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高考英语考纲词汇用法详解 A a[E,eI], an[En,An] art. 1.一(个,件,…) 2.任何…都3.每(一) 4.某,某一个:I have got a ticket. 我有一张票。/ an awful noise 一种可怕的噪音 / A bird can fly. 鸟会飞。/ We often go to school two times a day. 我们常常一天两次去学校。/ A Mr. Brown wishes to see you. 一位叫布朗的先生想见你。‎ ‎【注意】1.单数可数名词若泛指,其前需加 a / an,不要从汉语习惯出发,漏掉此不定冠词(高考短文改错中常考查此知识点,许多同学在做书面表达时也常犯此错),如不能说Mr. Smith is interesting man.(需在 is后 加 an) 2.在序数词之前使用a(an),可以表示数量或序数的增加:Do you want to read it a third time? 你还想看第三次吗? ‎ abandon [E5bAndEn ] vt.‎ ‎1. 遗弃,抛弃(人/动物);丢弃(某物/某地)‎ ‎ From James’s face, I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us. 从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。‎ ‎ People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal. 人们为遗弃动物找出各种借口。‎ ‎ When you hit an iceberg, abandon the ship immediately. 当你撞上冰山时,要立刻弃船而逃。‎ ‎2. 放弃(希望/看法/计划等)‎ ‎ abandon hope / an idea / a plan 放弃希望/想法/计划 ‎ 3.终止 ‎ They abandoned the game because of the bad weather. 因为天气不好,他们终止了这次比赛。‎ ‎ abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉湎于 ‎ abandon oneself to despair 陷入绝望 ‎ Don’t abandon yourself to this kind of pleasure. 别沉溺于这种享乐中。‎ ‎ n. [U] 放纵,放任 ‎ with abandon 尽情地,放纵地 ‎ He signed cheques with careless abandon. 他无所顾忌地乱开支票。‎ ‎ abandoned [E5bAndEnd ] adj. 被遗弃的;废弃的 ‎ an abandoned child / farm 弃儿 /废弃的农场 ability [E5bilEti ] n. 1. [U] 能力,耐力 (have) the ability to do sth. (有)做某事的能力 ‎ The ability to express an idea is as important as the idea itself. 表达观点的能力与观点本身同等重要。‎ ‎ He has the ability to bring out the best in others. 他能做到扬人之长。‎ ‎ 2. [C]&[U] 才能,才识,技能 ‎ mental / physical ability 智/体能 ‎ a man of many abilities 一个有多方面才能的人 ‎ develop an ability 培养技能 ‎ to the best of one’s ability 尽最大耐力 ‎ The work wasn’t done well, but he had a clear conscience, because he did it to the best of his ability. 工作没做好,但他问心无愧,因为他尽了全力。‎ ‎ 【联想】inability n. 无能 disability n. 残疾 able[5eIbl] adj.能…的,有才能的,能干的,能够的:She’s as clever and able as her sister. 她像她姐姐一样聪明能干。‎ be able to do sth 能做某事 We may be able to develop more successful treatments for anxiety disorders. 我们也许能研究出更有效的治疗焦虑症的方法。‎ ‎【说明】比较级和最高级可以是 abler 和 ablest 或 more able, better able 和 most able,但不如前者常见。‎ ‎【联想】capable/ competent adj. 有能力的 ‎ unable adj. 不能的 enable v. 使能够 ‎【辨析】be able to, can / could be able to ‎“经过努力而成功做成某事”,可用于各种时态,不与can连用。用过去式时,表示动作的结果,强调“动作的完成”。‎ can ‎“有能力做某事”,只有现在式和过去式两种形式。用过去式时,表示过去的能力或具备某种“潜能”,但不表示动作的结果。‎ 二者表示一般能力时通用,且在否定式意义上并无区别。‎ I went to Mexico last week, and I was able to meet her then. 我上周去了墨西哥,那时得以见到她。‎ I could climb trees when I was young. 我年轻时能爬树。‎ I can / am able to speak some English. 我能说些英语。‎ abnormal [Ab5nR:ml ] adj. 不正常的,反常的;变态的 ‎ an abnormal phenomenon/ behaviour 反常现象/行为 ‎ Life is quite abnormal. 生活非常没有规律。‎ aboard [E5bR:d] adv. 在船/车/飞机上;上船/车/飞机 ‎ The plane crashed killing all 157 passengers aboard. 飞机坠毁,机上157名乘客全部遇难。‎ ‎ It’s time to get aboard. 该上船了。‎ ‎ All aboard! 请大家上船(或车等)!‎ ‎ Welcome aboard! 欢迎各位乘客上船(车等)!‎ ‎ prep. 上船/车/飞机;在船/车/飞机上 ‎ I secretly hid aboard the ship. 我秘密地藏在了船上。‎ ‎【注】aboard作介词用时,后接表示交通工具的名词。‎ ‎【联想】on board 在船/车/飞机上 abroad adv. 在/到国外 abolish vt. 废除;取消;革除 ‎ abolish slavery 废止奴隶制 ‎ Finally the slave trade was abolished in 1807. 奴隶贸易终于在1807年被废止了。‎ ‎【联想】cancel v. 废除;取消 abolishment n. 废除 abortion [E5bR:Fn] n. [C][U]人工流产,堕胎;失败(=failure)‎ ‎ The criminal had planned to escape from the prison, but his attempt proved to be an abortion. 这个罪犯曾打算越狱,但他的企图没能得逞。‎ about[E5baJt] prep. ‎ ‎1.关于;对于 The passage is about the writer’s childhood. 这篇文章讲述的是作者的童年。 I want to talk to you about changing my major. 我想和你谈谈改专业的事。‎ ‎2.在…周围,在附近(AmE around, BrE round);到处She sat up and looked about her. 她坐了起来,环顾四周。Trees were planted about the house. 房屋周围栽了树。‎ ‎3.随身(with)‎ ‎ Do you have some money about you? 你身上带钱了吗?‎ ‎4.忙于;从事于 What are you about? 你在干什么?‎ adv.‎ ‎1. 大约,差不多;前后,左右;几乎 About a mile. 大约一英里。 That's about right. 大致不差。 That's about (the size of) it. 就是那么一回事;大概如此。 It is about finished 差不多要完成[终结]。This is about the best we can hope for. 这差不多是我们所能希望的最好结果。‎ ‎2.周围,四面;到处。 Look about 四顾。There were few people about. 附近几乎无人。The children were rushing about in the garden. 孩子们在花园里跑来跑去。Is your father about?你父亲在吗?‎ ‎【句型】1. be about to do 即将,就要,正要做某事 ‎【辨析】be about to do sth, be going to do be about to do sth 表示“正要、即将做某事”,时间性比较紧迫、常与when(这时)连用,但句中不能再加at once, immediately及表示具体时间的状语。‎ be going to do ⑴表示人按计划、安排将要做某事;⑵表示说话人根据某种迹象主观推测可能要发生的事,主语为物。‎ ‎ Tom was about to close the windows when his attention was caught by a bird. 汤姆正要关上窗户,就在这时一只鸟引起了他的注意。‎ ‎ We are going to have our sports meeting next Friday. 我们将于下周五进行运动会。‎ ‎ The wind went down toward sunset. It’s going to be fine tomorrow. 太阳落山时风停了,看来明天会是个好天气。‎ ‎ 2. How [What] about…(你认为)…怎么样? ‎ ‎【辨析】about与on:前者指泛泛地或非正式地谈论某事,后者指比较系统、深入地论述某事:It is a book on birds. 那是一本论及鸟类的书。(可能是一本学术著作) / It is a book about birds. 那是一本关于鸟的书。(可能是一本供小孩看的关于鸟类的故事书)‎ above[E5bQv] prep.在…上方,过于,超出 adv. 在上面 adj. 上面的,上述的,上文的:We were flying above the clouds. 我们在云层上面飞行。/ Health is above wealth. 健康胜过财富。/ He is above doing such things. 他不至于做出这样的事来。‎ ‎【辨析】above与over:over 表示垂直在上的正上方,above 则不一定表示正上方(即表示正上方时两者均可用,不表示正上方时要用 above)。 ‎ abroad[E5brR:d] adv. 到(在)国外:He has gone abroad. 他出国了。/ He has just returned from abroad. 他刚从国外归来。‎ ‎【用法】1.是副词,不是形容词,不置于名词前作定语,但可置于名词后作定语:one’s recent tour abroad 某人最近的国外之行。2.是副词,不是名词,所以不说 go to abroad之类的。‎ accept[Ek5sept] vt. 接受,承认:Much to my regret, I’m unable to accept your kind invitation. 我不能接受你盛情的邀请, 非常遗憾。‎ ‎【辨析】accept 与receive:前者指主观上接受,后者指客观上收到:He received the gift, but he did not accept it. 他收到这件礼物,但没有接受。‎ accident[5AksIdEnt] n.[C]事故:She was injured badly in an accident during the work. 她在一次工伤事故中受了重伤。‎ ‎【短语】by accident偶然,无意中 according to[E5kR:dIN tu:] prep.按照,根据:from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs 各尽所能,按需分配 / According to my watch it is 10 o’clock. 按我的表是10点钟。‎ ‎【注意】1.不能用于第一人称,即不能说according to me (us)。2.其后不能接view, opinion等表示观点或看法的词,要表示类似意思可改用in one’s opinion等。‎ ache[eIk] n. [C]疼痛 vi. 痛;渴望:Her head ached all night. 她的头整夜都疼。/ I am aching to join in the game. 我渴望参加比赛。‎ achieve[E5tFi:v] v. 1.达到,取得 2.完成,实现:He hopes to achieve all his aims soon. 他希望尽快达到所有目标。‎ across[E5krRs] prep.& adv. 穿过,在另一边,在对面:We swam across the river. 我们游到河对岸。/ Across the street from the school is the library. 从学校穿过大街就是图书馆。‎ ‎【辨析】across与cross:前者为介词或副词,后者为动词。‎ act[Akt] n.[C]动作;举动;节目;(戏剧的)幕;法案,法令 vi.行动;产生…的效果;表演;表现;见效 vt.扮演(角色):People praised his brave act. 人们赞扬他的勇敢行为。/ Think before you act! 三思而后行!/ Does the drug take long to act? 这药要很久才能起作用吗?‎ ‎【短语】act as 充当 / act for 代理,代表 active[5AktIv] adj.积极的,活泼的,活跃的:She is very active. 她非常活跃。/ He is an active member of the club. 他是俱乐部的积极分子。 ‎ actor[5AktE] n.[C](男)演员:professional actor 专业演员 actress[5AktrIs] n.[C]女演员:an experienced actress有经验的女演员 actual[5AktFJEl] adj. 实际的,真实的,现实的,目前的:I can not give the actual figures. 我不能举出实际数字。/ What’s the actual price? 实价多少?‎ add[Ad] vi.&vt. 加,增加,增进,补充说:“I felt sorry for her,” Bob added. “我为她感到惋惜,”鲍勃又说道。‎ ‎【短语】add in 包括 / add to 增加 / add up 加起来 / add up to 加起来等于,总之就是…‎ address[E5dres] n. [C]住址,通迅处 vt.向…致辞,演说,写姓名地址:What’s your home address? 你的家庭住址呢? / Write the address clearly. 地址请写清楚。‎ admire[Ed5maIE] vt. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕:I admire her for her bravery. 我钦佩她的勇气。‎ ‎【注意】其后不能接双宾语,也不接that 引导的宾语从句。‎ admit[Ed5mIt] vt. 接纳,让…进入,承认:He admitted that it was really his fault. 他承认这确实得怪他。‎ ‎【用法】后接动词要用动名词,不用不定式:She admitted having read the letter. 她承认看过这封信。‎ advance[Ed5vB:ns] vi.前进,进展 vt. 推进,促进,提升,提前,预付 n.[C,U]前进,进展,进步,提升,预付款:The general commanded his men to advance. 将军命令他的士兵向前挺进。‎ ‎【短语】in advance 在前头,事先,提前 / in advance of 在…前面,比…进步,超过 / on the advance (物价)在上涨 / advance on 朝…前进 advantage[Ed5vB:ntIdV] n.[C,U]优势,长处,有利条件,利益:A better education gave us the advantage. 良好的教育使我们处于有利地位。/ The advantage of the idea was its simplicity. 这个主意的优点就在于它简单明了。‎ ‎【短语】have [gain, get] the [an] advantage over [of] 胜过,优于 / take advantage of 乘机利用,利用别人的弱点,占便宜 ‎ adventure[Ed5ventFE] n.[C,U]冒险,冒险活动,奇遇 v. 冒险,胆敢:He lived for adventure. 他平生喜欢冒险。/ No man would adventure it. 没有人敢冒险做这种事。‎ ‎【用法】表示抽象意义的“冒险”,不可数;表示具体意义的“冒险的经历或事件”,则可数。‎ advice[Ed5vaIs] n.[U]忠告,建议:Your advice was a great help to me. 你的建议对我有很大的帮助。 / I don’t know who ask advice from. 我不知道该向谁讨教。‎ ‎【用法】1.不可数,不与不定冠词或数词连用,也不用复数形式,如说a piece of advice, some advice,但不说an advice, some advices。2.表示征求意见,通常用ask (for) advice;表示听从或接受某人的意见,通常用follow [take] one’s advice。‎ advise[Ed5vaIz] vt.劝告,建议:Be advised! 接受意见吧! / They will advise you what to do. 他们将给你出主意怎么办。‎ ‎【用法】1.其后接动词作宾语,要用动名词,不能用不定式,即说advise doing sth,不说 advise to do sth。2.表示建议某人做某事,要用 advise sb to do sth(此时的不定式作宾语补足语);若表示建议某人不要做某事,则用advise sb not to do sth 或 advise sb against doing sth。3.后接 that ‎ 引导的宾语从句时,从句谓语要用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气:We advised her that she (should) wait. 我们劝她等。‎ affair[E5fZE]n.[C]事件,事情,事务,私事,恋爱事件:foreign affairs 外交事务 / school affairs 校务 / How are your affairs going? 你的情况怎么样?‎ afford[E5fR:d] vt. 买得起,经受得住,承担得起:I can’t afford to buy a car. 我买不起汽车。/ We can’t afford to pay such a price. 我们付不起这个价钱。‎ ‎【用法】1.常与can, could, be able to 连用。2.其后可接名词、代词或不定式作宾语,若意思明确,可省略有关成分:afford to buy a car =afford a car 买得起小车 / afford the time for a holiday=afford a holiday 抽得出时间去度假 afraid[E5freId] adj.(用作表语)害怕的,担心的;恐怕:Don’t be afraid. 不用怕。/ He is afraid to say that. 他不敢说那事。/ I was afraid of waking him. 我担心会把他吵醒。/ I’m afraid you’re wrong. 恐怕是你错了。‎ ‎【比较】1. be afraid to do sth与be afraid of doing sth:前者指害怕(不敢)做某事,而后者有两个意思,一是表示害怕做某事(此时可be afraid to do sth 互换),二是表示担心会发生某情况(所担心的情况不一定会发生,此时不能与 be afraid to do sth 互换)。2. I’m afraid not 与 I’m not afraid:前者为委婉的否定回答,意为“恐怕不…”;后者意为“我不怕”。‎ Africa[5AfrIkE]n.非洲:Africa is a continent. 非洲是个大陆。‎ African[5AfrIkEn] adj.非洲的,非洲人的 n.[C]非洲人 after[5B:ftE] prep.在…后面 conj.在…以后 adv.在后,后来:What did you do after leaving school? 离开学校之后你干什么了? / I will tell them after you leave (have left). 你走了之后我再告诉他们。/ We arrived soon after. 我们随后就到了。‎ ‎【辨析】1. after与behind:前者指位次的先后,后者指位置的前后。2. after与in:前者以过去时间为起点,通常连用过去时态;而in 则以现在时间为起点,通常连用将来时态。但是,若表示在某一点时间之后,则只能用after(无论是现在还是过去):I’ll leave here after ‎6 o’clock. 我6点后离开这儿。‎ afternoon[5B:ftE7nu:n] n.[C,U]下午,午后:He returned in the late afternoon. 他是在傍晚时分回来的。/ This afternoon will be cloudy, turning clear. 今天下午阴转晴。‎ again[E5geIn] adv.再一次,又,再:After the storm it became calm again. 暴风雨过后,天气又恢复平静无风。/ Look to it that this doesn’t happen again. 注意不要再发生这种事。‎ ‎【短语】again and again 再三地,反复地 / once again 再一次 against[E5ge(I)nst] prep. 相反,反对,逆着,靠着,倚着:Are you for or against it? 你是支持它还是反对它? / Drug taking is against the law. 吸毒是违法的。/ It is a great joy to battle against nature. 与大自然作斗争,其乐无穷。‎ ‎【注意】against 是介词,不是动词,所以不能说 Do you against…之类的。‎ age[eIdV] n.年龄,时代,(用复数表示)长时间:What is your age? 你年纪多大?/ She died in 1936 at the age of 84. 她死于1936年,享年84岁。/ I haven’t seen him for ages. 我已好长时间没有见到他了。‎ ‎【注意】不要按汉语习惯将“他年纪轻”说成He age is young. 可说成 He is young.‎ ago[E5gEJ] adv.以前:That was some twenty years ago. 那大约是20年前。/ We came a week ago, since when the weather has been bad. 我们一星期前来到这里,从那时起天气一直不好。‎ agree[E5gri:] v.同意,赞成,答应:She agreed to my idea. 她同意我的想法。/ I quite agree with what you say. 你所说的我很赞成。/ If you agree, so; if not, so. 如果你同意,就这样;如果你不同意,也这样。‎ ‎【比较】agree to do sth 同意做某事 / agree with sb 赞成某人的意见,与某人意见相同 / agree on (upon) 对…持相同观点 / agree to 同意(某项计划、建议、安排等)‎ ‎【注意】不要将汉语的“同意某人做某事”直译为agree sb to do sth,可改说agree to let sb do sth等。‎ agriculture[5AgrIkQltFE] n.[U]农业,农艺,农学:United States Department of Agriculture 美国农业部 ahead[E5hed] adv.在前面,向前:Walk straight ahead until you reach the river. 一直朝前走到河边。‎ ‎【短语】ahead of 在…之前;超过 / ahead of time [schedule] 提前 / Go ahead! 前进,有进展,继续干下去 ‎【注意】ahead 是副词,不是名词,所以不能说 in the ahead, at the ahead等。‎ aim[eIm] n.[U]瞄准,对准 [C]目标 v.瞄准,对准,以…为目标:It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目标是创办一座工厂。/ I aim to be a lawyer. 我要当个律师。‎ ‎【用法】1.表示“瞄准”时,不可数,所以在 take aim at, take careful aim at 这类短语中没有不定冠词。2.表示“想做某事”或“以做某事为目标”,动词aim后可接不定式或接at doing sth,即aim to do sth=aim at doing sth。‎ air[ZE] n.[U]空气,大气,天空,空中 [C]样子,神态,气氛:Birds fly in the air. 鸟在空中飞翔。/ Better let in some fresh air. 最好放些新鲜空气进来。/ He came into the room with an air of importance. 他带着一副了不起的神情走进室内。‎ aircraft[5ZEkrB:ft] n.[C]飞机,航空器:There are enemy aircraft on the radar screen.雷达荧屏上出现了敌人的飞机。‎ ‎【注意】单复数同形,所以不要说 five aircrafts,some aircrafts 之类的。‎ airport[5ZEpR:t] n.[C]航空站,飞机场:At the airport, the customs officers searched his case. 在机场,海关人员检查了他的箱子。‎ alive[E5laIv] adj. 活着的,活跃的,充满…的,通着电流的:The fish we caught is still alive. 我们捉的鱼还活着。/ The wire is alive. 这条电线带电。‎ ‎【注意】1.可用作表语,不作前置定语,但有时可用作后置定语:the greatest man alive当今伟人 2.通常不用 very 修饰,但可用 much 或 very much 修饰。‎ all[R:l] adj.全部的,所有的 pron. 全体,全部 adv. 全部地,都,更加:Are all the students here today? 今天所有的学生都到了吗? / I know that all is well with her. 我知道她一切都好。/ She is all in favor of my suggestion. 她完全赞同我的建议。/ She hated him all the more. 她更加恨他了。‎ ‎【短语】all along 自始至终 / all the same 依然,仍然 / not…at all 一点也不,从来不 / all over 到处,结束 / in all 总计,全部 / above all 首先,最重要的是 / after all 毕竟,终究 allow[E5laJ] v.允许,准许:Smoking is not allowed here. 此处不准吸烟。/ He doesn’t allow cats in the room. 他不允许猫进入房内。‎ ‎【用法】可接不定式作宾语补足语,但不接不定式作宾语,即可说allow sb to do sth,但不说allow to do sth(可改为 allow doing sth)。‎ ‎【辨析】allow 与 permit:permit 通常指上级、规则或法令等表示的准许,其语气较重;而 allow 通常指消极地不加反对,有时含有听任或默许之意,语气较轻。如:Nothing is permitted; everything is allowed. 一切都没明文规定可以做,但一切做了也无妨。‎ almost[5R:lmEJst] adv. 几乎,差不多:It was almost dark when they got there. 他们抵达那里时,天几乎黑了。‎ ‎【辨析】almost与nearly:almost 可用于 any 以及 no, none, nobody, nothing, never 等否定词之前,但 nearly 一般不这样用。而nearly 前可用 very, pretty, not 等词修饰,但 almost 之前不能用这些词。‎ alone[E5lEJn]adj. 单独的,独自的adv.独自,单独,仅仅:She watches TV when she is alone. 独自一人时,她便看电视。/ He alone knows the secret. 只有他一人知道秘密。‎ ‎【短语】leave…alone 听其自然,不要去管 / let alone 至于,更不必说 ‎【用法】用作副词表示“仅仅”时,要放在被修饰词语之后,比较:He can do it alone. 他一个人可以做此事。/ He alone can do it. 只有他能做此事。‎ along[E5lRN] prep.沿着,顺着 adv. 向前,往前;一起:We walked along the river. 我们沿着河走。/ I took my brother along. 我带着弟弟。‎ ‎【短语】all along一直,始终 / along with 和…一起[一道],随着,除…以外(还)‎ aloud[E5laJd] adv. 出声地,大声地:He read the poem aloud. 他高声朗诵那首诗。‎ ‎【短语】think aloud 自言自语 ‎ already[R:l5redI] adv.已经:I’ve already forgiven you. 我已经原谅了你。/ It is already the middle of summer. 现在已是仲夏了。/ She had already gone when I arrived. 我到的时候她已经走了。‎ ‎【注意】一般用于肯定句,不用于否定句或疑问句(此时用 yet),不过有时在疑问句中也用它,用于表示惊讶(且多用于句末)。‎ also[5R:lsEJ] adv. 也 conj. 又,并且:He also asked to join the army. 他也要求去参军。/ Also, he has gone abroad. 而且,他已去了国外。‎ ‎【短语】not only…but also …不但…而且 ‎【用法】用于肯定句或疑问句,但通常不用于否定句(在否定句中用either)。‎ although[R:l5TEJ] conj.虽然,然而:Although he was ill, he worked hard. 他虽然生病,但仍努力工作。/ I did not know that then, although I learned it later. 当时我不知道那件事,但我后来知道了。‎ ‎【用法】不能按汉语习惯在主句前用连接词 but, 但可用副词yet, nevertheless 等。‎ altogether[7R:ltE5geTE] adv. 完全地,总共:I am altogether on your side in this matter. 在这个问题上我完全支持你。/ Altogether there were 36 people in the bus. 在公共汽车上一共有36人。‎ ‎【注意】altogether与 all together不同,后者表示“一起”、“同时”。‎ always [5R:lweIz] adv.总是,永远:He always keeps to his promises. 他总是说话算数的。‎ ‎【注意】与否定词连用构成部分否定(not always=并非总是),且只能位于否定词之后:Money doesn’t always bring happiness. 财富并不一定总带来幸福。‎ America[5EmerIkE] n.美国,美洲:the Voice of America (VOA) 美国之音 / Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。‎ American[E5merIkEn] n.[C]美国(洲)人 adj.美国(洲)的:American English 美国英语 / He’s an American citizen but lives in Canada. 他是美国公民,但住在加拿大。‎ among[E5mQN] prep.在…中间,在(三者或三者以上)之间,…之一:They live among the mountains. 他们住在群山之中。/ Baseball is very popular among Americans. 棒球运动很受美国人的欢迎。/ She is among the best of our typists. 她是我们最好打字员之一。‎ ‎【辨析】among与between:前者主要用于三者或三者以上之间,后者主要用于两者之间。‎ and[And, End] conj.和,又;然后,接着:Let’s go and play basketball. 我们去打篮球吧。/ She read for an hour and went to bed. 她读了一小时的书,然后就去睡了。‎ ‎【用法】1.用于连接两个比较级,表示“越来越”:colder and colder 越来越冷 2.用于 good, nice, fine 等之后,表示“很”、“挺”:good and fast 很快 anger[5ANgE] n.[U]生气,愤怒 v. (使)发怒:Anger showed in his face. 他脸上露出怒容。/ His loud radio angered me. 他大声放收音机使我很生气。‎ angry[5AgNrI] adj.生气的;愤怒的:He changed his mind, which made me very angry. 他改变了主意,这使我很生气。‎ ‎【用法】注意其后所接介词:be [get] angry at sth 因某事而生气 / be [get] angry about sth 因某事而生气 / be [get] angry with sb 生某人的气(注:不要想当然地用be angry to sb 来表示此义)。‎ animal[5AnImEl] n. [C]动物,兽 adj.动物的:plants and animals 动植物(注意词序) / The lion is a wild animal. 狮子是一种野生动物。‎ announce[E5naJns] vt.宣告,宣布,发表:He announced the good news to her. 他向她宣布了这个好消息。/ He announced to her that he would go soon. 他告诉她不久就离开。‎ ‎【注意】不能后接双宾语,即不用于announce sb sth,要表示类似意思可用announce sth to sb。‎ another[E5nQTE] adj.再一,另一,别的 pron.另一个:Please give me another. 请给我另一个。/ You’d better stay in hospital for another few days. 你最好在医院再住几天。‎ ‎【用法】1.泛指不确定数目中的“另外任何一个”;若特指两个当中的另外一个,不用 another,而用the other:Please show me another. 请再拿一个给我看看(至少已看过一个)。2. 在一般情况下,其后不能接复数名词,而接单数可数名词(表泛指),但若复数名词之前有数词或few修饰,则可用它修饰:another five students 另外5个学生 ‎【短语】one after another 一个又一个地,一个接一个地,相继地 / one another 互相,彼此 answer[5B:nsE] v.回答,答复;回信;满足于n. [C]答案;回应:Please answer the telephone. 请接电话。/ This tool will answer our needs. 这工具能满足我们的需要。‎ ‎【短语】answer back 回嘴,顶嘴 / answer for 对…担保,为…的后果承担责任 / answer to 符合,适合 / in answer to 为了回答(响应),听(接)到…后就 anxious[5ANkFEs] adj.忧虑的,担心的;渴望的:People all over the world were anxious to have peace. 全世界人民都渴望和平。‎ ‎【用法】表示为某事担心,其后可接介词 about / for;表示渴望得到某物,其后通常接for,而不用about,当然也可接不定式:He’s anxious for [to know] the result. 他急于想知道结果。‎ any[5enI] adj.(用于疑问句,否定句等)什么;一些,任何的 pron.(无论)那些;(无论)哪一个 adv.略微,一点:Have you any money with you? 你身上带钱了吗? / I’m too tired to walk any further. 我太累了,不能再往前走了。‎ ‎【用法】1.用作代词时,只能用于三者或三者以上,不能用于两者(表示两者中的任意一个,可用either),如不能说 any of my parents,但可说 either of my parents。2. 用于否定句时,只能用于否定词之后,即可说not…any,不说any…not。‎ anybody[5enI7bRdi] / anyone[5enIwQn] pron.任何人:Hello! Is anybody here? 喂!有人吗?/ You mustn’t tell anybody about this; it’s secret. 这件事你不能告诉任何人,这是秘密。‎ anyhow[5enIhaJ] adv.无论如何,不管怎样;随便:Anyhow, I will see you tonight. 无论如何, 今天晚上我要见你。‎ anything [5enIWIN] pron. 东西,任何事物,无论什么:You can’t believe anything she says. 你不能相信她说的话。/ I want something to eat, and anything will do. 我想弄点东西吃,什么都行。‎ ‎【短语】anything but 绝不,并不 / if anything 如果有什么不同的话 ‎【用法】1.受形容词的修饰时,形容词应置于其后。2.用于否定句时,只能用于否定词之后,即可说not…anything,不说anything…not。‎ anywhere[5enIwZE] adv.无论何处,任何地方:Did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去没去过什么地方?/ You can go anywhere you like. 你可以去你喜欢的任何地方。‎ apologize / apologise[E5pRlEdVaIz] vi.道歉:You might at least apologize. 你至少应该道个歉吧。/ I have come to apologize to you. 我是来向您道歉的。/ I must apologize for calling you so late. 实在抱歉,这么晚给您打电话。‎ appear[E5pIE] vi. 出现,看来,似乎:It appears that he is ill.=He appears to be ill. 他似乎病了。/ There appears to be something the matter with her. 她好像出了什么事似的。‎ ‎【用法】1.不及物,不能有宾语,也不能用于被动语态。2.与look, seem 后可接介词 like 不同,appear 后不接介词like。‎ apple[5Apl] n. [C]苹果:the apple of sb’s eye 珍爱之物 April[5eIprEl] n.四月(略作Apr.):April fool=April Fools’ Day 愚人节(4月1日)‎ area[5ZErIE] n. [C,U]面积,地区,区域:Teachers are in demand in this area. 在这个地区很需要教师。/ Parking is prohibited in this area. 此处禁止停车。‎ ‎【用法】表示某地面积大小的方法很多,如要表示“我们庭园的面积为20平方米”,可说成:Our garden has an area of twenty square meters. / The area of our garden is twenty square meters. / Our garden is twenty square meters in area. / Our garden covers an area of twenty square meters.‎ argue[5B:gju:] v.争论,说服,证明:He argued for (against) the plan. 他赞成(反对)这个计划。/They always argue about [over] money. 他们总是为钱争吵。‎ arm[B:m] n. [C]手臂,胳膊;(用复数)武器 v.武装,装备:He was wounded in the arm. 他的胳膊受伤了。/ She held [took] her handbag in her arms. 她双手把手提包抱在怀里。‎ ‎【短语】arm in arm 臂挽着臂 / be armed to the teeth 全副武装 army[5B:mI] n.军队;大群:He also asked to join the army. 他也要求去参军。/ an army of bees 一大群蜜蜂 ‎【用法】用作主语,谓语动词用单数(从整体考虑)或复数(从个体考虑)均可:The army was [were] wiped out. 这支军队被消灭了。‎ around[E5raJnd] prep.在…周围;环绕;大约 adv.(在)各处,(在)附近,到处,在周围:There was a wall around the park. 公园四周有围墙。/ Will you please wait around for me? 请在附近等我好吗?‎ arrival[E5raIvEl] n.[U]到达 [C]到来的人或物:On my arrival at [in] Paris I went to see her. 我一到巴黎,就去看她了。/ Come and meet the new arrivals. 来见见新来的人。‎ arrive[E5raIv] vi.到达,(时间)到来,得出(结论),(婴儿)出生,来到:He was the first to arrive. 他第一个到。/ It took a long time to arrive at a conclusion. 花了很长时间才达成一个结论。/ Her baby arrived during the night. 她的小孩是夜里生的。‎ ‎【用法】不及物,后接地点,需借助介词at或in (地方较小用at,较大用in)。‎ art[B:t] n.[U,C]艺术,美术;技艺,技术;(用复数)人文学科:Art is long; life is short. (谚语)艺术长久,人生短暂。/ a work of art 一件美术品 / Language teaching is both a science and an art. 语言教学既是一门科学又是一门艺术。‎ article[5B:tIkl] n.[C](尤指报刊杂志上的)文章;物品,物件;冠词:What does the article discuss? 这篇文章讲的是什么? / an article of clothing 一件衣服 artist[5B:tIst] n. [C]美术家:He has no wish to be an artist. 他不想做艺术家。‎ as[As] conj.当…的时候;由于;尽管;随着,与…一样 prep.作为,当作adv.同样,相同 pron.正如:He dropped the glass as he stood up. 他站起来时,把杯子摔了。/ This is the same as it was before. 这个与以前一样。/ As you are tired, you had better rest. 你累了,最好休息一下。/ As the wages advanced, so did the cost of living. 随着工资的提高, 生活费用也提高了。‎ ‎【短语】as…as 与…一样 / not as [so]…as 不像,不如 / as if=as though 好像,好似 / as yet 迄今,到目前为止 / as [so] long as 只要 / as soon as 一…就 / as to 关于,至于 ‎【用法】1.用作连词,表示“尽管”时,要用于倒装句,且倒装后位于句首的名词通常不用冠词(等于though):Child as[=though] he was, he did quite well. 他虽是个孩子, 但已干得很不错。2.用作关系代词,有两种用法:一是用于such, the same, as等之后引导限制性定语从句:Such men as(=Those men who) heard of him praised him. 听说过他的人都赞扬他。二是单独用作关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,可放在主句之前(常译为:正如)或之后(常译为:这一点),且主从句之间一般要用逗号隔开:He was absent, as is often the case. 他缺席了,这是常有的事。‎ ash[AF] n.灰,(常用pl)灰烬,骨灰,遗体:The house (was) burned to ashes. 房子烧成灰烬了。‎ ‎【用法】表示“灰”时本来不可数,但有时可用复数形式代替单数形式,且意思不变:cigarette ash [ashes] 烟灰 ashamed[E5FeImd] adj.惭愧,害臊:I am half ashamed to do so. 这样做我有些不好意思。/ You really ought to be ashamed of that. 你实在应该对此感到惭愧。/ Not feel ashamed to ask and learn from people below. 不耻下问。‎ Asia[5eIFE] n.亚洲:China is in the east of Asia. 中国位于亚洲东部。/ Our factory exports to Southeast Asia. 我厂向东南亚出口产品。‎ Asian[5eIFEn] n.[C]亚洲人 adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的:The First East Asian Games were held in Shanghai in 1993. 第1届东亚运动会于1993年在上海举行。‎ ask[B:sk] v.问,要求;请求:Since you ask, I will tell you. 你既然问,我就告诉你。He asked to see the manager. 他求见经理。‎ ‎【短语】ask for sth 请求,向…要 / ask sb for sth 请某人给某物 / ask after 问候(身体健康) / ask about 打听,查询 asleep[E5sli:p] adj.睡着的:He fell asleep during the lesson. 他在上课时睡着了。‎ ‎【用法】1. 通常只用作表语,不能单独放在名词前作定语,不说 an asleep child,可改说a sleeping child。2.汉语说“睡得很熟”,英语习惯上用 fast [sound] asleep,而不说 very (much, very much) asleep。‎ assistant[E5sIstEnt] n.[C]助手,助教,图书馆管理员:shop assistant 店员 / assistant engineer 助理工程师 / assistant manager 副经理 astonish[Es5tRnIF]vt.使惊讶,使吃惊:The news astonished everybody. 这消息使人人感到惊讶。/ I was astonished at [by] the news.=I was astonished to hear the news. 听到这消息我很吃惊。‎ at[At, Et] prep.在,于;向,对准;因为,由于;在…方面;(表示速度、程度、价格等)以,按:He lives at ‎35 Manchester Road‎, ‎London. 他住在伦敦曼彻斯特路35号。/ Everybody, we begin at page 50 today. 各位,我们今天从第50页开始。/ At the news he became excited. 一听到这消息,他变得很激动。/ He bought it at (the price of) 50 dollars. 他以50美元的价格买下了它。‎ attack[E5tAk] v.攻击 n.[C,U]进攻;(疾病)侵袭,发作:Wolves will not usually attack humans. 狼通常不会袭击人。‎ attempt[E5tempt] v.& n.尝试,试图:She made every attempt. 她尽一切努力。/ She attempted to get [getting] in touch with them. 她企图和他们联系上。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动词作宾语时,该动词可用不定式,也可用动名词。2. make an attempt 后接动词表示试图做某事时,该动词可用不定式或用at doing sth 的形式。‎ attend[E5tend] v.出席,参加;看护,照料,护理;注意:He didn’t attend the meeting because he was ill. 他因病没有出席会议。/ I’ll attend to the matter. 这事我来处理。/ I’m too busy. I can’t attend to you now. 我很忙,现在不能接待你。‎ attention[E5tenFEn] n.[U]留心,注意:Please give it your attention. 请关注此事。/ He called our attention to what he said. 他提醒我们注意他说的话。‎ ‎【用法】在 pay [give, bring] attention to 等短语中的 to 是介词,后接动词时用动名词:He gives all his attention to making money. 他的注意力完全集中在赚钱上。‎ attract[E5trAkt] vt.吸引、引起(兴趣,注意),招引:The film attracts a large audience. 这部电影吸引很多观众。/ Newton found that all masses attract each other. 牛顿发现所有的物质都相互吸引。‎ August[5R:gEst] n.八月(缩写Aug.):August 1 is our Army’s Day. 8月1日是我国建军节。‎ aunt[B:nt] n.[C]姨,姑,伯母,舅母,婶:Aunt Polly 波莉姑妈 Australia[Rs5treIljE] n.澳洲,澳大利亚:Don’t confuse Austria with [and] Australia. 不要把奥地利与澳大利亚弄混淆了。‎ Australian[Rs5treIlIEn] n. [C]澳大利亚人 adj.澳大利亚(人)的:The Australians speak English. 澳大利亚人说英语。‎ author[5R:WE] n.[C]作家,创造者:The book has a preface written by the author. 该书有作者写的序言。‎ autumn[5R:tEm] n.[C,U]秋天,秋季:In autumn the leaves change from green to brown. 秋天树叶由绿变黄。/ the Moon Festival=the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 average[5AvErIdV] n.[C]平均(数) adj.平常的,平均的 v.平均为,求…的平均数:An average of 10 students are absent each day. 平均每天有10个学生缺席。/ What was the average temperature yesterday? 昨天的平均气温是多少? / He is just an average student. 他只是个普通的学生。/ He averages two trips a year. 他平均每年旅游两次。‎ ‎【短语】above the average 中上 / below the average 中下 / on (the, an) average 平均,按平均数计算,一般地说 ‎ awake[E5weIk] v.(awoke, awoken / awaked)醒,唤醒;使醒adj.(作表语)醒着的:The baby is awake. 婴儿是醒的。/ He is awake to the serious problem. 他已意识到了这个严重的问题。‎ ‎【用法】1.用作动词时,相当于 wake up,但本身通常不与副词 up 连用。2.用作形容词时,只用作表语,不作定语;要表示“完全醒着”,不用 very 修饰,而用 wide, fully, thoroughly 等修饰。‎ away[E5weI] adv.离开;远离:My birthday is two months away. 我的生日还有两个月。‎ ‎【短语】right away 马上 / straight away 马上 / far away 在远处 B baby[5beIbI] n.[C]婴儿,幼畜,幼鸟 adj.婴儿的,微型的:She is going to have a baby. 她就要生小孩了。/ a baby elephant 小象 ‎ back[bAk] n.[C]背部,后面 adv.向后,回(原处) adj.后面的 v.(使)倒退:I’ll be back in a minute. 我马上就回来。/ Let’s try knocking at the back door. 咱们敲后边的门试试。‎ ‎【短语】at back of 在…后面 / at the back of 在…的后面(范围之外);在…的后部(范围之内) / in the back of 在…后部 / back to back 背靠背 bad[bAd] adj.(worse, worst)坏的,不正确的;使人不愉快的;严重的:He’s got a bad cold. 他得了重感冒。/ Smoking is bad for health. 抽烟对身体有害。‎ badly[5bAdlI]adv. (worse, worst)坏地,恶劣地:I slept very badly last night. 昨天夜里我睡得很不好。/ He spoke badly of his boss. 他说他老板的坏话。‎ ‎【用法】在口语中,可用于表示“迫切地”、“非常”,通常与 want, need, be in need of 等连用:He wants to come badly. 他非常想来。‎ bag[bAg] n. [C]书包,提包,袋子:a shopping bag 购物袋 baggage[5bAgIdV] n. [U](美)行李:They examined all baggage at the airport. 他们在机场检查了所有行李。‎ ‎【用法】不可数,没有复数形式,也不能与不定冠词、数词以及 many, few, a few, several 等词连用。若要表示行李的具体数量, 可用单位词 piece (article):five pieces [articles] of baggage 五件行李 bake[beIk] v.烤,烘,焙:baked chicken 烤鸡肉 ball[bR:l] n. [C]球;舞会:He passed [threw] the ball to me. 他把球传给了我。‎ balloon[bE5lu:n] n. [C]气球:He crossed the river in a balloon. 他乘气球过河。‎ banana[bE5nB:nE] n. [C]香蕉:a banana 一根香蕉 / three bananas 三根香蕉 bank[bANk] n. [C]银行,(河,海湖的)岸,堤:He lives on the south bank of the river. 他住在河的南岸。/ He put his money in the bank. 他把钱存入银行。‎ bargain[5bB:gIn] n.[C]协议,合同;(经过讨价还价之后)成交的商品,廉价货v.议价,讨价还价;提出条件:It’s a real bargain. 真便宜。/ That’s [It’s] a bargain. 就这么说定了(或一言为定)。/ If you bargain with them they might reduce the price. 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。‎ base[beIs] n.[C]基础,基地,根据地 vt.基于,以…作根据:This news report is based on fact. 这篇新闻报导是根据实际情况写成的。‎ basic[5beIsIk] adj.基础的,基本的:Now I have a basic understanding of the matter. 现在我对这事有了基本的了解。‎ basin[5beIsIn]n.[C]脸盆,水盆;流域:Go and get a basin of hot water. 去弄盆热水来。/ The Amazon‎ ‎Basin is very large. 亚马逊河流域很大。‎ basket[5bB:skIt] n.[C]篮子:a wastepaper basket 字纸篓 basketball[5bB:skItbR:l] n. [C]篮球 [U]篮球运动:Let’s go and play basketball. 我们去打篮球吧。/ This basketball is better than that one. 这个篮球比那个好。‎ bath[bB:W] n. [C]洗澡;澡盆 v. 洗澡,给(孩子)洗澡:He had a bath and then went to bed. 他洗了个澡,然后睡觉了。/ I usually bath at night. 我通常晚上洗澡。‎ bathe[beIT] v.浸,洗,(在河或海里)洗浴,游泳 n.(用单数)游泳:Tears bathed his cheeks. 他泪流满面。/ Will you help me bathe the baby? 你能帮我替孩子洗澡吗? ‎ ‎【辨析】bath与bathe:前者主要指在室内“洗澡”,后者则通常指到室外的河里或湖里等去游泳:go for a bathe 去游泳 bathroom[5bB:Wru:m] n.[C]浴室,(美)厕所,澡堂:The bathroom is upstairs. 洗澡间在楼上。/ She went into the bathroom and took a shower. 她到浴室去淋浴。‎ battle[5bAtl] n.[C]战斗,竞争 v. 战斗,作战,竞争:He has proved his courage in battle. 他已在战斗中证明了自己的勇气。/ The sailors battled with the winds and waves.水手们与风浪搏斗。‎ be[bI(:)]v.(am, is, are, was, were, being, been)是;在;成为 beach[5bi:tF] n.[C]海滩,(海,河,湖等)滨:The children are playing on [at] the beach. 孩子们在海滩玩耍。/ I spent a day on [at] the beach. 我在海滩上度过了一天。‎ bear[bZE] n.[C]熊v.忍受;载运,负荷;有,显示;怀有;生(孩子),生产(农作物或水果):He was born of a wealthy family. 他出身富门。/ Different trees bear different fruits. 什么样的树结什么样的果。‎ ‎【用法】1.用于 can’t bear,意为“不能忍受”,其后接不定式或动名词均可:I can’t bear living [to live] alone. 一个人独居我受不了。2.表示“出生”时,用be born,其他过去分词用borne:He was borne by an English woman. 他是一个英国妇女生的。‎ beard[bIEd] n.[C]胡须,络腮胡子:He wears [grows, has] a long beard. 他留有长胡子。‎ ‎【辨析】beard 指下巴上的“胡须”,moustache 指嘴上的“胡须”,whiskers 指腮上的“胡须”。‎ ‎【用法】a beard指一个人的所有胡须,而不是指一根胡须;类似地,其复数形式 beards 指的是多个人的胡须,而不是指多根胡须。‎ beat[bi:t] v.(beat, beaten)敲打,(脉,心脏)跳动,打胜,打赢:My heart beat fast at the sight of him. 一看见他,我的心跳就加快。/ He beat me in maths. 他的数学比我学得好。‎ ‎【辨析】beat与win:见win。‎ beautiful[5bju:tEfJl] adj.美丽的,漂亮的,优美的:The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. 山里的景色非常美。/ That’s a beautiful shot. 那一枪打得真准。‎ beauty[5bju:tI] n.[U]美 [C]美人:She is really a beauty. 她的确是个大美人。‎ because[bI5kRz] conj.因为,由于:He was angry because we were late. 他很生气因为我们迟到了。‎ ‎【用法】1. because与because of不同:前者为连词,引导从句;后者为复合介词,后接名词、代词或相当于名(代)词的成分(包括what从句)。2.不要将汉语中的“因为…所以…”直译为because…so…。‎ become[bI5kQm] v.(became, become)变得,成为;适合(某人),与…相称:She has become a doctor. 她已成为一名医生。/ This color becomes you. 这颜色适合你。‎ ‎【用法】其后不接不定式表示“逐渐”,可改用come [begin]+不定式:He began [came] to like the girl. 他开始喜欢起这个女孩来。(不能用became)‎ bed[bed] n. [C,U]床,卧床,睡觉:She lay down on her bed. 她躺在床上。‎ ‎【用法】1.表示“睡觉”时,通常不用冠词或其他限定词;表示实实在在的“床”时,则可用。2.与介词in, into, out of等连用时,通常不用冠词:lie in bed 躺在床上 / get into bed 上床 / jump out of bed 跳下床 bedroom[5bedrJm]n.[C]卧室:They have a large bedroom. 他们有一间大卧室。‎ bee[bi:] n. [C]蜜蜂:He is as busy as a bee. 他忙得团团转。‎ beef[bi:f] n.[U]牛肉:The beef is overdone. 牛肉煮得太老。‎ beer[bIE] n.[U,C] 啤酒,一杯(一瓶)啤酒:Would you like a (glass of ) beer? 您要不要喝(杯)啤酒? / Three beers, please. 请来三杯啤酒。‎ before[bI5fR:] prep.在…前面,在…以前 conj.在…之前adv.以前:Knock on the door before you enter. 进屋之前要先敲门。/ I have never met him before. 以前我从来没有见过他。‎ ‎【比较】before long 不久以后 / long before 很久以前 begin[bI5gIn] v.(began, begun)开始,着手:The bell rang for the lesson to begin. 开始上课的铃响了。/ Once you begin you must continue. 你一旦开始,便不可停下来。‎ ‎【用法】1.有时用于进行时态,表示“慢慢开始”、“逐渐”:He was beginning to miss her. 他慢慢开始想念她了。2.其后接不定式或动名词均可,含义基本相同:The band began to play [playing]. 乐队开始演奏。但是,当begin 本身是-ing形式时或后接表心理活动的动词时,则只能接不定式:He began to like poetry when he was a boy. 他还是孩子时就开始喜欢诗歌。‎ beginning[bI5gInIN] n. [C]开始,开端,起源:Of course that’s only a beginning. 当然这只是一个开头。‎ ‎【短语】at [in] the beginning 起初,在开始时 / at the beginning of 在…之初,在…开始时 / from the beginning 从开始,从一开始 ‎ behind[bI5haInd] prep.在…后面 adv.在后面:He was behind the others in ability. 他的能力比其他人差。/ If winter comes,can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?‎ ‎【短语】fall [drop] behind 落在后面,落后 believe[bI5li:v] v.相信,想,认为:You can’t believe anything she says. 你不能相信她说的话。/ I believe he has come. 我想他已经来了。‎ ‎【比较】believe sb=相信某人的话是真的,believe in sb=相信某人为人可靠,believe in sth=相信…的存在,相信…的真实性 bell[bel] n. [C]钟,铃,钟(铃)声,钟形物:He rang the bell but no one came to the door. 他按了门铃,可是没有人来开门。‎ belong[bI5lRN] v.属于,为…所有:They belonged to a younger generation. 他们属于年轻的一代。‎ ‎【用法】1.不及物,不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态。2.表示“属…所有”时,其后接介词to,但若表示“某物应归入(位于)…”,则后接介词 in, under, with等:The pan belongs under the sink. 锅应放在洗碗池下面。‎ below[bI5lEJ]adv.在下面,向下 prep.在…下面:The temperature was 20 degrees below zero. 温度为零下20度。/ He was below the standard required. 他没达到要求的水平。‎ ‎【辨析】below与under:under 主要表示垂直在下的正下方,而 below 则不一定表示正下方(即可以是正下方或非正下方)。‎ belt[belt] n.[C]腰带,带 vt.系上:a waist belt 腰带 / safety belt 安全带 bench[bentF] n.[C]长凳,工作台:repair bench 修理台 bend[bend] v.(bent, bent)使弯腰,弯曲,专心于:He bent down [over] to tie his shoe. 他弯腰系鞋带。/ He bent his mind to the job. 他专心于他的工作。‎ beside[bI5saId] prep.在…旁边,在…附近:Standing beside the table was an interpreter. 站在桌旁的是一位翻译。‎ besides[bI5saIdz]adv. 此外,而且 prep. 除…之外:To begin with, it is too cold. Besides, we’ve no money. 首先,天气太冷,再者我们也没有钱。/ We all agreed besides him. 除了他之外,我们也都同意。‎ ‎【辨析】besides与except:besides 表示一种累加关系,意指“除了什么之外,还有…”;而 except表示一种排除关系,意指“除了什么之外,不再有…”。 ‎ best[best] adj.& n.最好的(人或物):I think it best that you should stay here. 我认为你留在这里最好。‎ ‎【短语】do one’s best 尽最大的努力 / make the best of 尽量利用,善用 / at (the) best 充其量,至多 / had best 最好,应该(=had better)‎ better[5betE] adj.较好的,更好的:Any is better than none. 有点总比没有好。‎ ‎【短语】had better 最好,应该(后接动词原形)‎ between[bI5twi:n] prep.在(两者)之间;在…中间:I sat between them. 我坐在他们两人之间。/ He had to choose between death and dishonour. 他必须在死亡和屈辱之间做出选择。‎ beyond[bI5jRnd] prep.在…那边,晚于,超出 adv.在(往)更远处:The house is beyond the bridge. 房子在桥那边。/ The explanation you give is beyond me. 你做的解释我不懂。/ Good advice is beyond price. (谚)有益的忠告是无价之宝。‎ bicycle[5baIsIkl] / bike[baIk]n.[C]自行车,脚踏车:She goes to work on her [by] bicycle. 她骑自行车上班。‎ big[bIg] adj.大的;重要的:Ours is a big family. 我们家人口很多。/ He made a big mistake. 他犯了个大错误。‎ bill[bIl] n.[C]账单,清单,法案,议案,告示,(美)钞票,纸币 vt.通告,宣布:Waiter, bill please. 服务员,买单。/ Mary won’t pay this bill. 玛丽不肯付这笔钱。/ The bill was passed. 这法案获得通过。‎ ‎【用法】表示账单的数额,其后通常用介词for:The shop sent me a bill for $800. 商店给我送来了一张800元的账单。‎ billion[5bIljEn] num.(英,德)百亿,兆,无数(美,法)十亿:Billions of stars twinkled in the sky. 无数星星在天空闪烁。‎ biology[baI5RlEdVI] n.[U]生物学:He is a biology professor. 他是生物教授。‎ bird[bE:d] n. [C]鸟,禽类:Most birds can fly. 多数的鸟会飞。‎ birth[bE:W] n. [C,U]出生,诞生:The exact date of his birth is not known.他出生的确切日期无人知道。/ He is a man of low birth. 他出身低微。‎ ‎【短语】give birth to 生产(小孩) / by birth 在血统上,生来,天生地 birthday[5bE:WdeI] n.[C]生日:Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐! / Today is my grandfather’s sixtieth birthday. 今天是我爷爷的60大寿。‎ birthplace[5bE:WpleIs] n.[C]出生地,(重要事件的)发源地 biscuit[5bIskIt] n. [C] (英)饼干,(美)果料小点心:a box of biscuits一盒饼干 / They fed him on biscuits. 他们用饼干喂他。‎ bit[bIt] n.少量,一点,一些:She is a bit like my sister. 她有点像我姐姐。/ He’s feeling a bit [=a little] better. 他感觉好些了。‎ ‎【短语】a bit of 一点儿,有点儿 / bit by bit=by bits 一点一点地,逐渐地 ‎【比较】a bit 与 a little:在肯定句中两者意思比较接近,但在否定句中意思区别很大:I’m not a bit tired. 我一点也不累。/ I’m not a little tired. 我很累。‎ bite[baIt] v.(bit, bitten)咬,迷住,(鱼)上钩 n. [C]咬,伤痛:Barking dogs seldom bite. (谚)爱叫的狗很少咬人。/ There seems to be a bite to his words. 他话里似乎带刺。‎ bitter[5bItE] adj.有苦味的,苦的;刺痛的(寒冷,风等);痛苦的;悲伤的:The medicine tastes bitter. 这药有苦味。/ She has a bitter tongue. 她说话刻薄。‎ blackboard[5blAkbR:d] n.[C]黑板:Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。‎ blame[bleIm] vt.责备,谴责 n. [U]过失,责备:I don’t blame you for doing that. 我不责备你做了那事。/ He put [laid] all the blame on me. 他把一切都归咎于我。‎ ‎【用法】1.下面两句结构不同,但意思相同:He blamed the failure on me.‎= He blamed me for the failure. 他把失败归咎于我。2. be to blame 虽为主动形式,却表示被动意义:You are not to blame for what happened. 对所发生的事不该怪你。‎ blanket[5blANkIt] n.[C]毯子,毛毯:Cotton blankets are generally cheapest. 棉毛毯一般最便宜。‎ blind[blaInd] adj.瞎的,缺乏理解力的:He is blind in both eyes. 他双目失明。/ The blind are leading the blind. 盲人在给盲人领路。‎ block[blRk] n. [C]大块;一组,一批;街区;阻塞vt.阻塞,拦阻:The store is three blocks away. 那家商店距此三条街。‎ blood[blQd] n. [U]血:Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。‎ blouse[blaJz] n. [C](妇女穿的)短上衣,女衬衫:A button of my blouse has come off. 我上衣的一个纽扣掉了。‎ blow[blEJ]v.(blew, blown)吹,刮风,吹气 n. [C]打,打击:Two trees were blown down in the storm. 在暴风雨中两棵树被风刮倒。/ He gave me a blow in the eye. 他冲着我的眼睛打了一拳。‎ ‎【用法】用作名词可表示“打击”,但用作动词时并无此意,如“他给我重重地一击”可译为He struck me heavily 或 He gave me a heavy blow,但不能译为He blew me heavily.‎ blue[blU:] n. [C,U]蓝色 adj.蓝色的,沮丧的,忧郁的:She has got blue eyes. 她有一双蓝眼睛。/ I’m feeling rather blue today. 我今天觉得很沮丧。‎ board[bR:d] n. [C,U]木板;膳食费用;委员会,董事会vt.上(船,飞机等):We will provide room and board for them. 我们将提供他们的食宿。/ Passengers checked their baggage before boarding the plane. 旅客上飞机前托运了行李。‎ boat[bEJt] n.[C]小船,小艇 vi.划船,乘船:We crossed the river in a boat. 我们乘一条小船过了河。/ We shall go boating on the lake on Saturday. 我们星期六到湖上去划船。‎ body[5bRdI] n.[C]身体,躯体,尸体,正文:He loves her body and soul. 他真心实意爱她。/ He does his work body and soul. 他全心全意地工作。‎ ‎【说明】body是相对于精神(mind, spirit, soul)的身体以及侧重指躯体的身体,不用于指健康状况的“身体”,如“他身体健康”不能译为His body is healthy,可译为He is in good health.或 He is healthy.‎ boil[bRIl] v.(水,液体)沸腾;(水)开,用开水煮;使(水,液体)沸腾:boiling water 正在沸腾的水 / boiled water 开水(已经开过的水)‎ bone[bEJn] n.[C]骨(头),(鱼)刺:She is all skin and bones. 她骨瘦如柴。‎ book[bJk] n.[C]书,本子 vt.预定(房间,票等):Here is the telephone book. 电话簿在这。/ I want to book a ticket for Beijing. 我想订一张去北京的票。‎ born[bR:n] v.(动词bear的过去分词)出生 adj.天生的,生来的:I was born in 1962. 