高考英语二轮专题复习——冲刺演练 第练 完形填空阅读理解

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高考英语二轮专题复习——冲刺演练 第练 完形填空阅读理解

www.ks5u.com 第9练 完形填空+阅读理解 Ⅰ.完形填空 体裁:记叙文 话题:网络生活 词数:296 时间:18′‎ During Hurricane Sandy last year,the garage and basement of Christine O'Donovan's house in New York were flooded,and two cars,years of paperwork,and photos were __1__.Still,her husband,five children (aged 2 to 12),and an adopted dog named Buster remained __2__.Six months earlier,she'd taken Buster __3__ after finding the sixmonthold puppy(小狗仔) left __4__ to a telephone pole.‎ Just a month later,__5__,as construction workers repaired the house,Buster dashed through the open front gate and __6__.“I was extremely sad,”O'Donovan says.All the searches for him were __7__.Weeks later,O'Donovan got a text from a friend,__8__ her to look at a Facebook page that lists __9__ scheduled to be killed at New York City shelters the next day.__10__ enough,when O'Donovan visited the website,there was a picture of Buster,who was apparently to be put to sleep eight __11__ later,early the next morning.The shelter was closed for the night and wouldn't __12__ again to the public until 8 a.m.“I'm thinking,how am I going to get him __13__ they do this?”says O'Donovan.The next morning,she drove to the __14__ with all five kids.She asked the woman at the front desk if Buster was still there.When the woman replied yes,“it was like a thousand pounds __15__ my shoulders,”said O'Donovan.To __16__ her ownership,she told the assistant,“__17__ me to the back where he is,and you will see he's my dog.”When Buster spotted his __18__,he went wild,barking,jumping and licking O'Donvan's face.She burst into __19__.The shelter worker needed nothing __20__ and Buster went home.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了主人通过网络找到遗失的宠物狗,使其免于被屠宰,体现了宠物和主人之间的真挚情感。‎ ‎1.A.destroyed B.injured ‎ C.hurt D.exposed ‎ 答案 A [根据语境,在此次飓风中,two cars,years of paperwork,and photos被毁坏(destroyed)了。destroy指彻底的“破坏”,含有“不能或很难修复”的意思;injure指意外事故造成的损伤;hurt常指身体或精神的“伤害”,特指有疼痛的“受伤”;expose指“‎ 暴露”。]‎ ‎2.A.dead B.lucky C.safe D.healthy ‎ 答案 C [由still可知,上文说到东西被毁了,而作者的丈夫、五个孩子还有宠物狗仍然安全(safe)。]‎ ‎3.A.away B.home C.out D.up ‎ 答案 B [根据上文可知,她将小流浪狗带回了家(home)。]‎ ‎4.A.stuck B.fixed C.joined D.tied ‎ 答案 D [根据a telephone pole可知,小狗被拴(tie)在电话线杆上。stick意为“卡住”;fix意为“安装”;join意为“连接”;tie意为“拴;系”。]‎ ‎5.A.however B.but ‎ C.therefore D.nevertheless ‎ 答案 A [根据语境可知,小狗被领回家,但是一个月后走失了,前后两句为转折关系,且空格后有逗号,故选however。]‎ ‎6.A.died down B.showed up ‎ C.ran off D.rushed in ‎ 答案 C [根据...dashed through the open front gate...可知,小狗跑掉了(run off)。]‎ ‎7.A.in place B.in vain ‎ C.by design D.by chance ‎ 答案 B [根据extremely sad可知,一连串的寻找都是徒劳的(in vain)。in place意为“在正确的位置;准备就绪的”;by design意为“故意地”;by chance意为“偶然地”。]‎ ‎8.A.wishing B.preventing ‎ C.stopping D.telling ‎ 答案 D [根据上下文信息的内容可知用“讲述(tell)”。]‎ ‎9.A.people B.children C.animals D.buster ‎ 答案 C [根据下文中的...to be killed...及下文内容可知此处表示被屠宰的动物(animal)。]‎ ‎10.A.Strangely B.Sadly C.Well D.Sure ‎ 答案 D [sure enough意为“果真,果然”,为固定搭配。]‎ ‎11.A.days B.hours C.minutes D.weeks ‎ 答案 B [根据next morning可知是8小时(hour)后。]‎ ‎12.A.open B.close C.work D.give ‎ 答案 A [根据was closed可知,直到第二天早晨八点,这个地方才能开放(open)。]‎ ‎13.A.after B.since C.before D.when ‎ 答案 C [根据语境可知,作者要在小狗被屠宰之前(before)找到它。]‎ ‎14.A.dog B.shelter C.house D.website ‎ 答案 B [根据上文可知此处表示收容所(shelter)。]‎ ‎15.A.lifted off B.put on ‎ C.went away D.came to ‎ 答案 A [听说小狗还在那里,我如释重负。lift...off意为“将……移去”;put on意为“放在……上;穿上”;go away意为“走掉”;come to sth意为“(形势)成为,变为(通常指变糟)”。]‎ ‎16.A.make B.gave C.prove D.produce ‎ 答案 C [空格所在处意为:为了证明(prove)她是小狗的主人……]‎ ‎17.A.Tell B.Take C.Help D.Bring ‎ 答案 B [句意:将我带到(take)小狗那里,(然后)你就知道它是我的小狗了。]‎ ‎18.A.mother B.mend C.baby D.owner ‎ 答案 D [根据常识可知,小狗看到主人(owner)时才会有文中那一系列的动作。]‎ ‎19.A.laughter B.tears C.flames D.love ‎ 答案 B [根据语境及常识可知此处表示突然哭起来(burst into tears)。]‎ ‎20.A.better B.best C.most D.more ‎ 答案 D [空格所在处意为:工作人员再不需要任何别的东西(去证明她是小狗的主人了)。所以选more。]‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 A 体裁:记叙文 话题:逸文趣事 词数:296 时间:6′‎ That evening Holmes and I drove across the moor until we could see the lights of the Stapletons' house in front of us.Then we got out and began to walk very quietly along the path towards the house.When we were very close,Holmes told me to stop.He took his revolver(左轮手枪) from his pocket,and I did the same.