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‎2019年人教高考英语一轮练习题:必修5U3含答案 一、阅读理解。‎ Those who claim bananas are fattening argue that bananas cause the body to make lots of insulin(胰岛素), and insulin causes fat growth.‎ How much insulin we produce is related to how fast food becomes sugar in our bloodstream. How can you know if food makes a lot of sugar quickly? The glycemic index(血糖指数), or GI rating tells us. Foods with GI scores above 75 are considered highGI foods, leading to faster sugar development. Bananas have a GI of 62, which is considered low.‎ Weight loss can be a struggle for anyone, but it is especially hard for diabetics(糖尿病患者). A study looked at how the starch from unripe bananas affected the weight of a group of obese diabetics. After four weeks of a diet high in bananas, diabetics lost significantly more weight than on a control diet. They also saw improvements in insulin sensitivity from the banana diet.‎ What’s more, bananas have been shown to cut risks of strokes, diabetes and cancers.(Bananas are the most powerful fruit for lowering the risk of kidney cancer.) Bananas are also a rich source of fiber, which has been shown to help weight loss. Bananas that still have some green on the skin are even higher in fiber.‎ Skins from green bananas can be taken and, after removing the stem and dark tip, cut into small pieces 2-3 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. These pieces can be made into a tea or added to a dish. When you eat the skins, be sure you are eating organic bananas. The flesh of regular bananas is low in pesticides, but the skins are not.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文反驳了“吃香蕉会使人发胖”这一错误观点,告诉大家香蕉不会使身体分泌很多胰岛素而导致脂肪增加,相反,香蕉对身体健康有着诸多好处。‎ ‎1.What conclusion can we draw from Paragraphs 1 & 2?‎ A.Bananas are likely to make people fat.‎ B.Insulin determines the amount of sugar.‎ C.LowGI foods can turn into sugar more slowly.‎ D.The faster the food becomes sugar, the less insulin.‎ C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中“How can you know if food makes a lot of sugar quickly? The glycemic index(血糖指数)...faster sugar development.”可知,血糖指数高的食物往往能更快地转化成糖分,反之,血糖指数低的食物转化成糖分的速度较慢。故选C。‎ ‎2.What does the author say about bananas?‎ A.Including bananas in diets is good for health.‎ B.Bananas can cure people suffering kidney cancer.‎ C.Eating organic bananas can protect people from strokes.‎ D.Bananas’ abundant fiber improves insulin sensitivity.‎ A 解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“...diabetics lost significantly more weight than on a control diet. They also saw improvements in insulin sensitivity from the banana diet.”及第四段的“bananas have been shown to cut risks of strokes, diabetes and cancers...weight loss.”可知,香蕉可以帮助人们减肥,也能降低人们患中风、糖尿病及癌症的风险,由此可得出这样的结论:将香蕉列入日常饮食对人们的健康有益,故选A。‎ ‎3.What is discussed in the last paragraph?‎ A.The use of banana skins.‎ B.The benefits of banana skins.‎ C.The importance of banana skins.‎ D.The ways of choosing organic bananas.‎ A 解析:段落大意题。根据最后一段的内容尤其是“can be made into a tea or added to a dish”可知,本段主要讲的是香蕉皮的用途。故选A。‎ ‎4.In which section of a newspaper can we read this passage?‎ A.Education.     B.Health.‎ C.Culture. D.Science.‎ B 解析:推理判断题。纵观全文可知,香蕉不仅有助于减肥,还能降低人们患中风、糖尿病及癌症的风险,而且香蕉皮也有用处。由此可知,本文最有可能出现在报纸的健康专栏。故选B。‎ 二、单句语法填空 ‎1.As far as I know, the government will speed the pace of our economic reform.‎ 答案:up ‎2.