我生于1962年。/ He is a born poet. 他是天生的诗人。‎ borrow[5bRrEJ] v.(向别人)借,借用:Can I borrow two books at a time? 我能一次借两本书吗?‎ ‎【用法】1.一般不接双宾语,若要表示类似意思可用 borrow sth from sb。2.有时与一段时间连用,表示借来使用的时间:He borrowed a car from a friend for a few days. 他借朋友的车子用了几天。‎ boss[bRs] n. [C]老板,领班:Don’t call me “boss”. 不要叫我“老板”。/ He wants to marry his boss’s daughter. 他想娶他老板的女儿。‎ both[bEJW] adj.两,双 pron.两者,两人,双方:Why not use both? 何不两者都用? / He speaks both English and French. 他既说英语也说法语。‎ bother[5bRTE] v.& n.打扰,烦扰,麻烦:Don’t bother him to do it for you. 别去麻烦他去为你做这事。/ They didn’t bother about [with] that. 他们对那件事并不感到焦急。/ Did you have much bother (in) finding his office? 你是不是费了很大的劲才找到他的办公室?‎ ‎【用法】后接动词时,用不定式或动名词均可:Don’t bother to lock [locking] the door. 别费事锁门了。‎ bottle[bRtl] n.[C]瓶子 (连用the)酒 v.用瓶子装:John’s on the bottle again! 约翰又在喝酒了! / This is where they bottle the milk. 在这里他们用瓶子装牛奶。‎ bottom[5bRtEm] n.[C]底;末端:He is at the bottom of the class. 他在班上排名最后。‎ bowl[bEJl] n.[C]碗:A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。‎ box[bRks] n. [C]箱子,盒子,匣子 v.拳击:We used boxes for chairs. 我们用箱子当椅子坐。/ They boxed (with) each other. 他们互相拳击。‎ boy[bRI] n. [C]男孩,男仆:The boy cried for help. 男孩大声呼救。‎ brain[breIn] n. [C,U]脑子,大脑;(复)头脑,脑力:He hasn’t got much brain. 他没什么头脑。/ He has very little brains. 他没什么头脑。/ Use your brain(s). 动动脑子。/ Where’s your brains? 你的脑子到哪里去了(你怎么不动动脑子)?‎ ‎【用法】表示“头脑”、“智力”等,不可数,但也可拼为 brains(仍不可数),如可说 much brain(s)或 little brain(s),但不说 many brains 或 few brains。不过值得注意的是,brain 表示此义时虽为不可数名词,但却可与不定冠词连用:He has a good brain. 他头脑好。‎ branch[brB:ntF] n.[C]树枝;分部,分支,部门;支流:This river has two main branches. 这条河有两条主要的支流。/ Her father is the secretary of the Party branch. 她父亲是这个党支部的书记。‎ brave[breIv] adj.勇敢的:It was brave of him to enter the burning building.=He was brave to enter the burning building. 他敢进入那燃烧的建筑,真是勇敢。‎ bread[bred] n.[U]面包,生计:He doesn’t just write for fun. Writing is his bread and butter. 他写作不只为了乐趣,写作是他的饭碗。‎ break[breIk] v.(broke broken)打破,折断,打碎n. [C]休息:I admitted breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子。/ Let’s take a short break for lunch. 我们休息一下吃中饭。‎ ‎【短语】break away (from) 突然逃掉;脱离;破除 / break down 坏,失败,中断 / break in 突然进来;插嘴 / break into 强行进入;插嘴 / break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发(不用于被动语态) / break up 解散;结束;破裂;绝交 breakfast[5brekfEst] n. [C,U]早饭,早餐:Is breakfast ready? 早餐准备好了吗? / After breakfast it began to snow. 早饭后开始下起雪来。‎ ‎【用法】1.其前通常不用冠词,但若特指,则用定冠词;若受到形容词的修饰表示具有某种特点的“早餐”,则用不定冠词:Thank you for the breakfast. 谢谢你的这顿早餐。/ After a quick breakfast, he hurried to the station. 匆匆忙忙吃完早餐,他就赶到车站去了。2.要表示“吃”早餐,英语通常用 have,有时也可用 take 或eat(但较少见)。3.at breakfast 与 for breakfast 不同: 前者表示在吃早餐或在吃早餐的时候,后者表示为早餐而吃东西:I always drink tea at breakfast. 我总是用早餐时饮茶。/ I have an egg for breakfast. 我早餐吃1只鸡蛋。(注:lunch, supper 也具有类似用法)‎ breath[breW] n. [C,U]呼吸,气息:Let me get my breath back. 让我喘口气。/ I’ll love you as long as I have breath. 我终身爱你。‎ ‎【短语】hold one’s breath 屏住气 / out of breath 上气不接下气 breathe[bri:T] v.呼吸:Lie down flat and breathe deeply. 平躺下,做深呼吸。/ I want to go out and breathe the fresh air. 我想出去呼吸新鲜空气。‎ brick[brIk] n. [C,U]砖块,砖形物:He built his own house brick by brick. 他的房子是他自己一砖一瓦建成的。‎ bridge[brIdV] n.[C]桥:Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it. 不要杞人忧天。‎ bright[braIt] adj. 明亮的,明朗的,晴朗的;鲜明的;聪明的;伶俐的;美好的;有希望的:It was a bright day. 那是一个晴朗的日子。/ Her face was bright with happiness. 她喜气洋洋。/ You have a bright future. 你的前途是光明的。‎ bring[brIN] vt.‎(brought, brought)带来;传到;拿来;引起:What brings you here today? 今天是什么风把你吹来了? / And it will bring more trouble. 这会带来更多的麻烦。/ You are welcome to bring your wife to the party. 欢迎你带你的妻子来参加聚会。‎ ‎【短语】bring about 引起,实现,导致 / bring (a)round 使改变观点或看法;使苏醒;顺便把某人带来串门 / bring back 送还,带回;使想起,使恢复 / bring down 击落或打落(飞机等);降低(温度、价格等) / bring on 带来,引起;促使成长或提高 / bring out 取出;显示出;衬托出;出版(书刊等),推出(作品等) / bring through 使渡过(困难,危机等) / bring together 使和解 / bring up 提出;培养;呕吐 Britain[5brItEn] n.不列颠(英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰的总称),英国:In Britain police do not carry guns. 在英国警察不带枪。‎ British[5brItIF] adj.英国的,英国人的,大不列颠的:British English 英国英语 / the British Museum 大英博物馆 ‎【用法】the British 相当于名词,指全体英国人,用作主语时,谓语用复数:The British drink a lot of tea. 英国人喝很多茶。‎ broad[brR:d] adj. 宽的,阔的;广泛的;概括的;明显的:How broad is the street (river)? 街(河)有多宽? / It’s as broad as it is long. 半斤八两;彼此相同。‎ broadcast[5brR:dkB:st] v.(broadcast or broadcasted)广播 n. [C]广播,播音:The BBC broadcasts every day. 英国广播公司每天广播。‎ broom[bru:m] n. [C]扫帚:A new broom sweeps clean. 新扫帚扫得干净(新官上任三把火)。‎ brother[5brQTE] n.[C]兄,弟:elder brother 哥哥 / younger brother 弟弟 brown[braJn] adj.& n.棕色(的),褐色(的):dark brown 深褐色 / brown paper 牛皮纸,包装纸 / brown sugar 红糖 brush[brQF] n. [C]刷子,毛刷,画笔;(一)刷v.刷,擦:He was painting with a brush. 他在用刷子刷漆。/ Give my coat a brush. 把我的大衣刷一刷。‎ bucket[5bQkIt] n. [C]水桶;铲斗:a bucket of milk一桶牛奶 build[bIld] v.(built, built)建筑(造);建设(立):They decided to build a new school. 他们决定盖一所新学校。/ We are building socialism. 我们在建设社会主义。‎ building[5bIldIN] n.[C]建筑物,房屋:This office building is 25 stories high. 这幢办公楼高18层。‎ burn[bE:n]v. 燃烧 n. [C]烧伤;灼伤:I smelled something burning. 我闻到东西烧焦的味道。/ Dad has had his hands burned. 爸的手给烫了。‎ ‎【用法】过去式和过去分词有burned和burnt两种形式:作定语时只用burnt;作不及物动词时通常用burned,作及物动词时两者均可用。‎ burst[bE:st] v.(burst, burst)(使)破裂,突然发生,爆炸 n. [C] (感情等的)爆发:She burst through the door. 她突然闯进门。/ Everyone burst out laughing. 大家都哄堂大笑。/ She burst into tears. 她突然哭了起来。‎ ‎【用法】burst into和burst out都可表示突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况,但前者通常后接名词,后者通常后接动名词。‎ bury[5berI] v.埋葬:He was buried alive. 他被活埋了。/ He buried himself in his work (studies). 他埋头于工作(学习)。‎ bus[bQs] n.[C]公共汽车:I went there by bus. 我乘公共汽车去那儿。/ He had to run to catch the bus. 他不得不跑着去赶搭公共汽车。‎ bush[bJF] n.[C]灌木丛:The hare hid itself in the bush. 野兔藏在灌木丛中。‎ business[5bIznIs] n.[C,U]工作,职业;生意;商店,公司;职责,本分;事务,事情:It’s time we got down to business. 我们该认真办事了(讨论实质问题了)。/ Mind your own business.=It’s none of your business. 这不关你的事(你少管闲事)。/ I’m here on business, not for pleasure. 我是来办公事,不是来玩的。‎ busy[5bIzI] adj.忙,繁忙的:He is as busy as a bee. 他很忙。/ She was busy writing letters. (当时)她正忙着写信。/ He is busy with [at, in, over, about] his work. 他在忙于工作。‎ ‎【注意】要表示“忙于做某事”,be busy要接动名词,不接不定式。‎ but [bEt,bQt] conj. 但是 prep. 除了:I was going to write, but I lost your address. 我本来要写信的,可是把你的地址弄丢了。/ We had no choice but to wait. 我们除了等待之外别无其他选择。‎ ‎【短语】can but 只能,只好(后接动词原形) / cannot but 不得不,禁不住(后接动词原形) / but for 若不是,要不是(通常连用虚拟语气) / nothing but 只有 / anything but 绝不,并不 butcher[5bJtFE] n. [C]肉店,屠夫 vt.屠宰(动物),残杀(人):I’m going to the butcher’s (shop). 我到肉铺去。/ They butchered the prisoners. 他们残杀囚犯。‎ butter[5bQtE] n.[U]黄油,奶油:A pound of butter, please. 我要一磅黄油。‎ button[5bQtn] n.[C]纽扣,(电铃等的)按钮 v.扣(纽扣):A button of my blouse has come off. 我上衣的一个纽扣掉了。‎ buy[baI] v.(bought, bought)购买:Buy whichever is cheapest. 买最便宜的。/ He bought me a bike.=He bought a bike for me. 他给我买了辆自行车。‎ by[baI] prep.靠近,经过;在…时间,在…旁,(指时间)不迟于,(用于被动语态)被,(表示方法,手段)用;由(指交通工具等)乘,用adv.在附近,经过:Sit by me. 挨着我坐吧。/ The thief was caught by the police. 小偷被警察抓住了。/ He came here by water, not by land. 他是从水路来的,不是从陆路来的。/ He came in by the back door. 他从后门进来。/ She held the child by the hand. 她抓住小孩的手。/ I shall have finished the work by the time you come back. 你回来时,我会已经把工作完成了。/ They are paid by the hour. 他们所得报酬按小时计。‎ bye(-bye)[5baIbaI] interj.(口语),再见,回头见,再会:Bye! See you tomorrow. 明天见。/ She waved her hand to say good-bye. 她挥手告别。‎ C cabbage[5kAbIdV] n. [C,U]卷心菜,洋白菜:She bought two cabbages [two heads of cabbage]. 她买了两棵卷心菜。‎ café[5kAfI] n.[C]咖啡馆,餐馆:It was very quiet in the cafe. 在咖啡店很安静。‎ cage[keIdV] n.[C]笼,鸟笼,兽槛:She loosed the bird from the cage. 她把小鸟放出笼子。‎ cake[keIk] n.[C,U]蛋糕,饼:It’s a piece of cake. 这很容易(这是小菜一碟)。‎ call[kR:l] n. [C]叫,喊;(一次)电话,通话 v.称呼,取名;呼唤,叫喊:The moment I have finished I’ll give you a call. 我一干完就给你打电话。/ He called a taxi for me. 他为我叫了出租车。/ Get out before I call the police. 滚开,否则我叫警察。‎ ‎【短语】call for 去取(某物),去接(某人);要求,号召 / call at 访问(某地) / call in 召来,召集 / call on 拜访(某人) / call away 叫走;转移(注意力等) / call back 唤回;回电话 / call off 叫走,转移开;取消 / call (up)on sb to do sth 叫(请)某人做某事,号召某人做某事 / call out 大声叫(喊),召唤 / call up (给…)打电话;想起 calm[kB:m] adj.镇静,沉着;风平浪静的 v.(使)安静,镇定:The sea was calm after the storm. 经过这场风暴后,大海平静下来了。/ The crying child soon calmed down. 哭闹的小孩不多一会就安静下来。‎ camera[5kAmErE] n.[C]摄影机,照相机:The camera clicked and their picture was taken. 照相机“卡嗒”一声照下了他们的相片。‎ camp[kAmp] n.[C]野营,营地 v.(使)扎营:Those who are going camping please gather at the gate. 要去露营的人请在大门口集合。‎ can[kAn,kEn]v.& aux. (could)能够,可以,可能,会 n.[C](美)罐头,听头,一罐之量:Difficulties can and must be overcome. 困难能够而且必须克服。/ He drank four cans of beer. 他喝了四罐啤酒。‎ ‎【用法】1.表推测时,通常只用于否定句和疑问句,一般不用于肯定句。2.若对过去可能已经发生的情况作推测,不能只用can的过去式could,而应后接动词的完成式:She can’t [couldn’t]have left so soon. 她不可能走得这么早。‎ Canada[5kAnEdE] n.加拿大:Canada is north of the United States. 加拿大在美国的北面。‎ Canadian[kE5neIdjEn] adj.加拿大(人)的 n.[C]加拿大人:She’s Canadian, but her Chinese is excellent. 她是加拿大人,但她的汉语非常出色。‎ candle[5kAndl] n.[C]蜡烛:Man’s life is often compared to a candle. 人生常被喻为蜡烛。/ burn the candle at both ends 过分浪费精力(财产等)‎ cap[kAp] n.[C]帽子;(管,瓶等的)盖:It’s a nice cap. 那是一顶好看的帽子。‎ capital[5kApItEl] n.[C]首都(府),省会;大写字母 [U]资本,资金:Please write your name in capitals [in capital letters]. 请用大写字母写你的名字。/ He has enough capital to build another factory. 他有足够的资金再建一家工厂。‎ captain[5kAptIn] n. [C]陆军上尉,海军上校;船长,(足球队)队长:We chose him (as) captain. 我们选他当队长。‎ car[kB:] n. [C]小汽车;火车车厢;(电梯,缆车等的)厢,舱:He entered [got into] the car and drove (it) home. 他进了小汽车就开车回了家。‎ card[kB:d] n. [C]卡片,名片;请柬;纸牌:Could you please give me your card? 请给我一张你的名片好吗?/ This is my identity card. 这是我的身份证。‎ care[kZE] n.[U]小心,谨慎,注意;关怀,爱护,照料 v.忧虑,烦恼喜欢,想要;介意,在乎,关心,忧虑:Please do this with care. 你做这事时请格外小心。/ I don’t care to play football. 我不喜欢踢足球。/ Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?‎ ‎【短语】care about 关心,担心 / care for 喜欢,愿意,照看,爱护,关心,担心 / take care (of) 当心,小心,照看 ‎【用法】用作名词时,不可数,所以在 take good care of 这类表达中,不要在take 后误加不定冠词。‎ careful[5kZEfJl] adj.谨慎的,小心的,仔细的:Be careful not to fall off the ladder. 当心别从梯子上掉下来。/ I hope you will be more careful of [about] your health. 希望你更注意身体。/ You should be careful in operating this machine. 操作这部机器时要小心。‎ ‎【比较】be careful (in) doing sth 与be careful to do sth:前者指做某事时很小心或仔细,后者指小心地去做某事。‎ careless[5kZElIs] adj.粗心的,漫不经心的:Careless driving cost him his life. 漫不经心的开车使他丢了性命。/ He’s careless of [about] his appearance. 他不修边幅。‎ ‎【比较】1.以下两句结构不同,但含义相同:It was careless of you to leave the room unlocked.= You were careless to leave the room unlocked. 你没有把门锁上真是太粗心(太大意)了。2.be careful in doing sth与be careful to do sth:前者指做某事时很粗心,后者指粗心地做了某事(不定式为结果状语):He was careless to make some mistakes. 他很粗心,结果出了些错。/ He was careless in typing the letter. 他打印这封信时很粗心。‎ carpet[5kB:pIt] n.[C,U]地毯;像地毯铺的东西:She laid a carpet on the floor. 她在地板上铺了地毯。‎ carrot[5kArEt] n.[C,U]胡萝卜:grow carrots in the garden 在菜园里种胡萝卜 carry[5kArI] v.运送,搬运,携带:He offered to carry my bags. 他主动要帮我提行李。/ These bags carry easily. 这些包便于携带。‎ ‎【短语】carry away 带走,冲走;使非常兴奋或失去自制力 / carry off 拿走;获奖;成功在应付 / carry on 继续(下去),进行(下去) / carry out 进行,完成;履行,实现,执行 / carry through 成功地完成;帮助渡过难关 cart[kB:t] n.[C](二轮运货)马车,(二轮或四轮)手推车,大车 case[keIs] n.[C]情况,情形,事例;病症,病例;案件;箱(子),盒(子):It is not the case. 情况不是这样;事实并非如此。/ There are five cases of fever in school. 学校有5个发烧病人了。‎ ‎【短语】in any case 无论如何,总之 / in case 假使,如果,万一 / in case of 万一,如果发生 / in no case 决不 ‎【用法】1. in case用作连词可引导条件状语从句(=如果,万一)和目的状语从句(=以防),也可直接用作状语(=以防万一):Tell me in case you get into difficulty. 遇到困难请告诉我。/ I don’t let him go out in this weather in case he should catch cold. 我不让他这种天气出去以防他会感冒。/ / Wear a raincoat (just) in case. 穿上雨衣以防万一。2.与in case类似,复合介词in case of也可表示条件(=如果)或目的(=以防):In case of rain they can’t go. 万一下雨,他们就不能去了。/ Take an umbrella with you in case of rain. 带把雨伞,以防下雨。‎ castle[5kB:sl] n. [C]城堡:The castle dates back to the ancient Roman days. 此城堡建于古罗马时代。‎ cat[kAt] n. [C]猫:A cat has nine lives. 猫有九命(即生命力很强)。‎ catch[kAtF] v.(caught, caught) v. 抓住,接住;赶上,乘坐;传染,感染(疾病),患(病等);偶然(或突然)撞见;听清,理解:I’ll throw the ball and you catch it. 我扔球你接。/ The policeman caught the thief. 警察逮住了小偷。/ The teacher caught him sleeping in class. 老师发现他在上课时睡觉。/ She caught her finger in the door. 她的一只手指被门夹住了。‎ ‎【短语】catch at 抓住,采纳 / catch on 挂住,钩住;受欢迎,流行;领会 / catch sb out 发现某人有错 / catch up with 赶上 cattle[5kAtl] n.(总称)牛,牲口:He has 80 cattle on the farm. 他在农场里有80头牛。/ Farmers grow grain and keep cattle. 农民种谷养牛。‎ ‎【用法】1.虽为单数形式,但永远表示复数意义。2.要表示“牛”的头数,可借助head(单复数同形):100 (head of) cattle 100头牛 cause[kR:z] n. [C]原因 [U]理由 vt.使产生,引起:The heavy rain was the cause of the flood. 大雨是导致洪水产生的原因。/ You have no cause for complaining. 你没有理由抱怨。/ What caused his failure? 什么使得他失败了?‎ ‎【用法】1.用作动词时,其宾语后可接不定式(必须带to)作宾补,但不接形容词作宾补,如不能说The news caused her sad,可改为The news made her sad.或The news caused her to be sad. 这消息使她伤心。2.有时接双宾语:The car caused me a lot of trouble. 这车给我引来了不少麻烦。‎ cave[keIv] n.[C]洞,地窖 v.洞穴探险运动;(使)塌下,(使)倒塌:Go into the cave, then they won’t see you. 躲进洞里去,那他们就看不到你了。‎ ceiling[5si:lIN] n.[C]天花板,顶篷:The light hangs from the ceiling above you. 电灯从你头上的天花板上吊下来。‎ celebrate[5selIbreIt] v.庆祝,歌颂,赞美:We celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th. 我们在三月八日庆祝国际妇女节。‎ cent[sent] n.[C]一分钱;(用作单位)百分之一:There are 100 cents in a dollar. 1美元合100美分。/ The price was reduced by 18 per cent. 价格降低了18%。‎ center / centre[5sentE] n. [C]中间,中心,中央:The research center will be under his direction. 这个研究中心将由他指挥。‎ central[sen5trEl] adj.中部的,中央的,主要的:central bank 中央银行 ‎ century[5sentFElI] n. [C]百年,世纪:The castle dates back to the 14th century. 这座城堡是十四世纪修建的。‎ certain[5sE:tEn] adj.确定的,无疑的;某种:Are you certain of [about] that? 你对此有把握吗? / She’s certain to pass the exam. 她考试肯定会及格。/ For certain reasons I can’t come. 因为某些原因,我不能来了。‎ ‎【短语】for certain 有把握,肯定地 / make certain 弄清楚,弄得有把握,核实 certainly[5sE:tnlI] adv.一定,无疑地,是的,当然,好:Victory certainly belongs to the people. 胜利一定属于人民。‎ chain[tFeIn] n.[C,U]链,链条 [C]一连串:She wore a gold chain around her neck.她的脖子上戴了一条金项链。/ chain stores 连锁店 chair[tFZE] n. [C]椅子:He was sitting on [in] the chair. 他坐在椅子上。‎ chairman[5tFZEmEn] (pl. chairmen) n. [C]主席,董事长,会长:The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience. 主席把讲演者介绍给听众。‎ chalk[tFR:k] n.[U]粉笔:write with a piece of chalk 用粉笔写字 chance[tFB:ns] n.[C,U]机会,偶然性,可能性 v.碰巧,偶然;冒…的危险:They should be given a chance to try. 应当给他们尝试的机会。/ I wish to have a chance to go[of going] to college. 我希望有个机会上大学。‎ ‎【短语】by chance 偶然,意外地 / take one’s chance 利用机会 change[tFeIndV] v.改换,改变;更换,兑换 n. [C,U]变化;零钱;找头:What caused him to change his mind? 什么使他改变主意的? / Here is your change. 这是你的找头。‎ ‎【短语】for a change 为了改变一下,换换花样 / change A for B 用A去换B / change A into B 把A变成(换成)B / change places 交换位置(座位) ‎ ‎【比较】change sth与change sth for sth:前者指换某物,后者指用某物去换另一物。‎ charge[tFB:dV] n.[U]主管,看管 [C]费用;控告v.收费,索价;指控,控告:He has charge of the branch. 他主管分店。/ How much did he charge you for repairing it? 他修理这东西收了你多少钱? / She charged him with cheating. 她告他进行欺骗。‎ ‎【短语】in [under] the charge of 由…负责 / have [take] charge of 照顾,管理,负责 ‎【用法】表示“收费”和“控告”时,所搭配的介词不同:charge money for sth=因为某事物而收费,charge sb with sth=指控某人做某事,因某事而控告某人。‎ chat[tFAt] v.& n.聊天,闲谈:They dropped in for a chat last night. 他们昨晚顺便来闲聊了一会儿。/ He came over to chat and play cards. 他过来聊天、打牌。‎ cheap[tFi:p] adj.便宜的,贱的:It’s too cheap to be good. 这东西太便宜,好不了(即便宜无好货)。‎ check[tFek] v. 检查,核对;寄存n. [C]检查,核对;(美)支票(=英国的cheque);(饭馆等的)账单:The teacher is checking examination papers. 老师在批阅考卷。/ Have you checked your luggage? 你的行李寄存了吗? ‎ cheek[tFi:k] n.[C]面颊,脸蛋:Her cheeks went a very pretty pink. 她的脸变成漂亮的粉红色。/ She kissed the baby on the cheek. 她在孩子的脸颊上亲了一下。‎ cheer[tFIE] n.[C]欢呼 [U]高兴 v.(使)高兴;(使)振奋,欢呼,喝彩:Cheer up! The news isn’t too bad. 振作起来吧! 消息还不算太坏。‎ cheese[tFi:z] n.[C,U]奶酪,干酪:Two cheeses, please. 请来两客干酪。‎ chemistry[5kemIstrI] n. [U]化学:The chief sciences are chemistry, physics and biology. 主要的自然科学是化学、物理和生物。‎ cheque / check[tFek] n.[C]支票(=美国的check):Here’s a cheque for 500 dollars. 这是一张500美元的支票。/ Did you pay by cheque? 你是以支票付款的吗?‎ chest[tFest] n.胸膛;箱子;公款:a tool chest 工具箱 / I have a pain in the chest. 我感到胸痛。‎ chicken[5tFIkIn] n.[C]小鸡 [U]鸡(肉):Shall we have chicken or duck for dinner? 正餐我们吃鸡还是吃鸭?‎ chief[tFi:f] n.[C]首领,领袖 adj.主要的,首要的:a chief engineer 总工程师 / His chief interest is playing chess. 他的主要兴趣是下棋。‎ child[tFaIld] n.(pl.children)[C]小孩,儿童:Children’s Day儿童节 chimney[5tFImnI] n.[C]烟囱,(火山的)喷烟口,(石头的)裂缝 china1[5tFaInE]n. [U]陶瓷,瓷器,瓷料:a piece of china 一件瓷器 / a set of china 一套瓷器 / china wedding 瓷婚(结婚20周年纪念)‎ China2 [5tFaInE] n.中国:new China 新中国 / East China 华东 / socialist China 社会主义中国 / China is in East Asia. 中国位于东亚。‎ Chinese[5tFaI5ni:z] n.中国人(单复数同),汉语adj.中国的,中国人的,汉语的:He read all kinds of books, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. 他读了很多书,古今中外都有。‎ chocolate[5tFRkElIt] n. [C,U]巧克力,巧克力糖:a (piece of) chocolate 一块巧克力 / A chocolate ice-cream, please. 请给我一份巧克力冰淇淋。‎ choice[tFRIs] n. [C,U]选择,挑选:We each had to make a choice. 我们每人都必须做选择。/ He has no choice but to go with them. 他没有办法,只好跟他们去。‎ ‎【用法】1.have no choice but to do sth(除…外别无选择)中的不定必须带to。2.choice 除用作名词外,有时还可用作形容词,意为“精选的”、“上等的”,如:choice apples 上等的苹果 choose[tFu:z] v.(chose, chosen)挑选;选举:He chose not to go abroad until later. 他决定晚点出国。/ He chose George as his assistant. 他选择乔治做他的助手。‎ ‎【比较】choose sth 与 choose from [among] sth:前者指选取某物,后者指从某物中挑选。所以类似下面这样的句子,其后的from不宜省略:There are various colors to choose from. 有各种各样的颜色可供选择。‎ ‎【用法】1.可接双宾语,若双宾语易位,借助介词for:She chose him a sweater.=She chose a sweater for him. 她替他挑选了一件毛衣。2. cannot choose but 后接动词原形,其意为“不得不(只得)做某事”。‎ ‎【辨析】choose, select 与 pick:choose 为常用词,侧重指凭个人意志或判断进行选择;select 则侧重以客观为标准进行选择,并强调选出好的,淘汰不好的;pick 主要指从个人角度在众多中进行挑选,有时含有任意选择之意。‎ Christmas[5krIsmEs] n.圣诞节:Christmas is an important feast for Christians. 圣诞节是基督徒的重要节日。‎ ‎【用法】1.表示“在圣诞节”,可说at Christmas,也可用 on Christmas Day,注意两者所用介词不同。2.祝某人圣诞快乐时,通常在Christmas前用形容词 merry修饰,其实也可用happy。‎ church[tFE:tF] n.[C]教堂 [U]礼拜仪式,礼拜:We go to church every Sunday. 我们每个星期天都去做礼拜。‎ ‎【用法】表示具体一座教堂,可数,且根据情况可在其前用冠词;表示在教堂做礼拜或进行礼拜仪式,则不可数,且其前不用冠词:They are in [at] church. 他们在做礼拜。‎ cigar[sI5gB:] n.[C]雪茄烟:He lit a cigar. 他点燃一支雪茄烟。‎ cigarette[sIgE5reIt] n.[C]香烟,纸烟:He is smoking a cigarette. 他在抽烟。‎ cinema[5sInImE] n.[C]电影院 (连用the)电影:Let’s go to the cinema tonight. 我们今晚去看电影吧。‎ circle[5sE:kl] v.环绕,盘旋 n.[C]圆,圈子:Circle the correct answers. 圈出正确的答案。/ They sat in a circle round the fire. 他们围着火坐成一圈。‎ citizen[5sItIzn] n.[C]市民,公民:a citizen of Beijing 北京市民 / Every citizen must pay taxes. 每个公民都必须纳税。‎ city[5sItI] n.[C]城市:Which do you prefer to live, in a city or in the country ? 你喜欢住在城里还是住在乡下?‎ clap[klAp] v.鼓掌,拍手 n.[C]鼓掌声,拍手声:He clapped his son on the back. 他轻轻地拍了拍儿子的背。‎ class[klB:s] n.[C]班,班级;课;类别;等级;阶级:Class is at eight. 8点开始上课。/ He never took notes in class. 他上课从不记笔记。/ Class differences can divide a nation. 阶级差异会造成国家的分裂。‎ classmate[5klB:smeIt] n.[C]同班同学:She got on well with her classmates. 她和同学相处得很好。‎ classroom[5klB:srJm] n. [C]教室:Most classrooms have computers. 多数教室里都有电脑。‎ clean[kli:n] adj.清洁的,干净的 v.打扫,弄干净adv.完全地,全然地:Her room is always clean and tidy. 她的房间总是干净整洁。/ Your shoes need cleaning. 你的鞋要擦一擦了。/ I’d clean forgotten to switch the light on. 我全然忘了开灯。‎ clear[klIE] adj. 清澈的;晴朗的;清楚的;确定的v.收拾;使(变)清洁;使(变)清澈;变晴 adv.清楚地;完全地:We could see fish in the clear water. 我们看到清澈的水中有鱼。/ I am not quite clear yet about this. 对此我还不太清楚。/ After the stormwas over, the sky cleared. 暴风雨过后,天晴了。‎ clerk[klB:k, klE:k] n. [C]职员,办事员;书记员:She got a job as a bank clerk. 她得到一份银行职员的工作。‎ clever[klevE] adj.聪明的,伶俐的:It’s clever of her to refuse them.=She is clever to refuse them. 她拒绝他们那是明智的。‎ climb[klaIm] v.爬,攀登 n. [C]攀登:Monkeys can climb well. 猴子善于攀爬。/ The climb got all of us tired. 爬山使我们都累了。‎ clinic[5klInIk] n.[C]诊所:It is often less expensive to see a doctor in a clinic than in a hospital. 通常去诊所看病比去医院看病便宜。‎ clock[klRk] n. [C]时钟:The clock is 5 minutes fast (slow). 这钟快(慢)5分钟。‎ close[klEJz] v.关,闭 adj.& adv.[klEJs]近,靠近:She closed the door softly. 她轻轻地关上门。/ The post office closes at 6. 邮局6点关门。/ I live close to the shops. 我住得离商店很近。‎ ‎【注意】用作形容词时,它不表示“关闭”的意思,要表示此义,要用closed:The shop is closed now. 商店现在关门了。‎ cloth[klRW] n.[C,U]布料:Spread a cloth over the table. 在桌上铺一块桌布。‎ ‎【用法】表示用作衣料的“布”时,不可数;表示用作某种特殊用途的布(如桌布、台布、揩布等)时,可数。‎ clothes[klEUTz] n.(复)衣服,服装:She wears everyday clothes to work. 她着便装上班。‎ ‎【用法】1.是“衣服”的统称,指穿在身上的所有东西。2.是一个没有单数形式的复数名词,但不与数词连用。‎ clothing[5klEJTIN] n.[U](总称)衣服,衣着:They wear very little clothing. 他们衣服穿得很少。/ He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 他是一只披着羊皮的狼。‎ ‎【辨析】clothes与clothing:前者为复数名词,后者为不可数名词;前者较具体,后者比较抽象;“一套衣服”是a suit of clothes,“一件衣服”是a piece [an article] of clothing。‎ cloud[klaJd] n.[C,U]云(状物):There are dark clouds in the sky. 天空乌云密布。‎ club[klQb] n. [C]俱乐部:What club do you belong to? 你是哪个俱乐部的?‎ coal[kEJl] n. [C,U]煤,煤块:Coal and oil are natural products. 煤和石油是天然物产。‎ ‎【说明】通常不可数,但若表示正在燃烧中的煤块,则可数。‎ coast[kEJst] n.[C]海岸,海滨:There are many islands off the coast. 沿海有许多岛屿。‎ coat[kEJt] n.[C]外套,大衣;表层,涂层:He hung his coat on the hook. 他把衣服挂在钩子上。‎ cock[kRk] n. [C]公鸡;水龙头,旋塞:Cocks crow at dawn. 黎明鸡叫。/ Turn the cock to increase the flow of water. 请开大龙头以增加水流量。‎ coffee[5kRfI] n. [U,C]咖啡:I prefer tea to coffee. 我喜欢茶胜于咖啡。‎ ‎【用法】1.通常不可数,但表示“(一杯)咖啡”时,可数:Three teas and two coffees, please.请来三杯茶和两杯咖啡。2.不要从字面意义误解以下说法:black coffee 纯(清)咖啡 / white coffee 牛奶咖啡 3.形容咖啡的浓淡,可用strong和weak,但不能用thick和thin。‎ coin[kRIn] n. [C,U]硬币,钱币:Let me change the dollar bill for coins. 让我把这张美元的纸钞换成硬币。‎ cold[kEJld] adj.冷的,寒冷 n.[U]寒冷[C,U]伤风,感冒:It isn’t as cold as it was yesterday. 今天没有昨天冷。/ Take care not to catch cold. 小心别感冒。‎ ‎【用法】在have (got) a cold(感冒)这一表达中,a不能省略,但在 take (a) cold, catch (a) cold, get (a) cold这类表达中a却可以省略。但即使是后一种情况,若cold前有形容词修饰,则其中的a也不能省略。‎ collar[5kRlE] n.[C]衣领:I seized him by the collar. 我一把抓住他的衣领。‎ collect[kE5lekt] v.收集,搜集;领取;收钱;使(思想)集中:She is fond of collecting stamps. 她喜欢集邮。/ He’s gone to collect his son. 他去接儿子了。‎ college[5kRlIdV] n.[C](综合大学中)学院,高等专科学校;大学:evening college 夜大 / Her elder daughter is in college. 她的长女在上大学。‎ colo(u)r[5kQlE] n. [C,U]颜色,色彩;颜料v.给…着色,涂色:A blind man can’t judge colours. 盲人不能判断颜色。‎ ‎【说明】汉语说“彩色的…”,根据情况可以用color, colored, colorful 修饰,其区别是:color 用作定语,通常指它所修饰名词能够产生color的效果,如:color TV(彩电),color film(彩色电影);colored 用作定语,通常指它所修饰的名词具有color的特征,如:colored flags(彩旗),colored chalk(彩色粉笔);而colorful用作定语,则指颜色的多样性或色彩的鲜艳性,意为“丰富多彩的”、“多彩的”、“艳丽的”,如:colorful clouds(彩云)。‎ comb[kEJm] v.梳 n.[C]梳子:Have you combed your hair? 你梳过头发了吗?‎ come[kQm] v.(came, come) 来,来临,到达,出现,来(自);开始:Will you come with me to the store? 你和我一道去商店吗? / I came to realize that he was right. 我终于认识到他是对的。‎ ‎【短语】come about (某情况)发生 / come across (偶然)发现或遇见 / come on [upon] 偶然碰见;出现,降临 / come on来吧,行啦,快点,好吧,加油 / come along 一道去,跟着 / come in 到来,进来,上市 / come out 出来,出版,有…结果,开花 / come over 来访,来玩,产生 / come round 来访,到来,恢复知觉 / come to 来到,合计,有意义,苏醒,谈到 comfort[5kQmfEt] n.[C,U]舒适,安慰 vt.使舒适,安慰:He lived in comfort. 他过得很舒服。/ Say something to comfort her. 说几句话宽慰她。‎ comfortable[5kQmfEtEbl] adj.(使身体)舒适的,愉快的,轻松的:Please make yourself comfortable. 别客气。 / It was comfortable sitting here. 坐在这里很舒服。‎ common[5kRmEn] adj.共同的,普通的,一般的:It’s a common cup. 这是个公用茶杯。/ “Smith” is a very common last name in England. 在英国“史密斯”是很常见的姓。‎ ‎【短语】in common 共同享有(使用)的 / in common with 和…一样 communism[5kRmjJnIzEm] n.[U]共产主义:Our ultimate aim is to realize communism. 我们的最终目的是实现共产主义。‎ communist[5kRmjJnIst] n. [C]共产主义者 adj.共产主义的:the international communist movement 国际共产主义运动 companion[kEm5pAnjEn] n.[C]同事,同伴,伴侣:Are you alone or with a companion? 你单独一人还是与朋友在一起?‎ company[5kQmpEnI] n.[C]公司 [U]陪伴,交往;客人 [C]一群人:Our company is under good direction. 我们公司管理有方。/ I’ve come to keep you company. 我来给你做伴的。/ A company of travelers are [is] expected to arrive soon. 一伙游客不久即将到来。‎ ‎【用法】表示“客人”,可指一人或多人,但不可数,且一般不与冠词连用:We’re expecting company this evening. 我们今晚有客人要来。‎ compare[kEm5pZE] v.比较;比喻,比作;比得上,相比:The poet compares his lover to a rose in his poems. 诗人在他诗歌中把他的情人比作玫瑰花。/ Compare this with that, and you will see which is the better. 把这个同那个一比,就知道哪个更好了。‎ ‎【用法】1.按传统语法,表示“把…比作…”,通常用 compare...to…;表示“把…与…比较”,通常用compare...with...,但在现代英语中,也可用 compare ...to...,或者用 compare...and...,尤其在用作状语的 compared to [with]… 中,to 和 with 几乎没什么区别:Compared to [with] many women, she was very fortunate. 和许多人相比她是很幸运的。2. can compare with意为“比得上”、‎ ‎“能与…相比”(其中的 compare 不及物),该结构多用于否定句或疑问句:My English can’t compare with his. 我的英语不如他。‎ complete[kEm5pli:t] adj.完全的,彻底的,完结的v.完成,结束:We can’t go out until our homework is complete. 我们把作业做完才能出去。/ We completed the work five days ahead of time. 我们提前五天完成任务。‎ composition[7kCmpE5zIFEn] n.[C]作文,作品 [U]写作,作曲:Your composition is full of spelling mistakes. 你的作文里满是拼写错误。‎ computer[kEm5pju:tE] n.[C]计算机,电脑:I hate computer games. 我不喜欢电脑游戏。/ We used the computer to save time. 我们用电脑节约时间。‎ comrade[5kRmrId] n.[C]同志,同乡:He is our comrade. 他是我们的同志。‎ concert[5kRnsEt] n.[C]音乐会,演奏会 [U]一致:The concert drew a large audience.音乐会吸引了大量的观众。‎ condition[kEn5dIFEn] n. [C]条件 [U,C]状况,状态 (常用复)情况,环境,形势:I found her in excellent condition. 我发现她处于极佳状态。/ Living conditions have improved here. 这里的生活条件已得到改善。‎ ‎【短语】on no condition 绝不 / on condition that 如果,以…为条件 ‎【用法】若on no condition位于句首,其后用倒装语序:On no condition should you tell her about it. 你绝不能把此事告诉她。‎ conductor[kEn5dQktE] n.[C]管理人,指导者,(车上的)售票员,列车员;乐队指挥;导体,导线:She is a bus conductor. 她是公共汽车售票员。/ Wood is a poor conductor of sound. 木头是声音的不良导体。‎ congratulation[kEn7grAtjJ5leIFEn] n.(常用复)祝贺,庆贺:Congratulations on your success. 祝贺你取得了成功。‎ connect[kE5nekt] v.连接,相通,联想,衔接:Connect the fridge to the electricity supply. 接通冰箱的电源。/ A railway connects Beijing to [with] Shanghai. 北京和上海有铁路连接。/ People connect Anshan with steel. 人们提到鞍山就想到钢。‎ consider[kEn5sIdE] v.考虑;把…看作;认为:All things considered, I’m sure he will win. 综观一切,我相信他会赢。/ She is considering changing her job. 她在考虑换工作。‎ ‎【用法】1.后跟动词作宾语时,用动名词,不用不定式。2.表示“认为…是…,通常用“consider+宾语+as+名词或形容词”,其中的as可省略或换成to be。‎ construction[kEn5strQkFEn] n. [U]建造,建设 [C]构造物,建筑物:A new railroad is under construction. 一条新的铁路正在修建中。‎ contain[kEn5teIn] vt.包含,包括;装,容纳:A sentence usually contains a subject and a verb. 句子通常包括主语和动词。‎ content1[kEn5tent] adj.满意的,满足的 vt.使满足,使满意:We are not content with the present achievements. 我们不满足于目前的成就。/ I should be well content to do so. 我很乐意这样做。/ Simple praise is enough to content him. 几句好话就足以使他满意了。‎ ‎【用法】用作形容词时,只用作表语;若用于名词前作定语,要用contented(它同时也可用作表语):He nodded with a contented smile. 他面带满意的笑容点了点头。/ Everybody feels contented. 大家都感到很满意。‎ content2[kEn5tent] n.1.[C,U]内容,(常用单)含量,容量;(用复数)目录:Look at the contents page of a book before buying it. 买书前先看看目录。‎ continent[5kCntInEnt] n. [C]大陆,大洲:Africa is a continent. 非洲是个大陆。‎ ‎【用法】有时表示“欧洲大陆”,以别于英伦三岛:Coffee was introduced into England from the Continent. 咖啡是从欧洲大陆传入英国的。‎ continue[kEn5tInju:] v.继续,连续:to be continued 未完,待续 / He continued silent. 他继续沉默着。‎ ‎【用法】后接动词作宾语时,用不定式或动名词均可,且意思相同:They continued to meet [meeting] daily. 他们继续每天都见面。‎ control[kEn5trEJl] v.& n.控制,支配:They soon got the fire under control. 他们很快把火势控制住。/ This made it hard for me to control myself. 这使我难于控制自己。‎ ‎【注意】其过去式、过去分词、现在分词要双写l:controlled, controlling。‎ convenient[kEn5vi:nIEnt] adj.方便的,适合的;容易到达的:Our house is convenient for [to] the station. 我们家离车站很近便。/ Will six o’clock be convenient for you? 六点钟你方便吗? ‎ ‎【用法】其实际意思是“使人感到方便的”,而不是“(自己)感觉到方便的”,如可说Railway is convenient(铁路方便),但不说I’ll come if you are convenient,可改为I’ll come if it is convenient for [to] you. 你若方便,我就来。‎ conversation[7kCnvE5seIFEn] n.[C,U]谈话,交谈:I’m tired of your conversation. 你的讲话我听腻了。/ in conversation with (在)和…谈话 cook[kJk] v.烹调,煮,烧 n. [C]厨师,炊事员:Who will cook the dinner? 谁来做饭?‎ ‎【用法】不要将cook(厨师)与cooker(炊具)混淆。 ‎ cool[ku:l] adj.凉的,凉爽的;冷静的;满不在乎,冷漠的;帅的,酷的 v.(使)某物变凉:Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. 不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。‎ copy[5kCpI] n. [C]一本(份,册…);复制品 v.抄写,复制;抄袭:a copy of China Daily. 一份《中国日报》 / Please make three carbon copies of it. 请将它复印三份。‎ corn[kC:n] n.[U]谷物,谷粒,玉米:Did the storm do any harm to the corn? 风暴损害庄稼了没有?‎ corner[5kR:nE] n. [C]角落,拐角:He found her crying in the corner. 他发现她在角落里哭。/ There is a shop at [on] the street corner. 街道拐角处有家商店。‎ correct[kE5rekt] adj.正确的,恰当的 vt.改正,纠正:Am I correct in saying this? 我这样说对吗? / I had all my mistakes corrected. 我把所有的错误都改正了。‎ cost[kCst] n.[C,U]价格,费用,成本;(用单数)代价,牺牲,损失vt.(cost, cost)值(多少钱),花费;丧失,牺牲:He bought the piano at a cost of 500 dollars. 他花500 美元买下了这架钢琴。/ The invention cost him much time. 此发明花了他不少时间。/ Careless driving will cost you your life. 粗心开车会使你丧命的。/ It cost me $1000 a year to run a car. 使用一辆车每年要花我1000美元。‎ ‎【用法】1.用事或物作主语(包括形式主语it),不以人作主语。2.不用于被动语态。3.主要用于花钱的情形,有时也用于花时间,但通常用于笼统时间(如much time, a lot of time等)。‎ cottage[5kCtIdV] n.[C](郊外的)小屋,村舍;别墅:That old cottage is hidden among trees. 那座古老的农舍隐藏在树林中。‎ cotton[5kCtEn] n.[U]棉花,棉布:grow [raise] cotton 种棉花 / Cotton blankets are generally cheapest. 棉毛毯一般最便宜。‎ ‎【说明】cotton clothes 的实际意思是 “布衣”(棉布做的衣服),而不是“棉衣”(内填棉花的保暖衣)。‎ cough[kCf] n. [C]咳嗽 vi.咳,咳嗽:He coughed the whole night. 他咳了一夜。/ Janet had a bad cough all last week. 珍妮特上星期一直咳得很厉害。‎ could[kJd] v. aux. (表能力)可以,(表许可或请求)可以,(表推测)可能:I ran as quickly as I could. 我尽量快跑。/ Could you wait for a few moments? 你能稍等一会儿吗? / Could this be true? 这能是真的吗? / They couldn’t have left so soon. 他们不可能走得这么早。‎ ‎【用法】1.could有时是can的过去式,有时不是。表示能力和允许时,could可用作can的过去式,但通常只表示一般性的能力或允许,除非在否定句中,它通常不表示特定场合下的能力和允许。2.表示可能性或客气地表示请求时,could本身可用于现在:You could be right, but I don’t think you are. 你可能是对的,但我不这样认为。/ Could you tell me how to get to the station? 请问去车站怎么走?3.表示可能性时,can通常只用于否定句和疑问句,而不用于肯定句,但could却不仅可用于否定句和疑问句,也可用于肯定句。4.其后接动词完成式可以表示“可能已经”、“本来可能”、“‎ 本来可以”、“本来应该”、“差点儿”等:She could have forgotten that. 他可能把那事给忘了。/ You could have given her some help. 你本来可以给她些帮助的。‎ count[kaJnt] v.计数,计算,视为:Count these eggs. 请数一下这些鸡蛋。/ She counts him as a friend. 她把他看作朋友。‎ counter[5kaJntE] n.[C]柜台,结账处;计算器,计数机,计数器:She put her shopping bag on the counter. 她将购物袋放在柜台上。‎ country[5kQntrI] n.[C]国家,(连用the)农村:May your country grow prosperous and strong! 祝贵国繁荣富强! / He likes living in the country. 他喜欢住在乡下。‎ couple[5kQpl] n. [C]夫妇,一对;一两个:They are a model couple. 他们是一对模范夫妻。/ He had only been there a couple of times. 那里我只去过一两次。‎ courage[5kQrIdV] n.[U]勇敢,勇气,胆略:This will try your courage. 这对你的勇气将是一个考验。/ I had not the courage to tell him. 我没有勇气告诉他。‎ course[kC:s] n. [C] (常用单)过程,经过;课程;一道菜:Jim is taking special courses in English. 吉姆在学习特别英语课程。/ We had three courses: soup, meat and vegetables, and fruit. 我们有三道菜:汤、肉和蔬菜,还有水果。‎ ‎【短语】in course of 在…过程中,在…时,在进行中 / in [during] the course of 在…期间,在…的过程中 / of course 当然 ‎ courtyard[5kC:tjB:d] n.[C]庭院,院子(=court):These bircks are to pave the courtyard. 这些砖要用来铺院子。‎ cousin[5kQzEn] n. [C]堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹:We are cousins. 我们是表亲。‎ cover[5kQvE] n. [C]封面;套子,盖子 v.覆盖,掩盖;占(时间或空间);行过(路程),通过;够付(费用);看完(多少页书);包括;论及:She covered the table with a cloth. 她用一块布把桌子罩起来。/ He covered 15 miles yesterday. 他昨天走了15英里。/ Will 500 dollars cover the bill? 500美元够付账了吗?‎ cow[kaJ] n. [C]母牛,奶牛:Can you milk a cow? 你会给奶牛挤奶吗?‎ crazy[5kreIzI] adj. 疯狂的;糊涂的;狂热的,着迷的:He was crazy about [over] the girl. 他对那个姑娘十分痴情。/ He was crazy with excitement. 他兴奋得发疯。‎ cream[kri:m] n.[U]奶油,乳脂 [C,U]含奶油的食品adj.奶油色的,淡黄色的:Butter is made from cream. 黄油是用奶油制的。/ Would you like some cream in your coffee? 你的咖啡要加点奶油吗?‎ crop[krCp] n. [C]收成;庄稼:Which crops does he grow? 他种的是什么庄稼?‎ cross[krCs] n.[C]十字形的东西 v.越过,穿过;交叉,错过adj. 脾气不好的,易怒的:Be double careful when you cross the street. 你过街时要加倍小心。/ Why are you cross with me? 你为什么对我生气?‎ ‎【注意】不要与介词across混淆。‎ crossing[5krCsIN] n.[C]十字路口,人行横道;横渡:Turn left at the second crossing. 在第二个十字路口向左拐。‎ crowd[kraJd] n.[C]群,人群 v.拥挤,群聚:I caught sight of him in the crowd. 我在人群中看到了他。/ The room soon became crowded. 房间很快挤满了人。‎ ‎【用法】用作名词时为集合名词,若用作主语,谓语用单数(看作整体时)或复数(考虑其个体成员时)均可:The crowd move(s) on, and no one tries to stop it. 人群向前移动,谁也没试图阻止。‎ cruel[krJEl] adj.残忍的,残酷的:It’s cruel of her to kill the cat.=She was cruel to kill the cat. 她把猫杀了,太残忍了。/ He was cruel to his parents. 他虐待父母。‎ cry[kraI] v.喊叫,哭 n. [C]叫喊,哭声:It is no use crying over spiltmilk. 牛奶打泼,哭也没用(事已如此,后悔也没用)。‎ cup[kQp] n. [C]茶杯,一杯之容;奖杯 v.把…做成杯形:Would you like a cup of tea? 要喝杯茶吗? / Who won the gold cup? 是谁获得了金质奖杯?‎ cupboard[5kQbEd] n.[C]碗柜,橱柜:Our supplies for this month are in the cupboard. 我们这个月的生活用品在橱子里。‎ cure[kjJE] v.& n.治疗,痊愈:The wound cures easily. 这伤容易治好。/ Her cure took six weeks. 治好她的病花了六星期。‎ curious[5kjJErIEs] adj.好奇的,感兴趣的;奇异的,不寻常的:Children are curious about everything. 儿童对什么都感到好奇。‎ curtain[5kE:tEn] n.[C]窗帘,幕(布):The curtain is down. 幕已落下来。/ Please draw the curtain. 请拉开(拉上)窗帘。‎ cushion[5kJFEn] n.[C,U]垫子:The sofa cushion is dirty. 沙发垫脏了。‎ custom[5kQstEm] n.[C,U]习俗,习惯;(个人)习惯;(用复数)关税,海关:Eating hot dogs is an American custom. 吃热狗是美国人的习俗。/ At the airport, the customs officers searched his case. 在机场,海关人员检查了他的箱子。‎ ‎【辨析】custom 与habit:habit指一个人长时间养成的自然“习惯”;custom 有两个意思,一是指一个民族或一个社会在发展过程中长期沿袭下来的礼节、风俗和习惯(此时与habit不同),二是指一个人有规律的行为或习惯(此时等于habit):It’s my custom [habit] to get up early every morning. 每天早起是我的习惯。‎ cut[kQt] v.(cut, cut)& n.切,剪,割,伤口:He cut my hair short. 他把我的头发剪短了。/ First cut the meat into small pieces. 先把肉切成小块。/ Words cut more than swords. 恶语比利剑更伤人。‎ ‎【短语】cut down 砍倒;削减,压缩,缩减 / cut in 插入,插话;插队,超车 / cut off 切断,隔断,断绝 / cut out 剪成,戒掉 D dad[dAd] n.(口语)爸爸,爹爹:Where is Dad? 爸爸在哪里?‎ daily[5deIlI] adj.& adv.每天的(地),日常的(地) n.[C]日报:That’s our daily work. 这是我们的日常工作。/ He wrote to her almost daily. 他几乎每天给她写信。/ I like to read the People’s Daily. 我喜欢看《人民日报》。‎ damage[5dAmIdV] n.[U]损失,损害,损坏;(用复数)赔偿费 vt.损害,损坏:The accident did very little damage to the car. 车祸对车造成的损坏极小。/ The buildings around were badly damaged. 附近的建筑物受到严重损坏。‎ damp[dAmp] adj.潮湿的 n.[U]潮湿 vt.使潮湿:It’s damp and cold. 天气又湿又冷。/ There’s still damp in these clothes. 这些衣服还有点潮。‎ dance[dB:ns] v.& n.跳舞,舞会:Would you like to dance with me? 请你同我跳曲舞好吗? / I love to dance to fast music. 我喜欢跟着节奏快的音乐跳舞。‎ danger[5deIndVE] n. [U]危险 [C]危害,威胁:He is in danger of losing his job if he goes on like this. 他再这样下去会丢掉工作的。‎ ‎【短语】in danger 有危险 / out of danger 脱离危险 ‎【用法】其后可接 of doing sth 作定语,但不接不定式:He didn’t realize the danger of living here. 他没有意识到住在这里的危险。‎ dangerous[5deIndVrEs] adj.危险的:It is dangerous to drive after drinking. 酒后开车危险。/ This lake is dangerous for swimmers. 在这个湖里游泳危险。‎ dare[dZE] v.(用作情态动词或实义动词)敢:I daren’t ask him. 我不敢问他。/ No one dared speak of it. 没人敢谈及此事。/ How dare she do such a thing? 她怎么敢做这样的事? / She dared to walk the tightrope. 她敢走钢丝。‎ ‎【用法】1.用作情态动词,主要用于否定句、疑问句、条件从句及由连接副词或 whether等引起的从句中(一般不用于肯定句中)。2.尽管有过去式,但通常用现在式表示过去或后接完成式:I daren’t have done it yesterday, but I think I dare now. 昨天我没敢这样做,但现在我想我敢。3.用作实义动词,其后通常接带to不定式,但这个to有时可以省略(尤其在否定句或疑问句中):We don’t dare (to) say anything. 我们什么也不敢说。4. I dare say 为习语,其意为“我想”、“很可能”:I dare say he will come. 我想他会来的。‎ dark[dB:k] adj.黑暗的,(头发、皮肤等)黑色的,深色的n. [U]黑暗,暗处,傍晚,黑夜:at (after, before) dark 在天黑时(后,前) / Soon it got dark. 很快天黑了。/ The darkest hour is before the dawn. 最黑暗的时刻过了就是黎明。‎ ‎【短语】in the dark 在黑暗中 / (be) in the dark (about) 对…一无所知,被蒙在鼓里 date[deIt] n. [C]日期,年月日;约会,会晤 v.写日期;回溯:What is the date today? 今天是几号?/ The date’s not fixed yet. 日期尚未确定。/ Don’t forget to date your letters. 别忘了在你的信上写明日期。‎ ‎【短语】be out of date 过时的,不再用的 / to date 到目前为止 / up to date 新式的,适合目前的,载有最新资料的 / date a letter 在信上写明日期 / date back to=date from 从回溯至,从…开始 ‎【用法】表示回溯到过去某时,用date back to或 date from均可,尽管其后接的是过去时间,但用作谓语的date却通常要用一般现在时(且用主动语态),而不用一般过去时,除非所谈论的主体现在已不复存在:The church, which dated back to the 13th century, was destroyed in an earthquake two years ago. 那座教堂是13世纪建成的,两年前在一次地震中被毁了。‎ daughter[5dR:tE] n. [C]女儿:daughters of China 中华女儿 dawn[dR:n] n.[C,U]拂晓,黎明:We must get up at dawn. 我们必须天一亮就起来。/ We work from dawn to dark. 我们起早摸黑地工作。‎ day[deI] n. [C]日,一天 [U,C]白天,昼;(特定)日子,节日:What day is today? 今天星期几? / We work an 8-hour day. 我们一天工作8小时。‎ ‎【短语】by day 日间,在白天 / day and night 日夜不停地,昼夜兼行地 / day after day 日复一日,多日(强调时间长久) / day by day 一天一天地,逐日(强调变化) / one day 有一天(可指过去或将来) / some day 有一天(只指将来) / the other day 几天前,早几天 dead[ded] adj. 死的,无感觉的 n.(连用the)死者 adv.全然地:She shot him dead. 她开枪把他打死。/ I was dead tired. 我累极了。‎ deal[di:l]n.量,数量 v.对付,应付;买卖,经销;关于,有关;对待;分配,分发:He spent a good deal of money on it. 他对此花了不少钱。/ They see each other a great deal. 他们经常见面。/ The money was dealt out fairly and justly. 钱分配的公平合理。‎ ‎【短语】a good [great] deal (of) 许多,大量;经常,非常,…得多 / deal in 做…买卖,出售,经营 / deal out 分配,分给,分发 / deal with 处理,对付,对待;论述;做买卖,有商业关系;与…打交道 ‎【用法】a good [great] deal of 后接的名词通常只能是不可数名词。‎ dear[dIE] adj.亲爱的;昂贵的 interj.哎呀(表焦急,惊奇,伤心等):Dear Madam 亲爱的夫人 / He got rich by buying cheap and selling dear. 