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高考英语语法形容词、副词讲解及试题集 要点1 几个形容词修饰一个名词时的语序 ‎ 当同时用几个形容词来修饰一个名词时,一般可按照以下顺序:限定词-----描绘性形容词-----大小、新旧、式样-----颜色-----产地(国别)-----作定语的名词----- 被修饰名词。‎ 如: ‎ some lovely Chinese children ‎ 一些可爱的中国儿童(限定词-----描绘性形容词-----国别) ‎ a small black leather handbag ‎ 一个小的黑色皮包(大小-----颜色-----作定语的名词表示材料) a red German sports car ‎ 一辆红色的德国赛车(颜色-----国别-----作定语的名词表示用途) ‎ a small old stone bridge ‎ 一座老的小石桥(大小-----新旧-----作定语的名词) ‎ 注意: 限定词放在最前面,作定语的名词紧靠被修饰词;同种类的 形容词,短在前、长在后,序数词放在基数词之前。如: ‎ the first two books 最初两本书 ‎ 但是,这里所讲的语序并不是一成不变的。  ‎ 要点2 需放在被修饰语之后的形容词 ‎ 形容词作定语,一般放在名词的前面。但如果被修饰语是由some, any, every和no构成的不定 代词时,用作定语的形容词必须放在它所修饰的词后面,如: ‎ There is nothing new in his report. 他的报告里没有什么新东西 。 ‎ Is there anything important? 有什么重要的事情吗? ‎ He told me something very important. 他告诉我一些很重要的事。  ‎ There is nothing wrong with him. 他没有错。‎ So far nobody important has visited this place. ‎ 到目前为止,还没有重要人物来这儿看过。 ‎ 注意: 英语中有些形容词一般只能作表语,不能放在名词前作定语 ,如以a-开头的形容词,afraid, asleep, alone, awake, alive。另外,ill, glad, sorry, sure, well也不能放在名词前作定语。 ‎ 注意: sick(患病)与ill不同,sick既可以作表语也可以作定语而ill则不能,试比较: ‎ These children are ill/sick. 这些孩子病了。 ‎ The nurse is taking care of the sick children. 护士正在 照料患病的孩子们。(不能用ill)  另外,在度量衡用语中,形容词通常放在度量单位之后。例如:‎ I'm 1.80 metres tall. 我身高1.80米。 ‎ The room is 32 feet wide. 这间房子有32英尺宽。‎ 要点3 三种要求形容词作表语的系动词 ‎ 形容词除与系动词be连用作表语外,还可以与其他一些系动词连用。 ‎ ‎1) 表示一种特征、状态、感觉的系动词,如: ‎ appear(显得),look(看似),seem(似乎),feel(觉得),taste(尝),smell(闻),sound(听 )。‎ The meat tastes good. 这肉味道好。 ‎ He doesn't seem happy. 他似乎不高兴。 ‎ I'm not feeling well today. 我今天不舒服。(well用作形容词做 表语只能表示身体好) ‎ ‎2) 表示状态转变的系动词,意为"变得"、"变成",如:become, get, grow, turn等。 ‎ It's getting(growing) dark. 天渐渐地黑了。 ‎ The hill has turned green. 山变绿了。 ‎ ‎3) 表示保持某种状态的系动词,如:remain(仍然是),keep(保持)等。 ‎ The problem remains unsolved. 问题仍然未解决。 ‎ Keep quiet, please! 请安静! ‎ 要点4 某些以-ly结尾的形容词 ‎ 英语中有一些以-ly结尾的形容词,不要误以为是副词。 ‎ deadly 致命的 friendly 友好的 lonely 孤单的 ‎ likely 可能的 lovely 可爱的 lively 愉快的 ‎ brotherly 兄弟般的 fatherly 父亲似的 ugly 难看的 silly 愚蠢的    ‎ 还有一些与时间有关的词,虽以-ly结尾,但既可以用作形容词又可以用作副词,如: ‎ daily 每日(的) weekly 每周一次(的) ‎ monthly 每月一次(的) yearly 每年一次(的) ‎ 要点5 名词用作形容词 ‎ ‎1) 名词用来作定语修饰另一个名词时,相当于一个形容词,如: ‎ ticket office 售票处 book store 书店 ‎ traffic accident 交通事故 table leg 桌子腿 ‎ ‎2) 名词用作形容词修饰另一名词时,一般都用单数形式,而且总是放在被修饰的名词之前 。如: ‎ shoe repairers 修鞋人 ring finger 无名指 wine glass 酒杯 cigarette lighter 打火机 ‎ 也有一些是例外,如: sports car 赛车 clothes shop 服装店 arms production 武器生产 ‎ 注意: 名词作定语与形容词作定语意思相差较大。 ‎ gold ring 金戒指 golden ring 镀金(金黄色)戒指stone wall 石墙 stony heart 铁石心肠 ‎ colour TV set 彩色电视机 colourful life 多彩的生活 ‎ 要点6 带有数字的复合形容词 ‎ 当复合形容词用连字号连接时,其中的名词用单数形式。主要有两种结构: ‎ ‎1) 数词+名词。 ‎ a three-hour flight 一次三小时的飞行 a three-pound chicken 一个重三磅的鸡 a two-hundred-metre bridge 一座二百米长的桥 a five-hundred-word letter 一封五百字的信 ‎2) 数词+名词+形容词。 ‎ a three-year-old boy 一个三岁的男孩 a fifty-metre-wide river 一条五十米宽河 ‎ 要点7 同形的副词和形容词 ‎ fast train 快车 hard workers 干活卖力的工人 ‎ run fast 跑得快 work hard 干活卖力,工作努力 ‎ right answer 正确的回答 enough food 足够的食物 ‎ do everything right 样样事情做得对 large enough 足够大 ‎ in the late afternoon 傍晚 in the early morning 一大早 ‎ work late 工作得晚 come early 来得早 ‎ 其他如straight, wide, high, low也都能用作形容词和副词。