) While developing economy, we must pay attention to saving resources and preventing pollution. 2. 他的话表明充分意识到了不努力学习的后果。(aware) His words showed that he was fully aware of the consequence of not studying hard. 3. 专家们建议实施这项工程以造福子孙后代。(advise) The experts advised carrying out the project in order to benefit future generations. 4. 听说他昨天闹情绪,没来上班。(absent) I’ve heard that he was absent from work yesterday because he was in low spirits. 5. 尽可能的多看书,你的作文会有进步的。(and) Try to read as many books as possible, and you can make progress in your composition. 6. 有些留学生要过很长时间才能适应新的礼节和风俗。(adapt) It will be long before some overseas students adapt to new manners and custom. 7. 是否在黄浦江上再建一座大桥,委员们意见不一。(agree) The committee couldn’t agree on whether to build another bridge over the Huangpu River. 8. 他因成绩优异被复旦大学提前录取了。(admit) He has been admitted to Fudan University in advance because of his excellent grades. 9. 艺术节旨在提供一个让学生展示才华的机会。(aim) The art festival aims at providing an opportunity for students to show their talent. 10. 应该鼓励学生将课堂所学的知识运用到实践中去。(apply) Students should be encouraged to apply what they have learned in class to practice. 高考英语中译英测验 2 (B) Section A (每题3分) 1. 昨天发生的事怪不得孩子们。(blame) The children are not to blame for what happened yesterday. 2. 我不相信这些所谓的保健食品有什么价值。(believe) I don’t believe in these so-called health foods. 3. 听到那一激动人心的消息,我情不自禁地大哭起来。(burst) At the exciting news, I couldn’t help bursting into tears. 4. 正要付钱的时候,我的信用卡不见了。(when….) When I was about to pay the money, I couldn’t find my credit card. 5. 你最好不要玩火,会伤到自己的。(or) You’d better not play with fire, or you may hurt yourself. 6. 过不了多久教授就将完成他的实验。(before) It won’t be long before the professor finish his experiment. 7. 除了等待进一步的通知,我们别无它法。(but) We can do nothing but wait for further notice. 8. 更糟糕的是,在回家的路上汽车抛锚了。(break) Even worse, the car broke down on the way home. 9. 那本蓝封面的词典不是我的。(belong) The dictionary whose cover is blue doesn’t belong to me 10. 一直要想方设法讨好老板,真让我厌烦。(bore) I’m really bored with trying every means to please my boss all the time. 11. 由于大雾,从上海飞往北京的航班晚延误了近两个小时。(because of) Because of the heavy fog, the flight from Shanghai to Beijing was delayed nearly two hours. 12. 每一种药物都有副作用,对健康可能造成伤害。(bad) Every drug has some side effects which may be bad for one’s health. 13. 你不应该将此事归咎于她,她是无辜的。(blame) ① You shouldn’t blame it on her, for she is innocent. ② You shouldn’t blame her for it, for she is innocent. 14. 众所周知,知识始于实践。(begin) It is known to all that knowledge begins with practice. 15. 父母双方必须对养育子女承担同等的责任。(bring) Parents must be equally responsible for bringing up children. 16. 这部以真人真事为原型的电影很感人。(base) The movie based on a true story is very moving. 17. 做志愿者的经历让我受益匪浅。(benefit) ① I benefit a lot from the experience of working as a volunteer. ② The experience of working as a volunteer benefits me a lot. 18. 人民普遍认为吸烟有害健康。(It…) It is generally believed that smoking dose harm to health. 19. 他从图书馆借了一些参考书而不是侦探小说。(borrow) He borrowed some reference books rather than detective novels from the library. 20. 这部历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。(so…that) The history novel is so attractive that I can’t bear putting it down. Section B (每题4分) 1. 一些减肥广告已经在电视上停播了。(ban) Some ads on losing weight have been banned from being broadcast on TV. 2. 他天生记性好,能过目不忘。(born) He was born with a good memory, and will never forget whatever he has been seen only once. 3. 现在年轻人所缺乏的,不是书本知识,而是实践经验。(not…but) What young people lack now is not book knowledge but practical experience. 4. 我们应该以事实为基础发表观点,而不是盲目赞成或反对。(base) We should base our opinions on the facts instead of approving or disapproving blindly. 5. 不要打扰James,他正忙于学校音乐会的操练。(busy) ① Don’t disturb James, as he is busy practicing for the school concert. ② Don’t disturb James, as he is busy with the practice for the school concert. 6. 他总是吹嘘自己父母多么有钱,而不知自食其力。(boast) He is always boasting about how rich his parents are, never thinking of earning his own living. 7. 无论你到何处,都要牢记在心:入国禁问,入乡随俗。(bear) Wherever you go, bear in mind that when in Rome, do as the Romans do. 8. 他不仅意识到了自己的弱点,而且想克服它。(Not only…) Not only did he realize his weakness, but also he desired to overcome it. 9. 救援队在地震发生后不久就设法赶到了那里。(break) The rescue team managed to get there soon after the earthquake broke out. 10. 这位作家专心致志于写作,以致忘了自己重病在身。(bury) The writer was so buried in his writing that he forgot his serious illness. 高考英语中译英测验 3 (C) Section A (每题3分) 1. 希望这里的志愿者都要精通英语。(command) All the volunteers here are expected to have a good command of English. 2. 他缺乏当众承认错误的勇气。(courage) He lacked the courage to admit his mistake in public. 3. 我们打算开个派对来祝贺Helen 获得这场比赛的胜利。(congratulate) We are going to hold a party to congratulate Helen on winning the game. 4. 经理不在的时候,由Robert 负责你们部门。(charge) ① While the manager is away, Robert will be in charge of your department. ② While the manager is away, your department will be in the charge of Robert. 5. 如果你不将理论与实践结合起来,你的研究将毫无用处。(combine) Your research will be useless unless you combine theory with practice 6. 为了承担得起出国的费用,你无论怎样节俭都是不过分的。(cannot…too) In order to afford to go abroad, you cannot be too economical. 7. 不管你有多少钱,都无法和健康的身体像媲美。(compare) However much money you have, it’s can’t compare with a healthy body. 8. 任何考试作弊被抓住的学生都将受到严惩。(catch) Whoever is caught cheating in the exam will be severely punished. 9. 如果他得到及时的治疗,很可能在一个星期内康复。(Chances…) Chances are that he will recover in a week if he receives timely treatment. 10. 如果有疑问,可随时通过电话或电子邮件和我们联系。(contact) If there is any doubt, you can contact us by phone or by email at any time. 11. 她不在乎报酬,对她来说重要的是她的实验。(care) She doesn’t care about the reward, and what matters to her is her experiment. 12. 即使周围响声很大,他也能集中精力看书。(concentrate) He can concentrate on his books even if it is very noisy around him. 13. 学生们逐渐认识到友谊胜过金钱。(come) The students have come to realize that friendship is more important than money. 14. 当时,那位出租车司机别无选择,只能求助于游客。(choice) At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourist for help. 15. 他没有报名参加面试,这使他失去了一份高薪工作。