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2020 年高考英语模拟卷及答案解析(八) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Summer Student Jobs with the Ontario Public Service Learn. Grow. Contribute. Applications are no longer being accepted for this year’s Summer Employment Opportunities program. For details on when to apply to the Summer Employment Opportunities program next year, please check back with us in December/January All Student job ads will be posted on February 8, 2019. Student jobs will have varying application deadlines. Review the 2019 applications deadlines and apply for the student jobs which you are interested in. Watch our video to learn more about Summer Employment Opportunities. For details on how to apply, review our Student Application Guide. TYPES OF SUMMER STUDENT JOBS Every year the Ontario Public Service, related agencies and community groups, provide up to 5, 000 students with jobs across the province. These jobs help Ontario students with limited work experience develop transferable skills, support their career goals and learn more about the Ontario Public Service! Summer Employment Opportunities are full-time, temporary positions ranging from 7-18 weeks between May and September. We offer over 70 student jobs in the following career fields. •Administration •Agriculture and Livestock •Business •Customer Service •Engineering •Environment •Information Management •Language •Maintenance •Ontario Place •Ontario Parks •Policy •Science •Social Services •Technology For more information, explore the Types of Student Jobs. 1. What can help a student get a summer job in Ontario? A. Limited work experience. B. Excellent communication skills. C. Limited study experience. D. Excellent transferable skills. 2. What is the job range required by the Summer Employment Opportunities program? A. 1 -6 weeks between May and September. B. 7-18 weeks between May and September. C. 7 - 18 weeks between August and December. D. 1-18 weeks between August and December. 3. How can you get more information to get a job according to the last part of the passage? A. Go to watch their video. B. Go to the 2019 applications C. Go to Student Application Guide. D. Go to Types of Summer Student Jobs. 【答案】 ABD 【文章大意】 这是一篇应用文。主要为一则安大省公共服务部为学生提供暑假工作的招聘 启示。 【1 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 TYPES OF SUMMER STUDENT JOBS 部分中 These jobs help Ontario students with limited work experience develop transferable skills, support their career goals and learn more about the Ontario Public Service!(这些工作帮助那些工作经验有限的安大省学 生发展可转移的技能,支持他们的职业目标,了解更多关于安大省公共服务!) 可知工作经验有限能够帮助学生在安大省找一份暑期工作。故选 A。 【2 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 TYPES OF SUMMER STUDENT JOBS 部分中 Summer Employment Opportunities are full-time, temporary positions ranging from 7-18 weeks between May and September.(夏季的工作机会是全 职的,临时的职位,从 5 月到 9 月的 7-18 周不等。)可知根据夏季就业机会 项目的要求,工作时间范围为 5 月至 9 月之间 7-18 周。故选 B。 【3 题详解】 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句 For more information, explore the Types of Student Jobs.(要了解更多信息,请探索 Types of Student Jobs。)可 知你可以在 Types of Summer Student Jobs 了解更多信息。故选 D。 B Whenever I heard strangers singing out loud, whether it was in the supermarket or on the street, I used to think how annoying it was. That was until a few months ago. Recently, my daughter Zoe started her second year of middle school with a new sense of awareness, asking me to fix the "little girl" pattern on her wheelchair seat. Not wanting her to stand out at school, I spent hours filling in pale yellow stars with a black marker, eager to erase whatever childish signs I could. Shortly after, Zoe got really sick and had to miss 20 days of school. This meant our days were filled with rushing between hospital appointments and meetings with the school, as we tried to make sure she didn't fall behind on her schoolwork. I felt pulled back to a time when she was little and her sickness was a huge part of her life. Back then, it seemed like Zoe lived in hospitals, as she spent so much time in them. No matter how sick she got, however, she always had a positive attitude. But this was different: Zoe was no longer singing like she normally did. Zoe usually