例如: ‎ He drew a straight line on the paper. 他在纸上划了一条直线。 ‎ He went straight to the room. 他径直朝那房子走去。 ‎ 要点8 具有两种形式的副词 ‎ 英语中有些副词有两种形式,但其意义不同。 ‎ The station is quite near. 车站就在附近。(near用作形容词)‎ He lives near. 他就住在附近。(near用作副词)‎ It's nearly nine o'clock. 将近九点钟了。(nearly用作副词,但其含义是:将近、几乎) ‎ The cake is hard. 这蛋糕太硬。 (用作形容词)The test is hard. 测验太难。 ‎ He is a hard worker. 他是一个干活卖力的工人。 ‎ We all work hard. 我们都努力工作。(hard用作副词) ‎ I can hardly understand you. 我不太懂你的意思。 意为:几乎不 There was hardly a cloud in the sky. 天空几乎没有云彩。 ‎ He is late. 他迟到了。(late用作形容词) ‎ He went to bed late last night. 他昨晚很晚才睡觉。(late用作副词) ‎ Have you seen her lately? 你最近看见过她吗?(lately意为:最近) ‎ 注意: 除上述几个词外,英语中还有一些具有两种形式的副词。如:‎ deep 深--deeply 深深地 high 高--highly 高度地 wide 宽--widely 广泛地 ‎ He jumps higher than I. 他比我跳得高。 ‎ We think highly of our teacher. ‎ 我们对我们的老师评价很高。‎ He opened all the windows wide to let the fresh air in. ‎ 他把所有的窗户开得很大,好让新鲜空气进来。 ‎ She is widely known in China. 她在中国的知名度很高。‎ 要点9 形容词比较级和最高级的构成 ‎1) 单音节形容词加-er和-est构成其比较级和最高级。 ‎ strong--stronger--the strongest new--newer--the newest ‎ 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er和-est。 如:big--bigger--biggest,hot--hotter--hottest,thin--thinner--thinnest。 ‎ ‎2) 三音节或三音节以上的形容词前加more和most,构成其比较级和最高级。 ‎ interesting--more interesting--the most interesting ‎ important--more important--the most important ‎3) 双音节形容词中,一般以-y,-er, -ow, -ple等结尾的词加-er, -est。 ‎ pretty--prettier--the prettiest 漂亮的 clever--cleverer--the cleverest 聪明的 ‎ simple--simpler--the simplest 简单的 narrow--narrower--the narrowest 狭窄的 ‎ 常用的词有:easy(容易),lazy(懒),happy(快乐的),funny(有趣的)。 ‎ ‎4) 以-ful, -ing结尾的双音节词一般加more/most。‎ doubtful--more doubtful--the most doubtful 注意: 英语中,有些双音节形容词可以加more/most,也可以加-er,-est构成比较级和最高级,常见的词有:friendly, clever, narrow, common。  ‎ 要点10 副词比较级和最高级的构成 ‎1) 副词比较级和最高级形式通常由加more和most构成。例如:‎ quickly--more quickly--most quickly slowly--more slowly--most slowly ‎2) 与形容词同形的副词,其构成方式与相应的形容词相同。例如:‎ fast--faster--fastest hard--harder--hardest early--earlier--earliest ‎ 要点11 少数形容词和副词的比较级、最高级是不规则的。‎ 原级 比较级 最高级 good/well - better – best bad/ill/badly - worse - worst many/much - more – most little - less - least ‎ 要点12 同等程度比较的要点 ‎ ‎1) as…as 之间一定要用形容词或副词原形,如:‎ I am as old as you. 我和你年龄一样大。 ‎ Tom works as hard as Mary. 汤姆和玛丽工作一样努力。 ‎ 注意:"as……as"可用almost, quite, just, just about, nearly, twice, by no means(根本)修饰,置于"as……as"之前。‎ ‎2) so用以替代第一个as时,只能用于否定句,如: ‎ John is not as/so clever as Jack.‎ 约翰不像杰克那样聪明。 ‎ He doesn't read as/so clearly as she. ‎ 他读得不像她那样清楚。 ‎ She didn't sing as/so well that night as she usually does. ‎ 她那天晚上唱得没有平 时好。‎ ‎3) as much+不可数名词+as,而as many+可数名词复数+as。 ‎ Bob has read as many books as Mary. ‎ 鲍伯和玛丽读了一样多的书。 ‎ There is as much water in this bottle as in that bottle. ‎ 这瓶子里的水和那瓶子里的水一样多。 ‎ ‎4)as+adj.+不定冠词+可数名词单数+as German is as difficult a language as English. ‎ as+adj.+不可数名词+as Bread is as important food as rice.‎ 要点13 不同程度比较的要点 ‎ ‎1) 要用"比较级+than"的结构。 