(cost) He didn’t sign up for the interview, which cost him a well-paid job. 16. 做幼儿园老师需要极大的耐心。(call) Working as a teacher in the kindergarten calls for a lot of patience. 17. 成功由三个重要因素组成:天才‘勤奋加上运气。(consist) Success consists of three important factors: talent, diligence and luck. 18. 众望所归,Jam 当选了足球队队长。(choose) As most people had expected, Jim was chosen as captain of the football team. 19. 火势最终被控制住了,但还是造成了巨大的损害。(control) The fire was finally brought under control, but had still caused great damage. 20. 作为班上的尖子学生,她有能力解答这些数学题。(capable) As a top student in the class, she is capable of working out these maths problems. Section B (每题4分) 1. 给我印象最深的是中国人民对未来满怀信心。(confident) What has impressed me most is that the Chinese people are very confident of their future. 2. 在空调房间待太久会使人生病。(cause) Staying in an air-conditioned room for too long may cause people to fall ill. 3. 在孩子成长的过程中,父母不能忽视他在交什么样的朋友。(course) In the course of the growth of a child, parents mustn’t neglect what kind of friends he is making. 4. 与他原来的期待相反,做这个工作需要经常出国。(contrary) Contrary to what he expected, doing this job involves often going abroad. 5. 经过两个小时的讨论,他们决定向经理投诉这件事情。(complain) After two hours’ discussion, they decided to complain to the manager about it. 6. 大量砍伐树木肯定会扰乱生态平衡。(It…) It’s certain that cutting down trees in large numbers will upset the balance of nature. 7. 这些残疾人渴望为社区贡献自己的一份力量。(contribution) These disabled people long to make their own contributions to the community. 8. 第一次到纽约的时候,我对所见所闻都很好奇。(curious) The first time I visited New York, I was curious about what I saw and heard. 9. 随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关心生活质量。(concern) With the improvement of living standard, People are increasingly concerned about the life quality. 10. 我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。(…it…) I find it hard to cooperate with those who always stick own opinions. 高考英语中译英测验 4 (D) Section A (每题3分) 1. 她下定决心不惜任何代价不让父母失望。(determined) She is determined not to let her parents down at any cost. 2. 我们认为有必要为地震的受害者捐款。(donate) We think it necessary to donate money to the earthquake victims. 3. 一本书是否畅销取决与诸多因素。(depend) Whether a book sells well depends on many factors. 4. 这个孩子梦想着有朝一日能登上月球。(dream) The child is dreaming of landing on the moon some day. 5. 阅读时,你不必碰到生词就查字典。(look) You needn’t look up every new word you come across in reading. 6. 由于经验不足,他不知道如何处理这情形。(deal) He didn’t know how to deal with the situation because of his inexperience. 7. 勿庸置疑,坐飞机比坐汽车安全。(doubt) There is no doubt that taking a plane is safer than taking a car. 8. 希望你早点给我们回信。(desire) ① We desire you to reply to our letter early. ② We desire your early reply to our letter. 9. 服药时,请遵照使用说明。(direction) Please follow the directions when you take the medicine. 10. 凡是想要生存的人都要依靠社会。(dependent) Whoever wants to survive must be dependent on society. 11. 他在外貌和性格上都与妹妹截然不同。(different) He is completely different from his sister in appearance and character. 12. 不管谁指出我们的缺点都应受到回报。(deserve) ① Whoever points out our shortcomings deserves a reward. ② Whoever points out our shortcomings deserves to be reward. 13. 因为有着强烈的求生欲望,她在这次空难中幸存下来了。(due) Due to her strong will to live, she survived the air crash. 14. 他仍然昏迷不醒,随时有生命危险。(danger) He remains unconscious and is in danger of losing his life at any moment. 15. 他要求出国进修,但被公司拒绝了。(demand) He demanded to go to abroad for further study, but was refused by his company. 16. 这场战争极大地消耗了美国的资源和财富。(drain) The war was a great drain on the resources and wealth of American. 17. 他把毕生精力花在医学研究上并且取得了很大成就。(devote) He devoted all his energy to medical research and make great achievements. 18. 我认为你找到男生宿舍不会有困难。(difficulty) I don’t think you’ll have any difficulty finding the boy’s dormitory. 19. 把一个国家分成四个时区是否会给人们带来不便呢?(divide) Dose it give people inconvenience to divide a country into four time zones? 20. 人们经常将香港描述成国际金融与商贸中心。(describe) Hong Kong is often described as an international financial and business center. Section B (每题4分) 1. 我校正不遗余力地满足学生对课外活动的需求。(demand) Our school is making every effort to meet the demands of students for activities after class. 2. 同学们正在热烈讨论是否有必要穿校服。(discussion) The students are having a heated discussion about whether they should wear school uniforms. 3. 我决定不出席晚宴,除非你答应和我一起去。(decide) I’ve decided not to attend the dinner party unless you promise to go to with me. 4. 随着现代技术的高速发展,良药不再苦口。(development) With the development of modern technology, good medicine doesn’t test bitter any longer. 5. 令她失望的是,她想买的连衣裙没有她要的颜色和尺码。(disappointment) To her disappointment, the dress she wanted to buy was not available in her color and size. 6. 在农村,因为孩子的教育支出,许多父母负债累累。(debt) In the countryside, many parents are in heavy debt because of the expense of their children’s education. 7. 他否认违反交通规则,而将事故责任推到卡车司机身上。(deny) He denied breaking the traffic rules and blamed the truck driver for the accident. 8. 那个穿白衣服的女孩多才多艺,给我留下了深刻的印象。(dress) 9. 从考官的表情判断,他对面试者大失所望。(disappoint) Judging from his expression, the interviewer was greatly disappointed with the interviewees. 10. 由于需要作进一步修改,他将书推迟到明年出版。(delay) As the book needs further revising, he has delayed publishing the book until next year. 高考英语中译英测验 5 (E) Section A (每题3分) 1. 和园丁们一起工作让我们学到许多关于花卉的知识。(enable) Working with gardeners enables us to obtain a lot of knowledge of flowers. 2. 为避免误会,你最好向她解释清楚这个问题。(explain) To avoid misunderstanding, you had better explain the problem to her clearly. 3. 你不吃早餐也无助于减肥。(even if) Even if you don’t have breakfast, you won’t lose weight. 4. 我发现和你父亲交换看法很令人耳目一新。(exchange) I’ve found it very refreshing to exchange ideas with your farther. 5. 我们必须用知识武装头脑,以便将来为人民服务。(equip) We must equip ourselves with knowledge so as to serve the people in the future. 6. 别对他期望太高,不然你会失望的。(expect) Don’t expect too much of him, otherwise you will be disappointed. 7. 最后,我想引用一首诗来结束我的演讲。(end) Finally, I want to end my speech by quoting a poem. 8. 这种药对治疗咳嗽有立竿见影的效果。(effect) The medicine has an immediate effect on cough. 9. 总经理不会原谅你玩忽职守的行为的。