sings all the time, whether she's playing, riding in the car, or just doing her homework. There was no need for a radio in our house; Zoe provided the music for us. Consumed (被折磨)with my motherly worries, it was more concerning to me than her sickness. One day, however, I heard her beautiful voice as I was cooking dinner. I stopped what I was doing and just smiled. “Pure delight. ’’ I thought to myself. Her voice slowly grew stronger, and soon, both the car and the house were filled with her music once more. How had I not noticed her singing had completely stopped, weeks and weeks ago? Now, thankfully, she's back in school, smiling and singing, and I'm thankful for each and every song she sings. These days, whenever I hear a stranger singing a song to themselves, I don’t get mad. Instead, I smile, as I know that by singing out loud, they're simply sharing their happiness with the world. 4. When did the author feel bothered? A. When hearing strangers singing. B. When her daughter started middle school. C. When fixing stars on the seat. D. When her daughter became sensitive. 5. Which of the following best describes Zoe? A. Considerate and helpful. B. Competitive and hardworking. C. Optimistic and strong-willed. D. Self-aware and modest. 6. What does "it" in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. Zoe's love for music. B. Zoe’s falling behind at school. C. Zoe's silence during her sickness. D. Zoe's slow recovery from her sickness. 7. What does singing mean to people, according to the author? A. A way to get rid of stress. B. A way to express love to others. C. A way to communicate with others. D. A way to share joy. 【答案】 ACCD 【文章大意】 这是一篇记叙文。文章记叙了作者的女儿尽管病重但是仍然保持积极的态 度,喜欢唱歌,但是某一次在病重女儿不再唱歌让作者担心。直到作者再一 次听到女儿的歌声并为她唱的每一首歌而感激。 【4 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段中 Whenever I heard strangers singing out loud, whether it was in the supermarket or on the street, I used to think how annoying it was.(每当我听到陌生人大声唱歌时,不管是在超市还是 在街上,我总是觉得这是多么烦人。)可知当听到陌生人唱歌时,作者感到 烦恼。故选 A。 【5 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段中 No matter how sick she got, however, she always had a positive attitude.(然而,不管她病得有多严重,她总是保 持着积极的态度。)可知 Zoe 虽然病得很严重,但是她总是保持积极的态度, 可知 Zoe 是乐观且意志坚强的。故选 C。 【6 题详解】 词义猜测题。结合上文 Zoe was no longer singing like she normally did. Zoe usually sings all the time, whether she's playing, riding in the car, or just doing her homework. There was no need for a radio in our house; Zoe provided the music for us. Zoe 不再像往常那样唱歌了。Zoe 经常唱歌,无论她是在玩,在车里,还是只是在做作业。我们家里不需要收 音机; Zoe 为我们提供了音乐。可知 Zoe 在生病期间不再像往常一样唱歌, 这让作者感到担忧。故“it”指的是 Zoe 在生病期间的沉默。故选 C。 【7 题详解】 细节理解题。根据最后一段中 Instead, I smile, as I know that by singing out loud, they're simply sharing their happiness with the world.(相反, 我微笑着,因为我知道,通过大声唱歌,他们只是在与世界分享他们的快乐。) 可知作者认为唱歌是一种与人分享快乐的方式。故选 D。 【点睛】词义猜测题是高考阅读理解中常考题型之一,可以大致分为 ① 定义猜词,可以根据定义信息和举例猜测词义。如文中常用 refer to, be called 或 that’s to say,such as 等。 ② 逻辑猜词可以根据同义词、反义词、因果关系词等猜测词义,例如, similarly,the same as,but,however,while,on the other hand,since ,because 等,所猜词与这些提示词前/后面部分的含义一样、 相反或是前因后果。 ③ 语法猜词,可以根据构词法,再结合上下文进行猜词。 ④ 语境猜词,猜测词义离不开上下文的语境,通过上下文提供的情景和线 索进行合理的分析,同时还要关注其所在的整段及整篇文章。 ⑤ 指代猜词即找出人称代词、指示代词、关系代词或关系副词等所指代的 内容,做题时要注意指代词的位置,以便于判断,然后用所找的指代内容替 换划线代词,核实其逻辑、意义、位置等是否一致,最后比较所找部分与选 项,确定意思最接近的选项。 如第三小题,结合上文 Zoe was no longer singing like she normally did. Zoe usually sings all the time, whether she's playing, riding in the car, or just doing her homework. There was no need for a radio in our house; Zoe provided the music for us. Zoe 不再像往常那样唱歌了。Zoe 经常唱歌,无论她是在玩,在车里,还是只是在做作业。我们家里不需要收 音机; Zoe 为我们提供了音乐。可知 Zoe 在生病期间不再像往常一样唱歌, 这让作者感到担忧。故“it”指的是 Zoe 在生病期间的沉默。故选 C。 