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‎2013届新课标高考一轮复习——词汇专项测控卷(03)‎ ‎1. 单项选择:‎ ‎1) It's already 10 o'clock I wonder how it _______ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. ‎ ‎ A. came over B. came out C: came about D. came up ‎ ‎2) The better __________ you have of words, the better chance you have of saying exactly what you mean.‎ ‎ A. demand B. comment C. command D. performance ‎3) The teacher usually writes his _________ on the margin of the composition.‎ ‎ A. comments B. words C. review D. command ‎ ‎4) It is surprising that such an innocent-looking man should have ________ such a crime.‎ ‎ A. confirmed B. clarified C. committed D. conveyed ‎5) Letterboxes are much more _______ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead. ‎ ‎ A. common B. normal C. ordinary D. usual ‎6) _______ other nurses, Alice is careful and patient.‎ ‎ A. Looking like B. Comparing with C. In common with D. As to ‎7) When you want to introduce yourself to an American, you can just try a _______ greeting, such as “Hello, my name is…”‎ A. commonly used B. used commonly C. commonly using D. using commonly ‎8) It is said that dogs will keep you ______ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.‎ ‎ A. safety B. company C. comfortable D. friend ‎9) __________ with other children, the father thinks, Jack is a most satisfying son.‎ ‎ A. Commenting B. Complaining C. Compared D. Committed ‎ ‎10) Every four years athletes from all over the world _______for medals in the Olympic Games.‎ ‎ A. fight B. struggle C. complete D. compete ‎11) Meg realized she'd been a ________ fool; she was always doing foolish things.‎ ‎ A. complete B. commercial C. content D. constant ‎12) The rapid development of science and technology make the ______ among people more and more convenient. ‎ ‎ A. competition B. communication C. companion D. comprehension ‎ ‎13) Math is a _______ subject for both arts and science students. ‎ ‎ A. compulsory B. must C. concrete D. obliged ‎14)Due to the loud noises from the neighborhood, he could not ______ his mind on his books. ‎ ‎ A.collect B. gather C. concentrate D. fix ‎15) From his appearance we may safely ________ that he is a heavy smoker.‎ ‎ A. show B. promise C. confirm D. conclude ‎16) In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the _____ in personality.‎ ‎ A.contact B.contrast C.connection D.conflict - 12 -‎ ‎17) I am _______ by what you said just now. Can you explain it a little bit? ‎ ‎ A. corrected B. surprised C.mistaken D. confused ‎18) _______ that the young fellow has only been learning how to drive for three months, his driving skill is fairly good.‎ ‎ A. Regarding B. Considering C. Regarded D. Considered ‎19) Children must learn just a few basic roles---being safe, being ______ to others and being responsible to themselves.‎ A. considered B. considerable C. considerate D. considering ‎20) It's a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly _____ rice and vegetables.‎ A. of B. in C. for D. on ‎21) The story book ______ fifty stories, ______ “Snow White”.‎ A. contains; includes B. contains; including ‎ C. includes; including D. is containing; including ‎22) Tomorrow we'll go on a journey. I hope the weather, as it is today, will ______ fine.‎ A. promise B. turn out C. continue D. come out ‎ ‎23) --- Are you really through with your work assigned the day before yesterday?‎ ‎---_________, I've only just begun.‎ A. On the contrary B. On the other hand C. You are wrong D. Never mind ‎24) Eating too much fat can ______ heart diseases, _______ high blood pressure. ‎ A. attend to; to cause B. devote to; having caused ‎ C. contribute to; causing D. dedicate to; cause ‎ ‎25) The ________ of the Egyptian Pyramids is considered as a miracle (奇迹). ‎ A. construction B. constitution C. instruction D. contribution ‎ ‎26) I was just talking to Margot when Jackson _____ .‎ ‎ A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up ‎27) Our new house is very _______ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.‎ A. available B. suitable C. convenient D. comfortable ‎28) Let’s hold a cocktail party and have a good _______ tonight. ‎ ‎ A. communication B. conference C. conservation D. conversation ‎ ‎29) Wang Zhizhi's return has ________basketball fans of a far better result in the coming title contest.