(excuse) ① The general manager won’t excuse you for neglecting your duty. ② The general manager won’t excuse your neglecting your duty. 10. 他厌倦了喧嚣的城市,而渴望一种宁静的乡村生活。(eager) He has tired of the noisy city and was eager for a quiet country life. 11. 让皮肤长时间晒太阳是有害的。(expose) It is harmful to expose one’s skin to the sunlight for long. 12. 他是如何在那起车祸中死里逃生的还不清楚。(escape) It isn’t clear yet how he narrowly escaped death / being killed in the car accident. 13. 多参加些体育锻炼,你就不那么容易感冒了。(exercise) If you do / take more physical exercise, you will not catch a cold so easily. 14. 这房子给我们三个人住够大了,而且离地铁站很近。(enough) The house is big enough for us three to live in, and it is convenient to the subway station. 15. 如果你不研究对手,最终你将输掉这场比赛。(end) If you don’t study your opponent, you will end up losing the game. 16. 我们都没料到校长会出现在晚会上。(expect) None of us expected the headmaster to show up at the evening party. 17. 我不知道他究竟为什么辞去了这样一份高薪工作。(wonder) I wonder why on earth he has quit such a well-paid job. 18. 据估计大约有超过5000万人曾感染过这种病。(It…) It is estimated that more than 50 million people have been infected with this disease. 19. 报纸上一篇有趣的文章引起了我的注意。(eye) An interesting article in the newspaper caught my eye. 20. 在场的观众有权利为他们喜爱的歌星投票。(entitle) The audience present are entitled to vote for their favorite singer. Section B (每题4分) 1. 应鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage) Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points. 2. 她报名参加模特大赛,却遭到父母的强烈反对。(enter) She wanted to enter for the middle competition, which was strongly opposed by her parents. 3. 为了学好英语,学生应尽可能多地接触真实的语言环境。(exchange) To learn English well, students should be exposed to real language environments as much as possible. 4. 要教育人们注意保护环境并不容易。(educate) It is not easy to educate people to pay attention to protecting the environment. 5. 他在技巧和经验上都与我们旗鼓相当,谁都有可能夺冠。(equal) He is equal to me in skill and experience, so either of us is likely to win the championship. 6. 近来,他在从事关于做笔记对学习效果的研究。(engage) Recently,he has been engaged in a research on the effects of taking notes on study. 7. 您的旧家电在我们任何一家连锁店都能以旧换新。(exchange) You can exchange your old household appliances for new ones in any of our chain stores. 8. 不仅年轻人爱好这项运动,许多中年人也跃跃欲试。(eager) Not only do the young enjoy the sport, but also many middle-aged people are eager to have a try. 9. 必须采取一切可能的措施以确保奥运会顺利进行。(ensure) All possible measures must be taken to ensure that the Olympic Games will go on well. 10. 为了与时具进,专家们正努力改进教科书。(effort) To keep pace with the times, the experts are making great efforts to improve the textbooks. 高考英语中译英测验 6 (F) Section A (每题3分) 1. 大多数学生都支持他提出的建议。(favor) Most students are in favor of the suggesting he put forward. 2. 他因家境贫寒而不得不退学。(force) He was forced to quit school because his family was poor. 3. 我们坚信这个高科技产品总有一天会被接受。(belief) We hold a firm belief that this hi-tech product will be accepted one day. 4. 好几年来,他一直在同疾病作斗争。(fight) He was been fighting against the disease for quite a few years. 5. 我完全被那景象迷住了,无法移开视线。(fascinate) I was so fascinated by the sight that I could not take my eyes off it. 6. 学校应该注重培养学生对科学的热爱。(focus) Schools should focus (their attention) on cultivating students’ love for science. 7. 仅仅往大脑中蓄满知识是无用的。(fill) It is no use just filling your mind with knowledge. 8. 大多数与会人员不赞成此项计划。(for) Most of the people who attended the meeting were not for the plan. 9. 即使他向我道歉,我也决不会原谅他的无礼行为。(forgive) ① Even if he apologizes to me, I will never forgive him for being rude. ② Even if he apologize to me, I will never forgive him his rudeness. 10. 一场暴风雨后,他们发现自己面临着严重的水灾。(face) ① After a rainstorm, they found themselves faced with a serious flood. ② After a rainstorm, they found a serious flood facing them. 11. 并非任何人都适合做推销员。(fit) Not everyone is fit for the position as a salesman. 12. 我忘了提醒他面试的时间。(forget) I forgot to remind him of the time for the interview. 13. 今天阳光明媚,我想去野餐。(feel) As it is sunny today, I feel like going for a picnic. 14. 他在演讲比赛中的表现远不令人满意。(far) His performance in the speech competition is far from satisfactory. 15. 大楼着火后不久,消防队就赶到了。(catch) Soon after the building caught fire, the fire brigade arrived. 16. 他在业余时间喜欢上网与人聊天。(fond) He is found of chatting on the internet in his spare time. 17. 决定将有校长来做。(fall) It will fall on the headmaster to make the decision. 18. 每次母亲回到家里,都发现他们在打牌。(find) Every time the mother came back home, she found them playing cards. 19. 我们学校禁止学生在校内吃零食和乱扔垃圾。(forbid) ① Our school forbids the students to have snakes and litter in the school. ② Our school forbids the students’ having snacks and littering in the school. 20. 据我所知,在那座小城市里购物很方便。(as far as) As far as I know, it is convenient to do shopping in that small city. Section B (每题4分) 1. 我们最好不要与言而无信的人打交道。(fail) We’d better not make friends with those who always fail to keep their promises. 2. 他目不转睛地看着相册,想起许多童年趣事。(fix) With/Keeping his eyes fixed on the photo album, he recalled much fun in childhood. 3. 他作为一个杰出的科学家而闻名,但他却淡泊名利。(famous) He is famous as an outstanding scientist, but he isn’t interested in fame and wealth. 4. 只有通过仔细的观察和分析我们才能发现问题的所在。(find) Only through careful observation and analysis can we find out what the problem is. 5. MP4正在流行,而MP3已不再时兴,时尚的潮流总是这样日新月异。(fashion) MP4 is in fashion now while MP3 is out of fashion, and fashion is changing constantly like this. 6. 她总是穿着奇装异服,难怪同学们要取笑啊她。(fun) No wonder her classmates make fun of her because she always wears strange clothes. 7. 许多市民青睐地铁,是因为它不会发生交通拥堵。(free) Many citizens favor the underground because it is free from the traffic jam. 8. 龙井茶不仅在国内享有盛誉,许多外国人也熟悉它。(familiar) Longjing tea not only enjoys a high reputation at home but is familiar to many foreigners. 9. 为了方便起见,他用短信告诉了同事们这个好消息。(form) For convenience’s sake, he told his colleagues the good news in the form of text messages. 10. 他蹑手蹑脚地走进房间,唯恐吵醒睡着的孩子。(fear) ① He went into the room on tiptoe for fear of waking up the sleeping child. ② He went into the room on tiptoe for fear that he would wake up the sleeping child. 高考英语中译英测验 7(G&H) Section A (每题3分) 1. 