I am taller than Tom(is). 我比汤姆高。 ‎ Mary works harder than John(does). 玛丽比约翰工作努力。 ‎ This city is more beautiful than that(city). 这城市比那城市更美丽。 ‎ You look younger than before. 你看起来比以前年轻。 ‎ ‎2) 比较级前可用much, far, a lot, a little, a bit, rather,even, still, a great deal等表示程度,但比较级 前不能再用more。‎ She sings far/much better than the others. 她唱得比 别人好得多。(better本身就是比较级,不能用far/much more better) ‎ Your book is far/much more interesting than his. 你 的书要比他的书有趣得多。 (其中more interesting是比较级,far/much用以修饰more interesting表示程度)  ‎ Now I read a little faster than before. 现在我读得比过去稍快一点。 ‎ 表示不同程度比较时,句子主语不能包括在比较对象的范围之内。‎ any other student anyone else all the other students ‎ any of the other students 他比班上其他学生学习用功。(他本身也是学生不能用any students来表示比较对象的范围) 注意:any other加可数名词单数,all the other加可数名词 ‎ 复数。试比较: The moon is closer to us than any star/stars.月亮距离我们比任何恒星都近。 (月亮不是恒星,因此用any star/stars并没有把主语包括在比较对象的范围之内) ‎ China is larger than any country/countries in Africa. 中国比 非洲的任何国家大。‎ China is larger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲的任何一个国家都大。(中国是亚洲国家之一,因而不能用any country/countries) ‎ ‎3) 比较的对象要一致,一般说来同等的两个事物才能比较,如:‎ Tom's bike is more expensive than Jim’s (=Jim's bike). 汤姆的自行车比吉姆的贵。 ‎ The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Shanghai. 北京的天气比上海 冷。(that指代天气) His English is better than anyone else's in his class. 他的英语比班上其他人的都 好。‎ ‎4) 英语中往往用that/those或the/that one/the ones代替上文提及的同等部分。但如果比较的事物是不可数名词,用that不能用the one/the ones/those。 ‎ The water in the glass is cleaner than that in the river. ‎ 杯子里的水比河里的水清。(water为不可数名词,用that) ‎ I like these pictures better than those/the ones on the wall. ‎ 我喜欢这些画胜过墙上那些。(those,the ones指代可数名词复数) ‎ The ears of a rabbit are longer than those of a cat. ‎ 兔子的耳朵比猫长。 (与of短语一起用时,不能用the ones) ‎ Your ruler is longer than that/that one/the one on the desk. ‎ 你的尺比桌上的尺长。(that/that one/the one指代可数名词单数) ‎ ‎5) 两者之间的比较不能用最高级。 ‎ Who is more honest, Tom or Susan? 汤姆和苏珊两个人谁更诚实? ‎ 注意 : 比较级范围是由of引出两者之间的比较,比较级前要用定冠词 。 ‎ He is the taller of the two. 两人中他高一点。  ‎ 要点14 有些以-ior结尾的形容词本身就含有比较的意思 以-ior结尾的形容词,不用"比较级+than"来表示比较,而是要用"原级+to"。常用的词有:superior(优于),inferior(次于),junior(年少的),senior(较年长的,较高级别 的)。 ‎ He is inferior to you in all respects. 他各方面都不如你。 ‎ This engine is superior in many respects to that. 这台发动机在很多方面比那一台要好。 ‎ 要点15 最高级的用法 ‎ ‎1) 三者(或三者以上)的比较才能用最高级。 ‎ Mary is the tallest girl in her class/of the three. 玛丽是她班上(三个里面)个子最 高的女孩。 ‎ Bill reads most clearly of all the students. 在所有这些学生中,比尔读得最清楚。  ‎ ‎2) 形容词最高级要加the。 ‎ They're the biggest animals in the world. 它们是世界上最大的动物。 ‎ Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world. 上海是世界最大城市之 一。(one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数表示"最……之一")  ‎ He is one of the tallest students in the class. 他是班上个子最高的学生之一。 ‎ It is the second tallest building in the world. 它是世界上第二高的建筑物。 ‎ 注意: 如不表示比较,也没有表示比较范围的状语,最高级前不用t he时,作"十分"、"非常"解。 ‎ It is a most useful tool. 这是一种非常有用的工具。 ‎ He is a brightest student. 他是一个非常聪明的学生。 ‎ 注意:最高级可用by far, easily, nearly ,by no means,序数词等修饰,置于最高级之前。 ‎ He is the second tallest boy in our class.