‎ ‎ A. convinced B. expected C. accused D. believed ‎ ‎30) Short sight can be ______ by the use of suitable glasses.‎ ‎ A. improved B. fixed C. reduced D. corrected ‎31) Tom and I seldom get together, but we ______ with each other frequently. ‎ ‎ A. write B. correspond C. respond D. count ‎32) The driver managed not to hit the child who ran in front of his car, but only _____ injuring himself.‎ A. in hopes of B. as a consequence of C. at the mercy of D. at the cost of ‎33) Dress well for a job interview because first impressions really do _______.‎ ‎ A. count B. correspond C. convince D. important ‎34) I have a dream that we will one day live in a _______ where we'll have a lot of trees and fresh air.‎ ‎ A. counter B. country C. nation D. space - 12 -‎ ‎35) The manager needs an assistant that he can _______ to take care of problems in his absence. ‎ ‎ A. count up B. count it C. count on D. count out ‎ ‎36) His book on European history __________ the period from 1914 to 2001.‎ ‎ A. covers B. about C. crosses D. deals ‎37) People have always been curious how living things on the earth exactly began. ‎ A. in B. at C. of D. about ‎38) Christians believe that man is the ______ of God. ‎ ‎ A. creation B. creature C. product D. producer ‎ ‎39) If you don’t have enough money right now, you can buy the computer _______. ‎ ‎ A. in crash B. on credit C. by check D. without paying ‎ ‎40) Whoever commits a _______ should be punished by law. ‎ ‎ A. crime B. error C. mistake D. suicide ‎ ‎41) A traffic accident happened at a _________ a few meters away from a bank. ‎ ‎ A. crossroad B. cross C. courtyard D. crossroads ‎ ‎42) Today, cancer is still one of the diseases that cannot be _______. ‎ ‎ A. cover B. healed C. cured D. treated ‎ ‎43) When you go abroad for further study, you should learn to adapt to the ______ of the destination country.‎ A. customs B. habits C. practice D. customers ‎44) The editor ________ the article to make it fit the space available in a magazine.‎ A. turns down B. cuts down C. cut up D. runs down ‎2. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空:‎ companion comment comfort confuse create compensate corrupt crew convince conflict ‎ ‎1) ___________ to make someone feel less worried, unhappy, or upset ‎2) __________ an opinion that you express about someone or something [= remark]‎ ‎3) _____________ someone you spend a lot of time with, especially a friend ‎4) _________ to make someone feel that they cannot think clearly or do not understand ‎5) __________ to make someone feel certain that something is true ‎6) _________ to encourage someone to start behaving in an immoral or dishonest way ‎7) ________ to make something exist that did not exist before ‎8) ________ all the people who work on a ship or plane ‎9) ________ a state of disagreement or argument between people, groups, countries etc ‎10) ___________ to replace or balance the effect of something bad ‎3.选用下列词的适当形式填空:‎ Part 1‎ concern common comfortable crime comment cycle communication confident competition companion ‎ ‎1) It was so __________ and warm in bed that I didn't want to get up.‎ ‎2) ---I don’t know what kind of university I’ll go to?‎ - 12 -‎ ‎---You’d better have _____________ (意见) from your teachers and classmates.‎ ‎3) He was arrested for committing several ___________.‎ ‎4) Many things considered impossible in the past are quite ___________ today.‎ ‎5) Radio was the pilot's only means of ______________.‎ ‎6) Ann became my closest ______________; we spent a lot of time together.‎ ‎7) ______________ for these jobs is very fierce -- we had over 200 applicants.‎ ‎8) I have prepared for the test for a whole month, so I am _________ of passing it.‎ ‎9) The changing color of the trees show the ________ of the seasons.‎ ‎10) She seldom shows ______ about over others, but that does not mean that she is cold-hearted.‎ Part 2‎ condition conclusion conflict content complex considerate connection consequence criterion confidential ‎ ‎11) We've come to the ______________ that he's not for the plan.‎ ‎12) The second-hand computer she bought looked almost new; besides, it was in good _______.‎ ‎13) Getting high maks is still an important _________ of a good student.‎ ‎14) What I'm telling you is strictly ______________. Do not let anyone know of it.‎ ‎15) Nations must not settle their differences by armed __________.