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‎2019版高考英语阅读理解一轮提升选练(12)‎ 李仕才 A ‎(2017·云南昆明高三质检)‎ The Masai are a people who are constantly trying to preserve their own ways in an increasingly modern world. They live along the border of Kenya and Tanzania, moving their homes from time to time to follow their cattle, the source of their living.‎ The Masai have become known as a people of fighters, protecting their cattle against lions and other enemies. Only men are fighters. They wear long hair, which is colored red with clay. They can have more than one wife. Women build and take care of the home, fixing food and making clothing. Women and children keep their heads shaved. Women can also become elders,__once they have given birth to four healthy children.‎ The Masai depend on their cattle for many parts of their life. They drink cows’ milk and blood as sacred drinks. They use the cows’ waste to cover and seal their homes. They don’t kill their cattle for food, but if a cow is killed, then the horns(角) are used for containers; the hides are used to make shoes, clothing, ropes and bed coverings; and the bones are made into decorations.‎ The more cattle a man owns, the richer he is considered to be. A man who owns 50 or fewer cattle is considered poor. A “rich” man has a thousand or more. The cattle, though owned by the man, are considered ‎ to belong to the man’s entire family. The family names the cattle and can recognize each animal’s unique voice.‎ Masai houses are made from sticks and grass, but they are meant to be temporary, since the move of their cattle means that the Masai move as well.‎ ‎1.What is Masai women’s daily work at home?‎ A.They protect the cattle from being hunted.‎ B.They give birth to babies and bring them up.‎ C.They look after as well as naming their cattle.‎ D.They mainly deal with various housework.‎ ‎2.When do the Masai move from one place to another?‎ 11‎ A.They move when they have over a thousand cattle.‎ B.They move once there are 4 children in the family.‎ C.They move when their cattle need new food sources.‎ D.They move after their houses are not strong enough.‎ ‎3.What does the underlined word “elders” in Paragraph 2 mean?‎ A.Aged citizens.‎ B.Respected people.‎ C.Brave fighters.‎ D.Wealthy hostesses.‎ ‎4.It can be inferred from the text that ________.‎ A.the Masai raise the cattle mainly for their meat B.lions are the primary enemies of the Masai C.the Masai are living a life in a modern way D.the total of the Masai’s cattle decides their status ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了马赛人的情况。‎ ‎1.D 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第五句可知,马赛族的妇女在家看护房子,准备饭菜并且做衣服;据此可知,马赛族的妇女日常主要负责家务活,故D项正确。‎ ‎2.C 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第二句中的“moving their homes from time to time to follow their cattle, the source of their living”并结合最后一段可知,马赛人跟着他们的牛而迁移,由此可以判断,当牛需要新的食物来源时,马赛人就会迁移。故C项正确。‎ ‎3.B 解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句可以判断,如果女子能生育四个健康的孩子,则她将成为人们尊敬的人。画线词意为“令人尊敬的人”,故B项正确。‎ ‎4.D 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的第一句可知,一个人拥有的牛越多,他就被认为越富有,据此可以判断,马赛人拥有的牛的数量决定了他们的社会地位,故D项正确。‎ B ‎(2015·辽宁五校联盟第一次联考)‎ As globalization continues to make the world a smaller place,and goods become 11‎ ‎ more accessible across borders,concerns about food safety in the AsiaPacific region have steadily risen over the years.An APEC forum is being held in Beijing,to find ways to better address the problem.‎ ‎156 participants from 19 APEC economies and 4 nonAPEC members attended the APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum,which has been actively looking for ways to strengthen food safety standard in the region,without affecting trade.‎ ‎“As consumers are faced with more varieties of food,the potential food safety risk also becomes bigger.This forum has helped APEC economies to cooperate in supervision (监督),exchange information,and improve the overall food safety standard in the AsiaPacific region,” said director of China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision Wu Qinghai.‎ For the first time the forum has brought together highlevel regulators,academics,and industry stakeholders to talk about their respective roles in safety supervision.They say governments alone cannot shoulder this heavy duty.