‎ 注意:‎ 要点16 几个特殊的比较结构 ‎ ‎1) "the+比较级…,the+比较级…"结构,意为"越……,越……",表示程度的平行增 长,如:‎ The higher the temperature(is),the greater is the pressure.(=the greater the pressure is.) ‎ 温度越高,压力就越大。  ‎ The older he gets, the wiser he becomes. 他越长越聪明。 ‎ The bigger, the better. 越大越好。 ‎ ‎2) "比较级+and+比较级"结构,意为"越来越……",表示程度逐渐增长,如: ‎ Our life is getting better and better. ‎ 我们的生活越来越好。 ‎ Our country has become stronger and stronger. ‎ 我们的国家越来越强大了。 ‎ He is running faster and faster. 他越跑越快。 ‎ 注意: 当形容词需加上more变为比较级时,表示"越来越……", 需用"more and more+形容词原形"的结构。 ‎ Shanghai is becoming more and more beautiful. ‎ 上海变得越来越美丽。 ‎ More and more people give up smoking. ‎ 越来越多的人戒烟。  ‎ ‎3) "倍数词+as+原级+as"构成倍数比较结构。 ‎ This TV set costs twice as much as that one. ‎ 这架电视机的价格是那架电视机的两倍 。 ‎ The truck is 3.5 times as heavy as that minibus. ‎ 这辆卡车有那辆小客车的三倍半重 。 ‎ 表示倍数也可以用以下的结构: ‎ The rice output of this region is about four times that of 1957. ‎ 这个地区 的大米产量相当于1957年的4倍。  ‎ ‎4) "大三岁","长两米"要用"数量词+比较级"来表示,如: ‎ He is three years older than I. 他比我大三岁。 ‎ This river is 100 meters longer than that one. 这条河比那条河长100米。‎ ‎5)"as…… as"的比喻结构,此结构表示"像……一样(那样)……"‎ It's as cold as ice in here. 这儿冷得像冰窖。‎ It's as dark as night in this room. 这屋子简直就像晚上一样黑。‎ 常见的比喻结构有:as free as a bird,as hungry as a wolf,as strong as a horse,as clever as a fox,as busy as a bee……‎ ‎6)more than和less than,这2个固定词组分别表示"多于"和"少于",如: ‎ There are more than three hundred pupils in the school. ‎ 这个学校有300多个学生。‎ They finished the work in less than a year.‎ 他们不到一年就完成了这项工作。‎ ‎7)no more than和no less than也是固定词组,分别表示"只不过"和"有……之多"、"多达"。(带有感情色彩)‎ I have no more than ten dollars. 我只有10块钱。(有嫌少的意思)‎ In our school there are no less than 250 teachers.‎ 我们学校里的教师有250位之多。(有够多了的含义)‎ ‎8)not more than和not less than,not more than(=at most)表示"不多于"、"至多",not less than(=at least)表示"不少于"、"至少"。(表示客观事情)‎ The experiment was done by not more than 5 persons.‎ 做这个试验的人不到5个。‎ There were not less than one hundred people at the meeting.‎ 到会的至少有100人。‎ 要点17 貌似同等程度比较结构的一些固定习惯用语 英语中有些看似是同等程度的比较结构,实际上它们是一些固定的习惯用语/‎ ‎1) as long as 只要;有……之久 ‎ I will work as long as Ilive. 只要活着,我就要工作。‎ He has been ill as long as five years. 他已经病了5年之久。‎ ‎2) as far as 到……地点;就……而言 I will go with you as far as the next bus stop.‎ 我将和你一起走到下一个车站。‎ As far as I know,he is a reliable person. ‎ 就我所知,他是一个可靠的人。‎ ‎3) as high as 高达……程度 The average cost of one day in a hospital in that country can run as high as 0. 在那个国家里一天的平均住院费用可高达400美元。‎ ‎4) as soon as 一……就 I will ting you up as soon as I get there. 我一到那里就给你打电话。‎ ‎5)as well as 既……又 He has experience as well as knowledge.他既有知识又又经验。(注意此句翻译的顺序)‎ 要点18 表示相似、类同的几种方法 ‎ ‎1)主语 alike/the same/similar ‎ The two brothers are very much alike. 兄弟俩非常相像。 ‎ The two books are the same. 这两本书是一样的。‎ The methods used by the three teachers are similar. ‎ 这三位教师使用的方法相类似。  ‎ the same as ‎2) 主语+be+ { similar to } +名词(代词) like    ‎ John's hat is very much like mine in style/size. ‎ 约翰的帽子的款式(尺寸)很像我的。‎ Your opinion is similar to ours in many ways. ‎ 你的观点在许多方面与我们相似。 ‎ The price is the same as last year. 