‎ ‎16) There is a _____________ between pollution and the death of trees.‎ ‎17) The high level of unemployment has produced harmful social ____________.‎ ‎18) It was very _____________ of you to let us know you were going to be late.‎ ‎19) When you come across a __________ sentence that you can’t understand, try to divide it into small sentences.‎ ‎20) Before reading a new book, you should first look through its ____________.‎ Part 3‎ continuous control convenient courage contribution cost course cure court criminal ‎ ‎21)With the help of man-made satellites, now we can have __________ TV programs every day.‎ ‎22) The club was named after a very popular football star in honor of his ____________ to the country.‎ ‎23) Her voice is under ___________ but she is almost shaking with anger.‎ ‎24) ---Shall I give you a ride since you live so far away?‎ ‎ ---Thank you. If it is ______________ to you.‎ ‎25) This new invention has greatly reduced the _______ of production.‎ ‎26) He is really a brave man. We can’t admire his _________ too much.‎ ‎27) Long before they graduate from high school, these students take special __________ to prepare for advanced study.‎ ‎28) The prisoner was brought to ________ for trial.‎ ‎29) The man is a violent and dangerous ___________.‎ ‎30) “Prevention is better than ________.” If you pay close attention to your health, you can avoid getting sick.‎ - 12 -‎ Part 4‎ curriculum custom customer constant concrete component competence ‎ ‎31) When you are traveling abroad, it is important to follow the __________ of the country you are visiting.‎ ‎32) The company has a free long-distance telephone number so that ____________ may call with any question they have about the products.‎ ‎33) Have you any __________ thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?‎ ‎34) He kept in touch with his family by telephoning __________ while he was in Australia.‎ ‎35) What subject do you have according to the school __________ this term? ‎ ‎36) Typing is considered by most employers to be a basic ___________.‎ ‎37) Exercise is one of the key ___________ of a healthy lifestyle.‎ ‎4.选用下列动词的适当形式填空:‎ Part 1‎ come compare concern confirm conduct comment concentrate comfort complete connect ‎1) Then _________ the hour we had been looking forward to.‎ ‎2) I tried to _________ him after he was defeated by his opponent.‎ ‎3) There is a rumor that the minister planned to resign, but he didn't __________ on that.‎ ‎4) When _________ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.‎ ‎5) That gas pipeline project, started in July 2002 and to be ____________ in 2009, will be China’s longest gas pipeline in history.‎ ‎6) Turn off the TV, so you can __________ on your homework.‎ ‎7) ____________ about Lucy, the teacher called her parents to find out why she was so often absent from class.‎ ‎8) Copper _________ electricity better than other materials do. ‎ ‎9) I called the airline to _________ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada.‎ ‎10) What I need now is a computer _____________ to the Internet.‎ Part 2‎ contradict control consider continue contribute contain convey convince correct copy ‎ ‎11) Many things ______________ impossible in the past are quite common today.‎ ‎12) He picked up an envelope _____________ 50 dollars in it.‎ ‎13) Taking this medicine, if ___________, will of course do good to his health.‎ ‎14) It's difficult to ____________ someone politely.‎ ‎15) Immigrants ____________ to English culture in many ways. ‎ ‎16) It is to _________ breakouts of bird flu that many monitoring stations have been set up not to disturb the living environment of wildlife.‎ ‎17) Nowadays sending e-mails to each other is a way many a student _______ what they think.‎ ‎18) Alice _________ her father that both she and her husband would be happy if he would live with them.‎ - 12 -‎ ‎19) Blindly __________ others might very well leads to losses.‎ ‎20) One learns a language by making mistakes and __________ them.‎ Part 3‎ compensate corrupt cover cure consult cost create cycle condemn conclude compromise consume ‎21) The businessman was sent to prison for trying to __________ a tax official with money.‎ ‎22) The exam he paid no attention to ________ him the chance to go to college.‎ ‎23) After moving into the town, my wife did some washing for the rich so that we had just enough to _______ our expenses.