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江苏省牛津英语高考复习之词汇(同义、近义、相似词)精选练习 ‎1.Pigeon is often considered a(n)________ of peace.‎ ‎ A. example B. sign C. mark D. symbol ‎2.If you spend enogugh money advertising, your product sales will surely_________.‎ ‎ A. expand B. enlarge C. extend D. increase ‎3.We volunteered to collect money to help the ______ of the tsunami.‎ ‎ A. victims B. folks C. fellows D. villagers ‎4.By 1909, Picasso had______ himself as a painter of great talent in Paris.‎ ‎ A. made B. recognize C. admitted D. established ‎5.If you don’t take away all your things from the desk, there won’t be enough_____ for my stationery.‎ ‎ A. area B. place C. room D. surface ‎6.We akk write________, even when there’s not much to say.‎ ‎ A. now and then B. by and by C. step by step D. more or less ‎7._________ most students, she was always well prepared and never came to class late.‎ ‎ A. Like B. As C. For D. To ‎8.Everyone should fight for the_______ of their own country.‎ ‎ A. favour B. reward C. honour D. prize ‎9.The policeman saved the little girl from the gangs. He’s never afraid of them. I think he is a man of _________.‎ ‎ A. importance B. use C. courage D. value ‎10.It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to________.‎ ‎ A. rewards B. prizes C. awards D. results ‎11.The surgeon_______ his excellent skill in carrying out the operation.‎ ‎ A. represented B. instructed C. demonstrated D. exhibited ‎12. I wrote him a letter to show my______ of his thoughtfulness.‎ ‎ A. achievement B. agreement C. attention D. appreciation ‎13.Ben has not the least_______ of giving up his research.‎ ‎ A. intention B. attempt C. aim D. desire ‎14.We decided not to climb that mountaion because it was raining_________.‎ ‎ A. badly B. hardly C. strongly D. heavily ‎15.One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high-rise is that you can get a good ________.‎ ‎ A. scenery B. scene C. view D. look ‎16.________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.‎ ‎ A. As B. For C. With D. Though ‎17.Parents try to _______ their children of their bad habits.‎ A.cure B. treat C. recover D. heal ‎18.My cousin worked all winter vocation, saving money to______ his hobby of collecting stamps.‎ A. search B. hunt C. seek D. pursue ‎19.Many moving stories of that time remain______ in people’s heart to this day.‎ A. deeply B. strongly C. strong D. deep ‎20. The finance minister has not been so _____ since he raised taxes to such a high level.‎ ‎ A. popular B. well-known C. favorable D. preferable ‎21.The computer was one of the greatest______ in the 20th century.‎ A. inventions B. discoveries C. findings D. explorations ‎22. —Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?‎ ‎ ---Sorry, I’m too busy and haven’t even a minute to________.‎ A. spend B. spare C. share D. stop ‎23.At the______ of the century, Shanghai is developing at a rapid speed.‎ A. turn B. change C. age D. time ‎24.The church has______ quite a few changes over the years.‎ A. watched B. witnessed C. viewed D. observed ‎25.The tragedy of the innocent young Brazilian boy killed by the British police has put the British police in a difficult________.