他通过贱买贵卖赚钱。‎ death[deW] n.[U,C]死:She was sentenced to death. 她被判处死刑。/ The accident resulted in ten deaths. 这次事故造成10人死亡。‎ December[dI5sembE] n.12月:Christmas Day is the 25th of December. 圣诞节是12月25日。‎ decide[dI5saId] v.下决心,决定:He decided to go abroad.= He decided on going abroad. 他决定出国。‎ ‎【用法】其后可接不定式或on doing sth,但不直接跟动名词。‎ decision[dI5sIVEn] n. [C,U]决定,决心:I hope you’ve made [taken] the right decision. 我希望你作出了正确的决定。‎ ‎【用法】表示做某事的决定,其后接不定式:His decision to become an actor surprised me. 他决定要当演员使我吃了一惊。‎ declare[dI5klZE] vt. 声明,断言;宣布,宣告:They declared themselves for (against) the plan. 他们宣布赞成(反对)这个计划。‎ ‎【说明】类似下面句子中to be可以省略,但不能换用as:They declared John (to be) the winner of the game. 他们宣布约翰是比赛的获胜者。‎ deed[di:d] n. [C]行为,事迹:He always did good deeds. 他总是做好事。‎ deep[di:p] adj.深的,深刻的,深奥的,深厚的adv.深深地,深厚地:My love for you is deeper than the sea. 我对你的爱比海深。/ He was in a deep sleep. 他睡得很沉。‎ ‎【辨析】deep与deeply:1.修饰具体的动作,两者常可互换:breathe deep [deeply] 做深呼吸 2.修饰静止状态一般用deep:He sat there deep in thought. 他坐在那儿深思。3.修饰形容词或过去分词,以及某些带感情色彩的动词(如hate, dislike, love, admire, hurt, regret等),通常要用deeply:He deeply hates fish. 他很不喜欢吃鱼。/ I’m deeply sorry for it. 对此我深表遗憾。4.deep in the night(在深夜)和deep into the night(到深夜)为常用短语,通常用deep。‎ defeat[dI5fi:t] vt. 击败;战胜;使落空,使受挫 n.[C,U]失败,击败:They were defeated in the match. 他们在比赛中输了。/ Lack of money defeated their plan. 资金缺乏使他们的计划失败了。‎ ‎【辨析】defeat, beat与win:defeat通常可与beat 互换,只是前者比后者更正式,它们与 win不同:win 之后通常接表示比赛或战斗方面的名词,而defeat / beat 之后则往往接比赛或战斗的对手:They defeated [beat] the enemy. 他们打败了敌人。/ Who won the game? 比赛谁赢了?‎ defence (美defense )[dI5fens] n.[U]防御,保卫 [C]防御工事:The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。‎ defend[dI5fend] v.防守,保卫;辩护,辩解:Everyone should learn how to defend himself by the lawful means. 每个人都应该学会利用合法的手段保护自己。‎ degree[dI5gri:] n.[C]度数,学位 [C,U]程度:Water freezes at zero degrees Centigrade. 水在摄氏零度结冰。/ He has a doctor’s degree. 他有博士学位。‎ ‎【短语】by degrees 一点一点地,逐渐地 / to a degree 有点 ‎【说明】表示“零度”时,说 zero degrees或zero degree均可,但以复数为多见。‎ delay[dI5leI] n. [C,U]拖延,延误,耽搁 v.拖延,延误,耽搁:Nobody knew the reason for the delay. 没有人知道延误的原因。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动词作宾语时,通常用动名词,很少用不定式:Why have they delayed answering our letter? 他们为什么迟迟不回我们的信? 2.用作名词时,其后可接“in+动名词”,但一般不能接“of+动名词”或不定式:Excuse me for my delay in answering your letter. 迟复为歉。‎ delicious[dI5lIFEs] adj.美味的;有趣的:The meat tastes delicious. 这肉味道真好。/ What a delicious joke! 这个笑话真有趣!‎ delight[dI5laIt] n.[U]快乐 [C]乐事 v.(使)高兴,(使)快乐:To our great delight the day turned out fine. 使我们感到十分高兴的是,天气转晴了。/ Now many people take delight in watching TV. 现在许多人都喜欢看电视。‎ ‎【说明】1.用作名词时,表示抽象的“快乐”,不可数;表示具体的“快乐的事”,则可数。2. delight in doing sth与be delighted to do sth不同,前者表示“喜欢做某事”(指习惯倾向,delight不及物),后者表示“做某事感到很高兴”(多指一时的行为):He delights in listening to music. 他喜欢听音乐。/ I’m really delighted to see you. 见到你我真高兴。‎ deliver[dI5lIvE] vt. 投递,递送,传送:Has the mail been delivered yet? 邮件已经投递了吗? / The boss told me to deliver it to a customer. 老板要我把东西送去给顾客。‎ ‎【说明】习惯上不接双宾语,即不说deliver sb sth,可改为deliver sth to sb。‎ demand [dI5mB:nd] vt. 要求,需要n.[C,U]要求,请求;需要,需求:They are demanding higher wages. 他们要求增加工钱。/ It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 有求必应是不可能的。‎ ‎【短语】in demand 有需求 / on demand 在要求时, 一经请求 ‎ ‎【用法】1.用作动词时,及物,要表示“需求某物”,说 demand sth即可,不说 demand for sth。但是用作名词时,其后可接for:The workers’ demand for higher wages seems reasonable. 工人增加工资的要求是合理的。2.后接that从句时,从句谓语多用“should+动词原形”:I demand that John (should) go there at once. 我要求约翰马上去那儿。3.一般不接不定式的复合结构,即不用于demand sb to do sth,遇此情况可改用从句或在sb之前加介词of:He demanded of us to tell him everything.=He demanded that we (should) tell him everything. 他要求我们把一切都告诉他。‎ department[dI5pB:tmEnt] n.[C](政府机构的)部,司,局,科;(企业等机构的)部,司,局,科;(校或学术机构等的)系,室,所:the State Department 国务院 / the business department 营业科 / department store 百货商场,百货公司 / English department 英语系 / the Lost and Found Department 失物招领处 depend[dI5pend] vi.依靠,依赖,指望,取决于:It (all) depends.=That depends. 那要看情况。/ We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻。‎ ‎【用法】1.不及物,后接宾语时需借助介词on或upon,但在It (all) depends (up)on+从句中,介词(up)on有时可省略:It all depends how you do it. 那要看你怎么办。2.要表示“依赖某人做某事”,英语不用depend sb to do sth(因为depend不及物),可用depend (up)on sb to do [doing] sth:We all depend on you to come tomorrow.=We all depend on you [your] coming tomorrow. 我们都指望你明天来。‎ depth[depW] n. [U,C]深,深度,深奥:What is the depth of the lake? 那湖有多深?/ Nobody knew the depth of her love for him. 谁也不知道她对他的爱有多深。‎ describe[dI5skraIb] vt.描写,描述;作图,画;叫做,称做:He described going downstairs and finding his mother lying on the floor. 他讲述了他走下楼发现他母亲躺在地板上的情景。/ He described himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。‎ ‎【用法】不能接双宾语,若语义需要,要用介词to或for来引出间接宾语:Could you describe what you saw to [for] me? 请你将你所见到的情况描述给我听听好吗? ‎ description[dI5skrIpFEn] n. [C,U]描述,描写,形容:He gave a description of what he had seen.他对看到的情况作了描述。‎ desert1[5dezEt] n. [C,U]沙漠:the Sahara‎ ‎Desert 撒哈拉沙漠 desert2[dI5zE:t] vt.舍弃,遗弃:She was deserted by her husband. 她被丈夫抛弃了。/ They deserted the farm for the city. 他们离开农场迁往城市。‎ design[dI5zaIn] v.设计,绘制;计划,策划 [C,U]设计,图样;谋划,企图:The dictionary is designed for foreign students. 这本词典是供外国学生用的。/ The book is designed to improve the students’ spoken English. 编写这本书的目的是为提高学生的英语口语。‎ ‎【短语】by design 故意地,蓄意地 desire[dI5zaIE] vt.期望,要求,请求 n.[U,C]意欲,愿望,要求:He desires to live in the country. 他希望住在乡下。/ He desires her to marry him. 他希望她能嫁给他。/ He has a strong desire for success [to succeed]. 他渴望成功。‎ ‎【用法】后接that从句时,谓语通常用should+动词原形:He desires you to come at once.=He desires that you (should) come at once. 他要你马上来。‎ desk[desk] n.[C]书桌;服务台:Ask at the information desk. 到问讯处询问。‎ destroy[dIs5trRI] vt.毁坏,毁灭:The town was destroyed by the earthquake. 整座城镇被地震毁灭了。/ The heavy rain destroyed all hope of a picnic. 大雨打破了野餐的一切希望。‎ determine[dI5tE:mIn] v.决定,决心:She determined to work harder. 她决定更加努力工作。/ We determined on an early start. 我们决定早点出发。‎ ‎【用法】其后可接不定式或on doing sth,但不直接跟动名词:He determined on living [to live] alone. 他决定一个人生活。‎ develop[dI5velEp] v.发展,成长;培养,发扬;开发;养成;患(病);冲洗(照片):Swimming develops the muscles. 游泳能使肌肉发达。/ I developed an interest in the machine. 我对这机器发生了兴趣。‎ ‎【辨析】developing与developed:前者指“发展中的”,后者指“发达的”。‎ devote[dI5vEJt] vt.把…奉献(给),致力于;把…专用于:He devoted himself to writing.他专心写作。/ She devoted herself to helping the poor. 她献身于帮助穷人。‎ ‎【用法】在devote oneself to(献身于,致力于),be devoted to(献身于,专用于)等结构中,to是介词,后接动词时要用动名词。‎ dialog(ue)[5daIlCg] n.[U,C]对话;意见交换:be written in dialogue用对话写 / have (a) reasonable dialogue between the two governments两国政府进行理性地对话 diamond[5daIEmEnd] n.[U,C]钻石,金刚石:diamond necklace 钻石项链 diary[5daIErI] n.[C]日记,记事簿:keep a diary 记日记 dictation[dIk5teIFEn] n. [C,U]听写:We’ll have dictation today. 我们今天要听写了。/ Hand in your dictations, please. 请把你们的听写交来。‎ ‎【用法】表示听写这一行为或过程,不可数;表示听写的内容或材料,可数。‎ dictionary[5dIkFEnErI] n.[C]词典,字典:an English-Chinese dictionary 英汉词典 / He is a walking dictionary. 他是一个活字典。‎ ‎【说明】汉语说“查字典”,英语一般用look up a word in the dictionary。‎ die[daI] v.死;渴望:He died from a heart attack. 他死于心脏病发作。/ Her grandfather died of cancer. 他祖父死于癌症。‎ ‎【短语】die from 死于,因…而死 / die of 死于,因…而死 / die away (声音、风、光线等)渐息,渐弱 / die down (慢慢)熄灭,平静下来 ‎ ‎【辨析】die from 与 die of:有人认为若死因存在于人体之上或之内,一般用介词 of;若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的,则一般用介词 from。但在现代英语中两者常可混用。‎ difference[5dIfErEns] n.[C,U]不同,差别:What’s the difference between the two words? 这两个词有什么不同? / It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not. 他去不去对我没影响。‎ different[5dIfrEnt] adj.不同的,差异的:American cars are different from [to,than] ours. 美国造的汽车和我们的不一样。‎ ‎【说明】表示“与…不同”,在英国英语中通常用 to,在美国英语中通常用than,但两者均不如用 from 普遍。‎ difficult[5dIfIkElt] adj.困难的,艰难的:It’s difficult to please everybody. 很难使每个人满意。/ Please don’t be so difficult. 别那么别扭。‎ ‎【用法】表示做某事有困难,通常用It is difficult to do sth,这类句型的主语通常是it,不能是具体的人或事物,除非这个人或物与其后的不定式有动宾关系(且这个不定式必须用主动式表示被动意义):English is difficult to learn. 英语难学。/ He is difficult to work with. 他不好共事。但不能说He is difficult to learn English. ‎ difficulty[5dIfIkEltI]n.[U,C]困难,费力;难事,难题:Tell me in case you get into difficulty. 遇到困难请告诉我。/ This question is full of difficulties. 这个问题困难很多。‎ ‎【用法】表示做某事有困难,其后通常接in doing sth,不接to do sth:He has [finds] little difficulty learning English. 他觉得学习英语没什么困难。‎ dig[dIg](dug, dug) v.挖,掘:He is digging in his garden. 他正在花园里挖地。‎ dinner[5dInE] n.[C,U]正餐,宴会:We’ll have fish for dinner. 我们晚餐吃鱼。/ Dinner will be ready soon. 晚饭马上就好了。‎ dining-room[5daInINrJm] n.[C]食堂,餐室 direct[dI5rekt] adj. 直接的,直达的;直截了当的adv.径直地,直接地vt.指挥,指导;指挥(演奏),导演(电影);指点,指方向:You can take the most direct road. 你可以走最近的路。/ We shall fly direct to Paris. 我们将径直飞往巴黎。/ Can you direct me to the post office? 请你告诉我去邮局怎么走好吗?‎ direction[dI5rekFEn] n.[C,U]方向,方位 [U]指导,指挥 (用复数)说明书,指引:We’re going in the direction of the east (the park). 我们将朝东(公园这个方向)走。/ We did the work under his direction. 我们在他的指导下工作。/ Full directions inside. 内附详细说明书。‎ ‎【用法】表示朝某一方向,其前用介词in;表示在某人的指导下,其前用介词under;表示“说明书”,要用复数。‎ director[dI5rektE] n. [C]管理者,处长,局长,主任;董事;导演:I hate troubling the director. 我不想去麻烦局长。‎ dirt[dE:t] n.[U]污物,灰尘:There is some dirt on the desk. 桌上有灰尘。‎ dirty[5dE:tI] adj.脏的,下流的 v.弄脏:She has a mountain of dirty clothes to wash. 她有一大堆脏衣服要洗。‎ disappoint[7dIsE5pCInt] vt.使失望:I was disappointed at [with, in] the result. 我对那结果感到失望。/ I was disappointed at not finding her at home. 我发现她不在家,感到很失望。/ I was disappointed not to be chosen. 我未被选中,感到很失望。‎ discover[dI5skQvE] vt. 发现:Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。/ I discovered him kissing my wife. 我撞见他在吻我的妻子。‎ discovery[dI5skQvErI] n.[C,U]发现;被发现的事物:Columbus’ discovery of America occurred in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现美洲。‎ discuss[dIs5kQs] v.讨论,商议:I want to discuss your work with you. 我想和你一起讨论你的工作。/ They discussed selling the house. 他们商量过卖房子的事。‎ ‎【用法】1.及物动词,后接宾语时不要按汉语意思在其后误加介词about。2.后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不用不定式(除非其前有疑问词):We discussed how to do it. 我们讨论了该如何做此事。3.其后可接whether引导的宾语从句,不用if引导的宾语从句:We discussed whether we should close the shop. 我们讨论了是否应该把店关掉。‎ discussion[dIs5kQFEn] n.[C,U]讨论,议论:class discussion 课堂讨论 / The incident caused much discussion among the public. 这件事在公众中议论纷纷。‎ disease[dI5zi:z] n. [C,U]病,疾病:Disease is an enemy of mankind. 疾病是人类的敌人。/ Some skin diseases are difficult to treat. 有些皮肤病很难治。‎ dish[dIF] n. [C]盘,碟,盘形物;一道菜:He cleared away the dishes. 他收拾了餐具。/ There are only two meat dishes on the menu. 菜单上只有两类肉类菜。‎ distance[5dIstEns] n.[C,U]距离,远处:Considering the distance, he arrived very quickly. 考虑到路程,他到达是很快的。‎ ‎【短语】at a (some) distance 在一定距离的地方,隔开一些距离,有些距离 / at [from] a distance of 在…的地方 / from a distance 从远处(方) / in the distance 在远处,在远方 distant[5dIstEnt] adj. 远的,遥远的:The moon is distant from the earth. 月亮离地球很远。‎ ‎【辨析】distant与far:distant 可以与数字连用,但far不能。另外,在没有数字的情况下,除非指相当远的距离,否则一般不用distant 而用far。‎ district[5dIstrIkt] n. [C]区,地区,区域:She doesn’t live in this district. 她不住在这个区。/ a shopping district 商业区 disturb[dI5stE:b] vt.打扰;弄乱:I won’t disturb you again unless I have to. 除非必要我不会再打扰你了。/ Wind disturbed the water. 风吹皱水面。‎ dive[daIv] vi.& n.跳水,潜水,俯冲:He dived into the river to save a drowning child. 他跳入河中救一个快溺死的小孩。‎ divide[dI5vaId] vt.分,划分,分裂,(数学上)除:Let’s divide ourselves into several groups. 我们分成几个小组吧。/ Eight divided by four is two. 8除以4等于2。‎ do1[du:,dE](did, done) v.做,干,办,为;有益,产生效果;尽(力);处理,收拾,洗刷,整理;(对)适合,行,可以:What do you do? 你做什么工作?/ When in Rome do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。/ Any book will do. 什么书都可以。/ Will you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗?‎ do2[du:,dE](用于构成主要动词的否定式或疑问式、代替重复出现的主要动词或谓语部分、构成倒装句等):Do you know why he was late? 你知道他为什么迟到吗?/ He likes French, and so do I.‎ 他喜欢法语,我也喜欢。‎ doctor[5dRktE] n.[C]医生,博士:He’s seeing the doctor now. 他现在在看医生。‎ dog[dRg] n.[C]狗:keep a dog 养狗 / a lucky dog 幸运儿 dollar[5dRlE] n. [C]元(美、加等国的货币单位,符号为$):Hong Kong dollar 港币 door[dC:] n. [C]门,(一)家:Tom took ages to answer the door. 汤姆耽搁了很久才开门。/ He sells his products (from) door to door. 他挨家挨户推销他的产品。‎ double[5dQbl] adj.双的,两个的;双人的;双重的,两用的 adv.双倍地;两人一道地 n.[U]两倍(的数或量),加倍;两倍之物,酷似的人或物;(用复数)双打v.(使)加倍,(使)翻番:We need a double bed. 我们需要一张双人床。/ We cannot pay double this amount. 我们不能付双倍的数目。/ Eight is the double of four. 8是4的两倍。/ Be double careful when you cross the street. 过街时要加倍小心。/ Sales doubled this year. 今年销售额增加了一倍。‎ doubt[daJt] n. [C,U]怀疑 v.怀疑,疑惑:There’s no doubt that he will come. 他肯定会来。We have no doubt about [of] his honesty. 我们相信他是诚实的。/ I doubt whether [if] it’s true. 我怀疑此事是否真实。/ I don’t doubt that he will win. 我不怀疑他会赢。‎ ‎【用法】在肯定句中,后接whether或if引导的从句;在否定句中,后接that引导的从句。有时肯定式也用that引导宾语从句,此时that含有类似whether或if的意思:I doubt that [=if / whether] he’s coming. 我怀疑他是否会来。‎ down[daJn] prep. 往(在)…的下方,沿着…往下(往远处) adv.向下;减少,减缓:The sun is down. 太阳落山了。/ He fell down the stairs. 他从楼梯上摔下来。‎ downstairs[daJn5stZEz] adv.在(到)楼下 adj.楼下的:Is anyone downstairs yet? 已经有人下楼来了吗?‎ ‎【用法】用作形容词时,只用于名词前作定语;用作副词时,可用于名词后作定语:the downstairs rooms=the rooms downstairs 楼下的房间 downtown[daJn5taJn] adj. 城市商业区的,闹市区的 adv.往(在)城市的商业区(或闹市区) n.城市的商业区,闹市区:Let’s go downtown. 我们去市商业区吧。‎ dozen[5dQzEn] n.[C]一打(十二个):I’ve been there dozens of times. 我去那儿去过几十次了。/ The eggs are sold by the dozen. 鸡蛋按打出售。/ Pack them in dozens. 按打装袋吧。‎ ‎【用法】1.与具体数字连用时,复数不加词尾-s,后接名词时通常也不用介词of(除非其后的名词带有限定词):three dozen eggs 三打鸡蛋 / three dozen of these eggs 三打这种鸡蛋 2.与 a few, several, many等数目不很具体的词连用时,其复数带不带复数词尾-s均可,但是注意:若不带复数词-s,其后的介词of可以省略;若带复数词尾-s,则其后介词of不宜省略:several dozen (of) pencils= several dozens of pencils 几打铅笔 draw[drR:] v.(drew, drawn)画,绘制;拖,拉,牵,抽出:We must draw a line between right and wrong. 我们必须分清是非。/ The accident drew a large crowd. 事故引来了一群人。‎ drawer[drC:r] n.[C]抽屉:Please shut the drawer. 请关上抽屉。‎ drawing[5drC:IN] n. [C,U]图画,素描(画);绘画,制图:He has great skill in drawing. 他画画很有技巧。‎ dream[dri:m] n.[C]梦;梦想 v. (dreamt, dreamt / -ed, -ed )做梦,梦见;梦想:Her dream came true. 她的梦想实现了。/ She dreamed that she could fly. 她梦见她会飞。‎ ‎【用法】表示梦想做某事,其后不接不定式,而接of doing sth。注意此用法的否定式:Little did I dream of succeeding so well. 我做梦也没想到会这样成功。‎ dress[dres] n. [C]女服,(统指)衣服,(尤指外衣)童装 v.给…穿衣;穿衣,穿着:She is dressed very well. 她穿得很漂亮。/ She was dressed in green. 她穿着绿衣服。‎ drill[drIl] n. [C]钻头 [C,U](反复的)训练,演习v.钻(孔),在…上钻孔;(反复)训练:He drilled a hole in the wall. 他在墙上钻了个洞。‎ drink[drINk] v.(drank, drunk)喝饮(酒) n. [U,C]饮料;喝酒;酒:Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?/ Bring me two drinks. 给我来两杯饮料。‎ drive[draIv]v.(drove, driven)驾驶,开(车);驱赶,迫使:It’s the first time she has driven a car. 这是她第一次开车。/ It is a short drive to the village. 开车到那个村庄只要很短时间。/ The pain nearly drove him mad. 疼痛几乎使他发疯了。‎ drop[drCp] n. [C]滴,一滴v.丢下,掉下;投递,放弃;变低,变少:Please drop me off here. 请让我在这里下车。‎ ‎【用法】drop in 意为“探望”、“拜访”,若指拜访某人,则用 drop in on sb;若指到某地拜访,则用drop in at a place ‎ ‎【辨析】drop 与fall:表示从高处往下掉或降,两者有时可互换:An apple dropped [fell] from the tree. 从树上掉下一个苹果。但是,fall 表示“落下”,多指无意识的行为,有自然坠落之意,且通常是不及物动词;drop 既可指无意的行为,即表示“落下”(不及物),也可指有意的行为,即表示“投下”(及物),如下例就不宜用fall:He dropped the letter into the mail-box. 他把信投入信箱。‎ drown[draJn] v.淹死,溺死;沉溺于,埋头于:He was nearly drowned in the river. 他差点在河里被淹死。/ He drowned himself in work. 他埋头工作。‎ ‎【用法】在现代英语中主要用作及物动词,表示被淹死时,多用被动语态。‎ drug[drQg] n.[C,U]药,药物;毒品:I need some pain-killing drugs. 我需要一些止痛药。/ Drug taking is against the law. 吸毒是违法的。‎ dry[draI] v.擦干,弄干,变干 adj. 干的,干燥的;干涸的:Keep it dry. 把它保持干燥。/ You don’t have to dry-clean it. 你不必干洗它。‎ duck[dQk] n.[C]鸭子 [U]鸭肉:It’s a wild duck. 那是只野鸭。‎ due[dju:] adj.到期的,应付(给)的,到期应付的;预定的,约定的;适当的,合适的,应得的:Respect is due to older people. 年长者应受到尊重。/ I’m due for an increase in pay soon. 我不久就要加薪了。/ We are due to leave tomorrow. 我们定于明天动身。‎ ‎【说明】due to 意为“由于”,按传统语法,它只用于引出表语,但在现代英语中引出状语的情况也比较普遍:His illness is due to bad food. 他生病是由于吃了不好的食物。/ He arrived late due to the storm. 他因风暴而迟到。‎ dull[dQl] adj.阴暗的;单调无味;呆笨的;(刀等)钝的:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (谚)只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。‎ during[5djJErIN] prep.在…期间,在…时候:Don’t speak during the meal. 吃饭时别说话。/ Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour. 高峰时间交通十分繁忙。‎ ‎【注意】是介词不是连词,所以不用于引导句子。‎ dust[dQst] n. [U]灰尘,尘土v.打扫灰尘;擦拭灰土:His clothes were covered with dust. 他衣服上全是灰尘。‎ dusty[5dQstI] adj.尘土一般的,灰尘弥漫的:a dusty road 一条满是尘土的路 duty[5dju:tI] n. [U,C]责任,义务;职责,工作:Do not forget your duty to your parents. 不要忘记对父母应尽的责任。‎ E each[i:tF] adj.& pron.每人,每个,每件,各个:They each had a bedroom. 他们每人有一间卧室。/ Each boy gets a prize. 每个男孩得了一份奖。‎ ‎【短语】each other 互相,相互 ‎【辨析】each与every:1.两者都可用来概括全体,但强调重点不同:every侧重整体(与all接近),each侧重个体。2.each既可用作形容词也可用作代词,而every只能用作形容词,即其后必须修饰名词。3.each指两者或两者以上的“每个”,every指三者或三者以上的“每个”,因此指两者时只能用 each:There are trees on each side of the river. 河的两边都有树。4.every可受almost, nearly等副词的修饰,但each不能。‎ eager[5i:gE] adj.渴望的,急切的:She is eager to succeed [for success]. 她渴望成功。/ with an eager expression 带着殷切的表情 ‎ ear[IE] n.[C]耳朵 (常用单)听力,听觉;会欣赏:Elephants have big ears. 象的耳朵很大。/ She has a good ear for music. 她很会欣赏音乐。‎ early[5E:lI] adv.& adj.早的(地);初期(的):He usually wakes early. 他平常醒得很早。/ We hope for an early answer to our letter. 盼早日赐复。‎ earn[E:n] vt.赚得;挣得;博得;赢:She earns a high salary. 她挣高工资。/ His honesty earned him great respect. 他的诚实使它得到了极大的尊重。‎ earth[E:W] n.地球;土地;泥:The earth goes round the sun once a year. 地球一年绕太阳一周。‎ ‎【短语】on earth究竟;在地球(世界)上;人世间(与最高级连用,以加强语气);一点(也不),全然(用于否定句);究竟,到底(用于疑问词后)‎ east[i:st] n.东,东方 adj.东方的:China is in East Asia. 中国位于东亚。/ The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。 ‎ eastern[5i:stEn] adj.东方的;东部的:an eastern wind 东风 ‎ easy[5i:zI] adj.容易的,不费力的:It is not easy to break off a bad habit. 要改掉一个坏习惯不容易。/ He has had an easy life. 他一直过着舒适安逸的生活。‎ ‎【说明】1.除用作形容词外,有时用作副词,主要用于某些习语:Take it easy. 不要紧张。/ Easy come, easy go. 来得容易,去得快。/ Easier said than done. 说说容易做起来难。/ Stand easy. 稍息。2.表示做某事很容易,通常用It is easy to do sth:It’s easy (for me) to answer the question. 要(我)回答这个问题是容易的。这类句型的主语通常是it,不能是具体的人或事物,除非这个人或物与其后的不定式有动宾关系(且这个不定式必须用主动式表示被动意义):English is easy to learn. 英语易学。/ He is easy to work with. 他容易相处。但不能说He is easy to learn English.‎ eat[i:t] v.(ate, eaten)吃:It is healthy to eat fruit. 吃水果对身体有好处。‎ ‎【短语】eat up 吃完,消灭 / eat out 在外面吃,下馆子 edge[edV] n. [C]边;边缘;刃,刀口:The edge of the plate was blue. 这盘子的边是蓝色的。/ The knife has a very sharp edge. 这把小刀的刀刃很锋利。‎ education[7edjJ(:)5keIFEn] n.教育;培养:A good education is a necessary tool for succeeding. 良好的教育是成功的必要手段。/ moral (intellectual, physical, art) education 德(智,体,美)育 ‎【用法】通常不可数,但有时可与不定冠词连用(尤其是有定语修饰时), 表示一段教育或一种教育。‎ effect[I5fekt]n. [C,U]效果,影响,作用:The medicine quickly took effect. 药很快见效了。/ The book had quite an effect on her. 这书对她影响极大。‎ ‎【短语】bring [carry, put] sth into effect 使某事物开始实施 / come [go] into effect 开始生效 / in effect 有效,实际上 / (be) of no effect 无效,无益,不中用 ‎【辨析】effect 与 affect:两者均表示“影响”,前者为名词,后者为动词:The news did not affect her at all.=The news had no effect on her at all. 这条消息对她没有一点影响。(effect有时也用作动词,但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”)‎ effort[5efEt] n.努力,尽力:It requires pains taking efforts to master a language. 学习语言要下苦功。‎ ‎【用法】1.表示一次一次具体的努力,可数;表示泛指一般性的努力,不可数。2.表示努力做某事,其后通常接不定式,有时也用“at+动名词”:His efforts to find [at finding] his daughter failed. 他设法要找到他女儿的努力失败了。3.注意两个常用搭配make efforts to do sth(尽力做某事)和take [require] effort(s) (需要力气,付出努力):The wounded soldier made efforts to stand up. 这位受伤的士兵用力想站起来。/ It requires a great effort of will to give up smoking. 戒烟需要坚强的毅力。‎ egg[eg] n. [C,U]蛋,卵:I bought three dozen eggs. 我买了3打鸡蛋。/ The little boy had egg all over his face. 这小男孩弄得满脸是鸡蛋。‎ ‎【说明】表示一个一个的鸡蛋,可数;若指打破后当作食物的鸡蛋,则不可数。‎ eight[eIt] num.八:We work an eight-hour day. 我们实行8小时工作日。‎ either[5aITE] adv.也(不)(用于否定句或否定短语后加强语气)adj.(两者中)任何一个的prop.两者之一;任何一方 conj.或者,要么:If you don’t go, I won’t either. 如果你不去,我也不去。/ I will take either. 两者中我随便拿哪个都行。/ We can either fly there or go by train. 我们可以坐飞机去也可坐火车去。‎ ‎【说明】1.表示“也”,只用于肯定句中,在肯定句或疑问句中表示“也”用too或also。2.只表示两者中的任意一个,不表示三者中的任何一个(此时要用any):either of the two, either of your parents, any of the three, any of them。‎ elder[5eldE] n.长者;前辈 adj.较…年长:elder brother (sister) 哥哥(姐姐)‎ electric[I5lektrIk] adj.电的,用电的,发电的:an electric lamp 电灯 / She smoothed her dress with an electric iron. 她用电熨斗烫平衣服。‎ electricity[Ilek5trIsItI] n.[U]电,电气:electricity bills 电费单 / The machine is driven by electricity. 这机器用电力驱动。‎ elephant[5elIfEnt] n.[C]象:The elephant is the largest land animal. 大象是最大的陆生动物。‎ eleven[I5levEn] num.十一:Lunch is from eleven to one. 午饭从11点供应到1点。‎ else[els] adv.别的,其他的:Hurry up or else you’ll be late. 赶快,否则你就会迟到了。/ You know him better than anyone else. 你对他比任何人都更了解。‎ ‎【短语】or else 否则;要不然 / nothing else than 只不过,仅有 ‎【用法】常用在疑问代词或不定代词之后,但不用在which后。‎ employ[Im5plRI] vt.雇用,使用:He’s employed in a bank. 他(受雇)在银行任职。/ We employed him as an adviser. 我们聘请他当顾问。/ He employed himself in writing. 他忙于写作。/ They employed her to look after the baby. 他们请她照看婴儿。/ He employed a hammer to drive a nail. 他用锤子钉钉子。‎ empty[5emptI] adj.空的 vt.倒空:The streets were empty of traffic at night. 夜间街上没有车辆。/ They emptied the bottle. 他们把瓶子一倒而空。‎ encourage[In5kQrIdV] vt.鼓励:They encouraged her to try. 他们鼓励她试试。‎ end[end] n. [C]结束;末梢;尽头,终点v.结束;终止;完结:A period signals the end of a sentence. 句号表示一个句子结束了。/ The party did not end until midnight. 晚会到半夜才结束。‎ ‎【短语】at the end of 在…末稍;在…尽头/ by the end of 在…结束时,到…末为止(完成时) / in the end 最后;终于/ end up 结束,告终 / come [draw] to an end 结束,完结 / put an end to sth 结束某事 endless[5endlIs] adj.没完的,无止境的:He has given me endless love all his life. 他一辈子给了我无尽的爱。‎ enemy[5enImI] n.敌人,敌军:The enemy has suffered heavy losses. 敌人受到重大损失。/ The enemy are in flight. 敌军正在逃窜。‎ ‎【用法】视为整体时,作单数看待;考虑其所包含的成员时,作复数看待。‎ energy[5enEdVI] n.精力,干劲:The child is full of energy. 那孩子精力充沛。/ They devoted all their energies to the job. 他们把自己的全部精力投入这项工作。‎ ‎【用法】泛指一般意义的“精力”,不可数;具体指某人做事的“精力”,用复数。‎ engineer[7endVI5nIE] n.[C]工程师;技师:an assistant engineer助理工程师 / a chief engineer 总工程师 / He is an electrical engineer. 他是个电气工程师。‎ England[5INglEnd] n.英格兰;(泛指)英国:The Queen of England lives in Buckingham‎ ‎Palace. 英国女王住在白金汉宫。‎ English[5INglIF] n.英国人;英语 adj.英国的,英国人的,英语的:How do you say this in English? 这在英语中怎么说? ‎ ‎【用法】与定冠词连用,表示全体英国人,表复数意义:The English are famous for liking tea. 英国人以喜欢喝茶出名。‎ Englishman[5INglIFmEn] n.(pl. Englishmen)英国人,英国男人:He speaks English like an Englishman. 他说英语有点像英国人。‎ enjoy[In5dVRI] v.喜欢,享受…的乐趣,欣赏:He enjoyed himself in the vacation. 他假期过得很愉快。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动词时,只能用动名词形式,不能用不定式。2.其后紧跟when从句时,应先接it:She didn’t enjoy it when her husband kissed her in public. 她不喜欢她丈夫在公众场合吻她。(其中的it不能省)‎ enough[I5nQf] adj.& adv.足够的(地),充分的(地) n.足够,充足:Is the river deep enough to swim in? 在这条河里游泳水够深吗?‎ ‎【用法】1. 用作形容词时,通常放在被修饰名词之前,但在正式文体中也可放被修饰名词后:We have enough time [time enough]. 我们有足够的时间。2.用作副词时,只能放在被修饰词语之后,如可说big enough,但不能说enough big。3.不要误解以下结构的意思cannot...enough(不可能足够):You cannot be careful enough. 你越仔细越好。‎ enter[5entE] v.进入,参加,使加入:He knocked at the door and entered. 他敲了敲门便走进去了。/ Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。‎ ‎【用法】表示进入某一具体场所、机构、建筑物等,是及物动词,其后一般不接介词into。若是表示开始进入或从事某一状态或活动,或用于较抽象的概念,则可后接into:I can enter into your feelings at the loss of your son. 我理解你失去儿子后的心情。‎ entire[In5taIE] adj.全部的,整个的,完善的,完全的:The entire class will go there. 全班都会去那儿。‎ entrance[5entrEns] n.[C]入口 [U]进入:Entrance to the college is by examination. 进入大学要经过考试。‎ ‎【用法】表示“…的入口”,其后通常接 to,有时也接of。‎ envelope[5envIlEJp] n. [C]信封:He tore the envelope open. 他将信封撕开。‎ envy[5envI] vt.‎& n.羡慕;忌妒:She said it out of envy. 她出于嫉妒说了这话。/ We quite envy you (for) your success. 我们十分羡慕你的成功。‎ equal[5i:kwEl] adj.同等的,平等的;胜任的 v.(使)等于:Mary is equal to Bill in brains. 玛丽与比尔头脑一样聪明。/ I’m not equal to the position. 我不能胜任这项工作。/ None of us can equal her in beauty. 我们没有哪个人有她那样美。‎ ‎【说明】1.be equal to(等于,能胜任,能应付)中的to是介词,后接动词时要用动名词:This is equal to saying that he’s a cheat. 这就等于说他是个骗子。2.用作动词时,及物,不要受形容词用法的影响,在其后误加介词to。‎ equipment[I5kwIpmEnt] n.[U]设备:Recently we bought some new office equipment. 最近我们买了些新的办公设备。‎ escape[Is5keIp] n.& vi.逃脱,逃跑,漏出:I hate him but I can’t escape meeting him. 我讨厌他,但又不得不见他。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动词要用动名词,不能用不定式。2.表示从某场所逃走或从管制或监禁中逃走等,均不及物,应连用介词from;表示逃避或躲避某种不愉快的事(如危险,处罚等),及物,其后无需用介词。比较:He escaped prison. 他躲避了监禁。(逃避不愉快的事) / He escaped from prison. 他越狱了。(从管制或监禁中逃走)‎ especially[Is5peFElI] adv.特别,尤其:You should be especially careful. 你应该特别小心。/ I like the country especially in spring. 我喜欢乡村, 尤其在春天。‎ Europe[5jJErEp] n.欧洲:He has traveled through Europe. 他已游遍欧洲。‎ European[7jJErE5pI(:)En] n. [C]欧洲人adj.欧洲的:Many European countries are developed industrial nations. 许多欧洲国家是发达的工业国。‎ eve [i:v] n. 黄昏,前夕:New Year’s Eve除夕 / Christmas eve 圣诞节前夕 even[5i:vEn] adv.甚至;即使;连(…都),更:Even now it is not too late. 就是现在也不太迟。/ It’s even colder than yesterday. 今天比昨天更冷。‎ ‎【短语】even if=though 即使,虽然 / even as 恰恰在…的时候 / even if [even though] 即使,尽管 ‎【说明】是副词,不是连词,不要用它代替even if或even though(即使)引导让步状语从句,如“即使下雨我们也要去”,不能译为 We’ll go even it rains.(应在even后加上if或though)‎ evening[5i:vnIN] n. [C,U]傍晚,晚上;晚会:An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. (谚)一日之计在于晨。‎ event[I5vent] v.[C]事件,大事;(比赛的)项目:What were the chief events of last year? 去年主要的大事有哪些?‎ ‎【短语】at all events 无论如何,不论怎样 / in any event 不管怎样 / in that event 如果那样,如果发生那样的情况 ever[5evE] adv.(常用于疑问句、否定句、比较句和if从句)曾经;无论何时:Had you ever seen her before that? 那以前你见过她吗? / That’s the most interesting book I’ve ever read. 这是我看过的最有意思的书。‎ ‎【短语】as ever 依旧,仍然 / for ever 永远 / than ever 比以前,比过去 every[5evrI] adj.每;每隔;每…中的:We watch TV every evening. 我们每晚都看电视。/ She had every reason for thinking so. 她有一切理由这样想。‎ ‎【用法】1. 用于否定句,构成部分否定,意为“并不是每个都”:Not every child likes it. 并不是每个小孩都喜欢它。2. every time(每次)除用作副词外,还可用作连词:Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble. 每次我听你的意见都惹了麻烦。‎ ‎【辨析】every与each 的区别,见each。‎ everyone[5evrIwQn] / everybody[5evrIbRdI] pron.每人,人人:She is respected by everyone. 她受到大家的尊重。/ Everybody has some weak spots. 人人都有弱点。‎ ‎【用法】1.用作主语时,谓语用单数。2.用于否定句,构成部分否定:Not everyone can do it. 这事并非人人会做。3.其后通常不接of短语,遇此情况可用 every one,如不说 everyone of us,可说every one of us。4.其后相应的人称代词和物主代词可用单数(正式文体)和复数(非正式文体):Everyone knows this, doesn’t he [don’t they]? 人人都知道这一点,不是吗? 5.受形容词修饰时,形容词应置于其后。‎ everything[5evrIWIN] pron.每件事,每样东西;一切:How is everything going? 情况如何?(一切都好吗?)‎ ‎【用法】1.用作主语时,谓语用单数。2.用于否定句,构成部分否定:Money isn’t everything. 金钱并非万能。3.受形容词修饰时,形容词应置于其后:I’ll do everything possible to help you. 我将尽一切可能帮助你。‎ everywhere[5evrIwZE] adv.到处;无论哪里:There were bicycles everywhere. 到处是自行车。‎ ‎【用法】有时具有连词性质,用于引出状语从句(与 wherever 用法相似):Everywhere I go, I find the same thing. 不管我到哪里,我都遇到同样的情况。‎ exact[Ig5zAkt] adj.确切的,准确的;严谨的;精密的:Do you know the exact meaning of the word? 你知道这个词的准确含义吗?‎ examination / exam[Ig7zAmI5neIFEn] / [5Ig5zAm] n.[C,U]检查;考试:Did he pass the maths examination? 他的数学考试及格了吗? / He made an examination of the room. 他检查了房间。‎ ‎【短语】on examination 经过调查(查看)后 / under examination 在检查中,在审查中 ‎ ‎【说明】表示“参加考试”,通常不用 take part in an examination,而用 take an examination。比较:sit for an examination参加考试 / enter for an examination 报名参加考试,报考 examine[Ig5zAmIn] vt.检查;询问,诊察:They examined all baggage at the airport. 他们在机场检查了所有行李。/ The doctor examined her carefully. 医生给她作了仔细的检查。‎ example[Ig5zB:mpl] n. [C]例子,榜样,实例:See the examples given above. 见上述例子。/ You should set him an example.=You should set an example to him. 你应该给他树立一个榜样。‎ ‎【短语】for example 例如:A lot of us want to leave now—Bill, for example [=for example, Bill]. 我们很多人现在都想走,比如,比尔就是一例。‎ ‎【用法】表示“学习…的榜样”,可用动词follow或copy,即用follow [copy] the example of,但不用动词learn或study。‎ excellent[5ekslEnt] adj.极好的,优秀的:He is excellent in mathematics. 他的数学非常好。/ The tone of the school is excellent. 这所学校校风极好。‎ except[Ik5sept] prep.除…之外:We go there every day except Sunday. 除了星期天,我们每天都去那儿。/ I can do everything except cook. 除了做饭我什么事都会做。/ He has no special fault except that he smokes too much. 他除了抽烟太多之外,没有什么特别的毛病。‎ ‎【用法】1.其后除接名词或代词外,还可接副词、不定式、介词短语、that从句、when从句、what从句、why从句、where从句等:He has nothing now except what we owe him. 除了我们欠他的钱外,他现在是一无所有了。/ I like her except when she is angry. 除了她发怒的时候,我挺喜欢她。2.后接动词时,通常不用动名词,而用不定式。该不定式有时带to,有时不带to,情形比较复杂,大致原则是:其前有do,不定式不带to;其前没有do,不定式通常带to。‎ ‎【辨析】1. besides, but与except:besides 表累加,意指“除了什么之外,还有…”;except 和 but 表排除,意指“除了什么之外,不再有…”。但在否定句中,besides 也表示“除…之外不再有… ”,与but, except 同义。2. except 与 except for:前者主要用来谈论同类的东西;后者主要用来谈论不同类的东西,在说明情况后作细节上的修正,有时含有惋惜之意:We had a pleasant time, except for the weather. 我们玩得很高兴,只是天气不太好。但是,注意以下情况:(1) 用于all, every, no, everything, anybody, nobody, nowhere, whole 等表示概括性的词语后面时,两者可互换:We shall all take part in the sports except (for) Jim. 除吉姆外,我们都将参加比赛。(2) 用于句首时,两者同义,但此时通常用except for (因为except通常不用于句首):Except for James, we have told everyone the news. 我们已把这个消息告诉了大家,只有詹姆斯没有告诉。‎ excite[Ik5saIt] vt.使兴奋,使激动:The news excited everybody. 消息鼓舞了每个人。/ What are you so excited about? 什么事你这样激动?‎ exciting[Ik5saItIN] adj.令人兴奋的,使人激动的:I think football is an exciting sport. 我认为足球是一种刺激的运动。‎ ‎【辨析】excited与exciting:前者指感到兴奋的,后者指令人兴奋的。比较:an excited talk=心情激动的谈话(指“谈话”的人心情激动),an exciting talk=令人激动的谈话(指听“谈话”的人心情激动)。‎ excuse1[Iks5kju:z] v.原谅;宽恕:Excuse me, can I get past, please? 对不起,能让我过去吗? / Excuse me for coming late. 请原谅我来迟了。‎ excuse2[Iks5kju:s] n.[C]借口,辩解:Stop making excuses! 别再找借口了!‎ exercise[5eksEsaIz] n. [U]锻炼,运动 [C](常用复)做操,体操 [C]练习(题),训练 vi.锻炼:Exercise is good for health. 运动有益于健康。/ We do morning exercises every day. 我们每天做早操。‎ exhibition[7eksI5bIFEn] n.[C]展览(会):Let’s take a look round the exhibition. 我们去展览会看看吧。‎ ‎【短语】on exhibition 在展出中 exist[Ig5zIst] vi.存在,生存:That word doesn’t exist in English. 英语中没有这个字。/ No such person ever existed. 这样的人从来没有存在过。‎ expect[Iks5pekt] vt.期待,盼望,预期;以为,料想:Don’t expect too much of him. 别对他期望过高。/ I didn’t expect to see you here. 没想到在这里碰到你。‎ expensive[Iks5pensIv] adj.昂贵的:Holiday flights are getting less and less expensive. 假日机票越来越便宜了。‎ ‎【用法】可用于说明事物,但通常不用于说明price,即不说 expensive price。‎ experience[Iks5pIErIEns] n.[U]经验 [C]经历,体验 vt.经历,遭受:This work needs experience and care. 这件工作需要经验和细心。‎ ‎【用法】表示抽象的经验,不可数;表示具体的经历,可数。‎ experiment[Iks5perImEnt] n.[C,U]实验 vi.做实验:do [make, carry out, perform] an experiment 做实验 ‎ explain[Iks5pleIn] v.解释;说明:He explained that he had no money. 他解释说他没有钱。‎ ‎【用法】不能后接双宾语,要表示给某人解释某事,可用explain sth to sb:Can you explain to me what this means? 你能给我解释一下这是什么意思吗?‎ explanation[7eksplE5neIFEn]n.[C,U]解释,说明:It needs no explanation. 它无需解释。/ Can you make a clear explanation? 你能清楚地作出解释吗?‎ explode[Iks5plEJd] v.(使)爆炸,(使)发脾气:He exploded a bomb. 他引爆了炸弹。/ The balloon suddenly exploded. 气球突然炸了。‎ exploit[Iks5plRIt] vt.剥削;开发,开采:exploit natural resources 开发自然资源 / He always sided with the oppressed and the exploited. 他总是站在被压迫和被剥削的人一边。‎ express[Iks5pres] vt.表达,表示:I don’t know how to express myself. 我不知道怎样表达自己的意思。‎ expression[Iks5preFEn] n.[C,U]表达;词句;表情:Her feelings at last found expression in tears. 她的感情终于通过眼泪发泄出来。/ His face was without expression. 他的脸上毫无表情。‎ extra[5ekstrE] adj.特别的,额外的 adv.特别地,非常地 n.[C]另收费用的项目,附加费用:We are willing to do extra work though we are not paid for it. 虽然不给报酬,我们也愿多干些分外的工作。/ He was extra glad to see us. 他见到我们高兴极了。/ They charge extra for wine. 喝酒他们另外收费。‎ extremely[Iks5tri:mlI] adv.极其,非常:I’m extremely sorry. 我非常抱歉。‎ eye[aI] n. [C]眼睛,视力,眼光,观点:I saw it with my own eyes. 那是我亲眼看到的。/ He’s keeping an eye open for a better job. 他正在留意一个更好的工作。‎ F face1[feIs] n.[C]脸,面孔:She had a worried look on her face. 她脸上有一种忧虑的表情。‎ ‎【短语】face to face (with) 面对面 / in (the) face of 面对,不顾 / lose face 丢面子 / make a face (at) 做鬼脸,装怪相,做苦脸(=make faces) / pull [wear] a long face 愁眉苦脸的样子,板着面孔 / save (one’s) face 挽回面子 face2[feIs] v.面向,面对:Other problems also had to be faced. 还需面对其他问题。/ My house faces the park. 我的房子面对公园。‎ ‎【短语】be faced with 面临 / face up to 大胆面向 fact[fAkt] n.[C]事实,实际:It is a fact that smoking is a danger to health. 吸烟危害健康,这是事实。‎ ‎【短语】in actual fact 事实上 / as a matter of fact 事实上 / in fact 事实上,实际上 factory[5fAktErI] n.[C]工厂:The factory produces cars. 这家工厂生产小汽车。‎ fail[feIl] v.失败,不及格:He’ll surely fail. 他必定失败。/ He failed (in) his English examination. 他的英语考试不及格。‎ fair[fZE] adj.公平的,合理的;尚好的;晴朗的 adv. 公平地,公正诚实地 n. [C]商品交易会:That’s a fair comment. 那是公正的评价。/ a world’s fair 世界博览会 fairly[5fZElI] adv.公道地,相当地,还算:He told the facts fairly. 他实事求是地叙述这些事实。/ That is a fairly easy book. 这是一本相当容易的书。‎ faith[feIW] n. [U]信仰,信念,相信;保证,诺言:Faith can move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开。/ I have faith in his ability. 我对他的能力有信心。‎ fall1[fR:l] n.&v.(fell, fallen)落下,跌倒;倒下,下降:The price of food has fallen. 食品价格下跌了。/ Be careful not to fall off the ladder. 当心别从梯子上掉下来。‎ ‎【短语】fall behind 落后,掉队 / fall in love with 爱上… / fall off 跌落,下降 / fall over 跌倒,倒下 ‎【辨析】fall 与drop:见drop。‎ ‎【用法】在少数短语中可用作连系动词,后接形容词:fall asleep 入睡 / fall ill 生病 fall2 [fR:l] n.(美)秋季:in the fall of 1988 1988年秋天 / He entered college last fall. 他去年秋天上大学。/ These leaves turn yellow in the fall. 这些叶子秋天变黄。‎ false[fC:ls,fCls] adj.假的,虚伪,捏造的:false hair 假发 / His story proved false. 他讲的情况事实表明是假的。‎ familiar[fE5mIljE] adj. 熟悉的,常见的:We are familiar with his character. 我们了解他的性格。/ These tales are familiar to Chinese children. 这些故事对中国小孩而言是听惯了的。‎ ‎【比较】We are familiar with the saying. 我们熟悉这条格言。/ The saying is familiar to us. 这条格言我们熟悉。‎ family[5fAmIlI] n. [C]家,家庭,家族;子女:What’s his family name? 他姓什么? ‎ ‎【用法】若视为整体,则为单数;若考虑其个体,则为复数:My family is very large. 我的家庭是个很大的家庭。/ My family are all tall. 我全家人的个子都很高。‎ famous[5feImEs] adj.著名的,有名的:Her dream to enter a famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学的梦想实现了。‎ ‎【用法】后接介词as和for意义不同:接as表示“作为…而出名”,接for表示“因…而出名”:He is rather famous as a writer. 他是位著名作家。/ France is famous for its wine. 法国因其葡萄酒而出名。‎ fan[fAn]n. [U]扇子,爱好者 vt.扇;煽动;激起:a film [movie] fan 影迷 / electric fan电风扇 / The breeze fanned her hair. 微风吹拂着她的头发。‎ far[fB:] adj.& adv.(farther, farthest; further, furthest)远的(地);很,极,太:If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?‎ ‎【短语】as far as 像…一样远 / by far …得多,最(加强比较级,最高级) / far from 远离,决非,完全不 / so far 到目前为止(一般和完成时连用)‎ ‎【用法】用作副词时,可修饰动词、比较级、最高级(=by far)、副词too(太)、介词短语:This story is far more interesting. 这个故事有趣得多。/ He speaks English far better than I.‎ 他说英语比我好得多。/ He was at the station far too early. 他去车站去得太早。‎ ‎【辨析】farther与further:见further。‎ farm[fB:m] n.[C]农场,农庄:He works on the farm. 他在农场工作。‎ farmer[5fB:mE] n. [C]农场主,农夫:fruit farmer果农 ‎ ‎【辨析】farmer与peasant:前者通常指非英语国家的自耕农或雇农,后者则主要指英语国家的农民。‎ farther[5fB:TE] adj.& adv.较远,更远(far的比较级):We went no farther than the bridge. 我们走到桥头就不再往前走了。‎ ‎【辨析】farther与further:见further。‎ fast[fB:st] adj. 快的,(钟表)走得快的;紧的adv. 快地;紧地:I’m afraid my watch is fast. 我的表快了。/ You’re driving too fast. 你车开得太快。‎ fasten[5fB:sn] v. 闩;栓住;捆;系:Fasten your seat belts! 请系上安全带!‎ ‎【用法】1.用于本义,表示把某物系于另一物上,通常与介词to连用:He fastened the ox to a tree. 他把牛拴在树上。2.用于引申义,表示“注视”、“集中注意力于”等,则通常与介词on [upon]连用:He fastened his eyes (up)on the stranger. 他的眼睛盯着这个陌生人。‎ fat[fAt] adj.肥胖的,多脂肪的n.[U]脂肪,油脂:The doctor told him to stay away from fat foods. 医生要他不要吃油腻的食品。‎ father[5fB:TE] n.[C]父亲:father and mother 父母 / Father’s Day 父亲节 fault[fR:lt] n. [C,U]过错,缺点,故障,毛病:It’s not my fault. 这不是我的错。/ Your only fault is carelessness. 你惟一的缺点是粗心大意。‎ ‎【短语】at fault 有错,有责任,有毛病 / find fault (with sb) 找(某人的)缺点 favour(美favor)[5feIvE] n. [C]恩惠,帮助 [U]好感,喜欢:May I ask you a favor? 我可以请您帮个忙吗?‎ ‎【短语】in favor of 赞成,支持 / in one’s favour 对某人有利 ‎【用法】1. do sb a favour 意为“帮助某人”,也可说成 do a favour for sb,注意其中的动词do不能换成give。2. 在do sb a favor中,当favor后用作定语的不定式或of doing sth时,其前的不定冠词通常要改为定冠词。‎ favo(u)rite[5feIvErIt] adj.最喜爱的n.[C]最喜爱的人或物:My favourite sport is skiing. 我最喜欢的运动是滑雪。David’s a great favourite with his teacher. 大卫是他的老师最为喜欢的学生。‎ ‎【用法】已含有“最”的意思,通常不再连用most。‎ fear[fIE] n.&v.害怕,恐惧,担心:He was shaking with fear. 他害怕得直发抖。/ Children fear dogs. 小孩怕狗。‎ ‎【短语】for fear of 由于怕,以防 / in fear of 害怕,担心 ‎【用法】1.后接动词可用不定式或动名词:He fears to tell [telling] her what happened. 他害怕告诉她所发生的事情。2.fear sb与fear for sb不同:前者指害怕某人,后者指为某人担心。‎ feather[5feTE] n. [C]羽毛:His death is as light as a feather. 他的死轻如鸿毛。‎ February[5febrJErI] n.二月:February is the shortest month of the year. 二月是一年最短的一个月。‎ feed[fi:d](fed, fed) v. 喂(养),饲(养),供养;吃:Sheep feed mostly on grass. 羊以草为主食。/ He fed the horse on potatoes. 他给马喂土豆。‎ feel[fi:l] v.(felt, felt)摸,触;感觉:Ice and snow feel cold. 冰雪摸着是冷的。/ Do you feel sure about it? 你能对这有把握吗? / He felt them to be right. 他认为他们是对的。‎ ‎【说明】feel like 是常用短语,其后可接名词或动名词,表示“感到想要(做某事)”、“摸起来好像”、“(感到)像是…的样子”:I don’t feel like going to the movies. 我不想去看电影。/ It feels like silk. 这东西摸起来像丝绸。/ I feel like catching a cold. 我像是感冒了。‎ feeling[5fi:lIN] n. [C,U]感觉;知觉;(常用复)感情:I have a feeling he’ll come. 我觉得他会来。/ I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 我担心是否伤了她的感情。