C The killdeer, a small bird known for its high-pitched ( 声调高的) call, could lead to the cancellation of one of Canada's biggest music festivals. The first hint of trouble for Ottawa's Bluesfest, an outdoor festival that draws around 300, 300 people each year, came last week after workers at the site found one of the birds. It had laid four eggs nearby, effectively claiming the main stage area as its nesting ground. “This is one of the most challenging problems we're been presented with, but we feel we can work through this, said Mark Monahan, executive director of the festival. "Anything that changes the schedule has a major effect, so we're taking it very seriously. " The discovery meant that government officials rushed to protect the nest and the eggs hiring a security guard to watch over them 24 hours a clay. Environmentalists were also brought in. "We don't know when the eggs might hatch, “said Monahan. What is known is that the young killdeer will likely leave the nest soon after they are hatched, leading many to hope that the eggs hatch in the next day or so. The festival is now asking permission from Environment Canada to relocate the nest some 50 meters away or take it to a wildlife center. Moving the nest would also ensure the bird and its young would be protected during the festival’s 11 - day run, said Monahan. It’s highly likely that the festival thousands of attendees would cause huge problems for the bird and its eggs. Monahan was confident that the festival would go on as planned, however. ‘‘ Most of the people we’re working with …are looking for a positive solution," Monahan said. “There is no one saying that the festival can't go on. " As news of the dilemma spread, it left residents divided. Some supported the bird, saying that moving the nest might result in the eggs being abandoned. Others expressed annoyance that protecting the eggs of the small bird, which is widespread across North America, was risking an annual festival that contributes millions of dollars to the local economy. The killdeer's tendency to build its nest in open fields or flat areas has caused issues in other areas of the US: earlier this year, construction on a health center in Wisconsin was temporarily stopped after a killdeer and its four eggs were discovered. 8. What can we learn about Bluesfest? A. It is the first music festival in Canada. B. It is a music festival held every two years. C. It is a challenging outdoor activity in Ottawa. D. It is an important event for music lovers 9. What was especially challenging for Bluesfest this year? A. Pressure from the government. B. Disagreements with the public. C. The need to protect the bird's eggs. D. The lack of experience in hosting the event. 10. How does the festival intend to deal with the problem? A. Ask government officials for help. B. Move the nest to another place. C Seek advice from environmentalists. D. Hire security guards to protect the eggs. 11. From the passage we can infer Mark Monahan was in a(n) situation. A. encouraging B. difficult C. extreme D. dangerous 【答案】 DCBB 【文章大意】 这是一篇说明文。对于音乐爱好者来说非常重大的加拿大最大的音乐 Bluesfest,在上周工作人员在现场发现了一只小水鸟,它在附近下了四个蛋, 把主要舞台区域作为它的筑巢地。以及就主办方准备将鸟巢搬到另一个地方 引发了人们讨论。 【8 题详解】 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 The killdeer, a small bird known for its high-pitched call, could lead to the cancellation of one of Canada's biggest music festivals.(一种以高音鸣叫而闻名的小鸟——小 水鸟,可能会导致加拿大最大的音乐节之一被取消。)以及第二段第一句 The first hint of trouble for Ottawa's Bluesfest, an outdoor festival that draws around 300300 people each year, came last week after workers at the site found one of the birds.(渥太华的 Bluesfest 是一个每 年吸引约 300300 人参加的户外节日,上周,工作人员在现场发现了一只小 水鸟,这是它遇到的第一个麻烦。)可知 Bluesfest 对于音乐爱好者来说是一 个重要的事件。故选 D。 【9 题详解】 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 It had laid four eggs nearby, effectively claiming the main stage area as its nesting ground. “This is one of the most challenging problems we're been presented with, but we feel we can work through this, said Mark Monahan, executive director of the festival.( “这是我们面临的最具挑战性的问题之一,但我 们觉得我们可以解决这个问题,”电影节执行总监 Mark Monahan 说。) 可知今年 Bluesfest 特别具有挑战性的是需要保护鸟蛋。故选 C。 【10 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句 The festival is now asking permission from Environment Canada to relocate the nest some 50 meters away or take it to a wildlife center.(现在,该节日正在寻求加拿大环境 部的许可,将鸟巢迁移到 50 米外,或者带到野生动物中心。)可知为了解决 这个问题,这个节日打算把鸟巢搬到另一个地方。故选 B。 【11 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第四段中 Moving the nest would also ensure the bird and its young would be protected during the festival’s 11-day run, said Monahan. It’s highly likely that the festival thousands of attendees would cause huge problems for the bird and its eggs.(莫 纳罕说,在为期 11 天的节日活动中,移动鸟巢也能确保鸟儿及其幼鸟得到 保护。