这价格与去年相同。‎ age    ‎ ‎3)主语+be+the same { size } +as+名词(代词) colour/weight    ‎ The suitcase is the same size as that one. 这衣箱与那个一样大小。 ‎ He is the same age as his wife. 他与他的妻子同年。 ‎ ‎4) 在以上句型中,也可常用动词look来替代be动词。 The pen looks like mine. 这笔看上去像我的。 ‎ The two houses look alike. 这两幢房子看上去相似。 ‎ 要点19 表示相异、不同 ‎ ‎1) differ from 与……不同。 ‎ Nylon differs from silk in cost. 尼龙和丝绸在成本方面不同。 ‎ ‎2) be different from 与……不同。 ‎ Their house is different from ours in style. ‎ 他们的房子风格跟我们的不同。 ‎ ‎3) unlike 不同,不像。 ‎ My son is unlike me in every respect. 我的儿子没有一处像我。 ‎ 要点20 无比较级,最高级的词 circular,silent,east,empty,false,first,golden,matchless,perfect,right,round,square,true,unique(独一无二的),wrong,absolute(绝对的),sheer(彻底的),mere(纯粹的),atomic(原子的),solar(太阳的),daily,monthly,yearly,physical,wooden……‎ 练习、形容词和副词高考题选:‎ ‎1. John has three sisters. Mary is the ___ of the three. (MET88) ‎ A. most cleverest   B. more clever   ‎ C. cleverest   D. cleverer ‎2. The students are___ young people between the age of sixteen and twenty. (MET88)‎ A. most   B. almost   C. mostly   D. at most ‎3. She told us ___story that we all forgot about the time. (MET88)‎ A. such an interesting   B. such interesting a C. so an interesting   D. a so interesting ‎4. It is impossible for so___ workers to do so work in a single day. (MET88)‎ A. few, much   B. few, many   C. little, much   D. little, many ‎5. The horse is getting old and can't run ___ it did. (MET88)‎ A. as faster as   B. so fast than    ‎ C. so fast as   D. as fast as ‎6. The story sounds___ . (MET89)‎ A. to be true   B. as true   C. being true   D. true ‎7. I'd been expecting ___ letters the whole morning, but there weren't ___ for me. (MET89) ‎ A. some; any   B. many; a few   ‎ C. some; one   D. a few; none ‎8. This year they have produced ___ grain ___ they did last year. (MET89)‎ A. as less; as   B. as few; as   ‎ C. less; than   D. fewer; than ‎9. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ___ tractors in 1988 as the year before. (MET90) ‎ A. as twice many   B. as many twice C. twice as many   D. twice many as ‎10. The pianos in the other shop will be , but______ . (MET90)‎ A. cheaper; not as better   B. more cheaper; not as better C. cheaper; not as good   D. more cheap; not as good ‎11. ---Can I help you?‎ ‎---Well, I'm afraid the box is___ heavy for you, but thank you all the same. (MET90)‎ A. so   B. much   C. very   D. too ‎12.---Excuse me, is this Mr. Brown's office?‎ ‎---I'm sorry, but Mr. Brown ___ works here. He left about three weeks ago. (MET90)‎ A. not now   B. no more   C. not still   D. no longer ‎13. If we had followed his plan, we could have done the job better with ___ money and ___ people. (MET90)‎ A. less; less   B. fewer; fewer   ‎ C. less; fewer   D. fewer; less ‎14. Oh, John. ___ you gave me! (MET90)‎ A. How a pleasant surprise   B. How pleasant surprise C. What a pleasant surprise   D. What pleasant surprise ‎15. ---How did you find your visit to museum?