因为缺乏资金,他们只好放弃开发那个新软件。(give) For lack of money, they had to give up developing the new software. 2. 看了杰克画的卡通画,他的母亲忍俊不禁。(help) On seeing the cartoon drawn by Jack, his mother couldn’t help laughing. 3. 男士一般不擅长购物时和店主讨价还价。(good) Men are generally not good at bargaining with shopkeepers when shopping. 4. 看来他们家发生了出人意料的事情。(happen) It seems that something unexpected has happened to their family. 5. 没人料到这件事与那个沉默寡言的人有关。(have) Nobody expected that he incident had anything to do with the man with few words. 6. 乘车时你有主动给老人让座的习惯吗?(habit) Do you have the habit of offering your seat to the old on the bus? 7. 在美国逗留期间,我与格林一家相处和睦。(get) During my stay in America, I got along well with the Greens. 8. 他刚到家,他的太太就开始发牢骚。(Hardly…) Hardly had he arrived home when his wife started complaining. 9. 下星期我们要为退休工人举行一次欢送会。(honor n.) Next week we will hold a farewell party in honor of the retired workers. 10. 老师刚要分发试卷,这时响起了手机铃声。(when) The teacher was about to give out the test papers when a cell phone rang. 11. 不要老是为那件事感到内疚,那不是你的错。(guilty) Don’t be always feeling guilty about it, for it is not your fault. 12. 偶尔吃点糖果对儿童的健康并没有什么害处。(harm n.) Eating sweets occasionally does no harm to children’s health. 13. 你认为这个小孩有音乐天赋吗?(gift) Do you think this child has a gift for music. 14. 适当放松一下自己有助于你提高学习效率。(help) Relaxing yourself properly helps you to improve the efficiency in study. 15. 尽管在城市长大,他却一点也不喜欢时髦。(grow) Though he has grown up in the city, he doesn’t like fashion at all. 16. 幸亏这位医生,病人的手术才没有被耽搁。(hold) Thanks he has grown up in the city, he doesn’t like fashion at all. 17. 我真希望奶奶能尽快康复。(get) I really hope that my grandmother will get over her illness as soon as possible. 18. 我们去电话时,碰巧他们出去了。(happen) ① It happened that they were out when we called. ② They happened to be put when we called. 19. 我们下决心要实现我们共同的目标。(goal) We are determined to achieve our common goal. 20. 这位年轻的战士因帮助一位残疾老人而受到嘉奖。(honor n.) The young soldier was honored for helping a disabled old man. Section B (每题4分) 1. 中国人认为子女赡养父母是天经地义的。(grant) The Chinese take it for granted that sons and daughters should support their parents. 2. 有不懂的地方就求教于老师,不要犹豫。(hesitate) Don’t hesitate to ask your teachers for help if you can’t understand anything. 3. 你最好检查一下你的眼睛,很明显你的视力在下降。(have) You’d better have your eyes examined as obviously your eyesight is failing. 4. 没弄清事实就匆忙作出决定是不明智的。(hurry) It is unwise to hurry to make a decision before getting a clear idea of the facts. 5. 只要不灰心,我们终会克服暂时的困难。(heart) As long as we don’t lose heart, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficulty. 6. 只有经历艰难困苦的人才明白人生的真谛。(go) Only those who have gone through hardships understand the true meaning of life. 7. 这次考试考的太差,他决定不将成绩告诉父母。(hide) He did so badly in this exam that he decided to hide the score from his parents. 8. 非常感谢你在我困难时向我伸出了援助之手。(grateful) I am very grateful to you for lending me a helping hand when I was in trouble. 9. 当父亲听说女儿在大学中的优异表现时,他满面春风、容光焕发。(hear) When the father heard about his daughter’s excellent performance in university, his face lit up. 10. 高中毕业后,他被送去农村体验生活。(graduation) After graduation from high school, he was sent to the countryside to experience the life there. 高考英语中译英测验 8(I---K) Section A (每题3分) 1. 大多数人不愿意介入这场毫无意义的争论。(involve) Most people aren’t willing to get involved in this meaningless argument. 2. 来自农村的学生不必感到比大城市的学生低一等。(inferior) The students from the countryside needn’t fell inferior to those from big cities. 3. 从你的成绩单来看,所有老师都对你相当满意。(judge) Judging from your school report, all your teachers are quite satisfied with you. 4. 那个姑娘又活泼又幽默,给面试官留下了深刻印象。(impress) The girl impressed the interviewer with her liveliness and humor. 5. 正是因为他的粗枝大叶才使他考试不及格。(It…) It was his carelessness that resulted in his failure on the child’s personality. 6. 家庭环境会对孩子的性格产生很大的影响。(influence) The family environment can have a great influence on the child’s personality. 7. 他的建议使我没有犯严重的错误。(keep) His advice kept me from making a serious mistake. 8. 这本字典是小孩用的,不适合你。(intend) The dictionary is intended for children, so it’s not suitable for you. 9. 只有抓住每一个机会,你才能成功。(Only…) Only if you seize every chance can you succeed. 10. 勤洗手可以避免疾病传染。(infect) Washing hands often can avoid being infected with disease. 11. 他热衷于读书是因为读书能给他带来知识和快乐。(keen) He is keen on reading because reading can bring him knowledge and happiness. 12. 他住在一个小岛上,过着与现代生活隔绝的日子。(isolate) He lived on a small island, isolated from modern life. 13. 你这个周末有空,为什么不和我们一起去溜冰呢?(join) Since you are free this weekend, why not join us in going skating? 14. 他不顾个人安危,执意留守在岗位上。(insist) He insisted on keeping to his post regardless of his own safety. 15. 到目前为止,科学家们对电脑病毒只有粗略的了解。(idea) So far scientists have got a general idea of computer virus. 16. 你和老同学老死不相往来是错误的。(It…) It’s wrong of you never to get in touch with your former classmates. 17. 他申请这份工作是为了不依靠父母。(independent) He applied for the job in order to be independent of his parents. 18. 令家人大为高兴的是,他被一所重点高中录取了。(joy) To his family’s great joy, he was admitted into a key high school. 19. 除非被邀请发言,否则在会上你应该保持沉默。(invite) Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the meeting. 20. 难以想象彼得在讲台上演讲的样子。(imagine) It’s hard to imagine Peter(‘s) making a speech on the platform. Section B (每题4分) 1. 因特网可以使我们不断了解国内外发生的事情。(inform) The internet keeps us informed of what is happening at home and abroad. 2. 我对这类电视剧不感兴趣,因为它们千篇一律。(interest n.) I have no interest in TV plays of this kind as they all follow the same pattern. 3. 如果你忽视句型,你的翻译水平就不可能提高。(impossible) It is impossible for you to improve your translation level if you ignore the sentence patterns. 4. 他们失败后没有怨天尤人,而是更加刻苦训练,力求在下次比赛中获胜。(instead) ① Instead of complaining about the failure, they trained even harder to win the next match. ② They didn’t complain about the failure; instead, they trained even harder to win the next match. 5. 人们发现越来越难跟上现代科学的发展。(keep) People find it harder and harder to keep up with the development of modern science. 6. 他查阅了很多资料,想要了解番茄是何时引入中国的。(introduce) He consulted a lot of information to find out when tomatoes were introduced in China. 