- 2021-05-13 发布 |
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高考词汇自查表 abandon ability abnormal aboard abolish abortion abroad abrupt absence absolute absolutely absorb abstract absurd abundant abuse academic academy accelerate accent acceptable accident access accessible accommodation accompany accomplish according to account accountant accumulate accuracy accuse accustomed ache achieve acid acknowledge acquaintance acquisition act actual acute adaptation addicted addition additional adequate adjust administration admirable admission adolescence adopt adore advantage adventure advertisement advocate affair affection afterwards afford agency agenda agent aggressive agriculture aid AIDS aim aircraft airline alarm album alcohol alcoholic algebra alien alike alive all the same allergic alley allocate allowance alongside alphabet alternative although altitude altogether aluminum amateur amaze ambassador ambiguous ambition ambulance amount ample amuse analyse ancestor anchor ancient anecdote angle ankle anniversary announce annoy annual ant Antarctic antique anxiety anyhow anyway anywhere apart apartment apologize apparent appendix appetite applaud applicant application appoint appeal appreciate approach approval appropriate approximately apron arbitrary arch architecture area argue arise arithmetic arrange arrest arrival arrow article artificial artist ash ashamed aside aspect assembly assessment assignment assistant assistance associate association assume assumption astonish astronaut astronomer athlete Atlantic atmosphere atom attach attack attain attempt attend attitude attract audience authentic authority automatic autonomous available avenue average avoid awake award aware awesome awful awkward bachelor background bacon bacterium badminton baggage bake bakery balance balcony ballet balloon ban bandage bar barbecue barber bare bargain bark barrier baseball basement basic basically basin basis bat bathe battery battle bay beach bean curd bear beard beast beat beauty bedding beg behalf behavior being belief belly belong to belt beneath bench bend beneficial betray beyond bid bill bingo biochemistry biography biology birthplace biscuit bishop bite (bit, bitten) bitter blame blank blanket bleed bless blind block blouse blow board boil bomb bond bone bonus booking booklet booth border bored boring botanical bother bottom bounce bound bow bowling boycott brain brake branch brand bravery breast breathe breathless brewery brick bridegroom brief brilliant broad broadcast brochure brown brunch brush bucket Buddhism budget buffet bump bunch bungalow burden bureaucratic burglar burst bury bush butcher butterfly button cab cabbage cafeteria cage calculate camel camera camp campaign can canal cancel cancer candidate candle canteen capable capital capsule captain caption carbon care for carelessness carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot cart cartoon carve case cash cast castle casual catalogue catastrophe category cater to catholic cattle cause caution cautious cave ceiling celebrate cell cent center/centre centigrade centimetre central century ceremony certificate chain chairman chalk challenge chamber champion chance changeable channel chant chaos chapter character characteristic charge charity chart chase chat cheat check cheek cheer cheese chef chemistry cheque/check chess chest chew chief childhood chocolate choice chimney choir choke chorus Christian church cigarette cinema circle circuit circulate circumstance circus citizen civil civilian civilization claim clap clarify classic classify clause claw clay clerk click client clinic clone clothing club clumsy clue coach coal coast code coin coincidence collapse collar colleague collect college collision column comb combination combine comedy comfort command comment commercial commission commit committee common communicate communist community companion company compare compass compensate compete competence competitive complaint complete complex component composition comprehension compromise compulsory comrade concentrate concept concern concert conclusion concrete condemn condition conduct confidential confirm conference confident conflict confuse congratulation connect conscience conscious consensus consequence conservation conservative considerable considerate consist of consistent constant constitution construction consultant consume container contemporary content context continent continue contract contradict contradictory on the contrary contribute controversial convenient conventional conversation convey convince cooker cooperation core corn corporation correspond corridor corrupt cosy cottage cotton cough council counter county couple courage course court courtyard cousin crash crayon crazy cream credit create creature crew cricket crime criminal crisis criterion critic critical crossing crowd crown cruel cube cuisine culture cupboard cure curious currency current curriculum curtain cushion custom customer customs cute cyclist daily dam damage damp dangerous dare dash database dawn deadline deaf deal (dealt, dealt) debate debt decade decision declare decline decoration decrease defeat defence/defense define definitely degree delay delete deliberately delicate delicious delight deliver demand demanding democratic dentist deny department departure depend deposit depression depth description desert deserve design desire desperate despite dessert destination destroy detailed detective determine development device devote diagram dial dialogue/dialog diamond diary dictation dictionary diet differ difficulty dig (dug , dug) digest digital dignity dilemma dimension dinosaur dioxide diploma direction directly director directory dirt disability