‎ A. occasion B. case C. situation D. background ‎26. We all knew from the very _____ that the plan would fail.‎ A. outcome B. outset C. income D. output ‎27.Eye_______ is very important when delivering a speech in public.‎ A. touch B. sight C. sign D. contact ‎28.Such people shouldn’t be_______ into the party.‎ A. permitted B. admitted C. allowed D. agreed ‎29.Carine is not in the ______ for going to the ball tonight.‎ A. condition B. temper C. mood D. motion ‎30.—Why haven’t you bought any butter? —I_____ to but I forgot about it.‎ A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected ‎31.Shopping-centres provide us with a large_____ of goods to choose from.‎ A. type B. range C. variety D. sort ‎32.Coffee is said to have_____ effects.‎ A. promoting B. stimulating C. encouraging D. enhancing ‎33.The police officers here do not usually_____ guns.‎ A. bring B. carry C. take D. hold ‎34.If you want to get the driver’s_______ you should take some courses first in the traffic school.‎ A. license B. certificate C. passport D. permission ‎35.John was asked to_____ the man who stole his wallet.‎ A. recognize B. claim C. confirm D. identify ‎36.When will the new driving laws come into________?‎ A. use B. effect C. service D. existence ‎37.Model as a career_____ to many young girls because of the fascinating T-stage.‎ A. attracts B. appeals C. calls D. pulls ‎38.The environmentalists said wild tiger’s______ on the Thai mountain was a good indication of the better environment.‎ A. escape B. absence C. attendance D. appearance ‎39.I hope they will finish the project in time, but they themselves are very_____ that it will.‎ A. certain B. confident C. doubtful D. suspicious ‎40.The result of the election has not been__________.‎ A. announced B. declared C. claimed D. maintained ‎41.Honesty is the most important______ a man can have.‎ A. habit B. manners C. quality D. effect ‎42.Although the working mother is very busy, she still_____ a lot of time to her children.‎ A. devotes B. spends C. offers D. provides ‎43.After three months, these young students finally became used to the ______ of life in a big city abroad.‎ A. speed B. pace C. rate D. frequency ‎44.When I opened the door, a parcel on the floor_____ my eye.‎ A. met B. caught C. drew D. attracted ‎45.After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her_____ opinion.‎ A. personal B. private C. single D. individual ‎46.The new method he suggested sounded good in_______,but is not practical in use.‎ A. opinion B. policy C. theory D. principle ‎47.When you are going upstairs, please_____ your head.‎ A. attend B. notice C. mind D. observe ‎48.We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are out of________.‎ A. work B. reach C. stock D. practice ‎49.In Shanghai, people______ thousand tons of watermelon every summer.‎ A. swallow B. eat C. consume D. exhaust ‎50.Some of the traditional industries have lost their_____ with the rise of the new ones.‎ A. energy B. strength C. vigour D. power ‎51. Lawyers often make higher _____ for their work than they should.‎ ‎ A. bills B. charges C. prices D. costs ‎52.It takes a lot of______ to become a good swimmer.