‎ ‎24) At present more and more people try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this in turn ___________ further problems.‎ ‎25) Although this medicine can _______ you of your illness, it will have a bad effect on you.‎ ‎26) I sugget you ________ your doctor about your stomachache.‎ ‎27) __________ is not only good for the environment; it's a great form of exercise too.‎ ‎28) Nothing can ___________ for the loss of one’s health. ‎ ‎29) I __________ from his strange behavior that he was lying. ‎ ‎30) Each year Americans ________ a high percentage of the world's energy.‎ ‎31) I wanted to go to Greece, and my wife wanted to go to Spain, so we __________ on Italy.‎ ‎32) She knew that society would ________ her for deserting her baby soon after giving birth.‎ ‎5.选用下列短语及词组的适当形式填空:‎ Part 1‎ come on come out come down come to life come true ‎ come to an end come up with come out come up come along ‎ ‎1) --- Four dollars a pair? I think it’s a bit too much.‎ ‎--- If you buy three pairs, the price for each will ___ to three fifty. ‎ ‎2) Very few experts have ______________ complete new answers to the world’s economic problems.‎ ‎3) --- I'm dead tired. I can't walk any farther, Jenny. ‎ ‎--- _________ , Tommy. You can do it! ‎ ‎4) The dictionary is being printed and it will soon _______ .‎ ‎5) --- Not getting that job was a big letdown.‎ ‎--- Don't worry. Something better will ______________.‎ ‎6) The girl's fainted. Throw some cold water on her face and she will ______________.‎ ‎7) The party last night was a success. We sang and danced until it _______________ at 12:00.‎ ‎8) It took years of planning and saving, and their seagoing vacation _____________ at last.‎ ‎9) The question ___________ at the meeting whether we had enough money for our research.‎ ‎10) In my opinion, your work does not __________________ what I expected of you.‎ Part 2‎ come down with in common with have…in common compare to compare ‎ - 12 -‎ with ‎ be concerned about compare notes common sense connect with in the company of ‎ ‎11) Many children ___________________ the flu and they could attend school.‎ ‎12) However different, the native people do _______ something _______________.‎ ‎13) Alfred didn't have the ________________ to send for a doctor in time of danger.‎ ‎14)________________ most young people, he likes pop music better than folk music.‎ ‎15) Children under 12 years of age in the country must be __________________ adult when in a public library. ‎ ‎16) The boy with the name Li Xiao, who often helps others, is ______________ Lei Feng in our school.‎ ‎17) Living in a town can't __________________ living in the country in many respects.‎ ‎18) I intended to __________________ with a friend, but unfortunately they couldn’t spare me even one minute.‎ ‎19) Zoo officials __________________ the mother elephant, which is badly ill.‎ ‎20) ---Why ask me to take that early bus?‎ ‎--- Because that bus ____________________ the 9:30 train at Boston.‎ Part 3‎ be content with consist of on the contrary convince…of at the cost of cut off be curious about around the corner out of control cut in cut down cut out for ‎ in consequence combine…with communicate with ‎ ‎21) The International Olympic Committee ___________ members from many countries.‎ ‎22) Those who ____ not _____________ the progress they have made will have greater success.‎ ‎23) It wasn't a good thing; ___________________ it was a huge mistake.‎ ‎24) The reporter said a car went _________________ on a highway south of the city and rushed into a river.‎ ‎25) The government is trying hard to _____________ the local people _______ the safety of the new nuclear power station.‎ ‎26) The shop needs more children's toys in store, for the Children's Day is just _____________________.‎ ‎27) He saved the child from drowning but only ________________ his own life.‎ ‎28) Don't _____ too ______________ other people's private affairs: the privacy right is protected by law.‎ ‎29) The editor told me that if I could ___________ my story to 5,000 words, they would take it.‎ ‎30) He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was _____________ from the outside world. (05北京春季)‎ ‎31) I'm sure he'd make a good journalist;he seems to ____________ the job.‎ ‎32) Accidents are often caused by drivers who try to ________.