‎ ‎---I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was ___ than I expected. (MET91)‎ A. far more interesting   B. even much interesting C. so more interesting   D. a lot much interesting ‎16. Canada is larger than ___ country in Asia. (NMET91)‎ A. any   B. any other   C. other   D. another ‎17. Those oranges taste___ . (MET91)‎ A. good   B. well   C. to be good   D. to be well ‎18. The experiment was ___ easier than we had expected. (NMET91)‎ A. more   B. much more   C. much   D. more much ‎ ‎19. ___ food you've cooked! (NMET91 )‎ A. How a nice   B. What a nice C. How nice   D. What nice ‎20. Go and get your coat. It's ___ you left it. (MET92)‎ A. there   B. where   C. there where   D. where there ‎21. John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes___ . (MET92)‎ A. open   B. to be opened   C. to open   D. opening ‎22. ---Are you feeling ___?‎ ‎---Yes, I' m fine now. (NMET92)‎ A. any well   B. any better   C. quite good   D. quite better ‎23. Which is___ country, Canada or Australia? (MET92)‎ A. a large   B. larger   C. a larger   D. the larger ‎24. ---Will you give this message to Mr. White, please?‎ ‎---Sorry, I can't. He ___. (MET92)‎ A. doesn't any more work here   ‎ B. doesn't any longer here work C. doesn't work any more here   ‎ D. doesn't work here any longer ‎25. How can you finish the drawing? (MET92) ‎ A. often   B. soon   C. long   D. rapid ‎26. ___ terrible weather we've been having these days! (MET92)‎ A. How a   B. What a   C. How   D. What ‎27. It takes a long time to go there by train. It's___ by road.(MET93)‎ A. quick   B. the quickest   C. much quick   D. quicker ‎28. ___ from Beijing to London! (MET93)‎ A. How long way it is   B. What a long way is it C. How long way is it   D. What a long way it is ‎29. She doesn't speak___ her friends, but her written work is excellent. (MET93)‎ A. as well as   B. as often as   ‎ C. so much as   D. as good as ‎30. ---Mum, I think I'm___ to get back to school.‎ ‎---Not really, My dear. You'd better stay at home for another day or two. (NMET93)‎ A. so well  B. so good  C. well enough D. good enough ‎31. ---If you don't like the red coat, take the blue one. ‎ ‎--OK, but do you have size___ in blue? This one's a bit tight for me. (NMET93)‎ A. a big   B. a bigger  C. the big  D. the bigger ‎32. John plays footbal___ , if not better than, Davi. (NMET94)‎ A. as well   B. as well as   C. so well   D. so well as ‎33. We all write___ ,even when there's net much to say. (NMET94)‎ A. now and then   B. by and by   ‎ C. step by step   D. more or less ‎34. ---Do you remember ___ he came?‎ ‎---Yes I do, he came by car. (NMET94)‎ A. how   B. when   C. that   D. if ‎35. If there were no examinations, we should have ___at school. (NMET94)‎ A. the happiest time   B. a more happier time C. much happiest time   D. a much happier time ‎36. ---Have you finished your report yet?‎ ‎---No, I'll finish in___ ten minutes. (NMET95)‎ A. another   B. other   C. more   D. less ‎37. ---I'd like ___ information about the management of your hotel,please.