极有可能的是,成千上万的参与者会给这只鸟和它的蛋带来巨大的问 题。)从文章中我们可以推断马克·莫纳汉当时的处境很困难。故选 B。 D It's easy to think of your grandparents, retirement years as being all about them. After all, they 've likely spent the last several decades devoting their time and energy to others — their boss, coworkers, clients, or kids. Now, they think, it’s time to finally focus on themselves, and that’s true to an extent. But their post-work life still needs structure and purpose. Without these two key pillars ( 支柱 )life can get boring and lonely very quickly. One very good way to fill the blank is to give time and energy to others through volunteering. Sure, they won't walk away with a pay check, but the simple act of volunteering their time to a cause comes with numerous other very important benefits. For retirees Ross and Carol Chenot, volunteering has made their golden years incredibly fulfilling. Ross volunteers with Glean SLO, an organization affiliated ( 隶属于)with the local food bank. " Because we live in a rich agricultural area, Glean SLO (San Luis Obispo is where the SLO comes from) volunteers go into the fields or orchards after the harvester's have gone through and they pick the leftover produce and donate to the food bank," Carol explains. "Literally tons and tons of food get donated that way. " Carol put together a series of neighborhood “learning sessions”- called Neighborly U — through which people can learn a new skill or hobby. The sessions range in topic, and include computers, crafts, cooking, volunteerism, travel, recreation, entertainment, and self- improvement. So far, Carol says she's conducted 75 classes and has had more than 650 people register. " It reinforces a value of generosity that we want to pass down to others,'' she says. 12. What does your post-work life need according to Paragraph 1? A. Yourself and your kids. B. Structure and purpose. C. Time and energy. D. Your boss and coworkers 13. How do the retired fill their free time? A. To volunteer. B. To attend kids. C. To have a walk. D. To work hard. 14. Why does the passage mention Ross and Carol? A. Because they are both generous. B. Because their efforts have paid off. C. Because they have spare time and energy to develop new skills. D. Because volunteering has made their retirement years satisfying. 15. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. The joy of volunteering in retirement years. B. Life can get boring and lonely very quickly. C. Where to spend the golden retired years. D. A value of generosity passed down to others. 【答案】 BADA 【文章大意】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了退休人员利用空闲时间做志愿者并给他们 带来乐趣,其列举了 Ross 和 Carol Chenot 的例子,来说明做志愿者让他 们的退休生活变得很充实。 【12 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段中 But their post-work life still needs structure and purpose.(但他们退休后的生活仍然需要结构和目标。)可知退休后的 生活需要结构和目标。故选 B。 【13 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句 One very good way to fill the blank is to give time and energy to others through volunteering.(填补空白的一 个很好的方法是通过给别人做志愿活动释放时间和精力。)可知退休人员利 用空闲时间做志愿者。故选 A。 【14 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句 For retirees Ross and Carol Chenot, volunteering has made their golden years incredibly fulfilling.(对于退 休的 Ross 和 Carol Chenot 来说,志愿服务让他们的黄金岁月变得无比充 实。)以及下文具体说明了志愿者活动如何让他们的退休生活变得充实的。 可知这篇文章提到了 Ross 和 Carol Chenot,因为做志愿者让他们的退休 生活变得很满足。故选 D。 【15 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据文章第二段 One very good way to fill the blank is to give time and energy to others through volunteering. Sure, they won't walk away with a pay check, but the simple act of volunteering their time to a cause comes with numerous other very important benefits.(填补空白的一个很好的方法是通过志愿活动给别人时 间和精力。当然,他们不会拿着工资走人,但自愿为一项事业奉献时间的简 单行为,会带来许多其他非常重要的好处。)以及文章主要内容为说明人们 退休后做志愿者的乐趣。故 A 选项符合文章大意。故选 A。 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 两项为多余选项。 Most people are familiar with big international sports events like the Olympics and the World Cup. But have you ever heard of the Commonwealth Games? The Commonwealth of Nations is an international organization made up of 53 member states, including Canada, India and Australia.