‎ A. train B. exercise C. practice D. performance ‎53.Alice laid her baby on the sofa_____ and wrapped it with a blanket.‎ A. silently B. tenderly C. friendly D. comfortably ‎54.Several cars are available within this price________.‎ A. area B. filed C. land D. range ‎55.Every classroom in this modern school is_______ with a new computer.‎ A. equipped B. replaced C. fixed D. place ‎56.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise,______ our minds developed by learning.‎ A. probably B. likely C. similarly D. generally ‎57.She bought the painting at a much higher______ than its real_______.‎ A. value, price B. price, value C. value, value D. price, price ‎58.He holds an important position in the company;_______, I don’t quite truse him.‎ A. thus B. furthermore C. otherwise D. nevertheless ‎59.There’re more Olympic______ winners per head of population in Australia than in other countries.‎ A. metal B. model C. medal D. modal ‎ ‎60.Thanks to the modern electrical_____, housework nowadays has been made easier and easier.‎ A. facilities B. instruments C. appliances D. tools 江苏省牛津英语高考复习之词汇(同义、近义、相似词)精选练习讲解 ‎1.Pigeon is often considered a(n)________ of peace.‎ ‎ A. example B. sign C. mark D.symbol ‎ D.象征。句子意思:鸽子常常被人们当作和平的象征。‎ ‎ A.榜样 B信号、迹象 C标记、痕迹 ‎2.If you spend enogugh money advertising, your product sales will surely_________.‎ A. expand B. enlarge C. extend D. increase ‎ D增加。句子意思:如果你花足够的钱作广告,那么产品的销量就会增加。‎ ‎ A扩大、膨胀 B放大 C延伸、扩展 ‎3.We volunteered to collect money to help the ______ of the tsunami.‎ ‎ A. victims B. folks C. fellows D. villagers ‎ A受害者。句子意思:我们志愿募集钱去帮助那些海啸中的受害者。‎ ‎ B人们、家属、亲属、民族/种族 C家伙、小伙子 D村民 ‎4.By 1909, Picasso had______ himself as a painter of great talent in Paris.‎ ‎ A. made B. recognize C. admitted D. established ‎ D. establish oneself as…确立……的地位。句子意思:直到1909年毕加索才在巴黎确立了天才画家的地位。‎ A使……成为 B承认、认出 C承认 ‎5.If you don’t take away all your things from the desk, there won’t be enough_____ for my stationery.‎ ‎ A. area B. place C. room D. surface ‎ C表示足够用以运动的空间或余地,通常用room.句子意思:如果你不把桌子上你的所有东西拿走的话,我的文具就没有地方放了。‎ ‎ A地区、区域:强调清楚划分出的界限 B特定的某个地方、场所、空间 D表面 ‎6.We all write________, even when there’s not much to say.‎ ‎ A. now and then B. by and by C. step by step D. more or less ‎ A不时地。句子意思:即使没有多少要说的东西,我们大家仍不时地写着。‎ ‎ B不久以后 C渐渐 D或多或少 ‎7._________ most students, she was always well prepared and never came to class late.‎ ‎ A. Like B. As C. For D. To ‎ A象。句子意思:象大多数学生一样,她总是准备充分,上课从不迟到。‎ ‎ as作为介词用意思为“作为”,for/to sb对某人而言 ‎8.Everyone should fight for the_______ of their own country.‎ ‎ A. favour B. reward C. honour D. prize ‎ C荣誉。句子意思为:人人都应该为自己国家的荣誉而战。‎ ‎ A赞赏、嘉许 B回报 D奖金 ‎9.The policeman saved the little girl from the gangs. He’s never afraid of them. I think he is a man of _________.‎ ‎ A. importance B. use C. courage D. value ‎ C勇气。句子意思:警察从那帮歹徒手中救出了那个小女孩,他从来就不怕那些歹徒。我想他是个有勇气的人。‎ ‎ A重要性 B用途、用处 D价值 ‎10.It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to________.‎ ‎ A. rewards B. prizes C. awards D. results ‎ A.意为“报酬,酬劳”,表示作为某种行为的结果而应得的报酬;‎ B.意为“奖品”;‎ ‎ C.常用作动词,可接双宾语;意为“授予某人某物”,作名词时意为“奖品”;D意为“结果”。 ‎ ‎11.The surgeon_______ his excellent skill in carrying out the operation.‎ ‎ A. represented B. instructed C. demonstrated D. exhibited C.