‎ fellow[5felEJ] n.[C](口语)人,家伙,小伙子,同伴:fellow workers同事 / Poor fellow! 可怜的家伙!/ He’s a nice fellow. 他是个很好的人。‎ fence[fens] n.[C]篱笆,栅栏:The fence kept the dog in the yard. 栅栏把狗圈在了院子里。‎ fetch[fetF] v.取来,带来;去取:It’s time to fetch the children from school. 是把孩子们从学校接回来的时候了。‎ ‎【用法】可带双宾语,若双宾语易位,通常用介词 for 来引出间接宾语,即fetch sb sth=fetch sth for sb。‎ fever[5fi:vE] n.[C,U]发烧,发热:She has a slight fever. 她有点儿发烧。‎ few[fju:] adj.& pron.少数(的),不多(的) n.(表示否定)几乎没有:Who has the fewest mistakes? 谁的错最少?/ Only a few of the children can read. 孩子们只有几个能阅读。‎ ‎【辨析】few与a few:两者均用于表示数量,连用或代替可数名词(必须用复数),前者表示数量很少甚至几乎没有,强调“少”,含有否定意味;后者表示数量虽不多,但毕竟还有,强调“有”,含有肯定意味。‎ field[fi:ld] n.[C]田地;领域;场地;牧场:in the fields 在田地里 fierce[fIEs] adj.凶猛的;猛烈的:He was frightened of the fierce dog. 他让这只凶猛的狗吓怕了。/ Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very fierce. 由于失业如此众多,求职的竞争十分激烈。‎ fifteen[5fIf5ti:n] num.十五:The water was fifteen feet deep. 水有15英尺深。‎ fifth[fIfW] num.第五:Two fifths of the students are girls. 五分之二的学生是女孩。‎ fifty[5fIftI] num.五十:He got married in his fifties. 他50多岁才结婚。‎ fight[faIt] v.(fought, fought)打仗,打架;与…打架n.[C]战斗,斗争:The children fought with snow-balls. 孩子们打雪战。‎ figure[5fIgE] n.[C]数字;外形,图形,塑像,画像 v.描绘;计算;估计:She has a five figure income. 她有五位数的收入。/ She has a trim figure. 她身材苗条。/ You can figure on him to be on time. 你可以指望他准时来。‎ fill[fIl] v.装满,充满,满,填充:Her eyes filled with tears. 她眼睛里充满了眼泪。‎ ‎【短语】fill in 填充,填写,填满 / fill up 填写,填满,装满 film[fIlm] n. [C,U]影片,电影;胶卷(片):The film begins at two o’clock. 电影两点钟开始。/ Please buy a roll of film for me. 请给我买一卷胶卷。‎ final[5faInEl] adj.最后的 n.(复数)决赛,期末考试:Is that your final offer? 这是你最后的报价吗? / When do you take your finals? 你什么时候参加期终考试?‎ find[faInd] v.(found, found)找到,发现;感到;查明:He found her crying in the corner. 他发现她在角落里哭。/ He found the city much changed. 他发现这个城市发生了巨大的变化。/ We found him to be dishonest. 我们发现他不诚实。‎ ‎【短语】find out 查明,弄清 ‎【用法】1.可接双宾语,若双宾语易位,用介词for引出间接宾语:Please find me my key.=Please find my key for me. 请给我找到我的钥匙。‎ finger[5fINgE] n.[C]手指:She wore a gold ring on her finger. 她的手指上戴了枚金戒指。/ His fingers are all thumbs. 他笨手笨脚。‎ finish[5fInIF] v.结束,完成:It’s a pity (that) he didn’t finish college. 真遗憾他大学没毕业。‎ ‎【短语】finish off [up] 吃完,吃光;做完,结束 ‎ ‎【用法】后接动词时不用不定式,而用动名词,且该动名词要用一般式,不用完成式:There was a deadly silence after she finished speaking. 她说完话后是一片沉默。‎ fire[faIE] n.[C,U]火,火灾,火炉 v.开火,射击;解雇:There is no fire without some smoke. (谚)有火就有烟。/ In case of fire, ring the bell. 如有火灾,按铃。‎ ‎【短语】catch fire 着火 / on fire 着火 / set fire to 放火烧 / make [start] a fire 生火 firm1[fE:m] n. [C]公司,企业:a printing firm 印刷公司 firm2[fE:m] adj. 坚固的,坚定的;坚决的,严格的adv.牢牢地,坚定地:The teacher was firm and did not change her mind. 老师很坚决,他不改变主意。‎ first[fE:st] num.第一 adv.& adj.第一,最初 n.开始,开端:You’ll be the first to speak. 你将第一个发言。/ It’s the first time she has driven a car. 这是她第一次开车。‎ ‎【短语】at first 起初,开始时 / first of all 首先,第一 fish[fIF] n.[C]鱼 [U]鱼肉vi.捕鱼,钓鱼:Do try this fish. 请尝尝这鱼。/ Let’s go fishing. 我们去钓鱼吧。‎ ‎【用法】用作名词表示“鱼”时,单复数同形,但有时也可用fishes这样的复数形式(表示数量或种类);表示“鱼肉”时,不可数。‎ fist[fIst] n.[C]拳头:He hit me with his fist. 他用拳头打我。‎ fit[fIt] v.(使)适合,(使)符合;安装 adj.适合的,恰当的;胜任的;健康的 n.适合;合身(的衣服):Does the coat fit? 上衣合身吗? / I hope you’ll keep fit. 希望你身体保持健康。‎ ‎【用法】表示“适合做某事”,可用be fit to do sth,此时若主语与不定式有动宾关系,不定式可用主动式也可用被动式:They are not fit to eat [to be eaten]. 它们不适合食用。‎ five[faIv] num.五:five senses 五官 fix[fIks] vt. 使固定;确定,决定;准备,安排;修理:He fixed a picture to the wall. 他往墙上贴了张画。/ Have you fixed (on) the date for the meeting? 你们确定了开会的时间吗? / We are going to have the TV fixed. 我们要请人把电视机修好。‎ flag[flAg] n. [C]旗,标志:the national flag 国旗 flash[flAF] v.闪亮,(使)闪现 n.[C]一闪,闪光;转瞬间:His eyes flash with anger. 他眼中冒出怒火。‎ flat[flAt] adj.平的,扁平的;平坦的;平展的 n.[C]公寓,一套房:Lie down flat and breathe deeply. 平躺下,作深呼吸。/ The flat is on sale. 公寓出售。‎ flight[flaIt] n.[C]航班,飞行;楼梯的一段:Did you have a good flight? 乘机旅行愉快吗?/ My room is two flights up. 我的房间要上两段楼梯。‎ float[flEJt] v.(使)浮动,(使)漂浮,飘动:Wood floats on water. 木头漂浮在水上。/ They floated down the river. 他们沿河向下游漂去。‎ flood[flQd] vt.淹没,使泛滥,充斥 n.[C]洪水,洪灾:Much of the land was flooded. 很多土地被水淹了。/ The floods are going down. 洪水正在消退。‎ floor[flR:] n.[C]地面,地板;楼层:He lives on the fifth floor. 他住在5楼。‎ flour[flaJE] n. [U]面粉,粉:rice flour 米粉 flow[flEJ] vi.流,流动:Water flows through the pipe. 水从水管中流过。‎ flower[5flaJE] n. [C]花:The rose is my favourite flower. 玫瑰是我最喜欢的花。‎ fly[flaI] n.[C]苍蝇 v.(flew, flown)飞,飞行,乘飞行旅行,使飞,放(风筝等):We can either fly there or go by train. 我们可以坐飞机去也可坐火车去。‎ follow[5fRlEJ] v.跟随;(表示时间,顺序等)接着;遵循,理解:Summer follows spring. 春天之后是夏天。/ But worse was to follow. 但更坏的情况还在后头。‎ fond[fRnd] adj.喜爱的,爱好的:She became very fond of her. 她变得非常喜欢她。‎ ‎【用法】表示“喜欢做某事”,be fond 后接of doing sth,不接不定式。‎ food[fU:d] n.[U,C]食物:This food tastes sweet. 这种食品是甜的。‎ ‎【用法】通常不可数,但若表示某种特殊种类的食物,则可数:breakfast foods 早餐食物 fool[fu:l]n. [C]傻子,蠢人v.愚弄,欺骗:He is not such a fool as he looks. 他并不像他看起来那么傻。/ He fooled me into going with him. 他欺骗我,要我跟他去。‎ foolish[5fu:lIF] adj.笨的,愚蠢的:It’s foolish of you to believe her.=You are foolish to believe her. 你相信她真是太蠢了。‎ foot[fJt] n. [C]脚,足;英尺:To do this is to cut the foot to fit the shoe. 这样做是削足适履。‎ ‎【短语】on foot 走路,步行 / at the foot of在…的脚下,在…的尾端 ‎【用法】表示“脚”时,其复数为feet;表示“英尺”时,其复数是feet或foot。‎ football[5fJtbR:l] n. [C](踢球所用的)足球 [U]足球(运动):He hurt his leg (in) playing football. 他踢足球把腿踢伤了。‎ for[fC:,fE] prep.为了;给(某人),供(某人)用;用于,用来;因为,由于;去;达,计;对,对于;赞成;就…来说conj. 因为,由于:That’s what we’re here for. 这正是我们来的目的。/ Do more exercise for the good of your health. 为了健康你要多运动。/ Knives are used for cutting things. 小刀是用来切东西的。/ Are you for or against the plan?你是支持还是反对这个计划? / Plant three trees for every one that is cut down. 每砍一棵树要种三棵树。/ Red is for danger. 红色代表危险。‎ forbid[fE5bId](forbade/ forbad, forbidden) vt.禁止;不许:His wife forbids him wine. 他妻不准他喝酒。/ We forbid smoking in the office. 本办公室内不准吸烟。/ I forbid him to go there again. 我不准他再去那儿。‎ ‎【用法】后接动词作宾语时要用动名词(不用不定式),但若不定式前有宾语语则可以(此时不定式作宾补)。‎ force[fR:s] vt.强迫,迫使 n.[U,C]力量;武力 (常用复)军队,势力:They were forced to work long hours. 他们被迫长时间干活。‎ ‎【短语】by force 靠武力,强行 / by force of 靠…,凭借… / with force 有力地,费力地 ‎【用法】表示迫使某人做某事,除可用force sb to do sth外,也可用 force sb into doing sth:They forced her to sign [into signing] the paper. 他们强迫她在文件上签字。‎ foreign[5fRrIn] adj.外国的,对外的:a foreign visitor 外宾 / She is quick at learning a foreign language. 她学外语学得快。‎ forest[5fCrIst] n. [C,U]森林:They see the trees but not the forest. 他们见树不见林。‎ forget[fE5get] v.(forgot, forgotten)忘记,忘掉:Oh, I forget where she lives. 啊,我忘了她住在哪儿了。/ He forgot about the meeting. 他忘了去开会。‎ ‎【比较】forget to do sth 与forget doing sth:前者指忘记要做某事,后者指忘记曾经做过某事:Don’t forget to tell him the news. 别忘记告诉他这消息。/ I forgot telling her the news. 我忘了曾告诉过她这个消息。‎ forgive[fE5gIv] v.饶恕;豁免,原谅,宽恕:I’ve already forgiven you. 我已经原谅了你。/ Please forgive me (for) my fault. 请原谅我的过错。‎ ‎【用法】要表示原谅某人做某事,不能用forgive sb to do sth,而用forgive sb for doing sth:Please forgive me for coming late. 请原谅我来迟了。‎ fork[fR:k] n.[C]叉,餐叉;(路,河等)岔口:a knife and fork 一副刀叉 form[fC:m] n. [C,U]表格;形式,结构;种类v.形成,构成:He asked me to fill a form out [in]. 他让我填一份表。‎ fortnight[5fR:tnaIt] n.[C]双周,十四日:It’s a fortnight to National Day. 离国庆节还有两星期。‎ fortunate[5fR:tFEnIt] adv.幸运地;幸亏:You’re fortunate in your teacher. 你很幸运有位好老师。/ He is fortunate to have [in having] a good job. 他很幸运有份好工作。/ It is fortunate (for him) that he has a good wife. 他很幸运有位好妻子。‎ fortune[5fC:tFu:n] n. [U]运气,机会 [C]财产,巨款;命运:I had the fortune to meet him there. 我在那儿见到了他,真是幸运。‎ forty[5fR:tI] num. 四十:A middle-aged person is between forty and sixty years old. 中年人是指40到60岁之间的人。‎ forward[5fR:wEd] adv.向前,提前 adj.前面的,提前的:Take two steps forward. 向前走两步。/ We can see the forward part of the ship. 我们可以看见船的前部。‎ ‎【用法】look forward to(展望,盼望)中的to是介词,后接动词时要用动名词。‎ found[faJnd] v.成立,建立:They founded a college. 他们创办了一所大学。‎ fountain[5faJntIn] n.[C]喷泉:A group of children are playing in the fountain in the park. 有一群孩子在公园的喷泉中玩耍。‎ four[fR:] num.四:It was a four-storeyed house. 这是一座4层楼房。‎ fourth[fR:W] num.第四:the May Fourth Movement 五四运动 fox[fRks] n.[C]狐狸:a sly old fox 狡猾的老狐狸 France[frB:ns] n.法国:France is famous for its wines. 法国因它的酒而出名。‎ free[fri:] adj.空闲的,自由的;免费的 adv.免费,自由地 v.释放,使自由:You are free to go or to stay. 要走要留悉听尊便。/ Are the drinks free? 这饮料是免费的吗? / Children are admitted free. 儿童免费入场。‎ ‎【短语】for free 免费 freedom[5fri:dEm] n.[U]自由:They longed for freedom. 他们渴望自由。‎ freeze[fri:z]v.(froze, frozen)使冻结,结冰;凝固:be freezing cold冰冻一样地冷 / When water freezes, it becomes solid. 水结冰时变成固体。‎ French[frentF] adj.法国的;法国人的 n.法语:The letter was in French. 这信是用法语写的。/ The French defeated the English troops. 法国人打败了英国军队。‎ Frenchman[5frentFmEn] n.(pl. Frenchmen)法国人:He’s a Frenchman. 他是法国人。‎ frequent[5fri:kwEnt] adj.经常的,屡次的,频繁的:My girlfriend writes frequent letters to me. 我的女朋友频繁给我写信。‎ fresh[freF] adj.新鲜地;不熟练的,无经验的:You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables in the market. 你可以在市场上买到新鲜的蔬菜和水果。‎ Friday[5fraIdI] n. [U,C]星期五:Friday is believed to be an unlucky day. 星期五被认为是不吉利的日子。‎ fridge[frIdV] n.[C]冰箱(=refrigerator):We have a fridge in our kitchen. 我们厨房里有一台冰箱。‎ friend[frend] n. [C]朋友:We can remain friends. 我们可以继续作朋友。‎ ‎【短语】make friends 交朋友 / be friends with sb 与某人友好 / keep friends (with sb) (与某人)保持友好关系 / make friends (with sb) (与某人)交朋友 friendly[5frendlI] adj.友好的:He is very friendly to [towards] me. 他对我很好。/ Bill is friendly with the girl. 比尔与这个女孩很要好。‎ friendship[5frendFIp] n. [U,C]友谊,友情:That’s my idea about friendship. 这是我对友谊的看法。‎ frighten[5fraItn] vt.吓唬,使惧怕:The ghost story frightened the child. 这个鬼怪故事使孩子十分惊恐。/ He was frightened of losing power. 他害怕会失去权力。‎ from[frRm] prep.从,自,从…起,来自:He writes from 10 to 15 letters daily. 他每天写10到15封信。/ Things have gone from bad to worse. 事情越来越糟。/ He kept the bad news from his wife. 他不让他妻子知道这个不好的消息。/ I can’t tell one twin from the other. 我分不出双胞胎中谁是谁。‎ front[frQnt]n.[C]前面,前线,前部 adj.前面的:He considered it his duty to go to the front. 他认为上前线是他的责任。/ He came out by the front door. 他从前门出来。‎ ‎【短语】at the front (of) 在(…的)前部(前面),在…的前面 / in front of 在…前面(通常指范围之外) / in the front of 在…的前部或前面(通常指范围之内)‎ fruit[fru:t] n.[U,C]水果,果实:They trade in fruit and vegetables. 他们做水果和蔬菜生意。‎ ‎【用法】通常表示集合意义,不可数;但若表示种类,则是可数:The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. 土豆是一种蔬菜,而不是一种水果。‎ fry[fraI] v.油煎,油炸,油炒:The fish was frying. 鱼正在煎。‎ fuel[fjJEl] n.[U,C]燃料 v.加燃料,添柴火:Petrol is no longer a cheap fuel. 石油已不再是廉价的燃料。/ Coal, wood and oil are fuels. 煤、木柴和石油都是燃料。‎ full[fJl] adj.满的,充满的,完全的:Her eyes are full of tears. 她眼泪汪汪。/ He enjoyed life to the full. 他尽情享受人生。‎ fun[fQn] n. [U]有趣的事,玩笑,娱乐:What fun we had! 我们玩得真好! / We had fun riding our bicycles to the beach today. 我们今天骑自行车去海滨玩得很开心。‎ ‎【短语】for fun 开玩笑,为了好玩 / in fun 闹着玩的,开玩笑地 / make fun of sb 拿某人开玩笑,取笑某人 funny[5fQnI] adj.可笑的,有趣的,滑稽的:That’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard.那是我所听过的最风趣的笑话。‎ fur[fE:] n.[U](兽类的)毛 [U,C]皮毛,毛皮衣:Cats are covered with soft fur. 猫身上长着柔软的毛。/ He was wrapped in furs. 他的身子裹在皮大衣里。‎ furniture[5fE:nItFE] n.[U]家具:Furniture is chiefly made of wood. 家具主要是由木材制造。‎ ‎【用法】是集合名词(或叫物质名词),没有复数形式,也不能与不定冠词连用,含义上永远是单数。若要表示“量”,可用 much, little,a little 等;要表示“数”,可用 a piece of (article, item) of 等:a piece of furniture 一件家具 further[5fE:TE] adj.& adv.(far的比较级)更远的(地),更进一步的(地);较远的(地) v.增进,推进:further education 进修,深造 / make no further delay 不再推迟 / His support furthered my career. 他的支持促进了我的事业。‎ ‎【辨析】farther与further:两者均可表示距离,此时可互换;若用于引申义,表示“更进一步”、“更多”、“此外”等义,则只能用 further:We’ll further discuss it. 我们会进一步讨论它。/ Are there any further questions? 还有问题吗? 另外,further 还可用作动词,表示“增进”、“推进”等,farther 不能这样用。‎ future[5fju:tFE] n. [C,U]将来,前途 adj.将来的,未来的:You young people have a bright future ahead of you! 你们年轻人的前途光辉灿烂! ‎ ‎【短语】in the future 将来 / in future 从今以后 / for the future 为将来 G gain[geIn] v. 获得;获益,增加;(钟、表)走快n.[C]收获,收益:Without a job, it is impossible to earn any money. 没有工作就不可能挣到钱。/ No pains, no gains.不劳则无获。/ He cares very little for fame and gain.他对名利很淡薄。‎ game[geIm] n. [C]游戏,运动;比赛,比赛得分(成绩);(用复数)运动会:Football is a team game. 足球是一项集体运动。/ How about playing a game of chess now? 现在来下盘棋好吗?‎ ‎【用法】表示“运动会”的games用作主语时,谓语通常用复数(偶尔也用单数):The 1984 (Olympic) Games were [was] held in Los Angeles. 1984年奥运会在(美国)洛杉矶举行。‎ garage[5gArB:dV,5gArIdV] n.[C]车库:The garage is back of the house. 车库在房屋后面。‎ garden[5gB:dEn] n.[C]花园,果园,菜园:a back garden 后花园 gate[geIt] n.[C]大门:I would have him wait for me at the gate of the park. 我要他在公园门口等我。‎ gather[5gATE] v.聚集,集合;收集,采摘:We will gather at the school gate at eight. 我们将8点钟在校门口集合。/ He gathered me some flowers.=He gathered some flowers for me. 他给我采了几朵花。‎ ‎【短语】gather around 聚集,召集,集合 / gather in 收进,收获 / gather up收集,拾起,捡起,收拾;集中,概括 gay1[geI] adj.快乐的,愉快的 n.[U]快乐:We were all gay at the thought of the coming holidays. 我们一想到即将来临的假期便高兴起来。‎ gay2[geI] adj.(男)同性恋的n.[C](男)同性恋者:I don’t know he was gay. 我不知道他是同性恋者。‎ general[5dVenErEl] adj.一般的,普遍的,大致的,总的 n.将军:Give me a general idea of the work. 告诉我这件工作的概括情况。/ The general ordered his troops to cease fire. 那位将军命令他的军队停火。‎ ‎【短语】in general 总的说来;大多数 generation[7dVenE5reIFEn] n.[C]代,一代:We belong to the same generation. 我们是同龄人。‎ ‎【短语】generation gap代沟 / from generation to generation=generation after generation 一代一代 ‎【注意】汉语说老一代和年轻一代,并无比较意味,但英语却通常说成the older generation和the younger generation。‎ gentle[5dVentl] adj.文雅的,温和的:She is gentle in touch, manner, and voice. 她在气质、态度、声调方面都温柔和蔼。‎ gentleman[5dVentlmEn] n.[C]绅士,先生:Ladies and gentlemen 女士们和先生们 geography[dVI5RgrEfI] n.[U]地理(学) [C]地理书:He’s interested in geography. 他对地理感兴趣。‎ German[5dVE:mEn] adj.德国的,德国人的,德语的 n. [C]德国人 [U]德语:He passed in German, but failed in English. 他德语考试及格了,但英语没及格。‎ ‎【注意】表示“德国人”时,其复数是Germans,不是Germen。‎ Germany[5dVE:mEnlI] n.德国:At the finals, they lost to Germany. 在决赛中他们输给了德国。‎ get[get] v.(got, got)成为,变得,使得;得到,收到;具有;到达:Get me a chair, please. 请给我搬张椅子。/ You’ll get to like your work. 你慢慢会喜欢你的工作的。/ If you don’t get more exercise, you’ll get fat. 你如果不多锻炼就会发胖。‎ ‎【短语】get about [around] (能)到处走动,旅行;(消息等)传播 / get along 离开(某地);相处;进展 / get away离开,逃走;逃脱 / get down 弄下,写下,吞下 / get in 进站,回来;请来;插话;收获 / get off 起飞,动身,出发,下班,下车 / get on上车;进展,过日子;相处 / get out 出来,出去,离开;拿出,取出;发表;泄漏 / get out of 逃避,躲掉;使说出(拿出等);放弃,戒除,停止 / get over 走过,越过;克服;恢复 / get through 做完,用完,吃完,看完;通过(考试),接通(电话),度过(时间) / get together 聚会,联欢 / get up 起床,起身;打扮;举办 ‎【比较】get sb (sth) to do sth与get sb (sth) doing sth:前者指使“某人(某事物)做某事”,后者指“使某人(某事物)开始…起来”。‎ gift[gIft] n. [C]赠品,礼物;天赋,天才:a birthday gift 生日礼物 / Her gift to him was a pen. 她送给他的礼物是一支钢笔。/ She has a gift for (learning) languages. 她对学语言有天赋。‎ girl[gE:l] n.[C]女孩,姑娘:Is it a boy or a girl? 是男孩还是女孩?‎ give[gIv](gave, given) v.给,给予,赠给,引起:Give the book to him. 把这本书给他。/ I hope you can give us some help. 我希望你能给我们一些帮助。/ I’m sorry I’ve given you so much trouble. 对不起给了你这么多麻烦。‎ ‎【短语】give away 赠,送,泄露,出卖 / give back 归还,送回 / give in 屈服,让步,投降 / give off 发出(蒸汽,光等) / give out 分发,用完,耗尽,筋疲力尽;发出(气味,热等) / give up 放弃 ‎【用法】过去分词given有时用作介词,表示“考虑到”、“鉴于”:Given their inexperience [Given that they’re inexpeerienced], they’ve done a good job. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已干得很不错了。‎ ‎ glad[glAd] adj.高兴的,乐意的:I am glad to meet you. 我很高兴见到你。/ We’re glad of your success. 我们为你的成功而高兴。/ I’m glad about your passing the exam. 你考试及格了,我很高兴。‎ glance[glB:ns] v.& n.一瞥,扫视,瞥见:He glanced round the room. 他扫视了一下房间。/ She threw me a quick frightened glance. 她快速惊恐地望了我一眼。‎ glass[glB:s] n. [U]玻璃 [C]玻璃杯 (用复数)眼镜:a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 / He handed me a glass of beer. 他递给我一杯啤酒。/ I cut my hand on some broken glass. 我的手被碎玻璃割伤了。‎ globe[glEJb] n. (连用the)地球 [C]地球仪,球状物:We use a globe in our geography lessons. 我们在地理课上使用地球仪。/ This plant can grow in many parts of the globe. 这种植物能在地球上许多地方生长。‎ glove[glQv] n. [C]手套:He has his gloves on. 他戴着手套。‎ go1[gEJ]v. (went, gone) 去,行走;变为;处于…的状态;(机器等)运转;通到;相配;从事(活动):Let’s go for a walk along the river. 咱们到江边散散步。/ The milk went sour. 牛奶变质了。/ He went hungry. 他饿着肚子。/ Yesterday we went swimming in the river. 昨天我们去河边游泳了。‎ ‎【短语】go back 回去;回顾,回溯 / go by从(…)旁边经过;(时间、机会等)过去;遵循,按照,以…为依据 / go down 下落,下降,降低,减弱 / go in for 参加(考试、比赛等);从事(某一职业等);爱好,喜欢 / go into 到达,进入,从事,参加;调查,研究 / go out 出去;出国,远行;熄灭 / go over 复习,演习;检查,核对 / go through 通过;检查,审查,查找;经历;做完,用完 / go up上升,上涨;建立 / be going to 打算,即将 ‎ ‎【比较】go on doing sth与go on to do sth:前者指不停地做某事或继续做某事,后者指做完某事后接着或继续做某事:You oughtn’t to go on living this way. 你不应该再这样生活下去了。/ He went on to talk about his family. 他接着谈了他的家庭。‎ go2[gEJ] n. 1.[C]尝试(做某事);(常用单)轮到某人(做某事):Let’s have a go at it. 让我们试一试。/ It’s my go. 轮到我啦。‎ goal[gEJl] n.[C]目标,目的;(足球)球门,(赛跑等的)终点:His goal is a job at the university. 他的目标是要在大学任教。‎ goat[gEJt] n.[C]山羊:Men and goats have [grow] beards. 人和山羊都长胡子。‎ god[gRd] n.神,上帝:God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!(天啊!) ‎ gold[gEJld] n.[U]黄金 adj. 金质的;金色的:All that glitters is not gold.=All is not gold that glitters. 发亮的不一定都是金子。‎ golden[5gEJldEn] adj.金色的;金质的;黄金般的,可贵的:golden hair 金发 / The 18th century was the golden age of the novel. 18 世纪是小说的黄金时期。‎ good[gJd] adj.(better, best)好的,有益的 n.[U]好处,益处:She is good at telling stories. 她擅长讲故事。/ It’s good for her to buy a computer. 买台电脑对他有好处。It’s good of you to lend it to me. 你真好把它借给我。/ Is it any good trying to explain? 试图作些解释有用吗?‎ good-bye[5gJdbaI] interj.& n.再见:say good-bye to sb 向某人道别 / She kissed them good-bye. 她吻别他们。‎ goods[gJdz] n.(复数)商品,货物:five pieces of goods五件货 / The goods are in danger of robbery. 这货有被盗的危险。‎ ‎【用法】只有复数形式,用作主语时,谓语要用复数;虽为复数,但不能与数词连用。‎ goose[gu:s] n.(pl. geese) [C]鹅 [U]鹅肉:I don’t care much for goose. 我不太喜欢吃鹅肉。‎ government[5gQvEnmEnt] n. [C]政府:the People’s Government 人民政府 ‎【用法】若视为整体,表单数意义;若考虑其成员,则表复数意义:The government is planning to build a dam there. 政府打算在那里建一座水坝。/ The government are discussing the proposal. 政府(人员)正在讨论这个建议。‎ grade[greId] n. [C]等级;年级;成绩,分数:She ranked her students according to their grades. 她按成绩排列学生的名次。/ They sort apples by grade. 他们把苹果按等级分类。/ Her son is in the sixth grade. 她儿子读六年级。‎ gradually[5grAdjJElI] adv. 逐渐地:Gradually we acquired experience in how to do the work. 我们逐步获得了做这工作的经验。‎ graduate[5grAdjJeIt] v.毕业n.[C]大学毕业生,毕业生:He graduated in history. 他毕业于历史专业。/ He is a graduate of Oxford‎ ‎University. 他是牛津大学的毕业生。‎ ‎【用法】1.用作动词,一般不及物;有时也用作及物动词,且用于被动语态,但较少见。2.表示从某学校毕业,其后通常接介词at(英)或from(美)。‎ grain[greIn] n. [U]谷物,谷类 [C]谷粒:Grain is used for making flour. 谷物用来做面粉。/ Bring in every single grain. 颗粒还仓。‎ grammar[5grAmE] n. [U]语法 [C]语法书:Is grammar important when learning English?在学英语的过程中,语法重要吗?‎ grand[grAnd] adj.庄严的,雄伟的,显赫的:He lives in a grand house. 他住在一栋富丽堂皇的房子里。‎ granddaughter[5grAn7dR:tE] n. [C]孙女,外孙女:Her granddaughter is lovely. 她的孙女很可爱。‎ grandfather[5grAnd7fB:TE] n. [C]祖父,外祖父:Grandfather won’t allow it. 爷爷不会允许这样做。‎ grandmother[5grAnd7mQTE] n. [C]祖母,外祖母:I’ve been to see your grandmother. 我(刚才)看你奶奶去了。‎ grandson[5grAndsQn] n. [C]孙子;外孙:Her grandson is kind to her. 她的外孙对她很好。‎ grass[grB:s] n. [U,C]草,草地:Keep off the grass. 勿踏草地。‎ great[greIt] adj.伟大的;重要的:A great deal of money is spent on research. 研究工作上花了许多钱。/ These products are in great demand. 这种产品需求很大。‎ Greek[gri:k] adj.希腊(人)的,希腊语的n. [C]希腊人 [U]希腊语:Greek letters 希腊字母 / It’s all Greek to me. 这东西我一窍不通。‎ green[gri:n] adj.& n.绿色(的),青色(的);未熟的;没有经验的:Try pressing the green button. 按绿色按钮试试。/ She was dressed in green. 她穿着绿衣服。‎ greet[gri:t] vt. 问候,向…打招呼:She greeted me warmly. 她热情地和我打招呼。/ His speech was greeted with cheers. 他的演说得到热烈的喝彩。‎ greeting[5gri:tIN] n. [C,U]祝贺,问候,致意:As I entered, he gave me a nod of greeting. 当我进来时,他点头向我打招呼。‎ ‎【用法】表示“致贺”、“贺辞”时,通常用复数形式,且多与动词give, send, receive, offer 等连用:Please give my greetings to your parents. 请代我向你父母问好。‎ grey / gray[greI] adj.灰(白)色的:He was already gray at 30. 他30岁时头发就已经灰白了。/ The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match. 蓝衬衫和灰领带很相配。‎ ground[graJnd] n.[C]地面;场地:He was lying on the ground. 他躺在地上。‎ group[gru:p] n.[C](小)组,团体,群:The teacher divided the pupils into three groups. 老师把学生分成三组。‎ grow[grEJ] v.(grew, grown)种植,生长;渐渐变得:He grows vegetables. 他种植蔬菜。/ The weather is growing cold. 天气冷起来了。‎ ‎【用法】其后接不定式表示开始做某事,此时不定式通常为 be, like, hate, believe 等动词:He’s growing to like her better. 他变得更喜欢她了。‎ guard[gB:d] n.[C]卫兵,哨兵 [U]防卫,警戒;监视,看守v.保卫,防卫;监视:He is always on his guard. 他一直很警惕。/ Two big dogs guard the farm. 有两条大狗看守农场。‎ guess[ges] v.& n.猜,猜测:I guessed his thoughts. 我猜着了他的想法。/ He made a blind guess. 他胡猜一通。‎ guest[gest] n.[C]客人:She greeted her guests at the door. 她在门口迎接客人。‎ guide[gaId] n. [C]向导,导游者v.引导,引路;指导,辅导;支配:The guide showed us around the city. 导游带我们游览了这座城市。/ They guided us to the office. 他们带领我们到了办公室。‎ gun[gQn] n. [C]枪,炮:We fired our guns at the enemy. 我们向敌人开炮。‎ H habit[5hAbIt] n.[C,U]习惯,习性:It was not his habit to ask people for things. 他没有向别人要东西的习惯。/ Try to develop good reading habits. 要养成良好的阅读习惯。‎ ‎【用法】表示做某事的习惯,其后要接 of doing sth,不接to do sth:He has broken off [got rid of] the habit of drinking. 他已戒掉了喝酒的习惯。‎ hair[hZE] n.[C, U]头发,毛:I shall cut my hair. 我将理发(自己给自己理发)。/ I shall have my hair cut. 我将理发(请别人给我理发)。‎ ‎【用法】表示“头发”的总称,是集合名词(不可数);表示一根根的头发,是可数名词:He wears his hair long. 他留长发。/ There are hairs on your jacket. 你的上衣上有几根头发。‎ haircut[5hZEkQt] n.[C](男子)理发,发型:I’ll go and get a haircut. 我要去理发。‎ half[hB:f] adj.半,一半 n.[C,U]半,一半 adv.部分地,一半地:Half the students were late. 有一半学生迟到了。/ Well begun is half done. (谚)头开得好,事成一半。/ He was half asleep. 他半醒半睡。‎ ‎【短语】by half 一半;极大地,大大地 / by halves 半途而废地,不完全地 / in half 两半 hall[hC:l] n. [C]门厅,过道;大厅,礼堂:The hall will soon be filled with people. 大厅一会儿就会坐满人。‎ ham[hAm] n. [C,U]火腿:Slice the ham thin. 把火腿切得薄薄的。‎ hammer[5hAmE] n. [C]锤子v.用锤敲击,反复敲打:Hammer the nail in. 把钉子钉进去。/ He was holding a hammer. 他手里握着一把锤子。‎ hand[hAnd] n.[C]手;(钟表)指针 v.传递;交付;给:Put up your hand if you know the answer. 若知道答案请举手。‎ ‎【短语】at hand 在手边,在近处;即将到来 / by hand 用手工(即不是用机器或其他手段);用专人(即不是通常邮寄等) / give [lend] sb a hand 帮某人一把 / hand in hand手拉手;同时并存 / in hand 手头有;控制,处理,进行 / on hand 在手边(随时可用) / on the one (other) hand 一方面(另一方面) / hand in 交来,交上去(给老师或上级) / hand on 传递给另一个人 / hand out 散发,分发 / hand over 移交,拿给(另一人) / shake hands (with sb) (同某人)握手 handkerchief[5hANkEtFi:f] n.[C]手帕,手绢:a paper handkerchief 纸手巾 ‎【用法】其复数可以是handkerchiefs或handkerchieves,但以前者为多见。‎ handsome[5hAnsEm]adj.漂亮的,英俊的:He looks handsome in uniform. 他穿制服很英俊。‎ ‎【用法】主要用于说明男性;若用于女性,则指体态健美、端庄稳重等,即指健美而非貌美;若用于儿童,则指“外貌俊秀”。‎ hang[hAN]v.绞死,上吊;悬挂,吊着:He hung the picture on the wall. 他把画挂在墙上。/ He was hanged for murder. 他因杀人罪被判绞刑。‎ ‎【用法】若表示“绞死”,是规则动词,其过去式和过去分词为hanged;若表示“悬挂”,为不规则动词,其过去式和过去分词为hung。‎ happen[5hApEn] v.(偶然)发生;碰巧:I won’t tell anybody what happened. 发生的事我谁也不告诉。/ He happened to be out.=It happened that he was out. 他恰好不在家。‎ ‎【用法】只用作不及物动词,所以不用于被动语态。‎ happy[5hApI] adj.高兴的,幸福的:They lived a happy life. 他们过着幸福的生活。/ We are happy at [about] his letter. 收到他的来信我们很高兴。/ He is happy over his success. 他对自己的成功感到高兴。/ Are you happy with your life? 你对生活满意吗?‎ hard[hB:d] adv.努力地;(下雨等)猛烈地 adj.困难的;硬的:You will fail unless you work hard. 如果你不用功,你会不及格。/ It’s raining hard. 正在下大雨。/ The text is hard to understand.=It’s hard to understand the text. 这篇课文很难懂。‎ hardly[5hB:dlI] adv.几乎,几乎没有:I hardly ever heard him singing. 我几乎从未听他唱过歌。‎ ‎【用法】1.Hardly…when…是固定句型,意为“一…就”:Hardly had she arrived when it began to rain. 她刚到就下起雨来了。2.若用于句首,其后要用倒装句式:Hardly did he sleep last night. 他昨晚几乎没睡。‎ hard-working[5hB:dwE:kIN] adj.辛勤的,勤劳的:The Chinese are a hard-working people. 中国人是一个勤劳的民族。‎ harvest[5hB:vIst] n. [C,U]收割,收获(期);收成v.收割,收获:It happened that the harvest was bad that year. 恰好那年收成不好。‎ hat[hAt] n.[C]帽子:Hang your hat on the hook. 把帽子挂在衣钩上。‎ hate[heIt] v.憎恨;不愿,不喜欢:We hate such people. 我们讨厌这样的人。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动词作宾语时,用不定式或动名词均可:Some people hate working [to work] in the early morning. 有些人不爱在清晨工作。但若与would, should连用,则其后只接不定式:I’d hate to spend Christmas alone. 我不喜欢一个人过圣诞节。2.通常只用作及物动词,若后面直接跟if和when引导的状语从句,习惯上先接it:I hate it when people talk with their mouths full. 我不喜欢人们嘴里含着饭说话。‎ have[hAv] v.(had, had)有;吃;喝;进行;经受;使v. aux.(构成完成时态):Did you have a good holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗? / Have you finished your work? 你完成工作了吗? / I’ll have her post the letter. 我要叫她去寄信。/ He had the light burning all night. 他让灯亮了一整夜。/ We had the machine repaired. 我们请人修理了机器。/ He had his finger cut. 他的手指弄伤了。‎ he[hi:] pron.他:Is your dog a he or a she? 你的狗是雄的还是雌的?‎ head[hed] n.[C]头,头部 vi.前进:Use your head. 动脑筋吧。/ Then we headed for home. 然后我们就往家走了。‎ headache[5hedeIk] n.[C]头疼:I have (got) a bad headache. 我头痛得厉害。‎ headmaster[hed5mB:stE] n. [C](英)(中小学校)校长:The headmaster has the final say. 校长说了算数。‎ health[helW] n. [U]健康;卫生:Walking is good for the health. 散步对健康有益。/ They are in good health. 他们身体都很好。‎ hear[hIE]v.(heard, heard)听,听见;听说;得知:I heard him open the door and enter the room. 我听见他打开门进到屋里。/ I heard that he was ill. 我听说他病了。‎ ‎【短语】hear about 听说,得知 / hear from从…听来,收到…的来信 / hear of 听说,得知 / hear out 听完(某人的话)‎ heart[hB:t] n. [C]心(脏);心地,心肠,感情:She has a kind heart. 她心地善良。/ His heart beat so that he could hardly breathe. 他的心跳得这样厉害,他都喘不过气来了。‎ ‎【短语】by heart 默记地,记下 / heart and soul 全心全意地,全部心思地,完全地 / lose heart 灰心 / lose one’s heart to 倾心于,爱上 heat[hi:t] n. [U,C]热,热度,高温v. 变热,把…加热:The heat has caused the milk to go sour. 酷热的天气使牛奶酸了。‎ heaven[5hevEn] n.天空;上帝,神:Heaven knows! 天晓得!/ Good Heavens! (表惊奇)天呀! ‎ heavy[5hevI] adj.重的,大量的,强的:He didn’t come because of the heavy rain. 因为雨大他没有来。/ He is a heavy smoker. 他烟抽得很多。‎ height[haIt] n. [C,U]高,高度:He was a man of middle height. 他是中等个子。‎ hello[5helEJ] interj.& n.喂:Hello! How are you? 嘿,你好! / She said hello to me when she saw me. 她见到我时向我打招呼。‎ help[help] n.[U]帮助 [C]帮手,有益的事物v.帮助;促进:I helped him (to) repair his bike. 我帮他修自行车。/ Please help me with this luggage. 请帮我搬这行李。/ Help yourself to the fruit. 吃点水果吧。‎ ‎【用法】1.表示“帮助某人做某事”,英语可用help sb (to) do sth,也可用help sb in doing sth。2. can’t help doing sth与can’t help to do sth不同:前者指“禁不住做某事”,后者指“不能帮助做某事”。‎ her[hE:] pron.她的,她(宾格):He gave her a kiss. 他吻了她一下。‎ here[hIE] adv.这儿;在这里;向这里:here and there 到处,各处 / Here you are. 这就是你所要的东西。/ Here I must disagree. 这一点我必须反对。‎ hero[5hIErEJ] n. (pl.heroes)英雄:He died a hero’s death. 他英勇牺牲。‎ hers[hE:z] pron.她的:Is this his or hers? 这是他的还是她的?‎ herself[hE:5self] pron.她自己:She kept herself from laughing. 她忍住没笑。‎ hi[haI]interj.嘿! 喂(唤起注意,表示惊讶或询问):Hi there!喂!‎ hide[haId] v.(hid, hidden)隐蔽,把…藏起来:He is trying to hide the truth. 他想要掩盖真相。/ A fox cannot hide its tail. 狐狸尾巴是藏不住的。‎ high[haI] adj. 高的;高级的,高等的adv.高:higher education高等教育 / The building is nine stories high. 那座楼有九层高。‎ hill[hIl] n.[C]小山:The tower is on the top of the hill. 塔位于山顶上。‎ him[hIm] pron.他(宾格):If you ask him, he will help you. 如果你向他请求,他会帮助你。‎ himself[hIm5self] pron.他自己:He is not quite himself today. 今天他不太舒服。‎ hire[haIE] n.&vt.雇用,租用:We hired a car. 我们租了辆汽车。/ This car is for hire. 这辆车是出租的。‎ his[hIz] pron.他的:Everyone must do his best. 人人都要尽自己力量做。‎ history[5hIstErI] n.[U]历史(学) [C]一段历史:History repeats itself. (谚)历史往往重演。/ China is a country with a long history. 中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。‎ ‎【用法】1.以下说法通常不用冠词:modern history 近代史 / world history 世界史 / Chinese history 中国史。但下列说法要用定冠词(注意其后有 of短语):the history of China 中国史 2. 短语in history(历史上)中也不用冠词:It was an important moment in history. 那是历史上的重要时刻。‎ hit[hIt](hit, hit) v.打,击中;碰撞;到达;袭击,侵袭:Hit the ball hard. 使劲击球。/ He hit her on the nose. 他打了她的鼻子。/ The area was hit by a flash storm. 这一地区受到突如其来的暴风雨的侵袭。‎ hold[hEJld](held, held) v. 拿,抱,握;举行,进行;容纳;持续,耐久n. (用单数)掌握,把握:He held a knife in his hand. 他手里握着一把刀。/ The room can hold twenty people. 这屋子可容下20个人。/ She holds the same view. 她持有同样的看法。/ Hold the line, please. 请不要挂断电话。‎ ‎【短语】hold back 阻止;忍住;隐瞒 / hold out 支持,给予,坚持 / hold to 抓紧;坚持 / hold up 竖起;阻碍,延误 / catch (get, seize, take) hold of 抓住 / keep hold of 抓住,紧紧握住 hole[hEJl] n.[C]洞,坑,孔:There is a hole in the wall. 墙上有一个洞。‎ holiday[5hClEdeI] n. [C]假日,假期:You ought to have a holiday. 你应该休一休假。‎ ‎【比较】on holiday与on holidays:前者指“度假”、“在休假”,后者指“在假日里”(主要指诸如元旦、国庆等的放假日):The typist is on holiday this week. 打字员本周休假。/ Travel is very heavy here on holidays. 假日这里的交通很拥挤。‎ home[hEJm] n. [C,U]家 adj.家庭的,本国的 adv.回家,到家,在家:feel at home 感觉习惯,觉得舒适 / We decided to go home by bus. 我们决定坐公共汽车回家。‎ homework[5hEJmwE:k] n. [U]家庭作业:do one’s homework 做家庭作业 honest[5RnIst] adj.诚实的,正直的,公正的:Please be more honest about it. 请你更坦白地告诉我。/ It was honest of him to tell us the truth.= He was honest to tell us the truth. 他很诚实,给我们讲了真话。‎ honour(美honor)[5CnE] n. [C,U]荣誉;尊敬vt.尊敬,给予荣誉:Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?=Would you do me the honor to dance with me? 能请你跳曲舞吗? / We had a party in honour of his birthday. 为了祝贺他的生日我们举行了一个晚会。‎ hope[hEJp] v.& n.希望:She worked hard in the hope of making money.=She worked hard in hopes of making money. 她努力工作是希望赚钱。‎ ‎【用法】1.汉语中的“希望某人做某事”,说成英语不能是 hope sb to do sth,但与之意思相近的wish却可以用于该句型。2.I hope后的宾语从句可用一般现在时表将来,也可直接用将来时态:I hope you (will) like it. 希望你会喜欢它。3.用作名词的hope后可接of doing sth作宾语,但不接不定式:He still has the hope of seeing her again. 他还有希望再见到她。‎ hopeless[5hEJplIs]adj.没有希望的,没有用的,无法可治的:Your work is hopeless and so are you. 你的工作一无是处,你这个人也是如此。‎ horse[hR:s] n.[C]马:I am learning to ride a horse. 我正在学习骑马。‎ hospital[5hCspItEl] n. [C,U]医院:The injured were taken to hospital. 受伤的人都送进了医院。‎ ‎【用法】表示“住院”、“出院”等,在英国英语中不用冠词,但在美国英语中可用冠词:She is ill in (the) hospital. 她生病住院了。‎ hot[hRt]adj. 热的,热情的:It was very hot here in summer. 这儿夏天炎热。‎ hot dog[7hRt5dRg] n.[C]热狗(红肠面包):I want a hot dog. 我想要一节热狗。‎ hotel [hEJ5tel] n. [C]旅馆,饭店,宾馆,酒店:the Jindi Hotel 金地饭店 / This hotel is the cheapest in town. 这家旅馆是城里最便宜的。‎ hour[5aJE] n. [C]小时;时刻:He was paid by the hour. 他按钟点领薪。‎ house[haJs] n.[C]房子:It was a five-storeyed house. 这是一座5层楼房。‎ housewife[5haJs7waIf] n.[C]家庭主妇:She’s a bad housewife. 她不善于当家庭主妇。‎ housework[5haJs7wE:k] n.[U]家务劳动,家务活:You should help your mother with the housework. 你应该帮你母亲做家务。‎ how[haJ] adv.怎样,如何;多少:How is your mother? 你母亲身体好吗? ‎ ‎【短语】how far 多远(距离) / how many 多少(修饰复数可数名词) / how much 多少(修饰不可数名词) / how old 几岁,多大(岁数) / how long 多长,多久 / how often 每隔多久 / how soon 再过多久 however[haJ5evE] adv.无论如何;可是,仍然conj.不管用什么方法:However cold it is,she always goes swimming. 不管天多冷,她都会去游泳。/ However you come, be sure to come early. 不管你怎么来,一定要早来。‎ huge[hju:dV] adj.巨大的:My family is very large. 我的家庭是个很大的家庭。‎ hundred[5hQndrEd] num.百:He was paid five hundred dollars. 他们付给了他500美元。‎ ‎【用法】与具体数字连用时,不用复数形式,但若表示泛指数时,只用复数形式,且通常要有of短语:hundreds of people 数百人 hunger[5hQNgE] n.[U]饥饿,饥荒 [C]渴望,盼望:Hunger reduced him to stealing. 饥饿迫使他偷窃。 ‎ hungry[5hQNgrI] adj.饥饿的:We had to go hungry. 我们只好挨饿。‎ hurry[5hQrI] v.& n.赶紧,急忙:I hurried to the ticket-office. 我赶紧到售票处。‎ ‎【短语】hurry up 赶紧,快点 / in a hurry 匆忙地 hurt[hE:t]v. (hurt, hurt)使受伤,伤害,疼痛:I won’t hurt you. 我不会伤害你。/ You’ve hurt his feelings. 你伤害了他的感情。‎ husband[5hQzbEnd] n.[C]丈夫:husband and wife 夫妻 I I[aI] pron.我:I’m ashamed of what I did. 我对我的行为感到羞愧。‎ ice[aIs] n. [U]冰 [C]一份冰淇淋:Two ices, please. 来两份冰淇淋。‎ ice-cream[5aIskri:m] n.[C]冰淇淋:A chocolate ice-cream, please. 请给我一份巧克力冰淇淋。‎ idea[aI5dIE] n. [C]主意,想法:The idea sounds great. 这主意听起来不错。/ You have no idea (of) how worried I was! 你不知道我有多着急! ‎ ‎【用法】其后习惯上不接不定式作定语,遇此情况可用of doing sth:I hate the idea of moving. 我讨厌搬家。‎ if[If] conj.如果;是否:Keep your coat on if you feel cold. 如果你感觉冷大衣不要脱。/ He asked if I would show him the way. 他问我是否可以给他带路。‎ ‎【短语】even if 即使,纵使 / as if 好像,似乎 / if not 如果不是那样的话 / if so 如果是那样的 / if only 只要;但愿,要是…就好了 ‎ ill[Il] adj.生病的,不健康的;不好的,有害的:He is ill with a bad cold. 他患重感冒。‎ ‎【用法】表示“有病的”,一般只用作表语;表示“不好的”,一般只用作定语。‎ ‎【辨析】ill与sick:见sick。‎ illness[5Ilnis] n. [C,U]疾病:She was weak after her illness. 她病后很虚弱。‎ imagine[I5mAdVIn] vt.想像,设想:I can’t imagine what has happened. 我想像不出发生了什么事。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动词作宾语,通常用动名词,不用不定式:Can you imagine living without electricity? 你能想象没有电的生活吗? 2.可说 imagine sb (sth) to be,但通常不说 imagine sb (sth) to do(可将不定式改为动名词):Don’t imagine yourself to be always correct. 不要认为你总是对的。/ Can you imagine John cooking the dinner? 你能想像约翰做饭的情形吗? ‎ immediate[I5mi:djEt] adj.立即的;目前的:He made no immediate answer. 他没有立即回答。/ My immediate problem was to get money. 我当前的问题是找钱。‎ immediately[I5mi:djEtlI] adv.立即,马上 conj.一…就:I should act immediately. 我应该立即行动。/ I came immediately you called. 你一来电话我就来了。‎ importance[Im5pC:tEns] n.[U]重要性:It’s an invention of great importance. 这是一项非常重要的发明。‎ important[Im5pR:tEnt] adj.重要的:The book is important to [for] me. 这本书对我很重要。/ It is important (for us) to learn English well. 学好英语 (对我们)很重要。‎ ‎【用法】在It’s important 后接that从句时,从句谓语通常用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气:It is important that he (shoud) work hard. 他用功是很重要的。‎ impossible[Im5pRsEbl] adj.不可能的:It’s impossible (for us) to finish the work in a week. 要(我们)在一周之内完成此工作是不可能的。‎ ‎【用法】it’s impossible后接that从句时,从句谓语通常用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气:It is impossible that he (should) go home. 他不可能会回家去。/ It is impossible that he should have gone home. 他不可能回家去了。‎ improve[Im5prU:v] vt.改进,改善,提高:You can improve your English by reading more. 多看书可以提高你的英语水平。‎ ‎【注意】1.本身已包含有better的意思,所以不与better连用。2. improve on [upon] 的意思不是“在…有改进”,而是指“对…改进”或“比…更好”:He has never improved on his first book. 他再也没有写出比他的处女作更好的书来。‎ in [In] prep.在,在…之内(上),在…期间,从事于,符合,穿着,按照adv.在家;在内,向内:The train will arrive in a few minutes. 火车过几分钟就到。/ The losses were nine in ten. 损失了十之八九。/ You must pay the bill in cash. 你必须用现金付账。/ The woman in white is his wife. 穿白衣的那个女人是他的妻子。/ His life is in danger. 他有生命危险。/ Be careful (in) crossing the street. 过街道要小心。‎ inch[IntF] n. [C]英寸(1 foot=12 inches):Give him an inch and he will take a mile. 他会得寸进尺。‎ include[In5klu:d] vt.包括:His writings include poetry and a novel. 他的作品包括诗歌和一部小说。/ I include him among my friends. 我把他当作朋友。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动词作宾语,用动名词形式:Your duties will include putting the children to bed. 你的职责包括照顾孩子就寝。2.注意以下同义句:We all went including me.‎= We all went me included. 所有人都去了,包括我在内。‎ income[5InkQm] n. [C,U]收入:He has a five figure income. 他有五位数的收入。‎ ‎【用法】可受 large, high, small, low 等的修饰,但习惯上不用 much, little。‎ increase[In5kri:s] v.增加,增多,增大 n. [C,U]增加:The population of the city has increased by 20 per cent. 这座城市的人口增加了20%。‎ indeed[In5di:d] adv.的确;真正地,确实:I was indeed very glad to hear the news.我听到这消息的确很高兴。‎ ‎【用法】主要用于受very修饰的形容词或副词后加强语气。有时也用于肯定答语中或感叹句中加强语气。‎ India[5IndjE] n.印度:India is the home of elephants. 印度是大象的生长地。‎ Indian[5IndjEn] n.[C]印度人,印第安人adj.印度(人)的,印第安人的:The Indian people remain in deep poverty. 印第安人仍处于极端贫困状态。‎ industry[5IndEstrI] n.[C,U]工业;勤奋:Trade helps the development of industry. 贸易促进工业的发展。/ He won the prize through industry. 他靠勤奋获奖。‎ infer[In5fE:] vt.推断:I infer from your letter that you have not made up your mind yet. 我从你信中推断,你还没有下决心。‎ information[7InfE5meIFEn] n. [U]信息;通知,告知:information desk 问讯处 ink[INk] n.[U]墨水:Please write in ink. 请用钢笔写。‎ inside[In5saId] n. [C]内部 adv.& prep.在内部;在…里面:There is a label on the inside of the box. 盒子内侧有个标签。‎ insist[In5sIst] v. 坚持:I insist on your being there. 我坚持要你在那里。‎ ‎【用法】1.其后不能直接跟名词或代词作宾语,也不能接不定式或动名词作宾语。后接名词时借助介词on,后接动词时要用on doing sth:He insisted on this point. 他坚持这一点。/ He insisted on seeing us home. 他一定要送我们回家。2.后接that从句时,若表示“坚持要”(从句所指内容只是想法,不是事实),从句谓语用“用should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气;若表示“坚持说”(从句内容不是想法,而是事实),从句谓语用陈述语气:I insisted that he (should) go. 我一定要他去。/ I insisted (that) he was wrong. 我坚持认为他错了。‎ instead[In5sted] adv.代替:If you cannot go, let him go instead. 如果你不能去,让他替你去。‎ ‎【短语】instead of 代替,而不是:Use eggs instead of meat. 用鸡蛋代替肉。‎ institute[5InstItjU:t] n.[C]学会,协会,学院,(研究)所、院:an institute of foreign languages 外国语学院 / the Women’s Institute 妇女协会 instruction[In5strQkFEn] n.[U]教导,教授 [C]命令,指示 (用复数)说明:Mr Smith gives instruction in English. 史密斯先生教授英语。/ You must obey my instruction. 你必须遵守我的命令。/ Read the instructions on the bottle before you take the medicine. 吃药前先看药瓶上的说明。‎ interest[5Intrist] n.[C,U]兴趣;利息 [C,常用复]利益 vt.使…感兴趣:They have much [a great] interest in poetry. 他们对诗歌很感兴趣。/ He lent me the money at 5% interest. 他以五分的利息借给我这笔钱。/ Football interests him. 他对足球感兴趣。‎ ‎【比较】be interested in (doing) sth与be interested to do sth:前者指“对做某事感兴趣”,后者指“很想做某事”:They are interested in learning drawing. 他们对学绘画感兴趣。/ I’d be interested to hear your opinion about this. 我很想听听你对这事的意见。‎ interesting[5IntrIstIN] adj.有趣的,引起兴趣的:Tell us something interesting. 给我们讲点有趣的事。‎ international[7IntE(:)5nAFEnEl] adj.国际的:international law 国际法 interrupt[7IntE5rQpt] v.打断,打扰;中断:Don’t interrupt me. 别打断我。/ Rain interrupted our baseball game. 下雨中断了我们的棒球比赛。‎ into[5IntJ] prep.到…内,向内;变成:Throw it into the fire. 把它扔进火里。/ That woman screamed into my face. 那个女人对我的脸尖叫。