___16___ Today, they still hold the Commonwealth Games in the hope of keeping their friendship alive. The Commonwealth Games take place every four years. Like other international sports events, popular sports such as volleyball and hockey are played there. ___17___ Lawn bowls, a popular game in Commonwealth countries, is similar to culling( 冰 壶 ). However, it’s played on a grass field instead of on ice. Netball is another game that is seldom seen outside of Commonwealth nations. __18___ It is mainly a women's sport. Australia held the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Queensland between April 4 and 15, 2018.___19___It built new stadiums, a light railway and new Wi Fi networks. ___20___It has hosted the games five times. It is also one of just six countries that have attended each of the games since they were first held in 1930. A. Queensland did a lot to prepare for the games. B. Nineteen cities in nine countries have hosted the event. C. Most of these member states used to be British territories(领地). D. Australia has always been enthusiastic about Commonwealth Games. E. It's similar to basketball, but each team has seven players instead of five. F. But there are also other sports that are a bit less known in other countries. G. Over 5 , 000 athletes compete at the Commonwealth Games in more than 250 events. 【答案】 C F E A D 【文章大意】 这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了英联邦运动会每四年举行一次。除了一些普通 的运动项目外,也有其他一些在其他国家不太出名的运动,如草地滚球、无 挡板篮球等。 【16 题详解】 根 据 上 文 The Commonwealth of Nations is an international organization made up of 53 member states, including Canada, India and Australia.(英联邦是一个由 53 个成员国组成的国际组织,包括 加拿大、印度和澳大利亚。)中 member states 可对应到 C 选项 Most of these member states used to be British territories.(这些成员国大多曾是 英国的领土。)符合语境。故选 C。 【17 题详解】 根据下文 Lawn bowls, a popular game in Commonwealth countries, is similar to culling. However, it’s played on a grass field instead of on ice. Netball is another game that is seldom seen outside of Commonwealth nations.(草地保龄球是英联邦国家流行的一种游戏,类 似于扑杀。不过,它是在草地上玩的,而不是在冰上。网球是另一种很少在 英联邦国家以外的地方见到的运动。)可知是在列举其他一些在其他国家不 太出名的运动。故选 F。 【18 题详解】 结 合 上 文 Netball is another game that is seldom seen outside of Commonwealth nations.(女子无挡板篮球是另一种很少在英联邦国家以 外的地方见到的运动。)可推知下文应为继续介绍这种运动: 类似于篮球,但 是每支球队有 7 名球员,而不是 5 名。且与下文 It is mainly a women's sport. (它主要是一项女子运动。)相对应。故选 E。 【19 题详解】 根据下文 It built new stadiums, a light railway and new Wi Fi networks. (它修建了新的体育场、轻轨和新的无线网络。)可知昆士兰为奥运会做了 很多准备工作。故选 A。 【20 题详解】 根据下文 It has hosted the games five times. It is also one of just six countries that have attended each of the games since they were first held in 1930.(它已经举办了五届奥运会。自 1930 年首次举办奥运会 以来,只有 6 个国家参加了每届奥运会,巴西是其中之一。)可知澳大利亚 一直对英联邦运动会很感兴趣。故选 D。 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项。 This is so easy, inexpensive, and has always brought either of two ___21___: a look of shock or a big smile. I am a cane(手杖) walking senior lady with mobility ___22___, especially in cold weather but I have a sharp ___23___ for useful bargains and since I still ___24___, I can do this without having to get in and out of the car to help people. Here is how it “works”. When I see gloves, warm hats and scarves on sale (new or in good condition from a second-hand store), I buy them very ___25___. If laundering(洗涤)is ___26___, I do it to ___27___ tiny stains, so everything looks good. I have a large basket that I keep in the passenger side of my car and I “file” these things in it, where I can ___28___ reach over and get whatever I determine is most ___29___ for someone who is without and out in the cold. I am always ___30___ of things and people around me in parking lots and along the walkways of my small hometown. But when I see someone obviously ___31___ and without what will help them, I ___32___ beside them, roll down my ___33___, and ask if they will ___34___ and wear all three things or whatever is neededand then as they stare at me in ___35___, I always add: “I have things right here in my ___36___ to share. Please me by ___37___ them to stay warm when you are outside.” Not yet have I ___38___ hostility (敌意)or felt in any danger, but since so many of the items are “cheerful” color1s, I often see the persons I gave them to walking down the street. It ____39____ my heart to know that my items are being used and ___40___. 