“展示,演示”;句子意思:那个外科医生在手术中展示了他的精湛的技能。‎ A.“代表”;B.“指示”;D“陈列,展出”。‎ ‎12. I wrote him a letter to show my______ of his thoughtfulness.‎ ‎ A. achievement B. agreement C. attention D. appreciation D.指充分理解后作出的赞美,或以热情赞同、衷心欣赏、真诚感激做出的某种反应,意为“赞赏、感激”;句子意思:我写信给他对他周到的考虑表示真诚的感激。‎ A.意为“成就”;B.意为“同意”;C.意为“注意”。‎ ‎13.Ben has not the least_______ of giving up his research.‎ ‎ A. intention B. attempt C. aim D. desire ‎ A.“意图,意志,志向”指某人心中想要干、促成的事情,常用have the intention of sth/to dosth,表示“有……的打算”;句子意思:本丝毫没有放弃研究的意图。‎ B.“企图,尝试”;C.aim“目的”常与介词at搭配;D.“渴望,欲望”。‎ ‎14.We decided not to climb that mountain because it was raining_________.‎ ‎ A. badly B. hardly C. strongly D. heavily ‎ D.此处指雨下得大;‎ A.“恶劣地”;B.“几乎不”;C.“强烈地”。‎ ‎15.One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high-rise is that you can get a good ________.‎ ‎ A. scenery B. scene C. view D. look ‎ C.意为“风景,景色”,通常指从某个特定(或许较高的)位置所见到的景物,如If you stand here you will have a better view of the lake.‎ A.指抽象的自然风景,常指“(美丽、开阔的)自然风景”。B.指戏剧、电影等的一场,场景,布景;D.指朝某物看一眼。‎ ‎16.________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.‎ ‎ A. As B. For C. With D. Though ‎ C.作介词表示“随着”;‎ A.作介词意为“作为”,作连词意为“当,随着”;B.作介词“因为”;D.“通过”。‎ ‎17.Parents try to _______ their children of their bad habits.‎ A.cure B. treat C. recover D. heal A.cure sb of sth表示“治愈”;‎ B.“治疗,对待”;C.“重新获得,恢复”;D.“治愈(尤指伤口愈合)‎ ‎18.My cousin worked all winter vocation, saving money to______ his hobby of collecting stamps.‎ A. search B. hunt C. seek D. pursue D.“追求,继续从事”;‎ A.“搜寻”;B.“猎寻”;C.“寻求”。‎ ‎19.Many moving stories of that time remain______ in people’s heart to this day.‎ A. deeply B. strongly C. strong D. deep D.“深深的”,这里做remain的表语;‎ A.“深深地”,强调程度,B.“强烈地”;C.“强壮的”。‎ ‎20.The finance minister has not been so _____ since he raised taxes to such a high level.‎ ‎ A. popular B. well-known C. favorable D. preferable A. popular.此处意为" (=liked and admired) 受爱戴的, 有名声或声望的"。‎ He_____ some German while he was away on a business trip in Berlin.‎ A. picked out B. picked up C. gave up D. gave out B.“获得,学会”;‎ A.“挑选”;C.“放弃”;D.“分发,用完”。‎ ‎21.The computer was one of the greatest______ in the 20th century.‎ A. inventions B. discoveries C. findings D. explorations A.“发明”;‎ B.“发现”;C.“发现,发现物”;D.“探险”。‎ ‎22. —Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?‎ ‎ ---Sorry, I’m too busy and haven’t even a minute to________.‎ A. spend B. spare C. share D. stop B.作动词,表示省出某物来让给或供给别人;‎ A.意为“花(钱或时间)”;C.表示与他人分享与负担;D.停止。‎ ‎23.At the______ of the century, Shanghai is developing at a rapid speed.‎ A. turn B. change C. age D. time A.at the turn of the century“在世纪之交时”;‎ B.“变化”;C.“世纪,年代”;D.“时间,时代”。‎ ‎24.The church has______ quite a few changes over the years.‎ A. watched B. witnessed C. viewed D. observed B.“目击,见证”;‎ A.“观看”;C.“考虑,看待”;D.“观察”。‎ ‎25.The tragedy of the innocent young Brazilian boy killed by the British police has put the British police in a difficult________.‎ A. occasion B. case C. situation D. background C.“状况,情形”;‎ A.“场合”;B.“案子,某一特别的情况”;D.“背景”。‎ ‎26. We all knew from the very _____ that the plan would fail.‎ ‎ A. outcome B. outset C. income D. output B. outset. 开端, 开始, from the very outset (从一开始) 。‎ outbreak爆发, 发生。outcome结局. income 收入。output 产量。