—Did you recognize your former classmate whom you hadn’t seen for many years at the party yesterday?‎ ‎—Yes, I recognized him (instant) I saw him.‎ 答案:instantly ‎3. (lack) such experience will constantly trouble you in your business.‎ 答案:Lacking ‎4. (guide) by the sun, they walked towards their destination through the woods.‎ 答案:Guided ‎5.When she is put in a situation she has to make a remark on/about others, she usually changes the topic.‎ 答案:where ‎6.After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, (exhaust) and hungry.‎ 答案:exhausted ‎7.Such important people don’t often have much free time because their work takes all their time.‎ 答案:up ‎8.Her (motivate) for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education.‎ 答案:motivation ‎9.Making a good (impress) on the interviewers is of vital importance.‎ 答案:impression ‎10.Though (remind)of the danger of hiking in such weather,the young men still wouldn’t give up their plan.‎ 答案:reminded 三、完形填空。‎ On Christmas Eve,an old man experienced an act of warmth from a local store.The man,who asked not to be identified,was sent home from the emergency room,still not feeling well enough to __1__.The nurses ignored that he was still dizzy and did not feel __2__ behind the wheel.The nurses insisted he was fine and helped put him in his car.‎ Less than a mile down the road his __3__ started playing tricks on him.He thought __4__ he got something and __5__ for several minutes he would be OK.__6__, there was a St.Louis Bread Company store nearby.‎ Then he entered the store and spoke through the window,having very little __7__.At first,the order taker could not understand him.He explained that he just needed a slice of bread,or something light and he only had a couple dollars in __8__.The girl in the window asked him to __9__ while she checked what had been left in the bakery.‎ A few moments later she came back with a large smile on her face and __10__ in her hand.She __11__ presented a loaf of bread and a fancy chocolate cake to the man and said that they were __12__ her.The man offered up her the __13__ and it was quickly turned down.The employee asked if the man was OK to drive and offered to __14__ a police officer in the dining room to follow him home.‎ The man was so __15__ for the generosity of the employee.Not just because she gave him enough bread to help him feel better,but she did it with a(n) __16__.He wasn't looked down upon or __17__ insultingly.The man said it helped him feel better emotionally as well after a __18__ day in the hospital.‎ This story goes to show that one simple loaf of bread can not only __19__ a person for a few meals,but wake the __20__ and help restore the faith in mankind.‎ ‎1.A.eat B.drive C.survive D.walk ‎2.A.peaceful B.nervous C.comfortable D.fearful ‎3.A.nurse B.coldness C.car D.eyesight ‎4.A.though B.before C.if D.because ‎5.A.shopped B.cooked C.chewed D.looked ‎6.A.Fortunately B.Immediately C.Slowly D.Obviously ‎7.A.sleep B.gas C.courage D.voice ‎8.A.change B.control C.shape D.number ‎9.A.wait B.think C.move D.listen ‎10.A.package B.wine C.food D.cash ‎11.A.hesitantly B.cheerfully C.regretfully D.calmly ‎12.A.on B.in C.for D.with ‎13.A.reward B.service C.gratitude D.money ‎14.A.request B.order C.forbid D.permit ‎15.A.anxious B.ready C.grateful D.frightened ‎16.A.ambition B.smile C.nod D.wish ‎17.A.respected B.loved C.treated D.admired ‎18.A.special B.happy C.busy D.tough ‎19.A.feed B.save C.starve D.attract ‎20.A.animals B.family C.beggar D.soul ‎【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过讲述一位身体不适的老人在医院受到的粗暴对待和在面包店受到的热情关怀,批评了势利和冷漠的社会现象,赞扬了人性的善良和热情。