7. 我对学生所谈论的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。(ignorant) Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind. 8. 网络使我们能足不出户就周游世界。(…it…) ① The Internet makes it possible for us to travel around the world without leaving home. ② The Internet makes it possible that we can travel around the world without leaving home. 9. 无论风多大、雨多急,警察一直坚守在岗位上。(keep) No matter how hard the rain falls and wind blows, the police keep to their posts. 10. 许多年轻人受到鼓舞愿为服务公众而贡献时间和精力。(inspire) Many young people were inspired to devote time and effort to serving the public. 高考英语中译英测验 9(L&M) Section A (每题3分) 1. 只有勇敢面对挑战的人才有可能成功。(likely) ① Only those who face the challenges bravely are likely to succeed. ② It is likely that only those who face the challenges bravely will succeed. 2. 对于我们来说,重要的不是输赢,而是参与。(matter) What matters to us is not to win but to take part. 3. 你一收到这封信,就知道事情的来龙去脉了。(The moment…) The moment you receive the letter, you’ll know the whole story of the incident. 4. 我们应该互相学习,共同进步。(learn) We should learn from each other and make progress together. 5. 必须采取积极措施来防止禽流感蔓延。(measure) Active measures must be taken to prevent bird flu from spreading. 6. 难以置信,那位百万富翁过着一种极为简朴的生活。(live) It is hard to believe that the millionaire lived an extremely simple life. 7. 对帮助你的人说谢谢是一种礼貌。(manner) It is good manners to say thanks to those who have done you a favor. 8. 陷入沉思,她没有注意到外面发生的事情。(lose) Lost in thought, she didn’t notice what was going on outside. 9. 在考试中越是冷静,就越少出错。(the more…the more…) The calmer you are in the exam, the fewer mistakes you will make. 10. 缓解压力的方法在于学会放松。(lie) The way to relieve tress lies in learning to relax. 11. 这种钢制手表质量很好。(make) The watch which is made of steel is of good quality. 12. 做一件毫无价值的工作就意味着浪费我们宝贵的时间。(mean) Doing a worthless job means wasting our precious time. 13. 他渴望能为那些艾滋病儿做些事情。(long) He longed to do something for those kids suffering from AIDS. 14. 那位英语老师常常被误认为是学生,因为她看上去很年轻。(mistake) The English teacher is often mistaken for a student as she appears young. 15. 去看时装秀吧,我来洗碗。(leave) ① Go to watch the fashion show, and leave me to wash up. ② Go to watch the fashion show, and leave it to me to wash up. 16. 在古典音乐知识方面没人能和约翰匹敌。(match) No one can match John in the knowledge of classical music. 17. 她被那部电影深深感动了禁不住留下了泪水。(move) She was deeply moved to tears by the film. 18. 作为高三学生,我们不应该讲理想局限于大学教育。(limit) As Senior Three students, we shouldn’t limit our dreams to college education. 19. 无论遇到什么困难都不要半途而废。(meet) Don’t give up halfway whatever difficulty you meet with. 20. 如果管理的好,这笔钱够我用3个月。(last) If managed properly, the money can last me three months. Section B (每题4分) 1. 由于缺乏资金和人力,地铁修建不得不推迟。(lack) The building of the subway has to be put off for lack of funds and labor. 2. 虽然交通拥挤,他还是设法把旅客及时送到了机场。(manage) In spite of the heavy traffic, he managed to send the tourists to the airport in time. 3. 老师冷不丁问了她一个问题,她不知如何回答。(loss) ① The teacher asked her a question so suddenly that she was at a loss for an answer. ② The teacher asked her a question so suddenly that she was at a loss how to answer it. 4. 作为一名服装设计专业的学生,他渴望有一天能去巴黎。(major v.) As a student who majors in fashion design, he desires to visit Paris some day. 5. 经理今天情绪不好,我刚才被他平白无故骂了一顿。(mood) The manager is in a bad mood today, and just now I was scolded by him for no reason. 6. 这次意外事故使他学到了“乐极生悲”这个教训。(lesson) The unexpected accident taught him a lesson that too much happiness leads to sorrow. 7. 我们盼望能参加艺术节开幕式。(look) We are looking forward to attending the opening ceremony of the art festival. 8. 他有写小说的潜质,因为他擅长编故事。(make) He has potential for writing novels because he is good at making up stories. 9. 我们决心按计划完成校长交给的任务。(mind) We’ve made up our minds to finish the task assigned by our headmaster as planned. 10. 这个体育场位于市中心,这是大家很容易到达那里。(locate) The stadium is located in the city center, which makes it easy for all the people to get there. 高考英语中译英测验 10(N&O) Section A (每题3分) 1. 我们没人反对周末去野营。(object) None of us objects to going camping at the weekend. 2. 他建议我们应该向学生开设更多的课程。(offer) He suggested that we (should) offer more courses to the students. 3. 你可以将自己待会儿想说的话列个提纲。(outline) You can draw an outline of what you want to say later. 4. 啤酒瓶可以循环再利用,但需要彻底清洗。(need) Beer bottles can be recycled, but they need cleaning thoroughly. 5. 医生坚持要这个病人立即动手术。(operate) The doctor insisted that the patient (should) be operated on at once. 6. 显而易见,他不愿意按吩咐去做。(obvious) It is obvious that he is unwilling to do as he is asked to. 7. 由于油价上涨,更多的人使用公共交通工具。(owing to) Owing to the rising oil price, more people are using public transport. 8. 彼得与队里的其它队员相比,既不够年轻也不够健壮。(neither…nor…) Peter is neither as strong as the other members of the team. 9. 这种场合不适合穿随便的衣服。(occasion) Informal clothes are not suitable on this occasion. 10. 非常感谢你帮忙照看我的宠物。(oblige) I am much obliged to you for helping to look after my pet. 11. 我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大。(Never) Never before has our country been so powerful as it is today. 12. 我的家人强烈反对我独自生活的计划。(oppose) ① My family is strongly opposed to my plan to live by myself. ② My family strongly opposes my plan to live by myself. 13. 她全神贯注地看书,没注意我进来。(notice) She was so absorbed in reading that she didn’t notice me come in. 14. 出于好奇,年幼的他走上了魔术生涯。(out of) Out of curiosity he began to follow a magic career at an early age. 15. 中看到鞋子不一定耐穿。(necessarily) Good-looking shoes do not necessarily last long. 16. 你根本不用愁眉不展,一切看起来都有条不紊。(order) You don’t need to worry at all as everything seems to be in good order. 17. 今早醒来时,我突然想到一个很棒的点子。(occur) A wonderful idea occurred to me when I work up this morning. 18. 这张新专辑是以歌手母亲的名字命名的。(name) The new album is named after the singer’s mother. 19. 我现在急需一台电脑,可是我买不起。(need n.) I’m badly in need of a computer now, but I can’t afford one. 20. 这些天,杰克正忙于筹备他的婚礼。(occupy) These days Jack is occupied in preparing for his wedding. Section B (每题4分) 1. 她将缺席这场比赛,因为她的膝盖要动手术。(operation) She will be absent from the match because she will have an operation on her knee. 2. 