disadvantage disagreement disappear disappoint disaster discipline discount discourage discovery discriminate discussion disease disgusting dish dismiss display distance distinction distinguish distribute district disturb dive diverse divide division divorce dizzy document domestic donate dormitory double doubt download downstairs downtown dozen draft drag drawer drill drown drug drum duck due to dull dumpling dusk dusty duty drawback dynamic dynasty eager eagle ecology economic edge edit education effect effective effort eggplant elder election electronic electricity elegant element embarrass embassy emergency emotion emperor emphasis employ employee employment empty enable encourage encouragement endless enemy energy energetic engine engineer engineering enjoyable enlarge enquiry enterprise entertainment enthusiastic entire entrance entry envelope environment envy equal equipment eraser error erupt escape especially essay essential establish estimate ethnic evaluate event eventually evidence evil evolution exactly excellent exchange excuse exhibition exist expand expect expensive experience experiment expert explanation explicit explode exploit explore export expose expression extension extraordinary extremely facial facility factor fade failure fairly faith familiar fan fancy fantastic fascinating fasten fare farther fault favo (u) r favo(u) rite fax fear feast feather feature federal fee feed (fed, fed) feedback fellow female fence ferry festival fetch fibre fiction fierce figure finance fireworks firm fist flame flash flat flee flesh flexible flight float flood flour flow fluency fly focus fold following folk fond forbid forecast forehead foreigner foresee forest forgetful forgive fork form format former fortnight fortunately fountain fox fragile fragrant framework frankly freeway freezing frequently fresh friction fridge (refrigerator) frighten friendship frog frontier frost fry fuel function fund fundamental funeral fur furnish furniture further gain gallery gallon gap garage garbage garlic garment gather gay generally generation generous geography geometry gesture gifted giraffe glance glare globe glory glove glue goal golden goods goose (pl. geese) government grade gradually graduate grain gram grateful gravity greedy greengrocer grey/gray grill grocery guarantee guard guest guide guilty guitar gun gymnastics haircut hall ham hamburger hammer handbag handkerchief handsome handle handy hang (hung, hung) happiness harbour hardship harmony harvest hatch headline headmaster healthy hearing heaven heel height helicopter helmet herb hero hesitate hide historical hit hobby hole holy honour hook hopefully horrible host household housewife howl hug huge human humour hunger hurricane hydrogen ice-cream ideal identification idiom ignore illegal illustrate imagine immediately immigrate immigration impact import impossible importance impress improvement incident including income increase indeed independence indicate individual industry infection inflation infer influence inform initial injure inn inner innocent insect insert inspect inspire install instance institute institution instruction instrument insurance intelligence intend internal international interpreter interrupt interval interview introduction invention invest investigate invitation involve iron irrigation issue island item jam jar jazz jeans jet jewellery jog joint joke journalist journey joy judge juice jungle junior justice kangaroo keen kettle kick kid kindergarten king kingdom kitchen knee knowledge labo(u) r lack ladder lamb lame lamp land landscape language lantern lap lately later latter launch laundry lawyer layer leading leaf (pl. leaves) League member leak least leather lecture legal leisure lemonade level liberal liberation liberty librarian license lid lie (lay, lain) lift limited link lip liquid list literally literary literature litre/liter litter lively load loaf loan local location lock logical loose lorry lounge luggage lump lung magazine magic maid major majority maintain male manager mankind manner maple marathon marble march margin mark market marriage marvellous mask mass massive master material mathematics/maths matter mature maximum means meanwhile measure medal media medical medium melon member memorial mend mental mention menu merchant mercy merely merry mess message messy metal method microscope migration military millionaire mineral minimum minister ministry minority minus missile mist mistaken misunderstand mix mobile model modem modest monitor monument mood mop moral moreover mosquito motivation motor motto mountainous mourn mouse (pl. mice) moustache movie muddy multiply murder muscle museum mushroom musical musician mustard mutton mystery nail narrow nationality native natural navy nearly neat necklace needle negative negotiate neighbo (u) r nephew nervous nest network nevertheless never mind niece noble nod noisy nonsense normal novelist nowadays nuclear numb numerous nursery nut nutrition obey object observe obtain obvious occsionally occupation occur ocean odd offence offer official offshore oilfield onion opera operation opinion opportunity oppose opposite optimistic optional oral orbit ordinary organ organize/organise origin original otherwise outcome outdoors outer outgoing outline output outspoken outstanding outwards oval overall overcoat overcome overhear overlook overweight owe ownership ox (pl. oxen) oxygen pace pack package packet paddle painful painting palace pale pan panel panic pants paragraph parallel parcel pardon parent parking parliament parrot participate particular partner passage passenger passerby (pl. passersby) passive passport patent path patience pattern pause pavement payment peaceful peach