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状语从句 I、时间状语从句 一、when,while和as 1. When既可引导一个持续动作,也可引导一个短暂动作,可用于主句和从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作。如:‎ When I lived there, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays.我住在那里时,星期天常到海滨去。‎ When the film ended, the people went back. 电影一结束,看电影的人便回去了。‎ 当when引导的时间状语从句为系表结构,而且其主语和主句的主语一致,其表语又是一个名词时,就可以用以as引出的省略句,来代替when引出的从句。As a you man (=When he was a young man),he was fond of hunting。他年轻时,喜欢打猎。‎ ‎2.While引导的动作必须是持续的,侧重主句动作和从句动作相对比。如:‎ Please don’t talk so loud while others are working 别人在工作时,别高声谈话。‎ While I was wondering at this, our schoolmaster took his place. 正当我对此不解时,我们校长就座了。‎ ‎3. as引导一个持续性动作,多用于主句和从句动作同时发生。如:‎ He hurried home, looking behind as he went. 他匆匆忙忙跑回去一边走一边回头望。‎ John sings as he works 约翰一边工作,一边唱歌。‎ ‎4. when还可用作并列连词,其意义为“那时,这时”,相当于at this/ that time. 常用于下列句式:‎ Somebody was doing something when…‎ Somebody was about to/ going to do something when…‎ Somebody had just done something when….‎ 如:We were having a meeting when someone broke in We were about to set off on our way, when it suddenly began to rain.‎ 此外When还表示原因“既然”。如:‎ It was foolish of you to make a taxi when you could easily walk there in five minutes.‎ 5. while作为并列连词,意为“而,却”,表示对比。‎ He likes pop music, while I am fond of folk music.‎ ‎6.如果主句表示的是短暂动作,而从句用延续性动作的进行时态表示在一段时间内正在进行的动作时,when, while与as可互换使用。如:‎ When/ While/ As I was walking down the street, I came across an old friend of mine.‎ 二、 as soon as, immediately, directly, the moment, the minute, no sooner…than…, hardly/ scarcely…when…, once(一旦。。。就。。。)‎ ‎ 这些从属连词引导的从句表示从句的动作一发生,主句的动作随即发生,常译为“一。。。就。。。”。从句中一般时态代替将来时态。如:‎ ‎ Once you remember it, you’ll never forget it.‎ ‎ The moment I heard the voice, I knew father was coming.‎ ‎ No sooner had we arrived at the station than the train left.‎ ‎ The boy burst into tears immediately he saw his mother.‎ ‎ ▲注意:No sooner…than, hardly/ scarcely…when…这一结构的时态搭配no sooner 与hardly/ scarcely引导的主句谓语动词应用过去完成时,而than与when的从句中谓语应用一般过去时,此外,当把no sooner和hardly/ scarcely提到句首时,应用倒装语序。‎ ‎ I had hardly got home when it began to rain.→ Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.‎ 三、till, until和not…until 1. 肯定句:主句谓语动词必须是延续性动词,主句、从句都为肯定式,意为“某一动作一直延续到某点时间才停止”。如:‎ He remained there until she arrived. 他一直留到她来。‎ You may stay here until the rain stops. 你在这里可呆到雨停。‎ 2. 否定句:主句谓语动词必须是非延续性动词,从句肯定式,意为“某动作直到某时间才开始”。如:‎ He won’t go to bed till (until) she returns. 直到她回来他才睡。‎ 3. till不可以置于句首,而until可以。如:‎ Until you told me I had no idea of it. 直到你告诉我,我才知道这件事。‎ 4. Not… until句型中的强调和倒装说法:‎ It was not until you told me that I had any idea of it.(强调句型)‎ Not until you told me did I have any idea of it.(not until置于句首主句要倒装)‎ 四、before和since 1. 若表达“还未。。。就。。。”“不到。。。就。。。”“。。。才。。。”“趁,还没来得及”时,需用连词before。如:‎ We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land. 我们航行了四天四夜才看到陆地。‎ We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired. 我们跑了还不到一英里他就累了。‎ Please write it down before you forget it. 趁你现在没忘把它记下来。‎ Before I could get in a word, he had measured me.我还没来得及插话他就给我量好了尺寸。‎ ‎ ▲before从句中谓语不用否定式。又如:‎ ‎ Before they reached the station the train had gone. 他们(还没)到火车站前,火车已开走了。‎ ‎2.It will be + 段时间before sb does。 “多久之后才。。。”。如:‎ ‎ It will be half a year before I come back. ‎ ‎ I won’t be long before we meet again.‎ ‎3.Since从句的谓语动词一般是非延续性动词,主句的谓语动词是延续性的或者是反复发生过的动作。Since从句的时态若是 一般过去时,相应地,主句中的时态是现在完成时或现在完成进行时。如:‎ ‎ I have written home four times since I came here. 自从我到这里来,我往家写了四封信。‎ ‎ She has been working in this factory since she left school.