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‎2019高考英语一轮复习综合解析训练10‎ Ⅰ.单项填空 ‎1.John's brother has determined to ________ farming when he graduates from university,which dissatisfies his parents.‎ A.pick up B.set up C.take up D.give up 解析 考查短语动词辨析。pick up“捡起;偶尔学到”;set up“建立”;take up“从事;开始”;give up“放弃”。从句子的意思判断“毕业后从事农业”得出答案为take up。‎ 答案 C ‎2.The town came into ________ as we turned the corner.‎ A.being B.use C.fashion D.sight 解析 通过语境考查come into短语。come into being“形成”;come into use“开始使用”;come into fashion“流行;入时”;come into sight“进入视线”。根据as we turned the corner得出答案。‎ 答案 D ‎3. I'm afraid you have to________,or I'll miss the train.‎ A.pick up B.turn up C.speed up D.take up 解析 句意:恐怕你得加速,否则我就赶不上火车了。speed up意为“加速”符合句意。turn up“出现;调大”;pick up“捡起;学会;开车接”;take up“开始;接受”。‎ 答案 C ‎4.Paul is good,kind,hardworking and intelligent; ________,I can't speak too highly of him.‎ A.as a result B.in a word C.by the way D.on the contrary 解析 前面说除了Paul的许多优点,所以此处用in a word“总之”加以概括,“我怎么夸都不过分”。‎ 答案 B ‎5.—When shall we meet again?‎ ‎—Make it any day you like; it's all ________ to me.‎ A.similar B.the same C.suitable D.familiar 解析 all the same“完全一样”,还可表示“尽管……还是……”的意思。‎ 答案 B ‎6.Everything will be all right.We must never stop taking a(n)________attitude toward life.‎ A.understanding B.opposite C.relaxed D.optimistic 解析 句意:所有的一切都会好的,我们要始终对生活抱有乐观的态度。optimistic意为“乐观的”,符合句意。understanding体谅的;opposite相反的;relaxed放松的。‎ 答案 D ‎7.—Just a minute,Miss White,our glasses have been________.‎ ‎—Oh,sorry,they look like the same,and I am so careless.‎ A.switched B.stolen C.broken D.robbed 解析 由答语可以看出,说话者要表达的意思为“我们的玻璃杯对调了”。所以选switch,意思是“交换”。‎ 答案 A ‎8.Much to my surprise,she________tears________she read the letter.‎ A.burst out;instant B.burst into;the instant C.burst out;instantly D.burst into;instant 解析 burst into后接名词;burst out后接v.ing形式;the instant/instantly用作连词,表示“一……就……”。‎ 答案 B ‎9.She couldn't ________the pain any more and screamed loudly.‎ A.release B.tolerate C.feel D.forsee 解析 从后面的screamed loudly的意思可以分析,“她再也承受不了疼痛了”,所以用tolerate。‎ 答案 B ‎10.We are tired of the boring topic.Why not ________ it to an interesting one?‎ A.deliver B.switch C.connect D.direct 解析 句意:我们厌倦了这个话题,换个有趣的吧?switch...to...“把……转到……”。‎ 答案 B ‎11.To keep healthy,Professor Johnson________cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.‎ A.caught on B.set out C.made for D.took up 解析 句意:为了保持健康,约翰逊教授退休后经常骑自行车进行锻炼。此处是表达“从事于”,只能选took up。set out意为“出发”;catch on意为“理解”;make for意为“促成”。‎ 答案 D ‎12.If you________of Mary,ask her to come and see me.‎ A.lose sight of B.catch sight of C.are in the sight of D.are at the sight of 解析 根据句意,此处表示“看见”,强调的是动作,因此用catch sight of。‎ 答案 B ‎13.Though________money,his parents managed to send him to a key university.‎ A.lacked B.lacking of C.lacking from D.lacked in 解析 句意:尽管缺钱,但他的父母还是设法把他送到了名牌大学。‎ 答案 B ‎14.She thought I was talking about her daughter,________in fact,I was talking about my daughter.‎ A.whom B.where C.which D.while 解析 此处用while表示转折,意为“然而”。句意:她认为我在谈论她的女儿,而实际上,我在谈论我的女儿。‎ 答案 D ‎15.The________on her face told me that she was angry when I said that.‎ A.impression B.sight C.appearance D.expression 解析 句意:她的面部表情告诉我,当我说到那件事时,她很生气。impression印象;sight视觉;appearance外貌;expression表情。‎ 答案 D Ⅱ.完形填空 Armed with two overpacked suitcases,we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight.As I watched her unload my luggage,I could see the__1__in her eyes.One last hug and a final goodbye,and I would be on my way to a new life__2__.