‎ ‎---Well, you could have ___ word with the manager. He might be helpful. (NMET95)‎ A. some; a   B. an; some   C. some; some   D. an; a ‎38. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty,___ great it is. (NMET95)‎ A. what   B. how   C. however   D. whatever ‎39. We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining ____. (NMET96)‎ A. badly   B. hardly   C. strongly   D. heavily ‎40. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard ___. (NMET96)‎ A. the better voice   B. a good voice C. the best voice    D. a better voice ‎41. Tony is going camping with ___ boys. (NMET93)‎ A. little two other   B. two little other C. two other little   D. little other two ‎42. ---How was your recent visit to Qingdao? (NMET95)‎ ‎---It was great. We visited some friends, and spent ___the days at the seaside. ‎ A. few last sunny   B. last few sunny C. last sunny few   D. few sunny last ‎43. Can you believe that in ___ a rich country there should be _ many poor people? (MET95)‎ A. such; such   B. such; so   C. so; so   D. so; such ‎44. Wait till you are more___ .It's better to be sure than sorry. (NMET97)‎ A. inspired   B. satisfied   C. calm   D. certain ‎45. Professor White has written some short stories, but he is ___ known for his plays. (NMET98)‎ A. the best   B. more   C. better   D. the most ‎46.___ to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. (NMET2000 )‎ A. Brave enough students   B. Enough brave students C. Students brave enough   D. Students enough brave ‎47. It's always difficult being in a foreign country, ___ if you don't speak the language. (NMET2000 )‎ A. extremely   B. naturally   C. basically   D. especially ‎ ‎48. I am surprised that you should have been fooled by such a (an) ___ trick. (2001 春招)‎ A. ordinary   B. easy   C. smart   D. simple ‎49. It is generally believed that teaching is___ it is a science. (NMET2001)‎ A. an art much as   B. much an art as C. as an art much as   D. as much an art as ‎50.---I'm very ___with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious.‎ ‎---Mm, it does have a ___smell. (2002春招)‎ A. pleasant; pleased   B. pleased; pleased C. pleasant; pleasant   D. pleased; pleasant ‎51.Boris has brains. In fact ,I doubt whether anyone in the class has ___IQ.‎ A. a high   B. a higher   C. the higher   D. the highest 答案:‎ ‎1.C.原题中的three sisters这一信息词语暗示考生要用最高级的形式。clever的最高级有两种:the most clever,the cleverest ‎2.C.mostly是副词,意思是:"主要地",修饰整个句子。用most时应为most of the students;用almost通常说almost all+n.‎ ‎3.A.such与so修饰名词时可这样使用。‎ so+形容词+a/an+可数名词的单数 so many/few十可数名词复数 so much/little+不可数名词 ‎4.A.few修饰可数名词的复数;much修饰不可数名词。‎ ‎5.D.A、C项是语法错误。as…as之间不能用比较级形式。B项也是语法错误,than前没有比较级,把than变成as就对了。实际上not as…as=not more than.‎ ‎6.D.sound是"听起来"的意思。它是系动词,其后接形容词做表语。类似的系动词还有look seem taste smell fell.‎ ‎7.A.some常用在肯定句中,而any常用在否定、疑问和条件句中。‎ ‎8.C.grain是不可数名词。A项是语法错误,as…as之间用原级,B项few不修饰grain,D项也如此。‎ ‎9.C.表示倍数的词与其他表示程度的副词修饰as…as结构时,应放在其前面。‎ ‎10.C.该题考查了考生是否掌握形容词比较级的两种形式,该句可理解为:The pianos in the other shop will be cheaper,but not as good as those in this shop. ‎ ‎11.D.