peasant pedestrian penalty pence pension pepper percent perfect perform perfume perhaps period permanent permit personal personnel persuade pest pet petrol phenomenon philosophy photographer phrase physician physicist physics pianist picnic (picnicked) pie pile pill pillow pilot pin. pineapple pink pint pioneer pipe pity pizza plain planet plastic plate platform pleasant pleasure plot plough plug pocket poet poison pole policy polish polite political pollution pond pool popcorn popular population porridge port portable porter possess position positive possession possibility postcard postage postcode poster postpone pot potential pound pour poverty powder powerful practise practical praise prayer precious precise predict prefer pregnant prejudice premier prescription presence presentation preserve president press pretend pretty prevent preview previous pride priest primary primitive principle print priority prisoner private privilege prize probably procedure process production profession professor profit program ( me ) progress prohibit project promote pronunciation proper property proposal protect protein prove provide provided that,providing that province psychology publish pulse pump punctual punctuation punishment pupil purchase pure purple purpose purse pursue puzzle pyramid qualification quality quantity quarter questionaire queue quilt quit quiz racial radioactive radium rag railway rainbow rainfall random range rank rapid rare raw ray razor react reality realize/realise realistic reasonable receipt receptionist recipe recite recognize recommend recover recreation rectangle reduce refer referee reflect refresh refuse regard regarding regardless of regional register regret regulation reject relative relatively relax relay release relevant reliable relieve religion rely remain remark remind remote remove rent replace represent republic reputation request require rescue research resemble reservation resign resist resource respect respond responsibility restore restriction retire reveal review revise revolution reward rewind rhyme rid riddle ridiculous rigid ripe roast rob robot rocket role roll roof rooster root rope rot rough round roundabout routine row royal rubbish rude rugby ruin rural rush sacred sacrifice salary salt salute sample satellite satisfaction saucer sausage scale scan scar scare scarf scene sceptical schedule scholarship scientific scissors scold scratch scream screen sculpture seagull seal search seashell seaweed secondary secretary section sector secure seed seek ( sought , sought) seize selection semicircle selfish seminar senior sensitive sentence separation series serious serve session settlement sew (sewed, sewn) sex shabby shade shadow shallow shame shape sharpen shaver sheet shelf shelter shift shine (shone, shone) shock shore shortcoming shot show (showed, shown) shower shrink shuttle sidewalk sideways sigh sign signal signature sightseeing significance silver similar simplify sincerely single sink situation skateboard skilful skin skip skyscraper slavery sleeve slice slide slightly slim slip smart smog smooth snake sneaker sneeze sniff soap sob soccer socialism sock socket soil solar soldier solid sorrow soul soup sour souvenir sow spade Spanish spare sparrow spear specialist specific speech speed spell (spelt, spelt) spin spiritual spit splendid split sponsor spoonful spot spray spy square squeeze squirrel stable stadium staff stage stain stair stall stamp standard stare starvation statement statesman station statistics statue steady steak steal (stole, stolen) steam steel steep step steward stick (stuck, stuck) stocking stomach storage stout stove straightforward strait stranger strategy strawberry stream strengthen stretch stress strike string structure struggle stubborn studio stupid style subjective submit subscribe substitute succeed suck suddenly suffer sufficient sugar suggest suitable suitcase suite sum summary summit superb superior supply support suppose supreme surface surgeon surgery surplus surround survival suspect suspension sustainable swallow swap swear sweater sweep (swept, swept) swell swift swing switch sword symbol sympathy symphony symptom systematic tablet tail tailor tale talent tank tap target task tax tear (tore, torn) tease technical telegram temperature temple temporary tend tendency tennis tension tent tentative term terminal terrify territory theft theme theoretical therefore thermos thick thief (pl. thieves) thirst thorough thread threaten thriller throat throughout thunderstorm thus tick tidy tie tiger tight timetable tin tiny tip tire tired tiresome tissue title toast tobacco toilet tolerate tongue tortoise tough tour toothache toothpaste tournament tower track tractor trade tradition traffic tram transform translation transparent translate transparent treasure tremendous transport trap treasure tremble trend trial triangle trick trolleybus truck trunk trust tube tune turkey tutor twist type -writer typhoon typical typist tyre ugly umbrella unbearable unbelieveable unconscious uncomfortable unconditional underline underneath undertake uniform underwaer unemployment unfortunately unique unite universe unrest update upset upstairs urban urge urgent vacant vacation vague vain valid valley variety vast vehicle version vertical vest via vice victim victory video view vinegar violate violinist virtue virus visa visual vital vivid volcano voluntary vote voyage wag wage waist waitress wallet walnut wander ward warehouse wave wax wealth wedding weed weep weigh welfare wheat wheel whisper whistle widow wild wind ( wound, wound) wine wing wipe wire withdraw witness wool worm wound wrestle wrinkle wrist yard yawn yell yoghurt yummy zebra zipper zero zone zoom查看更多