“You'd better go or you'll miss your flight,”she said.‎ ‎ “I'll__3__ you,”I replied,and with those words I__4__.By the time I reached the customs I was__5__.While boarding the plane I was still crying.I did not have the__6__to put my bag in the overhead locker,so I put it on the empty seat next to mine.‎ Born barely fifteen months__7__,we not only looked alike,we were alike.We both had that same mix of__8__and fear of all things unknown to us.One sunny summer day I was playing outside when she came__9__to me and said,“What to come to the attic(阁楼)?”The answer was always“__10__”.We were frightened of the attic but also__11__by its smells and sounds.Together we would flight many spiders and battle through the numerous boxes__12__we found what we needed.‎ ‎ The plane shook__13__and my bag fell on the floor.My aspirin,hairbrush and some other things were__14__on the floor.I__15__over to gather them up when I saw a(an)__16__little book in the middle of my belongings.It was a diary.‎ Immediately I__17__my sister's handwriting.“Hi Sis.What a day it has been today.You let me know that you are moving abroad...”Only__18__did I realize that my sister had been__19__a diary for the past month.‎ I read about my sister's comings and goings during the flight.Even though a large ocean__20__us,at some point it felt like she was actually there.‎ ‎1.A.honesty B.concern C.sadness D.satisfaction 解析 姐妹俩在机场分别,眼中应该充满忧伤。sadness“忧伤”;honesty“诚实”;concern“关注”;satisfaction“满足,满意”。‎ 答案 C ‎2.A.abroad B.home C.again D.along 解析 根据倒数第二段中“You let me know that you are moving abroad...”可知答案。‎ 答案 A ‎3.A.remember B.remind ‎ C.miss D.think of 解析 句意:我会想你的。remember“记住”;remind“提醒”;think of“想起”;miss“想念”。‎ 答案 C ‎4.A.was out B.was off C.left off D.left away 解析 句意:说完这些话,我离开了。be off“离开”;be out“外出”。‎ 答案 B ‎5.A.smiling B.sneezing C.sighing D.sobbing 解析 分别时心情难过,所以在抽泣。由后一句“I was still crying”也可知答案。sob“呜咽,抽噎”;smile“微笑”;sneeze“打喷嚏”;sigh“叹气”。‎ 答案 D ‎6.A.courage B.energy C.idea D.spirit 解析 她还在伤心地哭,所以没有精力去把行李放到头上方的架子上。energy“精力”;courage“勇气”;idea“想法”;spirit“精神,灵魂”。‎ 答案 B ‎7.A.before B.after C.between D.apart 解析 句意:出生只相差15个月。apart“分开”。如:The 2 buildings are 200 meters apart.两座建筑相距‎200米。‎ 答案 D ‎8.A.curiosity B.anxiety C.sympathy D.worry 解析 对未知的事物既好奇又害怕。curiosity“好奇”;anxiety/worry“焦虑”‎ ‎;sympathy“同情”。‎ 答案 A ‎9.A.about B.across C.down D.up 解析 come up to“走到……跟前”。‎ 答案 D ‎10.A.No B.Yes C.Sorry D.Certain 解析 回答总是“好的”。这也说明两人的性格很相像。‎ 答案 B ‎11.A.surprised B.bored C.attracted D.interested 解析 前文说两人对未知事物既好奇又害怕,所以她们既害怕阁楼又被它的气味和声音所吸引。‎ 答案 C ‎12.A.until B.unless C.though D.since 解析 句意:我们会一起赶走许多蜘蛛,在无数的箱子间作战“直到”找到我们想要的东西。‎ 答案 A ‎13.A.hardly B.slightly C.weakly D.heavily 解析 句意:飞机猛烈地晃动。heavily“猛烈地”。‎ 答案 D ‎14.A.spread B.thrown C.dropped D.pushed 解析 我的东西散落在地上。spread“摊开,铺开”。‎ 答案 A ‎15.A.turned B.went C.bent D.looked 解析 我弯下身把东西捡起来。bend over“弯下腰”。‎ 答案 C ‎16.A.familiar B.unfamiliar C.important D.unimportant 解析 我看到了一本小小的不熟悉的本子夹在我的东西里,从下文知道这是姐姐的日记,所以“我”不熟悉。‎ 答案 B ‎17.A.knew B.saw C.observed D.recognized 解析 句意:我马上就认出了姐姐的笔迹。recognize“认出”;observe“观察”。‎ 答案 D ‎18.A.when B.that C.then D.this 解析 句意:直到“那时”我才意识到姐姐在过去的一个月里一直在记日记。‎ 答案 C ‎19.A.keeping B.writing C.using D.making 解析 keep a diary“记日记”。‎ 答案 A ‎20.A.faced B.separated C.surrounded D.blocked 解析 句意:即使大洋把我们隔开,此时我觉得她就在这儿。‎ 答案 B Ⅲ.