21. A. routines B. reactions C. figures D. suggestions 22. A. performances B. amusement C. addiction D. problems 23. A. voice B. tooth C. eye D. ear 24. A. drive B. stand C. wait D. run 25. A. cheaply B. casually C. unwillingly D. briefly 26. A. deserted B. allowed C. needed D. discovered 27. A. strengthen B. increase C. paint D. remove 28. A. easily B. hardly C. never D. often 29. A. specific B. useful C. popular D. usual 30. A. positive B. short C. careful D. fond 31. A. busy B. cold C. interesting D. happy 32. A. put down B. settle down C. queue up D. pull up 33 A. window B. light C. wheel D. floor 34. A. improve B. buy C. borrow D. accept 35. A. sadness B. dishonesty C. disbelief D. anger 36. A. mind B. bag C. basket D. reach 37. A. wearing B. winning C. ignoring D. folding 38. A. accounted for B. met with C. escaped from D. kept up with 39. A. splits B. sacrifices C. forces D. warms 40. A. examined B. appreciated C. blamed D. predicted 【答案】 21. B 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. A 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. B 【文章大意】 这是一篇记叙文。作者是一个行动不便靠拐杖行走的老人。但这并没有影响 作者去帮助别人。作者对有用的便宜货有着敏锐的眼光,会用很低的价格把 它们买回来。作者开车时会留意道路上行走的人,如果有人需要帮助,作者 会问他们是否需要帮助,并把自己准备好的物品提供给他们,作者使路人很 暖心,作者也感到很温暖,很高兴。 【21 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这很简单,也不贵,而且总是会带来两种反应: 震惊的表情或灿烂的笑容。A. routines 路线;B. reactions 反应;C. figures 数字;D. suggestions 建议。由“ a look of shock or a big smile”可知, 这是两种反应。故选 B 项。 【22 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我是一个靠拐杖走路的老人,我行动不便,尤其 是在寒冷的天气里,但我对有用的便宜货有着敏锐的眼光,因为我在开车, 所 以 我 不 用 上 下 车 去 就 可 以 帮 助 别 人 。 A. performances 表 演 ; B. amusement 娱乐;C. addiction 上瘾;D. problems 问题。由“a cane(手 杖) walking senior lady ”可知,作者行动不便。故选 D 项。 【23 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我是一个靠拐杖走路的老人,我行动不便,尤其 是在寒冷的天气里,但我对有用的便宜货有着敏锐的眼光,因为我在开车, 所以我不用上下车去就可以帮助别人。A. voice 嗓音;B. tooth 牙齿;C. eye 眼睛;D. ear 耳朵。由下文“When I see ”可知,作者对有用的便宜货有 着敏锐的眼光。have an eye for“对有鉴赏力”为固定短语。故选 C 项。 【24 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我是一个靠拐杖走路的老人,我行动不便,尤其 是在寒冷的天气里,但我对有用的便宜货有着敏锐的眼光,因为我在开车, 所以我不用上下车去就可以帮助别人。A. drive 开车;B. stand 站;C. wait 等待;D. run 跑。由“without having to get in and out of the car”可 知,作者行动不便,所以作者要开车,但是不用上下车就可以帮助别人。故 选 A 项。 【25 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我会非常便宜地把它们买回来。A. cheaply 便 宜地;B. casually 随意地;C. unwillingly 不愿意地;D. briefly 简洁地。由 “new or in good condition from a second-hand store”可知,这些东 西或者是新的或者是在二手商店买的质量较好的东西。所以作者会以低廉的 价格把它们买回来。故选 A 项。 【26 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果衣服需要洗的话,我会洗掉细小的污渍,这 样它们看起来像新的一样。A. deserted 遗弃;B. allowed 允许;C. needed 需要;D. discovered 发现。由“tiny stains”可知,有些衣物需要洗,因 为有污渍。故选 C 项。 【27 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果衣服需要洗的话,我会洗掉细小的污渍,这 样它们看起来像新的一样。A. strengthen 加强;B. increase 增加;C. paint 画;D. remove 清除。作者洗衣物的目的就是为了出去污渍。故选 D 项。 【28 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我把一个大篮子放在车的副驾驶座上,我把这些 东西“归档”在里面,这样我就可以很容易地伸手去拿我认为对那些身处户 外的人最有用的东西。A. easily 容易地;B. hardly 几乎不;C. never 决不; D. often 经常。由“ I have a large basket that I keep in the passenger side of my car and I “file” these things in it,”可知,作者把一个大篮 子放在车的副驾驶座上,作者把这些东西“归档”在里面,这样作者就可以 很容易地伸手去拿东西。故选 A 项。 【29 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我把一个大篮子放在车的副驾驶座上,我把这 些东西“归档”在里面,这样我就可以很容易地伸手去拿我认为对那些身处 户外的人最有用的东西。A. specific 具体的;B. useful 有用的;C. popular 流行的;D. usual 平常的。由“someone who is without and out in the cold.”可知,作者所准备的东西对那些身处户外的人最有用处。故选 B 项。 【30 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在停车场和我家乡的人行道上,我总是留意着 周围的人和物。A. positive 积极的;B. short 短的;C. careful 小心的;D. fond 喜欢的。作者很留意周围的人和物以便向别人提供帮助。故选 C 项。 【31 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是,当我看到一个人明显很冷,没有什么可 以帮助他们的时候,我就把车停在他们旁边,摇下车窗,问他们是否愿意接 受这三样东西,穿上所需要的东西……当他们难以置信地盯着我看时,我总 是补充说:“我的篮子里有可以分享的东西”。A. busy 繁忙的;B. cold 寒冷 的;C. interesting 有趣的;D. happy 快乐的。由下文“wear all three things”可知,作者问他们是否愿意穿上作者所提供的衣服。所以这个人显 然很冷。故选 B 项。 【32 题详解】 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:但是,当我看到一个人明显很冷,没有什么 可以帮助他们的时候,我就把车停在他们旁边,摇下车窗,问他们是否愿意 接受这三样东西,穿上所需要的东西……当他们难以置信地盯着我看时,我 总是补充说:“我的篮子里有可以分享的东西”。A. put down 放下;B. settle down 平静下来;C. queue up 排队;D. pull up 停车。作者停下车,才能 帮助其他人。故选 D 项。 