‎ ‎27.Eye_______ is very important when delivering a speech in public.‎ A. touch B. sight C. sign D. contact D.eye contact表示“目光接触/交流”,为固定搭配;‎ A.“接触”;B.“视线”;C.“迹象”。‎ ‎28.Such people shouldn’t be_______ into the party.‎ A. permitted B. admitted C. allowed D. agreed B.“允许某人进入”,常用句型:admit sb to/into some plce;‎ permit/allow意为“允许”,用法为:permit/allow doing;agree “同意”。‎ ‎29.Carine is not in the ______ for going to the ball tonight.‎ A. condition B. temper C. mood D. motion C.be in the mood for sth有做……事的心情;‎ be in good condition可以表示身体健康;temper“脾气”;motion“运动,动作”。‎ ‎30.—Why haven’t you bought any butter?‎ ‎ ---I_____ to but I forgot about it.‎ A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected C.mean to do sth表示“打算做”;‎ A.“喜欢”;B.“愿意”;D.“期待”。‎ ‎31.Shopping-centres provide us with a large_____ of goods to choose from.‎ A. type B. range C. variety D. sort C.a varity of“多做多样的”;‎ A.“ 类型”;B.“范围”;D.“种类”。‎ ‎32.Coffee is said to have_____ effects.‎ A. promoting B. stimulating C. encouraging D. enhancing B.“刺激的,振奋的”;‎ A.“推销的”;C.“鼓励的”;D.“提升的,强化的”。‎ ‎33.The police officers here do not usually_____ guns.‎ A. bring B. carry C. take D. hold B.“携带”,在这里相当于wear;‎ A.“带来,拿来”;C.“拿走,带走”;D.(尤指用手)拿住,握住。‎ ‎34.If you want to get the driver’s_______ you should take some courses first in the traffic school.‎ A. license B. certificate C. passport D. permission A.“许可证,护照”;‎ B.“证书”;C.“护照”;D.“许可”。‎ ‎35.John was asked to_____ the man who stole his wallet.‎ A. recognize B. claim C. confirm D. identify D.“辨认”;‎ A.“认出”;B.“认领”;C.“确认/证实(一个事实),批准,认可”。‎ ‎36.When will the new driving laws come into________?‎ A. use B. effect C. service D. existence B.come into effect“开始生效”;‎ come into use“开始使用”;come into service“投入服务/使用”;come into existence“存在”。‎ ‎37.Model as a career_____ to many young girls because of the fascinating T-stage.‎ A. attracts B. appeals C. calls D. pulls B.appeal to“投合(某人)心意或兴趣”;‎ attract“吸引”,系及物动词,后不能接to。‎ ‎38.The environmentalists said wild tiger’s______ on the Thai mountain was a good indication of the better environment.‎ A. escape B. absence C. attendance D. appearance D.“出现”;‎ A.“逃脱”;B.“缺席”;C.“出席”。‎ ‎39.I hope they will finish the project in time, but they themselves are very_____ that it will.‎ A. certain B. confident C. doubtful D. suspicious C.doubtful about/of/that...“对……疑惑的,不肯定的”;‎ be confident“有信心的”;be certain of/about/ that“对……确定的”; be suspicious of/that“对有怀疑,有疑心的”。‎ ‎40.The result of the election has not been__________.‎ A. announced B. declared C. claimed D. maintained A.“宣布”,指首次宣布人们所关心的事情,有预告的意思;‎ B.“宣告”,指正式就某事公开地做明确直率的说明;C.“声称”或“认领”;D.“保持,维持,继续”。‎ ‎41.Honesty is the most important______ a man can have.‎ A. habit B. manners C. quality D. effect C.“品质,特性”;‎ A.“习惯”;B.“礼貌”;D.“效果”。‎ ‎42.Although the working mother is very busy, she still_____ a lot of time to her children.‎ A. devotes B. spends C. offers D. provides A.表示“将精力、能力用于某事,或专注于某一目标”,如She devoted all her life to the scientific research.‎ spend“花(时间)在……上” 时,宾语后接on或in。offer意为“给予,主动提出”,offer sth to sb表示“把某物给某人”。provide意为“提供,供给”,多指免费提供生活必需品和必要的条件设施。常用搭配为:provide sb with sth,provide sth for sb ‎43.After three months, these young students finally became used to the ______ of life in a big city abroad.