‎ ‎4.在It is +时间+since从句句型中,时间的计算一律从since从句的动作完成时态或状态结束时算起。如:‎ ‎ It is three years since the war broke out.‎ 战争爆发以来,有三年了。‎ ‎ It is three years since she was in our class.‎ 她离开我们班有三年了。‎ ‎ It is three years since he lived here 他不在这里住有三年了。‎ ‎ It is three years since I (have) smoked a cigar.(=since I stopped smoking a cigar)我不吸烟有三年了。‎ ‎ 如果译成“我吸烟有三年了。”应为:It is three years since I began to smoke.‎ ‎5.Every time, each time, next time, the first time, any time, all the time等名词短语用来引导时间状语从句, 表示“每当。。。,每次。。。,下次。。。”。如:‎ ‎ Every/ Each time I was in trouble, he would come ti help me out.‎ ‎ Next time you come, do remember to bring your son here.‎ ‎ The last time she saw James, he was lying in bed. 她最后一次看到詹姆士时,他躺在床上。‎ ‎ The first time I climbed onto the wall, I felt nervous.‎ You are welcome to come back any time you want to. 你想回来时随时可回来。‎ II、地点状语从句 ‎ 1.引导地点状语从句的从属连词有:where,wherever指具体地点时,从句可用于主句之前或之后,表示抽象条件的含义时,从句需放在主句之前。如:‎ ‎ We should go where the Party needs us most.‎ ‎ You are free to go wherever you like.‎ ‎ Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。‎ ‎ Wherever there is smoke, there is a fire.(无火不起烟)无风不起浪。‎ ‎2.注意区别where引导的定语从句与状语从句:‎ You’d better make a mark where you have any questions.(状语从句)‎ You’d better make a mark at the place where you have any questions.(定语从句)‎ III、原因状语从句 ‎1.引导原因状语从句的从属连词有:because,as,since,now that,seeing that,considering that,每个连词的含义不尽相同。‎ ‎ 位置 内涵 语气 能否回答why 能否被强调 ‎ because因为 主句前或后 直接因果关系 强 能 能 ‎ as 由于 主句前或后 双方都知道的原因 弱 不能 不能 ‎ since/ now that既然 主句前 双方都知道的原因 弱 不能 不能 如:---Why are you absent from the meeting? ---Because I am ill.‎ As it is raining, we shall not to go to the park.‎ Now that/ Since everybody is here, let’s begin our meeting.‎ 1. 其他表示原因的方式 除了状语从句外,一些介词短语同样可以表示原因,这样的短语有:because of, thanks to, due to, owing to等。‎ IV、目的状语从句 引导目的状语从句的从属连词有:so that, in order that, for fear that, in case, lest等。‎ 1. In order that与so that ‎ 两个连词都意为“以便、为了”,引导的状语从句中需用情态动词,in order that比so that 正式,引导的状语从句可置于主句之前或之后,而so that引导的从句只能置于主句之后。‎ ‎ I’ll speak slowly so that you can understand me.‎ ‎ In order that we might see the sunrise, we started for the peak early.‎ 1. For fear that, in case与lest ‎ 这些从属连词引导的目的状语从句中谓语动词要用(should)+动词原形,它本身带有否定意义,相当于so that…not…或in order that…not…。如:‎ ‎ The boy hid himself behind the tree in case/ for fear that his father should see him.‎ ‎ Take your raincoat in case / lest it should rain.‎ V、结果状语从句 1. 引导结果状语从句的从属连词有:so that, so。。。that。。。, such。。。that。。。,在非正式语体中,有so。。。that/such。。。that引导的句子中that可以省略,注意其结构形式:‎ so + 形容词/副词 + that从句 so + 形容词 + a/ an + 可数名词单数形式 + that从句 so + many/ much/ few/ little + 名词 + that从句 ‎ such + a/ an + 形容词+可数名词单数形式 + that从句 ‎ such + 形容词+复数名词形式/不可数名词 + that从句 ‎ such + a lot of/ lots of + 名词 + that从句 如:Mike is such an honest worker that we all believe him=Mike is so honest a worker that we all believe him.‎ It is such fine weather that we all want to go to the park.‎ He earned so little money that he couldn’t support his family.‎ 试比较:‎ ‎ It is not surprising that such little worms eat so little grain.这么小的虫子吃这么少的谷物并不另人感到惊讶。‎ ‎ Tom studied very hard so that he passed the exams.汤姆学习很用功结果考试及格了。‎ 注:当so或such置于句首时,主句要用倒装语序。如:‎ ‎ So clever was he a student that he was able to work out all the difficult problems.‎ ‎2.除结果状语外,(太。。。而不能。。。)(达到某程度可以。。。)(那么。。。以致于。。。)等不定式结构同样可以表示结构。如:‎ ‎ He didn’t get up early enough to catch the bus=He got up too late to catch the bus=He got up so late as to catch the bus.‎ VI、条件状语从句 ‎1.引导条件状语从句的从属连词有:if, unless(=if…not)(除非)so (as) long as(只要)in case(万一)on conditionthat(条件是)suppose/ supposing(假设,用于问句), provided that等。