‎ In China,the continuous food safety problems have greatly hurt consumers’confidence in domestic products;therefore more turned to imports.However,problems related to quality of those imported goods also began to show.In July this year,more than 400 batches (批) of food imported from 35 countries and regions were found substandard by the country’s top quality supervisor.‎ Governments and industries have been brought closer by this forum.As food moves more freely beyond borders,this forum is hoped to promote safety control cooperation,so APEC members can better benefit from the economic 11‎ ‎ integration(经济一体化).‎ ‎1.What kind of function can the forum play?‎ A.It has greatly influenced the economy in the area.‎ B.It has long been able to put every side’s efforts together.‎ C.It helps to bring government regulators and industries together.‎ D.It has found ways to deal with safety problems.‎ ‎2.The last but one paragraph tells us that ________.‎ A.the Chinese customers are more satisfied with their food safety B.food imported from other countries is indeed high in quality C.many Chinese customers would rather buy some foreign food D.there are only 35 countries and regions exporting food to ‎China ‎3.The underlined word “address” in the first paragraph can be replaced by “________”.‎ A.send a letter about B.deal with C.deliver a speech on D.call off ‎4.According to the article,which of the following statements is WRONG?‎ A.People can buy foreign food more easily than ever.‎ B.The more varieties of food,the bigger the potential food safety risk.‎ C.Food safety problems have appeared many times before this forum.‎ D.Governments have started their cooperation with academies and industries before 11‎ ‎ this forum.‎ ‎【解题导语】 通过APEC论坛,各国之间将更加密切地合作,食品安全问题将得到更有效的监管和处理,各成员国都会从中受益。‎ ‎1.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的“the forum has brought together highlevel regulators,academics,and industry stakeholders to talk about their respective roles in safety supervision”可知,应选C项。‎ ‎2.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第五段中的“the continuous food safety problems have greatly hurt consumers’confidence in domestic products;therefore more turned to imports.However,problems related to quality of those imported goods also began to show”可知,连续的国内食品安全问题伤害了消费者的信心,他们更加愿意买进口产品,但是进口食品的质量问题也开始显现,即C项正确,A、B项错误;文中第五段的最后一句表示来自35个国家和地区的超过400批次的进口食品不达标而非只有35个国家和地区向中国出口食品,故D项错误。‎ ‎3.解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据全文大意可知,各国通过APEC论坛加强合作,积极寻求更好的方法来解决食品安全问题。由此可推知,B项“处理,解决”与address含义相近。‎ ‎4.解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“and goods become more accessible across borders,concerns about food safety in the AsiaPacific region have steadily risen over the years”可知,A、C项表述正确;根据第三段中的“As consumers are faced with more varieties of food,the potential food safety risk also becomes bigger.”可知,B项表述正确,D项与第四段的第一句不符,故选D项。‎ C As the richest country in the world, you'd expect that Qatar would also be the happiest. And you'd also expect Japanese people to be extremely positive, seeing as though they have the highest life expectancy. But clearly wealth and good health do not guarantee happiness after both countries failed to make the top ten most positive countries.‎ The poll (民意测验) of nearly 150 000 people around the world found that seven of the world's 10 countries with the most upbeat attitudes are in Latin America. Gallup asked 11‎ ‎ about 1 000 people in each of 148 countries if they were wellrested, had been treated with respect, smiled or laughed a lot, learned or did something interesting and felt feelings of enjoyment the previous day.‎ In Panama and Paraguay, 85 percent of those polled said yes to all five, putting those countries at the top of the list. They were followed closely by El Salvador, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Guatemala, the Philippines, Ecuador and Costa Rica.‎ The people least likely to report positive emotions lived in Singapore, the wealthy and orderly citystate that ranks among the most developed in the world. Other wealthy countries also sat surprisingly low on the list. Germany and France tied with the poor African state of Somaliland for 47th place.