/ The dish broke into many pieces. 碟子打成了许多小块。/ He worked far [deep, late] into the night. 他工作到深夜。/ He talked his wife into buying a car. 他说服他妻子买一辆小汽车。/ He divided the students into six groups. 他把学生分为6组。‎ ‎【说明】在口语中,be into 可表示“给迷住”、“对…深感兴趣”:He is into stamp collecting. 他非常喜欢集邮。‎ introduce[7IntrE5dju:s] vt.介绍,引进:Permit me to introduce myself. 请允许我介绍自己。‎ ‎【说明】1.不能后接双宾语,要表示给某人介绍他人,应用introduce sb to sb:He introduced his friend to me. 他把朋友介绍给我。2. introduce sb to sth 的意思不是“把某人介绍给某事物”,而是“使某人了解(认识、体验)某事物”:The teacher introduced the students to the pleasure of reading. 老师让学生们尝到了读书的乐趣。‎ invent[In5vent] vt.发明,创造;捏造,编造:Who invented the television? 电视是谁发明的? / The whole story was invented. 整个故事是虚构的。‎ invite[In5vaIt] vt.邀请,招待:He invited me to dinner. 他邀请我参加宴会。/ They invited her to go for a walk. 他们请她一起去散步。/ He didn’t invite us (to come) in. 他没有请我们进屋。‎ iron[5aIEn] n.[U]铁 [C]熨斗 v.熨烫:We must strike while the iron is hot. 我们要趁热打铁。/ She’s ironing his shirt. 她在烫他的衬衫。‎ island[5aIlEnd] n. [C]岛,岛状物:Hainan is China’s second largest island. 海南是中国第二大岛。‎ it[It]pron.(指事物)它,(当性别不明或被认为不重要时,指动物或人)它,(用作各种无人称动词形式的主语以及用于强调句型等):It’s a nice watch. 是块漂亮的表。/ It is raining. 正在下雨。/ It’s in this room that he was born. 他就是在这个房间出生的。/ It’s nice to see you again. 又见到你真是太好了。‎ itself[It5self] pron.它自己,它本身:The work itself is easy. 这工作本身很容易。‎ J jacket[5dVAkIt] n.[C]上衣,夹克:How much is the jacket? 这件上衣多少钱?‎ jam[dVAm] n. [U]果酱 [C]阻塞v.挤进;夹住,阻塞:a traffic jam 交通阻塞 January[5dVAnjJErI] n.一月:Her birthday is in January. 她的生日在一月。‎ Japan[dVE5pAn] n.日本:Have you ever been to Japan? 你到过日本吗?‎ Japanese[dVApE5ni:z] n.[C]日本人 [U]日语adj.日本的,日本人的:He can speak Japanese. 他会说日语。‎ jar[dVB:] n.[C]罐子,广口瓶子:a jar of oil 一罐油 job[dVRb] n.[C]工作:He’s been out of a job for months. 他已失业几个月了。‎ join[dVRIn] v.加入,参加;连接,联合:He joined the Party in 1947. 他于1947年入党。/ He’ll join us in singing the song. 他将同我们一起唱歌。/ Join this pipe to the other. 把这根管子与那根连接起来。‎ joke[dVEJk] n.[C]笑话 v.开玩笑:War is no joke. 战争不是闹着玩的。/ Let’s play a joke on him. 我们来开他个玩笑。/ He is only joking. 他只不过是开玩笑。‎ journey[5dVE:nI] n.[C]旅行,路程:Have a pleasant journey! 祝旅途愉快!‎ joy[dVCI] n. [U]欢乐,高兴 [C]令人快乐的人(事):He jumped for [with] joy. 他高兴得跳了起来。/ To my joy, I succeeded at last. 使我高兴的是我最后成功了。‎ judge[dVQdV] n.[C]法官,裁判员 v.判断,断定:Don’t judge by [from] appearances. 不要从外表来下判断。/ Judging from [by] what he said, he must be a cheat. 从他说的话来看,他一定是个骗子。‎ juice[dVu:s] n.[C,U]汁,果汁:A glass of orange juice, please. 请来杯橘子汁。‎ July[dVJ(:)5laI] n.七月:July 1 is our Party’s birthday. 7月1日是我们党的生日。‎ jump[dVQmp] n.[C]跳 v.跳;猛扑:He jumped for joy. 他高兴得跳了起来。‎ June[dVu:n] n.六月:June 1 is Children’s Day. 6月1日是儿童节。‎ just[dVQst] adv.正好,恰好;刚才;仅,不过:This is just what I wanted. 这正是我所要的。‎ ‎【用法】表示“刚刚”时,在英国英语中常与现在完成时连用,而在美国英语中常与一般过去时连用:He (has) just arrived. 他刚到。但与之同义的 just now 则通常只与一般过去时连用:He arrived just now.‎ K keep[ki:p] v.(kept, kept)保存,保持(某种状态),继续不断:Keep calm! 安静! / Keep the baby warm. 别把婴儿冻着。‎ ‎【短语】keep back (使)后退;忍住,隐瞒 / keep down 抑制,控制,使下降 / keep off 避开,防止,挡住 / keep on 继续 / keep out 遮挡,使不进入 / keep out of 使不进入… / keep up 保持,继续 / keep up with 跟上,不落后 ‎【注意】其后可接动名词作宾语,但不能接不定式。‎ ‎【比较】1.keep doing sth与keep on doing sth:若表示反复发生的动作(即动作间有间隔),可互换;若表示持续的状态或连续不断的动作(动作之间无间隔),则用 keep doing sth:I kept hoping that they would have chance to come to China some day. 我一直希望他们有机会到中国来。2.keep sb doing sth与keep sb from doing sth:前者指使某人不停地做某事,后者指使某人不做某事,两者意思几乎相反:I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让你等了。/ The rain kept us from going out. 下雨使我们没法出去。‎ key[ki:] n.[C]钥匙;键;关键,秘诀;答案:the keys of a piano 钢琴琴键 / I lost my keys. 我把钥匙弄丢了。‎ ‎【用法】表示“…的钥匙”,其后可用介词 to或of:the key to [of] the door 门的钥匙。但若用于比喻义表示“答案”、“秘诀”、“关键”等,通常只接介词to:This is the key to the problem. 这是问题的关键。‎ kick[kIk] v & n.踢:He shut the door with a kick. 他把门一踢,把门关上了。‎ kill[kIl] v.(被)杀死,(被)弄死;消磨(时间):How do you manage to kill your time on Sundays? 你在星期天是如何打发时间的?‎ kilo[5kIlEu] n.[C]千克,公斤;千米,公里:He bought three kilos of oranges. 他买了3公斤橘子。‎ kilometre / kilometer[5kIlEJmi:tE] n. [C]千米,公里:The new city covers more than 30 square kilometres. 这座新城市面积有 30 多平方公里。‎ kind[kaInd] n. [C]种,类 adj.和善的,友好的:We sell all kinds of hats. 我们卖各种帽子。/ Will you be kind enough to [=so kind as to] shut the door? 可否劳驾把门关上?‎ ‎【用法】1.用作名词表示“种类”时,用于kind of 后的名词通常要用单数,且不用冠词:This kind of book is interesting. 这种书很有趣。2.kind of 可用作状语,表示“有点儿”:I feel kind of cold. 我感到有点冷。‎ kindergarten[5kIndE7gB:tEn] n.[C]幼儿园:Bring the children back from the kindergarten at four o’clock. 下午四点把孩子们从幼儿园接回来。‎ king[kIN] n.[C]国王:The lion is the king of beasts. 狮子为万兽之王。‎ kiss[kIs]v.& n. [C]吻,接吻:She kissed her mother goodbye. 她吻别了她的妈妈。/ He blew a kiss at [to] me. 他给我一个飞吻。‎ kitchen[5kItFIn] n. [C]厨房,灶间:My mother has been slaving away all weekend in the kitchen.整个周末,我母亲一直在厨房里忙碌。‎ kite[kaIt] n. [C]风筝:The children are flying kites. 孩子们在放风筝。‎ knee[ni:] n. [C]膝盖;(坐姿时)腿部:He went down on his knees and begged for mercy. 他跪下求饶。‎ knife[naIf] n.[C]小刀:Set the table with knives and forks. 在桌上摆好刀叉。‎ knock[nRk] v.& n.[C]敲,打;相撞:There was a knock at his door. 有人敲他的门。/ Please knock (at/on the door) before entering. 进屋之前请先敲门。‎ know[nEJ] v.(knew, known)懂得;了解;知道;认识:Do you know why he was late? 你知道他为什么迟到吗?/ I’ve never known it (to) snow in July before. 我以前从未听说过七月份会下雪。‎ ‎【短语】know of (about)…(间接)知道 / know nothing about… 对…一无所知 / know from 区分 ‎【用法】其后不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但若不定式前有连接代(副)词则可以,如不说He knows to swim,而说He knows how to swim(他会游泳)。‎ ‎【比较】be known as=著称,被认识 / be known for 因为…出名 / be known to=为…所知 knowledge[5nClIdV] n. [U]知识,学问;知道,了解,熟悉:Knowledge is power. (谚)知识就是力量。/ Knowledge begins with practice. 认识从实践开始。‎ ‎【用法】1.汉语中说“英语知识”、“历史知识”等,说成英语通常是 the knowledge of English, the knowledge of history等,而不是 English knowledge, history knowledge等。2.是不可数名词,但有时可与不定冠词连用,表示某种程度的知识:He has a knowledge of music. 他懂点音乐。3.要表示“学习”知识,英语习惯上不用动词study,而用get, gain, obtain, acquire 等。‎ L lab[lAb] n.[C]实验室:laboratory equipment 实验室设备 labo(u)r[5leIbE] n.[U]劳动:According the Law of Labour, bosses can’t fire workers at will any longer. 根据劳动法,老板们再也不可以任意解雇工人了。‎ lack[lAk] v.& n.[U,C]缺乏,缺少,没有:What she lacks is experience. 她缺的是经验。/ Lack of rest made her tired. 她因缺乏休息而感到疲倦。/ The plants died for [through] lack of water. 这些植物因为缺水而死了。‎ ‎【用法】1.用作名词时,其后可接of;用作动词时,及物,其后不能接of。2.用作动词时,通常不用于进行时态或被动语态,但be lacking 是习语,尤其用于be lacking for [in] 等搭配中:Money was lacking for the plan. 这项计划缺乏资金。/ Humour is lacking in his speeches. 他讲话缺乏幽默。‎ ladder[5lAdE] n. [C]梯子:Some people say it is unlucky to walk under a ladder. 有人说在梯子下面走过去是不吉利的。‎ lady[5leIdI] n. [C]女士,夫人,小姐:Ladies and Gentlemen 女士们,先生们 / ladies [lady] first 女士优先 lake[leIk] n. [C]湖:the Dongting Lake‎ ‎洞庭湖 / Let’s have a row on the lake. 我们去湖上划船吧。‎ lamp[lAmp] n. [C]灯,油灯:put out a lamp 熄灯 / turn on (off) a lamp 开(关)灯 ‎【说明】可指电灯或油灯。‎ land[lAnd] vt.(使)登陆,(使)上岸,(使)降落 n.[U]陆地,土地:The plane will land in five minutes. 飞机将在五分钟后降落。/ Did you come by land or by sea? 你是从陆路来的还是从海路来的?‎ language[5lANgwIdV] n.[C,U]语言:People in different countries speak different languages. 不同国家的人说不同的语言。/ Language is an instrument for communication. 语言是交际的工具。‎ large[lB:dV] adj.大的,巨大的:A large number of their students are Asians. 他们的很多学生是亚洲人。/ in large numbers 大量地 / in large quantities 大量地 last[lB:st] adj.& adv.最后的(地),最后刚过去的,上一次n. [C]最后 v.持续:There were strong winds last night. 昨晚刮大风。/ When did you see her last? 你上次是何时碰到她的? / She was the last to arrive. 她是最后到的。‎ ‎【短语】at last 最后,终于 / in the last five (few) years 在过去五(几)年中(通常连用现在完成时) ‎ late[leIt] adj.& adv.晚的(地),迟的(地):Don’t be late for class again. 上课别再迟到了。/ The train arrived five minutes late. 火车晚点五分钟。‎ ‎【比较】be late for doing sth与be late in doing sth:前者指做某事迟到,后者指做某事做得迟(此时也可换成be late with sth):We were late in having lunch today.= We were late with lunch today. 我们今天午饭吃得迟。‎ ‎【短语】as late as 迟至 / at the latest 至迟,最迟 lately[5leItlI] adv.最近,不久前:Have you seen her lately? 你最近见到她了吗?‎ later[5leItE] adv.之后;不久;后来:sooner or later 迟早 / Later on he realized his mistake. 后来他意识到了自己的错误。‎ laugh[lB:f] v.笑,大笑;嘲笑;笑得使n.[C]笑,笑声:She can’t bear being laughed at. 她受不了别人的嘲笑。‎ law[lC:] n.[U]法律 [C]法律条款;法则,定律:It was against the law. 这是违法的。/ The law will soon take effect. 这条法律即将生效。‎ lawyer[5lR:jE] n. [C]律师:The lawyer examined the witness. 律师讯问了证人。‎ lay[leI](laid, laid) v.放,摆;使处于某种状态;产卵:Lay it on the floor. 把它放在地上。/ Will you please lay the table for dinner? 请你摆好餐具准备吃饭好吗? / These hens are laying well. 这些母鸡产蛋很多。‎ ‎【注意】不要将它与lie(躺,位于)的过去式(lay)相混淆。‎ lazy[5leIzI] adj.懒惰的,懒散的:He was too lazy. 他太懒。‎ lead[li:d](led, led) v.领导,带领;领先,率先;过…生活:He leads a quiet life in the country. 他在乡下过着安静的生活。‎ ‎【比较】lead sb in doing sth与lead sb to do sth:前者指领导(带领)某人做某事,后者指使某人做某事(有时有误导之意):Our Party leads us in building socialism. 党领导我们建设社会主义。/ What he said led us to believe that he was rich. 他说的话使我们相信他有很多钱。‎ ‎【短语】lead to 通向(某地),导致(某种结果)‎ leaf[li:f](leaves) n.[C](树)叶;(书刊等的)张(包括正反两面,相当于two pages):In fall the leaves change from green to brown. 秋天,树叶由绿变成褐色。‎ league[li:g] n.[C]同盟,联盟;(足球等)联合会,联赛:He joined the League last year. 他去年入了团。/ Our team is at the top of the football league this year. 我们队是今年足球联赛中最好的队。‎ learn[lE:n] v.(learnt, learnt或learned, learned) 学习;听说,获悉:Never too old to learn. (谚)活到老学到老。/ Study hard and make progress every day. 好好学习,天天向上。‎ ‎【短语】learn of 听说 / learn about [of] 听说关于…的情况 / learn from 从…得知,从(向)…学习 least[li:st] adj.& n.最小(的);最少(的) adv.最少地:He has least money of us all. 在我们所有人当中他最没有钱。‎ ‎【短语】at least 至少 / in the least 一点(也不),丝毫(不)(主要用于否定句)‎ leave[li:v] v.(left, left)离开;把…留下;剩下:He left for Paris. 他动身去巴黎了。/ He left the windows open. 他让窗子开着。‎ ‎【比较】1.leave sb doing sth与leave sb to do sth:前者指让某人做某事(处于做某事的状态中),后者指让某人去做某事:His letter left me feeling pretty bad. 他的信让我感到很难受。/ We’re leaving him to do it. 我们打算让他去做这事。2. leave sth for sb与leave sth to sb:前者指给某人留下某物(也可说成leave sb sth),后者指把某物交给(委托给)某人(其中的to也可换成with):Someone left this note for you.= Someone left you this note. 有人给你留下了这张条子。/ You’d better leave the matter to [with] me. 你最好把这事交给我办。‎ lecture[5lektFE] v.& n.[C]演讲,讲座,讲课:a lecture on the situation 形势讲座 left[left] n.(用单数)左,左边 adj.左的,左边的 adv.向左:The school is on the left of the road. 学校在马路的左边。Go right to the end of this street and then turn left. 一直走到这条街的尽头,然后左转。‎ leg[leg] n. [C]腿;一段旅程(赛程,路程):My right leg hurts. 我右脚疼。/ the last leg of the flight 飞行中的最后一段路程 lend[lend] v.(lent, lent)把…借给:He lent me nothing.=He lent nothing to me. 他什么也没借给我。‎ length[leNW] n. [U]长,长度:The rope is 5 metres in length. 这根绳子5米长。/ The length of the movie is two hours. 影片长两小时。‎ ‎【短语】at length 最后,终于;详细地,彻底地 less[les] adj.更少的;较少的 adv.更少地;较少地:We must do more with less money. 我们要少花钱多办事。/ Jane is less beautiful than Mary. 简不如玛丽漂亮。‎ ‎【短语】less and less 越来越小(少) / less than (指数量)不到;比…(小)少 / less...than 不像(如)…;不如…多;与其…不如… / no less than 多达,有…之多(强调数量之多);简直,与…没差别 / no less...than 与…一样,不比…差(强调有同等性)‎ lesson[5lesn] n. [C]课,功课;教训:It is a lesson to me. 这对我是一个教训。‎ let[let] v.(let, let)让,允许;出租:Let him (come) in. 让他进来。/ Let’s go swimming on Sunday. 我们星期日去游泳吧!‎ ‎【用法】1.表示“让”时,其后用作宾语补足语的不定式不能带 to。2. let’s的否定式可以是 let’s not或don’t let’s:Let’s not hurry.=Don’t let’s hurry. 我们不要太急。3.表示“出租”时,通常用主动形式表示被动意义:The house is to let. 房屋出租。‎ letter[5letE] n.[C]字母;信:She tore the letter into tiny pieces. 她把信撕得粉碎。‎ level[5levEl] n. [C,U]水平面,层面;水准,程度,级别 adj.水平的;平坦的;平等的;同一水平的:artistic level艺术水平 / Some streets are not level in the city. 城里有几条街道不平坦。‎ liberate[5lIbEreIt] vt.解放,释放,使自由:All the prisoners were liberated. 所有犯人都释放了。‎ liberation[7lIbE5reIFEn]n. [U]解放:women’s liberation 妇女解放运动 librarian[laI5brZErIEn] n. [C]图书馆馆长,图书管理员:The librarian called in all the books. 图书管理员把书全部收了回去。‎ library[5laIbrErI] n. [C]图书馆:The library is open every day. 图书馆每天都开。‎ lie1[laI] vi.说谎 n.[C]谎言,假话:He lied about his age. 他谎报年龄。‎ ‎【说明】动词lie表示“说谎”时,是规则动词(过去式和过去分词均为lied);表示“趟”、“卧”、“平放”、“位于”等,是不规则动词(过去式为lay,过去分词为lain)。但无论表示哪个意思,其现在分词均为lying。‎ lie2[laI](lay, lain) vi. 躺,卧,平放;位于,在…位置;保持…状态:She lay down on her bed. 她躺在床上。/ That’s where the real danger lies. 那是真正的危险所在。‎ ‎【注意】不要将过去式(lay)与动词原形lay(放,置,下蛋)混淆。‎ life[laIf] n. [C,U]生命,人生;一生;生活:He’s lived here all his life. 他一辈子住在这里。/ May you have a long and happy life! 祝你快乐长寿!‎ lifetime[5laIftaIm] n. [C]一生,终生:during one’s lifetime 一生 lift[lIft] vt.提起,举起 n.[C]升举,提;(英)电梯;搭便车:He is not strong enough to lift the box. 他力气不够大提不起这个箱子。/ Could you give me a lift? 你可否让我搭你的车?‎ light[laIt] n. [U]光,光线;日光 [C]电灯,电筒 v.点火;照亮 adj. 轻的;浅色的:Light travels faster than sound. 光的速度比声音快。/ Why did you leave the light on? 你为什么让灯开着? / He lit [lighted] a cigarette. 他点燃了一支烟。‎ ‎【用法】用作动词时,过去式和过去分词可用lighted或lit,其区别是:一般情况下多用lit,若用于名词前作定语,则用lighted,但若用作定语的lighted受到副词的修饰,则多用lit。‎ lighting[5laItIN] n. [U]照明,点火:The lighting of fires here is forbidden. 在这里生火是禁止的。‎ lightning[5laItnIN] n.[U]闪电:Lightning plays in the sky. 空中电光闪闪。‎ like1[laIk] v.喜欢;想要:I’d like to stay at home. 我想呆在家里。/ How do you like the film? 你觉得这部电影怎么样?‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动词作宾语时,用不定式或动名词均可:Many people like to watch [watching] TV at night. 许多人喜欢晚上看电视。2.后接if或when引导的从句时,应在其后加it:I don’t like it when she tells me how to do things. 我不喜欢她对我做事指手划脚。‎ like2[laIk] prep.像,跟…一样;例如,诸如conj.(口语)像…一样:She’s very (much) like her mother. 她很像她妈妈。‎ limit[5lImIt] n.[C](事物的)界限,限度;范围 vt.限定,限制:He knows his own limits.他自知能力有限。/ Limit your answer to yes or no. 你只要回答是还是否。‎ line[laIn] n. [C]线,线条;绳;排;电话线;短信;(常用复)台词 v.划线(于);(使)沿…排成行:The children are standing in line. 孩子们排成一行。/ We lined up to buy tickets. 我们排队买票。/ The road is lined with trees. 路的两边种着树。‎ ‎【短语】drop (sb) a line (给某人)写封短信 / hold the line (电话用语)等一下 lion[5laIEn] n.[C]狮子:The lion is the king of beasts. 狮子为万兽之王。‎ lip[lIp]n.[C]嘴唇:He kissed her on the lips. 他吻了她的嘴唇。‎ list[lIst] n.[C]一览表,清单vt.把…列表(造册):His name appears second on the list. 他名列第二。‎ listen[5lIsn] vi.听:I listened but heard nothing. 我听了听,但什么也没听到。‎ ‎【短语】listen to 听… / listen for 听着等候…(的声音) / listen in 收听(广播);偷听 litre(美liter)[5li:tE] n. [C]升,公升:a litre of oil 一升油 little[5lItl](less, least) adj.小的,幼小的;不重要的;(表否定)几乎没有n.& pron. (连用a) (表肯定)一点,少许;(表否定)少到几乎没有 adv. (表否定)几乎没有,几乎不,毫不:He knew a little of everything. 他什么都知道一点。/ She had little spare time. 她空余时间很少。/ He’s a little bit better now. 现在他稍好一点儿了。‎ ‎【比较】1.little与a little:两者均可表示“少”,后接不可数名词,但前者表示否定意义,表示很少或少到几乎没有;后者表示肯定意义,表示量虽少,但毕竟还有。2. not a little 与not a bit:前者意为“很”,后者意为“一点也不”。‎ live1[lIv] v.活,生存;生活,居住;过…样的生活:They live by honest labour. 他们靠诚实劳动过活。/ The Chinese live on rice. 中国人以大米为主食。‎ live2[laiv] adj.活的,有生命的;带电的;实况的,直播的 adv.现场:live fish 活鱼 / The race will be telecast live. 比赛将有电视现场播出。‎ lively[5laIvlI] adj.生动的,活泼的;有生气的:The music is bright and lively. 这音乐活泼轻快。‎ living[5lIvIN] adj.活着的 n.[C,U]生活,谋生:He makes his living by teaching English [as a teacher of English]. 他靠教英语为生。‎ living-room[5lIvINrJm]n.[C]起居室,客厅:in the living-room 在客厅 load[lEJd] n.[C]负担,担子,重载v.装载,载满:He set his load down. 他把重物放了下来。/ We loaded the truck with bananas. 我们把香蕉装上卡车。‎ loaf[lEJf] n. [C](通常较大的)长面包,一个面包:Half a loaf is better than no bread. 半块面包总胜于全无面包(有比没有好)。‎ lock[lRk] n.[C]锁 v.锁上,锁住:Remember to lock the door. 记得锁门。‎ lonely[5lEJlI] adj.孤独的,寂寞的,荒凉的:I’m surprised that he should feel lonely. 我很惊讶他竟感到孤独。‎ long[lRN] adj.(指距离)长,远;(时间)长 adv.长久 n.长期间 v.渴望:I can’t stay here long. 我不能在这儿呆很久。‎ ‎【短语】before long 不久以后,很快 / long ago 很久以前 / long before 很久以前 / as long as 与…一样长(久);只要 / for long 很久,好久 / no longer=not...any longer 不再 look[lJk] n. [C]看;表情,外表v.看,看起来:I looked but saw nothing. 我看了看,但什么也没看见。‎ ‎【短语】look about [around] 环顾四周,到处看 / look after 照顾,照料 / look at 看,注视,看待 / look down on [upon] 看不起,瞧不起 / look for 寻找,期待 / look forward to 期待,盼望(to为介词) / look in (顺便)来访 / look into 调查,了解 / look like 看起来像,好像要 / look on 旁观;看作 / look out 向外看,当心 / look over 审阅,翻阅,打量,检查 / look through 翻阅,浏览 / look to 注意,负责 / look up 查阅,查找;看望,拜访 / look up to 尊敬 lorry[5lRrI] n.[C]卡车,运货汽车:Look out. There is a lorry coming. 当心! 有辆卡车开过来了。‎ lose[lu:z]v. (lost, lost)丢失,丧失;输:I lost my keys. 我的钥匙丢了。/ Our team lost the football match. 我们队足球比赛输了。‎ ‎【短语】be lost in 陷入(沉思等),全神贯注于,为…所吸引 loss[lRs] n.[U]丧失,损失 [C]亏损,损失物:Loss of health is worse than loss of wealth. 丧失健康比丢失金钱更糟。‎ ‎【短语】at a loss 不知所措,不知如何是好 lot[lRt] n.(连用a或用复数)很多:I picked lots of flowers. 我摘了许多花。/ He has quite a lot of friends. 他有很多朋友。/ He is a lot better today. 他今天好多了。‎ loud[laJd] adj.& adv.大声的(地),响亮的(地):He has a loud voice. 他嗓子大。/ You needn’t talk so loud. 你不必这么大声讲话。‎ love[lQv] v.& n.爱,热爱,很喜欢:Children love playing [to play]. 儿童爱玩。/ She fell in love with her teacher. 她爱上了自己的老师。‎ ‎【短语】1.后接动词作宾语时,用不定式或动名词均可。但 would [should] love后却只能接不定式:I’d love to go with them. 我想同他们一起去。2.当其后接有if或when 引导的从句时,应在其后加上it:She won’t love it if you arrive late. 她不喜欢人迟到。‎ lovely[5lQvlI] adj.可爱的,好看的,使人愉快的:What lovely flowers those are! 那些花多么好看啊! / She looks really lovely. 她看起来的确可爱。‎ low[lEJ] adj.& adv.低,矮:He sold it at a low price. 他低价卖了它。‎ luck[lQk] n.[U]运气,好运:Good-bye and good luck to you. 再见,祝你好运。/ I’m quite out of luck today. 我今天真倒霉。‎ luggage[5lQgIdV] n.[U](总称)行李(=baggage):a piece of luggage 一件行李 / Have you checked all your luggage? 你所有的行李都托运了吗?‎ ‎【用法】见baggage。‎ lunch[lQntF] n.[U]午餐,午饭:Lunch is from eleven to one. 午饭从11点供应到1点。/ He had a plate of beef for lunch. 他午餐吃了一盘牛肉。‎ M machine[mE5Fi:n] n. [C]机器,机械:This machine is worked by electricity. 这台机器是电动。/ I bought a washing machine. 我买了台洗衣机。‎ mad[mAd] adj.疯狂的;狂热的,着迷的:He must be either mad or drunk. 他不是疯了就是醉了。/ He was mad at [with] me. 他对我很着迷。‎ madam[5mAdEm] n.夫人,女士:This way please, madam. 小姐,请这边走。‎ ‎【说明】主要用作称呼语,是对妇女(已婚或未婚)的尊称,常用单数形式,复数一般用ladies代之:Good morning, ladies. 女士们,早上好!‎ madame[5mAdEm] n. [C](对妇女的尊称)夫人,女士:Madame Curie 居里夫人 ‎【说明】主要用于讲法语或非英语民族的已婚妇女姓名前,其用法相当于Ms或Mrs:Madame Cartier 卡蒂埃夫人 magazine[7mAgE5zi:n] n.[C]杂志:a monthly magazine 月刊 mail[meIl] n.[U]邮政,邮件,邮递 vt.邮寄:He sent the letter to her by mail. 他把信寄给了她。/ Please mail the letter for me. 请帮我把这封信寄了。‎ mailbox[5meIlbRks] n.[C]信箱:put sth into the mailbox 往信箱里放某物 main[meIn] adj.主要的:Here are the main events in today’s news again. 现在重复一遍今天的新闻要点。‎ ‎【说明】只用作定语,不用作表语,且没有比较等级。‎ major[5meIdVE] adj.较大的,主要的n.[C]少校:(美)(学院或大学的)主修课程,专业vi. 主修(大学里某一科目):He majors in history. 他主修历史。‎ majority[mE5dVCrItI] n.[C,U]大多数:The majority of doctors believe that smoking is harmful to health. 大多数医生都认为吸烟对身体有害。‎ ‎【用法】单独用作主语时,谓语可用单数或复数:The majority were [was] on Ben’s side. 大多数人都站在本的一边。但若其后的表语是复数,则谓语通常要用复数:The majority are old people. 大多数是老年人。‎ make[meIk] v.(made, made)做,制造;使得;(使)成为:We made him chairman. 我们选他当主席。/ He will make a good teacher. 他会成为一位好老师。‎ ‎【短语】make...into (out of)… 使…成为(变成)… / make...of (from)... 由…制成…(多用被动式) / make for 往…去;有助于 / make it 及时赶到;成功,做成 / make out 理解;看清;填写;假装 / make up构成;编写;编造;和解;弥补;化妆;凑足;准备好,做好 ‎【用法】用作使役动词,其后接不定式的复合结构时,不定式不带to:Rain makes plants grow. 雨水使植物生长。但若变为被动语态,不定式必须带to。‎ man[mAn] n.(pl. men)男人,人(类):He’s a man of courage. 他是一个勇敢的人。‎ ‎【用法】1.用在名词前说明该名词的性别时,若其后名词为复数,则man也用复数:men nurses 男护士 2.泛指“男人”时,可用man, a man, men等形式:Man [Men] is taller than woman [women]. 男人比女人高。3.表示“人类”时,通常用单数,且不带冠词:Man will conquer nature. 人类将征服自然(即人定胜天)。‎ manage[5mAnIdV] v.管理,经营;设法对付:How did you manage to finish it so soon? 你怎么这样快就完成了? / I’ll be able to manage without help. 我一个人能行。‎ manager[5mAnIdVE] n.[C]经理:He asked to see the manager. 他要求见经理。‎ manner[5mAnE] n. [C]方法,方式;态度,举止;(用复数)礼貌:Do it in this manner. 照这样做它。/ It’s good manners to stand in line. 排队等候是有礼貌的行为。‎ many[5menI] adj.许多的 pron.许多人,许多:I’ve known him for many years. 我认识他有许多年了。/ Many of them couldn’t find work. 他们很多人找不到工作。‎ ‎【短语】a good [great] many 许多 / as many as 与…一样多;多达 / how many 多少 / many a 许多 ‎【用法】1.a great [good] many 后接复数名词,注意其间不用介词of(与a great number of不同)。2.many a 后接单数名词,但表复数意义,用作主语时,谓语却用单数:Many a boy likes swimming. 许多男孩子喜欢游泳。‎ map[mAp] n.[C]地图:You can find it in [on] the map. 你可以在地图上找到它。‎ march[mB:tF] v.& n.前进;进军:Education is on the march. 教育事业正在发展中。‎ March[mB:tF] n.三月:Easter occurs on a Sunday in March or April. 复活节是三月或四月的一个星期天。‎ mark[mB:k] n.[C]斑点,痕迹;标记,符号;分数 v.弄污;标志;打分:He studied hard and got high marks. 他学习努力,因此得了高分。‎ market[5mB:kIt] n.市场:Her house is on [in] the market. 她的房子要出售。‎ marriage[5mArIdV] n. [C,U]结婚;婚姻,婚姻生活:My marriage with Mary is a happy one. 我与玛丽的婚姻生活很幸福。‎ marry[5mArI] v.嫁,娶,结婚:Is he married? 他结婚了吗?‎ ‎【用法】要表示与某人结婚,可直接说marry sb,不要说 marry with [to] sb。但在be [get] married to sb中用介词to (仍不能用 with),该结构中的 married 为形容词。‎ Marxism[5mB:ksIzEm] n.[U]马克思主义:the classics of Marxism-Leninism 马列主义经典著作 mass[mAs] n.[C]团,块;众多,大量:There were masses of dark clouds in the sky. 天空布满团团乌云。/ I have a mass [masses] of work to do. 我有大量工作要做。‎ master[5mB:stE] n.[C]主人,男老师 vt.精通,掌握:It takes years to master a new language. 要花多年的时间才能掌握一门新的语言。‎ match[mAtF] n. [C]比赛,火柴 v.和…匹敌,相配:I want a tie that will match with this suit. 我想买条领带来配我这套衣服。‎ material[mE5tIErIEl] n. [C,U]材料,原料;布料;资料,素材:Plastic is a widely used material. 塑料是一种被广泛使用的材料。‎ mathematics[7mAWI5mAtIks]/ math(s)[mAW(s)] n.[U]数学:Everyone in the class passed the maths exam. 数学考试班上人人都及格了。‎ matter[5mAtE] n.[U]物质 [C]事情,问题 (用单数)麻烦,毛病 vi.重要,要紧:It doesn’t matter. 没关系。/ What’s the matter with it? 它怎么了?‎ ‎【用法】no matter(无论,不管)为常用结构,后接疑问词:No matter what you say, I won’t believe you. 不管你说什么,我都不会相信你。‎ may[meI]v. aux.(might)可以,也许,可能:He may say so. 他也许会这样说。/ He may have said so. 他也许这样说过。‎ ‎【短语】may as well do sth 还是做某事为好 ‎【用法】1.若没有特定的上下文,类似He may not go out这样的句子会有歧义:若may 表示推测,则此句意为“他可能不会出去”;若may 表示允许,则此句表示“他不可以出去”。即若may 表推测,may not=可能不;若may表允许,may not=不可以。2.对过去情况进行推测时,应在其后接动词完成式。‎ May[meI] n.五月:the May 4 Movement 五四运动 maybe[5meIbI]adv.或许,大概:Maybe he is right. 也许他是对的。‎ ‎【辨析】maybe 与may be:maybe是副词;may be 是情态动词may加动词be:Maybe it is true.= It may be true. 这可能是真的。‎ me[mI(:)] pron.我(宾格):Me too. 我也一样(用于肯定的情形) / Me neither. 我也一样(用于否定的情形)。‎ meal[mi:l] n.[C]一餐(饭):We have three meals every day. 我们每天吃三餐。‎ mean[mi:n] v.(meant, meant)想要,意味着:He means to be a teacher. 他打算当老师。/ This illness will mean going to hospital. 得了这种病就意味着要住院。‎ ‎【短语】be meant to do sth 必须或应该做某事 / be meant for 为某一目的而安排,适合于做某事 ‎【用法】后接不定式表示打算做某事;后接动名词表示意味着做某事。‎ meaning[5mi:nIN] n.[C,U]含义,意义:One word can have several meanings. 一个词可以有几个意思。‎ meanwhile[5mi:nwaIl]adv.同时,此间:The train won’t leave for an hour. Meanwhile we can have lunch. 火车还有一个小时才开,其间我们可以吃中饭。‎ measure[5meVE] n.[C,U]度量,尺寸,措施 v.量,测量:An hour is a measure of time. 小时是时间单位。/ Quick measures were needed. 需要迅速采取措施。‎ meat[mi:t] n.[U](食用肉)肉:I am not fond of eating meat. 我不喜欢吃肉。‎ medical[5medIkEl] adj. 医学的,医疗的,医术的:The doctor gave him a medical examination. 医生给他作了体格检查。‎ medicine[5medsIn] n. [C,U]药,医学,内科学:Don’t take too much medicine. 不要吃太多的药。/ This is a good medicine for a cough. 这是治疗咳嗽的良药。‎ meet[mi:t] v. (met, met)碰到;相识,被(首次)介绍;会合;遭到;满足 n.[C]集会;运动会:Will you meet her at the station? 你到车站去接她吗?‎ ‎【短语】meet up (偶然)碰见;(约好)见面,会合 / meet with (偶然)碰到,遭到;与…会面 meeting[5mi:tIN] n.[C]会,集会;会合:We’ll have a meeting. 我们要开个会。‎ member[5membE] n.[C]成员,会员:Interested members will meet at two. 感兴趣的会员两点钟碰头。‎ memory[5memErI] n. [C,U]记忆力,存贮器,回忆:He spoke from memory. 他仅凭记忆说。/ He has a good (bad) memory for dates. 他对日期记忆力很好(差)。‎ ‎【短语】in memory of 纪念 mend[mend] v.修理,修补:I need my coat mended. 我的上衣需要补一补。‎ mental[5mentl] adj.精神的;脑力的:mental patients 精神病患者 mention[5menFEn] v.提到,说起:He mentioned seeing her often. 他提到过经常见到她。/ He never mentioned his girl friend to me. 他从未给我提及他的女朋友。‎ ‎【用法】1.其后不能接双宾语,若要表示向某人提到某事,应用mention sth to sb。2.后接动词要用动名词,习惯上不用不定式。3.Don’t mention it 是习语,可用于回答感谢或道歉。‎ ‎【比较】not to mention与not to say:前者表示“更不用说”;后者表示“虽不能说”、“即使不能说”。‎ menu[5menju:] n.[C]菜单,菜谱:Let’s see what is on the menu today. 让我们看看今天菜单上有什么菜。‎ merchant[5mE:tFEnt] n. [C]商人 adj.商业的,商人的:The merchant deals in silk goods. 这个商人经营丝织品。‎ merely[5mIElI] adv.仅仅,只不过:I merely asked his name. 我只不过问问他的名字。/ That was merely a guess of mine. 那只是我的一种猜测。‎ message[5mesIdV] n.[C]消息,信息:He left a message for me. 他给我留了个口信。/ I sent a message to her. 我给她捎了个信去。‎ metal[5metl] n. [C,U]金属 adj.金属制造的:Is it made of wood or metal? 这是木头做的还是金属做的?‎ method[5meWEd] n.[U]规律,秩序 [C]方法,办法:Do you know any methods of teaching English? 你知道教授英语有什么新的方法吗?‎ metre / meter[5mi:tE] n.[C]米:The room is 2 metres wide. 那房间两米宽。‎ midday[5mId7deI] n.[U]中午:They will leave at midday. 他们正午动身。‎ middle[5mIdl] adj.中间的,中等的 n.中间:It’s now the middle of summer. 现在是盛夏。‎ ‎【短语】in the middle of 在…中间,在…过程中 midnight[5mIdnaIt] n.[U]午夜:We close at midnight. 我们午夜关门。‎ might[maIt] v. aux. (may的过去式,表推测或允许)可能,可以;(代替may,礼貌地请求)可以;(表推测)可能:There might still be hope. 可能还有希望。/ She might be waiting for you. 她可能在等你。‎ ‎【短语】might well很可能 / might (just) as well do sth 不妨做某事,还是做某事为好 ‎【用法】1.表示推测时,既可表过去(为may的过去式),也可表现在(比may委婉)。2.对过去情况的推测,其后应接动词完成式(也可用may):He might [may] have left. 他也许已经离开了。3.对于过去可能发生而实际上并未发生的情况,其后也要接动词的完成式(此时不能换成may):He might have given you more help, even though he was very busy. 他本来可以给你更多帮助的,尽管他很忙。‎ mile[maIl] n.[C]英里:Give him an inch and he will take a mile. 他会得寸进尺。‎ milk[mIlk] n.[U]牛奶 v.挤奶,产奶:I had some milk for breakfast. 我早餐喝了点牛奶。/ The farmer milks (the cows) twice a day. 农民一天挤两次(牛)奶。‎ million[5mIljEn] num. 百万:The city has a population of four million. 这座城市有四百万人口。‎ mind[maInd] n.[U,C]心,思想,头脑;心思;想法 v.照料;介意;小心:I don’t mind what you do. 我对你做什么毫不在乎。‎ ‎【短语】change one’s mind 改变主意 / make up one’s mind 决定,决心 / mind and body 身心,精神与肉体 / never mind 没关系 ‎【用法】用作动词表示“介意”时,主要用于否定句或疑问句,此时可后接动名词,但不能接不定式:I don’t mind being poor. 我对贫困不在乎。‎ mine[maIn] pron.我的 n.[C]矿山,矿井 vt.开采(矿物):They were mining for silver. 他们开采银矿。‎ minister[5mInIstE] n.[C]大臣,部长:She is a private secretary to the minister. 她是部长的私人秘书。‎ minute[mI5ni:t] n.[C]分钟,一会儿,瞬间:I’ll be back in a minute. 我一会儿就回来。‎ ‎【说明】the minute (that) 可用作连词,表示“一…就”:We’ll leave the minute you are ready. 你一准备好我们就走。‎ mirror[5mIrE] n.[C]镜子:She looked at herself in the mirror. 她照镜子。‎ miss[mIs] v.想念,惦记;错过,未看见:Do you miss your family? 你想念家人吗? / He shot at the bird, but missed. 他向鸟射击,但未射中。‎ ‎【说明】后接动词作宾语,要用动名词,不用不定式:He just missed being struck. 他险些儿被打着。‎ Miss[mIs] n.小姐(对未婚妇女的称呼):I love Miss Brown 我爱布朗小姐。‎ mistake[mI5steIk]n.[C]错误,过失,误解vt.(mistook, mistaken)弄错,误解:He made a mistake about the time. 他弄错了时间。/ He mistook me for my younger brother. 他把我错当作我弟弟。‎ ‎【短语】by mistake 错误地,弄错地 mix[mIks] v.混和,搅和:Oil and water will not mix. 油和水不相溶合。‎ model[5mRdl] n.[C]模型,式样;模范,典型,(艺术或服装的)模特儿:They’re a model couple. 他们是一对模范夫妻。‎ modern[5mRdn] adj.现代的,近代的;现代化的;时髦的:Modern music was first developed in Italy. 现代音乐最初是在意大利发展起来的。‎ moment[5mEJmEnt] n.[C]片刻,瞬间;一会儿:Just a moment. 请等一会儿。 ‎ ‎【短语】at any moment 随时(可能有某情况) / at the moment 现在,此刻,一时 / for a moment 一会儿 / for the moment 暂时,目前 / in a moment 不久,很快,马上,立即 ‎【用法】the moment (that) 可用作连词,表示“一…就”:The moment I have finished I’ll give you a call. 我一干完就给你打电话。‎ Monday[5mQndI] n.星期一:I’ll be back (on) Monday. 我礼拜一回来。‎ money[5mQnI] n. [U]钱,货币:make money 挣钱 / pocket money零花钱 monitor[5mRnItE] n.[C](学校的)班长:We made him monitor. 我们选他当班长。‎ monkey[5mQNkI] n. [C]猴子:The children enjoyed watching the animals, especially [particularly] the monkeys. 孩子们喜欢观看动物,尤其是猴子。‎ month[5mQnW] n. [C]月,月份;一个月的时间:Sales are down this month. 这个月的销售额减少了。‎ moon[mu:n] n.(用单数)月球,月亮;月光:He likes walking in the moon. 他喜欢在月光下散步。/ There is no life on the moon. 月球上没有生物。‎ more[mR:] adj.更多的,更大的 adv.更,更大的程度 pron.更多,更大:What you need is more patience. 你需要的是更大的耐心。/ You ought to practice more. 你应该多练习。‎ ‎【短语】more or less 或多或少,多少有点 / no more 不再 / not…any more 不再 / once more 再一次 / more and more 越来越多的(修饰名词);越来越…(修饰形容词、副词、动词等) / more than 多于(通常后接数词);不只是,不仅仅是(通常后接名词、动词、从句等);极其,非常(通常后接形容词、副词或分词等) / more...than比…多,比…更;与其…不如 / no more than 仅仅,只有,只不过 / the more..., the more(less) 越…越(不)… / what’s more 而且 morning[5mR:nIN] n.[C]早晨,上午:morning paper 晨报 most[mEJst] pron.大部分,大多数;最多 adj.& adv.(much或many的最高级)最,非常:Most of us like the film. 我们大多数人都喜欢这部电影。‎ ‎【短语】at (the) most 最多,至多 / for the most part 大部分,基本上,多半,一般说来 / make the most of 充分利用 mother[5mQTE] n.[C]母亲:Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。‎ motor[5mEJtE] n. [C]发动机,马达:I shut off the motor. 我关掉了发动机。‎ mountain[5maJntIn] n.[C]山,山脉:He likes mountain scenery. 他喜欢山景。‎ ‎【注意】用于山名时,若用于山名后,其前常加定冠词;若用于山名前,则通常不用冠词:the Rocky Mountains洛矶山脉 / Mount O Mei 峨嵋山 mountainous[5maJntInEs] adj.多山的,如山的:mountainous region 山区 mouth[maJW] n.[C]嘴:None of your mouth! 住嘴! / from hand to mouth 现挣现吃,仅能糊口地 / from mouth to mouth 口口相传,人传人地,很快地 move[mU:v] v.动,移动;感动;搬家 n.(用单数)移动;搬家;下棋:We’re going to move next week. 我们打算下周搬家。/ She was so moved that tears came to her eyes. 她感动的热泪盈眶。‎ movement[5mu:vmEnt] n.[C,U]运动,活动:the May 4 Movement 五四运动 Mr./Mr[5mIstE](= mister) n.先生:This is Mr Brown. 这是布朗先生。‎ ‎【用法】用于姓前或姓名前,但能用于教名前。‎ Mrs./Mrs[5mIsIz] (=mistress ) n. 夫人,太太:Mrs. Smith 史密斯夫人 ‎【用法】用于称呼已婚妇女,其后接其丈夫的姓或姓名,有时也接自己的姓名。‎ much[mQtF](more, most) adj.许多的,大量的adv.非常,更加;经常 pron.许多,大量:There isn’t much food left. 剩下的食物不多了。/ Do you go there much? 你经常去那儿吗?‎ ‎【比较】much too与too much:前者是too的强调说法,用法与too相似;后者是much的强调说法,用法与much相似:This one is much too big. 这个确实太大了。/ There’s too much rain. 雨水太多了。‎ murder[5mE:dE]v.谋杀 n.[U]谋杀 [C]谋杀案:He was accused of murder. 他被指控故意杀人。‎ museum[5mju:zIEm] n.[C]博物馆:children’s museum 儿童博物馆 music[5mju:zIk] n. [U]音乐:He is a lover of music. 他是音乐爱好者。‎ musical[5mju:zIkEl] adj.音乐的;爱好音乐的 n.[C]音乐片:They performed a musical play. 他们演了一出音乐剧。‎ must[mQst]v. aux. 必须,需要;一定是,必定是n.必须做的事,不可少的事物:Something must be done. 得想办法。/ You must see the doctor. 你一定要看医生。/ Warm clothes are a must in the mountains. 住山里必须备有厚衣服。‎ ‎【用法】1.表示“必须”时,其否定式mustn’t的意思是“一定不要”、“不能”,而不是“不必”。2.表示“一定是”时,通常只用于肯定句,在否定句或疑问句中要用can代之;用于此义时,要根据具体的语义情况决定其后动词的形式:He must have a lot of money. 他一定有很多钱。/ He must be sleeping. 他一定在睡觉。/ He must have gone home. 他一定回家去了。‎ my[maI] pron.我的:My goodness! 天呀! ‎ myself[maI5self] pron.我自己:I’m not myself today. 我今天不太舒服。‎ N nail[neIl] n.[C]钉子;指甲,趾甲 v.用钉子钉:She dyed her nails. 她染了指甲。/ He nailed the picture to the wall. 把画钉在墙上。‎ name[neIm] n.[C]名字,名称 vt.命名;指定,任命:May I ask your name? 您尊姓大名?/ They named the child Dick. 他们给孩子取名迪克。‎ narrow[5nArEJ] adj.狭窄的,勉强的:a narrow escape死里逃生 nation[5neIFEn] n.[C]国家,民族:the Chinese nation 中华民族 national[5nAFEnEl] adj.国家的,民族的:National Day 国庆节 nationality[7nAFE5nAlEtI]n.[U,C]国籍;民族:He has [is of] British nationality. 他是英国国籍。/ There are 56 nationalities in China. 中国有56个民族。‎ native[5neItIv] n.[C]本地人,本国人 adj.本地的,本国的:one’s native language 母语 / Banana is native to Taiwan. 香蕉是台湾的土产。‎ natural[5nAtFErEl] adj.自然的,天然的;天生的;自然的:Milk is the natural food for young babies. 牛奶是婴儿的天然食物。‎ ‎【用法】It’s natural后接that从句时,从句谓语通常用“(should+)动词原形”:It’s natural that you should forget it. 你忘了这事不足为奇。‎ nature[5neItFE] n.[U,C]自然,自然界;性质,天性,本性;种类:by nature 生性地,天生地 / in nature本质上,事实上;究竟,到底 navy[5neIvI] n.[C]海军:He serves in the navy. 他在海军服役。‎ near[nIE] adj.近的 adv.附近,邻近 prep.在…附近,靠近;差点:National Day is drawing near. 国庆节快要到了。/ Who lives nearest (to) the school? 谁家离学校最近?‎ ‎【说明】类似以下这样的句子中的to可以省略:He stood near (to) the door. 他站在门附近。/ I tried to get nearer (to) the fire. 我试图向火边靠近些。‎ nearly[5nIElI] adv.将近,几乎:The pain nearly drove me mad. 疼痛几乎使我发疯了。‎ ‎【短语】not nearly 远非,远不及,根本没有 / pretty [very] nearly 几乎,差不多 ‎【辨析】nearly与almost:见almost。‎ neat[ni:t] adj.整洁的,整齐的,熟练的:She always kept her room neat. 她总是保持房间整洁。‎ necessary[5nesIsErI] adj.必须的,必要的:Sleep is necessary to [for] health. 睡眠对健康是必要的。‎ ‎【用法】1.It’s necessary后接that从句时常用虚拟语气:It’s necessary that we should study hard.(=It’s necessary for us to study hard.) 我们必须努力学习。2.可与if, when, wherever等连词构成省略句(可看成省略了it is):If necessary, ring me at home. 如果必要,可以打电话到我家找我。‎ neck[nek] n.[C]颈,脖子:neck and neck 齐头并进 need[ni:d] n.[C,U]需要,需求 (常用复)必需品 v.& aux. 必须,不得不;需要,必须:We have need of knowledge. 我们需要知识。/ We have no need to be afraid of them. 我们没必要怕他们。/ He needn’t come to the meeting. 他不必来开会了。‎ ‎【短语】in need of 需要 ‎【比较】1.need to do与need doing:对于前者来说,句子主语是其后不定式的逻辑主语;对于后者来说,句子主语是其后动名词的逻辑宾语:You need to come. 你有必要来。/ The room needs cleaning. 这房间需要打扫了。2.need do sth 与need have done sth:前者指有必要去做某事(动作尚未发生),后者指本来不必发生的事却发生了:You needn’t get up so early. 你不必那么早。/ You needn’t have got up so early. 你本来不必那么早就起床的。‎ needle[5ni:dl] n.[C]针;指针:a needle and thread 针线 neighbo(u)r[5neIbE] n.[C]邻居,邻国:He is whispering to his neighbor. 他向邻座的人耳语。‎ neither[5naITE] adj.& pron.(两者)都不 conj.& adv.也不:Neither of us enjoy getting up early. 我们俩谁也不喜欢早起。/ In neither case will he come. 不论在哪种情况下,他都不会来。/ He didn’t read it and neither did I.‎ 他没有读它,我也没有。‎ ‎【短语】neither...nor... 既不…也不…‎ ‎【用法】只能指两者,不能指三者或多者。‎ nephew[5nefju:] n.[C]侄子,外甥:Your nephew is lovely. 你的侄子很可爱。‎ nervous[5nE:vEs] adj.神经质的,紧张不安的:He’s nervous about [of] staying alone at night. 他害怕晚上一个人呆着。‎ net[net] n. [C,U]网,网状物:a fishing net 鱼网 / a mosquito net 蚊帐 never[5nevE] adv.决不,从来没有:I never drink or smoke. 我从不喝酒抽烟。/ He had never been in love before. 他从来没恋爱过。‎ ‎【短语】never mind 没关系;不要介意。‎ ‎【用法】在正式文体中用于句首,句子要倒装:Never did I hear such stories as he tells. 我从未听过他讲的这种故事。‎ new[nju:] adj.新的,新鲜的:The word is new to me. 这个单词我不太熟悉。‎ news[nju:z] n.[U]新闻,消息:Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。‎ newspaper[5nju:speIpE] n.[C,U]报纸:There are some newspapers on the desk. 桌上有几张报纸。‎ ‎【说明】若当作是供阅读或传递信息的一种东西,则可数;若仅仅当成一种“纸”来看待,则也可视为不可数:Wrap it in (a sheet of) newspaper. 把它用(一张)报纸包起来。‎ next[nekst] adj.最近的,紧挨着的;下一次(个) adv.随后;下次 n.下一个人(东西):I prefer to take the next train. 我宁愿坐下一班火车。/ I don’t know what to do next. 我不知下一步怎么办。‎ ‎【用法】next time(下次)既可用作副词(起状语作用,此时其前不用冠词),也可用作连词(引导时间状语从句,此时其前可用冠词,但通常省略):I’ll try to be more careful next time. 下次我要更小心一些。/ Come to see us (the) next time you are in town. 下次进城来,到我们这里来玩。‎ nice[naIs] adj.令人愉快的;友好的:It is nice of you to help us. 你帮助我们真是太好了。‎ ‎【说明】nice and 在意义上相当于very:nice and warm 很暖和 / nice and fast 很快 niece[ni:s] n.[C]侄女,外甥女:He loves your niece. 他爱你的侄女。‎ night[naIt] n.夜,夜间,黑夜:He says that he dreams every night. 他说他每晚都做梦。‎ ‎【短语】at night 在夜晚,在夜里 / all night (long) 整夜,通宵 / by night 晚上,夜间 / in the night 在夜间,半夜里 / night and day 日夜,日日夜夜 ‎【用法】复数形式有时起副词作用:She works nights. 她上夜班。‎ nine[naIn] num.九:A cat has nine lives. (谚)猫有九命。‎ ninety[5naIntI] num.九十:He was born in the nineties. 他生于90年代。‎ ninth[naInW] num.第九:She was the ninth in the exam. 她考试得第九名。‎ no[nEJ] adv.& adj.没有,不,无:He has no friends. 他没有朋友。/ No smoking! 禁止吸烟!/ There is no hope. 没有希望。‎ ‎【注意】不要误解以下结构的意思:no richer than(与…一样不富裕)= as poor as(与…一样穷) / no taller than (与…一样不高)=as short as(与…一样矮)‎ noble[5nEJbl] n. [C]贵族 adj.高贵的,贵族的,壮丽的:Many of the nobles joined the uprising. 许多贵族参加了起义。/ He has a noble character. 他有高尚的品质。‎ nobody[5nEJbEdI] pron.& n.没有人,谁也不:There is nobody in the room. 房里没人。‎ ‎【用法】1.用作主语,谓语用单数。2.受形容词修饰时,形容词置于其后。‎ nod[nRd] n.& v.点头:George returned his greeting with a nod. 他打招呼乔治点头作答。/ John is nodding his head. 约翰频频点头。‎ noise[nRIz] n.[C,U]嘈杂声,响声;声音:I don’t like noise(s). 我讨厌喧闹声。/ Stop making so much noise. 不要那样吵闹。‎ noisy[5nRIzI] adj.嘈杂的,喧闹的:Don’t be noisy. 别吵。/ I don’t like noisy children. 我不喜欢吵闹的孩子。‎ none[nQn] pron.一个人也没有;没有任何东西:None of us are perfect. 我们谁也不是完人。‎ ‎【短语】have none of 没有一点;不参与,不接受,不同意 / none but 仅仅,只有 / none other (than) 正是,就是 ‎【用法】1.可指可数名词,也可指不可数名词。2.指可数名词时,只能指三者或三者以上,不能指两者。3.用作主语时,若指不可数名词,谓语一般用单数;若指可数名词,谓语可用单数(较正式),也可用复数(用于非正式文体,且更符合惯用法):None of the money is mine. 这笔钱没有一点是我的。/ None of the cars is [are] new. 这些汽车没有一辆是新的。‎ noon[nu:n] n.[U]中午,正午:Snow fell before noon. 午前降了雪。/ He left here at noon. 他中午12点离开了这儿。‎ nor[nR:] conj.& adv.也不:He didn’t ask nor did I.‎ 他没有问,我也没有问。/ He does not do it, nor does he try. 他没有做,也没尝试一下。/ I don’t want to go, nor will I.‎ 我不想去,也不会去。‎ ‎【短语】neither…nor… 既不…也不…‎ normal[5nR:mEl] n.& adj.正常(的),标准(的):above [below] normal 在标准以上(以下) / The doctor said that my temperature was normal. 医生说我的体温正常。‎ north[nR:W] n.北部,北方 adj.北方的,北部的 adv.在北方:Mexico is in the south of North America. 墨西哥在北美洲南部。/ He walked north. 他往北走去。‎ northern[5nR:TEn] adj.北方的,北部的:The Sahara is a great desert in the northern part of Africa. 撒哈拉沙漠是非洲北部的一个大沙漠。‎ nose[nEJz] n.[C]鼻子,嗅觉:A dog has a good nose. 狗的嗅觉好。‎ not[nRt] adv.不;没:It’s a cat, not a dog. 这是猫,不是狗。/ Be careful not to burn yourself. 小心别烫着了。‎ ‎【短语】not only…but also 不仅…还,不但…而且 note[nEJt] n.[C]短信,便条;注释;笔记;票据,钞票:Here’s a note to [on] this word. 这是该词的一条注释。/ Make a note of how much money you spend. 你花多少钱要作个记录。/ Do you take notes of the lecture? 你听课记笔记吗?‎ nothing[5nQWIN] n.& pron.没有东西;没有什么:There’s nothing wrong with the machine. 机器没有毛病。‎ ‎【短语】have nothing to do with 与…无关 / for nothing不要钱,免费;徒然 / nothing but 仅仅,只 / nothing like 没有比…更好;远远不像,丝毫不像 / to say nothing of 除了…,更不用说 ‎【用法】1.用作主语时,谓语用单数。2.受形容词修饰时,形容词应置于其后。‎ notice[5nEJtIs][C]布告,通告 [U]注意 v.注意(到):She noticed the man look [looking] at her a couple of times. 她注意到那个男人朝她看了好几次。