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英语短文改错(3)‎ ‎(一)‎ When I walked into the classroom, the teacher was handing in the tests. ‎ I was feeling very nervous. I had studied at all at the weekend ‎ as I had thought it would be easy test. I went through the test for many times ‎ but I could only answer  three out from the twenty questions. I did not want to fail          ‎ the exam. Then, I put my book under my desk, opening it and started looking ‎ for the answer. The teacher wasn't looking at me, but I copied something. ‎ Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder! The teacher caught me cheating. I don't          ‎ know what to say. Luckily, the teacher did not punish for cheating but instead ‎ gave me a second chance.      ‎ ‎(二)‎ I have a good friend who’s name is Liu Mei. She is our monitor and one of ‎ the excellent students in our class.  Clever as she is, but she words very hard.‎ We have a lot on common and have a lot to talk .One evening she told me ‎ that something happened when her parents was out. She was doing her homeworks ‎ one Sunday morning when she smelt something burning. She stopped look out             ‎ of the window and find a cloud of smoke coming out of her neighbor’s house .‎ She called 119 immediate. Ten minutes later, the firemen came and put out fire. ‎ Her neighbor was very thankful for her help.‎ ‎(三)‎ I often dream of a teacher, I dream of standing on the platform in the classroom ‎ and give lessons to lovely boys and girls . I teach them, play with them, but watch them     ‎ growing up. I am always young when I was staying with them. I know there is ‎ not easy to be a teacher. You have to learn in order to teach. Without enough knowledges,  ‎ you can never learn well .What is more , you have to be friends with your pupils and ‎ take good care of him. Only in this way can you be good teacher and win respect from them. Though I am a student now, I will work as very hard to make my dream come true.      ‎ ‎(四)‎ It is a pleasure for me to write this letter to tell how much I enjoyed my stay ‎ in your whole family last week. This was my first visit to a English family. ‎ At first, I was worried about my poor English. And when I saw your wife ‎ and children waiting for me with warm smile of welcome on their faces. ‎ I immediately knew that everything would be all right. There are many more ‎ happy memories of the week that I will keep them with me forever. I particularly ‎ enjoyed driving through the countryside with you and saw the changing colors ‎ of the leaves on the trees. I also like the fishing trip. It was such much fun.    ‎ ‎(五)‎ I still remember my middle school life in Tianjin yet. I was then in a school ‎ for students from Tibet. As we were all left home at early age, we met lots of ‎ problems in our daily life. We had to do the washing, cleaning and shopping by us.‎ However, we seldom felt lonely or helplessly. We enjoyed our happy life. At weekends, ‎ we would play basketball, swimming in the pool, or go for a picnic. We were living in a big family. We treat each other as brothers and sisters. If any one of you had any difficulty ‎ in our life and study, the other would help him out. It has been five years when we graduated, ‎ but those memories are as sweet as ever before. ‎ ‎(六)‎ During the summer of 2001, I started read books in English, mostly stories. ‎ I would learn a lot of new words from these books, but I had terribly problems memorizing them. I had to look up to the same word many times, for which was ‎ quite troublesome. I realized I do need a way to remember all this vocabulary. ‎ It was a great achievement for myself. I started writing down words from books ‎ that I read. I would come back from school, and then sit for an hour and two. ‎ I wrote down new words and added it to my collection. By the end of last year,‎ my collection has grown to 3,000 words.  ‎ ‎(七)‎ This is a story told by my father: “When I was boy,   the most exciting thing ‎ was when to celebrate the Spring Festival. My grandma was the best cooker ‎ in the world but could make the most delicious dishes. One time, I just couldn’t ‎ wait for the Spring Festival dinner. As I was about take a piece from a cooked ‎ duck, I saw Grandma in the kitchen looking at me. Shake her head, she said, ‎ ‎‘It isn't a good time to do that, dear.’ At once I apologize and controlled me ‎ at my best till the dinner started. You know, that was a dinner we had waited ‎ for several month.”‎ ‎(八)‎ There are advantage for students to work while study at school. ‎ One of them was that they can earn money. For the most part,                                        ‎ students working to earn money for their own use. Earning their ‎ own money allow them to spend on anything as if they please.   ‎ They would have to ask their parents for money or for permission ‎ to do things by  the money. Some students may also to save                                      ‎ up for our college or future use.                ‎ ‎(九)‎ Dear Mr. Brown ,‎ I am writing to thank you with your kind help.  Before you came to teach us,‎ I had not interest in English. My pronunciation was terribly. I could ‎ only speak a few words. But one and a half year later. I now think English ‎ fun to learn. I got a lot of from your encouraging words. I will always remember ‎ what you said, “If you try to ,you can be No. 1!” I hope you’ve had pleasant ‎ journey home and will come to China again sometimes in the future. I will ‎ write again and send you the photos we take together.  ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Min ‎(十)‎ Dear friends,‎ It is real a good chance to have met all of you here. We have spent several ‎ precious weekend in learning in the English Club. Although we have been ‎ member for a short period of time, we have made a great progress. That is ‎ because we are all very much active and the activities are not only enjoyable ‎ and also helpful, Besides, the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to ‎ make the activities lively and interested. I am very pleased to say that all of  ‎ us greatly improved our spoken English so far. I am looking forward to see all ‎ of you again in the near future! ‎ Thank you.‎ 专练3答案 ‎(1)第一行:in改为out  第二行:had后加not 第三行:easy前加an;去掉for ‎ 第四行:from改为of  第五行:opening改为opened; answer改为answers  ‎ 第六行:but改为so  第七行:don’t改为didn’t  第八行:punish后加me          ‎ ‎(2)第一行:who’s改为whose . 第二行:去but 第三行:on改为in ;talk后加about 第四行:was改为were;homeworks改为homework ‎ 第五行:stopped后加to 第六行:find改为found 第七行:immediate改为immediately 第八行:去掉the ‎(3)第一行:dream后加being/becoming第二行:give改为giving;but改为and  ‎ 第三行:was改为am ;there改为it  第四行:knowledges改为knowledge/learning 第五行:learn改为teach 第六行:him改为them;be后加a 第七行:去掉as ‎(4)第一行:me改为you 第二行:in改为with;a改为an 第三行:But/Yet 第四行:smile改为smiles 第五行:去more 第六行:去掉them 第七行:saw改为seeing 第八行:like改为liked;such改为so                      . ‎ ‎(5)第一行:去yet. 第二行:去were;early前加an ‎ 第三行:us改为ourselves 第四行;helpless 第五行:swimming改为swim 第六行:treat改为treated;you改为us 第七行:other改为others;when改为since ‎(6)第一行:read改为reading,或前加to 第二行:terribly改为terrible .‎ 第三行:去掉to;去掉for 第四行:do改为did 第五行:myself改为me;books前加the ‎ 第六行:and改为or 第七行:it改为them 第八行:has改为had ‎ ‎ ‎(7)第一行:boy前加a . 第二行:去掉when;cooker改为cook ‎ 第三行:but改为and; 第四行:wait后加for;take前加to 第五行:Shake改为Shaking 第六行:apologize改为apologized;me改为myself 第八行:month改为months ‎(8)第一行:advantage改为advantages;study改为studying 第二行:was改为is    ‎ 第三行:working改为work 第四行:allow改为allows;去掉if 第五行:would后加not 第六行:by改为with;去掉to ‎ 第七行:our改为their                                    ‎ ‎(9)第一行:with改为for 第二行:not改为no;terribly改为terrible 第三行:year改为years;English后加is 第四行:去掉of 第五行:去掉to;pleasant前加a 第六行:sometimes改为sometime 第七行:take改为took ‎(10)第一行:real改为really 第二行:weekend改为weekends 第三行:member改为members;去掉第二个a 第四行:去掉much 第五行:and改为but;his改为their 第六行:interested改为interesting ‎ 第七行:greatly前加have;see改为seeing