【33 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,当我看到一个人明显很冷,没有什么可以 帮助他们的时候,我就把车停在他们旁边,摇下车窗,问他们是否愿意接受 这三样东西,穿上所需要的东西……当他们难以置信地盯着我看时,我总是 补充说:“我的篮子里有可以分享的东西”。A. window 窗户;B. light 光;C. wheel 轮子;D. floor 地板。作者停下了车,摇下车窗,才能问路人是否需 要帮助。故选 A 项。 【34 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,当我看到一个人明显很冷,没有什么可以 帮助他们的时候,我就把车停在他们旁边,摇下车窗,问他们是否愿意接受 这三样东西,穿上所他们需要的东西……当他们难以置信地盯着我看时,我 总是补充说:“我的篮子里有可以分享的东西。A. improve 提高;B. buy 买; C. borrow 借;D. accept 接受。由“ ask if they will”可知,作者在看到 路人需要帮助人,首先要问问路人是否愿意接受她的帮助。故选 D 项。 【35 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,当我看到一个人明显很冷,没有什么可以 帮助他们的时候,我就把车停在他们旁边,摇下车窗,问他们是否愿意接受 这三样东西,穿上所他们需要的东西……当他们难以置信地盯着我看时,我 总是补充说:“我的篮子里有可以分享的东西。A. sadness 悲伤;B. dishonesty 不诚实;C. disbelief 不相信;D. anger 生气。由“stare at me ” 可知,路人难以置信地盯着作者看,路人不敢相信自己会得到别人的帮助。 故选 C 项。 【36 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,当我看到一个人明显很冷,没有什么可以 帮助他们的时候,我就把车停在他们旁边,摇下车窗,问他们是否愿意接受 这三样东西,穿上所需要的东西……当他们难以置信地盯着我看时,我总是 补充说:“我的篮子里有可以分享的东西”。A. mind 思维;B. bag 包;C. basket 篮子;D. reach 到达。由“I have a large basket”可知,作者篮 子里的东西是要与别人分享的东西。故选 C 项。 【37 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们在户外穿着我给的衣服使他们暖和了,这让 我很高兴。A. wearing 穿;B. winning 赢得;C. ignoring 忽;D. folding 折叠。由“to stay warm when you are outside”可知,被帮助的人在户 外穿着作者所提供的衣服使他们暖和了,这也让作者很高兴。故选 A 项。 【38 题详解】 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我还没有遇到有敌意的状况,也没有感觉到 有什么危险,但是由于很多东西都是“快乐”的颜色,我经常在大街上看到 我帮助的人们。A. accounted for 解释;B. met with 遇到;C. escaped from 从逃跑;D. kept up with 跟上。由“ hostility (敌意)”可知,作者还 没有遇到有敌意的状况。故选 B 项。 【39 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:得知我的物品被人使用和感激,我的心都暖和起 来了。A. splits 分裂;B. sacrifices 牺牲;C. forces 强迫;D. warms 使暖 和。由“stay warm”可知,作者的举动温暖了别人,也温暖了作者的心。 故选 D 项。 【40 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:得知我的物品被人使用和被感激,我的心都暖和 起来了。A. examined 检查;B. appreciated 感激;C. blamed 责备;D. predicted 预测。作者得知作者的物品正在被人使用和被感激,这温暖了作 者的心,作者举得自己做的事情很值得。故选 B 项。 第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 When HarmonyOS, the Chinese self-developed operating system for Huawei mobile devices, ___41___(release) on Aug 9, it quickly became a hot topic on social media. Many believe it not only represents the rise of the country ___42___ a tech power, but also shows respect for classical Chinese culture by ___43___(name) the system “Hongmeng” in Chinese. Besides “ Hongmeng ” , Huawei has also registered many of its ___44___(product) under the names of legendary creatures from Chinese mythology. For example, the company’s server chip is called “Kunpeng”, a mythical creature ___45___ changed from a fish into a giant bird. In fact, Huawei is not alone in using ___46___(tradition) culture for modem enterprises. ___47___(base) on the well-known work of classical Chinese mythology The Investiture of the Gods, Ne Zha is shown as a rebellious underdog, who has to overcome hardship and his dark fate to become a hero, ___48___(like) his attractive heroic character in previous cinematic works. As Global Times put ___49___,“ancient mythology has the power to stimulate contemporary imagination in young people ” . After all, imagination is ____50____ beginning of creation. 【答案】 41. was released 42. as 43. naming 44. products 45. that/which 46. traditional 47. Based 48. unlike 49. it 50. the 【文章大意】 这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了从华为的鸿蒙系统到电影《哪吒之魔童降世》, 许多经典的古代神话如今都被运用到现代事物上,彰显了中国人的浪漫与智 慧。 【41 题详解】 考查一般过去时的被动语态。由“on Aug 9”可知,when 引导的时间状语 从句的从句为一般过去时,主语 HarmonyOS 与谓语 release 为被动关系, 且主语是第三人称单数,故填 was released。 【42 题详解】 考查介词。句意:许多人都认为,该操作系统不仅代表着中国作为科技大国 的崛起,系统名字“鸿蒙”更是向中华古典文化致敬。空处应填介词 as,表 示“作为”。故填 as 。 【43 题详解】 考查动名词。by 为介词后,接动名词。故填 naming。 【44 题详解】 考查名词复数。product 为可数名词,由“Hongmeng,Kunpeng”可知, 这两款商品只是众多产品之一,所以应填复数 products。故填 products。 【45 题详解】 考查关系代词。分析句子可知,a mythical creature 为先行词,指物,在 后面的定语从句中作主语,所以关系代词为 that/which。故填 that/which。 【46 题详解】 考查形容词。culture 为名词,应由形容词来修饰。故填 traditional。 【47 题详解】 考查形容词短语。be based on “以……为基础”为固定短语,本句为形 容词短语作状语。故填 Based。 【48 题详解】 考查介词。句意:和先前电影作品中惹人喜爱的英雄形象不同,哪吒在这部 电影中是个被人瞧不起的叛逆者,历经种种艰险,不惧坎坷宿命,最终才成 为了一位英雄。空处填 like,意为“像”,反义词 unlike“不像”,用介词短 语作状语。故填 unlike。 【49 题详解】 考查固定短语。put it“表示”为固定短语。故填 it。 【50 题详解】 考查冠词。分析句子可知,本句表示特指,所以应填定冠词 the。故填 the。 