‎ ‎【短语】at short notice 在短时间内,在接到通知的短时间内 / take notice of 注意 / until further notice 在另行通知以前 noun[naJn] n.[C]名词:It’s a noun clause. 这是个名词从句。‎ November[nEJ5vembE] n.十一月:Her birthday is in November. 她的生日在11月。‎ now[naJ] adv.& n.现在:He is busy now. 他现在很忙。‎ ‎【短语】now and again 时而 / now that 既然,由于 / by now 到现在 / now and then 时而,有时,偶尔 nowadays[5naJEdeIz] adv.当今,现在:Nowadays people travel by plane. 如今人们乘飞机旅行。‎ ‎【注意】是副词,不是名词,所以不说 in nowadays之类的。‎ nowhere[5nEJwZE] adv.任何地方都不,无处:He is nowhere to be seen. 任何地方都见不着他。‎ ‎【用法】若用于句首,其后用倒装语序:Nowhere could I see him. 哪儿也见不到他。‎ number[5nQmbE] n. [C,U]数;数字;数量;号码:I’ve forgotten her telephone number. 我忘了她的电话号码了。‎ ‎【比较】a number of与the number of:前者意为“许多”,后者意为“…的数量”;用作主语时,前者与复数谓语连用,后者与单数谓语连用:A large number of boxes were broken. 很多盒子被摔破了。/ The number of girls in this school is small. 这所学校女生人数很少。‎ nurse[nE:s] n.[C]护士:She is a trained nurse. 她是一个受过训练的护士。‎ nut[nQt] n.[C]坚果,硬壳果:Squirrels feed on nuts. 松鼠以坚果为食。‎ O obey[E5beI] v.服从,遵守;听话:It’s our duty to obey the laws. 遵守法律是我们的义务。/ The child obeyed and went to bed. 孩子听话睡觉去了。‎ object[5RbdVIkt] n.[C]物体,东西;目标;宾语v.反对:Verbs that do not take an object are intransitive verbs. 不带宾语的动词叫不及物动词。‎ ‎【用法】1.其后可接宾语从句,但通常不接名词或代词作宾语,遇此情况应在其后加介词 to:That’s why I object to the plan. 这就是我反对这个计划的原因。/ He objected to being treated like a child. 他反对被当作小孩子看待。2.后接that宾语从句时,它表示的不是object(反对)的内容,而是其理由:I wanted to climb the hill, but he objected that he was too tired. 我要去爬山,但是他却以太累为由表示反对。‎ occur[E5kE:] vi.出现;存在;发生;想到:The accident occurred at five o’clock. 事故发生在五点钟。/ A good idea occurred to me. 我想起了个好主意。‎ ‎【注意】是不及物动词,不用于被动语态。‎ ocean[5EJFEn] n.[C]海洋:the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 / in the ocean 在海洋 o’clock[E5klRk] adv.…点钟:It’s just two o’clock. 现在刚好两点。‎ October[Rk5tEJbE] n.十月:This paragraph relates to the October Revolution. 这个段落讲的是十月革命。‎ of[Cv, Ev] prep.…的;…之中的;…之量的;由…组成;从…来的;关于;因为: Loss of health is worse than loss of wealth. 失去健康比失去财富更糟。/ What he says is of great importance. 他讲的话很重要。/ He told us of his travels. 他给我们讲了他的旅行见闻。/ It is very kind of you to say so. 你这样说真是太好了。‎ off[Cf] prep.离开,隔开;从…脱落,从…掉下;缺席,休假;打折,减价adv.离开,(电,自来水等)停了,中断:Keep off the grass. 勿踏草地。/ Can you take something off the price, please? 能不能打一点折? / Turn the light off. 把灯关掉。‎ offer[5RfE] v.& n.提供;提出;出价:Thank you for your offer of help. 感谢你提供的帮助。/ Offer the guests some coffee.=Offer some coffee to the guests. 给客人们来点咖啡。/ He offered to lend me some money. 他表示可借给我一些钱。‎ office[5RfIs] n.[C]办公室:I don’t go to the office on Sunday. 我星期天不去办公室。‎ ‎【短语】in office 执政 / out of office 不执政 / take office 就职,上任 officer[5RfIsE] n.[C]军官,官员:Please give me a hand, officer. 警官,请帮帮我。‎ official[E5fIFEl] n.[C]官员,高级职员adj.官方的,正式的:Is the news official? 这是官方消息吗? / Those are official figures. 那些是官方数字。‎ often[5R(:)fn] adv.经常,常常:Do you often have cold? 你常常感冒吗?‎ oh[EJ] interj.哦,噢:Oh, sir! You forgot your keys. 噢,先生!您忘了拿钥匙。‎ oil[RIl] n.[U]油 v.加油:You can’t mix oil with water. 你不能让油和水混合。/ We need some cooking oil. 我们需要些烹调用油。‎ okay/O.K.[ EJ5keI] interj.对,好,可以 adj.行,可以,好的 vt.同意,批准:The play is OK. 这出戏还可以。/ The car goes okay now. 这汽车现在行驶情况良好。/ OK, you can go. 好,你去吧。/ I got his OK. 我得到了他的同意。‎ old[EJld] adj.旧的,年老的,古老的:How old are you? 你多大年纪了?‎ ‎【用法】the old 可用作名词,表示“老人”,表复数意义:The old have more experience than the young. 老年人比年轻人更有经验。‎ on[Cn] prep.在…上;接近,靠近;朝,向;乘,坐;有关,关于;在…方面;通过,凭借;为了;拥有,带着;由于,因为adv. 穿上,穿着;继续着;开着,处于工作状态中:She began to cry on hearing the news. 她听到那个消息就哭了。/ He wrote a book on Africa animals. 他写了一本关于非洲动物的书。/ Don’t waste your time on that. 不要把你的时间花在那上面。/ I’ve got no money on me. 我没有带钱。/ I congratulate you on your success. 我祝贺您的成功。‎ once[wQns] adv.一次,一度,从前 conj.一旦…(就…):He once [Once he] lived in the country. 他一度住在乡下。/ Once you begin you must continue. 你一旦开始,便不可停下来。‎ ‎【短语】at once 立刻,马上 / once upon a time 从前;很早以前 / once in a while 偶尔,间或 / all at once 突然 / once again [more] 再一次 one[wQn] pron.一(个,只);某个人;某物;任何人 num.& adj.一:The chair has lost one of its legs. 椅子掉了一条腿。/ One should do one’s duty. 人人应该尽责。‎ ‎【短语】one by one 一个接一个地,一次一个地 oneself[wQn5self] pron.自己,自身:by oneself 独自 / to oneself 独自享用 only[5EJnlI] adv.只,仅仅,只是,才 adj.惟一的,仅有的:He is only joking. 他只是开玩笑。/ She is the only girl in her family. 她是家里惟一的女孩。‎ ‎【短语】if only 要是…就好了,但愿 / not only…but also… 不但…而且…‎ ‎【用法】1.通常放在所修饰的词语之前(若所修饰的词在句末,则也可将它放在该词之后):Only Jim knows him. 只有吉姆认识他。/ This ticket admits only one person.=This ticket admits one person only. 此券只准一人入场。2.修饰状语位于句首时,句子要倒装:Only in this way are you able to do it well. 你只有用这种方法才能把它做好。‎ onto[5RntJ] prep.到…上面:He jumped onto the horse. 他跳上马。‎ open[5EJpEn] adj.开着的,开口的 v.打开,张开:The museum is open to foreign visitors. 博物馆对外宾开放。‎ operate[5RpEreIt] vt.操作,运转 vi.对…施行手术:The doctor decided to operate on him (his nose) at once. 医生决定马上给他(他的鼻子)动手术。‎ operation[7RpE5reIFEn] n. [C](外科)手术 [U]操作:The operation of this machine is simple. 这个机器的操作很简单。‎ opinion[E5pInjEn] n.[C]看法,见解:In my opinion, he is wrong. 据我看,他是错了。/ I have a good (bad) opinion of him. 我对他评价很高(低)。‎ opposite[5RpEzIt] n.[C]相反,对面 adj.相反的,对面的prep.在…对面:He lives in the opposite house.=He lives in the house opposite. 他住在对面的房子里。‎ or[R:] conj.或者,还是(用在否定句中),也不:He never smokes or drinks. 他从不吸烟,也不喝酒。‎ ‎【短语】or so 大约,…上下 / or else 否则,要不然 orange[5RrIndV] n.[C]橙子,柑子 adj.橙色的:A glass of orange juice, please. 请来杯橘子汁。‎ order[5C:dE] n.[U]顺序;秩序 (常用复)命令,指挥 [C]定购,定货v.定购,定货;点菜;命令,要求:He ordered her to go. 他命令她走。‎ ‎【短语】in order 按顺序;整齐,有秩序;处于良好状态 / in order to 为了…(后接动词原形) / in order that 为了…(后接句子) / out of order 顺序乱的(地),情况不好,坏了 ‎【用法】表示“命令”、“要求”时,若后接that从句,从句谓语通常用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气:The doctor ordered that she should stay in bed.(=The doctor ordered her to stay in bed.) 医生要求她卧床。‎ ordinary[5R:dInErI] adj.普通的,平常的:An ordinary work day is eight hours. 正常的工作日是8小时。/ It’s a piece of ordinary dance music. 那是首普通的舞曲。‎ organize / organise[5R:gEnaIz] vt.组织,安排 vi.组织起来:The National Games were well organized. 这次全国运动会组织得很好。‎ other[5QTE] adj.别的,另外的 pron.别人,别的东西:Where are the other students? 其他同学在哪里?‎ ‎【用法】1.若特指,其前用定冠词;若泛指,其前不加定冠词。2.表单数时,后接单数名词;表复数时,后接复数名词或用others。‎ otherwise[5QTEwaIz] adv.否则,要不然:We’ll go early, otherwise we may not get a seat. 我们得早一点去,不然就没有座位了。‎ ought[R:t] v. aux.应当,应该:You ought to think everything over carefully. 你应当把一切想清楚。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接带to 的不定式。2.若对过去情况进行推测,则后接动词的完成式:You ought to have noticed it. 你应当已经注意到这件事。/ I ought to have helped her, but I never could. 我本该帮助她的,却从未能这样做。‎ our[5aJE] pron.我们的:Which are our seats? 哪些是我们的座位?‎ ours[5aJEz] pron.我们的:Ours are in the car. 我们的东西在汽车里。‎ ourselves[7aJE5selvz] pron.我们自己,我们亲自:We had better do it ourselves. 我们最好自己干。‎ out[aJt] adv.出,向外,在外:When you go out, please close the door. 出去时,请把门关上。/ He is out of work. 他失业了。‎ outdoor[5aJtdR:]adj.户外的;室外的:I like outdoor sports. 我喜欢室外运动。‎ ‎【说明】只放在名词前作定语,不用作表语。‎ outdoors[aJt5dR:z] adv.在户外(野外):Children usually prefer playing outdoors. 孩子们通常喜欢在室外玩。‎ outside[5aJtsaId] prep.& adv.在外面,向外面,在…外,向…外n. [C]外部,外面:This was quite outside his knowledge. 这完全超出了他的知识范围。‎ over[5EJvE] prep.在…之上,在…的(正)上方;盖在…上;横过,从…上面越过;遍及,到处;超过,多于;在…期间;因为;通过 adv.翻,翻转;遍布;结束;完全地;横过,过来:They held a large umbrella over her. 他们给她打着一把大伞。/ He put the newspaper over his face. 他用报纸盖住脸。/ Will you be at home over Christmas? 圣诞节期间你在家吗?‎ ‎【短语】over there 在那边(指较远处) / all over 全身,到处 / over and over (again) 反复地 / over here 在这边 overcoat[5EJvE7kEJt] n.[C]大衣:He put on his overcoat and went out. 他穿上大衣就出去了。‎ owe[EJ] vt.欠(钱);应感激;应给予;归功于:I owe my life to you. 全亏你我才能活下来。/ I owe my success to him.=I owe him my success. 我的成功要归功于他。‎ own[EJn] adj.自己的v.拥有:This is his own car. 这是他自己的汽车。/ This car is his own. 这汽车是他自己的。‎ ox[Rks] n.(pl. oxen)公牛:a herd of oxen 一群牛 P pack[pAk] n. [C]包,捆 v.包装:Pack them in dozens. 把它们成打地包起来。‎ packet[5pAkIt] n. [C]小包裹:He bought a packet of cigarettes. 他买了一包香烟。‎ page[peIdV] n.[C]页,页码:Do the exercises on page 5. 做第5页上的练习。‎ pain[peIn] n.[C,U]疼痛;痛苦 (用复数)努力,劳苦 v.疼痛,痛苦:She has a pain [pain, pains] in her stomach. 她胃痛。/ He has taken pains to study the problem. 他费尽了心血研究这个问题。‎ paint[peInt] n.[U]油漆,颜料 v.油漆,粉刷;绘画:Wet [Fresh] paint. 油漆未干。/ He painted the door green. 他把门漆成了绿色。‎ painting[5peIntIN] n.[C]油画,绘画:Painting was the love of his life. 绘画是他毕生的爱好。‎ pair[pZE] n.[C]一双,一对:He needs a new pair of shoes. 他需要一双新鞋。/ The children came in in pairs. 孩子们两个两个地进来。‎ palace[5pAlIs] n.[C]宫殿,华丽的大厦:the Summer Palace 颐和园 pale[peIl] adj.苍白的,灰白的,淡的:He turned pale at the words. 听了这些话他脸色变得苍白。‎ pan[pAn] n.[C]平底锅:She fried the eggs in a frying pan. 她在平锅里煎鸡蛋。‎ paper[5peIpE] n. [U]纸 [C]报纸;试卷;论文,票据:You will have to show your papers at the gate. 在门口你得出示证件。‎ paragraph[5pArEgrB:f] n.[C](文章)段,节:Read from book, starting at the second paragraph. 念书,从第2段开始。‎ pardon[5pB:dn] n.& vt.原谅,宽恕:Pardon my interrupting you.=Pardon me (for) interrupting you. 请原谅我打断你的话。‎ ‎【用法】口语中的I beg your pardon有多种用法,如表示道歉、提出异议、请对方重说自己没听清的话等。‎ parent[5pZErEnt] n.[C]父(母):Please give my best regards to your parents. 请代我向您的父母问好。‎ Paris[5pArIs] n.巴黎:I was glad to have the opportunity of visiting Paris. 我很高兴有机会访问巴黎。‎ park1[pB:k] n.[C]公园:in the park 在公园 / Beihai Park 北海公园 park2[pB:k] n.[C]停车场 v.停车:No Parking. 禁止停车。 / Don’t park the car in this street. 不得在这条街上停车。‎ part[pB:t] n.[C]部分;角色:Parts of this town are beautiful. 该镇的部分地区很美。/ Only (a) part of the story is true. 这个故事只有部分情节是真实的。‎ ‎【短语】play an important part in 在…方面起重要作用 / for one’s part 就个人来说 / for the most part 多半,总的说来 / in part 部分地,在某种程度上 / take part in 参加 particular[pE5tIkjJlE] adj.特殊的,个别的:She’s very particular about her clothes [what she wears]. 她对穿着很讲究。‎ ‎【短语】in particular 特别,尤其 particularly[pE5tIkjJlElI] adv.特别,尤其:It is particularly hot today. 今天特别热。/ He likes the country, particularly [especially] in spring. 他喜欢乡村,尤其是在春天。‎ partly[5pB:tlI] adv.部分地,在一定程度上:You’re partly right. 你在一定程度上是对的。/ We are all partly to blame. 我们都负有一部分责任。‎ party[5pB:tI] n.[C]政党,党派;晚会,聚会:He joined the Party in 1949. 他是1949年入党的。/ Who are you going to invite to the party? 你准备邀请谁参加晚会?‎ pass[pB:s] v.传,递;经过,通过;度过(时间),(时间)流逝 n.[C]关口;及格(证),通行证:Please let me pass. 请让我过去。/ Please pass me the salt.=Please pass the salt to me. 请把盐递给我。/ Did he pass the exam? 他通过考试了吗?‎ passage[5pAsIdV] n.[C]通道;走廊;(文章,讲话的)一段,一节:He forced a passage through the crowd. 他从人群中强挤出一条通路来。‎ passenger[5pAsIndVE] n. [C]乘客,旅客:There were fifty passengers in the bus. 公共汽车上有50名乘客。‎ passer-by [5pB:sEbaI] n. (pl. passers-by)过客,过路人:A few passers-by saw the accident. 有几个过路人目睹了这次事故。‎ past[pB:st] prep.(指时间)过;走过(某处) n. [U]过去,昔日,往事adj.过去的,从前的,刚过去的:I’ve been ill for the past three weeks. 我三周来一直在生病。‎ path[pB:W] n. [C]道路,路程,小径:There was a narrow path through the forest. 有一条穿过森林的小路。‎ patient[5peIFEnt] n. [C]病人 adj.耐心的:We must be patient with children. 我们对孩子要有耐心。‎ pattern[5pAtEn] n.[C]式样;图案,花样:a sentence pattern 句型 pause[pC:z] n.[C]中止,暂停,停止 vi.暂停,停顿:After a pause, the game continued. 停顿一会儿之后,比赛继续进行。‎ ‎【说明】其后不接动名词,但可接不定式(为目的状语):He paused to wait for me. 他停下来等我。‎ pay[peI]v. (paid, paid)付钱,发工资,给…报酬 n. [C]工资:He’ll do it if you pay him. 如果你付钱他是会干的。/ How much pay do you get? 你的工资是多少?‎ ‎【短语】pay back偿还(借款);报复 / pay back 偿还(借款) / pay off 还清(债务等)‎ peace[pi:s] n.[U,C]和平,平静:Let me do my work in peace. 让我安静地工作。/ Several policemen went there to keep the peace. 有几个警察去了那儿维持秩序。‎ peaceful[5pi:sfJl] adj.和平的,安静的:It’s peaceful at home when the children are at school. 孩子们在学校上学时,家里就安静了。‎ pear[pZE] n.[C]梨子,梨树:snow pear 雪梨 peasant[5pezEnt] n. [C]农民:The peasant girl has become an engineer. 这位农村姑娘成了工程师。‎ pen[pen] n. [C]钢笔:I lost my pen. 我把钢笔丢了。‎ ‎【用法】表示用钢笔写,通常用with a pen,也可说成in ink。‎ pence[pens] n. (penny的复数)便士(英国货币):Potatoes are 20 pence a pound. 土豆20便士一磅。‎ pencil[5pensl] n.[C]铅笔:Don’t write in pencil. 不要用铅笔写。‎ penny[5penI] n. [C] (pl. pence)便士(英国货币)‎ ‎【辨析】有pennies和pence两种复数形式:前者主要用来指一便士的硬币数,后者主要用于数词后构成复合词或用来谈论钱的价值:Give me five pennies for this five-pence. 请把这个5便士硬币换成5枚1便士硬币。/ It only costs a few pence. 它只值几分钱。‎ people[5pi:pl] n. [C]人,人们;民族 (连用the)人民:Were there many people at the party? 参加晚会的人很多吗?‎ ‎【用法】1.表示“人”或“人们”,只用单数形式,但表示复数意义;作主语时谓语用复数。2.表示“民族”时,为可数名词,其前可用不定冠词,也可有复数形式:the peoples of the world 世界各国人民 percent[pE5sEnt] n.百分之…:The price was reduced by 18 per cent. 价格降低了百分之十八。‎ perfect[5pE:fIkt] adj.极好的,完美的:None of us are perfect. 我们谁也不是完人。‎ ‎【注意】本身含有“极”、“最”之义,通常不用于比较等级,也不受very修饰。‎ perform[pE5fC:m] v.做,实行,执行;表演:The doctors are performing an operation. 医生们在做手术。/ The children performed a play. 孩子们演了一出戏。‎ perhaps[pE5hAps] adv.可能,也许,或许:Perhaps they like you better than me.也许比起我来他们更喜欢你呢。‎ period[5pIErIEd] n.[C]时期,时代;一节(课):This was the most difficult period of his life. 这是他一生中最艰难的时期。‎ permit[pE5mIt] v.许可,允许 n.[C]许可证,执照:Write me when time permits. 有时间请写信给我。/ Have you got a permit to fish in this lake? 你有在这个湖里钓鱼的许可证吗?‎ ‎【用法】可接动名词作宾语,但不接不定式作宾语:We do not permit smoking here. 不准在此吸烟。不过不定式的复合结构可作其宾语:They permitted her to leave. 他们允许她离开。‎ person[5pE:sn] n. [C]人,个人:You’re looking a different person. 你看起来像换了一个人。/ He will come in person. 他将亲自来。‎ persuade [pE5sweId] v. 说服,劝说:He persuaded his wife to change her mind. 他说服他妻子改变了主意。‎ ‎【说明】指说服,若说而不服,则用 try to persuade。‎ pet[pet] n.[C]宠物:She has two cats as pets. 她养了两只猫,把它们当做宠物。‎ photo / photograph[5fEJtEJ][5fEJtEgrB:f]n. [C]照片:I’ll have a photo taken. 我要请人拍个照。/ I took a lot of photos during my holiday. 我在度假期间拍了许多照片。‎ ‎【比较】take a photo与have a photo taken:前者指“(自己)拍照”,后者指“请人拍照”。‎ physics[5fIzIks] n.[U]物理学:Physics studies mechanics, heat, light, sound and electricity. 物理学研究力学、热学、光学、声学和电学。‎ piano[pI5AnEJ] n. [C,U]钢琴:I can’t play the piano, but I can play the guitar. 我不会弹钢琴,但会弹吉他。‎ pick[pIk] v.摘,挑选,扒窃:They were picking cotton. 他们在采棉花。/ Pick out the books that you’d like to read. 挑出你要读的书。/ My pocket was picked. 我的口袋被扒了。‎ ‎【短语】pick out 挑选;找出 / pick up 拿起,捡起;收拾,整理;学会;(用车)来接,去取;改进,改善;重新开始,继续;感染(疾病、坏习惯等)‎ picnic[5pIknIk] v.(picnicked, picnicked) 野餐n.[C]野餐:The children picnicked in the woods. 孩子们在树林里野餐了。‎ picture[5pIktFE] n. [C]图画,图片;照片;影片:There are a few pictures on the wall. 墙上有几张画。/ I often go to the pictures on Sunday. 我星期天常去看电影。‎ pie[paI] n. [C]馅饼:fruit pies 水果馅饼 / Have some more pie. 再吃点馅饼吧。‎ piece[pi:s] n. [C]一起(张,片,件…):Here are two pieces of advice. 这是两条建议。/ He tore the letter into pieces. 他把那封信撕得粉碎。‎ pig[pIg] n. [C]猪:He keeps [raises] 20 pigs. 他养了20头猪。‎ pile[paIl] n. [C]堆 v.堆放:Next to it stood a pile of paper cups. 它旁边有一堆纸杯。/ He piled books on his desk. 他把书堆放在书桌上。‎ pillow[5pIlEJ] n. [C]枕头:He used his boots for a pillow. 他用靴子作枕头。‎ pilot[5paIlEt] n. [C]飞行员:Michael was the first pilot to fly the plane round the world. 麦克是第一个驾驶飞机作环球飞行的飞行员。‎ pin[pIn] n. [C]大头针,别针 v.别住,钉住:pin papers together 把文件用针钉在一起 / drawing pin图钉 pink[pINk] adj.粉红色的 n. [U]粉红色:The combination of red and white forms pink. 红色和白色混合即成为粉红色。‎ pioneer[7paIE5nIE] n.[C]先锋,开拓者:the Young Pioneers 少年先锋队 pipe[paIp] n. [C]管子,输送管;烟斗:Does he smoke a pipe? 他抽烟斗吗?‎ pity[5pItI] n.[U]同情 [C]可惜的事,遗憾的事 vt.同情;可怜:Do have [take] pity on me. 千万要可怜可怜我。/ It’s a pity that he can’t come. 他不能来真是遗憾。‎ place[pleIs] n.[C]地方,地点;住所;座位;空地;名次v.放,安置:That would be a nice place for a picnic. 这是野餐的好地方。/ Go back to your place. 回到你的座位上去。/ He placed the books on the desk. 他把书放在桌上。‎ ‎【短语】take place 发生 / take the place of 代替,接替 / change places 换座位 / in place of 代替 plain[pleIn] adj.坦白的,平易的;朴素的 n. [C]平原,旷野:From the hill top we could see the plains below. 从山顶我们可以看到下方的平原。‎ plan[plAn] n.& v.计划:Everyone made plans for going abroad. 每个人都制定了出国计划。/ Do you plan to stay [on staying] here? 你打算留在这里吗?‎ plane[pleIn] / aeroplane[5ZErEpleIn] n.[C]飞机:Are you going by train or by plane? 你坐火车去还是坐飞机去?‎ plant[plB:nt] n.[C]植物 vt.种植,播种:Trees and vegetables are plants. 树和蔬菜是植物。/ April is the time to plant. 4月是种植的时候。‎ plastic[5plAstIk] adj.塑料的n.[C,U]塑料:The company sells plastic products. 这家公司出售塑料制品。‎ ‎【用法】作名词时,可数或不可数均可,但可数时,通常用复数:Plastic is [Plastics are] sometimes used instead of wood and metal. 塑料有时被用来代替木材和金属。‎ plate[pleIt] n.[C]盘子,碟子(比dish浅,扁平):I almost dropped the plate. 我差点把碟子掉了。‎ platform[5plAtfR:m] n.[C]讲台,站台;平台:A hall usually has a platform for speakers. 礼堂里通常有一个演讲台。‎ play[pleI] v.玩,做游戏,打球 n. [C,U]玩耍,戏剧:He came over to chat and play cards.他过来聊天、打牌。/ This play is based on a true story. 这出戏以真事为基础。‎ ‎【比较】play sb与play with sb:前者“同某人比赛”,后者指“玩…”、“同…玩”。‎ player[5pleIE] n.[C]运动员(者),演员;帮游戏者:She is a good tennis player. 她是一个好的网球手。‎ playground[5pleIgraJnd] n.[C]操场,(儿童)游乐场:The children were all [on] in the playground. 孩子们都在操场上。‎ pleasant[5plezEnt] adj.令人愉快的,招人喜欢的,舒适的:The walk was very pleasant. 那次散步很愉快。‎ ‎【辨析】pleasant与pleased:前者指令人愉快,后者指感到愉快。比较:He was pleased. 他很高兴。/ He was pleasant. 他讨人喜欢。‎ please[pli:z] adv.请;好的v. 使人高兴,使人满意;喜欢,愿意:It’s difficult to please everybody. 很难使每个人满意。/ Go where you please. 你想去哪儿就去哪儿。‎ pleased[pli:zd] adj.高兴的,愉快的:I’m very pleased with your work. 我对你的工作很满意。/ He was pleased to accept the invitation. 他高兴地接受了邀请。‎ pleasure[5pleVE] n.[U]高兴,愉快 [C]令人高兴的事:He finds pleasure in reading. 他从阅读中得到乐趣。/ It is a pleasure to work with you. 和你一起工作真是件乐事。‎ ‎【用法】其后可接of doing sth作定语,但不接不定式作定语:When may I have the pleasure of seeing you again? 什么时候我能有幸再见到你?‎ ‎【比较】(it’s) a [my] pleasure与with pleasure:前者意为“不客气”、“不用谢”,用于回答感谢;后者意为“高兴地”、“乐意地”。‎ plenty[5plentI] n.充足,大量 adv.相当,足够:There was food and drink in plenty. 有充足的饮食。/ She has plenty of imagination. 她想像力丰富。‎ plough[plaJ] n.& v.犁,耕:The land ploughs hard after the drought. 大旱之后土地难耕。‎ pocket[5pRkIt] n.[C]衣袋:a pocket radio 袖珍收音机 / pocket money 零用钱 poem[5pEJIm] n.[C]诗:Their lives are a poem. 他们的生活就是一首诗。‎ poet[5pEJIt] n.[C]诗人:A poet writes poems. 诗人写诗。‎ point[pRInt] n.[C]尖,尖端;点,观点;分数;特点;用处v.指,指向:It was a turning point in his career. 这是他事业上的转折点。/ There’s no point in wasting time. 耗时间没用。‎ ‎【短语】point at (用手)指着;用…对着(指着,瞄准等) / point to (用手)指着;(指针或房子等)指着;朝向;说明 / point out 指出;把注意力引向 pole[pEJl] n. [C]杆,柱,极:the North pole 北极 police[pE5li:s] n. [C]警察:Watch out! The police are coming. 当心,警察来了。‎ ‎【用法】1.表示“警察”的总称,其前通常用 the(有时也可省略)。2.形式上虽为单数,但含义上永远是复数;作主语时,谓语必须是复数。‎ policeman[pE5li:smEn] n.(pl. policemen)[C]警察:Do that again and I’ll call a policeman! 你要再这样做,我就叫警察了!‎ polite[pE5laIt] adj.有礼貌的,有教养的:Be more polite to ladies. 对女士要更有礼貌。/ It’s polite of him to do so. 他那样做很有礼貌。‎ political[pE5lItIkEl] adj.政治的:This is a political as well as an economic question. 这是一个政治也是经济问题。‎ politics[5pRlItIks] n.[U]政治(学):Their talks always center around politics. 他们的谈话总是围绕着政治。‎ pollution[pE5lU:FEn] n. [U]污染:The pollution problem is growing serious. 污染问题日见严峻。‎ pool[pu:l] n.[C]水池,水坑:After the heavy rain there were pools on the road. 大雨过后路上有一些小水坑。‎ poor[pJE] adj.贫穷的;可怜的;不好的:That poor boy was myself. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。‎ ‎【说明】the poor 可用作名词,意为“穷人”,表复数意义:The poor have a claim to our sympathy. 穷人值得我们同情。‎ popular[5pCpjJlE] adj.受欢迎的,讨人喜欢的;大众化的,通俗的,流行的:The singer is very popular with [among] young people. 这位歌手很受年轻人的欢迎。‎ population[7pCpjJ5leIFEn] n.[C,U]人口;某一国家或地区的所有人:How large [What] is the population of Japan? 日本有多少人口? ‎ ‎【用法】 1.形容人口数的多少,通常不用 many或few,而用 large, small, huge, high 等。2.为集合名词,若表示“人口”,表单数意义;若表示某一国家或地区的所有人,既可表示单数意义(视为整体)也可表示复数意义(考虑其个体):More than one third of the population here still live(s) under the poverty line. 这里有三分之一多的人仍然生活在贫困线以下。但若表语为复数,则谓语也通常用复数:One-tenth of the population are elderly people. 十分之一的人口是老年人。‎ pork [pR:k] n.[U]猪肉:Do you like roast pork? 你喜欢烤猪肉吗?‎ port[pC:t] n. [C,U]港口:enter (a) port 入港 / leave (a) port 出港 position[pE5zIFEn] n.[C]位置;姿势;处境;职业:This placed him in a difficult position. 这使他处境困难。/ He’s got a good position. 他谋得一份好工作。‎ ‎【短语】in position 在应在的位置,在适当的位置 / out of position 位置没放好 possession[pE5zeFEn] n.[U]所有,拥有 (常用复)财产,所有物:He had few possessions. 他的财产很少。‎ ‎【比较】in possession of sth与in the possession of sb:前者表示“拥有某物”,后者表示“被某人拥有”(=in sb’s possession)‎ possible[5pRsEbl]adj.可能发生的,可能的:I’ll help you if possible. 可能的话,我会帮助你的。/ Is it possible for their hopes to be realized? 他们的愿望能实现吗?‎ possibly[5pRsEblI] adv.可能地,也许:Without these we can’t possibly succeed. 没有这些我们不可能成功。‎ post[pEJst] n.[U]邮政,邮寄 [U,有时用a]邮件 [C]工作,职位vt.投寄,邮寄: Remember to post the letters. 记得把这些信寄了。/ If you could get the book, please send it to me by post. 如果你能弄到那本书,请邮寄给我。‎ postcard[5pEJstkB:d] n.[C]明信片:He sent me a postcard from the United Nations. 他从联合国给我寄来一张明信片。‎ pot[pRt] n. [C]锅,壶,瓶,罐:She made a pot of coffee. 她煮了一壶咖啡。‎ potato[pE5teItEJ] n. (pl. potatoes) [C,U]土豆,马铃薯:They live on potatoes. 他们靠吃马铃薯生活。‎ pound[paJnd] n.[C]英镑,磅:There are 100 pence to every pound. 1英镑有100便士。/ He weighed 10 pounds at birth. 他出生时有10磅重。‎ pour[pR:] v.倒,注,灌;流出,倾泻(雨等,倾盆而下):It was pouring with rain. 这时下着倾盆大雨。/ Shall I pour you some water? 我要不要给你倒点水?‎ powder[5paJdE] n.[U]粉,粉末:milk powder 奶粉 power[5paJE] n.[U]力,能力;权力;动力 (常用复)体力,智力:Some animals have the power to see in the dark. 有些动物具有在黑暗中能看见东西的本领。‎ practical[5prAktIkEl] adj.实际的,实用的:It’s a practical proposal. 那是切实可行的建议。/ Practical experience is often very important. 实践经验通常很重要。‎ practice[5prAktIs] n.[U,C]实行,实践;实习,练习;惯例,常规:He makes a practice of going to bed early. 他有早睡的习惯。‎ ‎【短语】in practice 实际上,实行起来(用作状语);业务熟练,没有荒疏(用作表语) / out of practice 荒疏,缺乏练习 practise / practice[5prAktIs] v.实践,实行,实施,惯做,常做;实习,练习,训练:You must practise speaking English more. 你应更多地练习讲英语。/ Economy has to be practised. 必须厉行节约。‎ ‎【说明】后接动词要用动名词,不用不定式。‎ praise[preIz] n.[U]赞美,赞扬 vt.赞扬,表扬:He praised her for her courage. 他表扬她有勇气。‎ ‎【短语】in praise of 赞扬,称赞 precious[5preFEs] adj.宝贵的,珍贵的:It’s foolish to idle away one’s precious time. 把大好时光浪费掉是愚蠢的。‎ prefer[prI5fE:] vt.(preferred, preferring)宁可,宁愿,更喜欢:Do you prefer coffee or tea? 你喜欢咖啡还是茶? / I prefer walking alone. 我喜欢一个人溜达。/ He prefers to read rather than watch television. 他喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视。‎ ‎【用法】表示宁愿做某事而不愿做另一事或喜欢(做)某事而不喜欢(做)另一事,英语通常用prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth 或prefer to do sth rather than do sth。‎ prepare[prI5pZE] v.准备,预备:We must be prepared against war. 我们必须备战。/ We were not prepared for the heavy rain. 我们没有提防要下这么大一场雨。‎ present[prI5zent] n.[C,U]现在,目前 [C]礼物 adj.在场的,出席的,现在的vt. [5preznt]赠予,颁予;提出:What’s your present feeling? 你现在感觉如何? / How many people were present? 有多少人出席? / They presented flowers to their teacher. 他们献花给老师。‎ ‎【短语】at present 现在,目前 / for the present 暂时 president[5prezIdEnt] n.[C]总统,主席;大学校长,学院院长;会长,社长;总裁,董事长,(银行)行长:They elected him President. 他们选他当总统。‎ press[pres] v.压,按,挤;熨,熨平;紧迫 n.(常用单)压,推,压挤,(连用the)新闻界 [C]出版社,印刷厂;熨烫:You pressed the wrong switch. 你按错了开关。/ Time is pressing. 时间很紧迫。/ the University Press 大学出版社 pretend[prI5tend] v.假装;假扮;自称:He pretended to be ill. 他假装生病了。/ He pretended not to have seen me. 他假装没看见我。‎ pretty[5prItI] adj.漂亮的,俊俏的 adv.相当地:She’s so pretty. 她真漂亮。‎ prevent[prI5vent] v.防止的,阻止,预防:Who prevents their plans from being carried out? 谁阻止他们的计划不让实施?‎ price[praIs] n.[C]价格,价钱:Prices keep going up. 物价持续上涨。/ What’s the price of the this camera? 这部照相机多少钱? ‎ ‎【说明】表示价格的高低用high和low,一般不用dear, expensive, cheap等。 ‎ pride[praId] n.[U,有时连用a]自豪,骄傲,得意vt.自豪:He took (a) great pride in his work. 他对他的工作感到很骄傲。‎ print[prInt] vt.印刷,痕迹;刊载,出版:This weekly is printed every Friday. 这份周报每星期五印刷。/ Once printed, this dictionary will be very popular! 一旦出版,这本词典将会非常畅销!‎ prison[5prIzEn] n.[C]监狱[U]监禁:The thief was put into prison. 小偷被关进了监狱。/ They were sent [taken] to prison for stealing money. 他们因偷钱被关进监狱。‎ prisoner[5prIznE] n.[C]囚犯,犯人:The police questioned the prisoner. 警察盘问囚犯。/ We keep a close watch on the prisoners. 我们严密看守囚犯。‎ prize[praIz] n.[C]奖赏,奖品:The judges awarded her the first prize for her picture. 评委把她的画评为一等奖。/ He won a prize for writing the best story. 他获得了最佳故事创作奖。‎ probably[5prRbEblI] adv.很可能,大概,或许:He’ll probably say he hasn’t seen it. 他可能会说他没见到过它。/ We will probably go by train. 我们可能坐火车去。‎ problem[5prRblEm] n. [C]问题,习题:I’l help you (to) solve the problem. 我来帮助你解决这个问题。‎ ‎【用法】口语中说no problem,可用来回答道歉和感谢。‎ produce[prE5dju:s] v.产生,生产,制造:A hen produces eggs and a cow produces milk. 母鸡产蛋,奶牛产奶。/ Hard work often produces good results. 努力工作经常会有好结果。‎ production[prE5dQkFEn] n.[U]生产,制造;产量:production plan生产计划 / Production costs fell by 30%. 生产成本下降了30%。‎ professor[prE5fesE] n.[C]教授:a visiting professor 客座教授 / He’s a professor of law at [in] Cambridge (University). 他是剑桥大学的(在剑桥大学任)法学教授。‎ program(me)[5prEJgrAm] n.[C]节目单,程序表;节目;活动计划,日程安排;程序:What is the programme for this afternoon? 今天下午有什么活动?‎ progress[5prEJgres] n.[U]进步vi.进展,前进:Study hard [well] and make progress every day. 好好学习,天天向上。‎ promise[5prRmIs] n.[C]诺言 v.答应,允诺;预示:I can’t promise you anything now. 我目前不能答应你什么。/ I promise to come. 我答应来。‎ pronounce[prE5naJns] v. 发音,宣告,断言:How is this word pronounced? 这个字怎么读? / The doctor pronounced the man dead. 医生宣布这人死亡。‎ pronunciation[prE7nQnsI5eIFEn]n.[C,U]语音,发音:This word has two pronunciations. 这个词有两种读法。/ He has a good pronunciation. 他的发音很好。‎ proper[5prRpE] adj.适当的,正确的:Everything was in its proper place. 一切均已各就各位。/ He’s never had a proper job. 他从来没有一个正当的职业。‎ protect[prE5tekt] vt.保护:My duty is to protect you. 我的职责是保护你们。/ Our clothing protects us from the cold. 衣服帮我们御寒。‎ proud[praJd] adj.自豪的,骄傲的:He is proud of being rich. 他以富有而自豪。/ I’m proud to be your friend. 能与你交朋友我感到很自豪。‎ prove[pru:v] v.证明,证实,证明是:It might prove the best plan. 它可能证明是最好的计划。/ His story proved false. 他讲的情况事实表明是假的。‎ provide[prE5vaId] v.提供:Nature does not provide everything we want. 自然界并不提供我们所需要的一切东西。‎ ‎【比较】以下两句结构不同,但含义相同:Sheep provides wool for us.=Sheep provides us with wool. 羊为我们提供羊毛。‎ public[5pQblIk] adj.公共的,公开的:You mustn’t do that in a public place. 你不可在公共场所做那事。‎ ‎【短语】in public 公开地,在公众面前 ‎【用法】the public用作主语时,谓语可用单数(视为整体)或复数(考虑个体):The public has [have] a right to know what’s in the report. 公众有权知道这篇报告的内容。‎ pull[pJl] v.拉,拖拔:pull on 穿戴 / You push and I pull. 你推我拉。‎ pump[pQmp] n.[C]泵,抽水机 v.用泵抽水,用打气筒打气:They had pumped the well dry. 他们把井水抽干了。‎ punish[5pQnIF] vt.惩罚,处罚:He will be punished for it. 他会为此受到惩罚。‎ pupil[5pju:pl] n.[C](小)学生:To be a good teacher, one must first be a good pupil. 要作好先生,首先要作好学生。‎ pure[pjJE] adj.纯的,纯净的;完美的,完全的:Is the cup made of pure gold? 这只杯子是纯金做的吗? / It was a pure accident. 这全然是一次意外事故。‎ purpose[5pE:pEs] n.[C]目前,意图:What is your purpose in being here? 你在这儿干什么? / He came here with [for] the purpose of seeing his family. 他来这里的目的是探亲。‎ ‎【短语】on purpose 有意地,故意地 purse[pE:s] n.[C]钱包:The lady put her wallet in her purse. 那位女士将皮夹子放在手提包内。‎ push[pJF] v.& n.[C]推:He pushed open the library door. 他推开了图书馆的门。/ She gave me a gentle push. 她轻轻推了我一下。‎ put[pJt] v.(put,put)放,摆:He put the cups on the table. 他把杯子放在桌子上。‎ ‎【短语】put away 收拾;放弃,打消;存蓄 / put down 放下,写下,使下车;镇压 / put off 推迟;推脱;使不高兴 / put on 穿,戴;上演,装(样子);开(电、灯等);增加 / put out 扑灭,使熄灭;生产;公布,发表;使不高兴 / put up 举起,架起,撑起;盖起,修建;张贴,挂;住宿 ‎ ‎ ‎ Q quality[5kwClItI] n.[U]质量 [C]性质,品质:The goods are of bad (poor) quality. 这批货质量很差。/ They differ much in quality. 他们在质量方面有很大差别。‎ quantity[5kwCntItI] n.[C,U]数量,量:He lost a great quantity of blood. 他大量失血。/ Quantities of books were on the desk. 在桌上有很多书。‎ ‎【说明】a quantity of / quantities of 可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。‎ quarrel[5kwRrEl] v.& n. [C]争吵:They had a quarrel about [over] the division of the money. 他们为了分钱的事吵了起来。‎ quarter[5kwR:tE] n.[C]四分之一,一刻钟:three quarters 四分之三 / She cut the cake into quarters. 她把蛋糕切成四份。‎ queen[kwi:n] n.[C]女王,王后:The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace. 英国女王住在白金汉宫。‎ question[5kwestFEn] n.[C]问题 vt.质疑,对…提出质疑:It is not a question of money. 这不是钱的问题。/ There’s no question about his success. 毫无疑问他会成功。‎ ‎【比较】out of the question与out of question:前者表示“不可能”、“不值得考虑的”;后者表示“毫无疑问”。‎ quick[kwIk] adj.& adv.快,迅速的(地):He’s quick at learning foreign languages. 他外语学得快。/ He is quick to learn. 他学得很快(即一学即会)。‎ quiet[5kwaIEt] adj.安静的,平静的:The house was quiet. 房子里很安静。‎ quite[kwaIt] adv.完全,十分,很:That’s quite impossible. 那完全不可能。‎ ‎【用法】1.不用于修饰副词too(太)。2.通常不用于修饰比较级,惟一的例外是 quite better(身体好):I’m quite better now. 我现在好多了。‎ R race[reIs] n.[C,U]种族,民族;(动植物的)种,属 v.(与…)赛跑,比赛;(使)疾走,赶快 n.[C]赛跑,竞赛:In the story a rabbit raced with a tortoise. 在这个故事里一只兔子与一只乌龟赛跑。/ I had a race with him. 我曾与他赛跑过。‎ ‎【用法】主要用于速度方面的比赛,如赛跑、赛马、划船等。‎ radio[5reIdIEJ] n.[C]收音机 [U]无线电:He sent a message by radio. 他拍发了无线电报。/ He decided to speak on the radio. 他决定发表广播讲话。‎ railway[5reIlweI] n.[C]铁路,铁道:He likes travelling by railway. 他喜欢乘火车旅行。/ Go over this bridge to the railway station. 过这座桥可到火车站。‎ rain[reIn] vi.下雨 n. [U,C]雨,雨水:The crops need rain. 庄稼需要雨水。‎ raincoat[5reInkEJt] n.[C]雨衣:He had no raincoat on when the rain started. 开始下雨时他没穿雨衣。‎ raise[reIz] vt.举起,抬起;增加,提高;饲养,种植;唤起,唤醒;提出,提起:Her wages were raised. 她涨工资了。/ He raised his voice. 他提高了嗓音。/ He raised the price of the sugar. 他提高了糖价。‎ ‎【辨析】raise与rise:前者及物,后者不及物。‎ rapid[5rApId] adj.快的,迅速的:The improvement was rapid. 改进很快。/ He has made rapid progress. 他进步很快。‎ rather[5rB:TE] adv.宁可,宁愿,相当:I would rather not tell him. 我宁愿不告诉他。‎ ‎【短语】would rather...than... 宁愿(做)…而不愿(做)… / rather than 而不,不是…(而是),与其…(不如)‎ ‎【用法】1.可修饰副词too(太)、比较级、动词等:It’s rather too expensive. 这太贵了。/ She is rather better today. 她今天好多了。2.would rather 后接动词用原形;若谈论过去情况,用动词完成式;若后接从句,从句谓语要用虚拟语气(指现在或将来用过去时,指过去用过去完成时):I’d rather you went tomorrow. 我宁愿你明天去。‎ ray[reI] n.[C]光线 ,射线;一线光明:There isn’t a ray of hope for us. 我们一线希望也没有了。‎ reach[ri:tF] v.到达,抵达;伸手 n.伸手可及之距离:He reached out for the book.=He reached out his hand for the book. 他伸手去拿那本书。/ Keep the medicine out of the children’s reach.=Keep the medicine out of reach of the children. 把药放在小孩伸手拿不到的地方。‎ read[ri:d]v. (read, read)读,朗读,看懂;辨认,标明:I read about it in the paper. 这是我在报上看到的。‎ reading[5ri:dIN]n. [U]读,阅读,读物:The book is not healthy reading for children. 这本书对小孩来说不属健康读物。‎ ready[5redI]adj.准备好的,有准备的:Are you ready for the journey? 你为旅行准备好了吗?‎ ‎【说明】be ready to do sth 是常用结构,除表示“准备做某事”外,还可表示“简直要做某事”、“就要发生某事”、“太喜欢做某事”、“动辄就做某事”:The girl is ready to cry. 这姑娘似乎要哭了。/ Don’t be so ready to find fault. 不要动不动就找毛病。‎ real[rIEl] adj.真实的,确实的;现实的,实际的:Is the ring real gold? 这个戒指是真金的吗? / This is a story of real life. 这是现实生活中的故事。‎ ‎【说明】有时用作副词(=very / really),主要见于非正式的美国英语中:I’m real sorry. 我非常抱歉。‎ realize / realise[5rIElaIz] v.认识到,了解;实现:He came to realize that he was mistaken. 他明白他错了。‎ ‎【说明】表示“实现”,其宾语可能是“好”的东西,也可能是“不好”的东西:My worst fears were realized when I saw what the exam questions were. 当我看到考试是些什么题目时,我最害怕发生的事发生了。‎ really[5rIElI]adv.确实,真正地:I’m really anxious to see him. 我的确急于见他。‎ reason[5ri:zn] n.[C,U]理由,原因v.推理:There are many reasons against it. 有很多反对的理由。/These are the reasons why we do it. 这些就是我们这样做的理由。‎ receive[rI5si:v] vt.收到,接到,接待;接受;受到:It was a great honour to receive the award. 得到这个奖是很荣幸的事。‎ recent[5ri:snt] adj.新近的,最近的:His recent behavior puzzles me. 他最近的行为使我迷惑不解。/ He has made a lot of money in recent years. 近几年他赚了不少钱。‎ recognize[5rekEgnaIz]v.认识,认出,承认:He recognized her in the photo. 他在这张照片上认出了她。/ He didn’t recognize that he had made a big mistake. 他不承认他犯了个大错误。/ I recognized her as [to be] a cheat. 我认出她是个骗子。‎ record[rI5kR:d]v.记录,记载;录音(像) n.[5rekR:d] [C]记录,记载,唱片:This was a record set by a Chinese girl. 这是一个中国姑娘创造的记录。‎ recover[rI5kQvE] v.恢复,找回,重新获得:I was the first to recover. 我是第一个恢复过来的人。/ I recovered the money I had lost. 我找回了丢失的钱。‎ red[red] adj.红色的 n.[U]红色:the Red Sea 红海 / red flowers 红花 reduce[rI5dju:s]vt.缩减,减少:He is trying to reduce expenses. 他正试图减少开支。/ We reduced the price by 10 percent. 我们把价格降低了百分之十。‎ ‎【注意】reduce sth (sb) to (把某物减少到,使某人陷入某种状态,使某人变成)中的to是介词,不是不定式符号:Hunger reduced them to stealing. 饥饿使他们沦落为盗贼。‎ refer[rI5fE:]vi. (referred, referring)提到,涉及,有关:I don’t know what he refers to. 我不知他指的是什么。/ He referred his wealth to hard work. 他说他是勤劳致富。‎ refuse[rI5fju:z]v.拒绝:He refused her nothing. 她要什么他就给什么。/ She refused to tell her age. 她不愿说出她的年龄。‎ regard[rI5gB:d]vt.看待,当作:He regarded the situation as (being) serious. 他认为形势严重。/ Mother sends his regards to you. 母亲向你问好。‎ regret[rI5gret] n.[U]遗憾,抱歉 v.遗憾,后悔:I regret to tell you that he can’t come. 很抱歉他不能来。/ She never regretted doing this. 她从没后悔这样做过。‎ ‎【用法】后接动名词表示对已发生之事后悔,后接不定式表示对未发生之事后悔。‎ regular[5regjJlE] adj.有规律的,规则的;经常的;不变的;正规的,职业的;整齐的:He leads a regular life. 他过着有规律的生活。/ It’s a regular verb. 它是规则动词。/ He made a regular visit to his parents. 他定期看望父母亲。‎ relation[rI5leIFEn] n.[C]家人,亲人 (常用复)关系,交往 [U](有时连用a)关系,联系:Your answer has no relation to the question. 你答非所问。‎ ‎【用法】若表示客观的关联或关系,通常不可数;若表示人际关系、利害关系等,则通常用复数:the relation between cause and effect 因果关系 / He has [enjoys] friendly relations with his workmates. 他与同事关系友好。‎ relative[5relEtIv] adj.相对的,比较的;关于…的,有关…的n.[C]亲属,亲戚:Is he a relative [relation] of yours? 他是你的亲属吗? / East is a relative term; for example, Chicago is east of California but west of NewYork. 东是一个相对概念,比如,芝加哥在加利福尼亚的东面但是却在纽约的西面。‎ remain[rI5meIn] vi.留下,遗留;继续,保持,仍是:She remained in bed for three days. 她在床上躺了3天。/ There remained just thirty pounds. 只剩30英镑了。/ He remained listening. 他一直在听。/ We can remain friends. 我们可以继续做朋友。‎ remember[rI5membE] v.记得,想起:Remember to lock the door. 记得锁门。/ I remember seening [to have seen] him do it. 我记得曾看见他这样做。/ Please remember me to Mary. 请代我向玛丽问好。‎ ‎【用法】后可接动名词也可接不定式,但意思不同,接动名词表记得做过某事;接不定式表记得要去做某事。‎ remind[rI5maInd] vt.提醒,使记起:I reminded her of her promise. 我提醒了她答应过的事。‎ ‎【比较】remind sb to do sth 与 remind sb of doing sth:前者表示“提醒某人去做某事”,后者表示“提醒某人或使某人想起已经做过某事”:He reminded me to see the film. 他提醒我去看这部电影。/ He reminded me of my seeing the film. 他提醒我说,我曾看过这部电影。‎ remove[rI5mu:v] vt.拿走,移开,去掉;脱掉(衣服等):We must do all we can to remove their doubts. 我们要竭尽全力来消除他们的疑虑。‎ repair[rI5pZE] vt.& n.[C,U]修理,修补:The road is being repaired. 路正在修整。/ These shoes need repairing. 这双鞋需要补一补。‎ ‎【短语】in need of repair 需要修理 / under repair 在修理中 / in (good) repair 修好 / in bad repair 失修 / out of repair 失修 / during repairs 修理期间 / for repairs 为了修理 repeat[rI5pi:t] v.重复,重说,重做:Please repeat what you’ve just said. 请把你刚才说的话再说一遍。/ Repeat the text after me. 跟我读课文。‎ reply[rI5plaI] v.&n.回答,答复:Please reply to my question at once. 请马上回答我的问题。/ I asked him if I could help, but he made no reply. 我问他我是否能帮忙,他没有回答。‎ ‎【短语】in reply to 作为对…的回答(答复)‎ ‎【用法】其后虽然可接that引导的宾语从句,但不能接普通的名词或代词,遇此情况需用reply to。‎ report[rI5pR:t] v.& n.报告,汇报,报道:We must report to the teacher at once. 我们必须马上向老师报告。/ They reported seeing [having seen] UFOs. 他们报告说他们看见了飞碟。/ It’s reported that he was seriously injured. 据说他受了重伤。‎ republic[rI5pQblIk] n.[C]共和国:the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国 request[rI5kwest] n.& vt.请求:Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 参观人士请勿触摸展品。/ Such books are in great request. 那样的书非常需要。‎ require[rI5kwaIE] vt.需要,要求:They required her to keep silent. 他们要求她保持沉默。‎ ‎【说明】1.其后可接动名词(主动表被动)或不定式(被动表被动):These children require looking after [to be looked after]. 这些孩子需要照看。2.后接that从句通常用虚拟语气:He required that everyone (should) attend the meeting. 他要求人人参加会议。‎ research[rI5sE:tF] n.[U]调查,研究:He’s doing research(es) into the causes of cancer.=He’s doing research(es) on cancer. 他在研究癌症的病因。‎ ‎【说明】虽不可数,但有时可用复数形式(注意不能受数词或many的修饰)。‎ respect[rIs5pekt] vt.尊敬,尊重n.[U]尊敬,尊重;关心,注意;(用复数)敬意,问候 [C]方面:If you don’t respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you? 自己不自重,又怎能受到别人的尊重呢?‎ rest[rest] n.& v.休息;其余的:Let’s stop and take a rest. 我们停下来歇会儿吧。‎ restaurant[5restErEnt] n.[C]饭馆,饭店:a restaurant car 餐车 result[rI5zQlt] n.[C]结果,效果 vi.由…而造成;结果,导致:What was the result of the game? 比赛结果如何? / Love results in marriage, naturally. 恋爱终归于婚姻(有情人终成眷属)。/ His failure resulted from his carelessness. 他的失败是由他的粗心造成的。‎ ‎【短语】as a result 结果,因此 / as a [the] result of 由于…的结果 return[rI5tE:n] v.回来;归还;回答 n.(用单数)归来,返回;归还;回报:He didn’t return me the money.=He didn’t return the money to me. 他没有还书给我。‎ ‎【短语】in return for 作为…的报答或交换 review[rI5vju:] v.复习;重新调查,审查;回顾 n.[C,U]复习;复查,回顾;评论:We were reviewing our lessons last night. 昨天晚上我们在复习功课。‎ revolution[7revE5lu:FEn] n.[U,C]革命;旋转:One revolution of the earth around the sun takes a year. 地球绕太阳运行1周需1年时间。‎ rice[raIs] n.[U]水稻,米饭:Rice is an important food crop. 稻是重要的粮食作物。/ Most of the Asians live on rice. 大多数亚洲人以大米为主食。‎ rich[rItF] adj.富裕的,有钱的:Oranges are rich in vitamin C. 桔子含有丰富的维生素C。/ The rich should help the poor. 富人应该帮助穷人。‎ ride[raId]v.(rode, ridden)骑马,骑自行车,乘车旅行 n.(乘车船)旅行:He likes to ride (on) a camel. 他喜欢骑骆驼。‎ right[raIt] adj.右,右边的;正确的,对的n.右,右边;正确,对 adv.正好;正确:Small children do not know right from wrong. 小孩子不懂是非。/ I read right to the end of the book. 我一口气把这本书看完了。/ You answered right. 你答对了。/ He was right in selling [to sell] the farm. 他把农庄卖掉是对的。‎ ring[rIN] n.[C]环,戒指v. (rang, rung) (钟,铃等)响;打电话:Call in, or ring us up. It’s up to you. 你可以亲自来访,也可以打电话来,由你定。‎ ripe[raIp] adj.(成)熟的:Is it ripe enough for us to eat? 它熟到我们能吃吗?‎ rise[raIz] v.