‎ Many of the seven countries which were most positive do poorly in traditional measures of wellbeing, like Guatemala, a country torn by decades of civil war followed by waves of gangdriven criminality that give it one of the highest killing rates in the world. Guatemala sits just above Iraq on the United Nations' Human Development Index, a composite of life expectancy, education and per capita income. But it ranks seventh in positive emotions.‎ In Guatemala, it's a culture of friendly people who are always smiling, said Luz Castillo, a 30yearold surfing instructor. Despite all the problems that we're facing, we're surrounded by natural beauty that lets us get away from it all.‎ The poll shows that prosperous nations can also be deeply unhappy ones. And povertystricken ones are often positive, or at least a close approximation (大约) of it.‎ 文章大意:本文为一篇调查报道。通过对世界各国的民意测验发现,幸福指数与健康和财富无关。‎ ‎1.________ may feel the most unhappy according to the poll.‎ A.People from ‎Qatar B.People from ‎Thailand C.People from ‎Japan D.People from ‎Singapore 答案:D 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的“The people least likely to report positive emotions lived in Singapore”可知,通过民意测验生活在新加坡的人民的幸福指数最低。故答案选D。‎ ‎2.The underlined word “Gallup” in Paragraph 2 refers to ________.‎ A.a country B.a polling organization C.a person D.a magazine 11‎ 答案:B 推理判断题。根据第二段第一、二句可知,这项民意测验调查了世界各地的15万人,发现幸福指数最高的10个国家中有7个国家位于拉丁美洲,这个民意调查组织调查了148个国家,每个国家测验了大约1千人。因此Gallup应为进行这项民意测验调查的组织机构。故答案选B。‎ ‎3.Which of the following is not included in the United Nations' Human Development Index?‎ A.Life expectancy. B.Education.‎ C.Natural beauty. D.Per capita income.‎ 答案:C 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段倒数第二句“... on the United Nations' Human Development Index, a composite of life expectancy, education and per capita income.”可知,这项指数当中不包含C项内容。故答案选C。‎ ‎4.What's the best title of the text?‎ A.Happiness does not depend on wealth B.How to live happily?‎ C.Health leads to happiness D.What are the standards to be happy men?‎ 答案:A 标题概括题。通读全文尤其是最后一段内容可知,本文主要对一项民意测验调查进行了报道说明。测验结果表明,幸福与健康和财富无关。因此,A项适宜作为标题使用。故答案选A。‎ D ‎(2015·沈阳质量检测一)‎ When Shakespeare was twentyone,he went to London,a very interesting place,to try his fortune.‎ There was the famous London Bridge and St.Paul’s Cathedral,and palaces and markets and long streets full of shops.‎ Then,too,there were the daily crowds where could be seen people from all over the world.Knights,scholars and highwaymen (拦路强盗) or thieves who had been infamous for their clever robberies,passed by each other.‎ Here,also,were noblemen dressed in gold,from Italy,Spain and France;slaves 11‎ ‎ from Spanish America,sea captains and ministers,soldiers and servants—all held by chances or interests within the gray walls which circled London,and whose gates gave welcome to as strange a crowd as could be found in the world.‎ Into this curious crowd came Shakespeare,quick to see and eager to learn.And before long all these strange sights were as familiar to him as the faces of his own town’s residents.Each one told its story to him so plainly that,as before he had learned the secrets of the fields and woods,so now he learned men and men’s interests that make up the great world.‎ And he learned these lessons so well that when he came to write his plays,he made such use of them as no writer ever made before or since;for it is the use of this knowledge of the world,combined with his own genius,that makes Shakespeare the greatest dramatist that has ever lived.‎ ‎1.What was London like in Shakespeare’s eyes when he first went there?‎ A.Dirty and small. ‎ B.Strange and interesting.‎ C.Infamous and terrible.‎ D.Familiar and modern.‎ ‎2.Which of the following best describes Shakespeare?‎ A.Shakespeare got inspiration to write from his hometown, London.‎ B.Shakespeare was eager to make friends with the noblemen in London.‎ C.Shakespeare was good at observing and learning from the daily life.‎ D.Shakespeare became the greatest dramatist owing to his own genius.‎ 11‎ ‎3.What does the underlined word “one” in Paragraph 5 refer to?