‎ ‎33) _______hard work ______ good method, and you’ll make progress in your English study - 12 -‎ ‎34) She speaks fluent English, so she can __________________ Americans without difficulty. ‎ ‎35) He is guilty of drug trafficking (贩卖). ________________, he will be sentenced to death.‎ ‎6. 选用下列词的适当形式填空:‎ complete invent go serious take expense event discuss distant shop life identity growth arrive ‎ ‎1) Some passengers complain about that it usually ________ so long to fill in travel insurance document. ‎ ‎2) The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for Beijing Olympics will have been ___________ by 2007.‎ ‎3) Charles Babbage is generally considered to have __________ the first computer. ‎ ‎4) Now that she is out of a job, Lucy has been considering ________ back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet. ‎ ‎5) After moving into the town, my wife did some washing for the rich so that we had just enough to cover our ________. ‎ ‎6) We decided to cut short the meeting, but her unexpected ________ confused all our plans.‎ ‎7)During the Olympic Games, journalists from all over the world come to cover the _______.‎ ‎8) ---How soon could they cover the __________ ? --- In two hours.‎ ‎9)Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it comes to ___ and eating. ‎ ‎10) Due to Tom's joke, the __________ came to life and went on in a friendly atmosphere.‎ ‎11) It was just a casual comment; I didn’t mean it to be taken so _____________.‎ ‎12) Success in making money is not always a good criterion of success in _________.‎ ‎13) I believe that the __________ of its population should be brought under control so that we’ll have a better hometown in future. ‎ ‎14) A national social security should be set up to cover each worker regardless of his _______.‎ ‎7.翻译:‎ ‎1) I know Bob is not much of a football player, but when it ____________ (论数学), he is among the top three in the class.‎ ‎2) After a long discussion, _________________________(专家们最后提出建议) for keeping the balance of nature in this area.‎ ‎3) I thought I'd go over and ______________________ (陪伴她) so that she didn't feel lonely.‎ ‎4) --- How about the book you are reading now? ‎ ‎--- Excellent indeed. It ______________________(涉及了我所遇到的很多问题) in our study.‎ ‎5) 这个问题的答案后来被证明是错的。‎ ‎ __________________________________________. ‎ ‎6) 这兄弟俩没有什么相同之处。 ‎ ‎__________________________________.‎ - 12 -‎ ‎7) 适度的运动有益健康。 ‎ ‎______________________________________________.‎ ‎8) 你应当学他的长处,而不是他的短处。‎ ‎ ______________________________________________.‎ ‎9) 粗心驾驶使他付出了生命的代价。‎ ‎__________________________________________________.‎ ‎10) The thief is troubled by his conscience and cannot fall asleep at night. ‎ ‎ __________________________________________________________. ‎ ‎11) Circumstances have combined to ruin our plans for a holiday.‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________. ‎ ‎12) Try to avoid the controversial issues when you are writing an essay concerning politics. ‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________. ‎ ‎8. 选用下列单词或短语的适当形式完成下面短文:(每空只填一词)‎ ‎ Text 1‎ attention advantage atmosphere chance custom sense difficult independently therefore as create bear broaden compare with deal with ‎ I think it is good to send teenagers abroad for further study.‎ ‎1)_________ _______ China’s education,foreign education has many 2)___________. It has a good education 3)______,pays special _________ 4) to the training of students, abilities and 5)_______ relaxing self-study 6)____________ for them.In foreign schools,we don’t have to 7)_______ a heavy learning load 8)____ we do in China, and 9)___________ we can learn much and better. In foreign countries,we have more 10)__________ to 1earn about foreign culture,11)_______ and habits,which can 12)_________ our mind.‎ Though we have to look after ourselves abroad and maybe life is 13)__________ for us,it will help us train our ability to live 14)____________ and 15)_____ ______ problems.‎ ‎ Text 2‎ burden guidance quality problem therefore either even tell look after in turn I don’t think it is good to send teenagers abroad to study.‎ Compared with China’s education,foreign education has many 1)________. Some foreign schools are not as good as those of our country in teaching 2)________. In those schools,students can’t learn more,and 3)_________ waste a lot of money, which is a heavy 4)_______ to their families. Teenagers are too young to 5)_____ ______ themselves 6)______ in their study or in their daily life,which 7)____ ______ will bring a lot of trouble to them.