如:‎ ‎ You’ll fail the exam unless you study hard.(=if you don’t study hard.)‎ ‎ As long as you don’t lose heart, you will succeed.‎ ‎ Suppose/ Supposing (that) they refuse us, who else can we turn to for help.‎ ‎ In case there is a fire, what will you do first?‎ ‎2.“祈使句+and/ or/ or else/ otherwise”引导的结果句,祈使句在意义上实际上相当于条件状语从句。‎ ‎ Use your head, and you’ll find a way.‎ ‎ Hurry up or else (otherwise) you’ll be late.‎ VII、方式状语从句 引导方式状语从句的从属连词有:as, as if, as though等 ‎ 方式状语从句应放在主句之后。其中as if或as though引导的从句一般用虚拟语气,但如果从句中所陈述的情况很可能实现,也可用陈述语气。如:‎ ‎ Do as you are told to, or you’ll be fired.‎ ‎ The old lady treats the boy as if he were her own son.‎ ‎ I feel as if I have a fever.‎ VIII、让步状语从句 引导让步状语从句的从属连词有:‎ ‎1.Although/ though(尽管,虽然)even though/ even if(即使)‎ ‎ although与though两者意思相同,一般可互换,都可以与yet或still连用,但不能和but连用。如:‎ ‎ He is unhappy though/ although he has a lot of money.‎ ‎ Although/ Though it was raining hard, yet they went on playing football.‎ ‎▲though还可以用作副词,意为“可是,然而”,置于句末。如:‎ ‎ He said he would come, he didn’t, though. 他说他会来,可是他没有来。‎ ‎ Even though/ if it is raining, we’ll go there. (陈述语气)‎ ‎ Even if I were busy, I would go.(虚拟语气)‎ 1. as引导让步状语从句需倒装 as从句一般放在主句之前,须用倒装语序。从句中的表语、状语或动词原形置于句首。若表语是名词,前置时要省略冠词。如:‎ Child as he is, he knows a lot. 尽管他是孩子,他却懂得很多。‎ Much as I like it I won’t buy it, for it’s too expensive. 虽然我很喜欢,但我不会买的,因为太贵了。‎ Try as he might, he could not find a job. 不管他怎样努力,他还是找不到工作。‎ ‎3.Whether…or…(不是。。。还是。。。),疑问词+ ever与no matter +疑问词(不管,无论)。如:‎ ‎ Whether you believe it or not, it is true.‎ ‎ Whatever(No matter what) you say, he won’t believe you.‎ ‎ Whoever (No matter who ) you are, you must obey the rules.‎ ‎ 注:whoever, whatever, whomever, whichever还可以引导名词性从句。如:‎ ‎ You can take whatever you like.(宾语从句)‎ IX、状语从句中的紧缩现象 1. 时间状语从句中常见的紧缩形式:‎ Don’t speak until spoken to. 有人对你说话时你才说。‎ Once seen, it can never be forgotten. 一旦被看见,它便不会被忘记。‎ While in Beijing, I paid a visit to the Summer‎ ‎Palace. 在北京时,我参观了颐和园。‎ Pressure can be reduced when needed. 必要时压力可减。‎ I prefer my milk a little sweetened whenever possible. 可能的话,我喜欢牛奶甜点。‎ He was a swimmer when a child. 他小时侯就是一个游泳运动员。‎ As a young man, Abraham Lincoln was a storekeeper and a postmaster. 阿伯拉罕。林肯年轻时当过零售店主和邮政所所长。‎ He often makes mistakes when speaking English. 说英语他常说错。‎ She always sings while doing her work. 她干活时总唱歌。‎ 1. 条件状语从句中常见的紧缩形式:‎ Come tomorrow if possible. 可能的话就明天来吧。‎ If so, you must get back and get it 如果这样的话,你必须回去把它拿来。‎ I’ll buy a TV set if necessary. 如有必要,我就买一台电视机。‎ He has no money. If any, he will give us. 他没有钱,如果有,他会给我们的。‎ If in need, don’t hesitate to ask me for money. 若要钱,不必犹豫,向我要就是了。‎ The girl never gave in unless wrong. 这女孩不会屈服的,除非她错了。‎ Unless repaired, the machine is of no use. 这台机器如不修便毫无用处。‎ 2. 方式状语从句中常见的紧缩形式:‎ Some flowers shut up at night as if (they did this in order) to sleep. 有些花夜晚收拢,好象为了睡眠一样。‎ She stood at the gate as if (she was) waiting for someone. 她站在门口好象在等人,‎ The woman teacher hurriedly left the classroom as though (she was) angry.这位女教师匆从忙忙离开教室,好象生气了。‎ The inspector looked round, as if (he was) in search of something. 这位稽查员四周张望,好象在寻找什么。‎ Jane seemed as if (she was ) good at everything. 琼好象擅长一切。‎ 3. 其他状语从句中的紧缩形式:‎ Though cold, he still wore a shirt. 天气虽然冷,他还穿一件衬衫。‎ The man, while (he is) well over eighty, can walk faster than I.‎ 这人虽然年过八十,却比我走的快。‎ As he was blind, he couldn’t see anything.=being blind, he couldn’t see anything他瞎了,什么东西也看不见。‎ ‎ Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.‎