‎ A. speed B. pace C. rate D. frequency B.“节奏”;‎ A.“速度”;C.“比率”;D.“频率”。‎ ‎44.When I opened the door, a parcel on the floor_____ my eye.‎ A. met B. caught C. drew D. attracted B.catch one's eyes为固定搭配,表示“吸引,引起注意,喜爱”。‎ ‎45.After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her_____ opinion.‎ A. personal B. private C. single D. individual A.“个人的”;‎ B.“私人的,不公开的”;C.“单一的,单一的,唯一的”;D.“个别的,各自的”。‎ ‎46.The new method he suggested sounded good in_______,but is not practical in use.‎ A. opinion B. policy C. theory D. principle C.“理论”‎ A.“意见”;B.“政策”;D.“原则”。‎ ‎47.When you are going upstairs, please_____ your head.‎ A. attend B. notice C. mind D. observe C.“留心,介意”;‎ A.“参加,出席”;B.“注意到”;D.“观察”。‎ ‎48.We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are out of________.‎ A. work B. reach C. stock D. practice out of stock“缺货”;out of work“失业”;out of reach“够不到”;out of practice“荒疏,久不练习”。‎ ‎49.In Shanghai, people______ thousand tons of watermelon every summer.‎ A. swallow B. eat C. consume D. exhaust C.“消耗,消费”;‎ A.“吞咽”;B.“吃”;D.“筋疲力尽”。‎ ‎50.Some of the traditional industries have lost their_____ with the rise of the new ones.‎ A. energy B. strength C. vigour D. power C.“活力”;‎ A.“能量”;B.“力气”;D.“权力,力量”。‎ ‎51.Lawyers often make higher _____ for their work than they should.‎ ‎ A. bills B. charges C. prices D. costs B. make charges for对......收 (费) ; 索 (价) 。charge也可以用作动词, 表示"收费, 索价", 如:1) We don't charge anything for that. (对此我们不收费。) 2) How much do you charge for a haircut? (理个发要收多少钱?)‎ ‎52.It takes a lot of______ to become a good swimmer.‎ A. train B. ecercise C. practice D. performance practice“练习”;train“火车”,作动词有“训练”之意;exercise“锻炼”;performance“表演,表现”。‎ ‎53.Alice laid her baby on the sofa_____ and wrapped it with a blanket.‎ A. silently B. tenderly C. friendly D. comfortably tenderly“深情地,温情地”;silently“静静地”;friendly“友好的”,系形容词;comfortably“舒服地”。‎ ‎54.Several cars are available within this price________.‎ A. area B. filed C. land D. range range“范围”;area“区域”;field“领域”;land“土地”。‎ ‎55.Every classroom in this modern school is_______ with a new computer.‎ A. equipped B. replaced C. fixed D. place equip“装备,配备”;replace“替代”;fix“固定,修”;place“安置,放置”。‎ ‎56.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise,______ our minds developed by learning.‎ A. probably B. likely C. similarly D. generally similary“相似地,同样地”;probaly“可能地”;likely“很可能地”;generally“一般地”。‎ ‎57.She bought the painting at a much higher______ than its real_______.‎ A. value, price B. price, value C. value, value D. price, price price“价格,代价”,指为获取某物所需付出的代价或作出的牺牲;value“价值,重要性”,主要指人或事物本身所具有的价格及重要性。‎ ‎58.He holds an important position in the company;_______, I don’t quite truse him.‎ A. thus B. furthermore C. otherwise D. nevertheless nevertheless“然而”;thus“因此,这样”;furthermore“此外,而且”;otherwise“否则”。‎ ‎59.There’re more Olympic______ winners per head of population in Australia than in other countries.‎ A. metal B. model C. medal D. modal ‎ medal“奖牌”;metal“金属”;model“模型,模特,模范”;modal“情态的”。‎ ‎60.Thanks to the modern electrical_____, housework nowadays has been made easier and easier.‎ A. facilities B. instruments C. appliances D. tools appliance“器具,用具”,这里表示“电器”;facilities“设备”;instrument“仪器”;tool“工具”。‎