‎ ‎“We shall hide behind these rocks,” he whispered.“Watson, you know the house,so I ‎ want you to go forward and look through the windows.I want to know where the Stapletons and Sir Henry are,and what they are doing.”‎ Very carefully and quietly I moved towards the house.I looked first into the dining room window.Mr.Stapleton and Sir Henry were sitting and smoking their cigars,but there was no sign of Miss Stapleton.‎ I went back to the dining room window, and as I looked in again, Mr.Stapleton left the room and came out of the house.He went to a hut beside the house, and unlocked the door.I heard a strange sound coming from the hut,but I could not think what was making the noise.‎ I went back to Holmes and told him what I had seen.He wanted to know where Miss Stapleton was, and I had to tell him twice that there was no sign of her in the house.‎ The moon was shining on the Great Grimpen Marsh, and a fog was rising from it.Holmes watched the fog and began to look worried.The fog was creeping up from the marsh towards the house.We were hidden near the path, which was on the far side of the house from the marsh.‎ ‎“The fog is moving towards us, Watson, and that is very serious,” said Holmes.“It is the one thing that could make my plans go wrong.”‎ As we watched, the fog, which had crept as far as the house, began to flow round it.Angrily Holmes hit the rock in front of us with his open hand.‎ ‎“If Sir Henry doesn't come out in the next quarter of an hour, the path will be covered by the fog.In half an hour we shall not be able to see our hands in front of our faces.We must move back to higher ground above the fog.”‎ We moved away from the house and out of the fog, which was creeping slowly along the ground and hiding the path from our view.‎ ‎“We must not go too far,” said Holmes.“If we do, Sir Henry may be caught before he reaches us.”‎ Then we heard quick footsteps on the path.After a few moments, Sir Henry appeared out of the fog and walked on in the clear moonlight.He came quickly along the path, passed close to where we were hidden, and began to walk up the hill behind us.As he walked, he looked over his shoulder again and again, like a man who is worried that something is following him.‎ ‎“Listen!” said Holmes sharply.“Look out! It's coming!”‎ I heard him make his revolver ready to fire,and I did the same.‎ We tried to see into it, and wondered what horrible thing would appear.I looked at Holmes.His eyes were fixed on the place where the path disappeared into the fog.He was pale,but his eyes were bright.Then suddenly his eyes nearly jumped out of his head,and his mouth opened in frightened surprise.I looked away from him to see what his eyes were fixed on.When I saw the awful shape that was coming towards us out of the fog, my blood turned cold.The revolver nearly fell from my hands,________.‎ The huge black burning hound(猎犬)ran quickly and silently after Sir Henry, who was near to death, and we were helpless with fear.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 Watson和Holmes去Stapleton家探听情况,一条凶猛的猎犬的出现让他们感到非常害怕。‎ ‎21.It can be concluded that Sir Henry ________.‎ ‎ A.was the master of the hound ‎ B.sensed he was in danger when escaping ‎ C.was clear where Miss Stapleton was ‎ D.was finally killed by the fierce hound ‎ 答案 B [考查推理判断。结合文章倒数第五段中的“As he walked,he looked over his shoulder again and again,like a man who is worried that something is following him”可以推断出答案。]‎ ‎22.The strange sound coming from the hut was most probably made by ________.‎ ‎ A.Mr.Stapleton B.Miss Stapleton ‎ C.Sir Henry D.the hound ‎ 答案 D [考查推理判断。文章第四段为下文埋下伏笔,结合文章结尾可以推断,发出声音的就是那条猎犬。]‎ ‎23.Why did Holmes hit the rock angrily?‎ ‎ A.Because Watson failed to find any sign of Miss Stapleton.‎ ‎ B.Because something was wrong with their plans.‎ ‎ C.Because the fog might well ruin their plans.‎ ‎ D.Because Sir Henry hadn't appeared so far.‎ ‎ 答案 C [考查细节理解。根据第七段“The fog is moving towards us...It is the one thing that could make my plans go wrong”可知答案。]‎ ‎24.Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage?‎ ‎ a.The fog was rising and moving towards Holmes and Watson.‎ ‎ b.Holmes saw a burning hound coming.‎ ‎ c.Mr.Stapleton went to a hut beside the house and unlocked the door.‎ ‎ d.Holmes and Watson hid behind the rocks.‎ ‎ e.Sir Henry appeared out of the fog.‎ ‎ A.a, d, c, b, e B.d, c, a, e, b ‎ C.c, b, e, a, d D.d, c, e, a, b ‎ 答案 B [考查细节理解。根据文章的相关叙述可知,a—e分别可以在第七段、最后一段、第四段、第二段、第十二段中找到依据。Holmes和Watson首先躲在石头后面观察,然后Watson看到Mr.Stapleton去一个小屋,后来雾逐渐升起,而后Sir Henry跑了出来,接着猎犬跟了上来,故选B项。]‎ ‎25.Which of the following is the most suitable for the blank in the last paragraph but one?‎ ‎ A.and I could hardly stand it ‎ B.and I was ready to fire ‎ C.and inside I was filled with anger ‎ D.and my whole body froze with fear ‎ 答案 D [考查推理判断。根据空处所在段的内容“my blood turned cold.The revolver nearly fell from my hands”可知,Watson此时感到非常害怕,故D项符合题意。]‎ B 体裁:说明文 话题:语言学习 词数:330 时间:7′‎ ‎(2015·福建泉州一中期中)‎ Talk to yourself It may be obvious,but the best way to get better at a language is to speak it.Even if there is no one around to speak to,talk to yourself.Name things as you pass them—chair,television,cat,tree,school.Learn basic phrases like—“it is cold today” or “it is sunny today” and use whichever is appropriate when you first look out of the window.This simple language learning tip will help this everyday vocabulary sink in and become second nature.‎ Talk to friends Even if they don't speak the language,talk to the people you know in your new ‎ language.Warm them in advance that you are practicing your new knowledge and they will know what's coming.Even a simple “good morning” or “see you later” in your new language will make those phrases more natural to you.Your friends may even start to pick up a few phrases as well.‎ Listen to music Listen to music in your new language.You'll hear the language used in a real context and this will help you pick out the rhythm and the pronunciation even better.You will also come to further understand and better appreciate the culture behind the language.‎ Make mistakes The easiest language learning tip is to try! Go ahead and speak and write! Don't be afraid to make mistakes,because I guarantee you will! In fact,you will learn as much from your mistake as you will learn from your success.Never let the fear of making any mistakes hold you back.Without making any mistakes,how will you ever be fluent or even comfortable with the language?‎ Find a language club When you are ready,try to find a language club in your area.Speaking with other people who have already gone through or are still going through the process of learning the language can be extremely helpful.They will give you lots of language learning tips and helpful advice.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文为说明文,为读者提供了学习语言的五条建议。‎ ‎26.If you want to keep everyday vocabulary in your mind,you'd better ________.‎ ‎ A.try to find a language club in your area ‎ B.talk to yourself and name things as you pass them ‎ C.not be afraid to make mistakes ‎ D.listen to music in your new language ‎ 答案 B [细节理解题。根据第一部分中的This simple language learning tip will help this everyday vocabulary sink in and become second nature.可知B项正确。]‎ ‎27.According to the passage,we know ________.‎ ‎ A.the more mistakes we make,the more fluent our English might be ‎ B.“talking to yourself” is the best way to learn a language ‎ C.if someone doesn't speak your new language,you should not practice with him/her ‎ D.not all language clubs are helpful ‎ 答案 A [推理判断题。根据倒数第二部分中Without making any mistakes,how will you ‎ ever be fluent or even comfortable with the language?可以推断出作者认为犯的错误越多,英语就会说得越流利。]‎ ‎28.You will master the usage of your new language if you ________ according to the material.‎ ‎ A.talk to yourself B.talk to friends ‎ C.listen to music D.find a language club ‎ 答案 C [推理判断题。由Listen to music部分可以看出,通过听音乐学习语言,可以感受真实的语境,还能进一步理解语言背后的文化,所以C项正确。]‎ ‎29.The main idea of this passage is ________.‎ ‎ A.the more you practice,the better your English will be ‎ B.practicing speaking English in different ways ‎ C.language learning tips ‎ D.some advice on English learning ‎ 答案 C [主旨大意题。全文围绕语言学习介绍了五条建议,所以C项正确。]‎