‎ A.Crowd.        B.Sight.‎ C.Face. D.Resident.‎ ‎4.The passage probably comes from________.‎ A.a poster B.a textbook C.an advertisement D.an announcement ‎【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了莎士比亚到伦敦后的经历,他很快适应了那里的生活,并把自己所观察到的事情融入自己的创作中。‎ ‎1.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“a very interesting place”和第五段中的“all these strange sights”可知,在Shakespeare的眼中,伦敦是一个有趣而陌生的城市,即B项正确。‎ ‎2.解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第五段可知,Shakespeare来到伦敦不久之后,通过观察和学习了解了伦敦,并适应了那里的生活,由此可推断出,Shakespeare擅长观察日常生活并从中学习,故C项正确。‎ ‎3.解析:选B。词义猜测题。画线词后的“as before he had learned the secrets of the fields and woods”的意思为“正如他以前所学到的田野和树林的秘密那样”,根据这句话可知,one指的是像田野和树林一样的景象,故B项正确。‎ ‎4.解析:选B。推理判断题。本文主要讲述了莎士比亚到伦敦的经历,所以这篇文章最有可能出现在一本教材中,故B项正确。‎ E A guide to Beijing museums during Spring Festival The ‎Capital‎ ‎Museum The Beijing‎ Capital ‎Museum is presenting a special monkey-themed exhibition that decodes the cultural roots of the monkey in traditional Chinese culture. The exhibit shows more than 40 antique collections, including paintings, calligraphy, stamps, and 11‎ ‎ 12 classic Monkey King pictures based on the great Chinese novel, Journey to the West. The museum also prepared a series of cultural activities for children, such as making paper-cuts for window decoration and painting monkeys.‎ ‎ The National Museum of ‎China ‎ Pasting Spring Festival couplets too doors is a traditional custom in Chinese culture. An exhibition Calligraphy Art of Couplets for the Year of the Money is ongoing, with more than 30 calligraphers’ couplet pieces on display. A major exhibition, Treasures of Romania, showcasing Romania’s history from the pre-historical period to the end of the 18th century, is still underway.‎ National‎ Art Museum of ‎China The 2016 New Year show, National Art Exhibition of the Great Unity of China is a visual feast that will last until March 7. The works reflect the reality that people of all nationalities in China unite as one and jointly construct a moderately prosperous society. The works also highlight their positive mental attitude and present their picturesque and colorful national customs.‎ Zhoukoudian Relies Museum A Spring Festival folk custom culture exhibition will introduce traditional Spring Festival customs in detail. Visitors can enjoy nearly 100 precious exhibits from the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)and Minguo Era(1912-1949), including New Year paintings and musical instruments. Children can also take part in the treasure hunt games organized by the museum, watch 4D movies and experience the primitive way of hunting fishing and chipping stone tools in the science experience pavilion.‎ ‎1. In which column of the newspaper may this article appear?‎ A. Travel B. Business ‎ C. Lifestyle D. Culture ‎2. Which of the following statement is True according to the article?‎ A. The 40 antique collections in the Capital‎ ‎Museum are based on Journey to the West.‎ B. All four museums provide exhibits of traditional Spring Festival customs C. Children can be involved in some activities about the primitive life in ‎Zhoukoudian‎ Relics ‎Museum 11‎ D. Visitors can appreciate exhibits of Minguo Era in National Art Museum of China ‎3. Which one is the best choice among the four museums for visitors who’d like to enjoy history of both China and foreign countries?‎ A. The National Museum of China ‎ B. ‎Zhoukoudian‎ Relics ‎Museum C. The Capital‎ ‎Museum ‎ D. National Art Museum of ‎China ‎【文章大意】春节期间北京博物馆指南。本文共介绍了北京的四个博物馆,介绍了传统的文化,中外历史等内容。‎ ‎1.D 【解析】推理判断题。根据本文题目A guide to Beijing museums during Spring Festival春节期间北京博物馆指南。本文共介绍了北京的四个博物馆,介绍了传统的文化,中外历史等,可知文章应该出现在报纸的文化专栏,故选D。‎ ‎3.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据The National Museum of China中的Pasting Spring Festival couplets too doors is a traditional custom in Chinese culture. An exhibition Calligraphy Art of Couplets for the Year of the Money is ongoing, with more than 30 calligraphers’ couplet pieces on display. A major exhibition, Treasures of Romania, showcasing Romania’s history from the pre-historical period to the end of the 18th century, is still underway.可知,欣赏中外历史的最佳博物馆应该是The National Museum of China,故选A。‎ 11‎