阅读理解 No family is perfect—today or at any point in history. But some families get it right a lot more consistently than others. These families develop caring and understanding relationships. They work together,play together,and laugh together. They are united in purpose and in their commitment to one another.Family members support and encourage each other. Parents are devoted to the success of their marriage and family. In fact, these families create a loving family culture.‎ Other families are not so ideal. Members may neglect responsibilities,treat each other unkindly, reject and abandon promises,and engage in physically,emotionally or spiritually abusive behaviors. They may be manipulative (控制欲强的) and critical. Some members may abuse alcohol or other drugs. Family members who keep these destructive practices do so at great cost not only to themselves but to future generations as well.‎ Many people believe that those who grow up in a negative home environment will surely perpetuate the same patterns in their own families. To some extent, research supports these beliefs. For example, studies show a ‎ connection between child raising attitudes and behaviors among parents and those of their adult children.If a parent was divorced or less happy in his or her marriage, there is a greater tendency for children to follow suit.‎ The good news is that these findings tell only half the story. Other research shows that passing on negative family characters from generation to generation isn't a final conclusion. Even if you grew up in a damaging home environment, you can choose different behaviors than those you experienced there. You can stop the negative patterns from flowing downstream to future generations. With education,focused effort,and help from others,you can choose to be a transitional (过渡的) character to change your family culture.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章告诉我们:家庭大致分为两类,一类是和睦的家庭,家庭成员之间关系融洽,相互体贴;而另外一类家庭的情况则完全相反,家庭成员之间相互批评指责,互相刁难。研究表明,在第二种家庭中长大的孩子将来组建自己的家庭时,可能还会像现在的家庭一样不和睦……‎ ‎1.In the first two paragraphs, the author mainly________.‎ A.tells us that no family is perfect B.describes two types of families C.shows us how family members should behave D.shows his attitudes towards different families 解析 细节理解题。根据文章内容可知,第一段讲的是和睦的家庭,第二段讲的是不和睦的家庭,由此可知,B项正确,即前两段描述的是两类家庭。‎ 答案 B ‎2.All the following are characteristics of unhappy families except________.‎ A.lack of sense of responsibility B.abuse of alcohol or drugs C.devotion to each other D.dissatisfaction with each other 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第二、三段可知,在第二类不和睦的家庭里,家庭成员之间互相批评和指责,很不和睦,不会为对方着想。由此可知,C项说法错误。‎ 答案 C ‎3.The author suggests that________.‎ A.we can do something to prevent the negative patterns passing on B.we have to adjust ourselves to the negative patterns C.it is rather difficult to get away from the negative patterns D.it is not necessary to pay much attention to the negative patterns 解析 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,作者建议通过下一代的主观努力改变这种不好的家庭模式和风格,以全新的方式生活。由此可知,A项正确,即可以采取措施,阻止消极的生活方式。‎ 答案 A ‎4.What do you suppose the author will discuss next?‎ A.The relationship between family members.‎ B.The importance of a happy family.‎ C.How to learn to be a good parent.‎ D.How to be a transitional character.‎ 解析 文脉逻辑题。文章最后一段的大意是,通过下一代的努力,改变不好的家庭生活方式;而最后一句话说的是,生活在不和睦家庭中的成员可以采取措施,充当一个过渡性的角色来改变这一状况。由此可以推知,接下来作者应该谈论的是如何做好一个过渡性的角色。故D项正确。‎ 答案 D