那位工程师平易近人,总是将自己的成功归功与同事们的帮助。(owe) The engineer is easy to get along with and always owes his success to his colleagues’ help. 3. 如果不满足身体对维生素的需求,我们就会缺乏足够的营养。(need) If we don’t meet our bodies’ needs for vitamins, we will lack enough nutrition. 4. 昨天下午电梯突然出故障,三个人被关了半小时。(order) Yesterday afternoon the lift was out of order suddenly, and three people were trapped in it for half an hour. 5. 世博会将给上海一个机会来向世界展示其独特风韵。(opportunity) The World Expo will give Shanghai an opportunity to show its unique charm to the world. 6. 犯了这么严重的错误,你再狡辩也无济于事。(now that) Now that you have made such a serious mistake, it’s no use finding excuses. 7. 周围的邻居在听到了“救命”的尖叫声后,马上给警方打了电话。(On…) On hearing the cry for help, the neighbours immediately called the police. 8. 我没有想到汤姆会被选为学生会主席。(occur) It never occurred to me that Tom would be elected chairman of the Students’ Union. 9. 虽然她孤身一人,无亲无故,但邻居们都向她伸出了援助之手。(offer) Although she lives alone with no relatives or friends, all her neighbours offer to help her. 10. 只有持之以恒的锻炼才能使人延年益寿。(Only…) Only by keeping doing exercise can human being live a longer life. 高考英语中译英测验 11(P) Section A (每题3分) 1. 这一建议是否能付诸实施任然是个问题。(practice) It remains a question whether the suggestion can be put into practice. 2. 她儿子成了一名飞行员,为此她感到自豪。(proud) Her son became a pilot, which she was proud of. 3. 假如你一意孤行,你将为此付出代价。(pay) If you keep on doing like this, you will pay for what you have done. 4. 他在工作中粗心大意,却被提升为经理。(promote) He is careless in work, but was promoted to manager. 5. 那个女孩因在这次灾难中的勇敢表现而受到高度赞扬。(praise) The girl is highly praised for her brave behavior in the disaster. 6. 经理对他的工作如此挑剔,他只得辞职。(particular) The manager was so particular about his work that he had to quit his job. 7. 令人费解的是,他总喜欢不懂装懂。(pretend) What’s puzzling is that he always pretends to know what he doesn’t know. 8. 结果证明这项人任务比预想的要困难得多。(prove) The task proved to be much more difficult then expected. 9. 这位年轻的教师对不太聪明的学生没有耐心。(patient) The young teacher is not patient with less intelligent students. 10. 戴太阳眼镜可以保护眼睛免受强烈阳光的灼伤。(protect) Wearing sun glasses can protect your eyes from the strong sunlight. 11. 单单参加田径项目的就达到了50人。(participate) Those who participate in track and field events alone add up to 50. 12. 我宁愿上网购物也不愿去百货商店。(prefer) I prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store. 13. 保险公司已经承诺赔偿我们的损失。(promise) The insurance company has promised to mane up for you loss. 14. 你认为这学期谁在物理方面进步很大。(progress) Who do you think has made great progress in physics this term? 15. 许多书籍和杂志能我们提供精神食粮。(provide) Many books and magazines can provide us with spiritual food. 16. 我竭力劝说他不要赌博,但是他根本听不进去。(persuade) I tried hard to persuade him not to gamble, but he didn’t listen at all. 17. 我们只有不断改善自我,才能跟上现代生活的节奏。(pace) Only by improving ourselves can we keep pace with modern life. 18. 她为这次求职面试做好了充分准备,一点也不紧张。(prepare) She is well prepared for the job interview, so she isn’t nervous at all. 19. 你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会吗?(possible) It is possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 20. 毫无疑问,他将因不遵守校规而受到严惩。(punish) No doubt he will be severely punished for disobeying the school rules. Section B (每题4分) 1. 中国制造的鞋子价廉物美,深受当地顾客的欢迎。(popular) Shoes made in China are cheap but good, so they are very popular with the local customers. 2. 你能在这人群中找出你多年未见的兄弟吗?(pick) Can you pick out your brother who you haven’t seen for years in the crowd? 3. 无论家人怎么劝说,她任然执意要和那个外国人结婚。(persist) No matter how her family tried to persuade he, she persisted in marrying the foreigner. 4. 她煞费苦心保持房子整洁,却总是被那只宠物狗搞得一团糟。(pains) She took great pains to keep her house tidy, but it was always messed up by the pet dog. 5. 我们目前面临的问题是如何为明天的面试做好充分的准备。(preparation) The problem facing us now is how to made full preparations for the interview tomorrow. 6. 我正计划今年暑假去浏览一些名胜古迹。(plan) I’m planning to visit some places of interest and historical sites during this summer holiday. 7. 必须采取严厉措施以阻止对苏州河的进一步污染。(prevent) Severe action must be taken to prevent the Suzhou River being further polluted. 8. 肇事司机故意隐瞒事实以逃避惩罚。(purpose) The driver who had caused the accident hided the facts on purpose to escape punishment. 9. 专家指出,医疗不能代替均衡饮食在保健中的作用。(point) Experts point out that medical care can’t replace a well-balanced diet in keeping healthy. 10. 电子邮件和电话一样,在日常交流中起着重要作用。(part) E-mail, as well as the telephone, plays an important part in daily communication. 高考英语中译英测验 12(Q&R) Section A (每题3分) 1. 如果你拒绝吃蔬菜,你只好继续饿着。(refuse) If you refuse to eat the vegetables, you’ll have to remain hungry. 2. 这张照片使我想起了我们在夏令营里度过的日子。(remind) This photo reminds me of the days we spent in the summer camp. 3. 他缺席的原因是他在交通事故中受了重伤。(reason) The reason for his absence is that he was seriously injured in a traffic accident. 4. 高中生没必要事事依靠父母。(rely) High school students needn’t rely on their parents for everything. 5. 这个经济问题是由贫富差距导致的。(result) The economic problem resulted form a gap between the rich and the poor. 6. 据记载,这个地区历史上发生过多次地震。(record) ① It is reported that a lot of earthquakes happened in this area in history. ② A lot of earthquakes are recorded to have happened in this area in history. 7. 我们可以用机器人代替人类做一些有危险的工作。(replace) We can replace man with robots to do some dangerous jobs. 8. 随着旅游业的兴起,该地区人们的生活正在逐步改善。(rise) With the rise of tourism, the life of people in this area is improving. 9. 机遇和成功往往青睐有准备的人。(ready) Opportunities and success usually favor those who ate ready for them. 10. 作演讲之前,深呼吸能消除你的紧张感。(relieve) Before a speech, a deep breath can relieve you of your numerousness. 11. 那个年轻人迟疑了一会儿才回答问题。(reply) The young man hesitated for a while before he replied to the question. 12. 这项培训课程将使你胜任更好的工作。(qualify) This training course will qualify you for a better job. 13. 家长不该孩子要什么就买什么,而不管花费如何。(regardless) Parents shouldn’t buy children whatever they want, regardless of the cost. 14. 我清楚的记得曾经见过这个人,但讲不出什么时间什么地方。(remember) I clearly remember meeting this man, but I can’t tell when and where. 15. 知道如何对突发事件作出适当的反应是十分明智的。