‎ As they often don’t have the ability to 8)_____ right from wrong, and lack necessary help and 9)__________,some lose their interest in studies and 10)_______ learn something bad.‎ ‎ Text 3‎ corner available convenient change cover believe cost as for take on take place ‎ Public transport of Beijing in 1995 wasn’t really good enough. But things have greatly - 12 -‎ ‎ 1)________ in the past ten years. Now there are 24,000 buses, running on 750 bus routes ,which are 3 times as many as those in 1995. You can get to nearly every 2)_______ of the city easily by bus, which 3)______ not much.‎ ‎ By the year 2008, 32,000 buses will have 4)_________ 820 routes throughout the city.‎ ‎ 5)_____ _____ highways, now the total length of highways in Beijing is over 19,000km. 6)________ it or not,in 1995 the number was only 8,000km.‎ ‎ In addition,underground railways and city-rails are 7)_________, fast and safe.The present length,114km, will rise to 300km by the year 2008. The number was only 54km in 1995.‎ ‎ Thus public transport in Beijing has 8)______ ______ a new look. It is very 9)__________ for citizens and tourists.‎ ‎ It is believed that it will be much better when the 29th Olympic Games ______ 10)_____ _______ in Beijing in 2008.‎ ‎2013届新课标高考一轮复习——词汇专项测控卷(03)‎ ‎1. 单项选择: 1)-10) CCACA CABCD 11)-20) ABACD DDBCA 21)-30) BCACA ACDAD ‎31)-40) BDABC ADABA 41)-44) DCAB ‎ ‎2. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空: 1) comfort 2) comment 3) companion 4) confuse 5) convince ‎ ‎6) corrupt 7) create 8) crew 9) conflict 10) compensate ‎ ‎3.选用下列词的适当形式填空: 1)comfortable 2)comments 3) crimes 4) common 5) communication 6)companion 7)Competition 8)confident 9)cycle 10)concern ‎ - 12 -‎ ‎11)conclusion 12) condition 13 ) criterion ‎14) confidential 15) conflicts 16) connection 17) consequences 18) considerate 19) complex 20) contents ‎21)continuous 22)contributions 23)control 24)convenient 25)cost 26)courage27)courses28)court29) criminal ‎30)cure 31)custom 32)customers 33)concrete 34)constantly 35)curriculum 36 )competence 37)components ‎4.选用下列动词的适当形式填空: 1)came2)comfort 3)comment 4)compared 5)completed 6) concentrate ‎ ‎7) Concerned 8) conducts 9) confirm 10)connected 11)considered 12)containing 13)continued 14)contradict ‎15) contribute 16) control 17)conveys 18) convinced 19)copying 20)correcting 21)corrupt 22)cost 23) cover ‎24) creates 25) cure 26) consult 27) Cycling 28) compensate 29) concluded 30) consume ‎ ‎31) compromised 32) condemn ‎ ‎5.选用下列短语及词组的适当形式填空:1)come down 2)come up with 3)Come on 4)come out5)come along 6) come to life 7) came to an end 8) came true 9) came up 10) come up to 11) came down with ‎ ‎12) have…in common 13 ) common sense 14) In common with 15) in the company of 16) compared to ‎17)compare with 18)compare notes 19)are concerned about 20)connects with 21)consists of ‎ ‎22)are;content with 23) on the contrary 24) out of control 25) convince;of 26) around the corner ‎ ‎27)at the cost of 28) be…curious about 29) cut down 30) cut off 31) be cut out for 32)cut in ‎33 ) Combine; with 34) communicate with 35) In consequence ‎6. 选用下列词的适当形式填空: 1)takes 2) completed 3) invented 4) going 5) expenses 6) arrival 7) event 8)distance 9)shopping 10)discussion 11) seriously 12) life 13) growth 14) identity ‎7.翻译:1) comes to math 2) the experts finally came up with suggestions 3) keep her company ‎ ‎4) covers many problems we have come across 5) The answer to the question came out wrong. ‎ ‎6) The two brothers have little in common. 7) A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health.‎ ‎8) You should copy his strong points, not his weak points. 9) Careless driving cost him his life.‎ ‎10) 那个小偷受到了良心的谴责,晚上睡不着觉。 11) 各种情况凑在一起破坏了我们的假日计划。‎ ‎12) 写与政治有关的论文时,尽量避免有争议的问题。‎ ‎8. 选用下列单词或短语的适当形式完成下面短文:‎ Text 1 1) Compared with 2) advantages 3) sense 4) attention 5) creates 6) atmosphere ‎ - 12 -‎ ‎7) bear 8) as ‎ ‎9) therefore 10) chances 11) customs 12) broaden 13 ) difficult 14) independently 15) deal with Text 2 1)problems 2) quality 3) therefore 4) burden 5) look after 6) either 7) in turn 8) tell ‎ ‎9) guidance10) even Text 3 1) changed 2) corner 3) costs 4) covered 5) As for 6) Believe 7) available 8) taken on ‎ ‎9) convenient 10) takes place - 12 -‎