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作 文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及-个单词的增 加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加-个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1 .每处错误及其修改均仅限-词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 My classmates Han Mei and I went to the Palace Museum by taxi on last Saturday. On arrival, I reached for my mobile phone, and I couldn't find it anywhere. Han Mei thought I should have left it in the taxi. Immediately she dialed my number and a taxi driver answered it. He said my mobile phone had left on the back seat of his car and he would drive back to return them. Twenty minutes later, while the driver handed me the phone, I was too grateful that I offered him an extra fee. But he refused with a smile, say that he was very pleased to have helped me. My classmates Han Mei and I went to the Palace Museum by taxi on last Saturday. On arrival, I classmate on reached for my mobile phone, and I couldn't find it anywhere. Han Mei thought I should have left it but must in the taxi. Immediately she dialed my number and a taxi driver answered it. He said my mobile the phone had ∧left on the back seat of his car and he would drive back to return them. Twenty minutes been it later, while the driver handed me the phone, I was too grateful that I offered him an extra fee. But when so he refused with a smile, say that he was very pleased to have helped me. saying 【分析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者因为粗心大意把手机落在出租车上, 好心的出租车司机把手机送还给她。 【详解】 1.考查名词的数。此处的 classmate 指 Han Mei,故应用单数形式。故将 classmates 改为 classmate。 2.考查介词。在表时间的名词前有 this/that/these/those/last/next 时不用介 词。故删除 last 前的 on。 3.考查连词。句意:刚一到,我就伸手去摸手机,但是我找不到它了。根据句意 可知,前后句为转折关系。故将 and 改为 but。 4.考查推测句。句意:韩梅认为我一定是把它忘在出租车上了。根据句意可知, 此处是表达对过去情况的肯定推测,其结构为 must have done。故将 should 改为 must。 5.考查冠词。句意:她立即拨打了我的号码,出租车司机接了电话。联系上下文 可知,此处的出租车司机应是特指,应用定冠词。故将 a 改为 the。 6.考查被动语态。主语 my mobile phone 和 “留下”之间是动宾关系,故用 被动语态。故在 had 后加 been 。 7.考查代词。句意:他说我 手机被忘在车的后座上了,他回开会来把它还给我。 此处还的东西是手机,手机是单数,所以应用 it 代替。故将 them 改为 it。 8.考查连词。while 引导时间状语从句时,应搭配延续性动词;when 引导时间 状语时,搭配的动词既可以是延续的也可以是瞬间的;句中 handed(递) 是瞬间动词,故用 when 引导。故将 while 改为 when。 9.考查副词。句意:20 分钟之后,当他把手机递给我的时候,我如此的感激他 以至于给了额外的费用。分析句子结构可知,此处考查句型 so…that…(如 此…以至于…)。故将 too 改为 so。 10.考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,此处应用非谓语动词,逻辑主语 he 和 say 之间是主关系,故用现在分词作状语。故将 say 改为 saying。 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 假定你是李华,是光明中学的一名高三上看到你市历史博物馆中国文化遗产 展厅招募英语解说员,你想申请加入。请你给该馆负责人 Mr. Chen 写一封英语 自荐信,内容包括: 1. 写信意图; 2. 自身的优势; 3. 希望被录用。 注意:1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:解说员 commentator;文化遗产 Cultural Heritage _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Dear Mr. Chen, Pm Li Hua, a senior three student in Guangming Middle School. I’ve learned online that your history museum needs a commentator for Exhibition Hall of Chinese Cultural Heritage. Pm interested in this job and willing to apply for this position. I believe in myself and I’m sure I have several advantages to fit the work well. Firstly, I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I have no difficulty communicating with English speakers. Secondly, I love our traditional culture and always take great pride in it. It’s my pleasure to promote our fine historic traditions. I hope that I will be given this chance and I’ll spare no effort to do the job well. Yours, Li Hua 【分析】 这是一篇应用文写作。 【详解】第 1 步:根据提示可知, 本篇为一封电子邮件;假定你是李华,是光明 中学的一名高三上看到你市历史博物馆中国文化遗产展厅招募英语解说员,你想 申请加入。请你给该馆负责人 Mr. Chen 写一封英语自荐信,内容包括:1. 写 信意图;2. 自身的优势;3. 希望被录用。 第 2 步:根据写作要求, 确定关键词(组), 如:commentator(解说员); Cultural Heritage(文化遗产);be willing to(愿意);apply for(申请);believe in(相信);spoken English(英语口语)等。 第 3 步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句, 注意主谓一致和时态问题。此 处文章主要应用一般现在时。 第 4 步:连句成文, 注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡, 书写一定 要规范清晰, 保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 【点睛】范文内容完整, 语言规范, 语篇连贯, 词数适当。作者在范文中使用了 较多高级表达方式, 如 I’ve learned online that your history museum needs a commentator for Exhibition Hall of Chinese Cultural Heritage.运用了宾 语从句;It’s my pleasure to promote our fine historic traditions.运用了 it 做形式主语结构。全文中没有中国式英语的句式, 显示了很高的驾驭英语的能 力。另外, 文章思路清晰、层次分明, 上下句转换自然, 为文章增色添彩。