(rose, risen)上升,升起;起床,起立:The river is rising after the rain. 雨后河水涨了。/ He rises very early. 他起床很早。‎ river[5rIvE] n.[C]江,河:There is a bridge across [=over] the river. 河上有座桥。‎ ‎【用法】1.用于专有名词时,英国英语通常将River加在名称之前;而美国英语则通常将River加在名称之后,但不管是英国英语还是美国英语,在含有River的专有名词前,一般用定冠词:the River Thames 泰晤士河 / the Mississippi River 密西西比河 2.说a city on the river,其意通常不是指“河上的城市”,而是指“河畔的城市”。‎ road[rEJd] n.[C]路,道路,街道:It takes three hours by train and four by road. 乘火车要3小时,乘汽车要4小时。/ the road to wealth 致富之路 ‎【用法】其前可用介词in (英)或on (美):I live in [on] Marston Road. 我住在马斯顿路。‎ rock[rRk] n.[C,U]大石头:The house is as solid as a rock. 这房子坚如磐石。‎ role[rEJl] n.[C]角色,作用,职责,任务:He will play [take] the leading role. 他将出演主角。/ The U.N. plays an important role in international relations. 联合国在国际关系中扮演重要角色。‎ roll[rEJl] v.打滚,滚动:Children like to roll on the grass. 小孩子喜欢在草地上打滚。/ He rolled over in bed. 他在床上翻了个身。‎ roof[ru:f] (pl. roofs)n.[C]屋顶,顶部:We share the same roof. 我们住在一起。‎ room[ru:m] n.[C]房间 [U]空间;余地:Move along and make room for me. 往前挪一下,让出点空位给我。/ There is much room for improvement. 大有改进的余地。‎ root[ru:t] n.[C]根,根茎;(比喻)根源:This is the root cause of poverty. 这是贫穷的根本原因。‎ rose[rEJz] n.[C]玫瑰:No rose without a thorn.=There’s no rose without a thorn.=Every rose has its thorn. 没有不带刺的玫瑰(没有十全十美的幸福等)。‎ rough[rQf] adj.粗糙的;粗野的,粗暴的;狂暴的,汹涌的;粗略的,大概的;倒霉的,难熬的;不舒服的:The cloth feels rough. 这布摸起来很粗糙。/ He has a rough tough. 他说话很粗野。/ A rough wind was blowing. 大风刮起来了。‎ round[raJnd]adj.圆的,球形的adv. 到处;转过来;循环地,围绕地prep. 环绕,围绕;绕过,转过;四处,在…的附近;大约n. [C] 一轮v.变圆,绕行:The earth goes round the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。/ The children stood round the teacher. 孩子们围着老师站着。/ Come round and see us this evening. 今晚请过来看我们。‎ row[rEJ] n.[C](一)排,(一)行;划船 v.划船:They rowed across the lake. 他们划船过湖。/ What about going for a row? 一起去划船好吗?‎ rubber[5rQbE] n.[U]橡胶,合成橡胶 [C]橡皮擦:Tires are made of rubber. 轮胎是用橡胶做成的。‎ rubbish[5rQbIF] n.[U]垃圾,废物:Don’t talk rubbish. 别胡说八道。‎ rude[ru:d] adj.粗鲁的,无礼的:It’s rude to point your fingers at people. 用手指指人是很不礼貌的。‎ ruin[5ru:In] vt.(使)毁坏,(使)毁灭 n.[U]毁灭 [C](用复数)废墟,遗迹:The heavy rain ruined our holiday. 大雨把我们的假期彻底搞糟了。‎ rule[ru:l] n.[C]规则,规定;习惯 v.统治:Students must obey [observe, follow, keep] the rules of the school. 学生必须遵守校规。‎ ‎【短语】as a rule通常 / by rule 按规定,循规蹈矩 ruler[5ru:lE] n.[C]统治者;尺:He was a wise ruler. 他是位明智的统治者。‎ run[rQn] v.跑,奔跑;(车船等)行驶,(溪河等)流动,(机器等)运转,(钟表等)走动;(颜色)褪色;经营 n.奔,跑;短途旅行:Don’t drink running water. 别喝自来水。/ The well has run dry. 水井已干涸了。/ The engine runs well. 发动机运转良好。‎ ‎【短语】in the long run 终究,到最后 / in the short run 在短期内,当前 / on the run 忙忙碌碌的(地),匆匆忙忙的(地) / run away 逃走,逃脱 / run out of 用完 rush[rQF]v.冲,奔跑;匆忙;催促n. [C]繁忙,抢购,冲,奔:rush hour 交通高峰时刻,上下班交通最拥挤的时候 / She rushed into the room to tell us the news. 她冲进房间告诉我们这个消息。‎ Russia[5rQFE] n.俄国,俄罗斯:Tolstoy was one of Russia’s most famous writers. 托尔斯泰是俄国最著名作家之一。‎ Russian[5rQFEn] adj.俄国的 n.[U]俄语 [C]俄国人:Russian is a difficult language to master. 俄语是一种难掌握的语言。‎ S sad[sAd] adj.悲伤的;使人悲伤的:We were sad about [at, over, with] her death. 我们为她的死感到悲伤。/ He was sad to hear the news. 他听到这个消息很伤心。‎ safe[seIf] adj.安全的,平安的:They were safe from attack. 他们很安全,未受到攻击。/ We’re safe in accepting the offer. 我们接受这个提议不会有错。‎ safety[5seIftI] n. [U]安全,保险:They ran to safety, away from the fire. 他们跑到安全的地方,远离了大火。/ We are now in safety. 现在我们安全了。‎ sail[seIl] n.(常用单)航行 [C]帆,帆状物v.开航,驾(船),航行(于):The ship sails for Shanghai tomorrow. 这船明天开往上海。‎ sailor[5seIlE] n.[C]海员,水手,水兵:a bad (good) sailor 晕船(不晕船)的人 sale[seIl] n.[U,C]卖,出售;销量,销售额;减价出售,拍卖:He got $1000 from [for] the sale of his house. 他卖房子得了1000美元。‎ ‎【短语】for sale 待售,出售的 / on sale (有货)售卖,上市;减价时 salt[sR:lt] n.[U]盐vt.加盐于,用盐腌:Please pass me the salt. 请把盐递给我。‎ same[seIm] adj.同一的,同样的 pron.同样的事:Do whatever you want, it’s all the same to me. 你想干就干啥,我无所谓。/ He likes to read in bed, and it is the same with me. 他喜欢在躺床上看书,我也一样。‎ ‎【用法】1.其前通常要加定冠词。2.表示“与…一样”,要用 the same as,不能用 as same as或the same with [like]。3.It’s the same with…意为“…也一样”,与“so+助动词+主语”意思相似。4.The same to you 为口语常用语,意为“你也一样”,主要用于回答祝愿。‎ sand[sAnd] n. [U]沙,沙子 (复数)沙地,沙滩:The children were playing on the sand(s). 孩子们在沙滩上玩。‎ sandwich[5sAnwIdV] n.[C]三明治,夹心面包:He made some cheese sandwiches. 他做了一些干酪三明治。‎ satisfaction[7sAtIs5fAkFEn] n.[U]满意 [C]乐事,趣事:I find great satisfaction in his improvement. 我对于他的进步极为满意。‎ satisfy[5sAtIsfaI] v.满足,使满意,使相信:Are you satisfied with the service? 你对这服务满意吗?‎ Saturday[5sAtEdI] n.星期六:She doesn’t work on Saturdays. 她星期六不工作。‎ save[seIv] v.救,挽救;节省,存钱;免去,省去;保全,保留:He saved the boy from drowning. 他救起了这个男孩,使他免于溺死。/ Save me some milk.=Save some milk for me. 给我留点牛奶吧。‎ ‎【用法】用于save sb (from) doing sth 表示“免去某人做某事”:/ If you do it tonight, it will save you from having to get up early. 你如果今晚做这事,明天早上你就不必早起了。‎ say[seI] v.(said, said)说,讲;(被动)据说:It’s said that he knows your father. 据说他认识你父亲。‎ ‎【用法】What do [would] you say to…? 意为“你说…怎么样呢?”,其中的to 为介词:What do you say to playing tennis? 打打网球怎么样?‎ scene[si:n] n. [C,U] (戏剧、电影等的)一场,场景;布景;风景,景色;(事件或事故的)发生地点:The sunrise was a beautiful scene. 日出是一幅美景。/ The criminal fled the scene. 罪犯逃离了现场。‎ school[sku:l]n.[C]学校,学院 [U]上学,上课:There will be no school tomorrow. 明日学校放假。/ Did you take history at school? 你在学校上过历史课吗?‎ science[5saIEns] n.[U,C](一门)科学,学科;(统称)科学,科学研究;(统称)自然科学,理科:computer science 计算机科学 / The chief sciences are chemistry, physics and biology. 主要的自然科学是化学、物理和生物。‎ scientific[saIEn5tIfIk]adj. 科学的,合乎科学的:a scientific method 科学方法 / He has a scientific mind. 他有科学头脑。‎ scientist[5saIEntIst] n.[C]科学家:Scientists have discovered a new virus. 科学家发现了一种新病毒。‎ scold[skEJld]v.责骂,申斥,斥责:His mother scolded him for getting his clothes dirty. 他妈妈因他弄脏了衣服而责骂他。‎ score[skR:] n.[C]二十;得分 vi.记分, 刻痕, 得分:What is the score now? 现在比分是多少? / Jack got a low score on the test. 杰克测验得分不高。‎ ‎【用法】表示“二十”时,其复数形式通常不加词尾-s,且其后一般不接介词of,如three score eggs 60只鸡蛋。当其后的名词前有the, these, those 等表示特指的限定词修饰时,或当其后接的是us, them, you 等人称代词时,则score 后必须要有介词of:three score of these eggs 这些鸡蛋中的60只。另外,scores of(许多)是习语,其中的score用复数。‎ scream[skri:m] v.尖声叫, 尖声喊叫n.[C]尖叫声, 喊叫声:She screamed out that there was a thief under the bed. 她尖叫道床下有小偷。‎ sea[si:] n.[U]海,海洋 [C]许多,大量:I don’t like to travel by sea. 我不喜欢乘船旅行。‎ ‎【用法】构成专有名词时,其前通常要用定冠词:the Red Sea 红海 search[sE:tF]v.& n.[C,U]搜索,搜寻:The police searched the city. 警察搜遍了全城。/ The police searched for the thief. 警察搜找那个小偷。‎ ‎【短语】in search of 搜找 / in one’s (the) search for 搜找 season [5si:zn] n.[C]季,季节:Spring is a lovely season. 春天是怡人的季节。‎ ‎【短语】in season 当令,及时,正是时候 / out of season 不当令,在淡季 seat[si:t]n.[C]座,座位vt.使坐下:Which are our seats? 哪些是我们的座位? / He seated himself at the writing table. 他在写字台前坐下。‎ second[5sekEnd]n.[C]秒;片刻;第二者;第二人adj. 另一个;又一个num. 第二:We’ll have to do it a second time. 我们得再做一次。‎ secret[5si:krIt] n. [C]秘密, 秘诀adj.秘密的,隐秘的:We have no secrets from you. 我们对你毫无隐瞒。‎ ‎【短语】in secret 秘密地,偷偷地 / in the secret 知道秘密 secretary[5sekrEtrI]n.[C]秘书;书记:He was secretary of this Party branch. 他是这个党支部的书记。/ She’s private secretary to the Minister. 她是部长的私人秘书。‎ see[si:]v. (saw, seen)看,看见;了解,领会:I saw her crying under the tree. 我看见她在树下哭。/ I’ve never seen the word used that way before. 我从来没有看见这个词这样用过。/ I see little of Mr Smith. 我很少见到史密斯先生。‎ ‎【短语】see about (doing) sth 负责处理(安排)某事 / see off 为…送行 / see sb out 送某人出门(到门口) / see through 看穿,识破;帮助渡过(困难等);进行到底 seed[si:d]n.[C]种子,萌芽v.结实,播种:Plants develop from seeds. 植物由种子发育而成。‎ seek[si:k]v.(sought, sought)寻找,探索:He has sought to explain it. 他一直想对此作出解释。/ He sought out his friend in the crowd. 他在人群中找到他的朋友。‎ seem[si:m]vi.像是,似乎:It seems as if he is happy. 他好像很高兴。/ It seems that he has caught a cold. 他似乎感冒了。/ It seems like a good idea. 那似乎是个好主意。/ He seems to know everything. 他似乎什么都懂。‎ seize [si:z]v.抓住, 逮住, 夺取:He was seized with a slight fever. 他突然有点发烧。/ She seized the gun from him. 她从他手里夺过了枪。‎ seldom [5seldEm]adv.很少,不常:The children are seldom ill. 这些孩子很少生病。‎ ‎【用法】在正式文体中可放在句首,其后用倒装语序:Seldom does he read in his free hours. 他空余时间很少看书。‎ sell[sel](sold, sold) v.出售,卖:He sold me his camera.=He sold his camera to me. 他把照相机卖给了我。/ He sold his car at a low price. 他低价卖掉了他的汽车。‎ ‎【短语】sell out 卖完 send[send]vt.(sent, sent)送,寄,派遣:Please send him my best wishes.=Please send my best wishes to him. 请代我向他问好。/ He sent his son to post the letter. 他叫他儿子去寄信。/ The sound of the gun sent the birds flying away. 枪声把鸟吓飞了。‎ ‎【短语】send up发射 / send out 发出(光亮等);生出(长出)某物 ‎【比较】1.send sb to do sth与send for sb to do sth:前者表示派某人做某事,后者表示派人请某人做某事。2. send sb to do sth 与send sb (sth) doing sth:前者表示派(叫)某人去做某事,后者表示使某人或某物很快地或失去控制地做某事。‎ sense[sens]n.[C]官能,感觉,意识 vt.感到,理解,认识:Can you make sense of this poem? 你能看懂这首诗吗? / I sensed that I had made a serious mistake. 我意识到自己犯了个严重的错误。‎ ‎【短语】in a sense 在某个意义上 / make sense 有意义,讲得通,有道理 sentence[ 5sentEns]n.[C]句子,判决vt.审判,判决:A sentence usually contains a subject and a verb. 句子通常包括主语和动词。/ The sentence was twenty years in prison. 判决是20年徒刑。‎ separate[5sepEreIt]v.分开adj.[5sepErEt]分开的,分离的,个别的,单独的:Separate the longer ones from the shorter ones. 把长的与短的分开。/ Our children have separate bedrooms. 我们的孩子有各自的卧室。‎ September[sEp5tembE]n.九月:School begins in September. 九月开学。‎ serious[5sIErIEs] adj.严重的,严肃的,认真的:He was serious about (doing) his work. 他对待(做)工作很认真。/ I’m serious. 我是认真的。‎ servant[5sE:vEnt] n.[C]仆人,用人;公仆,公务员:A politician should be a servant of the people. 政治家应该是人民的公仆。‎ serve[sE:v] v.服务,服役:Let those who can serve as teachers. 能者为师。/ We must serve the people heart and soul. 我们必须全心全意地为人民服务。/ She served us (with) fruit and tea.=She served fruit and tea to us. 她用水果和茶招待我们。‎ service [5sE:vIs]n. [C,U]服务,服役:My car is at your service. 我的汽车随你使用。/ Will you do me a service? 帮我个忙好吗?‎ set [set]v. (set, set)(太阳等)下落;放置;摆设;规定;确定;使(做事) n.[C]一套,装置:When we arrived there, the sun had set. 我们到达那儿时,太阳已落山了。/ What he said set us thinking. 他的话使我们思考起来。‎ ‎【短语】set about 开始或着手做某事(后接名词或动名词) / set out 动身;开始;想要(后接不定式);安排,摆设;陈述,解释 ‎ ‎【比较】set sb to do sth与set sb (sth) doing sth:前者表示使某人做某事,后者表示使某人(物)开始做某事或处于做某事的状态。‎ settle[5setl] v.安放;使定居;安排;解决;决定:The affair wasn’t so easily settled. 这事不是那么容易解决的。/ He settled to sell his car. 他决定把汽车卖掉。‎ ‎【短语】settle down (使)安静下来;(使)舒服地坐下;安居下来;习惯于某种生活;安下心来 / settle for 勉强接受 / settle in 定居于;(使)习惯于 / settle up 结账,付清 seven[5sevEn]num.七,七个:at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 several[5sevErEl] adj.几个 pron.几个:I’ve read it several times. 我已经读过好几遍了。‎ ‎【用法】通常不与 only 连用,遇此情况可改用 a few:I have only a few friends. 我只有几个朋友。‎ sew[sEJ]v.(sewed, sewn / sewed)缝制,缝纫:I like sewing. 我喜欢缝纫。‎ sex[seks] n.[C,U]性;性别:This is a school for both sexes. 这是一所男女兼收的学校。/ There is a lot of sex in the book. 这本书有很多性描写。‎ shade[FeId] n.[U]阴凉,树阴 [C]遮光物,帘 v.遮住(光线):They sat in the shade. 他们坐在阴凉处。/ I shaded my eyes with my hand. 我用手遮在眼睛上挡住光线。‎ shadow[5FAdEJ] n.[C]影子,阴影:The shadows of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on. 随着下午时光的延续,树影会越来越长。‎ shake[FeIk]v.(shook, shaken)摇动,摇,颤抖,震动:He stood up and shook hands with me. 他站起身来同我握了手。/ He didn’t reply, but just shook his head. 他没有回答,只是摇头。‎ shall[FAl] v.aux.将要,会;(用于疑问句中征求意见)要不要,…好吗;(用于陈述句中表示允诺、告诫、威胁、命令、规定、必然性):Shall we all go to the film tonight? 我们今晚都去看电影吗?/ You shall have an answer by tomorrow. 到明天你可以得到答复。‎ ‎【用法】其主语通常为第一人称;若表示说话者的意图、警告、命令、决心等,此时主语的行动受讲话者支配,那么则用于第二、三人称;用于问句中,征询对方对于主语行动的意见,主语可以是第一人称,也可以是第三人称;在条约、规定、法令等文件中表示义务或规定,也用于第三人称。‎ shame[FeIm] n.[U]羞愧,惭愧 [C]惋惜的事,可耻的事 vt.给…带来羞辱,使难为情:It’s a great shame to treat him like that. 这样对待他太不像话了。/ To my shame, I never thanked him for his kindness. 令我感到惭愧的是我对他的好意从未表示过感谢。‎ ‎【用法】汉语说“感到羞愧”,说成英语可以用 feel shame:He felt shame at having told a lie. 他因说了谎而感到羞愧。但不能用 feel shameful(因为 shameful的意思是“可耻的,丢脸的”)。‎ shape[FeIp]n.[C,U]形状;体形;形式v.使成形,塑造:Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping one’s character. 童年经历在形成一个人的性格方面往往起重要作用。‎ share[FZE] n.[C]共享,一份,份额,参股v.分享,共有:Let’s share the cake (with her). 我们(与她)一起分吃这块蛋糕吧。‎ ‎【比较】share sth与share in sth:前者可用于具体的事物,也可用于抽象的事物;后者主要用于抽象的事物。‎ sharp[FB:p]adj.锋利的adv.整;锐利地;急速地:I need a sharp knife. 我需要一把锋利的小刀。/ The lecture started at three o’clock sharp. 讲座于3点整开始。‎ shave[FeIv] v.修(面),刮(脸) n.[C]理发,刮胡须,修面:My father shaves every day. 我父亲每天都刮脸。‎ she[Fi:] pron.她:I love her and she loves me. 我爱她,她也爱我。‎ sheep[Fi:p](pl.sheep) n.[C]羊,绵羊:a black sheep 败类,害群之马 / Sheep feed on grass. 羊吃的是草。‎ sheet[Fi:t]n.[C](一)片,(一)张,薄片;被单,被褥:She wrote her name and address on a sheet of paper. 她把名字和地址写在一张纸上。‎ shelf[Felf]n.[C]架子,搁板:Put it on the luggage shelf. 把它放在行李架上。‎ shine[FaIn]v. (shone, shone)照耀,发光:Make hay while the sun shines. (谚)趁太阳好垛干草。‎ ship[FIp] n.[C]船,海船,舰v.装上船:They crossed the Pacific by ship. 他们乘船横渡太平洋。‎ shirt[FE:t]n.[C]衬衫,衬衣:How much is that shirt? 那件衬衫多少钱?‎ shock[FRk] vt.使震惊,使受电击 n.[C,U]震动;震惊;撞击;电击:He was shocked to hear her talking like that. 听到她这样讲话他感到震惊。‎ shoe[Fu:]n.[C]鞋,鞋子:Your shoe laces are undone. 你的鞋带散了。‎ shoot[Fu:t]n.[C]射击,发射v. (shot, shot)射击,投射:He was shot three times in the leg. 他的腿中了三枪。‎ ‎【比较】shoot sb (sth)与shoot at sb (sth):前者指打中某人(某物),后者指向某人(某物)射击(但不一定打中)。‎ shop[FRp]n.[C]商店,店铺vi.买东西,购货:We usually shop on Sundays. 我们常在星期天去商店买东西。/ I’ve got some shopping to do. 我要买些东西。‎ shore[FR:] n.[C]岸,滨:We went to the shore for the summer. 我们去海滨度假。‎ short[FR:t] adj.短的,矮的;缺乏的:Don’s cut it too short. 不要把它剪得太短。‎ ‎【短语】(be) short of 缺少 / for short 为了简短,简称 / in short 总之 shot[FRt] n.[C]射击,开枪,开炮,射击声;射门;投篮;击球:The policeman fired a warning shot. 警察鸣枪示警。/ His shot went wide. 他没射进球门。‎ should[FJd] v.aux. (shall的过去式)将,会;应当,应该;可能;(表建议、命令、决定、必要等)应该,必须:You shouldn’t leave so soon. 你不应当这么早就走。/ They should be given a chance to try. 应当给他们尝试的机会。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动词原形,表示应该要做某事;后接动词完成式,表示本来应该发生某事(但实际未发生)或可能已经发生了某事:He should leave. 他应该离开。/ He should have left. 他可能已经离开了。/ He shouldn’t have left so soon. 他本不该那么快就离开的。2.should表示推断时,语气较肯定,通常是指非常可能的事(因为暗示有一定的事实依据或合乎常理),而与之相比 may, might, could等表示推测时,则语气较不肯定,尤其是might, could。‎ shoulder[5FEJldE] n. [C]肩膀:She looked over her shoulder. 她回过头来看。‎ ‎【短语】shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 shout[FaJt] v.& n.[C]喊,高声呼喊:Don’t shout at me. 别冲着我喊。/ He was too far away and I had to shout to him. 他离得太远,我只好大声喊他。‎ show[FEJ] v.(showed, shown)给…看,出示,显示;表明,显示 n. [C]展览会:Please show me your photo.=Please show your photo to me. 请给我看看你的照片。/ He showed me how to do it. 他教我如何做此事。‎ ‎【短语】on show 展出 / show off 炫耀 / show sb (a)round 陪某人参观,带某人到处看看 shower[5FaJE] n.[C]阵雨,淋浴:He was caught in a shower. 他被淋雨了。‎ shut[FQt] v.(shut, shut) 关闭,关门,禁闭:Shut up! 闭嘴!/ Please will you shut the door? 请你关上门好吗?‎ ‎【短语】shut off 关掉,切断(电源等);停止供应(煤气,水等) / shut up 闭嘴,住口 shy[FaI] adj.害羞的,羞怯的:Don’t be shy. 别害羞。/ He was not shy of [about] offering suggestions. 他并不怯于提建议。‎ sick[sIk]adj.生病的;恶心的;厌烦的:She is sick with a cold. 她患感冒。/ I’m really sick of housework. 我的确厌烦做家务事。‎ ‎【辨析】ill与sick:两者均可表示“生病的”,前者主要作表语,后者则可用作表语或定语。另外,the sick 可用作名词,表示“病人们”,但ill不这样用。‎ side[saId] n.[C]边,旁边;面,侧面:There are trees on both sides of the road. 路的两边都种有树。/ He painted all four sides of the box. 他把箱子的四面都漆了。‎ ‎【短语】on the side of 在…一边 / side by side 肩并肩 / take sides 支持(偏袒)某一方 sigh[saI] v.& n.叹气,叹息:We heard him sigh. 我们听到他叹气。‎ sight[saIt] n.[U]视力;看见;视野 [C]情景,风景:He had good sight.=His sight was good. 他的视力好。‎ ‎【短语】at first sight 第一次见到 / at sight 一看见 / catch sight of 看见,望到 / in sight 在视线范围内,可以看见 / lose sight of 看不见;忽略 / out of sight 在视线范围之外,看不见 sign[saIn] n.[C]符号,标记;身体的示意动作,手势;标志牌,指示牌;迹象,征兆 v.签名;打手势:A cloudy sky is not always a sign of rain. 阴天不一定是下雨的预兆。/ The policeman signed (to / for) me to stop. 警察示意我停下。/ Has he signed (to, on) the cheque? 他在支票上签名了吗?‎ silence[5saIlEns] n.[U]安静,沉默:Silence means [gives] consent. 沉默意味着同意。/ They walked on in silence. 他们默默向前走去。‎ silent[5saIlEnt] adj.无声的,无对话的,沉默的:You’d better keep silent. 你最好什么也别说。/ History is silent about [upon] this person. 历史对这个人没有记载。‎ silk[sIlk] n.[U]丝绸:The dress was (made of) silk. 这连衣裙是丝(做)的。‎ silly[5sIlI] adj.傻的:You are silly to do so.=It’s silly of you to do so. 你这样做真蠢。/ Don’t be silly, that insect can’t hurt you. 别傻了,那虫子不会伤你的。‎ silver[5sIlvE] n. [U]银,银币,银餐具adj.银制的,银的;银(白)色的:a silver ring 银戒指 / silver hair 银发 / It’s made of silver. 它是银做的。‎ similar[5sImIlE] adj.类似的,相似的:My problems are similar to yours. 我的问题与你的差不多。‎ ‎【说明】要表示“与…相似”,可用 be similar to,而不用 be similar as [with],也不说 as similar as。‎ simple[5sImpl] adj.简单的,简易的,朴素的:The operation of this machine is simple. 这个机器的操作很简单。‎ since[sIns] prep.从…以来 adv.从那时以来:conj.从…以来;由于,既然:I haven’t heard from him since he left. 他走之后我还没接到过他的信。/ It’s two years since I saw you last. 上次见到你到现在已经两年了。/ Since it is so hot, let’s go swimming. 既然天气这么热,我们去游泳吧。‎ ‎【用法】表示“自从…以来”时,句子(主句)谓语通常都与完成时态连用。但在It has been …since…中,主句中的It has been通常用It is代替。‎ sing[sIN] v.(sang, sung)唱,唱歌:You sing better than I do. 你的歌比我唱得好。‎ single[5sINgl] adj.惟一的,一个的;各个的,单个的;单人用的;单程的;单身的:He leads a single life. 他过着单身生活。/ Not a single song did she sing at yesterday’s party. 昨天晚会上她一首歌都没唱。‎ sink[sINk](sank, sunk) v.下沉,消沉;下降:The ship is sinking. 这船正在下沉。‎ sir[sE:]先生,阁下:This way, sir. 先生,这边请。‎ ‎【用法】用于对长者、上司、顾客、老师等的尊称。单独使用,不与姓或姓名连用。‎ sister[5sIstE] n.[C]姐,妹:elder sister 姐姐 / Where is Sister? 姐在哪?‎ sit[sIt] v.(sat, sat) 坐:Please sit down. 请坐。/ Let’s all sit under this tree. 咱们都坐在这棵树下。‎ situation[7sItFJ5eIFEn] n.[C]形势,情况;处境,状况;位置,场所:The situation is serious enough. 形势够严重的。/ Situation Wanted. 求职。‎ six[sIks] num.六:at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 ‎ size[saIz] n. [C,U]尺寸,大小:Those shirts are all the same size. 那几件衬衫大小都一样。/ What’s the size of the park? 这个公园有多大?‎ skate[skeIt] vi. 滑冰:Mary never skis or skates. 玛丽从不滑雪,也不溜冰。‎ skill[skIl] n. [U]技能,技巧,熟练:Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读和写作是不同的技能。‎ skin[skIn] n. [U]皮肤:Babies have soft skin. 婴儿的皮肤很柔滑。‎ skirt[skE:t] n. [C]女裙:Short skirts are out. 短裙不时兴了。‎ sky[skaI] n. [U,C]天空,天:The sky suddenly turned dark. 天色突然变得昏暗起来。‎ ‎【用法】有时用复数形式,主要表示与气候有关的天空(如下雨、下雪、刮风等)。‎ slave[sleIv] n.[C]奴隶:Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. 亚伯拉罕·林肯解放了奴隶。‎ sleep[sli:p] v. (slept, slept)& n. 睡觉:Now go to sleep and stop worrying about it. 快睡吧,别再为此担心了。/ Did you have a good sleep? 你睡得好吗?‎ ‎【注意】sleep late 的意思不是“睡得迟”,而是“起床迟”。‎ slightly[5slaItlI] adv.微小地,细小地:He is slightly drunk. 他有点醉了。‎ slow[slEJ] adj.& adv.慢的(地);不聪明,迟钝:He is slow in understanding. 他理解迟钝。/ He is slow to show anger. 他不易发怒。‎ ‎【说明】slow down与slow up 的意思并不相反,而是相同,均表示“减速”、“缓行”、“松驰下来”。‎ small[smR:l] adj.小的:He lives in a small town. 他住在一座小镇上。‎ smart[smB:t] adj.灵巧的,伶俐的;时髦的,帅的:He’s a smart businessman. 他是个精明的商人。/ You look smart in the new suit. 你穿这套新衣服很帅气。‎ smell[smel] v.(smelt, smelt / smelled, smelled) 嗅,闻到;散发气味n. [C,U]味,气味,嗅味:“It looks nice and smells delicious.” “Mm, it does have a pleasant smell.” “它看起来好看,闻起来也香。”“噢,它确实很好闻。”‎ ‎【说明】smell like 闻起来像 / smell of 有…的气味 smile[smaIl] vi.& n.[C]微笑:He gave a satisfied smile. 他满意地笑了笑。/ He smiled a strange smile. 他奇怪地笑了笑。‎ smoke[smEJk] n.[U]烟 [C]抽烟v.冒烟;抽烟:(There is) No smoke without fire. 无火不起烟(无风不起浪)。/ No smoking. 禁止抽烟。‎ smooth[smu:T] adj.光滑的,平坦的 vt.使光滑,清除:A baby has a smooth skin.婴儿皮肤很平滑。/ He smoothed down his hair. 他弄平了头发。‎ snake[sneIk] n.[C]蛇:She was afraid of snakes. 她怕蛇。‎ snow[snEJ] n.[C,U]雪 v.下雪:The ground is covered with snow. 地上白雪覆盖。/ It snowed heavily last January. 今年一月雪下得很大。‎ so[sEJ] adv.(表示程度)那么,如此;(表示强调)非常,很;也,同样conj.因此,所以:Don’t talk so loud. 不要这样大声讲话。/ Hold your pen so. 这样拿笔。/ She likes dogs, and so do I. 她喜欢狗,我也喜欢。/ He was sick, so he didn’t come. 他病了,所以没有来。‎ soap[sEJp] n.[U]肥皂:She washed her hands with soap. 她用肥皂洗手。‎ socialism[5sEJFElIzEm] n. [U]社会主义:We are working hard to build socialism. 我们在为建设社会主义而努力工作。‎ socialist[5sEJFElIst] n.& adj.社会主义者,社会主义的:China is a socialist country. 中国是一个社会主义国家。‎ society[sE5saIEtI] n.[C,U]社会;社团,协会:Society makes laws to protect people. 社会制定法律保护人民。/ the Red Cross Society of China 中国红十字会 sock[sRk] n.[C]短袜:She bought a pair of sock. 她买了一双短袜。‎ soft[sRft] adj.(柔)软的;柔和的,温和的;(饮料)不含酒精的:She speaks in a soft voice. 她说话声音很柔和。‎ soil[sRIl] n. [C,U]土壤,土地:Most plants grow best in rich soil. 大多数植物在土壤肥沃的地方长得好。‎ soldier[5sEJldVE] n.[C]士兵:A soldier must stand up to danger. 一个战士必须敢于面对危险。/ He has been a soldier for 2 years. 他参军两年了。‎ solid[5sRlId] adj.硬白,固体的 n. [C]固体:Gold is solid, but when you heat it, it becomes liquid. 黄金是固体,可是把它加热时,就成了液体。‎ some[sQm] adj.一些,若干;有些;某人(人或物) pron.若干,一些 adv.大约,稍:Some think so. 有些人这样想。/ He waited for some time. 他等了一会儿。/ Some 40 people attended the meeting. 大约有40个人参加了会议。‎ ‎【用法】主要用于肯定句,在否定句或疑问句中通常换成any,但在表示请求或征求意见的疑问句中,有时也用some:Would you like some bananas? 你想吃点香蕉吗?‎ somebody / someone[5sQmbEdI][5sQmwQn] pron.某人,有人:Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who it is. 有人在按门铃,去看看是谁。‎ something[5sQmWIN] pron.某事(物,某东西):You must do something about it. 你必须对此采取措施。/ The book has something to do with this subject. 这本书与这个问题有些联系。‎ sometimes[5sQmtaImz] adv.有时:Sometimes we quarreled. 有时我们也吵架。‎ somewhere[5sQmwZE] adv.& n. 某处,在哪里,在某处:I thought I had seen you somewhere. 我记得在哪里见到过你。/ We were looking for somewhere to live. 我们在找一个地方住。‎ son[sQn] n.[C]儿子:Father and son went to New York by a morning train. 父子两人坐早班车去了纽约。‎ song[sRN] n.[C]歌唱,歌曲:She was often heard to sing this song. 人们常常听见她唱这支歌。‎ soon[su:n] adv.很快,不久:Do you have to leave so soon? 你必须这么早就走吗? / She will be back soon. 她马上就回来。‎ ‎【短语】as soon as 一…就,如…那么早或快 / no sooner...than 刚…就 / sooner or later 迟早,早晚,总有一天 sorry[5sRrI] adj.难过的,对不起:Aren’t you sorry for [about] what you have done? 你不对自己所做的事感到遗憾吗? / I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这话我很难过。‎ sort[sR:t] n.[C]种类,类别;…的(种类的)人 vt.把…分类,拣选:A hammer is a sort of tool. 锤子是一种工具。/ Sort these cards according to their colors. 按颜色把这些卡片整理好。‎ ‎【短语】a sort of 某种,模模糊糊的一种 / all sorts of 各种各样的 / sort of 稍微,有几分,多少 / sort out 整理,分类;挑出,拣出 soul[sEJl] n.[C,U]灵魂,精神;人:She puts her whole soul into work. 她把全部精力投入工作。‎ ‎【短语】body [heart] and soul 全心全意地,完完全全地 sound[saJnd] n.[C,U]声音 vt.听起来 adj.健全的,彻底的 adv.充分地,彻底地:The report sounds true. 这个报导听起来是真的。/ Your idea sounds a good one. 你的想法听起来很好。‎ soup[su:p] n. [U]汤:The soup tastes of onion. 这汤有洋葱味。‎ ‎【说明】英语说“喝汤”,通常用 have [take, eat] soup等,一般不用drink soup。‎ south[saJW] n.& adj. 南,南方(的) adv.在南部,在南方:Mexico is to the south of the U.S.A. 墨西哥在美国之南。‎ southern[5sQTEn] adj.南部(方)的:She lives in southern Italy. 她住在意大利南部。‎ space[speIs] n.[C,U]间隙,间隔;空间,太空:It won’t take (up) too much space.这不会占很多地方(篇幅)。‎ Spanish[5spAnIF] n.[U]西班牙语 adj.西班牙人的,西班牙的:My mother tongue is Spanish. 我的母语是西班牙语。‎ spare[spZE] adj.空闲的,多余的 vt.节省,抽出(时间):Have you any spare time to help me? 你有空帮助我吗?/ They have three tickets to spare. 他们多3张票。‎ speak[spi:k] v.(spoke, spoken)说话,讲话;讲,说(某种语言):Do you speak English? 你说英语吗? / Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于语言。‎ ‎【短语】speak about 谈论 / speak of 谈到,提起 / speak to [with] 同…说话 / speak out 大胆说,自由地说 / speak up 大声说 special[5speFEl] adj.特别的,专门的:He has a special car because he cannot walk. 他有一辆专车,因为他不能走路。‎ speech[spi:tF] n.[C]演讲 [U]说话(的能力):He will come to make [give] a speech to the students. 他要来给学生作演讲。‎ speed[spi:d] n.[C,U]速度,快速 v.急行;使加速:Please drive at a safe speed. 请以安全速度行驶。‎ ‎【短语】at speed 高速地,很快地 / at full [top] speed 全速地 / at a [the] speed of 以...的速度 / with all [great] speed 很快地 / speed up (使)加速 spell[spel]v. (spelt, spelt)拼写:How do you spell your name? 你的名字怎么拼?‎ spend[spend]v.(spent, spent)花费, 度过:I spent an hour reading. 我花了一小时读书。/ He doesn’t spend much time on his homework. 他花在作业上的时间不多。‎ ‎【用法】表示花钱(时间)做某事,根据情况可用spend money (time) on [for] sth 或 spend money (time) (in) doing sth,其中的(in) doing sth通常不能换成to do sth,但在美国英语中有时也用不定式,表示花钱或花精力做某事(建议学生慎用)。‎ spirit[5spIrIt] n.[U,C]精神;心情,情绪:Everyone is in good [high, top, great] spirits. 每个人都很高兴(情绪好)。‎ splendid[5splendId] adj.壮丽的;(口语)极好的:We won another splendid victory. 我们又赢得了辉煌的胜利。/ He has a splendid memory. 他记忆力极好。‎ spoon[spu:n] n.[C]匙,调羹:Add two spoons of sugar. 加两匙糖。‎ sport[spR:t] n.[C,U]运动,锻炼 (用复数)运动会:Football is my favourite sport. 足球是我最喜欢的运动。‎ ‎【用法】可用于名词前作定语,表示“运动的”或“运动用的”,常用复数:sports meet 运动会 / sports shoes 运动鞋 spread[spred]v.(spread, spread)伸开,伸长,展开;传播,流传:The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out. 宾馆里的火势蔓延得非常快,但每个人都设法逃了出来。‎ spring[sprIN] n.[C,U]春天,春季;青春(期);源泉;弹簧 v. (使)跳;使爆炸:the Spring Festival (中国)春节 / spring cleaning 大扫除 / If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? ‎ square[skwZE] n.[C]广场;正方形;平方 adj.平方的;方形的:Tian An Men Square 天安门广场 / The room is 14 meters square. 这房间14米见方。‎ stage[steIdV] n.[C]舞台;时期,阶段:Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。‎ stair[stZE] n.(常用复)楼梯:She met him on the stairs. 她在楼梯上遇到了他。/ He took the stairs two or three at a time. 他一步跨两三级楼梯。‎ stamp[stAmp] n.[C]邮票;跺脚v.贴上邮票,跺脚:He collects stamps. 他集邮。/ He stamped his feet with [in] anger. 他气得直跺脚。‎ stand[stAnd] v.(stood, stood) 站,站起,坐落,忍受,经受 n.[C]看台,场所:Stand up, please. 请起立。/ Can you stand the pain? 你受得了这痛苦吗?‎ ‎【用法】stand by 在场,站在旁边,袖手旁观;支持,忠于 / stand for 表示,代表;拥护,支持;容忍(用于否定句) / stand up 站起来;经得起(磨损等)‎ ‎【用法】can’t stand(不能忍受)后除可接名词或代词,还可接不定式或动名词:I can’t stand being treated [to be treated] like that. 我可不能容忍别人那样对我。‎ standard[5stAndEd] n.& adj.标准(的):Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach required standard—in other words, you failed. 你在驾照考试中的表现没有达到要求的标准,也就是说你没及格。‎ star[stB:] n.[C]星,恒星;明星;星级:a movie star 电影明星 / a five star hotel五星级宾馆 stare[stZE] v.盯着看,凝视:Don’t stare at me like that. 别那样盯着我看。/ The teacher stared the class into silence. 老师瞪着眼睛看全班学生直到他们安静下来。‎ start[stB:t] v.开始,着手;出发:Mr. Smith, tired of the boring speech, started to read a novel. 史密斯先生对这枯燥的演讲感到厌烦,他开始读起小说来。‎ ‎【短语】start for 动身去… / start off 动身,出发;开始(做某事) / start out 动身,出发;开始(做某事) / to start with 在开始时,起初,首先 ‎【用法】1.表示出发去某地,习惯上用start for a place,不用 start to a place。2.表示开始做某事,其后可接不定式或动名词:It has started to rain [raining]. 开始下雨了。但若 start 本身为进行时态或其后接的是表示心理活动的动词,则其后的动词用不定式:She was starting to cook the dinner. 她开始做饭。‎ starve[stB:v] v.饿死,(使)挨饿;渴望,极需:I’ll never be dependent on anyone again. I’d rather starve. 我再也不依靠任何人了,我宁愿饿死。‎ state[steIt] n.[C]状态,状况;州,国家,政府 vt.说,说明,陈述:Ice is water in a solid state. 冰是水的固体状态。/ Please state your problem. 请说明你的问题。‎ station[5steIFEn]n.[C](火车、汽车等)站,电台 vt.驻扎,安置:a railway station 火车站 / Guards were stationed around the prison. 监狱周围驻有看守。‎ stay[steI] v. & n.停留,暂住;逗留,呆;保持:Won’t you stay for [to] supper? 留下来吃晚饭好吗? / Are you staying at a hotel? 你们是住旅馆吗? / The shop stays open till seven o’clock. 这家商店一直开到七点。‎ ‎【短语】stay away (from) 不去(某地),不去(上学,上班);不接近,避开或远离 / stay behind 留下 / stay in 呆在家里,不出门 / stay out 不在家,在外面 / stay up 不睡,熬夜 steal[sti:l]vt. (stole, stolen)偷:He stole my money. 他偷了我的钱。‎ ‎【说明】steal sb sth的意思不是“偷某人的某东西”,而是“为某人偷东西”:He stole her a ring. 他为她偷了一个戒指。‎ steam[sti:m] n.[U]汽,水蒸气 vi.蒸发,冒热气:The hot water was steaming. 热水在冒热气。/ Who invented the steam engine? 谁发明了蒸气机?‎ steel[sti:l]n.[U]钢:Most tools are made from steel. 大多数工具是由钢做的。‎ step[step] n.[C]脚步;一步的距离;脚步声;台阶,一级 vi.走,踩:The school is only a step away. 学校就在附近。/ We must take steps to prevent it from happening again. 我们采取措施防止它再次发生。‎ ‎【短语】in (out of) step (with) (与…)步调一致(不一致) / step by step 一步一步地,按部就班地 stick[stIk]v.(stuck, stuck)粘贴n.[C]小树枝,棒,棍,手杖:A walking stick is a must for me now. 如今我行走离不开手杖了。‎ ‎【短语】stick at 对…有顾虑;坚持(干) / stick by 忠于,遵守 / stick out 伸出,突出;坚持 / stick to 粘住;坚持 still[stIl] adv.还,仍,更 adj.静止的, 静寂的:The light was still on. 灯还亮着。/ It’s still raining. 还在下雨。/ The sea was calm and still. 大海风平浪静。‎ ‎【用法】用于否定句时,通常要置于否定词之前:I still don’t understand what you mean. 我还是不明白你的意思。‎ stomach[5stQmEk] n. (pl.stomachs) [C]胃;(口语)肚子:She has a pain in her stomach. 她胃痛。/ The children are lying on their stomachs. 孩子们俯卧着。‎ stone[stEJn] n.[C,U]石头:To kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟。‎ stop[stRp] v.停止;阻止 n.[C]停止;终止;停车站:We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们在等候雨停。/ You’d better stop smoking. 你最好戒烟。/ He stopped to talk to us. 他停下来和我们说话。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动名词,表示停止做某事;后接不定式,表示停下来去做某事。2.stop sb (sth) (from) doing sth 的意思是“阻止某人(某事)做某事”:Her parents tried to stop her (from) seeing him. 她父母不让她见他。‎ store[stR:] n.[C](美)商店;大百货商店 v.储藏,存储:We have a good store of food. 我们存有许多食物。‎ storm[5stR:m] n. [C]风暴,狂暴天气:We were caught in a storm on the way to the farm. 我们在去农场的路上遇上了暴风雨。‎ story[stR:rI] n.[C]故事,小说:He is good at telling stories. 他擅长讲故事。/ The story goes that he beats his wife. 传说他打老婆。/ But that’s another story. 但那是另外一个问题。‎ straight[streIt] adj.& adv.直的(地),直接地,坦率地:I want a straight answer to my question. 我要求对我的问题作出直截了当的回答。‎ ‎【注意】可直接用作副词,不要用straightly作其副词。‎ strange[streIndV] adj.陌生的;奇怪的:He is still strange to city life. 他还是过不惯城市生活。‎ stranger[5streIndVE] n.[C]陌生人,外行:He felt a stranger in the house. 在这房子里他感到自己是个陌生的人。‎ street[stri:t] n.[C]街,街道:Don’t play in [on] the street. 别在街上玩。‎ strength[streNW] n. [U]力量,力气:Strength lies in numbers. 人多力量大。/ I haven’t the strength to lift this table. 我没有力气抬这张桌子。‎ strict[strIkt] adj.严格的:You should be strict with yourself. 你应该严格要求你自己。/ He is strict in his work. 他对工作要求严格。‎ strike[straIk] vt.(struck, struck)侵袭;擦(打)火;打动,迷住 vi.咬,抓 n. [C]罢工,打;击:He struck me with a stick. 他用棍子打我。/ How does the idea strike you? 你感觉那主意怎么样?‎ strong[strRN] adj.强壮的;坚强的;坚固的;强有力的;浓烈的:Dancing is not her strong point. 跳舞不是他的强项。/ He has a strong will. 他有坚强的意志。‎ struggle[5strQgl] vi.& n.斗争,挣扎:The soldiers were struggling against the floods. 士兵们在与洪水作斗争。‎ student[5stju:dEnt] n.[C]学生:three-good students 三好学生 study[5stQdI] n.& v.学习;研究 n.[C]书房:I am studying art. 我在学习艺术。/ He will finish his studies next year. 他明年将完成学业。‎ stupid[5stju:pId] adj.笨的,愚蠢的:It is stupid of you to do such a thing. 你做这种事真是太蠢了。‎ subject[5sQbdVIkt] n.[C]科目;(语法)主语:Enough has been said on this subject. 关于这个问题已经说得够多了。‎ succeed[sEk5si:d] vi.成功v.接替;继承:You will succeed in the end unless you give up halfway. 除非你半途而废,否则到最后你将会成功。/ Spring succeeds (to) winter. 冬去春来。‎ ‎【说明】表示成功地做某事,后接in doing sth,不接不定式。‎ success[sEk5ses] n.[U]成功,成就 [C]成功的人(事):Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。/ She was a success as an actress. 她是位成功的女演员。‎ ‎【说明】have success in doing sth 意为成功地做某事,其中的in doing sth不能换成不定式。‎ such[sQtF]adj.这样的,那样的 pron.这样的人(事物):Don’t be in such a hurry. 不要如此匆忙。/ One such dictionary is enough. 这样的字典有一本就够了。‎ ‎【短语】such (...) as 像…这样的;例如,诸如此类的,像…那样的 / such...that 如此…以致…‎ ‎【用法】受 such 修饰的名词后跟定语从句时,引导定语从句的关系词只能是 as,而不能是 that, which, who, where等:I’ve never heard such stories as he tells. 我从未听过他讲那样的故事。‎ suddenly[5sQdnlI] adv.突然地:The sky suddenly turned dark. 天色突然变得昏暗起来。/ Suddenly everybody stopped talking. 突然大家都停止谈话了。‎ suffer[5sQfE] v.受苦;遭受;患病:We were suffering from poverty. 我们当时受贫穷之苦。/ He is suffering from a bad cold. 他在患重感冒。‎ sugar[5FJgE] n. [U]糖 [C]方糖,一块糖:Do you take sugar with your tea? 你的茶里放糖吗? ‎ suggest[sE5dVest] vt.建议,提议;暗示,表明:He suggested going out for a walk. 他建议出去走走。‎ ‎【用法】1.后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不能用不定式(有时动名词有逻辑主语):He suggests her doing it. 他建议她做此事。2.不要将汉语的“建议某人做某事”直译为suggest sb to do sth,可考虑后接宾语从句或后接one’s doing sth。3.后接that从句时,若表示“建议”,则其后的 that 从句谓语通常用“(should)+动词原形”;若表示“暗示”、“意指”、“表明”等,则其后的that从句用陈述语气。‎ suit[sju:t] n.[C]一套衣服 v.适合,使适应:He is quite suited to [for] the work. 他很适合做此工作。/ He is suited to be a doctor. 他适合当医生。‎ suitable[5sju:tEbl] adj.合适的,适宜的,相配的:An evening dress would be more suitable. 晚礼服会更合适。/ Such books are not suitable for children. 那样的书不适合儿童阅读。‎ suitcase[5sju:tkeIs] n.[C]手提皮箱,衣箱:The suitcase wouldn’t take another thing. 这个衣箱再装不下别的东西了。‎ summer[5sQmE] n.[C,U]夏天,夏季:Summer follows spring. 春天之后是夏天。‎ sun[sQn] n. (与the 连用)太阳;阳光:The sun is set. 太阳已经下山。/ Don’t read in the sun. 不要在阳光下看书。‎ ‎【短语】under the sun 世界上,到底,究竟 Sunday[5sQndI] n.[C,U]星期日:Sunday is the first day of the week. 星期日是每周的第一天。/ Let’s go swimming on Sunday. 我们星期日去游泳吧!‎ sunny[5sQnI] adj.晴朗的:The day was bright and sunny. 这天阳光灿烂。‎ sunset[5sQnset] n.[C,U]日落:They stopped work at sunset. 他们日落而息。/ We saw a glorious sunset. 我们看到一次壮观的落日景色。‎ ‎【用法】指日落的景象,可数;指日落的时候,则不可数(此时通常不用冠词)。‎ supper[5sQpE] n.[C,U]晚餐:I’ll first get the supper ready. 我先去把晚饭准备好。/ What do we have for supper today? 今天晚餐我们吃什么?‎ supply[5sEplaI] vt.供给,供应;向…提供某物 n.[C,U]供应,供给;(用复数)生活必需品,日用品:Cows supply us with milk.=Cows supply milk to us. 奶牛给我们提供牛奶。/ We need some office supplies. 我们需要一些办公用品。‎ support[sE5pR:t] v.& n.支撑;支持;维持;赡养:These posts support the roof. 这些柱子支撑着房顶。/ He has a large family to support. 他要抚养一大家人。‎ suppose[5sEpEJz] v.猜想,推测,认为;假定:I should suppose him to be fifty. 我想他会有50岁了吧。/ Let’s suppose it to be so. 我们假定情况是这样。‎ ‎【短语】be supposed to 应该,按理:They are supposed to arrive before dark. 他们应该在天黑前到。‎ ‎【用法】当do you suppose要连用疑问词时,疑问词总是位于其前,而不是其后,如“你放学后想干什么?”应译为What do you suppose you will do after school? 而不是Do you suppose what you will do after school?‎ sure[FJE] adj.确信,自信;一定,肯定adv.的确,当然:I’m not sure of [about] that. 我对此没有把握。/ You’re sure to fail if you do it that way. 你要是那样做,你肯定会失败。/ I’m not sure whether our team will win. 我不能肯定我队是否能赢。‎ ‎【短语】for sure 肯定地,无疑地 / make sure 弄清,弄确实;设法,确保 ‎【注意】下面一句要用certain不用sure,因为句首的it为形式主语:It’s certain that he will come to help us. 他肯定会来帮助我们。‎ surface[5sE:fIs] n.[C]表面;水面:It has a rough surface. 它表面粗糙。‎ surprise[sE5praIz] vt.使惊奇,使诧异n.[U]惊奇,诧异 [C]意外之事:You surprise me! 你吓了我一跳! / lt’s nothing to be surprised about [at]. 这事不值得大惊小怪。/ I was surprised at seeing [to see] him there. 我真想不到会在那里见到他。‎ ‎【短语】in surprise 惊奇地 / to one’s surprise 出乎意料地,使人吃惊的是 sweater[5swetE] n.[C]羊毛衫,毛(线)衣,厚运动衣:She’s knitting her father a sweater. 她在为父亲织毛线衣。‎ sweep[swi:p] v.扫除;刮走,席卷;掠过,横扫n.(用单数)打扫:Sweep the floor clean. 把地扫干净。/ Her eyes swept the room. 她的目光扫视着房间。‎ sweet[swi:t] adj.甜的;甜美的,愉快的;芳香的;可爱的n.[C,U]糖果;甜食:The apples taste sweet. 这些苹果很甜。/ He dreamed a sweet dream. 他做了一个美梦。/ Don’t eat too many sweets. 不要吃太多的糖果。‎ swim[swIm]n.& v.(swam, swum)游;游泳:A horse can swim. 马会游泳。/ She went swimming every day. 她每天都在游泳。/ Let’s go for a swim. 我们去游泳吧。‎ ‎【辨析】swim与swimming:两者均可用作名词,前者为可数名词,表示“一次游泳”;后者为不可数名词,表示抽象意义或泛指意义的游泳。‎ T table[5teIbl] n.[C]桌子;表,目录:I’ll have to consult the plane timetable first. 我得先查阅飞机时刻表。‎ ‎【比较】at table 与 at the table:前者指“在吃饭”,后者指“在桌边”。‎ tail[teIl] n.[C](动物的)尾巴,尾部:The dog wagged its tail with pleasure. 狗高兴地摇摆尾巴。‎ tailor[5teIlE] n.[C]裁缝:The tailor measured me for a coat. 裁缝量了我的尺寸给我做外套。‎ take[teIk]v.(took, taken)拿,取; 拿走,带走,带去;花费(时间) (常用it作形式主语);吃,喝,服用;乘船(车):The mother took her child by the hand. 母亲拉着孩子的手。/ Take her some flowers.=Take some flowers to her. 带一些花给她。/ Do you take me for a fool? 你以为我是个傻瓜吗? / It took me an hour to write the letter.=The letter took me an hour (to write).=I took an hour to write the letter. 我写这封信花了一个小时。‎ ‎【短语】take back 收回,接回,退回 / take down 写下,记下 / take in 收留;包括;理解;欺骗,使上当 / take off 脱下;起飞;打折扣,扣掉,去掉;请假,休息 / take on 聘用,雇用;呈现,显现,具有 / take over 接替,接管,继承 / take to 喜欢;养成习惯;去(某处) / take up开始(学习或从事等);继续;占去(时间或空间);接纳(乘客等),接受(挑战,条件等);提出(商讨),讨论 tale[teIl] n.[C]传说,故事:fairy tales 童话故事 / folk tales 民间故事 / A Tale of Two Cities was written by Dickens. 《双城记》是狄更斯写的。‎ talk[tR:k] n.[C]谈话,聊天;讲话,演讲 v.说话,交谈:What are you talking about? 你们在谈些什么? / People will talk. 人们要说长道短的。‎ ‎【短语】have a talk 谈话;做报告 / talk about 谈论 / talk of 谈到 / talk to [with] 与…说话或谈话 / talk sb into (out of) 说服某人做/不做(某事)… / talk over 讨论,商量 ‎ tall[tR:l] adj.高的:He was about six feet tall. 他约六英尺高。‎ tap[tAp] n.[C](自来水、煤气等的)龙头;开关;塞,栓;轻打 v.轻打,轻敲:Don’t leave the tap running. 别让水龙头开着。/ He tapped on the door. 他轻轻敲门。‎ tape[teIp] n.[C,U]磁带,录音带;线带;胶布;卷尺v.录音;系住,粘贴:He recorded the program on tape. 他把节目录在磁带上。‎ task[tB:sk] n. [C]任务,工作:Mary’s task is to set the table. 玛丽的任务是摆桌子。/ I’m not equal to the task. 我不能胜任这项任务。‎ taste[teIst] v.尝味;吃,喝;体验 n.[C,U]滋味;味道;尝一尝:This food tastes sweet. 这种食品是甜的。/ I haven’t tasted meat for ages. 我已有好久没吃过肉了。/ Chocolate has a sweet taste. 巧克力有甜味。‎ ‎【短语】taste like 尝起来像… / taste of 有…的味道 / to one’s taste 合某人的口味,合某人的意 ‎【用法】1.要表示某东西尝起来有什么味道,不要将其用于被动语态,而用主动式表被动意义。2.作为连系动词,其后可接形容词作表语,且该形容词前不能用to be。‎ tax[tAks] n.[C,U]税;税款 vt.对…征税:business tax 营业税 / income tax 所得税 / interest tax 利息税 / Every citizen must pay taxes. 每个公民都必须纳税。‎ taxi[5tAksI] n.[C]出租汽车:You’d better call a taxi. 你最好叫一辆出租车。‎ tea[ti:] n. [U]茶,茶叶 [C]一杯茶,一种茶:I prefer tea to coffee. 我喜欢茶胜于咖啡。/ Three teas and a coffee, please. 请给我们来3杯茶和1杯咖啡。‎ ‎【说明】汉语的“绿茶”说成英语是green tea,但汉语的“红茶”说成英语却不是red tea,而是 black tea。‎ teach[ti:tF] v.(taught, taught)教,教书:Who teaches you English?=Who teaches English to you? 谁教你英语? ‎ teacher[5ti:tFE] n.[C]教师,教员:a maths teacher=a teacher of maths 数学教师 team[ti:m] n.[C]队,组:She is the best player in [on] the team. 她是队里最优秀的运动员。‎ tear1[tIE] n.[C](常用复)眼泪,泪珠:She burst into tears. 她突然哭了起来。/ We found her in tears. 我们发现她在哭泣。