此处可理解为the box is too heavy for you to carry.‎ ‎12.D.no longer强调时间;no more强调数量和次数。‎ ‎13.C.better这一信息词可暗示考生用比较级形式,less修饰不可数名词,fewer修饰可数名词的复数。‎ ‎14.C.what与how修饰名词引起的感叹句:‎ what+a/an+形容词十单数可数名词 what+形容词+可数名词复数 what +形容词+不可数名词 How+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数 注意what的用法与sach相似,how与so相似。且give s  B. a surprise是惯用法。‎ ‎15.A.用来修饰比较级的副词有:a little,a bit;even still;far,by far;a lot,a great deal;much,any(用于否定、疑问);rather.‎ ‎16.A.用比较级表示最高级的意思,用than+any other+单数名词(包括主语在内)或用any+单数名词(比较范围不包括主语在内)。因加拿大不属亚洲。如,把Asia改为North America,则B正确。‎ ‎17.A.taste是系动词,后接形容词做表语。B项well如果是形容词,表示"身体好"。但Things are well with me.属于特殊情况。参看6题。‎ ‎18.C.参看15题。19.D.参看14题。‎ ‎20.B.where引导表语从句,且where在表语从句中做地点状语。‎ ‎21.A.当open做宾补时,一般用它的形容词,不用它的现在分词。又如:with his eyes open/closed ‎22.B.any修饰比较级时,一般用于疑问句和否定句中。‎ ‎23.D.表示两者中"最…"的意思,用the+比较级。此句可理解Canada is the larger of the two countries.‎ ‎24.D.no more与no longer变成not…any more或not…any longer时any more和any longer要置于句尾,可参看12题。‎ ‎25 B.how often表示频率,与题意不符。how long句中的谓语动词应用延续性动词,是"多久"的意思。D项rapid是形容词不能修饰动词。How soon的回答词用in+时间,因此,全句的意思是:"在多长时间之内(或以后)你能画完画?"且句中谓语是瞬间动词。‎ ‎26.D.可参看14题。weather是不可数名词。‎ ‎27.D.此处可理解为It's quicker to go by road than by train.  ‎ ‎28.D.参看14题。  ‎ ‎29.A.原题中的but与excellent两个信息词可暗示考生,且not as…as相当于not more than,因此,该句的意思是:"她讲的不如朋友的好,但她的笔头好。"‎ ‎30.C.well是形容词"身体好"的意思。这是It's+adj+enoush to do sth句型。该句意思是:"我身体已好,可以返回学校了。"‎ ‎31.B.形容词的比较级修饰可数名词的单数时,前面不要忘了加a,泛指比较…的-个。例如,This shirt is a little larger.Could you show me a smaller one?‎ ‎32.B.是29题的创新。该句的意思是:"如果不比David好的话,那么会跟David踢的一样好。"if not better than为插入语。‎ ‎33.A.从even when there's not much to say这一信息句可知。now and then相当于sometimes,occasionally和from time to time,B项by and by=soon,C项step by step=gradually,D项more or less=about,修饰名词,但也可修饰动词,作状语。‎ ‎34.A.从答语中by car可知,how问的是方式。‎ ‎35.D.have a good/happy time是惯用法,much修饰比较级。参看31题。‎ ‎36.A.more与another在表示"再、又"时,用法不同,more置于数词后面,而another置于数词的前面。‎ ‎37.A.information是不可数名词。have a word with sb.相当于speak/talk to/with sb.与…谈话。 ‎ ‎38.C.however是连接副词,修饰形容词great并引导一个让步4状语从句,意思是:"无论困难有多大。"‎ ‎39.D."下大雨"应说 "rain hard/heavily".‎ ‎40.D.意为:"我从未听过比她还好的噪音。"用比较级表达最高级的概念。‎ ‎41.C.要知道形容词排列作定语的顺序。‎ ‎42.B.与41题考查的目的相同。‎ ‎43.B.可参看3题。‎ ‎44.D.从下文It's better to be sure than sorry.即"确信要比后悔好"可知,填入D项。A、B、C项不符合逻辑。‎ ‎45.C.该题考查副词用法。四个选项均为副词的比较级或最高级,题干的两个并列分句中,已给出some short stories和his plays这一特定的语境,表示二者之间的比较需用副词的比较级。well known是一个惯用词组,意为"出名的"、"众所周知的",well的比较级为better,故答案为C。‎ ‎46.C.形容词作后置定语。enough为副词,修饰形容词brave,放在其后。‎ ‎47.D.意为"在国外通常是困难的,特别是你不会说外语"。‎ ‎48.D.意为"我很吃惊你竟然被这么简单的一个诡计愚弄了。"此处,只有用D项才能准确表达这种语气。‎ ‎49.D."教学更像是一门科学。"第一个as为副词。 ‎ ‎50.D。51.B。‎ ‎4.2 以-ly结尾的形容词 ‎ ‎1) 大部分形容词加-ly可构成副词。但 friendly,deadly,lovely,lonely,likely,lively,  ugly,brotherly,仍为形容词。‎ ‎ 改错:(错) She sang lovely.‎ ‎    (错) He spoke to me very friendly.‎ ‎    (对) Her singing was lovely.‎ ‎    (对) He spoke to me in a very friendly way.‎ ‎2)有些以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词。‎ ‎   daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early ‎   The Times is a daily paper.‎ ‎   The Times is published daily.‎