(react) It is very wise to know how to react properly to unexpected incidents. 16. 在火车站,他们含着眼泪依依惜别。(reluctant) At the railway station, they were reluctant to part with tears in their eyes. 17. 那个男孩因帮助了陌生旅客被奖励了两块巧克力。(reward) The boy was rewarded with two chocolates for helping the strange travelers. 18. 这本小说是专门写给年龄在7至12岁之间的孩子们的。(range) The novel is specially written for the children ranging in age from 7 to 12. 19. 你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(rid) Once you have formed a bad habit, it’s very difficult to get rid of it. 20. 他在最后一刻赶到了演讲大厅,我们松了一口气。(relief) To our relief, he arrived at the lecture hall at the last moment. Section B (每题4分) 1. 刘翔为我们中国人赢得了巨大的荣誉,被认为是民族英雄。(regard) Liu Xiang has won great honor for us Chinese, and is regarded as a national hero. 2. 我们学校规定学生不可以将手机带入校园。(…it…) Our school makes it a rule that students mustn’t bring their mobile phones to campus. 3. 劳累一天后洗个澡可以解乏。(recover) Having a bath after working hard for a day, you can recover from tiredness. 4. 这个问题很值得讨论,它与我们未来的生活息息相关。(related) The problem is well worth discussing because it is closely related to our future life. 5. 学校要求每位学生每天为家里做一件力所能及的家务。(require) The school requires every student to do a piece of housework that they can every day. 6. 当他意识到自己的健康每况愈下时,他决定戒烟。(quit) He decided to quit smoking when he realized that his health was going from bad to worse. 7. 时间有限,这个问题留待下一次会议讨论。(remain) The time is limited, so the problem remains to be discussed at the next meeting. 8. 说实话,我真后悔失去了获得奖学金的机会。(regret) To tell the truth, I really regret missing the chance of winning the scholarship. 9. 太大的学习压力使许多孩子失去了快乐的童年。(rob) Too much pressure of study has robbed many children of a happy childhood. 10. 虽然老师没有提到名字,但是每个人都知道她指的是谁。(refer) The teacher didn’t mention any name, but everyone knew who she was referring to. 高考英语中译英测验 13(S) Section A (每题3分) 1. 这个小孩太调皮了,常常使父母心烦意乱。(So…) So naughty is the child that he often upsets his parents. 2. 你的数码相机与我的功能相似,但我的相对便宜。(similar) Your digital camera is similar to mine in function, but mine is relatively cheaper. 3. 这音质比普通的激光唱片要好。(superior) The sound quality is superior to that of a regular CD. 4. 他似乎没有理解我的意思。(seem) ① It seems that he hasn’t grasped what I meant. ② He seems not to have grasped what I meant. 5. 学生应该将大部分时间花在学习上而不是电视上。(spend) Students should spend most time on study instead of in watching TV. 6. 只要专心学习,你一定能顺利通过考试。(succeed) So long as you concentrate on your studies, you’ll succeed in passing the exam. 7. 为了保持健康,我每天尽量腾出一些时间来锻炼身体。(set) In order to keep health, I try to set aside some every day to do exercise. 8. 为了安全起见,请系上安全带。(sake) For the sake of safety, please fasten your seat belt. 9. 令他伤心的是,他没有实现自己唯一的人生抱负。(sorrow) To his sorrow, he failed to achieve his only life ambition. 10. 这款运动鞋卖得非常好,已经脱销了。(stock) This style of sports shoes sells well and is already our of stork. 11. 政府向灾区学生免费供应教科书。(supply) The government supplies free textbooks to the students in the disaster area. 12. 你知道谁负责安排下次班会吗?(see) Do you know who will see to the arrangements for the next class meeting? 13. 三十年的教学生涯中,她一直严以律己。(strict) During her thirty years’ teaching career, she was always strict with herself. 14. 你们将有多少人报名参加下周的校运会?(sign) How many of you are going to sign up for the school sports meeting next weed? 15. 我们遗憾地通知你,你的申请被拒绝了。(sorry) We’re sorry to inform you that your application has been rejected. 16. 我劝他不要老是生活在上次失败的阴影中。(suggest) I suggested him not always living in the shadow of the last failure. 17. 每晚七点后,这家超市都会廉价出售蔬菜和水果。(sale) Vegetables and fruits are on sale in the supermarket after 7 p.m. every day. 18. 尽管有很多困难,我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(spite) In spite of many difficulties, we will do our best to carry out our plan. 19. 没有什么能代替鲁迅为中国文学所作出的巨大贡献。(substitute) Nothing can substitute for Luxun’s great contributions to the Chinese literature. 20. 一下火车,我就在人群中发现了他那高大的身躯。(sight) As soon as I got off the train, I caught sight of his tall figure in the crowd. Section B (每题4分) 1. 如果你坚持复习课堂所学知识,你一定能成功。(stick) If you stick to reviewing what you have learned in class, you’ll certainly succeed. 2. 朋友是无论发生什么都能与你同甘苦的人。(share) A friend is a person who can share joys and sorrows with you no matter what happens. 3. 外出旅游时务必注意保护环境,为他人着想。(sure) Be sure to pay attention to protecting the environment and think of others when travelling. 4. 送孩子出国留学是否是件好事要因人而异。(sent) Whether it is a good thing to send a child to study abroad varies from person to person. 5. 由于受伤的人不断增加,医院严重缺血。(short) As the number of the injured was increasing, the hospital was severely short of blood. 6. 许多遭到洪水侵害的农民别无选择,只能解雇一些工人。(suffer) Many farmers who suffered from the flood had no choice but to dismiss some workers. 7. 这些便宜的外套也很好,何必非要买那件贵的。(sense) It doesn’t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 8. 这小餐馆里的美食种类多得令我们在场的人都很惊讶!(surprise) All of us present were surprised at the variety of delicious food in the restaurant. 9. 世博会志愿者的职责之一就是带领游客参观展馆。(show) One of the duties of the World Expo volunteers is to show the tourists around the exhibition halls. 10. 据说在那个湖底发现了一个古城的遗迹。(It…) It is said that the site of an ancient city has been discovered at the bottom of the lake. 高考英语中译英测验 14(T) Section A (每题3分) 1. 你能尝试用自己的话复述这篇文章吗?(try) Can you try retelling the article in your own words? 2. 这对双胞胎长得如此相像,很难区分他们。(tell) The twins look so much alike that it is difficult to tell them apart. 3. 他恐吓说如果经理解雇他,他就把照片公开。(threaten) He threatened to make the photo public if the manager dismissed him. 4. 我不能忍受父亲还像小孩一样对待我。(treat) I can’t stand being still treated as a child by my father. 5. 靠他独立完成这项实验要花费一年多的时间。(take) It will take him more than one year to finish the experiment independently. 6. 他小儿子不断问问题,他回答得都烦了。(tired) He was tired of answering his little son’s continual questions. 7. 就设施而言,这家饭店也许排不上第一。(term) In terms of facilities, the restaurant may not be ranked first. 8. 谢谢你不辞辛劳地为我们做饭。(trouble) Thank you for taking the trouble to cook meals for us. 9. 我们只有通过努力奋斗才能把自己的理想变为现实。