‎ ‎【说明】是可数名词,且通常用复数,特殊情况下也可连用不定冠词或数词:To his surprise, James saw a tear steal down her cheek. 令詹姆士吃惊的是,他看到一颗泪珠从她面颊上悄悄滚落。‎ tear2[tZE] v.(tore, torn)扯开,撕裂:She tore the letter into pieces. 她把信撕得粉碎。/ This material tears easily. 这种料子很容易撕破。‎ technical[5teknIkEl] adj. 技术的,专业的:The job calls for technical skill. 做这项工作需要专门技术。/ technical training 专业训练 technique[tek5ni:k] n. [C,U]技术,技能;方法:They need to learn modern management techniques. 他们还得学习现代管理技术。/ Writing poetry requires great technique. 写诗需要极大的技巧。‎ telegram[5telIgrAm] n.[C]电报:This is a telegram for you. 这是你的电报。‎ telegraph[5telIgrB:f] n. [U]电报v.打电报:We are asked to answer by telegraph. 要求我们用电报答复。‎ ‎【辨析】telegram与telegraph:前者主要指通过电报发出的电文,为可数名词;后者主要指用电报发送信息的通讯方式,为不可数名词。表示“通过电报”时,本来要用 by telegraph,但事实上也可用 by telegram。‎ telephone[5telIfEJn] / phone[fEJn] n.[C]电话v.打电话:Who answered the telephone? 接电话的是谁? / I telephoned her to buy some tickets. 我打电话叫她买几张票。‎ ‎【短语】on the telephone 在打电话;通过电话;接通电话 ‎【说明】表示“通过电话”除可用on the telephone外,也可用 over the telephone或by telephone。‎ television[5telIvIVEn] / TV[7ti:5vi:]n.电视:He’s been watching television all day. 他看了一天电视了。‎ tell[tel]v.(told, told)告诉;讲述;吩咐;分辨:Did you tell her your name?=Did you tell your name to her? 你把你的名字告诉她了吗? / How can we tell the good from the bad? 我们怎样才能区分好坏?‎ temperature[5temprItFE] n.[C,U]温度;体温:He had a high temperature for three days. 他一连三天发高烧。/ Have you taken his temperature? 你给他测量体温了吗?‎ ten[ten] num.十:Ten to one he has forgotten it. 他很可能已经忘记了。‎ tense[tens] n.[C]时态 adj.紧张的,拉紧的:Is the rope tense? 绳子拉紧了吗? / The players were tense at the start of the game. 队员们在比赛开始时很紧张。‎ tent[tent] n.[C]帐篷:He pulled down [stroke] the tent. 他拆了帐篷。/ They spent the night in a tent. 他们在帐篷里过夜。‎ term[tE:m] n. [C]学期;任期;期限;术语:Are there any exams at the end of term?=Are there any end-of-term exams? 期末有考试吗? / The President is elected for a four-year term. 总统任期4年。‎ ‎【短语】come to terms 达成协议 / come to terms with 甘心接受(不愉快的事) / on good (bad) terms with sb 与某人关系好(不好) / in terms of 以…观点,就…而言,谈到 terrible[5terEbl] adj.可怕的;很糟的;严重的:She caught a terrible cold. 她患了重感冒。/ It was a terrible blow to him. 这对他是一个可怕的打击。‎ test[test]v.&n.[C]测试,试验,检验:I passed my driving test today. 我今天通过了驾驶考试。‎ text[tekst] n.[C]课文 [U]正文,原文:The text of every chapter is followed by questions. 每一章正文之后有问答题。‎ than[TAn] prep.& conj.比:She looks younger than she is. 她看起来比她实际岁数显得要年轻。/ He was less hurt than frightened. 他与其说受了伤,还不如说受了惊。‎ ‎【短语】other than 除…之外 / than ever 比以往 / than before 比以前 ‎【用法】有时具有类似关系代词的作用,并在句中充当主语、宾语或表语:Some of the stories were really more than could be believed. 有些故事实在让人难以相信。‎ thank[WANk] vt.感谢,致谢,道谢n.(常用复)谢意,感谢:Thank you [Thanks] for reminding me of it. 谢谢你提醒我。‎ ‎【用法】1.用作动词时,及物,且其宾语只能是人而不能是事物。2.要表示感谢某人做某事,英语习惯上用thank sb for doing sth,而不用thank sb to do sth。3.thanks虽为名词,但其后可接a lot或very much,也可受many修饰。4.thanks to 为习语(用作介词),意为“由于,幸亏”:I was late thanks to the traffic. 由于交通的原因我才迟到的。‎ that[TAt] adj.& pron.那;那个 conj.(引导从句) adv.那么:He’s always like that. 他总是那样。/ I can’t give you that much. 可能我不能给你那么多。‎ the[TE,Ti:] art. 这(那)个,这(那)些:The tiger is [Tigers are] in danger of becoming extinct. 老虎有灭绝的危险。/ The rich are not always happier than the poor. 富人并不总是比穷人过得开心。‎ ‎【用法】英语定冠词,用法较复杂,如表特指,表独一无二的事物,表方向或方位,表类别,表计量单位,用于序数词或最高级前,用于乐器名词,用于姓氏的复数前,用于逢整十数词的复数前,用于江、河、海、洋、山脉等前等。‎ theatre / theater[5WIEtE] n.[C]剧院:Let’s go to the theatre. 我们去看戏吧。‎ their[TZE] pron.他们,她们,它们的:They have a house of their own. 他们自己有一所房屋。‎ theirs[TZEz] pron.他们,她们的,它们的:The car is theirs. 这车是他们的。‎ them[Tem] pron.他(她)们,它们:Do you know them? 你认识他们吗?‎ themselves[TEm5selvz] pron.他(她,它)们自己:They did it themselves. 这事是他们自己做的。/ They themselves are to blame. 是他们自己不好。‎ then[Ten] adv.当时,那时;然后,后来,接着;那么:We lived in the country then. 我们那时住在乡下。/ Then I filled in the forms. 然后我把表填好。‎ there[TZE] adv.在那儿,往那儿;(作引导词表示“存在”):Hi there!喂!/ There comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。/ There is no harm in trying. 不妨一试。‎ therefore[TZE5fR:] adv.因为,所以:I was ill, and therefore could not come. 我病了,所以没能来。/ I think, therefore I am. 我思故我在。‎ these[Ti:z] adj.& pron.这些:Choose a book from among these. 从这些书中选一本吧。/ Finding work is difficult these days. 现今找工作可不容易。‎ they[TeI] pron.他(她)们,它们:They seem to be tired. 他们似乎累了。‎ thick[WIk] adj.厚的,粗的;密布的;浓的,稠的:The walls are 80 cm thick. 墙80厘米厚。/ He has thick hair. 他头发浓密。/ Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。‎ thief[Wi:f] n.(pl. thieves)贼,小偷:Stop thief. 捉贼啊! / The policeman caught the thief. 警察逮住了小偷。‎ thin[WIn] adj.薄的;细的,瘦的;稀的,稀松的,稀少的:The cloth is too thin. 这布太薄。/ She is getting thin. 她瘦下来了。/ He has thin hair. 他头发稀疏。‎ thing[WIN] n.[C]东西;事情;(用复数)物品,用品;情况;衣服:He’s fond of sweet things. 他喜欢吃甜食。/ Things are getting worse and worse. 情况越来越糟。‎ think[WINk] v.(thought,thought)想,思考;认为;考虑:I think her to be honest. 我认为她是诚实的。/ What do you think of [about] this plan? 你觉得这个计划怎么样? / We didn’t think we’d be this late. 我们没有想到会这样晚。‎ ‎【短语】think of 考虑;为…着想;想起;认为 / think over 仔细考虑 / think out 想清楚,想出 thinking[5WINkIN] n.[U]思;见解 adj.有思考力的;有思想的:This article will affect my thinking. 这篇文章将会影响我的思想。‎ third[WE:d] num.第三:Are you in the third-year class? 你是读三年级吗?‎ thirsty[5WE:stI] adj.口渴的;渴望的:Salty food makes you thirsty. 吃咸的食品会令你口渴。/ He is thirsty for power. 他渴望掌权。‎ thirteen[WE:5ti:n] num.十三:Some people think that thirteen is an unlucky number. 有些人认为13是一个不吉利的数字。‎ thirty[5WE:tI] num.三十:He was born in the thirties. 他生于30年代。‎ this[TIs] adj.& pron.这,这个 adv.这么:I saw her this morning. 我今天上午看到她了。/ Is it this hot every day? 每天都有这么热吗?‎ those[TEJz] adj.& pron.那些:Whose are those? 那些是谁的?‎ though[TEJ] conj.虽然adv.可是,然而:Though he was poor, he was happy. 虽然他很穷,却很快乐。/ It’s hard work, I enjoyed it, though. 这工作很艰苦,可是我乐于干。‎ ‎【短语】as though 好像 / even though 即使,纵然 ‎ ‎【注意】不要将汉语中的“虽然…但是…”直译为thought…but。‎ thought[WC:t] n.[U,C]思考,考虑;想法,意见:After serious thought, he decided to accept their terms. 经认真考虑,他决定接受他们的条件。/ He had no thought of hurting her. 他没想要伤害她。‎ thousand[5WaJzEnd] num.千:thousands of people 成千上万的人 / A thousand thanks (pardons, apologies). 万分感谢(对不起)。‎ thread[Wred] n.[C,U]线;线索,条理,思路:a piece of thread 一根线 / a thread of hope 一线希望 three[Wri:] num. 三:by twos and threes 三三两两地 / When three know it, all know it. (谚)三人知,天下晓。‎ through[Wru:] prep.穿过,经过;自始至终,从头到尾;一直到…(并包括);(表方式或方法)凭,通过;由于;遍及,在…的到处 adv.穿过;全程地,直达地;自始至终;接通(电话):I saw you through the window. 我是透过窗子看到你的。/ He became rich through [by means of] hard work. 他通过勤劳致富。‎ throughout[Wru:5aUt] prep. 遍及于,到处;在…期间 adv.到处;始终;全部:News spread throughout the country. 消息传遍了全国。/ He visited me throughout my illness. 我生病期间他常来看我。/ He was wrong throughout. 他全都错了。‎ throw[WrEJ] v.(threw, thrown)投;掷;扔:He threw the ball to me, and I caught it. 他把球扔给我,我接住了。‎ ‎【比较】throw sth at sb与throw sth to sb:前者表示“向某人扔某物(有挑衅或带恶意)”,后者表示“把某物扔给某人(无挑衅之意)”。‎ Thursday[5WE:zdI] n.星期四:He came last Thursday. 他上周星期四来的。‎ thus[TQs] adv.这样;因而:She studied hard; thus she got high marks. 她用功读书, 因此获得高分。‎ ticket[5tIkIt] n.[C]票,券:Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你是要单程票还是双程票? / Entrance to the theatre is by ticket only. 凭票进入剧院。‎ tide[taId]n.[C,U]潮,潮汐,潮流,趋势:The tide is down. 潮退了。/ Time and tide wait for no man. (谚)岁月不饶人。‎ tie[taI] n.[C]鞋带;关系;领带 v.系, 打结, 扎:My dress ties (up) in the back. 我的连衣裙带子在后面。/ He tied his horse to a tree. 他把马拴在树上。‎ tiger[5taIgE] n.[C]虎:All difficulties are paper tigers. 一切困难都是纸老虎。‎ tight[taIt] adv.紧紧地 adj.紧的;牢固的:Is the rope tight? 绳子拉紧了吗? / She held him tight and kissed him. 她紧紧地抱住他、吻他。‎ till[tIl] prep.& conj.直到:Wait till I return. 等到我回来! / People do not know the value of health till they lose it. 人们直到失去健康,才知道健康的可贵。‎ time[taIm] n.[U]时间;时刻 [C]一段时间;次(数);倍;(常用复)时代,时势 vt.安排…的时间,定好时间;测定(记录)…的时间:What’ s the time? 几点了? / It’s time for [to have] lunch. 该吃午饭了。/ I’ll excuse you this time. 这次我就原谅你算了。‎ ‎【比较】all the time 一直,老是 / at all times=at any time 随时 / at no time 在任何时候都不 / at the same time 同时 / at times 有时 / behind time 迟,晚 / behind the time(s) 过时,落伍 / from time to time 不时 / in time 及时 / on time 按时,准时 / have a good time 玩得高兴 ‎【比较】 at one time与at a time:前者指“一度”、“从前”,通常与过去时态连用;后者表示“每一次”。‎ ‎【用法】1.every time(每次),each time(每次),(the) next time(下次),any time(随时),(the) last time(上次),the first time(第一次)等可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。注意,其中的every time, each ‎ time, any time前不用冠词,(the) next time, (the) last time中的冠词可以省略,而the first time中的冠词通常不能省略。2.It’s time 后接的that从句谓语通常用过去式:I think it’s time you went to bed. 我想你该睡觉了。‎ tin[tIn] n.[C]罐头 vt.将…装入罐头中:I bought a tin of cigarettes. 我买了一听香烟。/ I don’t like tinned fruit. 我不喜欢罐头水果。‎ tiny[5taInI] adj.极小的,微小的:a tiny room 一个很小的房间 / make tiny changes 作微小的改动 tip[tIp] n.[C]稍;尖,尖端;小费 v.付小费:the tip of a finger 手指尖 / Don’t tip freely. 不要乱给小费。‎ tire[5taIE] v. 使疲劳,厌倦:Digging tires me. 挖地使我累了。‎ tired[taIEd] adj.疲劳的;厌烦的:He is too tired to go any further. 他累得再也走不动了。/ I’m tired of living abroad. 我在国外已经住腻了。‎ ‎【说明】be tired of doing sth(厌烦做某事)中的 of doing sth习惯上不能换成 to do sth。‎ title[5taItl]n.[C]标题;题目;称号:He was awarded the title of Model Worker. 他被授予模范工人称号。‎ to[tu:] prep.向,朝,往,到;离,距离;导致,引起;对,给;属于,归于:Turn to the left. 向左转。/ All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。/ Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国东面。/ It is not far from here to the farm. 从这儿去农场不远。/ He works from morning to night. 他从早到晚工作。/ To our joy, he lent us the money we needed. 使我们高兴的是,他把我们需要的钱借给了我们。/ He is kind to me. 他对我友好。‎ ‎【说明】除用作介词外,还用作不定式符号:I’m glad to hear the news. 听到这消息我很高兴。但需注意的是,要分清一些结构中的to到底是介词还是不定式符号,如以下结构中的to就是介词,而不是不定式符号(若其后接动词要用动名词):look forward to 盼望 / be used to 习惯于 / be devoted to 献身于 / be equal to 等于,能胜任 / be reduced to 沦为,使变为 tobacco[tE5bAkEJ] n.[U]烟草,烟叶:I gave up tobacco. 我戒烟了。‎ today[tE5deI] adv.& n.今天;现在,如今:Here is today’s paper. 这是今天的报纸。/ Many people use computers today. 如今许多人都使用计算机。‎ together[tE5geTE] adv.一起:We often talked together. 我们常常一起聊天。‎ ‎【短语】all together 一起,同时,总共 / get together 聚会 / together with 和,连同 toilet[5tRIlIt] n.[C]洗手间:Where is the toilet, please? 请问卫生间在哪儿?‎ tomato[tE5mB:tEJ] n. (pl. tomatoes) [C]西红柿,番茄:Tomatoes can be eaten raw. 番茄可以生吃。‎ tomorrow[tE5mRrEJ] adv.& n.明天:The news will be in tomorrow’s newspaper. 明天的报纸将刊载这条消息。/ The world of tomorrow will be very different. 未来的世界将大不相同。‎ ton[tQn] n.[C](重量单位)吨;(用复数)大量:I have tons of work to do before I leave. 我走前有大量工作要做。‎ tongue[tQN] n.[C]舌,舌头;语言,口语:mother tongue 母语 too[tu:] adv. 也;太:He lives here too. 他也住这儿。/ He drives too fast. 他开车太快了。/ He is too young to drive a car. 他太年轻,不能开车。‎ ‎【用法】表示“也”时,不用于否定句(在否定句中用either表示“也”)。‎ tool[tu:l] n.[C]工具:Tools of this kind are made from steel. 这类工具是钢制的。‎ tooth[tu:W](pl. teeth)n.[C]牙齿:I brush my teeth twice a day. 我每天刷牙两次。‎ top[tCp] n.[C]顶部,上端;盖子;首位 adj. 顶端的,最高的,最重要的 vt.高于,优于,超过;给…加盖:He sang at the top of his voice. 他放声高唱。‎ ‎【短语】at the top of 在…的上部;以最大限度;处于前茅 / on (the) top of 在…的上面 total[5tEJtl]adj.完全的,绝对的;总的,全体的n. [C]总数;总额;合计v.合计,总计:What does the total come to? 总数是多少?‎ touch[tQtF]v.接触,触摸;够着:Don’t touch it. 不要摸它。/ I’ve been out of touch with her. 我一直和她没有联系。‎ ‎【短语】lose touch with… 与…失去联系 / get in touch with 与…取得联系 / keep in touch with 与…保持联系 tour[tJE] v.&n. [C]参观,游览,旅行:They have gone on a tour. 他们去旅行了。/ We went on [made, took] a tour of the city. 我们游览了一下这座城市。‎ toward(s)[ tE5wR:d(z)] prep.向,朝;对于:He stood with his back towards me. 他背朝我站着。/ What are his feelings towards us? 他对于我们的感情如何?‎ tower[5taJE] n.[C]塔:a television tower 电视塔 / a bell tower 钟楼 / a water tower 水塔 / the Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔 town[taJn] n. [C]城镇;(连用the)城镇居民 [U]城镇中心,商业区:I saw him in town. 我在城里见到了他。/ I’ll go to town today. 今天我要进城去。‎ toy[tCI] n. [C]玩具,玩物 vt.随便对待;玩弄:a toy gun 玩具手枪 track[trAk]n.[C]足迹;(火车等的)轨道:The train left the track. 火车脱了轨。‎ tractor[5trAktE] n.[C]拖拉机:walking tractor 手扶拖拉机 trade[treId] n.[U]贸易,交换,买卖 [C,U]职业,行业 v.用…进行交换;做生意,从事交易:Japan does lots of trade with the United States. 日本与美国间的贸易频繁。/ They trade in fruit and vegetables. 他们做水果和蔬菜生意。‎ traffic[5trAfIk] n.[U]交通,车辆:The traffic is moving pretty slowly. 车辆行驶得相当缓慢。‎ ‎【注意】说明交通的拥挤,可用 busy或heavy修饰,但不能用crowded。‎ train[treIn] n.[C]火车,列车 v.培训,训练:Are you going by train or by plane? 你坐火车去还是坐飞机去? / They trained the dog to obey. 他们训练狗听从命令。‎ training[5treInIN] n. [U]培训,训练:technical training 专业训练 translate[trAns5leIt] v.翻译;转化:He translated the book from French into English. 他把这本书由法语译成英语。‎ transport[5trAnspC:t] n.[U]运输;交通工具vt.运输,运送:I’d like to go to the concert, but I have no transport. 我想去听音乐会,但是我没有交通。/ The goods were transported by train. 货物是用火车来运输的。‎ travel[5trAvEl] n.[U]旅行;(常用复)长期旅行,海外旅行v.旅行;传导:He is fond of traveling. 他喜欢旅游。/ Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。‎ ‎【用法】1.泛指一般意义的旅行,不可数;有时用复数,指时间较长的各处旅行,此时其前通常有物主代词。2.只泛指旅行,不特指某次具体旅行,所以不说:How was your travel?(可改用trip或journey)‎ treasure[5tredVE] n.[C,U]金银财宝;财富;珍品vt.珍藏;珍惜:I treasure your friendship. 我珍惜你的友谊。‎ treat[tri:t] v.对待,看待;把…看作;处置;治疗;请客n.[C]乐事;请客:Don’t treat me as [like] a child. 别把我当小孩对待。‎ tree[tri:] n.[C]树:Fruits grow on trees. 果实长在树上。‎ ‎【比较】in the tree与on the tree:前者多指树外的东西在树上,后者多指树本身的东西。‎ trick[trIk] n.[C]恶作剧;戏法;窍门;诡计vt.欺骗:I saw through his trick. 我识破了他的诡计。/ He tricked me into giving him the money. 他哄骗我给了他钱。‎ ‎【短语】play a trick on 捉弄 trip[trIp] n.[C]旅行,旅程v.绊倒;犯错误,说错:Good-bye. A pleasant trip. 再见。祝旅途愉快。/ I tripped over the box and fell. 我被箱子绊了一下,摔倒了。‎ trouble[5trQbl] n.[C,U]困难,烦恼;麻烦;疾病;争吵 v.(使)苦恼,(使)忧虑,麻烦:We had no trouble (in) finding his house. 我们没花吹灰之力就找到了他的家。/ I’m sorry to give you so much trouble.=I’m sorry to put you to so much trouble. 对不起,给你添了这么多麻烦。‎ ‎【短语】be in trouble 处于不幸(苦恼,困境)中 / get into trouble 陷入困境 / make trouble 制造麻烦,捣乱 trousers[5traJzEz] n.(复数)长裤:I bought two pairs of trousers. 我买两条裤子。‎ truck[trQk] n.[C]卡车:He carried the goods by truck. 他用卡车运货。‎ true[tru:] adj.真实的,真正的,正确的:The news is true. 这消息是真的。‎ truth[tru:W] n.[C,U]真理;事实,真相:You should always tell the truth. 你要自始自终说实话。‎ ‎【短语】to tell (you) the truth 说实话,老实说 try[traI] v.试图;尝试;尝尝 n.[C]尝试;审判:Do try this fish. 请尝尝这鱼。/ Let me have a try. 我来试一试。‎ ‎【短语】try for 设法得到 / try on 试穿 / try one’s best 尽力,尽量 / try out 试用,试验 ‎【比较】try to do sth与try doing sth:前者表示设法做某事,后者表示做某事试试看(有何效果):Please try to be quiet. 请设法保持安静。/ Try pressing the green button. 按绿色按钮试试。‎ Tuesday[5tju:zdI] n.星期二:I’ll come to see you on Tuesday. 我星期二来看你。‎ turn[tE:n] v.旋转,转动,翻转,转变:Turn left at the end of the road. 在路的尽头向左拐。‎ ‎【短语】turn down 关小,调低 / turn into 变成,变得 / turn off 关掉(自来水、电灯、收音机等) / turn on 开(电灯、无线电等) / turn over 翻倒;翻身;翻(书页) / turn to 翻到;转向;求助于;求救于 / turn up 开大(音量);出现 twelfth[twelfW] num.第十二:December is the twelfth month of the year. 十二月是一年的第12个月。‎ twelve[twelv] num.十二:There are twelve inches in a foot. 1英尺有12英寸。‎ twentieth[5twentIEW] num.第二十:live in the twentieth century 生活在20世纪 twenty[5twentI] num.二十:He got married in his twenties. 他20多岁结的婚。‎ twice[twaIs] adv.两次;两倍:We meet twice a week. 我们每星期碰两次头。/ This box is twice as large as that one.=This box is twice the size of that one. 这个盒子是那个盒子的两倍。‎ two[tu:] num.二:Add two spoons of sugar. 加两匙糖。‎ type[taIp] n.[C]类型;样式 v.打字:Are you familiar with this type of car? 你熟悉这种型号的汽车吗?/ She types fast. 她打字打得快。‎ typist[5taIpIst] n.[C]打字员:She works as a typist. 她当打字员。‎ U ugly[5QglI] adj.丑陋的;讨厌的;不愉快的:an ugly building 难看的建筑物 / I can’t bear the ugly smell. 我受不了这讨厌的臭味。‎ umbrella[Qm5brelE] n.[C]雨伞:Down came the rain and up went the umbrellas. 雨开始下起来,雨伞也都打开。‎ uncle[5QNkl] n.[C]叔,伯,舅,姑父,姨夫:Uncle Jack 杰克叔叔 / Uncle Sam 山姆大叔(美国或美国人的绰号) ‎ under[5QndE] prep.在…下面,在…里面;(数量、程度、范围等)少于,低于,在…以下;(职位、权势等)低于,在…之下;在…中,在…期间 adv.向下,在…下面;少于,年纪小于:The bottle fell under the table. 瓶子掉到桌子底下。/ The price is under five dollars. 价钱不到5美元。/ He is under the doctor’s care. 他在医生的照顾中。/ My car is under repair now. 我的车现在正在修理中。‎ understand[7QndE5stAnd] v.(understood, understood)明白;理解;懂得:Can he make himself understood in English? 他能用英语表达自己的意思吗? / I can’t understand him [his] leaving so suddenly. 我不理解他怎么这样突然走掉。‎ uniform[5ju:nIfR:m] n.[C,U]制服 adj.一致的,一样的,整齐划一的:The students are in school uniform. 学生穿着校服。‎ unit[5ju:nIt] n.[C]单位,单元;(机构的)部件,装置;部队:The metre is a unit of length. 米是长度单位。/ The book has 12 units. 这本书有12个单元。‎ unite[jJ5naIt] v.联合;团结:United we stand, divided we fall. (谚)团结则存,分裂则亡。/ We must be united as one. 我们必须团结得像一个人一样。‎ united[jJ5naItId] adj.统一的;联合的;团结的:united front统一战线 / United Nations 联合国 / We should make a united effort. 我们应该携手合作。‎ universe[5ju:nIvE:s] n.(连用the)宇宙:Our world is but a small part of the universe. 我们的世界只是宇宙的一小部分。‎ university[7ju:nI5vE:sEtI] n.[C]大学:Beijing University 北京大学 / Has he been to university? 他上过大学吗? ‎ unknown[Qn5nEJn] adj.不出名的,不为人所知的:His plan is unknown to us. 他的计划我们不知道。‎ unless[En5les] conj.除非;如果不:I shall go there tomorrow unless I’m too busy. 如果我不太忙,明天将到那儿去。/ One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。‎ until[En5tIl] prep.& conj.直到…为止:Until he returns, nothing can be done. 他不回来什么也不能做。/ We can’t go out until our homework is complete.我们把作业做完才能出去。/ It was not until yesterday that I noticed it. 直到昨天我才注意到此事。‎ ‎【用法】在肯定句中,句子(主句)的谓语必须是持续性动词,不能是终止性动词;而在否定句中,句子(主句)谓语可以是终止性动词。‎ unusual[Qn5ju:VJEl] adj.不正常的,异常的;稀有的,独特的:There’s something unusual in her voice. 她声音有些反常。‎ up[Qp] prep.在…的上方,沿着…往上;沿着adv.向上,在上方;起来;上升,上涨;结束:The cat climbed up the tree. 那只猫爬上树。/ The house stands up the river. 那座房子在河的上游。/ They normally get up at six. 他们一般六点起床。‎ upon[E5pRn] prep.在(到)…上面;在…时:Please place it upon the table. 请把它放在桌上。/ Upon arrival, he went in search of a hotel. 在到达时他就去找旅馆。‎ upstairs[7Qp5stZEz] adv.在楼上,往楼上 adj.楼上的;在楼上的:The bathroom is upstairs. 洗澡间在楼上。‎ upward(s)[5QpwEd(z)] adj.& adv.向上的(地);往上的(地):The smoke rose straight upwards. 烟一直向上升。‎ us[Qs] pron.我们:Please give the book to us. 请把书给我。‎ use[ju:z] v.利用,使用,应用 n.[ju:s]利用,使用;用途:Mother uses old socks as dusters. 母亲用旧袜子作抹布。/ Is there [it] any use trying waiting here? 在这儿等有用吗? / A hammer is used for driving [to drive] in nails. 锤子是用来钉钉子的。‎ ‎【短语】come into use 开始使用 / for use 供使用 / in use 在使用当中 / make use of 利用;借用 / put to use 使用,起用 used[ju:st]adj.习惯于,适应于 v.(连用to)过去经常:You must be [get] used to getting up early. 你必须习惯于早起。/ He usedn’t [didn’t use] to come. 他过去不常来。‎ ‎【说明】used to与be used to:前者表示“过去经常”,后接动词原形;后者表示“习惯于”,后接名词或动名词(不能接动词原形)。‎ useful[5ju:sfJl] adj.有用的,有益的:She is useful at cooking. 她很会烧菜。/ The dictionary is useful for [to] beginners. 这本词典对初学者有用。‎ usual[5ju:VJEl] adj.通常的,平常的:My usual chair had been moved from its usual place. 我平常用的椅子已从老地方移开了。‎ ‎【短语】as usual 跟往常一样;像平常一样 / than usual 比平常 usually[5ju:VJElI] adv.通常,经常:The shops usually open at nine o’clock. 商店一般在9点钟开始营业。‎ V vacation[vE5keIFEn] n.[C,U]假期,休假:She has gone to Canada on vacation. 她到加拿大去度假。/ He took ten days’ vacation. 他请假10天。‎ valley[5vAlI] n.[C](山)谷;流域:the Changjiang valley 长江流域 valuable[5vAljJEbl] adj.值钱的,有价值的,有用的:Your suggestions are very valuable to us. 你的建议对我们很宝贵。‎ value[5vAlju:] n.[U,C]价值;价格v.估价;尊重;珍惜:Your help has been of great value. 你的帮助很有价值。/ I value your advice. 我尊重你的劝告。‎ variety[vE5raIEtI] n.[C]种类,种种 [U]多样性:At school we learn a variety of things. 在学校我们学习各种东西。‎ various[5vZErIEs] adj.各种各样的,不同的;许多的:For various reasons I’d prefer not to meet him. 由于种种原因,我还是不见他的好。‎ ‎【用法】其后通常接复数名词,偶尔也接不可数名词,表示“多方面的”:various reading 多方面的阅读 vast[vB:st] adj.巨大的;广阔的:That makes a vast difference. 那是天壤之别。‎ vegetable[5vedVItEbl] n.[C]蔬菜:Vegetables are best when they are fresh. 蔬菜新鲜时最好吃。/ They trade in fruit and vegetables. 他们做水果和蔬菜生意。‎ verb[vE:b] n.[C]动词:I thought it was a regular verb. 我认为它是规则动词。‎ very[5verI]adv.很,非常 adj.恰好的:He was very angry. 他非常生气。/ This is the very lowest price. 这是最低的价格。‎ victory[5vIktErI] n. [C,U]胜利:They won a victory in battle. 他们在战斗中获胜。/ They went from victory to victory. 他们从胜利走向胜利。‎ village[5vIlIdV] n.[C]村庄,乡村:The village boy is now used to city life. 这个农村男孩现已习惯了城市生活。‎ visit[5vIzIt]v.& n.[C]参观;访问,拜访:I paid my friend Jim a visit yesterday.=I paid a visit to my friend Jim yesterday. 昨天我拜访了我的朋友吉姆。‎ visitor[5vIzItE] n. [C]访问者,参观者:Visitor not admitted. 谢绝参观。‎ voice[vRIs] n. [C,U]说话声,嗓音;嗓子:He spoke in a loud voice. 他大声地说话。/ Don’t raise your voice to me. 不要对我大声叫嚷。‎ volleyball[5vRlIbR:l] n.[C,U]排球:Let’s play volleyball. 我们打排球吧。‎ voyage[5vRIIdV] n. [C]航行,航海,旅行:We had a rough voyage. 我们作了一次艰苦的航行。‎ W wait[weIt] v.等,等候:Please don’t wait for me. 请不必等我了。/ We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们在等雨停。/ I’ll wait to hear from you. 我将等你的回音。‎ waiter[5weItE] n.[C](餐厅)服务员(男性);侍者:She tipped the waiter. 她付给侍者小费。/ Waiter, the bill, please. 服务员,买单。‎ waitress[5weItrIs] n.[C]女服务员:She is a new waitress. 她是新来的服务员。‎ wake[weIk] v.(woke, woken)醒,醒来:The noise woke me up. 这声音把我吵醒了。‎ walk[wR:k] v.& n.[C]走,步行;散步:Let’s go out for a walk. 我们出去走走吧。‎ ‎【辨析】walk与walking:两者均可用作名词,前者可数,表示“一次散步”;后者不可数,表示抽象意义或泛指意义的散步。‎ wall[wR:l] n. [C]墙:the Great Wall 长城 / To talk to him is to talk to the wall. 和他讲话是对牛弹琴。‎ want[wRnt] v.要,想要;需要,必要;缺少:I want you to think it over. 我希望你好好想一想。‎ ‎【比较】want to do与want doing:前者表示“想做…”,后者“需要(被)…”(动名词用主动表被动):He wanted to go abroad. 他想出国。/ The machine wants repairing. 这机器需要修理。(=The machine wants to be repaired.)‎ war[wR:] n.[C,U]战争:When did the war break out? 战争什么时候爆发的?‎ warm[wR:m] adj.暖和的;热情的v.使暖和:It is getting warmer day by day. 天气一天比一天暖和了。‎ warn[wR:n] vt.警告,预先通知:The doctor warned the patient not to smoke [against smoking]. 医生告诫病人不要抽烟。/ We warned him of the danger. 我们警告过他有危险。/ I’ve warned him that it is not allowed. 我警告过他这是不允许的。‎ wash[wRF] n. [C,U]洗(涤),冲洗;洗的衣服 v.洗,冲洗:The material washes easily. 这料子很好洗。/ Go and give the car a wash. 去把汽车冲洗一下。‎ waste[weIst] n.[U](但可连用a)浪费;废物 v.浪费:It’s a waste of time doing that. 做那事是浪费时间。/ He wasted his time (in) doing nothing. 他无所事事,浪费光阴。/ Don’t waste any more time over it. 不要再在这上面浪费时间了。‎ watch[wRtF] v.观看;注意看;当心,注意;寻找,等待(机会等);看守,监视n.[C]手表,表 [U](可连用a)看守,守卫:I watched him eat his breakfast.=I watched him eating his breakfast. 我瞧着他吃早饭。‎ ‎【短语】keep watch 值班 / on the watch for 注意,提防 / on watch 值班 / watch out (for) 当心,提防 ‎【用法】后接从句通常要用现在时表示将来:Watch (that) he doesn’t cheat you. 注意别让他给骗了。‎ water[5wR:tE] n. [U]水 v.浇水:Water boils at 100℃. 水在100摄氏度沸腾。/ Will you water the flowers? 请你浇花好吗?‎ wave[weIv] n.[C]波;波浪;挥手 v.挥手;挥动;波动:She waved her hand to say good-bye. 她挥手告别。‎ way[weI] n.[C]道路,路线;路途;方法;手段:Do it (in) your own way. 按你自己的方法做吧。/ There are different ways to do [of doing] it. 做这事有不同的办法。‎ ‎【短语】by the way 在途中的路旁;顺便说,顺便问 / by way of 经由,意在,为了 / in the way 挡路,碍事 / on the [one’s] way (to) 在某人去…的路上;即将 we[wi:] pron.我们:We like to play football. 我们喜欢踢足球。‎ weak[wi:k] adj.软弱的,虚弱的;薄弱的,优柔寡断的:She was weak after her illness. 她病后很虚弱。/ He’s weak in [at] English. 他的英语不行。‎ weakness[5wi:knIs] n.[U]软弱,虚弱 [C]弱点,短处:We all have our little weaknesses. 我们大家都有些小短处。‎ wealth[welW] n. [U]财富,财产:Health is above wealth. 健康高于财富。/ He gained his wealth by printing the works of famous writers. 他通过印刷名作家的作品赚得财富。‎ wear[wZE] vt.穿,戴;留(发型等);带有(表情或样子);(常与away, down连用)磨损,使疲惫不堪:She wore a red flower in her hair. 她头发上插一朵红花。/ The man wore his hair long. 这个人留着长发。/ He wore a sad look. 他一副愁容。‎ weather[5weTE] n.[U]天气:I don’t like cold weather. 我不喜欢寒冷的天气。‎ wedding[5wedIN] n.[C]婚礼,结婚:golden wedding金婚 / We have set the date for the wedding. 我们已经确定了婚期。‎ Wednesday[5wenzdI] n.星期三:Ash Wednesday 圣灰星期三(四旬节第1天)‎ week[wi:k] n.[C]一星期,一周:I was quite busy last week. 上周我很忙。‎ weekend[7wi:k5end] n.[C]周末:I don’t work at [on] weekends.=I don’t work at [on] the weekend. 我周末不工作。‎ ‎【用法】复数形式的weekends可用作名词,也可用作副词,所以用作状语的 on weekends也可省略其中的介词on。‎ weigh[weI]v.重(若干);称…的重量:He weighed the fish. 他把鱼称了一下。‎ weight[weIt] n. [U]重量,体重:She put on weight recently. 她最近体重增加了。‎ welcome[5welkEm] interj.欢迎adj.受欢迎的,随意的n.[C]欢迎,迎接 vt.欢迎:Welcome to Beijing. 欢迎到北京来。/ They received a warm welcome. 他们受到热烈欢迎。/ You are welcome to (use) my car. 我的汽车你尽管用。/ He was welcomed by the students. 他受到同学们的欢迎。‎ ‎【说明】1.口语中说You are welcome,主要用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢”。2.用作动词时,其过去式和过去分词均为welcomed(即为规则动词),不要误认为按 welcome—welcame— welcome变化。‎ well[wel] adj.(better, best)健康的 adv. (better, best)好,令人满意地,完全地interj. (表示同意,惊讶)好,那么;哎呀:Well done! 干得好! / You look quite well. 你气色很好。‎ ‎【短语】as well 也,又;同样地 / as well as 既…也…,不仅…而且…‎ well-known[5welnEJn] adj.出名的,众所周知的:He is a well-known writer. 他是个有名的作家。‎ ‎【比较】be well-known as=作为…出名,be well-known for=因为…出名,be well-known to=为…所知 ‎【说明】用作表语时也可写成 well known,其比较等级可以在其前加 more 和 most,也可将 well 改为better和best:Professor White has written some short stories, but he is better known for his plays. 怀特教授写了一些短篇小说,但他的戏剧更有名。‎ west[west] n.& adj.西,西方;西方的:the West Lake‎ ‎西湖 / He lives on the west side of town. 他住在城的西边。‎ western[5westEn] adj.西方的;西部的:the Western countries 西方国家 wet[wet] adj.湿的,潮的;多雨的:Mind the wet paint. 当心油漆未干。‎ what[wRt] pron.什么;(所)…的 adj.多么:What we need is money. 我们所需要的是钱。/ What lovely weather! 多好的天气呀!‎ whatever[wRt5evE] adj.无论什么…都 pron.不管,无论:I will do whatever you wish. 我将做你希望我做的一切事情。/ Whatever she did was right. 她所做的一切都是对的。/ Whatever happened, I must be calm. 不管发生什么情况,我都必须镇静。‎ ‎【说明】1.引导名词性从句时,相当于anything that,可视为what的强调说法。2.引导让步状语从句,起连词作用,在用法和含义上相当于no matter what。‎ wheat[wi:t] n. [U]小麦:Wheat is grown mainly in the north. 小麦主要产在北方。‎ wheel[wi:l] n. [C]轮,车轮:The brakes locked the wheels. 刹车器将车轮刹住。‎ when[wen] adv.什么时候 conj.当…时候,每当;这时(突然):When she saw this, she turned red. 她看到这时脸红了。/ I was reading the newspaper when the door bell rang. 我正在看报,突然门铃响了。‎ ‎【说明】有时还表示“一…就…”或“既然”等:I’ll call you when I get there. 我一到那里就给你打电话。/ Why use wood when you can use plastic? 既然能用塑料,为什么还要用木料?‎ whenever[wen5evE] conj.无论什么时候;每次adv.(究竟)什么时候:Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you. 你什么时候方便就来看我。/ Whenever did he tell you that? 他什么时候告诉你的?‎ ‎【说明】表示“每当”,引导时间状语从句,与when用法相似,但语气更强;表示“无论什么时候”,引导让步状语从句,与no matter when用法相似:Whenever [No matter when] you call, you’ll find him reading. 无论你什么时候去找他,你都会发现他在看书。‎ where[wZE] adv.在哪里;…的地方 conj.在…的地方:Where did you go? 你上哪去了? / After the war, a new school building was put up where there had once been a theatre. 战争过后,在原先是剧院的地方建起了一座新的教学楼。‎ wherever[wZEr5evE] conj.无论在哪里 adv.究竟在(去)哪里:Sit wherever you like. 你爱坐哪儿就坐哪儿。/ Wherever are you going? 你究竟到哪里去?‎ ‎【说明】用作连词,引导地点状语从句,相当于where,但语气更强;引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter where:Wherever [No matter where] you work, you must serve the people heart and soul. 不论你在哪里工作,你都必须全心全意为人民服务。‎ whether[5weTE] conj.是否:The price has gone down, but I doubt whether it will remain so. 价格现在已经降下来了,但是我怀疑它是否会维持这样。/ Time will tell whether I made the right choice or not. 时间将会证明我所做的选择是对还是错。‎ ‎【辨析】if与whether:两者均可表示“是否”,引导宾语从句时常可互换,但在以下情况,通常用whether而不宜用if:引导主语从句时,引导表语从句时,引导宾语从句且位于句首时,位于介词之后时,后接不定式时,直接与or not连用时:I don’t know whether to accept or refuse. 我不知道应该接受还是拒绝。/ I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 我担心是否伤了她的感情。/ I am considering whether or not to buy a new car. 我在考虑是否要买一辆新汽车。‎ which[wItF] adj.& pron.哪一个;哪些:Which are our seats? 哪些是我们的座位? / I can’t decide which to choose. 我不能决定选哪个好。/ She was not in the train which arrived just now. 她不在刚到的那列火车上。‎ while[waIl] conj.当…的时候;和…同时;虽然 n.[C]一会儿,一段时间:She listened while he read. 他朗读时她听着。/ While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you. 虽然我理解你的意思,但我还是不同意。‎ ‎【用法】用作连词引导状语从句时,其主句谓语必须是延续性动词,不能是终止性动词。‎ whisper[5wIspE] vi. & n.[C]低语,耳语,私语:He is whispering to his neighbor.他向邻座的人耳语。‎ white[waIt] adj.& n.白色(的);白人:White House (美国)白宫,美国政府 / white coffee 加牛奶或奶油的咖啡 / black and white 黑白相间,白纸黑字 who[hu:] pron.谁;…的人:Who were you talking to? 你在和谁谈话? / She asked who would like to go. 她问谁愿意去。/ Everyone who [that] knows him likes him. 认识他的人都喜欢他。‎ whole[hEJl] adj.全体的,整个的;整整的 n.[C]全部,全体:They told me the whole story. 他们给我讲了整个的故事。‎ ‎【短语】as a whole 作为整体,一般说来 / on [upon] the whole 总的说来,大体上,基本上 / the whole of 整个,全部 whom[hu:m] pron.谁:Who(m) do you like best? 你最喜欢谁? / I wanted to find someone with whom I could discuss music. 我想找一个能和我谈音乐的人。‎ whose[hu:z] pron.谁的;…的:Whose side are you on? 你在谁的一边? / There are some students whose questions I can’t answer. 有些学生提出的问题我回答不了。‎ why[waI] adv.为什么;…的 interj.怎么啦(表示惊讶):Why do you want a new job when you’ve got such a good one already? 你已经有一份这么好的工作了,你为什么还要一份新的工作呢? / She didn’t tell me the reason why she refused the offer. 她没跟我讲她拒绝这项工作的原因。‎ ‎【用法】1.许多疑问词后可接不定式,但why是例外,其后通常不接不定式,但可接动词原形:Why bring so many? 为什么要带那么多来? / Why not go earlier? 为什么不早点去?(这类结构只用于现在和将来,不用于过去) 2.用作关系副词,不能引导非限制性定语从句,而只能引导限制性定语从句,且其先行词通常只能是the reason,而不能是其他词。‎ wide[waId] adj.宽阔的;…宽 adv.睁大(眼睛),张大(嘴巴),打开(门等);到处,在各地;充分地:She stared at him with wide eyes. 她睁大了眼睛注视他。‎ wife[waIf] n.[C]妻子:husband and wife 夫妻 wild[waIld] adj.野生的,野的:wild flowers 野花 / wild animals 野生动物 will[wIl]v. aux. (would) (表示将来)将,会;(表示同意,允诺)愿意要;(客气提问)是否愿意;…好吗? n.[C,U]遗嘱,意志,决心:You will be the first to speak. 你将第一个发言。/ Will you shut the door? 你把门关上好吗? ‎ willing[5wIlIN]adj.乐意的,愿意的:Are you willing to go with her? 你愿意同她去吗? / Is your father willing for you to go abroad? 你父亲愿意让你出国吗?‎ win[wIn] v.(won, won)获取,赢得:She is the girl who won the prize. 她就是获奖的姑娘。‎ ‎【辨析】win与beat [defeat]:三者均可表示“赢”,但其宾语不同:win的宾语通常为比赛或战斗,beat /defeat的宾语通常是比赛或战斗的对手:We won the match. 我们赢了比赛。/ He beat [defeated] me at swimming. 他游泳胜过了我。‎ wind1[wInd] n.[C,U]风:A cold wind blew from north. 冷风从北边吹来。‎ wind2[waInd] v.(wound, wound)使弯曲前进;迂回,蜿蜒:The path winds through the woods. 这条路蜿蜒穿过树林。‎ window[5wIndEJ] n. [C]窗;计算机的窗口:He stood by the window. 他站在窗户边。‎ wine[waIn] n.[U]酒;葡萄酒:Dinner costs $80, and wine is extra. 饭菜80美元,酒费另收。‎ wing[wIN] n.[C]翅膀,翼:A bird’s wings enable it to fly. 鸟的翅膀使鸟能飞。‎ winter[5wIntE] n.[C]冬天,冬季:Spring follows winter. 冬去春来。‎ wipe[waIp] vt.擦,擦净,擦干:Let’s wipe off the dust (on the table). 咱们把(桌上的)尘土擦掉。‎ ‎【短语】wipe away [off] 擦掉,清除掉,刷掉 / wipe out 消灭,清除,洗净 wire[5waIE] n.[U,C]电线,铁丝;电报:Will you connect this wire to the television. 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?‎ wise[waIz] adj.聪明的;英明的;有见识的:It was wise of you to give up smoking.= You were wise to give up smoking. 你把烟戒掉是明智的。‎ wish[wIF] n.[C]愿望,心愿;(用复数)祝愿,祝福 v.想要,希望;祝愿;但愿,要是…多好:We all have a wish for peace. 我们都希望和平。/ He has a wish to go abroad. 他想出国。/ He wishes for a computer. 他希望有台电脑。/ I wish you success. 我祝你成功。/ I wish you to come early. 我希望你早点来。/ He wishes to be alone. 他希望别人别打扰他。/ I wish to go with her. 我希望同她一起去。‎ ‎【用法】后接that从句时,从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气:指将来谓语用“could, would, might+动词原形”,指现在或当时的情况谓语用过去时,指过去谓语用过去完成时:I wish he were more careful. 但愿他能更仔细些。/ I wish that I had never met him. 但愿我从未见过他。‎ with[wIT] prep.与…(在)一起,带着;有…的,持有,随身带着;以,用;在…的情况下;尽管,虽然;若是,如果;因为;随着:With all his money, he is unhappy. 尽管他有钱,他并不快乐。/ With your permission, I’ll go. 如蒙你同意我就去。/ He is tired with work. 他工作做累了。/ I slept with the window open. 我开着窗睡觉。‎ ‎【辨析】with 和 as:两者均可表示“随着”,但前者是介词,后者是连词:He will improve as he grows older. 随着年龄的增长,他会进步的。/ People’s ideas change with the change of the times. 时代变了,人们的观念也会变化。‎ within[wIT5In] prep.在…之内,在…范围之内:She returned within an hour. 她不到1小时就回来了。/ It’s a task well within your powers. 这是你力所能及的工作。‎ without[wIT5aJt] prep.没有,无,不:He went out without his umbrella. 他外出没有带伞。/ There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。/ She left without saying goodbye. 她没有说再见就走了。/ Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看得清东西吗?‎ ‎【用法】有时用于引出虚拟语气,相当于 but for:Without your advice I would have failed. 假若没有你的劝告,我想必已失败了。‎ woman[5wJmEn](pl. women) n.[C]妇人,女人:women doctors 女医生 / Generally speaking, man is taller than woman. 一般说来,男人比女人高。‎ wonder[5wQndE] vt.& vi.诧异;不知道,想知道 n. [C,U]惊奇,奇迹,奇事:I wonder whether [if] you would mind helping me. 不知你是否能帮帮我的忙。/ It’s no wonder you can’t sleep when you eat so much. 你吃得太饱,自然睡不着。‎ wonderful[5wQndEfJl] adj.极好的,精彩的:This is a wonderful place for a picnic. 这里是野餐的好地方。‎ wood[wJd] n.[U]木头,木材 [C](常用复)树林,森林:We got lost in the wood(s). 我们在森林里迷了路。‎ wooden[5wJdn] adj.木制的,木头的:The wooden bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of lorries. 这座木桥不够坚固,载重货车不能通行。‎ wool[wJl] n.[U]羊毛,毛线:The dress was made of wool. 这衣服是羊毛做的。‎ word[wE:d] n.[C]词,单词;话,言语 [U]口信,消息;承诺:Tell me in your own words. 用你自己的话告诉我。‎ ‎【短语】break one’s word 失诺 / give one’s word 许诺,保证 / in a [one] word 一句话,总而言之 / in other words 换句话说,也就是说 / keep one’s word 守诺 / leave word 留言 ‎【比较】have a word with与have words with:前者表示“同…说句话”,后者表示“同…争吵”。‎ work[wE:k] v.工作,干活;运转,转动;行得通,奏效;使…工作n.[U]工作,劳动 [C]著作,作品 (用复数)工厂:What time do you get home from work? 你什么时候下班回家? / The drug will not work. 这药不起作用。‎ ‎【短语】at work 在工作,在上班;从事,忙于 / in (out of) work 有(无)工作 / work on 继续工作;从事于,致力于 / work out (计)算出;制订出,想出 worker[5wE:kE] n.[C]工人,工作者:a skilled worker 熟练工人 world[wE:ld] n.(连用the)世界:He has travelled round the world. 他周游了世界。‎ ‎【短语】in the world 在世界上,在人间;究竟,到底;全然(不),一点也(不)‎ worry[5wQrI] n.[C,U]忧虑,担心;烦恼事 v.烦恼,担心,发怒;困扰,烦人:She had a worried look on her face. 她脸上带有愁容。/ He worried about making mistakes. 他担心犯错误。/ He was worried about his job. 他为自己的工作担心。‎ ‎【辨析】worrying与worried:前者指“令人担心的”,后者指“感到担心的”。‎ worse[wE:s] adj.更坏的;更差的,(病情)更重的:You’re working worse than I expected. 你做的比我预料的要差。/ He did worse than you. 他做得比你更糟。‎ worst[wE:st] adj.最坏的,最恶劣:Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.(谚)作最好的打算, 作最坏的准备。‎ worth[wE:W] adj.值得…的,有…价值的:The book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一读。/ Is it worth visiting the place? 这个地方值得一看吗? / The work is worth your while. 这工作值得你花时间去做。‎ ‎【用法】1.要加强worth的语气,习惯上用 well修饰,不用very。2.后接动词时,不用不定式,而用动名词,且该动名词用主动形式表被动意义。3.It’s worth (one’s) while 后接动词时,用不定式或动名词均可:It’s worth your while to visit [visiting] the museum. 这个博物馆值得你去看看。‎ would[wJd]v.aux.(will的过去式) (表示推测)大概;(婉转语气)愿意:I knew you would agree. 我知道你会同意的。/ Would you ask them to wait outside? 你可否请他们在外面等等? / He would come to see us on Sundays. 过去星期天他经常来看望我们。/ If he were in town he would help you. 如果他在城里,他会帮助你的。‎ wound[wu:nd] n.[C]创伤,伤口 vt.使受伤:The soldier was wounded in the arm. 这个士兵的胳膊受伤了。/ The wound would not heal. 伤口老不愈合。‎ write[raIt]v. (wrote, written) 书写,写下;写信;写作,著述:Write down everything he says. 把他所说的全都记下来。/ He wrote out a check (receipt). 他开出一张支票(收条)。/ Please write me the result.=Please write the result to me. 请把结果写给我。/ He wrote to ask me to come. 他写信请我来。‎ wrong[rRN] adj.坏的,邪恶的;不对的,错误的:The machine has gone wrong again. 机器又出毛病了。/ You are wrong to do [in doing] it. 你这样做是不应该的。/ It’s wrong for you to say that. 你那样说是错误的。/ It’s wrong for you to sell your car. 你把汽车卖掉是错误的。/ It is wrong of you to say so. 你这样说是不对的。/ You did me wrong. 你冤枉我了。‎ Y yard[jB:d] n.[C]院子;码(1 yard=3 feet):Came and play in our back yard. 到我们的后院来玩吧。‎ year[jIE] n.[C]年;学年;年级:We used to work six days a week all (the) year round. 我们过去全年都是每周工作6天。‎ ‎【比较】year after year与year by year:前者表示“年年”,强调时间之久;后者表示“一年一年地”,强调逐年变化:It’s always the same, year after year. 年年总是如此。/ Prices tend to rise year by year. 物价总是一年一年地往上涨。‎ ‎【用法】the year可用作连词,引导状语从句:His father died the year he was born. 他父亲在他出生那年去世。‎ yellow[5jelEJ] adj.& n.黄色(的),黄色;懦弱的 v.(使)变黄:the Yellow River 黄河/ He is too yellow to stand up and fight. 他太胆怯而不敢起来抵抗。‎ ‎【说明】汉语说的“黄色电影”,译成英语不是yellow films,而是 blue films 或 sex films。‎ yes[jes] adv.是,是的,好,同意 ‎【用法】除用于对一般疑问句的肯定回答外,在口语还有许多用法:1.用来应答呼唤:“Waiter!” “Yes, sir?” “服务员!”“先生,你要什么?”2.用来表示疑问或希望对方进一步讲述(用升调):Yes, what happened next? 说呀,后来呢? 3.用来征求对方意见(用升调):Let’s go out for a walk, yes? 我们出去散散步,好不好?‎ yesterday[5jestEdeI] n. & adv.昨天,在昨天:He came yesterday and he is still here. 他昨天来的,现仍在此。‎ yet[jet] adv. 到目前为止,还;仍然:She has not come yet. 她还没有来。/ He was poor, yet happy. 他很穷,可是很快乐。‎ ‎【短语】and yet=but yet 虽然如此,可是,然而 / as yet 到目前为止,迄今 / not yet 还没有,尚未 you[ju:] pron.你,你们:How have you been? 你近来怎样? / When did you learn about it? 这事你是什么时候知道的?‎ young[jQN] adj.年轻的:He married young. 他很年轻就结了婚。‎ ‎【说明】the young 可用作名词,意为“年轻人”:Respect the old and cherish the young. 敬老爱幼。‎ your[jR:, jUE] pron.你的,你们的:I’m pleased at [with] your success. 我为你的成功感到高兴。/ Now comes your turn. 现在该你了。‎ yours[jR:z, jJEz] pron.你的(东西),你们的(东西):Is that coffee yours or hers? 这咖啡是你的还是她的? / My views are different from yours. 我的看法和你不同。‎ yourself[jR:5self] pron.你自己:Take good care of yourself. 好好保重。/ Help yourself to more cake. 再吃一点蛋糕。‎ yourselves[jR:5selvz] pron.你们自己:Make yourselves at home, everybody. 大家请随便一点。/ I hope you’ll both enjoy yourselves. 希望你们两人都玩得开心。‎ youth[ju:W] n.[U]青春;青年时代,年轻时候 [C,U]青年人:She lost (kept) her youth. 她青春不再(青春依旧)。‎ ‎【说明】表示“青年人”时,若指男青年,则可数;若泛指所有青年(包括男女),则不可数,但用作主语时,谓语可用单数或复数:The youth of today is [are] better off than we used to be. 今天的青年比我们过去处境要好。‎ Z zero[5zIErEJ] n.& num.(数词)零;(温度计等)零度;零点:It was four (degrees) below (above) zero this morning. 今天早上的气温是零下4度(是4度)。‎ zoo[zu:]n.[C]动物园:Would you please direct me to the zoo? 请问去动物园怎么走?‎