‎ ‎1.B 考查动词辨析。根据下文中的“behind the wheel”和“put him in his car”可知,此处指老人还没有恢复到能够自己开车的程度。故选B。‎ ‎2.C 考查形容词辨析。A项意为“平静的”;B项意为“紧张的”;C项意为“舒服的”;D项意为“害怕的”。根据本句中的“he was still dizzy”可知,他还不舒服,不宜开车。故选C。‎ ‎3.D 考查名词辨析。A项意为“护士”;B项意为“寒冷”;C项意为“汽车”;D项意为“视力”。根据下文老人认为自己弄点东西吃就没事了可知,他觉得自己可能太饿了,以至于有点眼花。因此,应该是视力在和他开玩笑。故选D。‎ ‎4.C 考查连词辨析。根据语境可知,此处指他如果能吃点东西就会好了。应用if引导条件状语从句。故选C。‎ ‎5.C 考查动词辨析。根据前面的“got something”和下文可知,此处指与吃相关的动作。C项意为“咀嚼”,符合语境。故选C。‎ ‎6.A 考查副词辨析。A项意为“幸运地,幸亏”;B项意为“立刻”;C项意为“慢慢地”;D项意为“明显地”。前一句讲到老人觉得如果能有东西吃可能就没事了,后面说正好附近有家面包店,所以这是幸运的。故选A。‎ ‎7.D 考查名词辨析。A项意为“睡眠”;B项意为“汽油,煤气”;C项意为“勇气”;D项意为“声音”。根据前文讲到老人感到不适、头昏眼花可知,此处指他没力气说话,所以说话声音很小。故选D。‎ ‎8.A 考查名词辨析。此处老人解释自己只有几块钱零钱,表示钱不多的意思。change意为“零钱”,符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎9.A 考查动词辨析。面包店的女孩要看一下店里还有什么可给老人吃,所以她让老人稍等一下。A项意为“等待”,符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎10.C 考查名词辨析。女孩是去给老人找吃的,所以她回来时应该是手里拿着食物。故选C。‎ ‎11.B 考查副词辨析。A项意为“犹豫地”;B项意为“开心地”;C项意为“遗憾地”;D项意为“冷静地”。根据上一句中的“with a large smile on her ‎ face”可知,女孩找到了食物给老人吃,应会很开心。故选B。‎ ‎12.A 考查介词辨析。sth.be on sb.意为“某物由某人付账”。此处指女孩说给老人的这些食物由她买单。故选A。‎ ‎13.D 考查名词辨析。前文讲到女孩要为老人买单,所以此处表示老人要把钱给女孩。故选D。‎ ‎14.A 考查动词辨析。面包店的女店员察觉到老人身体不适,因此问他能否自己开车,并请求在店里就餐的警官陪他回家。request sb.to do sth.意为“请求某人做某事”,符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎15.C 考查形容词辨析。A项意为“焦虑的”;B项意为“现成的,情愿的”;C项意为“感谢的”;D项意为“害怕的”。老人非常感激店员的这种慷慨和热情。故选C。‎ ‎16.B 考查名词辨析。根据语境和上文中的“with a large smile”可知,老人之所以感谢女孩不仅仅是因为她送他吃的,也是因为女孩在做这些事的时候面带笑容。故选B。‎ ‎17.C 考查动词辨析。根据上文女孩对待老人的态度可知,他没有被瞧不起或被粗暴地对待。故选C。‎ ‎18.D 考查形容词辨析。根据上文中对老人在医院的经历可知,他受到了护士粗暴的对待,所以在医院的一天是艰难的。tough意为“艰难的,不容易的”,符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎19.A 考查动词辨析。句意为:这个故事表明一条面包不仅能让人吃好几顿,还能唤醒人们的灵魂,有助于重拾对人性的信心。feed意为“为……提供食物”,符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎20.D 考查名词辨析。句意为:这个故事表明一条面包不仅能让人吃好几顿,还能唤醒人们的灵魂,有助于重拾对人性的信心。soul意为“灵魂,精神”,符合语境。故选D。‎ 亮点句积累:This story goes to show that one simple loaf of bread can not only feed a person for a few meals,but wake the soul and help restore the faith in mankind.(最后一段)‎ 译文:这个故事表明一条面包不仅能让人吃好几顿,还能唤醒人们的灵魂,有助于人们重拾对人性的信心。‎ 词汇积累:identify v.认出,同情 emergency n.紧急情况 present v.呈现 四、单句改错 ‎1.We must never lose the sight of the fact that man must live in harmony with nature. ‎ 答案:去掉第一个the ‎2.Basing your life on popular culture is like building a house on a constant moving foundation. ‎ 答案:constant→constantly ‎3.Whether a child can grow up healthily or not depends on the surrounding in which he lives. ‎ 答案:surrounding→surroundings ‎4.The instant when Wang Yaping, a female astronaut, turned up at the meeting, the crowd cheered. ‎ 答案:去掉when ‎5.Worrying about her daughter, the mother came to see her yesterday. ‎ 答案:Worrying →Worried 五、单元语法——过去分词作状语 ‎1.(2019·山东重点中学一联) (lose) in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.‎ 答案:Lost ‎2.(2019·湖北重点中学联考)Although (warn) of the danger, the tourists can’t help taking photos near the cliff.‎ 答案:warned ‎3.(2019·安徽合肥质检) (amaze) at his final score, he decided to treat himself to a big dinner.‎ 答案:Amazed ‎4. (compare) with conducting an interview by QQ online,a facetoface interview in person can provide people with more reliable details.‎ 答案:Compared ‎5. (face) with the increasing unemployment, many people went on strike in most of the European countries.‎ 答案:Faced