(turn) Only by striving can we turn our dreams into realities. 10. 新设备试用一段时间,你就会发现它多么有用。(try) Try out the new device for some time and you will find how useful it is. 11. 睡不好觉的人易发脾气。(temper) Those who have trouble sleeping tend to lose their temper. 12. 这是他第一次在校运会上获得冠军称号。(time) It is the first time that he has won a championship at the school sports meet. 13. 应该培养学生有效利用参考书。(train) Students should be trained to make effective use of reference books. 14. 她很怕水,起因可归于儿时的一次事故。(trace) Her fear of water can be traced back to a childhood accident. 15. 重新设计后,我们的网站呈现出新的面貌。(take) After being designed again, our Website is taking on a new look. 16. 许多公司用虚假广告引诱消费者购买其产品。(tempt) Many companies tempt consumers to buy their products through false ads. 17. 这次轮到你洗碗了。(turn) It’s your turn to wash the dishes this time. 18. 我想到了一个可以安居乐业的地方。(think) I have thought of a place where I can live in peace and enjoy my work. 19. 这个游戏的规则太复杂,三言两语解释不清。(too…to) The rules of the game are too complicated to explain in a few words. 20. 让我们利用这七天假期去香港旅游。(trip) Let’s take advantage of the seven-day holiday and take a trip to Hong Kong. Section B (每题4分) 1. 到明年大学毕业,他学习英语有八年了。(by the time) By the time he graduates from university next year, he will have learned English for eight years. 2. 说到公司的福利和工作条件,所有的雇员都闭口不谈。(talk) Talking of the welfare and working conditions of the company, all the employees said nothing. 3. 我和他多年没有联系了,不知道他近况如何。(touch) I’ve been out of touch with him for years, so I wonder how he is getting along these days. 4. 无可否认环境对孩子们的成长有很大的影响。(There....) There is no denying that environment has a great effect on the growth of children. 5. 一个人如果长期生活在巨大的压力下,就容易患各种疾病。(tend) If a person lives under great pressure for a long time, he tends to suffer from different diseases. 6. 多亏了一系列的新发明,医生们才能成功治疗这种疾病。(thanks to) Thanks to a series of new inventions, doctors can treat the disease successfully. 7. 每当他妈妈叫他做家务,他总是假装在看书。(every time) Every time his mother asks him to do housework, he always pretends to be reading. 8. 该地区的生物正受到工业污染的严重威胁。(threaten) The living things in this area are seriously threatened with industrial pollution. 9. 经过许多不眠之夜和艰辛努力,他们终于美梦成真了。(true) After many sleepless nights and great efforts, their dream finally came true. 10. 用手机与朋友保持联系对我们来讲既快又方便。(touch) It is quick and convenient for us to keep in touch with friends by mobile phone. 高考英语中译英测验 14(U-Z) Section A (每题3分) 1. 乔治到处吹嘘他快要成为一名律师了。(way) George is boasting everywhere that he is on the way to becoming a lawyer. 2. 难怪这些花要死了,你真应该早点浇水。(wonder) No wonder these flowers are dying. You should have watered them earlier. 3. 她迫不及待地要回家告诉家人这个好消息。(wait) She couldn’t wait to go home to tell her family the good news. 4. 我前天买的电动玩具坏了。(wrong) ① Something is wrong with the electric toy I bought the day before yesterday. ② The electric toy I bought the day before yesterday has gone wrong. 5. 他很快适应了高中新的学习环境。(used) He soon geo used to the new learning environment in high school. 6. 那位名演员似乎心甘情愿在剧中扮演配角。(willing) The famous actor seemed most willing to play a minor part in the play. 7. 她的行为值得高度表扬。(worthy) ① Her behavior is worthy of being highly praised. ② Her behavior is worthy to be highly praised. 8. 好奇心和想象力常常被认为是成功的关键。(view) Curiosity and imagination are often viewed as the key to success. 9. 我刚要关掉电视,这时一档新闻节目引起了我的兴趣。(when) I was about to turn off the TV when a news program aroused my interest. 10. 放学后玛丽没有直接回家,而是去做清洁工了。(work) Instead of going straight home after school, Mary went to work in remote areas. 11. 越来越多的大学毕业生自告奋勇去边远地区工作。(volunteer) More and more university graduates are volunteering to work in remote areas. 12. 当油用完时,仪器上的红灯会亮的。(use) When the oil is used up, a red light on the instrument will be on. 13. 请把药放在孩子们够不着的地方。(where) Please keep the medicine where children can’t reach it. 14. 没过几个月他们又访问了中国。(visit n.) ① It wasn’t months before they paid another visit to china. ② It wasn’t months before they went on a visit to China again. 15. 我希望这份报告在明天以前完成,不容耽搁。(want) I want this report (to be )finished by tomorrow without delay. 16. 看着火车从视野中消失后我才回家。(watch) Only after I watched the train go out of sight did I go back home. 17. 给我印象最深的是他总是那么谦虚和彬彬有礼。(What…) What impresses me most is that he is always so modest and polite. 18. 我希望得到刊登在今天报纸上的秘书职位。(wish) I wish for the post of secretary advertised in today’s newspaper. 19. 我们将留给班长去拟定这个计划的详细内容。(work) We’ll leave our monitor to work out the details of the plan. 20. 鼓励学生的好方法之一是颁发奖学金。(way) One of the best ways to encourage students is to award scholarships. Section B (每题4分) 1. 警方警告市民不要网上交友,以免上当受骗。(warn) The police warn the citizens not to make friends on the Internet in case they are cheated. 2. 充分利用时间并不意味着从早到晚不停地看书。(use) Making full use of time doesn’t mean keeping reading books from morning till night. 3. 这场时装表演的门票可以在体育馆买,也可以在网上购得。(as well as) Tickets for the fashion show are available on the Internet as well as at the gym. 4. 他总是全力以赴面对挑战,这使大家印象深刻。(which) He is always trying his best to face challenges, which deeply impresses everyone. 5. 这部电影百看不厌,它让人们想起了童年时光。(worth) The film is worth seeing a hundred times as it reminds people of their childhood. 6. 直到他给我发来了电子邮件,我才知道他在国外的生活情况。(not…until) ① I don’t know anything about his life abroad until he told me by means of e-mail. ② Not until he told me by means of e-mail did I know something about his life abroad. ③ It was not until he told me by means of e-mail that I knew something about his life abroad. 7. 我感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位身体健康,万事如意。(wish) I’d like to think you for your coming, and wish you good health and good luck in everything. 8. 消息传来在告别会上,所以的同学和老师都畅所欲言。(Word…) Word came that all the students and teachers expressed themselves freely at the farewell party. 9. 究竟是追赶时尚还是穿出自己的风格由你自己决定。(up to) It’s up to you to decide whether to follow the fashion or dress in your own style. 10. 上海在过去几年出现了一个现象,许多父母送子女去国外读书。(witness) The past few years have witnessed a phenomenon that many parents send their children to study 查看更多